A Personality Profile of Lucifer // Ty Gibson

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • What’s going on in Lucifer’s mind? What is his agenda, his MO, his endgame? In this message, we will psychoanalyze the devil with the aid of Scripture. We will also discover the key factor in his defeat

Комментарии • 174

  • @lindachancellor7538
    @lindachancellor7538 3 года назад +3

    You are speaking to our young folks. Thankyou.

  • @MSB780
    @MSB780 3 года назад +7

    The devil accuses God of all the things the devil himself is doing. Satan is projecting by putting as blame all the things the devil is, in actuality, in reality, to blame.

    • @melsblacks2013
      @melsblacks2013 3 года назад


    • @MSB780
      @MSB780 3 года назад

      That’s one word to describe the devil/Satan.

  • @bldlightpainting
    @bldlightpainting 3 года назад +5

    Last week I was blocked (without any explanation) from Ty Gibson's FB page, simply because of the following comment and questions I posted: "It is past time God's people stop allowing the forces of darkness to control us! Satan is very pleased that his servants have locked you in your homes like criminals, closed your churches and schools, and otherwise controlled your lives. All of which severely limits your face-to-face witnessing, helping others, and performing the many other activities that bring us joy and a healthy mind, body, and spirit.Where is your "red line"? At what point will you finally stand up and say, NO MORE!?Nationally Forced Vaccinations? 12 Month + lockdowns?National Sunday Law?Unable To Buy Or Sell Without A Government Mark?75% Income Tax? Forced Microchipping?National Mask Mandate?Permanently Losing Your Business/Job?"

  • @freddiecrumb77
    @freddiecrumb77 2 года назад +6

    This sermon could be the greatest sermon I've heard so far, for it encapsulates the battle of good vs evil. You perfectly described that Christ won not by the same means of the devil but by non-violent goodness - which is supposed to be the only way. The devil perhaps is the reason why this is not getting 6 million hits yet ;-). Btw, I love the Rolling Stones music and the first time I heard this song some time ago, I was taken aback and quickly understood this poetic manifestation (which gives me the chills ).

    • @davidcloyd1296
      @davidcloyd1296 4 месяца назад +1

      Great comment! I was enlightened by this sermon.

  • @sheldonschultz1666
    @sheldonschultz1666 3 года назад +13

    Oh, My Ty, did you bring back many emotions and feelings I have not experienced in a long time. I became fascinated with lyrics in the '70s when I was snooping in my older brother's room and found the Album "Goats Head Soup" I was a teen in the middle of the war. I kept wanting to believe that the Bible was True as my mom and preachers said it was. Yet, I did not see God or anything like him. I started to love music and Lyrics. Next thing you know, I am in college and still debating the idea of "Is there really a war with a real Lucifer and a real Jesus doing battle for me?" By this time, I have 586 Albums and hundreds of cassettes. Every time I start to wonder if God is real, I keep coming back to several Albums and Bands in my collection. Most of it centered around three Albums. B.O.C. ETL and the song "The Reaper" and the Album cover. Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven and Styx Pieces of Eight. Whenever I would doubt if there really was a God, the thought would pop into my head. If God is a made-up thing, why do so many bands seem so fascinated with the War between Good and Evil? The band's lyrics seemed so based on what I was taught about the war only from the other perspective. One Sabbath afternoon, I was sitting in the Girls Dorm lounge at my college. And a close friend came in and sat with me. He asked if I had heard about the fight. Derrick had with a demon." I said no and was fascinated. Derrick had been in his apartment and put on the Album "Pieces of Eight" by Styx. His record started to turn backward, and a voice came out of the speaker, telling Derrick that he was now the property of the demon who was speaking. Derrick argued with the voice. Next thing you know, Derrick, who was the best street fighter I knew, was wrestling physically with an unseen foe. Pat, who was in the shower, hears a fight happening in the living room. And runs into the bedroom and grabs the loaded AR-15 from under the bed, and runs into the living room in time to see Derrick picked up by an unseen force and thrown across the room in a horizontal way where he landed on the couch 15 feet away. Pat could see no one else in the room, yet Pat knew Derrick could not throw himself in that horizontal way across the room onto the couch.
    I sat there incredulous and wondering if this was all true? An hour or two later, I went back to my room, wondering. I walked over to my stereo, pulled out my clear yellow vinyl Styx Pieces of Eight, and placed it on the turntable. I was daring the supposed entity to reveal himself. I had always wanted to be a D.J and knew every band, Album, song lyrics. You name it, and I was into it. I flopped on the bed and listened to the album. My room went from nice and warm to cold enough to cause me to shiver in a matter of a few seconds. I knew I was not alone. I could sense a presence in the room. I was told that I could become a very famous D.J. and all I had to do was to "Choose" to do so. I did not hear an audible voice or any such thing, yet I was definitely communicated with. I knew this was a crossroads in my life, and it was time to choose between a God who I felt had never shown any interest in me personally as far as I could tell. And this "presence" who was in the room offering me much of what I thought I wanted. I still do not know how or why, but at that moment, I choose to walk away from the "Real" presence in the room and choose God, who had never been this real in my life. I walked down to the laundry room and pulled back the Empty 55-gallon plastic garbage can. I took my much loved yellow vinyl, "Pieces of Eight." off of the turntable and smacked it on the edge of the trashcan shattering it. I then took the next album out of the record sleeve and did the same. The 586 albums took until 1:30 am to fill the two large trash cans I filled to the top. I then dragged them down the hall to the laundry room and went back to bed. At about 8 am, there was a knock at my door. I said, come in, and Randy, from down the hall, stuck his head in the door. "Schultz, are all those albums in the trash yours?" I responded, "Yes." He responded, "Your nuts, Man just Nuts," and closed the door. I felt guilty for over a year for the waste etc. It was another nine years until I had as real an encounter with God. I have served Him ever since and experienced Miracles and answers to prayer that clearly show me I made the right choice.

    • @lindachancellor7538
      @lindachancellor7538 3 года назад +1

      Our young people have no idea who they are dealing with. Thank God you listened to him and distroyed the music then and eventually welcomed Jesus into your life for good. I bet your parents give praises to God everyday. God bless you for your story of redemption and being freed from Satan's grasp.

    • @bonniey7299
      @bonniey7299 3 года назад


    • @MrApartment3
      @MrApartment3 2 года назад

      Thank you. This helps me think of God who loves all including myself. Your words would be easier to read when divided into paragraphs just like when reading other's phone texts or Facebook post messages when choosing to communicate by those ways for whatever reason is used for them to share in these ways.

  • @nicolepreou6754
    @nicolepreou6754 4 года назад +8

    So, Lucifer is the ultimate master of cluster B personality disorders 😁

    • @Kim-Berly200
      @Kim-Berly200 3 года назад +3

      The malignant narcissist👍🏽 That deep🤔

  • @saffronsworld1508
    @saffronsworld1508 3 года назад +6

    I'm waiting for the day when we will see more personality profiles of Jesus.

  • @bonniey7299
    @bonniey7299 3 года назад +4

    THIS IS A SUPER POWERFUL DESCRIPTION, of WHO THE ENEMY REALLY IS, WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE, AND HOW HE OPERATES!! Thank you for all of your careful time, attention, and effort, your knowledge wisdom , skill, and insight, in this video that you have made, has certainly met the mark 😃👍. This is the best Crystal clear description of Satan that I've ever heard. Please continue in your excellent work for our Lord 😃👍.

  • @MSB780
    @MSB780 3 года назад +7

    I can’t imagine the devil walking out of heaven quietly. Pride doesn’t like to walk away without an excruciating noise.

    • @keepthefaith9805
      @keepthefaith9805 3 года назад

      He was beaten and thrown out 😆

    • @MSB780
      @MSB780 3 года назад

      More like “Overthrown” 😉

    • @keepthefaith9805
      @keepthefaith9805 3 года назад

      @@MSB780 overthrown from a toilet bowl? Satan was a mere servant who thought he knew his King,,,reminds me of an untouchable slave who acted up,,,,what an idiot

    • @ShenaH.
      @ShenaH. 3 года назад +1

      Apparently who walked out like it was nothing in the book of Job.

    • @MSB780
      @MSB780 3 года назад +1

      Satan will one day understand his fall from righteousness, and bow, once again, to the King of kings, before he perishes for ever. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved”
      (John 3:16-17)

  • @leemary4833
    @leemary4833 4 года назад +6

    Super cool👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Great job Ty!!

  • @serenityfields7514
    @serenityfields7514 3 года назад +4

    Yes narcissists believe they are above God.

  • @Kim-Berly200
    @Kim-Berly200 3 года назад +4

    Jesus only has your best interest at heart❤️ 🙏🏽

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    To be all of existance he cannot handle. He can only take one hit than dead. Faith in God makes us stronger

  • @TG7844
    @TG7844 3 месяца назад

    Although this was done three hears ago and I haven't gone through all the comments, so I may be saying something already addressed.... And I'm really following and agreeing with the content this far. My concern at roughly 40:44 is the use of the word 'infatuation' and the definition for this word is an intense but 'short-lived' passion and admiration. Personally it should exclude the 'short-lived' aspect that the word infatuation holds. Perhaps pure admiration is the right word in this case. A suggestion...

  • @ciprian2739
    @ciprian2739 3 года назад +2

    Here is the way to life, for you, if you will embrace it, it will lead you to eternal happiness, you and all your beloved ones! but this way means, to not follow your brain, but your hearth, and i know, you won't do it! you will condemn everyone you love, with your decision, but you will take it, no matter what i have told you! you will know, after a while, because you have rejected God, you have condemned your family to hell! I know, my warning is in vain, so let's get more over to this!!!

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Because it still is I am organized to understand life has beautiful sparkles and purity and yet, decreptude exists. I am balling

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    When Jesus shows up its pure light in the face of evil. Amen.

  • @Rachey77
    @Rachey77 4 года назад +9

    God is love.

    • @Eusebeia7
      @Eusebeia7 4 года назад

      Yes, but He created evil so that we might have free will. God is good and takes full responsibility for the creation of evil. Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Proverbs 16:4 The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. And God promises to remove evil completely. Nahum 1:9 What do ye imagine against the LORD? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time. Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Evil is temporarily necessary for us to have the free will necessary to create our own soul, personality, character. Evil and Hell are simply the absence of God. God = fiery, love, light, good, truth, life Deuteronomy 4:24 For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire... hell = fiery, hate, dark, evil, lies, death. 1 Corinthians 3:13 Every man's (spirit, mind, consciousness) work (soul, personality, character) shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire (God); and the fire shall try every man's (spirit, mind, consciousness) work (soul, personality, character) of what sort it is. 1 Corinthians 3:14 If any man's (spirit, mind, consciousness) work (soul, personality, character) abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 1 Corinthians 3:15 If any man's (spirit, mind, consciousness) work (soul, personality, character) shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself (spirit, mind, consciousness) shall be saved; yet so as by fire. 1 Peter 1:17 And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's (spirit, mind, consciousness) work (soul, personality, character), pass the time of your sojourning (temporary residence) here in fear: Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men (spirit, mind, consciousness) once to die (separate from God like Adam), but after this the judgment:(the Krisis of rejoining God) Revelation 20:14 And death (separation from God) and hell (negative God) were cast into the lake of fire (God). This is the second death. (separation from an evil soul, personality, character). Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire (God) and brimstone: which is the second death.(separation from an evil soul, personality, character) Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death (separation from God), neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. But Matthew 16:26 For what is a man (spirit, mind, consciousness) profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul (soul, personality, character)? or what shall a man (spirit, mind, consciousness) give in exchange for his soul (soul, personality, character)? Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit a man (spirit, mind, consciousness), if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul (soul, personality, character)?

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 4 года назад

      @@Eusebeia7 None are good except God + God is a spirit/and should be worshipped in spirit = GoodWill
      Jesus Resurrected Friday while on the cross.
      Jesus had a son via Mary Mag
      Paul was a lying fraud.
      There is no such name/term 'Lucifer' in the Hebrew Bible

    • @Eusebeia7
      @Eusebeia7 4 года назад

      @@termination9353 We also are created in the image of God as spirits. There are numerous verses in the Bible especially Ecclesiastes entire is about reality being a simulation as is Plato's Timaeus and Rene Descarte's Mediations. The commonly accepted idea "man as a machine" with the brain producing the mind as per physicalism in the mind-body problem of philosophy is false. Our bodies are avatars (tabernacles) in a simulated reality where our brains are just pieces of machinery that our minds use. For witness testimony on this besides just casually asking many common people search RUclips videos for NDE "Near-Death Experiences" and "Reincarnation stories" and astral project testimony. 2 Peter 1:13 Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance;
      2 Peter 1:14 Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me. Psalms 90:10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. Ecclessistes 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. ruclips.net/video/1TjIyXJoJOw/видео.html which is Howard Pittman's Testimony, ruclips.net/video/8VB6h_bWR3Y/видео.html which is Astral Projection ~ Spirit Science 9
      Rupert Sheldrake in his book "The Science Delusion" at #8 the mind gives the example of a British NHS long-term study of hydrocephalus babies where they found a university mathematics major with just 1 cm of brain tissue on CT scan disproving physicalism as the answer to the mind-body problem of philosophy. Now, using the Court's rules of evidence compare this very short video to what is below. ruclips.net/video/8VB6h_bWR3Y/видео.html which is Spirit Science 9 ~ Astral Projection.
      “Earth’s Earliest Ages” by H. G. Pember, on page 253: “Man is a spirit in prison, and so he must be content to abide, until God unlocks the door of his Cell. But if he will have instant enjoyment by a premature excitation of potentialities which are reserved for future development, he can only do so feloniously breaking through his dungeon bars, and thus shattering the harmony of his present nature.” And on pages 255-6 “For our body appears to be not only a prison, but also a fortress, and is, not improbably, devised for the very purpose of sheltering us in some degree from the corrupting influence of demons. In its normal condition it effectually repels their more open and violent assaults: but if once we suffer the fence to be broken down, we are no longer able to restore it, and are henceforth exposed to the attacks of malignant enemies.”
      Job 38:21 Knowest thou it, because thou wast then born? or because the number of thy days is great? (You know this, because you were born then, the number of your days is great!) Ecclesiastes 1:2 Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. (The temporal material reality is a simulation of the eternal spiritual reality) 2 Kings 6:17 And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. I Corinthians 15:44...There is a (ESTI) natural body, and there is a (ESTI) spiritual body. Ecc 12:6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Ecc 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit (spirit-man) shall return unto God who gave it. Ecc 3:21 Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth? (no crossover with animals) Ecc 12:8 Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity. (see ruclips.net/video/Chfoo9NBEow/видео.html which is You are a Simulation & Physics Can Prove It: George Smoot at TEDxSalford) 1 Corinthians 3:13 Every man's (spirit, mind, consciousness) work (soul, personality, character) shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire (God); and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. 1Co_3:14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 1Co_3:15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. 1Pe_1:17 And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning (temporary residence) here in fear: Matthew 16:26 For what is a man (spirit, mind, consciousness) profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul (personality, character)? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
      Compare the above to, the medical model of “Man as a Machine” with the Leonardo da Vinci drawing of a man in a circle (Vitruvian Man) which views the human mind as the product of the body just as a song is the product of a musical instrument. Then consider the human predators known as psychopaths. Thomas Sheridan has a lot of RUclips videos on Psychopaths. These people are extremely dangerous but wear a "Mask of Sanity" even though they are morally insane “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing” and “Without Conscience.” I did not read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago but he is said to have said that he asked the old people why all this happened and they said because we forgot about God and that after Solzhenitsyn did the research he could not do a better summary. Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot were political psychopaths. In psychiatric theory as taught in medical school, the ultimate goal of every human being is to pass along as many copies of their DNA as possible and this is evaluated based on adaptation verse maladaptation of Social Darwinism. Psychopaths are the ultimate adapter and the male psychopath has 10-12 kids I have read making them A+ mentally healthy. The fraudian psychiatric theory is based on the evolution of atheistic scientific materialism, not the theological standard of good and evil which will not fit into psychoanalysis other than as a type of neurosis or psychosis (Moses talking to an inanimate object, a burning bush). If you believe in Big Bang and Evolution, what that boils down to is that you believe that your great ancestor was a rock while your great progeny will be a self-evolving computer. In Scientific American years ago they had an article on machine intelligence which came to the conclusion that machine intelligence will out evolve us but be our offspring. Also in Scientific American Archives creationism is listed as a type of evolution of technology. This atheistic scientific materialistic evolution is supposed to be occurring on many planets (like in Star Trek) so there will be many of these self-evolving immortal life forms that primitive people used to think were gods like in Hinduism but atheistic scientific materialism is smart enough to know that they are not gods but rather immortal self-evolved life forms.” By Kent J. Nauman ex-MD (Axis I schizophrenia (chronic))
      Also see ruclips.net/video/dMHgm9C-sEU/видео.html which is ruclips.net/video/dMHgm9C-sEU/видео.html

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 4 года назад

      @@Eusebeia7 TOO MUCH - I agree we are in a simulation. But a simulation that the participants of can't escape IS the reality for those participants and has to be treated as such. The'parameters' that are have to be 'obeyed' or there will be consequences - simulated - but real enough to those who try ignoring those parameters. WHAT ARE THE PARAMETERS?
      The Gospel of Jesus

    • @Eusebeia7
      @Eusebeia7 4 года назад

      @@termination9353Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, Book 1, Sec. “2 Of the Nature of Laws in General, ” page 41 states "This law of nature, being co-eval with mankind and dictated by God himself, is of course superior in obligation to any other. It is binding over all the globe, in all countries, and at all times: no human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this; and such of them as are valid derive all their force, and all their authority, mediately or immediately, from this original." and in the fourth book which is criminal law, Blackstone said that the highest crime is treason against God while treason against the King was second. If you look in current books on legal analysis on Amazon they totally ignore God and the LONANG (Laws of Nature and Nature's God). I have read that this is due to the infamous Erie v Tompkins case.
      LONANG, Darma, Juris are basically the enforcement of the rules of the Simulator on His simulation or Creation. To Understand jurisprudence means to stand under Juris-Darma-LONANG. For example once when I was going to church a ~35-year-old agricultural high school drop out type of man started attending church then one Sunday he came in bent over and using a cane. I ask why? He said that a group of people called him out of his house in the middle of the night and beat him up. I became infuriated and prayed to God to take vengeance right in front of this baby lambs eyes. The very next Sunday he came back bug-eyed and with a friend. He pointed at me and said that is the man who prayed the prayer. The group had gathered in broad daylight then one pulled out a large bore revolver and blew another one away then disassembled the revolver and put the pieces on the ground. One of the names of God is the Spirit of Life however He can be a real jerk when He wants to, leaving black murderous hatred and death in His wake. I have also seen 2 men curse God and die as per Job_2:9 Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die. The first one blasphemed in an exam room while I was seeing him. A few weeks later I found his name on an ENT report among a stack of laboratory reports I was reviewing. The ENT doctor said cancer of the tongue which was too disfiguring to cut out so he was going to use palliative radiation instead. The second man was Jack at my condominium who blasphemed God right in front of me. Within just a couple of days, Jack had a stroke leaving him dumb and in a wheelchair. After years in a Florida nursing home, the State issued a with drawl of sustenance order so Jack died of thirst over a period of days. Both horrible deaths after ~2 years time to repent.

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Proclaiming or observer; commanding is the third person.

  • @lunminthangkipgen7967
    @lunminthangkipgen7967 4 года назад +4

    Amen, thank you Ty

  • @xxsamlovexx
    @xxsamlovexx 2 года назад

    This was very insightful!

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    " in the end, all there will be is my (God's) word."

  • @KarlandLilet
    @KarlandLilet 4 года назад +1

    Such a blessing. Thank you Ty.

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    God isn't a fearfull fright. HE is light without darkness in him. He is unafraid to stand amongst the darkness. Not him but YOU are impenetrable. Let God. Instead of uncertainty and impurity, it's peace that finds peace. Not death. Not impurity. Not light, perhaps. Peace.

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Trust. Love. Meaning. The heart of all existance. Use my words here if you'd like, in quotes to be contrasted to your understandings and the words of the porridge- gruel. Wheat vs. Potatoe and corn mash. Then we can ask God.

  • @ciprian2739
    @ciprian2739 3 года назад +1

    Sorry, bro, evil is not only one of the laws of evolution, but one of the laws, whithin us, sorry, bro, you are so passionate, but you are wrong: We can willfully choose to believe in Jesus, not in our feelings, but, in our hearts, if we choose too. I felt pain, and anger, as you do, but you can now, embrace Jesus, buy an act of faith, still feeling pain, and anger. But you know what? Our paths are sepparated now, forever, because, me, in pain, choose to believe, and, you, also in pain choosed to disbeliev!

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    God says he doesn't believe that. He believes it's relevant to reasoning and regionally. Fright spark.

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    For you.

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    To stare at it in mourning could've been better but to not. No good. DISGUSTING

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    God though told told me yode will be a proclamation not necessarily for the correct

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    He wants the world to go away- angrily. I don't know. His plot is 'big deal'

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Look here. I felt everything that has happened, whether the people angels devil or demons realize it or not, is for a purpose. A God purpose.

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    With Jesus he casts put all fear. Jesus says- ugly is your name! To lucifer

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Instead of cruelly exacting wrong behavior or actions

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Lucifer was the meaning of certain aspects of light. Sad.

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Your pressure is a prison. Price of God isn't jurisdiction. It's fun

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    A multitude means poridge.

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    He didn't do that. You ate. God is searching your spirit

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Talking in the third person isn't how God speaks

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    The darkness turned away from the light

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    That war is disgusting, horrible. Putrid

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    You gotta wait for 20- 30 minutes to be satiated.

  • @marktabar3505
    @marktabar3505 Год назад

    i want to no! about true to life what or who is lucifer?

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Lucifer still agrees with God

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    He hates the evil attributes of bouts for fright

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    But not at all because Chrisy is better

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    No turning back. No turning back

  • @aaronmiller7321
    @aaronmiller7321 3 года назад

    Free will if I make you believe I’m not who I am in terms of a artist, money, power, etc is that on me ? That you and your people play it a certain way on what your “sure” of and you’ve all blatantly showed whom you are to someone you assume is no one isn’t that just exposing you to you ??? What evil or wrong am I doing but showing you why you shouldn’t judge a book by cover and your morals and personality and essence of your self……why are you booing me?! Lmao- HANNIBAL

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Lucifers cuter than you. Don't be deceived. Don't worry for tomorrow, tomorrow will worry for itself. God is love

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Lucifer is crying for real now

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    We can handle more hardships

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    No sin found in him. Amen. None!

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    And partake of his madness

  • @superchargenurse
    @superchargenurse 2 года назад

    I wonder if he listens to ghost

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    God's with you wrong one

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Excuses don't cure you.

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    What is your point?

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    He lives in a basis of pictures

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Thank you God for our full moral etiquette for value of the saviour and peace through predicament though satisfaction isn't real.

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Be good oh holy one

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    He'd be correct.

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    He is also fear

  • @Lord_Cannabis420
    @Lord_Cannabis420 2 года назад

    Another really good presentation here Ty. You deserve more subs

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Christ= pure

  • @ciprian2739
    @ciprian2739 3 года назад

    Bro, do you think you are the only one obsessed? i am maybe more obsessed than you. i do not want it, but, it is, what it is.

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад


  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад


  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад


  • @dustinclark3390
    @dustinclark3390 2 года назад

    Lucifer principle by Howard bloom by the way, is one great read

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    So sad

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад


  • @Shahab161Ebr
    @Shahab161Ebr 2 года назад


  • @astralangel7772
    @astralangel7772 Год назад

    What if God is good and Lucifer is good as well? Not everything is black and white.

  • @janetmuir6011
    @janetmuir6011 2 года назад

    Ty your videos explained the bible in clear words and easy to understand. Thank you.

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    Satiated the body later. Thank God

  • @howardross-gilder8331
    @howardross-gilder8331 3 года назад

    Love and Self-worth are foundations-- of love and peace, WITHIN. Lucifer came to believe-- that God didn't love him. So he chose to HATE Him. Isn't hate a self-worth device? Someone told me-- we turn bitter-- or we turn our love off-- to help us void or lower our doubt-- that we're worth MORE than someone THINKS. But sometimes-- it's what we THINK they think. Did Lucifer start to doubt God loved him-- because communication was missing? If we don't spend enough with each other-- our trust can be lost.

    • @howardross-gilder8331
      @howardross-gilder8331 3 года назад

      I meant to put the word, "time". If we don't spend enough time-- and communicate enough, with someone-- we MAY lose our trust in them. And I've heard many Christians say-- God loves us-- but we don't deserve that. But I think-- "if someone really believed that-- how could that love help them ?" I think that if love helps us-- that can only happen if we KNOW-- we're WORTH love. If God loves us-- He thinks we're WORTH His Love. I won't argue that with God !!

    • @howardross-gilder8331
      @howardross-gilder8331 3 года назад

      I asked my friend how getting angry and abusing someone-- helps us think their view of what we're worth-- is wrong-- or maybe. And I thought his answer was fascinating-- "The more we care about someone-- the more we trust them." I think God spoke to me-- THROUGH him. And thank you for your reply.I appreciate that. And thank you tie for your sermons or lectures. I have found an interesting and encouraging.

    • @howardross-gilder8331
      @howardross-gilder8331 3 года назад

      Thankyou, Ty and God Bless You All.

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    There is love sir. GOD is love

  • @bonniey7299
    @bonniey7299 3 года назад

    1:21-2:28 and D5c4d, 5x

  • @christianlighter3177
    @christianlighter3177 3 года назад +1

    Here is why you’re wrong.
    Satan is a liar and the Father of lies.
    There is no good or truth in him.
    If he says he’s Lucifer than he is not.
    Let God be true.

  • @FieryCold
    @FieryCold 2 месяца назад


  • @shinecousins2553
    @shinecousins2553 Год назад

    Preach 🏁

  • @ciprian2739
    @ciprian2739 3 года назад


  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад

    But he's now waiting for you to turn into dirt to eat you

  • @unclebo5672
    @unclebo5672 3 года назад +1

    This guy has no idea what he's talking about

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад


  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад


  • @ciprian2739
    @ciprian2739 3 года назад

    2. Do you think, you are the only one, who has this desires, into you? think about it!, see yourself into the jungle of this life: you, WANT TO BE HAPPY, i give you my word, i want to be happy too. during this, you, and i, wanted desperately to be happy, Kandahar felled, the Tallibans are advancing, KILLING everyone, and you, and me, are, thinking, about our happiness, in the meantime, bombing are felling into the heads and cities of those guys in Afganistan...it does,nt even matter the country, in Africa they die by the millions, this time around, as we exchange 2 words here

  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад


  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад


  • @cathyreddy6297
    @cathyreddy6297 2 года назад


  • @kettles5914
    @kettles5914 4 года назад +1

    Such nonsense. How could the created outsmart the creator? All this lecture on a being that is insignificant to the maker. People dont need to see god, god need to see people and clearly he is not seeing them and more so doesn't care to do so.

    • @samuelpak7966
      @samuelpak7966 4 года назад +2

      When Satan rebelled God could have ended him immediately but he decided not to. If he did the angels would have worshiped God out of fear. It would have gone against his character of being love. He let Satan fully manifest his evil on Earth and Jesus paid the ultimate self sacrifice on the cross. Angels cant see the future

    • @kettles5914
      @kettles5914 4 года назад

      @@samuelpak7966 we were told heaven was perfect at what point did God made it imperfect for Lucifer to find sin in perfect perfect heaven?

    • @freeinhabitant2422
      @freeinhabitant2422 4 года назад

      @@kettles5914 I understand what you are asking. We always think of heaven as being the ideal situation where all things are complete happiness and perfection, and that is true - and it normally is - with a condition. Heaven is a place. It is peaceful and good because those who dwell there are peaceful and good. Those who will be there have been transformed by Jesus Himself through submitting to His power to change us, and trusting Him to do that very thing. Heaven would not be the Heaven you descibe without the God of Love who gave Himself. Heaven really means nothing without Jesus Christ.
      There is a good movie that might help you along the way.

    • @kettles5914
      @kettles5914 4 года назад

      @@freeinhabitant2422 I really don't think you understand. The element of bad existed in heaven before satan hence he had it as an option to chose from. Which loving parent with the power god has would give their children a bad option, none! This child would know only good, especially if LOVE. For these reason it is evident the bible stories are made up and utter nonsense. There is even zero evidence that the bible god loves any one or living thing on earth. Every opportunity and chance he gets and he starts killing. The one thing he should have killed he let live to prove his love to who, when even your memory will be wiped away in the new heaven. He sit in heaven looking down on children being mistreated in the most horrendous way and does nothing, yet they want to convince people of his love. He is a bully and a terrible thing to worship. He doesn't deserve worship. #Brainwashingisreal#

    • @freeinhabitant2422
      @freeinhabitant2422 4 года назад +1

      @@kettles5914 I think I disagree with you that "evil was an option". I think that it happened in the mind of Lucifer slowly. He didn't start out by saying, "I think I will choose to be evil today". It all began with him observing his own splendor. The Bible teaches that he was very exalted, having great honor and wonder and power. What kind of power is touched on a little bit, here and there in the Bible, but we don't know the full extent. Apparently, he was honored by the other heavenly angels as well. We do know he was only second in majesty to Jesus Christ Himself.
      Think about what happens to a man or woman who decides to say, commit adultery. They start out in love their wife/husband, and their children too. They meet someone, maybe at work, and the flame of lust is kindled. Over days and weeks the two of them keep fanning the flame of passion and then they finally fall. It isnt all at once. They may even start out thinking they would never do such a thing, and then, they do. I think this is how Lucifer fell.
      He (Lucifer) probably began contemplating his lofty position above all the other created beings, and started saying to himself how wonderful he was. I imagine God warned him many times of the danger of going down this path, and because Lucifer probably still had the personal character to turn away from the beginnings of self centeredness, he was able to stop for awhile. However, he eventually began contemplating it again. Over time it became a consuming passion. Of Course God knew all of this was happening and he tried to reason with Lucifer. But Lucifer came to the place where he was so consumed with selfishness that he wanted to be as God. This is what the Bible teaches.
      One sin, leads to another, and another, until all is lost. The Biggest sin that we can commit is completely rejecting the Love of God, found in Jesus Christ.
      I wish we could talk for a few days on the phone or in person, Jacqueline. If you are going to reject God. Don't you think you should first know what you can about Him first? I can tell you that although you have very good questions, you do not have the answers that are given in the Bible and by thinking clearly about it. It can be shown why there is evil in the world. It can be shown why God allows it, and why it would ultimately be detrimental to the eternal destiny of the Universe if he didnt let it play out. The question is are you willing to consider the answers?
      Here is an actual movie that answers the question of the origin of evil: ruclips.net/video/taRbpNlu_4U/видео.html

  • @smokedjoweed
    @smokedjoweed 3 года назад +1

    You know what's wrong with the bible. Out of text quotation. Which means people like to quote things from the bible out of context. Meaning they quote things from a story without telling you the backstory.