Tesla Supercharging Etiquette

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • Contact me on Twitter: @guy_frugal
    Contact me on Instagram: Frugal Tesla Guy
    Referral Code: ts.la/mike87152​

Комментарии • 292

  • @chasshields645
    @chasshields645 3 года назад +121

    Tesla should show this video before they let you take the car from the lot.

    • @timl5970
      @timl5970 3 года назад +2

      There are a lot of things that Tesla should tell you when you pick up your first Tesla. But since COVID hit, the depth of the walk-through orientation has dropped a lot. Our experience was pretty good. When we picked up our Y in October, 2020, the rep at the Scottsdale delivery center stood outside the car to answer questions while we got oriented and was helpful in walking us through the process of pairing our phones to the car. Hearing comments from people who have picked up their cars at different locations around the country, I see that the delivery experience varies tremendously from one place to another.

    • @kdjorgensen98
      @kdjorgensen98 3 года назад +4

      I watched at least 10 hours of videos before I placed my ORDER! Still had a lot to learn about road trips though...

    • @jahonallenlouie
      @jahonallenlouie 3 года назад +2

      Totally agree. Never assume everyone knows etiquette and common sense.

    • @jahonallenlouie
      @jahonallenlouie 3 года назад +3

      @@timl5970 Right, but a video like this could be just as easily playing upon delivery on the display in the car.

    • @timl5970
      @timl5970 3 года назад +3

      @@jahonallenlouie That's a good idea, to have an interactive tutorial when the buyer first gets in the car. It could walk you through a lot of the common questions that new owners have about their Teslas.

  • @JasonRamosNJ
    @JasonRamosNJ 3 года назад +163

    Basically Urinal Stall Rules Apply. No need to saddle up next to the fella next to you if there is room to breathe somewhere else!

    • @JamiePainter
      @JamiePainter 3 года назад +5

      This is sometimes not the case and skipping stalls will cause you to double-up on a cab on V2 superchargers. You have to check the numbers if you're at a new / unfamiliar location. A supercharger I've used several times is, IIRC, 1A 2A 3A 4A 1B 2B 3B 4B 5A 5B 6A 6B (5 and 6 were added later). If everyone skips spaces, cabs 1-4 will be doubled-up.

    • @barriedear5990
      @barriedear5990 3 года назад +5

      Craziest urinal stall I experienced was urinals either side of a wall, but the wall was only maybe chest height, so you were looking someone straight in the eye!!

    • @Yo-gp4ib
      @Yo-gp4ib 3 года назад +5

      Us women Tesla owners would never think like this.

    • @DeviantDespot
      @DeviantDespot 3 года назад +2

      Misunderstood and pissed on a charging station.

    • @ericobut
      @ericobut 2 года назад +1

      But we all know you're sneaking a peak comparing your ... Tesla ... with the guy next to you

  • @draco24433
    @draco24433 3 года назад +49

    I am a brand new Tesla owner and I thank you for this video. Job well done.

    • @Crazypostman
      @Crazypostman 3 года назад +3

      Welcome to the family!

    • @rcomo520
      @rcomo520 3 года назад

      I'm waiting for the arrival of my recently ordered Y. I learned something here I would never have known and unless I watched your video or someone told me. Thanks!

    • @johnnyplays2843
      @johnnyplays2843 3 года назад +1

      @@rcomo520 I just ordered mine yesterday how did it go for you

    • @johnnyplays2843
      @johnnyplays2843 3 года назад +1

      @@rcomo520 I just ordered mine yesterday how did it go for you?

  • @paulg8065
    @paulg8065 3 года назад +22

    Also if you’re shopping while charging, return your cart to the cart return!!

  • @jefffenton5932
    @jefffenton5932 3 года назад +67

    I’ve definitely been guilty of using a nose-in stall just because it was easier. Didn’t even occur to me that it was there for towing! Now I know. :-)

    • @dontsh00tmesanta
      @dontsh00tmesanta 3 года назад

      @Google User agreed

    • @rafaelmartinez3151
      @rafaelmartinez3151 3 года назад

      I did realize that what they were for. Thanks for the information.

    • @Pyk4es
      @Pyk4es 3 года назад

      @Google User it's everyone's problem. be courteous.

  • @robm5889
    @robm5889 3 года назад +11

    Thx, watching a video like this was how I learned these lessons as well. Most of the people I tell about the sharing process have a Tesla rental.
    For Tesla: Put a status light on the top of each supercharger. Green: Available for full charging, Amber: Limited charging, Red: Out of service.
    Trash-It'll just get worse. We're slowly adopting that population of people that won't return their shopping cart. A very similar group throws their cigarette butts on the ground wherever they are.

    • @brianh2787
      @brianh2787 3 года назад

      I like the light idea.

    • @paindoc4955
      @paindoc4955 2 года назад

      That’s a brilliant idea. Please forward to Tesla, I have no doubt, it ‘ll be implemented.

  • @KeithRollin
    @KeithRollin 3 года назад +30

    Normally, paired stations are arranged like 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, etc. But be careful for non-standard arrangements. In Worthington, MN, they are arranged 1A, 2A, 3A, 1B, 2B, 3B. I found this one when, pulling up to the stations, there was a car in 3A, which I naturally thought was 2A. Attempting to keep away from it, I pulled into the right end -- 3B. This actually placed me on the same circuit as the car, even though I was three stations away. I discovered this only when I noticed I was charging very slowly.

    • @johnpoldo8817
      @johnpoldo8817 3 года назад +2

      I have seen the same notation in Naples, FL and it’s confusing. If 1A is occupied, I try to use 3A or 2B so there’s no power sharing and ample door clearance. 1A & 2A are next to each other, but don’t share power.

    • @kdjorgensen98
      @kdjorgensen98 3 года назад +1

      Saw that setup in Rapid City SD, as well! Wonder if it's intentional or an installation mistake.

    • @lesliek1208
      @lesliek1208 3 года назад

      Waco, TX has one that goes something like 1A, 2A, 1B, 3A, 4B. It's totally random and you really have to pay attention.

    • @RickJohnson
      @RickJohnson 3 года назад

      Quartzite's V2 section is arranged similarly.

  • @shannonlawhorn1674
    @shannonlawhorn1674 3 года назад +42

    It's hard to believe that in 2021 people need to be told not to throw their garbage on the ground.

    • @richardtrotman1816
      @richardtrotman1816 3 года назад +2

      It's hard to believe that in 2021, trash receptacles aren't provided next to such a high volume area, where people are going to stop and wait in their car for a while. I 100% do NOT agree with littering and I would never... but I also don't get why trash receptacles aren't provided.

    • @shannonlawhorn1674
      @shannonlawhorn1674 3 года назад +4

      @@richardtrotman1816 The problem with providing trash receptacles is that you then have to provide someone to service and empty them, as well as taking the trash to a dump or transfer station. Unless Tesla wants to get into the garbage business then they would have to set up local contracts. That cost would have to be passed onto the consumer, as well as the cost of maintaining the administration of thousands of service contracts for all of it. With thousands of charging stations in almost as many service districts the cost would become a fair chunk of change. Or people could just take their trash with them to their destinations that will more likely than not have existing trash receptacles.

    • @richardtrotman1816
      @richardtrotman1816 3 года назад +1

      @@shannonlawhorn1674 they wouldn’t necessarily have to get into the trash business. I’ve used 5 different super chargers. 4 have been in big shopping centers and 1 was at a sheetz gas station. They’re already paying for the space to place their chargers. They only need to work a trash can into their lease.

    • @shannonlawhorn1674
      @shannonlawhorn1674 3 года назад

      @@richardtrotman1816 Yeah I just don't see it happening. My day job is owning and leasing commercial property and I can tell you even if Tesla wanted to include it in the lease not many landlords would be willing to contract for it. Most commercial contracts now require tenets to assume responsibility for the day to day maintenance of the leased space. As a Tesla owner I like the idea of readily accessible amenities but the landlord side of me knows I would never agree to assume that kind of maintenance for a tenet. Additionally alot of superchargers are located on the periphery of parking lots and I can attest that an unattended trash can soon turns into an extension of the city dump to anyone with a broken box spring.

    • @carlosbardales4179
      @carlosbardales4179 3 года назад +2

      I bet you that video was from Cali.... It is incredible how much trash you see along the roads and highways there. Before you know it that State is going to look like a third world county.

  • @ekrajb123
    @ekrajb123 3 года назад +14

    Since Tesla has all the info, it would be nice if you plugged into a V2 SuC next to someone else and it detected there was an open pair of chargers that isn't being used by anyone, that it would suggest you move into that one instead. Kinda like:
    "You just plugged into 2A but there is already someone charging at 2B. Since connected chargers share the powers between them, we suggest you move to one of the open pairs instead: 4A&B, 7&B."

    • @JosephTMeiroseIV
      @JosephTMeiroseIV 2 года назад +1

      Apply for employment at Tesla and add this to your resume please. ;)

  • @brianh2787
    @brianh2787 3 года назад +19

    Terrific overview. I've had my Model Y for a year or so, and it's still surprising how often I get into a good conversation with other owners while charging. I was lucky to have someone open-minded, who pulled right next to me on a V2 charger, during one of my first-ever supercharging sessions. As we were already chatting, I, in a friendly way, let him know we're both taking longer to charge because we're sharing a cabinet. He was wondering why it was so slow and thanked me. One more owner well-educated!

  • @LukePurdy
    @LukePurdy 3 года назад +45

    One practice I have seen is to show faulty stalls by placing the charging cord on top of the station rather than hanging it back up. This lets others know not to use that stall.

    • @brianh2787
      @brianh2787 3 года назад +2

      I saw that the other day - great practice. I was charging at a six-stall, V2 charger. 5 were full and as I pulled in, the one that was broken had just that - the cord on top. It was the only time in my year of ownership I had to wait for one to open up. A guy came in around me and politely gestured if he could go around. I said, sure, and he pulled into the broken stall and began to plugin. I explained that it was broken, and that is why I'm sitting here in line. He apologized and waited his turn. I really am impressed with the etiquette thus far.

    • @JunglisticOne
      @JunglisticOne 3 года назад +2

      When I have time I like to shame Tesla, and I use electrical tape and make funny little faces out of the Tesla stalls. I think it's silly that you only have the ability to see that the stall is out of order but when you get there shockingly you don't know which one of the gosh darn stalls is out of order! A terrible game of #musicalchairs if you ask meah!! I secretly think the Tesla God developers did this on purpose. Perhaps to further add anxiety and frustration on top of the acceptance of loss if time.... we are the few that have to wait to receive energy on this planet......

    • @mujjuman
      @mujjuman Год назад

      @@brianh2787 In NY, people will fight you. I've had bad experiences at the superchargers here in NY

  • @brucenelson8087
    @brucenelson8087 3 года назад +13

    One additional note - vehicles made prior to 2019 (excluding 3) are limited to a max charge rate of 150kw or less, so they should use the 120-150kw superchargers and not the V3 250kw ones unless all V2’s are in use. This allows the cars that can charge at the higher 250 rate to be on their way quicker.

    • @archbish99
      @archbish99 3 года назад +5

      Very few sites have a mix of v2 and v3, though. Cars should still stop at the Superchargers appropriate to their trip, not detour to a slower charger.

  • @johnnboy2000
    @johnnboy2000 3 года назад +6

    Don’t forget if a stall is not working hang the chargers cord over the supercharger too indicates it’s out of order to save other people time

  • @royallclark6331
    @royallclark6331 3 года назад +2

    I'm a fulltime RV'er and pull a travel trailer with my model Y. I have been on the road since mid January and have logged over 10,000 miles with the trailer on the back. In fact, I've got over 16k miles since buying the car in November!! It tickles me to death when I pull into a charging station and find the end stalls open and aligned so that I can pull into charge without having to uncouple. No biggie if I have to disconnect (if the weather is good!) but it is always nice to be able to get back on the road quickly if I don't have to uncouple. Just yesterday, I pulled into a station in Virginia, and the end cabinet was in use. The couple that were in the model 3 moved over without even asking!! I pulled in and after plugging in, walked over and thanked the people for their gracious act! It is also nice it the backside of the cabinets are clear too, as I can pull in behind them and not take up 2 or more stalls while charging. I do take up 2-3 cabinets at times while charging but will and have moved if the station starts to get busy. ICEing is the one thing that pisses me off more than those that just drop their trash in and around the charging areas.

  • @MichaelKire
    @MichaelKire 3 года назад +39

    A sidenote: Your Tesla flashes green near the charging port. The quicker it flashes, the less percentage there is on the battery. That can be a way of seeing where you should pull in and charge

    • @timl5970
      @timl5970 3 года назад +5

      If the car is locked, the T does not flash, making this an unreliable means of determining which car is closest to being charged.

    • @oscarflores6259
      @oscarflores6259 3 года назад

      @@timl5970 h

    • @JunglisticOne
      @JunglisticOne 3 года назад +1

      @@timl5970 it's a good tip nonetheless. I would imagine that we're all friendly enough to assume positive intent. And thus the person that's in the driver's seat should have a car that's unlocked for their sitting there waiting or doing what have you. I wish we could decide on a hand signal or some type of communication to get the other person's attention to kindly ask them if they could be next in their slot. On a side note Apple has released these devices to help find things in your life wouldn't be nice to know the percentage of your fellow Tesla owner buddy? You don't have to know his last name or first name but it would be nice to come to a station and see the percentages available That way you can make a more informed decision as well as have more choices when ready to use the appropriate stall....

    • @adamlee5504
      @adamlee5504 2 года назад

      Just watched this today because I was wondering how does when wait when all the stations are filled. How does a line form?
      Observation-I’ve used superchargers six times in the last six months and at least two people have parked next to me when there were opened stalls nearby. My charging rate was not high, so I saw little drop off. I guess they didn’t know etiquette or maybe they were lonely? 🤣

    • @greenergenes
      @greenergenes Год назад

      ​@@JunglisticOne Nissan Leaf circa 2011 shows the approximate state of
      charge by the number of actively lit LED light in plain sight on the dash.

  • @pepstein
    @pepstein 3 года назад +10

    V3 Superchargers also have power sharing. Each set of 4 stalls (A, B, C, and D) is connected to its own cabinet that can pull only 325 kVA from the grid. That's a little less than 325 kW, about ⅓ of the power needed to deliver 250 kW to all 4 stalls at the same time. But the cabinets also share a DC bus that allows up to 525 kW to be transferred between them. Given the v3 charging curves for today's cars, it's very unlikely you'll bump into these limits, but they're likely to come into play in the future.

  • @Akira282
    @Akira282 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for the lesson on etiquette. Agree with those below saying all tesla owners should be required to listen to this before driving off the lot.

  • @VisitorsWelcome
    @VisitorsWelcome 3 года назад +9

    You mentioned that Tesla charges an idle fee if you don't move your car after charging. Tesla says it only applies if half the stalls are occupied and you idle more than 5 minutes.

  • @rcole1175
    @rcole1175 3 года назад +23

    One rule you forget.
    DON'T dump your pee bottle at the SC!

    • @archbish99
      @archbish99 3 года назад

      Or maybe just don't pee in a bottle? Ew.

    • @carssucksince1800s
      @carssucksince1800s 3 года назад

      @@archbish99 That is weird when there's a tree around, but I guess sometimes it's necessary.
      Trash is definitely bigger issue than having people trying to figure out how to charge in a nicer manner.

    • @ericfermin8347
      @ericfermin8347 3 года назад +1

      @@archbish99 To much time in Iraq for that habit to stop

  • @petergosney6433
    @petergosney6433 3 года назад +29

    Hey Elon, it’s time that Tesla Supercharger stations worked out how to arrange an automatic electronic queue, based on the time of entering the area proximity. It could even be smart enough to work out which stall will likely come up next.

    • @paulg8065
      @paulg8065 3 года назад +3

      This would eliminate some stress and anger at crowded superchargers.

    • @kevinschmitt538
      @kevinschmitt538 Год назад

      I love that idea. Especially if they could make it not accept your car because the vin didn't match. But, we don't have too much of an over crowding issue in the Midwest just yet. But, assignment might also help this courteous charging etiquette. They could also when needed assign by putting you next to the one that has the highest battery level. That would eliminate the need for guessing or hanging your head out the window asking 'wbo has biggest charge level.

    • @patty109109
      @patty109109 Год назад

      I use mine for the first time today. This was so obvious to me. I’m surprised it hasn’t been done. And your post is two years old.

  • @jamesadams7754
    @jamesadams7754 3 года назад +9

    Thanks. I didn't know that the forward pull-in ones were for trailers.

  • @StayPositiveInformed
    @StayPositiveInformed 3 года назад +8

    I’ve only been to a supercharging station once. Thanks for the video! And wow I can’t believe people put trash out like that. That’s a shame.

    • @gr00vadelic
      @gr00vadelic 3 года назад +1

      I totally thought the same and some of them.
      But most were in great clean locations.

    • @wardsworldwelcometoit
      @wardsworldwelcometoit 3 года назад +1

      Quartzite, AZ (36 stalls) was always bad, but I think it was mainly just the area ... Charged up there last week and there were new trash cans set up. I think the word is getting out! 👍🏼

  • @robertferris2431
    @robertferris2431 3 года назад +8

    There is one other configuration that I've seen at a few supercharging stations. It is that 1A and 1B are not next to each other. Sometimes it appears to be just a random order. As a general rule they normally are paired up but there are some strange ones out there. So keep an eye out for this situation too.

    • @stkyrce
      @stkyrce 3 года назад

      I've also seen this. I wonder if they did this on purpose so the person pulling next to you doesn't feel awkward when the guy on the opposite side is really sharing power with you.

    • @archbish99
      @archbish99 3 года назад +2

      1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, ... is the most common, but some are 1A, 2A, ..., 1B, 2B, ....

    • @JunglisticOne
      @JunglisticOne 3 года назад

      Yes for example in Buckeye Arizona, the stalls are arranged so that there's a set of 4 letter A's...and four with the letter Bs attached to them. I don't understand how they can't switch depending on what is connected to them kind of like the way I relay switch on a circuit breaker works when it receives too much power or is on a timer. Forgive me my engineering is not that... good...

  • @swizzlest
    @swizzlest 3 года назад +8

    You sound kinda like Casey kasem. Thanks for this informative video.

  • @wardsworldwelcometoit
    @wardsworldwelcometoit 3 года назад +3

    I read a good tip earlier on, and have had to use it a couple times, if the charging station isn’t working tie the hose into a knot and let it hang there .. this tells the next person it’s “Out of Order” .... great content, keep it coming! 🔋🔌

    • @wardsworldwelcometoit
      @wardsworldwelcometoit 3 года назад +2

      @suspicionofdeceit you’ll figure it out ... probably.

    • @beamerbread
      @beamerbread 3 года назад

      Id rather people throw it over the unit instead of tying to indicate a broken charger. They're kinda tough to untie on a cold morning 🤣

  • @Likr666
    @Likr666 3 года назад +5

    In europe v2 has to cables. One for Model S/X that looks like type 2 and one for CCS Model 3/Y. The v3 chargers only have CCS. They are easy to spot. Model 3/Y-drivers should prefer v3 when there are both types at the station. Not only for the speed and better sharing behavoir. But using v2 would block them for Model S/X that can't use the v3 without adapter.

  • @GregHassler
    @GregHassler 3 года назад +21

    The V3 superchargers have a skinnier cable than the V2.
    Also, in a shared power situation, the car that's plugged in first maintains priority and a guaranteed minimum (90 kW I think?). You, as the second user to plug in, would take most of the hit, getting only what's leftover.

    • @mars_brt7716
      @mars_brt7716 2 года назад +1

      If both cars are at a low percentace the power is devided equally, but if one car is almost at full percentage the other car will receive more power.

  • @guythall
    @guythall 3 года назад +3

    Note the disabled vehicle signs. You will find them at some of the spaces in a charging plaza. Cars without the handicap placard can get cited and fined, just like at any other handicap space.

    • @andydelvalle68
      @andydelvalle68 3 года назад +3

      From my experience, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Most super chargers do have handicap spaces available but when they do , it’s not a legally required handicap spot (legal for anyone to use it) and they usually say to only use it if they aren’t any other chargers available.

  • @iPhil77
    @iPhil77 3 года назад +1

    Also you can use the taper charge cycle for the supercharger network usage.
    Plug in until you start the taper off then you immediately unplug and go to the next charger and repeat the process all of the way for the trip.
    For more information about the taper charge cycle look at the out of spec motoring on RUclips.
    The idle fee is only “activated” for the location once the 50% limit hits.
    The idle rate also has a 5 minute grace period before you get a charge during the idle duration.

  • @bcfran3g844
    @bcfran3g844 Год назад

    I was at a mostly empty 12 stall fast charge, this morning at 7:30. I backed in, set my stop level, got my grocery shopping bags from the frunk. Tucked in my mirrors and went grocery shopping without stress. Get back to the car. Stash the groceries in the frunk and still had 10 minutes. Unplugged, put on my seatbelt and off I went.

  • @BillHohensee
    @BillHohensee 3 года назад +1

    Not quite an etiquette topic. But after plugging in check your car for the active charging rate. If it is well below what you should be getting (e.g., you're charging in the 40's kW), then you might want to try a different stall for potentially a better charging rate. Odd, but sometimes switching works.

  • @richbl1690
    @richbl1690 3 года назад +2

    The super charger in miner off of I-60 in Missouri is way in the corner be hind a Mexican restaurant with no lights or rest rooms late at night. and its the only charger from Springfield Mo. heading east on I-60.

  • @SahanRavinder
    @SahanRavinder 3 года назад +17

    Great vid. So many new Tesla owners out there need this.

  • @monty7999
    @monty7999 3 года назад +1

    Especially for a new tesla owner, super helpful video! Thank you for the rundown on how they work and basic etiquette while charging. Exceedingly well done.

  • @eduardovargas1133
    @eduardovargas1133 3 года назад +3

    The chargers at the Kettleman City Supercharger are labeled 250kw, and150kw. There is also about 8 destination chargers near the entrance to the lounge. Also, he Tejon Ranch Supercharger pictured is one of my regulars from trips from SD to SF!

  • @jasondeno4000
    @jasondeno4000 3 года назад +10

    Thanks for this video! I don’t supercharge often. But I’m pretty sure I’m that guy who was super happy to see other Tesla’s in my area, pulled up next to you and proceeded to charge with four other stations open.. :/

  • @eduardoig17
    @eduardoig17 3 года назад +3

    I think that you should leave a gap between cars whenever possible, that way if people want to open their doors all the way they can. I just don't understand why people park right to another car when there are other spots available

  • @chynaginger
    @chynaginger 3 года назад +1

    Leaving trash at a charging station will only increase costs and likely sour the property owner on keeping them on site.
    (We're not talking about a lot of money here...)

  • @petabb
    @petabb 3 года назад +2

    Great job. Yeah I saw some of those trashes at times too. Used to clean them up some but now with Covid, I'm not touching them.

  • @scruffy4647
    @scruffy4647 2 года назад

    They should color code the stations to make them visually easier to identify shared chargers. It could easily be done with some sort of plastic facade. Trash cans are a great idea for most people.

  • @Gardenstateking
    @Gardenstateking Год назад

    Saved this vid during my Tesla research. Super interesting to double back and watch it now as a MS owner. I've most frequently seen the lack of knowledge on 1A/1B charging and trash of course. I admit I haven't bothered to educate anyone making the 1A/1B mistake mostly because I'm courteous enough to charge only what I need and take off anyway! Great vid.

    • @FrugalTeslaGuy
      @FrugalTeslaGuy  Год назад +1

      It’s frustrating. I try not to judge and assume they just don’t know any better.

  • @eastbayhounds7604
    @eastbayhounds7604 3 года назад +1

    This vid should be included in the “Meet your Tesla” section of the Tesla website.

  • @JordanBurghoff
    @JordanBurghoff 3 года назад +1

    V3 power cables are also thinner than the V2. That’s normally how I identify them. Also, I was at Kettleman City the other day and they have the Kw labels on all the Superchargers. I hope they start doing this everywhere to make it even easier!

  • @coreyschmidt734
    @coreyschmidt734 3 года назад +2

    Don’t use chargers as parking spots. If you aren’t charging move along.

  • @scotteladd2537
    @scotteladd2537 3 года назад +1

    I’m taking delivery of my Model S tomorrow (used). I did not know this. Thanks for the great advice.

  • @josephsechler6037
    @josephsechler6037 3 года назад +1

    Very helpful for a guy waiting on delivery of a new LR 3 and anticipating a road trip this summer. Great job.

    • @jimmyfreeman9968
      @jimmyfreeman9968 3 года назад

      Get a Playstation controller, we just got another update with more games.

  • @TakeAHikeToday
    @TakeAHikeToday 2 года назад

    New Tesla Owner here and this was excellent!! Thank you

  • @jefffenton5932
    @jefffenton5932 3 года назад +6

    Good information.... and epic pun in the trash section!

  • @knight2386
    @knight2386 3 года назад +3

    Thanks for the detailed explanation. Your video found its way on to the Tesla motors reddit page 👍

  • @jred201
    @jred201 Год назад

    Kinda wish Tesla would assign you a charging spot when you arrive at a SC. They could also form a line, first come first served. It's kinda a pressure cooker when you pull in and try to figure out which one to use 😅

  • @Ron3.
    @Ron3. 3 года назад +3

    I always wondered why some stations have the stalls in an "L" shaped configuration. Now I know. The six stall charging station in my town is an "L" shaped configuration like the one at 9:10 . Except the entire station is a self-contained little car park on its own and the odd stall for cars with trailers is at the only entrance, so if a car pulling a trailer did park there to charge, the entry/exit would be partially blocked. I can only guess that Tesla couldn't get local planning permission to have both an entry and a separate exit.

  • @milehighkit4725
    @milehighkit4725 3 года назад +4

    All about cable size!:-)Hopefully I never catch anybody leaving their trash!!

  • @dougscottking
    @dougscottking Год назад

    Tesla should optimize this and have like color coded LeD or something on the stalls when you arrive to let you know where to go. This can be useful for the inevitable queues in the future as well. You reserve your spot based on arrival time and then the stall only grants you access so you can wait wherever is safest and convenient. The app and screen can show a virtual queue. In future the summon feature and the snake charge cables and even plug in while you are getting your meal or whatever.

  • @PeaceChanel
    @PeaceChanel 2 года назад +1

    Thank You for All that you are doing for World Peace and for our Planet...
    Peace.. Shalom.. Salam.. La Paz.. Namaste ..
    🙏🏻 😊 🌈 ✌ ☮️ ❤️ 💐 🕊

  • @TeslaRyan
    @TeslaRyan 3 года назад

    Every time I travel, someone usually violates one of these principals, thanks for spreading the word!

  • @kylehill4437
    @kylehill4437 Год назад

    Very good info. I knew about the trailer stall but I was curious about the numbers. I just stayed away from other Teslas just cause I want to give people privacy.

  • @darrenavila2390
    @darrenavila2390 2 года назад

    Very helpful, sir. Thank you! Will soon be getting a Tesla and appreciate that this info is available to prevent people from having to learn the hard way.

  • @toddm3967
    @toddm3967 3 года назад +1

    It's interesting that the urban chargers still have the stall number and letters on them which to me would indicate they share a power cabinet (and until now would of assumed shared power like the v2 superchargers). Maybe they do share but the cabinet is setup to still dedicate 72kw to each stall.

    • @FrugalTeslaGuy
      @FrugalTeslaGuy  3 года назад +1

      Possibly. Not exactly sure why.

    • @cyndernight2422
      @cyndernight2422 3 года назад

      @@FrugalTeslaGuy i would think its just for ID, like "urban charger 4A is malfunctioning" send a tech out and without a label it may be hard to find what one is 4A? dunno, just guessing here but it feels like it to me.

  • @surfit34
    @surfit34 3 года назад

    Mandatory training video for all new Tesla owners! I pick up my Model Y this weekend, I've heard some of these things from other videos but learned a lot from this extensive well laid out video. Thank you!

  • @robertlee8805
    @robertlee8805 3 года назад +1

    I got to agree with Sahan Ravinder. Good vid. Why isn't this more prevalent? Thanks for the knowledge about all the topics you covered here. You got a new subscriber.

  • @sdexcalibur
    @sdexcalibur Год назад

    WOW, makes sense, tesla should send a guide out. I would of never known. Thank you

  • @decline1129
    @decline1129 3 года назад +1

    Spotted my old supercharging location during the urban supercharger segment - Washington Square in Tigard, OR.

  • @sophiadavis8063
    @sophiadavis8063 2 года назад

    The yoke steering wheel for tesla is perfect. Yoke steering wheel is a unique and fun way to steer. This high quality steering wheel has an incredible feel, too. It's a must-have for long road trips! I know where can you get it at a great price 😁😁

  • @laloajuria4678
    @laloajuria4678 3 года назад +8

    much simpler: use every other spot. once not possible, start filling in.

    • @timl5970
      @timl5970 3 года назад +1

      Not always an effective way of avoiding pairing. See comments above regarding AB AB arrangement, compared to AA BB.

  • @fdhall
    @fdhall Год назад

    Great info...especially how v3 and urban chargers don't share power👍🏾 I haven't come across the trash thing yet, but that's just crazy🤦🏾‍♂️

  • @Garrison169
    @Garrison169 3 года назад +1

    What is a Pun?
    A pun is a joke based on the interplay of homophones - words with the same pronunciation but different meanings. It can also play with words that sound similar, but not exactly the same. The joke’s humor (if any) comes from the confusion of the two meanings.

  • @amptech6630
    @amptech6630 3 года назад +4

    Great Video! Important information for every Tesla owner!

  • @howardkearney7989
    @howardkearney7989 3 года назад

    I picked up my Model Y on April 29, just 1 day before this video. Picked up from Atlanta and headed home to New Orleans area. I "sort of" new about the every-other-one protocol, but not about the V3 exception. But I did violate an etiquette. I used a straight in at one of the in rouse superchargers. Now that I know its purpose is for trailers, etc. I'll shall avoid. There was no one there but it is good to know. Thanks so much for that.

  • @chezchezchezchez
    @chezchezchezchez 2 года назад

    I learned something with all that trash talking. I had no idea the trash didn’t disappear when I drove away. 🙄

  • @caseygraham4490
    @caseygraham4490 2 года назад

    I always learn something new from your videos I didn't know the superchargers on the ends are for Tesla carrying something on their tow hitch, still waiting on my delivery

  • @shacktoms2791
    @shacktoms2791 2 года назад

    Maybe this doesn't need to be said, but if there is a handicap spot and it is shared, try to avoid its pair even if the handicap spot is open. E.g. if the handicap spot is 1A, try to avoid 1B.
    I don't know what the rule is if there is no other open pair. Maybe take 1B in that case, but you may want to move if 1A becomes occupied.

  • @kdjorgensen98
    @kdjorgensen98 3 года назад +2

    I have encountered a Gen 2 supercharger that was paired by the LETTER, not the number. 1A was paired with 2A. Might have only been a fluke, but if you're charging in Rapid City, SD that's the setup they have! Anyone else seen this type of pairing?

  • @solarstacks
    @solarstacks 3 года назад

    The shared power on gen 2 is the most misunderstood of all. I always mention it to others while I am charging.
    It would also be nice if Tesla put pull thru stations to make it easier to charge with a trailer etc. Backing in can be a problem.

  • @JosephTMeiroseIV
    @JosephTMeiroseIV 2 года назад

    Required video for all future, and maybe current, Tesla owners. As someone who recently ordered a MYP, I thank you for this info. I googled "Tesla Supercharging etiquette". ;) I can only imagine the nightmare that will be caused if Tesla opens SC's to non Tesla owners. I vote no.

  • @russellthorburn9297
    @russellthorburn9297 3 года назад

    I'm still waiting on my car (November) but this is really important information for every owner to know. Had I not subscribed to your channel I probably would have looked and accidentally acted like an idiot. New Tesla owners should have to watch this video, or one like it, before the system unlocks and they are allowed to drive the car for the first time.

  • @beckybackert
    @beckybackert 3 года назад

    Thanks for a good video ! My Y should be here in June and I’m watching every you tube video I can find. I really appreciate the clarity in yours.
    Waiting Impatiently for my Y...

    • @FrugalTeslaGuy
      @FrugalTeslaGuy  3 года назад

      Congratulations Becky! I'm so glad the information on my channel is helping!

  • @scott73roberts
    @scott73roberts 2 года назад

    That would be nice! People of Draper, UT don’t care about you or anyone else but themselves to give space for charging their teslas

  • @janabrandli2801
    @janabrandli2801 2 года назад

    Good info, I have been waiting almost a year for my model X , I hope I have it soon . Info like this is very helpful.

  • @MichaelCarulli
    @MichaelCarulli 3 года назад +1

    Don’t lie to your audience, that pun was very much intended

  • @tesla_tech_travel_food_Canada
    @tesla_tech_travel_food_Canada 3 года назад

    I always charge my Tesla in my building and planning to go trip soon but always wondering how to use superchargers , thank you for this video I learned a lot of things about superchargers. :)

  • @sempleinvest906
    @sempleinvest906 3 года назад +2

    tesla needs to make it more clear since there will be massive amounts of tesla owners coming up soon when they get giga berlin and texas up, you just cannot expect people to know these things.

    • @FrugalTeslaGuy
      @FrugalTeslaGuy  3 года назад +2

      Agreed. That’s the beauty of V3 Superchargers. No need to worry about the sharing of power. This is why it would be nice if the current Gen 2 chargers could eventually be upgraded.

    • @sempleinvest906
      @sempleinvest906 3 года назад

      @@FrugalTeslaGuy Nice

  • @beamerbread
    @beamerbread 3 года назад

    Many of the older Model S have been software limited to charge slower than originally designed so it's a safe bet to take a cabinet shared by a 'nosecone' Model S if there are no open cabinets.

  • @Lebowski604
    @Lebowski604 2 года назад

    Public toilets and garbage bins are badly needed at most stations. Some suspect 'puddles' have been spotted. No dookie as yet, thankfully.

  • @etmount9424
    @etmount9424 3 года назад

    Yes yes yes, best supercharge video on RUclips. I honestly didn’t know about the trailer rule so I got mad at this driver for taking two spots while charging his car. V4 superchargers coming soon with movie theaters and Tesla restaurant. Check it out peeps. All hail the great leader Elon!

  • @Magicinstalls
    @Magicinstalls 2 года назад

    That's it! I'm bring a cone with me to block the stall! LOL

  • @turbofroggy
    @turbofroggy 3 года назад

    Excellent video! Only one correction though. V3 Superchargers do share but it is between 4 stalls and 525KW. It also does the sharing in very linear fashion not the 10KW-15KW steps as with V1 and V2. This makes V3 sharing very fast and faster than V1 and V2 the vast majority of the time.

  • @NAY2GAS
    @NAY2GAS 2 года назад

    Great Video! In the case that I am the 5th Tesla to arrive and I will split the charge rate of one of the other 4 Tesla’s that are already there? I will park next to the oldest Tesla there, an S or X. They generally charge at a slower rate and I hope that they won’t feel a difference with me plugging in.
    If there is no S or X then I’ll pull next to the dirtiest Tesla.
    I’ve only had my Tesla for 13 months, but in that time I have schooled 5 Tesla owners so far who have pulled right next to me in an empty array of SuperChargers. They all said they had no idea and thanked me for the knowledge.

  • @NadiMich
    @NadiMich 2 года назад

    Thank you for this very thoughtful video. Getting my Tesla 3 long range and your video was very helpful!

  • @dscarty
    @dscarty 3 года назад +1

    Own a Bolt, about to rent a Model 3 for 5 days. Thanks for this info about v2 versus v3 id.very useful.

  • @edwardmascari4661
    @edwardmascari4661 2 года назад

    Reminds me of the beach behind my home where boats spend the day and leave their bag of garbage behind thinking somebody will come by and pick it up?

  • @m4vr1ck
    @m4vr1ck 2 года назад

    Gas stations all have trashcans just pull up to one and you can grab a quick snack for the road they are literally everywhere plus you can go pee real quick and they are literally everywhere or you can keep a trash bag in the car and dump it when you get home or at a destination even in my truck I still do this even if I have a full tank and don't need to fill up.

  • @RafaelbySuzannah
    @RafaelbySuzannah 3 года назад +1

    There's a wonderful Italian restaurant define comforting they they have really small tesla charging ports smaller than anything we showed. What's interesting also is there a shopping mall a little one there were two parking spots for charging and it's Tesla friend Lee so if you have your adapter and there was a little blue Tesla and a woman walked up and took the hose out of the Tesla leaving the adapter in the charging port stayed up and she put it in her dodge bolt which was parked on the opposite side charge it for a while and then put it back in the Tesla....I don't know if she asked for permission to do that or not but clearly obviously security for tesla charging port is clearly better than using one with an adapter do you have any thoughts please let me know

    • @RafaelbySuzannah
      @RafaelbySuzannah 3 года назад

      Hi there terrible typos so anything "you showed" I voice dictate So I guess it's hard to decipher and I just don't have the strength to proofread and from my iPhone it will not let me edit or delete

  • @johnpoldo8817
    @johnpoldo8817 3 года назад +1

    Excellent video. You missed a special case and maybe could include it in another video. It is the SC handicap space. I don’t know if all SC’s have them, but many do. If all standard stalls are busy, do you pull into the vacant handicap stall? I believe there is controversy here.
    I believe you can use the handicap stall, but only if you stay with the vehicle watching for another Tesla with a handicap tag. If that vehicle appeared, I would relinquish my space for them. When charging at a handicap space, I’ve never seen a handicap driver need it. Numerous Tesla drivers bypass the handicap space and wait in line. When asked why they don’t use it, some claim they fear a citation. I think if you relinquished the space promptly, most cops would not give you a citation.

    • @guccijules
      @guccijules 3 года назад

      I'm handicapped, and that makes total sense to me.

    • @cyndernight2422
      @cyndernight2422 3 года назад

      Tesla driver, WITH a handicap permit :)

    • @johnpoldo8817
      @johnpoldo8817 3 года назад

      @@cyndernight2422 Please help me understand YT better. I received an email of your comment with a picture. But same picture does not appear on YT. Why? How did you attach picture to comment? Is there a setting to show comment pictures in YT? TKS

  • @MrFedjy
    @MrFedjy 3 года назад

    Very good content since i am a new tesla 3 owner and. Really appreciate the information Sir.

  • @palmbeachketoers6557
    @palmbeachketoers6557 3 года назад +2

    What an informative video. Good to know!!

  • @gust9464
    @gust9464 3 года назад +2

    So true about the trash! Another thing I don’t understand is some people just leave the charger cable on the floor & not hang it back on the charger. 😡 Do the urban chargers have the same affect on your battery as much as the Gen 2 & V3 ? 🤔

    • @rcole1175
      @rcole1175 3 года назад +2

      No. They all delivere 72 KW max.

    • @wardsworldwelcometoit
      @wardsworldwelcometoit 3 года назад +2

      The charger on the floor could have been a sign it’s not working... When a charger is not working 2 rules are out there: (1) let the cable just hang on the ground (2) tie it in a knot ... I’ve tied a couple since the first just looks like it fell off. 👍🏼👍🏼

    • @gust9464
      @gust9464 3 года назад +1

      @@wardsworldwelcometoit I hear ya, it definitely worked because someone used it 🤷🏽

  • @rdsieben
    @rdsieben 2 года назад

    It would be nice to see portable kiosks at remote charging stations.

  • @parikksit
    @parikksit 3 года назад

    great! Good to know before getting into it on how the etiquettes work.

  • @Samuelkings
    @Samuelkings 2 года назад

    This was very informational, getting my model 3 in 5 days, thank you very much :)

  • @slippyg
    @slippyg 3 года назад

    This should be a mandatory read and sign