I’m Muslim, can confirm he’s talking facts. Most religious people don’t have a clue about what the books actually say. Especially the abrahamic religions. They have been interpreted wrongly. The Quran tells us that Allah is closer to us than our jugular vein, and that the whole universe is inside the human being but they know not. There’s the clue. God is within us not outside. We are all God split into different personalities and go through a stage of forgetting. This is why Islam says Allah is one, and everything is joined to Allah. Allah is pure consciousness, Allah creates through imagination as all consciousness needs to do to create us think. God split into tiny fractals and each one of those fractals is us. God is experiencing Gods own creation through his creation. Us! In other words we are all part of God and we create our own realities brought the power of our imagination and creative thought. Allah tells us this world is not real and only an illusion, like a simulation. The only thing that’s real is consciousness
What im confused about is when the bible said i am god and you should have no other gods. If God is a spirit then how can he become jealous. Wouldnt you have to be in the flesh to have the feeling of jealousy
Same thoughts on this and about a bunch of other shit they told me when I was in bible school, I always thought the stories were weird and fucked up, I was cool on the shit didn't make sense
The creator is the imagination of living souls. When you let other people tell you what to think that is the definition of having other gods before you.
I am a woman Christian born, like the brothers I had too many questions! My journey has been awesome bc I have went backwards and found myself here! The he information has help me innerstand many spiritual experiences! Thank you very much for all of the knowledge and wisdom gratitude
“It’s” language. You can’t put a gender on pure consciousness and energy frequency lol. The human way of thinking and understanding can only apply and go so far y’know
The god within you speaks, the words, and the wisdom comes with the knowledge, and that is a true power the one who speaks the one who says, what’s on his or her mind to change the narrative to seek the narrative, blessings to all peace to the true Afrocentrics The guy with you speaks, the words, and the wisdom comes with knowledge that is a true t who speaks the one who says, what’s on his or her mind to change the narrative to his or her liking don’t grunt to doubt
Why you think JESUS is the word. He has the right words when you repent you get the right words. That's not a spell. Thats releases you from the spell of the wrong words
@@manuelshaul9244 im not sure how to approach that opinion.... its said that the beginnin word is God, im sure "God" is a word that came after many cultures, but the point is that the creator spoke its own name and creation came about, so the creators name is the word used to create, other words must do different things therefore they are considered spells, correct me if im wrong but Jesus name was originally Emmanuel
Ok this is what i found: The word Emmanuel translates to “God is with us.” Matthew recalls the messianic prophecy from Isaiah 7:14 and states that its ultimate fulfillment is found in Mary’s Son: “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel” (Matt. 1:23).
Yes these brothers have some knowledge. I've never heard anyone break down the word meaning of Anunnaki like that. So were the Anunnaki the Atlantians and if so do they know where Atlantis was located. Old maps have the Americas as Atlantis.
Evolve too what? If humans reincarnate over & over again with memories wiped out how can you evolve starting from a blank page in every incarnation? It's most likely souls are being harvested for energy by the aliens controlling this realm
The language of God is love the love is also a vibration. For the scriptures says it is impossible to know God without love for God is love. So many will never understand because their vibration is off and will never understand. There can be false gods like nature gods , gods for water gods for nature, gods for money etc
To all people of all religions and personal beliefs in the divine. Is it possible man cannot comprehend "god". If so can we trust the writings and words of man?
Because in some cultures people claim that God is a tree or God is a statue God is a false idol or God is an image that somebody painted and many different cultures, so God is reiterating in the Quran that I’m above all these things I am the most high.
In the Quran, when God mentions, he is the most high we Muslims know, and he states in the Quran that he’s above all the false gods, and the things that people human beings associate to God and that makes perfect sense
We are in search of God and its not hard because it is very close to us if we all take our time to know it the world would be different then we can travel to different dimensions and would be able to visit just like we can travel to other continent around the globe
Goddessence is more supreme than god but such is life.... True power is bothered by whether or not it is revered, god is a joke on the masses.... You spend 9 months in your mom only to come out thanking some invisible pp in the sky.... god is really Adolabroth aka Gadre'el... And on top of him reigns the true Goddessence known as Sophia(Pistis Sophia)... Don't forget too that jesucks I mean jesus is really Oserapis(Osiris + Apis) later on known as Serapis. Yet the term jesus didn't hit the stage till about 1620 so y'all really worshipping Zeus/Iupiter(Jupiter)... Even the Spanish folks say jesus as Hay-Zeus.... It couldn't be more obvious.... A Ptolemaic deity invented by Coptic priests to pacify the greeks who had invaded Egypt/Kemet and wished to be worshipped by the Egyptians.... Shout out Arius, the real Arian who saw through all the BS... All these religions are relics of the past, do your research and get informed.... The realest spirichuality lies within.... These religions are carrying around crumbs and broken promises... Satan is an Egyptian God. Respected just as much as the others. You need to embrace the Darkside. Don't be fooled by these European concepts of so called spirituality through the religions they have fostered.... Many of which they learned via the Kemetans/AfriKans/Egyptians..... SET. Source of the name Satan. The Kamite God SET was the God of Drought, Darkness, Negativity. "SET gives name to Satan as 'Set-an': 'SET'.... is the destructive power and 'an' in the Egyptian language is a mark of emphasis." Heru(Horus) bound SET in chains. Knowledge is power. The bible is a joke on the subconscious if you don't pick up it's metaphysical aspects that they have purposely put forth, so out of touch with the real ancient 'Mysteries'. You have the right to remain deceived..... It's your life... Hail Satan and the DARKSIDE..... The darkness gave birth to the light so I'll rock on in the darkness.... Shout out to.... Bro Panic Dr Phil Valentine Bro C. Freeman El Dr Josef Ben-Jochannan Amen Ra KamKam Dr Khallid Muhammad Dr Ann Brown Dr Delbert Blair Dr Timothy Owens Moore Dr Malachi Z York Dr Chancellor Williams Jordan Maxwell Dr Ivan Van Sertima Richard D King MD Rev Ray Hagins Zoe Williams Young Pharaoh PapaDuck Runoko Rashidi Dr Walter Williams Grand Sheik Taj Tarik Bey Bill Donahue Bobby Hemmitt Cheikh Anta Diop Shahrazad Ali Gabriel Oyibo Kwame Ture Amos Wilson Marimba Ani Booker T. Coleman Williams Mackey Rod Hayes
With that being said how you know that the English translation is incorrect cuz the letter j didn't exist until 1524 so how n the H his name was translated to Jesus
Why "him" vs a "her"? Most ppl are afraid of math and public speaking. Maybe that is why there is such a disconnect from Conciousness. Also, math is a universal language but in actuality, there are so many books of MATHEMATICS missing, so we still are handicapped here because of the missing math books🤔
@@jdilla999 ya mammy don't research. El-lo-him has three different syllables that represent singular expressions of thought according to the Latin root words that they come from.
@@bryanharris7479My Mammy???? How old are you???? Anyway again The word or title GOD is poorly translated from the Aramic (Hebrew) Eloheem or Elohim. It has been misinterpreted as SINGULAR. According to Hebrew Strongs Concordance #430 ELOHEEM אֱלֹהִים meaning "THESE BEINGS, RULERS, JUDGES, GODS." Eloheem is plural, it's spelled with the Hebrew letters Aleph-Lamed-He-Yod-Mem. Anytime you add a "YOD (י) & MEM (ם)" or "IM" to a Hebrew word it shows the plural form. Again #430 Elohim is more than one #410 EL. Just like in Arabic you have Allah or Ilah one & aalihaat is more than one Ilah. Not only that Elohim/Eloheem is a neuter noun (Feminine/Masculine).
@@bryanharris7479 here's more facts: Elohim Etymologyq1 Elohim a name of God in the Bible, c. 1600, from Hebrew, 👉🏿plural (of majesty?) of Eloh "God" (cognate with Allah), a word of unknown etymology, perhaps an augmentation of El "God," also of unknown origin. Generally taken as singular, the use of this word instead of Yahveh is taken by biblical scholars as an important clue to authorship in the Old Testament, hence Elohist (1862; Elohistic is from 1841), title of the supposed writer of passages of the Pentateuch where the word is used. Etymology of Allah according to Online Etymology Dictionary: Allah Arabic name for the Supreme Being, 1702, Alha, from Arabic Allah, contraction of al-Ilah, literally "the God," from al "the" + Ilah "God,"which is cognate with Aramaic elah, Hebrew eloah (see Elohim). "Eloheem is The Plural of the word Eloh - aramic - , A Definition given from A Hebrew Dictionary Entitled '' A Concise Statement Of The Principle Of Hebrew Grammar '' By Edward G . Mitchell , States that Eloheem is a 👉🏿 Plural Tense of the word Eloh - aramic - and it is used with God and Goddesses." Again here you go: 1. EL - Any individual, God 2. ELOH -Any individual, God 3. ELOHIM - A Group of EL'S, ELOH'S or YHWH's GODS 1. EL (AL) - The word EL or AL is an old demonstrative Pronoun slightly pointing out a thing. The following definition have been taken from "The Concise Statement Of The Principles Of Hebrew Grammar" published by Edward G. Mitchell, to describe EL. EL - EL is used in a sense of The Creator being the Almighty Creator. It literally means strong, power, might one. AL - AL means "The". Its a Definite Article pointing out a certain thing. The name of Allah is made up of this definite Article AL or the & the pronoun Lahu or "For Him." 2. Elowah - is a derivative of the word EL. It comes from the Ancient form of this word. This word has become obsolete in the Hebrew language & corresponds with the Arabic word Alaha or Ilaahi. Allahumma - Allahumma is the plural for the word Allah. The plural "Hum" is a representation of the Creator & his Angelic Beings, also Allah & all his attributes. The attributes called Asma (Psalms 67:5, 68:7, 71:17, 72:1, Quraan 3:26, 5:117, 8:32, 10:10). Strong's Exhaustive Concordance angels, exceeding, God, very great, mighty 👉🏿Plural of 'elowahh; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative -- angels, X exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty. Research 👍🏿
Nobody's wrong nobody's right you have to take all the teachings put them together and then decern what don't make sence and remove it because he speaks through us but we also manipulate
I pray for the lost, this is sad how much smarter man has but yet how dumb they are we’ve become to worldly minded and lost sight of the supernatural even though we feel it in our spirit
The us and our is God, he is 3 persons 1 God he made us in his image. Mind, body, soul. That’s why we also can speak things into existence and imagine things.
@@jdilla999 bro your literally a trinity🤦🏾♂️ you have mind, body, and soul but your one person. The first book of the Bible describes God in the same manner. Even atheist and other beliefs believe we are mind, body and soul. It’s literally common sense, which clearly isn’t common anymore🤦🏾♂️.
@@jdilla999 your on your way to hell, y your own hand, you clearly don’t want God to exist🤦🏾♂️ it’s sad and scary. Jesus is the way the truth and the light. The only man to die to rise back to life.
The Seven Thunders-Seven Plagues from The Holy Tablets by Dr. Malachi Z .York The Seven Thunders "The Seven Plagues" The Seven thunders have been recorded by the ancient for thousand of years by the Hopis, the Yamassee, and the Nuwaubians, have logged these thunders as a sign of the coming of a new planet, "Nibiru", the coming in of a new era, the sign of the end of the present world rule by evil, and the resurrection of the ancient mysteries of Egypt, Atlantis rising again in the heart of Georgia, in a place called Wahanee. These Signs are the signs of the times, recorded by the Ancient Neteru of Ancient Egypt, and Passed down through time. They are called the thunders, or the plagues. First Thunders: Much starvation, sickness, starving children, homelessness, and diseases. This already passed and continues. Second Thunders: The sky becomes sick with holes in it, that look like sores, lung disease spreads, breathing problems occur, green mist coming from holes, polluting water, growing deformities, bacteria in the water (little devils), sea animals begin to die, fishes are trying to get out of the water, water becomes death to them. physical and spiritual illness, mutations in animals. third Thunder: Many new species notations in animals, cross breeding in species, death of frogs, honey bees, turtles, deformed human multiply, genetic splicing, and cloning. Fourth Thunder: Sign of twins, Yah and Weh, one guards that south pole, and the other guards the north pole. Havoc begins with these poles, structures break down, Religion, Moral and Financial. The Devil winds "El Nino" Takes over. Fifth Thunder: 4 Great People will perish. Floods, lightning storms, tornadoes, land slides, hurricanes, hail in the summer, forest fires, children killing children, Children killing their parents rampant insanity and murders, and upsurge in drug addiction, and demonic revivals parading themselves as righteous. El Nina, "Little Girl Will Come." Sixth Thunder: Changes Occur, The Star People return. Signs in the skies, New Planets, new galaxies, Meteorite Storms, Climatic Alterations, global warming, Spiritual Revivals, presence Of Divine, Disregard and Respect for Present For World Governments, leadership, politics. Seventh Thunder: The end of the world as you know it. The Year 2030 Gregorian Calendar #Freedryork
Gospel simply means "the good news"....see this is the low levels of intelligence these conversation bring, first off knowledge is acquired by those who seek truth and next these Annunaki beings are said to live for thousands of years that means there are not God(creator). God or the creator is something we cannot understand to this day. Annunaki is something to do with Marduk Sumerian God and his sons(creations) Enki and Enlil story a bunch of none-sense and mythology like many other stories of religions in the world it is same as Zeus, Oden, Oshun, Ogun and Anu etc. it is the same person or entity known around the world by different names as the bible suggest and always ties into these stories of historical figures who had made it seem as though they were a God(creator). Why God(creator) said "let us make man in our image and likeness" it is simply saying whoever or whatever force created us mankind was not alone in our creation but there are other entities or creatures created by the same God as it is written in Bible God created Lucifer and he was in charge of many other creatures created by God and Lucifer also controlled mankind and then he said he shall ascend the stars and become like the "Most High God" you guys speak english but cannot interpret the language properly that is your lack of knowledge, these guys need to go to Ethiopia-south africa and understand themselves, there you will find the oldest languages and cultures in the world and they will tell you the truth about history. Ofcourse we were never alone in the universe but all the nonesense they teaching these days when i think we should know much more by this age and with all the technology available it is time for us all to acknowledge how man got the capacity to do these things when some of us believe we evolved 100, 000 years ago....lmfao!!!...mankind has not evolved an iota since creation, e.g. these two guys came out of nowhere and some simple men are calling them Gods because of their little knowledge of history and mythology....smh im not impressed. the u.f.o.'s(Ezekiel's wheel) are God's other creations to watch you simply man and people, like how foolish were those ancient ancestors that we thought built pyramids worldwide and now we know nothing and dont even speak the language??/. better think again. God(the creator and his helpers) built these pyramids and things to show man and people how great and knowledgeable and powerful the creator of us all and the u.f.o's. there are no such things as aliens but there are many beings created by God and they are not following God's instructions just like many human beings even pastors and so-called holy men and women disobey God's(the creator) rules As long as the mainstream pushes that idea about Aliens from another planet or place it cannot be a reality, nothing but Hogwash!!! Everything is right here on Earth this realm this reality. God is here too!!!
But Get back to your Magick and Come From Under The Go Spell and See how your life would be perfect. A lot of fake friends will disappear, but only because it is to protect you and because they will not be able to control and manipulate you anymore. That demonic implanted desire to seek a false god would be destroyed. An example is that Jesus is just the Hierophant, The Great Magician. Be the Christ That You Were Born To Be and Heal Your People. By the way, there are no such thing as UFO, unidentified? According to who's ignorance or limited understanding. I can sense your zeal to learn and understand. Great thing. Let your Soul (Sol) guide you.@@JahYute85
Because many spirits left heaven with satan. All with their own agenda, Satan never told them follow me. He literally said we all can do what we want, be our own gods. 1/3 of the heavenly body left with him. The first rule of the satanic body is “do as thou wilt is the whole of the law” satan. Just like the first words he spoke to Eve he said eat the fruit and become just like God🤦🏾♂️ need homage already was made to be just like God. Satan is a slick talking serpent tongue evil lying murderer.
For those in the Christian faith, saying the “Heavenly fathers jealousy is not the same as our “Human” jealousy,”this is a prime example of how religion is a scape goat for/of all of the evil that takes place in the world. Jealousy is jealousy, envy is envy, sin is sin. There is no excuse for, “He” sees fit and it’s all just that’s more like programmed favoritism. Continue to seek knowledge of all sources, what you scared for, be your own barometer ‼️
God didn't speak no language shut the stupid up, don't nobody speak or do shit but us, and we aint doing, nor speaking a damn thing, and thats the damn problem. I'm tired of this shit, everybody shit , I get tired of people talking about God like he's a human being, because if he is, then he should speak specifically right damn now.😡 I'm tired of everybody and their bullshit.
@@She_iswise Allah created all languages??? Which "ALLAH" created all languages? What language did Allah (?) speak in the Garden with Adam (Zakar/Kadmon) & Eve (Nekaybaw/Hawwah)? Making fun of Egypt I see little do you know if it wasn't for Egypt you wouldn't have the religion Islaam (Quran). So yes going BACKWARDS to the QRIGINATOR is logical 👍🏿
@@jdilla999 Islam is the first religion given to mankind. Jinns have corrupted the teachings to misguide us. Quran 30:22 And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your languages and colours. Surely in this are signs for those of ˹sound˺ knowledge.
@@jdilla999 Quran 10:90-92 90 We brought the Children of Israel across the sea. Then Pharaoh and his soldiers pursued them unjustly and oppressively. But as Pharaoh was drowning, he cried out, “I believe that there is no god except that in whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am ˹now˺ one of those who submit.” 91 ˹He was told,˺ “Now ˹you believe˺? But you always disobeyed and were one of the corruptors. 92 👉 Today We will preserve your corpse 👈 so that you may become an example for those who come after you. And surely most people are heedless of Our examples!”
I get what he's saying about language but his explanation of the bible and random scripture from genesis is rubbish and comparing anu the sumerian deity with the father from the bible is a borderline blasphemy. Anu was an avatar of the biblical Satan, not the creator father of heaven. There was no such thing as aliens coming to earth in spaceships. Smh.
Obviously you don't know another name or title for ANU (AN) in the Torah, Bible & Quraan are EL, Elyown EL, YHWH, Allah, Theos etc. Anu (An) can be found in Genesis 10:10 under #3641 Calneh (Fortress of Anu) etc.
@@jdilla999 The scriptures say the devil masquerades as an angel of light. Yet no one today is confusing Satan with the likes of angels such as Gabriel, Michael, etc.... don't get lost in translation and philosophy. Satans main goal is to usurp the authority of God and bare his title as father or God yet they are not the same. If you didn't figure this out by now idk if I can help you. The devil has had many avatars the Assyrian, Sumerian, and other mesopotamian deities were nothing more than elaborate incarnations of Satan. All the way to babylon and pretty much every other civilization. He's Zeus to the Greeks, he's Saturn to the Romans, he's Thor and Odin to the nords, he's Indra to the Hindus, etc....he was Marduk in Sumeria and Bel to the babylonians. His temple was erected in babylon as a ziggurat known as the "house of heaven" for the fact that since the beginning he has been trying to emulate his rule as the highest and above God. See the phony for what he is. Don't make provisions for his existence being synonymous with the creator of heaven and earth.
@@gabrieltrevizo6088umm I didn't delete anything. Again if you believe in the Biblical God/Gods (Good/Bad), Angels (Good/Bad) then by right YOU believe in Extraterrestrials/Aliens by definition smh
Maybe next time you two read doctrine read entire passages through. Take the time to complete the entire verse or surah and then you can challenge the material within. Over half of your video displays circular thinking or you just completely missing the context behind the material under review.
I was listening to your break down of the annunaki and as I was watching saw there “shooting stars” come downward into earth’s atmosphere in Atlanta Ga
May I also add to this in relation to language. Language carries 1 Dimension, meaning of language controls the direction of thought and, thus, the way we Think.
For us Akans the word Na = grandmother, of Nana = grandparent, elder, now can be a name. Nana can also be referenced to God in prayer Nun/Nut or Nwu as it is in Akan = cold Shu or Shuw as it is in Akan = heat Ra/Re in Akan is Wia, Wi means the sun Most of our clans all end in “na” such as Aduana Ekuona Asona Agona Aduana being the eldest represented by a dog with fire in its mouth. In some ways what they call Anu could be Adu.
Raahubaat Zamal, was wondering do you have the book "Who was the Serpent in the Garden in Genesis 3? I can send you my info (cashapp/address for payment)
@@NtombizodwaZodwa-nr6il words from The Master Teacher Dr. Malachi Z York on the "Holy Communion": "Eucharist is symbolic of Human Sacrifices. They use the Bread & Wine in the Catholic Church as well as other Churches. Symbolically the wine is the blood of Christ & the bread is the body of Christ. In Ancient Babylon the Babylonians would make Sacrifices to the deity Baal for humans to Sacrifice their children to their Gods. It still takes place, especially in Satanic rituals today. On Thanksgiving or your family Barbecue, where your Barbecue symbolizes the Blood. Abraham in the Bible was told to Sacrifice his son Genesis 22:9-10, same can be found in the Quraan 37:102-107."
ALL so-called black people are descendants of the Anunnaki god species. Our ancestors NEVER used words before this planet was invaded and conquered. They used telepathy to communicate with each other and hieroglyphs to teach. It was the Moors who created the alpha-beta system for the humans because they were not capable of using telepathy to communicate with the gods. After the planet was conquered the Elite humans banned the teaching of hieroglyphs and began to create their own words for negative purposes. They started teaching us how to read, write, and spell, hence spell casting.
Love how he shows how they breakdown their own lies with their words....most of us thinkers always have been dumbfounded by these so called religious businesses. 😮
Anybody who knows anything about God and Christ know that God in Christ spoke hebrew. The world was created with the Hebrew tongue. Acts 26:14-15 King James Version 14 And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. 15 And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.
"Have no other Gods before me" can also mean "have no other idols before me". There is only one God and he made His name known to Moses. The Most High is called Ahayah which means I AM. His son Christ is called Yeshua which means SALVATION, and not jesus which means hail zeus in latin. The letter j didn't exist until 1524. Love! Hosea chapter4 verse 6 "My people parish for a lack of knowledge, because thou hast rejected knowledge, i will also reject thee" #knowledgeispower #Yeshua #everythingmustberevealed #secondcoming #endtimes #love
There's many Gods of the Torah/Bible, Quraan. The Bible starts off as a PLUAL In Genesis 1:1 with the word #430 Elohim meaning "Gods, Rulers, Judges, These or those beings". The #430 Elohim are the "US, Our" of Genesis 1:26....Research 👍🏿
I know the ones who are not Christian and doesn't have a sense of knowing who God truly is. Will find this interesting to suit their conscience and lack of knowledge of the true honest God which is found in Christ 😊
Wisdom comes with knowledge, inside you,its an internal journey. Not external. Hohma..wisdom plus Bina...understanding = knowledge. One without other its not possible. Once the word ,left your mouth...its like a bird in the sky,you separated your self from your source,bcz u not one with him. True knowledge its in silence, its in the moment, that is why ,,silence its god language,, . My brother your earthy mind confuses you, God its not what you think ,what u say it is. We shoud see God...as cualities and properties of the ether. There is no God language, bcz when you say that your language its the oldest ,u falling in duality. Its only inside cualities and properties ,which u need to change ,angage in it in order to move. To know God,, its to nit only know your self, its to create your self,to transform...and that is inside you its an internal...metafisic journey. Whatever you know needs to be applied in this,,malhut ,,in this world...otherwise your knowledge it useless. Needs to transform you, you need to come to your ,,initial factory settings,,...languages its an invention of the antiworld,its a downgrade of consciousness, and when I argue with u whos language its older,we devided,we vibrate on the same low frequencies...and here its the main moment...in this conditions..no knowledge will be reviled to you,bcz u going against cualities of the ether...FREEDOM of CHOICE.
I’m Muslim, can confirm he’s talking facts. Most religious people don’t have a clue about what the books actually say. Especially the abrahamic religions. They have been interpreted wrongly.
The Quran tells us that Allah is closer to us than our jugular vein, and that the whole universe is inside the human being but they know not.
There’s the clue. God is within us not outside. We are all God split into different personalities and go through a stage of forgetting. This is why Islam says Allah is one, and everything is joined to Allah.
Allah is pure consciousness, Allah creates through imagination as all consciousness needs to do to create us think.
God split into tiny fractals and each one of those fractals is us. God is experiencing Gods own creation through his creation. Us!
In other words we are all part of God and we create our own realities brought the power of our imagination and creative thought.
Allah tells us this world is not real and only an illusion, like a simulation. The only thing that’s real is consciousness
@jayleo4554 that's a deep statement
Don’t believe in Islam. Believe in Orthodoxy, the truth. ☦️
Your spot on but what's confusing is how are you still a Muslim then?
@@elliotsober7042 facts
What kind of fake Muslim are you?? 😂
These are amongst some of the best talks I've come across in a long time. Thanks for sharing.
What im confused about is when the bible said i am god and you should have no other gods. If God is a spirit then how can he become jealous. Wouldnt you have to be in the flesh to have the feeling of jealousy
Same thoughts on this and about a bunch of other shit they told me when I was in bible school, I always thought the stories were weird and fucked up, I was cool on the shit didn't make sense
Okay then just hv ur freaking own will do ur thing! Stop mixing the heavenly Father with ur emotions smh
U guys want to understand the Bible from ur corny minds , u can only get The Father words when u hv the holy Spirit
The creator is the imagination of living souls. When you let other people tell you what to think that is the definition of having other gods before you.
@@coMment_herOeshit that hocus pocus Protestant bs up
I am a woman Christian born, like the brothers I had too many questions! My journey has been awesome bc I have went backwards and found myself here! The he information has help me innerstand many spiritual experiences! Thank you very much for all of the knowledge and wisdom gratitude
His language is a state of VIBRATION. ENERGY WAVE LENGTH
Can you believe how stupid people are to believe this BS.
“It’s” language. You can’t put a gender on pure consciousness and energy frequency lol. The human way of thinking and understanding can only apply and go so far y’know
It’s more sound then “words”
Words create feelings/emotions = frequency = vibration
The language...
The god within you speaks, the words, and the wisdom comes with the knowledge, and that is a true power the one who speaks the one who says, what’s on his or her mind to change the narrative to seek the narrative, blessings to all peace to the true Afrocentrics The guy with you speaks, the words, and the wisdom comes with knowledge that is a true t who speaks the one who says, what’s on his or her mind to change the narrative to his or her liking don’t grunt to doubt
Man Im so glad I found your channel. Brilliance!
"Enlightening,Knowledge is power."
man this interview is so so refreshing. I"ve been looking for more of this brother since i seen it.
Finally finally finally! Our eyes are opening up. You can tell from this clip he's just scatching the surface. Thanks for sharing brother! 👍🏽
They got it! Im impressed at da break down clarity, xcellent wrk!
Why you think JESUS is the word. He has the right words when you repent you get the right words. That's not a spell. Thats releases you from the spell of the wrong words
@@manuelshaul9244 im not sure how to approach that opinion.... its said that the beginnin word is God, im sure "God" is a word that came after many cultures, but the point is that the creator spoke its own name and creation came about, so the creators name is the word used to create, other words must do different things therefore they are considered spells, correct me if im wrong but Jesus name was originally Emmanuel
@@2kalmthesun28nah I think it was Yeshua
O ok, wonder where Emmanuel cane from 🤔
Ok this is what i found: The word Emmanuel translates to “God is with us.” Matthew recalls the messianic prophecy from Isaiah 7:14 and states that its ultimate fulfillment is found in Mary’s Son: “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel” (Matt. 1:23).
This channel resonates with me.❤..thankyou.
Give these brother Kings their own show please 👁️🤎💪🏾🧠🌠🍃🌎🕯️👑🌹
"Str8 Gems", I LOVE IT!!
I agree
They need to be on stage there's one leaving in a while
PLEASE 🙏 🙏 🙏
Yes these brothers have some knowledge. I've never heard anyone break down the word meaning of Anunnaki like that. So were the Anunnaki the Atlantians and if so do they know where Atlantis was located. Old maps have the Americas as Atlantis.
We here to evolve
Evolve too what?
If humans reincarnate over & over again with memories wiped out how can you evolve starting from a blank page in every incarnation?
It's most likely souls are being harvested for energy by the aliens controlling this realm
This is has a lot of knowledge keep bringing the truth bruh 🦾 💯
I'm so glad these truths are finally being shared with us. Thank you for bringing this information to us.
There are levels of thought, reason, and sight. Knowledge and wisdom are not the same.
The only God that matters in this life , is YOURSELF-within.
🎯 nobody innerstands that though
The language of God is love the love is also a vibration. For the scriptures says it is impossible to know God without love for God is love. So many will never understand because their vibration is off and will never understand. There can be false gods like nature gods , gods for water gods for nature, gods for money etc
Are you white?
To all people of all religions and personal beliefs in the divine. Is it possible man cannot comprehend "god". If so can we trust the writings and words of man?
The Creator speaks the language that you named Him by.
Because in some cultures people claim that God is a tree or God is a statue God is a false idol or God is an image that somebody painted and many different cultures, so God is reiterating in the Quran that I’m above all these things I am the most high.
In the Quran, when God mentions, he is the most high we Muslims know, and he states in the Quran that he’s above all the false gods, and the things that people human beings associate to God and that makes perfect sense
English is definitely witch language.
I am god.... do any of yous get it? 😂
And your casting spells 🪄. Exactly what you do .
Islam is satanic
Gostei muito dessa forma de ver essa questão tem muito sentido o que é dito bom trabalho 😁🇵🇹
We are in search of God and its not hard because it is very close to us if we all take our time to know it the world would be different then we can travel to different dimensions and would be able to visit just like we can travel to other continent around the globe
We human race dnt know God that's why we behind on evolution
Yeah you spell words. And spell it a word. But how is word a spell?
Yah is more of a sound than a “word” that’s why we can’t pronounce it. This spelling has played tricks on us!
Goddessence is more supreme than god but such is life.... True power is bothered by whether or not it is revered, god is a joke on the masses.... You spend 9 months in your mom only to come out thanking some invisible pp in the sky....
god is really Adolabroth aka Gadre'el... And on top of him reigns the true Goddessence known as Sophia(Pistis Sophia)... Don't forget too that jesucks I mean jesus is really Oserapis(Osiris + Apis) later on known as Serapis. Yet the term jesus didn't hit the stage till about 1620 so y'all really worshipping Zeus/Iupiter(Jupiter)... Even the Spanish folks say jesus as Hay-Zeus.... It couldn't be more obvious.... A Ptolemaic deity invented by Coptic priests to pacify the greeks who had invaded Egypt/Kemet and wished to be worshipped by the Egyptians.... Shout out Arius, the real Arian who saw through all the BS... All these religions are relics of the past, do your research and get informed.... The realest spirichuality lies within.... These religions are carrying around crumbs and broken promises...
Satan is an Egyptian God. Respected just as much as the others. You need to embrace the Darkside. Don't be fooled by these European concepts of so called spirituality through the religions they have fostered.... Many of which they learned via the Kemetans/AfriKans/Egyptians.....
SET. Source of the name Satan. The Kamite God SET was the God of Drought, Darkness, Negativity. "SET gives name to Satan as 'Set-an': 'SET'.... is the destructive power and 'an' in the Egyptian language is a mark of emphasis." Heru(Horus) bound SET in chains.
Knowledge is power. The bible is a joke on the subconscious if you don't pick up it's metaphysical aspects that they have purposely put forth, so out of touch with the real ancient 'Mysteries'.
You have the right to remain deceived..... It's your life...
Hail Satan and the DARKSIDE..... The darkness gave birth to the light so I'll rock on in the darkness....
Shout out to....
Bro Panic
Dr Phil Valentine
Bro C. Freeman El
Dr Josef Ben-Jochannan
Amen Ra KamKam
Dr Khallid Muhammad
Dr Ann Brown
Dr Delbert Blair
Dr Timothy Owens Moore
Dr Malachi Z York
Dr Chancellor Williams
Jordan Maxwell
Dr Ivan Van Sertima
Richard D King MD
Rev Ray Hagins
Zoe Williams
Young Pharaoh
Runoko Rashidi
Dr Walter Williams
Grand Sheik Taj Tarik Bey
Bill Donahue
Bobby Hemmitt
Cheikh Anta Diop
Shahrazad Ali
Gabriel Oyibo
Kwame Ture
Amos Wilson
Marimba Ani
Booker T. Coleman
Williams Mackey
Rod Hayes
With that being said how you know that the English translation is incorrect cuz the letter j didn't exist until 1524 so how n the H his name was translated to Jesus
His language is mathematics (universal law and order).
In other words , old English
@@marahthonmeeh9625 The english are nothing more than colonizers with EXTRA bad teeth.
Why "him" vs a "her"? Most ppl are afraid of math and public speaking. Maybe that is why there is such a disconnect from Conciousness. Also, math is a universal language but in actuality, there are so many books of MATHEMATICS missing, so we still are handicapped here because of the missing math books🤔
The most hi 👋.
The one who greets the most people with a kind gesture.😮
Elohim, (him is singular)😒
You ppl don't research lol
#430 Elohim is plural, the root of Elohim is #410 EL which is singular
@@jdilla999 ya mammy don't research. El-lo-him has three different syllables that represent singular expressions of thought according to the Latin root words that they come from.
@@bryanharris7479My Mammy???? How old are you????
Anyway again The word or title GOD is poorly translated from the Aramic (Hebrew) Eloheem or Elohim. It has been misinterpreted as SINGULAR. According to Hebrew Strongs Concordance #430 ELOHEEM אֱלֹהִים meaning "THESE BEINGS, RULERS, JUDGES, GODS." Eloheem is plural, it's spelled with the Hebrew letters Aleph-Lamed-He-Yod-Mem. Anytime you add a "YOD (י) & MEM (ם)" or "IM" to a Hebrew word it shows the plural form.
Again #430 Elohim is more than one #410 EL. Just like in Arabic you have Allah or Ilah one & aalihaat is more than one Ilah. Not only that Elohim/Eloheem is a neuter noun (Feminine/Masculine).
@@bryanharris7479 here's more facts:
Elohim Etymologyq1
a name of God in the Bible, c. 1600, from Hebrew, 👉🏿plural (of majesty?) of Eloh "God" (cognate with Allah), a word of unknown etymology, perhaps an augmentation of El "God," also of unknown origin. Generally taken as singular, the use of this word instead of Yahveh is taken by biblical scholars as an important clue to authorship in the Old Testament, hence Elohist (1862; Elohistic is from 1841), title of the supposed writer of passages of the Pentateuch where the word is used.
Etymology of Allah according to Online Etymology Dictionary:
Allah Arabic name for the Supreme Being, 1702, Alha, from Arabic Allah, contraction of al-Ilah, literally "the God," from al "the" + Ilah "God,"which is cognate with Aramaic elah, Hebrew eloah (see Elohim).
"Eloheem is The Plural of the word Eloh - aramic - , A Definition given from A Hebrew Dictionary Entitled '' A Concise Statement Of The Principle Of Hebrew Grammar '' By Edward G . Mitchell , States that Eloheem is a 👉🏿 Plural Tense of the word Eloh - aramic - and it is used with God and Goddesses."
Again here you go:
1. EL - Any individual, God
2. ELOH -Any individual, God
3. ELOHIM - A Group of EL'S, ELOH'S or YHWH's GODS
1. EL (AL) - The word EL or AL is an old demonstrative Pronoun slightly pointing out a thing. The following definition have been taken from "The Concise Statement Of The Principles Of Hebrew Grammar" published by Edward G. Mitchell, to describe EL.
EL - EL is used in a sense of The Creator being the Almighty Creator. It literally means strong, power, might one.
AL - AL means "The". Its a Definite Article pointing out a certain thing. The name of Allah is made up of this definite Article AL or the & the pronoun Lahu or "For Him."
2. Elowah - is a derivative of the word EL. It comes from the Ancient form of this word. This word has become obsolete in the Hebrew language & corresponds with the Arabic word Alaha or Ilaahi.
Allahumma - Allahumma is the plural for the word Allah. The plural "Hum" is a representation of the Creator & his Angelic Beings, also Allah & all his attributes. The attributes called Asma (Psalms 67:5, 68:7, 71:17, 72:1, Quraan 3:26, 5:117, 8:32, 10:10).
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
angels, exceeding, God, very great, mighty
👉🏿Plural of 'elowahh; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative -- angels, X exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.
Research 👍🏿
Woeeeee.. god in that clouds communicating to rhe children of Israel in a space ship.... yoooo i'm begging for more brothers, Lord have mercy....wow
Alpha Beta is Greek
EL is President 😉
The guy on the left won't stop making annoying noises with his throat. They should leave him off next time.
😄 it stresses me out
Nobody's wrong nobody's right you have to take all the teachings put them together and then decern what don't make sence and remove it because he speaks through us but we also manipulate
I pray for the lost, this is sad how much smarter man has but yet how dumb they are we’ve become to worldly minded and lost sight of the supernatural even though we feel it in our spirit
The us and our is God, he is 3 persons 1 God he made us in his image. Mind, body, soul. That’s why we also can speak things into existence and imagine things.
Please stop with the Trinity crap lol
@@jdilla999 bro your literally a trinity🤦🏾♂️ you have mind, body, and soul but your one person. The first book of the Bible describes God in the same manner. Even atheist and other beliefs believe we are mind, body and soul. It’s literally common sense, which clearly isn’t common anymore🤦🏾♂️.
@@jdilla999 your on your way to hell, y your own hand, you clearly don’t want God to exist🤦🏾♂️ it’s sad and scary. Jesus is the way the truth and the light. The only man to die to rise back to life.
@@tgreg9542 can you please provide scriptures that shows the Trinity?
@@tgreg9542 no scriptures (evidence)??? That means I'm right 👍🏿
The Seven Thunders-Seven Plagues from The Holy Tablets by Dr. Malachi Z .York
The Seven Thunders
"The Seven Plagues"
The Seven thunders have been recorded by the ancient for thousand of years by the Hopis, the Yamassee, and the Nuwaubians, have logged these thunders as a sign of the coming of a new planet, "Nibiru", the coming in of a new era, the sign of the end of the present world rule by evil, and the resurrection of the ancient mysteries of Egypt, Atlantis rising again in the heart of Georgia, in a place called Wahanee. These Signs are the signs of the times, recorded by the Ancient Neteru of Ancient Egypt, and Passed down through time. They are called the thunders, or the plagues.
First Thunders: Much starvation, sickness, starving children, homelessness, and diseases. This already passed and continues.
Second Thunders: The sky becomes sick with holes in it, that look like sores, lung disease spreads, breathing problems occur, green mist coming from holes, polluting water, growing deformities, bacteria in the water (little devils), sea animals begin to die, fishes are trying to get out of the water, water becomes death to them. physical and spiritual illness, mutations in animals.
third Thunder: Many new species notations in animals, cross breeding in species, death of frogs, honey bees, turtles, deformed human multiply, genetic splicing, and cloning.
Fourth Thunder: Sign of twins, Yah and Weh, one guards that south pole, and the other guards the north pole. Havoc begins with these poles, structures break down, Religion, Moral and Financial. The Devil winds "El Nino" Takes over.
Fifth Thunder: 4 Great People will perish. Floods, lightning storms, tornadoes, land slides, hurricanes, hail in the summer, forest fires, children killing children, Children killing their parents rampant insanity and murders, and upsurge in drug addiction, and demonic revivals parading themselves as righteous. El Nina, "Little Girl Will Come."
Sixth Thunder: Changes Occur, The Star People return. Signs in the skies, New Planets, new galaxies, Meteorite Storms, Climatic Alterations, global warming, Spiritual Revivals, presence Of Divine, Disregard and Respect for Present For World Governments, leadership, politics.
Seventh Thunder: The end of the world as you know it. The Year 2030 Gregorian Calendar
Amazing Knowledge being shared.. What is the name of these brothers.
Tray tray & Ron Ron
I like how he broke this down
How can one brain 🧠 whole all this knowledge unfathomable
It is all about magick, even before religion. Religion is the greatest spell ever cast, it is called the Go-Spell...
Gospel simply means "the good news"....see this is the low levels of intelligence these conversation bring, first off knowledge is acquired by those who seek truth and next these Annunaki beings are said to live for thousands of years that means there are not God(creator). God or the creator is something we cannot understand to this day. Annunaki is something to do with Marduk Sumerian God and his sons(creations) Enki and Enlil story a bunch of none-sense and mythology like many other stories of religions in the world it is same as Zeus, Oden, Oshun, Ogun and Anu etc. it is the same person or entity known around the world by different names as the bible suggest and always ties into these stories of historical figures who had made it seem as though they were a God(creator). Why God(creator) said "let us make man in our image and likeness" it is simply saying whoever or whatever force created us mankind was not alone in our creation but there are other entities or creatures created by the same God as it is written in Bible God created Lucifer and he was in charge of many other creatures created by God and Lucifer also controlled mankind and then he said he shall ascend the stars and become like the "Most High God" you guys speak english but cannot interpret the language properly that is your lack of knowledge, these guys need to go to Ethiopia-south africa and understand themselves, there you will find the oldest languages and cultures in the world and they will tell you the truth about history. Ofcourse we were never alone in the universe but all the nonesense they teaching these days when i think we should know much more by this age and with all the technology available it is time for us all to acknowledge how man got the capacity to do these things when some of us believe we evolved 100, 000 years ago....lmfao!!!...mankind has not evolved an iota since creation, e.g. these two guys came out of nowhere and some simple men are calling them Gods because of their little knowledge of history and mythology....smh im not impressed. the u.f.o.'s(Ezekiel's wheel) are God's other creations to watch you simply man and people, like how foolish were those ancient ancestors that we thought built pyramids worldwide and now we know nothing and dont even speak the language??/. better think again. God(the creator and his helpers) built these pyramids and things to show man and people how great and knowledgeable and powerful the creator of us all and the u.f.o's. there are no such things as aliens but there are many beings created by God and they are not following God's instructions just like many human beings even pastors and so-called holy men and women disobey God's(the creator) rules As long as the mainstream pushes that idea about Aliens from another planet or place it cannot be a reality, nothing but Hogwash!!! Everything is right here on Earth this realm this reality. God is here too!!!
God Never Leaves, Not even blinks.
But Get back to your Magick and Come From Under The Go Spell and See how your life would be perfect. A lot of fake friends will disappear, but only because it is to protect you and because they will not be able to control and manipulate you anymore. That demonic implanted desire to seek a false god would be destroyed. An example is that Jesus is just the Hierophant, The Great Magician. Be the Christ That You Were Born To Be and Heal Your People. By the way, there are no such thing as UFO, unidentified? According to who's ignorance or limited understanding. I can sense your zeal to learn and understand. Great thing. Let your Soul (Sol) guide you.@@JahYute85
😂😂😂😂😂😂 👁️ 🗣️ ( ua gelang ) ‼️🕶️🌊👓
The Sabeans! ruclips.net/video/qndMxatwhro/видео.html&start_radio=1&rv=MyaZikRn0d4
Right knowledge
Annunaki break down was damn good
All religions are interesting it's amazing how so many different cultures have their own system gods
Because many spirits left heaven with satan. All with their own agenda, Satan never told them follow me. He literally said we all can do what we want, be our own gods. 1/3 of the heavenly body left with him. The first rule of the satanic body is “do as thou wilt is the whole of the law” satan. Just like the first words he spoke to Eve he said eat the fruit and become just like God🤦🏾♂️ need homage already was made to be just like God. Satan is a slick talking serpent tongue evil lying murderer.
Not system gods 💀
Words are spells reason they say never speak certain things to existence, I read on another channel a guy was saying we shouldn't say good morning
Yes, "Grand rising" Instead of Good morning.
For similar reasons as not using "Hello" or "week".
For those in the Christian faith, saying the “Heavenly fathers jealousy is not the same as our “Human” jealousy,”this is a prime example of how religion is a scape goat for/of all of the evil that takes place in the world. Jealousy is jealousy, envy is envy, sin is sin. There is no excuse for, “He” sees fit and it’s all just that’s more like programmed favoritism. Continue to seek knowledge of all sources, what you scared for, be your own barometer ‼️
God didn't speak no language shut the stupid up, don't nobody speak or do shit but us, and we aint doing, nor speaking a damn thing, and thats the damn problem. I'm tired of this shit, everybody shit , I get tired of people talking about God like he's a human being, because if he is, then he should speak specifically right damn now.😡 I'm tired of everybody and their bullshit.
Imagination Guru
Thats all I have to say. Dude explains it and you will understand it.
How do you spell you guys language?
Nuwaupic or Sabaic (Sabaean)
False teachings
Prove them wrong
@@jdilla999 Allah created all languages 🙄 the title is ridiculous. Allah didn’t lead us out of Egypt for us to go back 😂
@@She_iswise Allah created all languages??? Which "ALLAH" created all languages?
What language did Allah (?) speak in the Garden with Adam (Zakar/Kadmon) & Eve (Nekaybaw/Hawwah)?
Making fun of Egypt I see little do you know if it wasn't for Egypt you wouldn't have the religion Islaam (Quran). So yes going BACKWARDS to the QRIGINATOR is logical 👍🏿
@@jdilla999 Islam is the first religion given to mankind. Jinns have corrupted the teachings to misguide us.
Quran 30:22
And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your languages and colours. Surely in this are signs for those of ˹sound˺ knowledge.
@@jdilla999 Quran 10:90-92
90 We brought the Children of Israel across the sea. Then Pharaoh and his soldiers pursued them unjustly and oppressively. But as Pharaoh was drowning, he cried out, “I believe that there is no god except that in whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am ˹now˺ one of those who submit.” 91 ˹He was told,˺ “Now ˹you believe˺? But you always disobeyed and were one of the corruptors. 92 👉 Today We will preserve your corpse 👈 so that you may become an example for those who come after you. And surely most people are heedless of Our examples!”
A man with no beard and he can grow 1 shouldn't talk
Never trust a man without a beard who can grow one.
ISLAM "a man who shaves his beard has taken the appearance of a woman"
Oh my gosh 🤔🤔🤔🤔
I get what he's saying about language but his explanation of the bible and random scripture from genesis is rubbish and comparing anu the sumerian deity with the father from the bible is a borderline blasphemy. Anu was an avatar of the biblical Satan, not the creator father of heaven. There was no such thing as aliens coming to earth in spaceships. Smh.
Yahweh is Satan too
Obviously you don't know another name or title for ANU (AN) in the Torah, Bible & Quraan are EL, Elyown EL, YHWH, Allah, Theos etc. Anu (An) can be found in Genesis 10:10 under #3641 Calneh (Fortress of Anu) etc.
The scriptures say the devil masquerades as an angel of light. Yet no one today is confusing Satan with the likes of angels such as Gabriel, Michael, etc.... don't get lost in translation and philosophy. Satans main goal is to usurp the authority of God and bare his title as father or God yet they are not the same. If you didn't figure this out by now idk if I can help you.
The devil has had many avatars the Assyrian, Sumerian, and other mesopotamian deities were nothing more than elaborate incarnations of Satan. All the way to babylon and pretty much every other civilization. He's Zeus to the Greeks, he's Saturn to the Romans, he's Thor and Odin to the nords, he's Indra to the Hindus, etc....he was Marduk in Sumeria and Bel to the babylonians. His temple was erected in babylon as a ziggurat known as the "house of heaven" for the fact that since the beginning he has been trying to emulate his rule as the highest and above God.
See the phony for what he is. Don't make provisions for his existence being synonymous with the creator of heaven and earth.
@@gabrieltrevizo6088umm I didn't delete anything. Again if you believe in the Biblical God/Gods (Good/Bad), Angels (Good/Bad) then by right YOU believe in Extraterrestrials/Aliens by definition smh
@@gabrieltrevizo6088 your comment shows that you're immature. It's ok though, you know I'm right/exact....Anyway Peace/Love to you & yours 👍🏿
I will never understand how they came down here and never came back or showed themselves at all that don’t add up
They did. They’re here now
Maybe next time you two read doctrine read entire passages through. Take the time to complete the entire verse or surah and then you can challenge the material within. Over half of your video displays circular thinking or you just completely missing the context behind the material under review.
Why you pretending to be Egyptian your not and you don’t know what language God spoke except your guys god with the horns
I was listening to your break down of the annunaki and as I was watching saw there “shooting stars” come downward into earth’s atmosphere in Atlanta Ga
May I also add to this in relation to language. Language carries 1 Dimension, meaning of language controls the direction of thought and, thus, the way we Think.
Thank you!
Best of da best The Master Teacher Dr. York
1st cross located in Ethiopia....and the Swazi symbol Ethiopia
For us Akans the word
Na = grandmother, of
Nana = grandparent, elder, now can be a name. Nana can also be referenced to God in prayer
Nun/Nut or Nwu as it is in Akan = cold
Shu or Shuw as it is in Akan = heat
Ra/Re in Akan is Wia, Wi means the sun
Most of our clans all end in “na” such as
Aduana being the eldest represented by a dog with fire in its mouth.
In some ways what they call Anu could be Adu.
Continue sharing the knowledge
This info was common at the beginning of the millennium but it went underground when the Master teacher was convicted to a life sentence.
Whats these brothers names?? Intelligent gods they are 🙏🏾
who are they
Full interview
Can ya explain the pyramids? I haven’t found a video yet with them explaining it…
Raahubaat Zamal, was wondering do you have the book "Who was the Serpent in the Garden in Genesis 3? I can send you my info (cashapp/address for payment)
@@jdilla999please make a RUclips channel to teach us who was the serpent in the garden 🙏🏿🇿🇦❤️
@@NtombizodwaZodwa-nr6il the so-called "Serpent" (Nachash) of the Bible is none other than Ningishzidda. Ningishzidda is one of EnKi's sons.
@@jdilla999 please also teach us about the Holy communion 🙏🏿🇿🇦❤️
@@NtombizodwaZodwa-nr6il words from The Master Teacher Dr. Malachi Z York on the "Holy Communion":
"Eucharist is symbolic of Human Sacrifices. They use the Bread & Wine in the Catholic Church as well as other Churches. Symbolically the wine is the blood of Christ & the bread is the body of Christ.
In Ancient Babylon the Babylonians would make Sacrifices to the deity Baal for humans to Sacrifice their children to their Gods. It still takes place, especially in Satanic rituals today. On Thanksgiving or your family Barbecue, where your Barbecue symbolizes the Blood. Abraham in the Bible was told to Sacrifice his son Genesis 22:9-10, same can be found in the Quraan 37:102-107."
Thank you 😊❤🙏💝
How I can buy some books from your shop? Best
Bozena from Poland
i am so inlightened daalu
ALL so-called black people are descendants of the Anunnaki god species. Our ancestors NEVER used words before this planet was invaded and conquered. They used telepathy to communicate with each other and hieroglyphs to teach. It was the Moors who created the alpha-beta system for the humans because they were not capable of using telepathy to communicate with the gods. After the planet was conquered the Elite humans banned the teaching of hieroglyphs and began to create their own words for negative purposes. They started teaching us how to read, write, and spell, hence spell casting.
Love how he shows how they breakdown their own lies with their words....most of us thinkers always have been dumbfounded by these so called religious businesses. 😮
Where can u meet these guys
Who are they? I want to see more of them.
They are the Sabeans! ruclips.net/video/qndMxatwhro/видео.html&start_radio=1&rv=MyaZikRn0d4
They (We) Nuwaupians/Sabaeans are students of The Master Teacher Dr Malachi Z York
@@jdilla999how can I learn more?
@@kimberlymatthews1755 go online & search for Dr. Malachi Z York books. Watch videos by his students NWPU, United Sabaeans, Young Elder etc
Anybody who knows anything about God and Christ know that God in Christ spoke hebrew. The world was created with the Hebrew tongue.
Acts 26:14-15
King James Version
14 And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
15 And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.
♥️ Beautiful Blessings
"Have no other Gods before me" can also mean "have no other idols before me". There is only one God and he made His name known to Moses. The Most High is called Ahayah which means I AM. His son Christ is called Yeshua which means SALVATION, and not jesus which means hail zeus in latin.
The letter j didn't exist until 1524.
Hosea chapter4 verse 6 "My people parish for a lack of knowledge, because thou hast rejected knowledge, i will also reject thee" #knowledgeispower #Yeshua #everythingmustberevealed #secondcoming
#endtimes #love
There's many Gods of the Torah/Bible, Quraan. The Bible starts off as a PLUAL In Genesis 1:1 with the word #430 Elohim meaning "Gods, Rulers, Judges, These or those beings". The #430 Elohim are the "US, Our" of Genesis 1:26....Research 👍🏿
Yah ✨
What is their channel called
🔺Aashuq 🖤💛♥️
Aashuq indeed ♥
I know the ones who are not Christian and doesn't have a sense of knowing who God truly is. Will find this interesting to suit their conscience and lack of knowledge of the true honest God which is found in Christ 😊
This reminds me of the movie Spinal Tap
Wisdom comes with knowledge, inside you,its an internal journey. Not external. Hohma..wisdom plus Bina...understanding = knowledge. One without other its not possible. Once the word ,left your mouth...its like a bird in the sky,you separated your self from your source,bcz u not one with him. True knowledge its in silence, its in the moment, that is why ,,silence its god language,, . My brother your earthy mind confuses you, God its not what you think ,what u say it is. We shoud see God...as cualities and properties of the ether. There is no God language, bcz when you say that your language its the oldest ,u falling in duality. Its only inside cualities and properties ,which u need to change ,angage in it in order to move. To know God,, its to nit only know your self, its to create your self,to transform...and that is inside you its an internal...metafisic journey. Whatever you know needs to be applied in this,,malhut ,,in this world...otherwise your knowledge it useless. Needs to transform you, you need to come to your ,,initial factory settings,,...languages its an invention of the antiworld,its a downgrade of consciousness, and when I argue with u whos language its older,we devided,we vibrate on the same low frequencies...and here its the main moment...in this conditions..no knowledge will be reviled to you,bcz u going against cualities of the ether...FREEDOM of CHOICE.
All I can say... knowledge is POWER