罕見樂器音樂會 Rare Instruments Concert | 非洲豎琴 KORA | 空靈鼓 HANG DRUM | Musician: HALEN WOO | Live Music

  • Опубликовано: 24 окт 2024
  • 地點 (Avenue): 賽馬會創意藝術中心 JCCAC,這是一種即興原聲的魅力和罕見非洲樂器的動人音樂。恰好路過還可以自由出入,非常幸運。不知道演奏空靈鼓的樂手是誰,但非常感謝他們
    You will feel the allure of improvised acoustics and listen the evocative music of rare African instruments. I happened to be passing by and could come in freely, which was very lucky. Not sure who the musicians on the ethereal drums are, but many thanks to them

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