Pi Network is Next BITCOIN in Crypto Market | Day 39

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 22

  • @damirmisic6101
    @damirmisic6101 4 часа назад +5

    I'm watching your video and simultaneously validate KYC for Pi Network 😎

    • @damirmisic6101
      @damirmisic6101 4 часа назад +1

      Have made 5 validations till the tenth minute of your video ...

  • @tap2earns
    @tap2earns 5 часов назад +3

    Kepp on mining pioneers ⛏️⛏️⛏️

  • @Phonex-q2x
    @Phonex-q2x 2 часа назад

    I love pi network ♥️

  • @ArunBikashChakma-e5h
    @ArunBikashChakma-e5h Час назад

    Pi network to the moon 🌙 from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳❤❤❤

  • @stelicahunty
    @stelicahunty 2 часа назад +1

    V-a fi open in Ianuarie ?

  • @Mark-k1v6l
    @Mark-k1v6l Час назад

    Thanks for the breakdown! I have a quick question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How can I transfer them to Binance?

  • @ChristopherDrosos
    @ChristopherDrosos Час назад

    Top 3 crypto? Seems so surreal. About utility. Do we have a strong one now?

  • @hotleo6075
    @hotleo6075 6 часов назад +2

    Hi mr flo what do you think will be the starting price of pi network

    • @Mr.Flo.Official
      @Mr.Flo.Official  6 часов назад +4

      i hope as little as possibale so we get rid of jeets and people selling for pittins. WIll buy all the coins :))

    • @stevengeerts5680
      @stevengeerts5680 6 часов назад +4

      @@Mr.Flo.Officialyou are right, i think it is better that the coin starts at around 1 dollar, even then i will buy more and i have alot already

  • @mrzick
    @mrzick Час назад

    How to mining pi ?

  • @tofl2079
    @tofl2079 6 часов назад +2

    Dégoûté, y a pas les sous-titres français 😥

    • @Mr.Flo.Official
      @Mr.Flo.Official  6 часов назад +3

      Bonjour monsieur, je pense avoir réussi à les ajouter. Désolé pour mes pas de noobs. Faites-moi savoir si cela fonctionne.

  • @crazy_allen_canlas_lagman
    @crazy_allen_canlas_lagman Час назад

    I mine pi network

  • @seanafaith3969
    @seanafaith3969 3 часа назад +1

    agreed! tbh bitcoin and pi network is a no brainer in comparison. but FLO is doing this for the coin dumpers to be awakened. for what the pi coin potential truly holds! i hope a lot of people will be able to watch this! again we are still here supporting you brother keep it up! thank you.

  • @jabernal22
    @jabernal22 5 часов назад +4

    Since governments and banking institutions are becoming in favor of Bitcoin, do you think Pi network could be seen as a threat to Bitcoin, assuming that Pi Network actually becomes successful?

    • @soty7939
      @soty7939 5 часов назад +4

      First and foremost, Bitcoin is for the wealthy and institution, and Pi is for the people, and it would be adopted by everyone.

    • @seanafaith3969
      @seanafaith3969 3 часа назад

      good question.. since you know that about bitcoin already and you already watched this video why not think for yourself for now :)

    • @Godblesshumanity-x9d
      @Godblesshumanity-x9d Час назад

      BTC will be reserved assets but Pi coin will be the actual usable currency in day to day activities 🙏

  • @Mr.Flo.Official
    @Mr.Flo.Official  6 часов назад

    Let's talk :)