You have to start somewhere. He was lucky to get to animate at all given his background and locale (Milan already had a few animation studios up and running), though for his first efforts, he relied heavily on his dad's money to start it up.
GiangigiScolapasta Cartoons have a way of screwing around with history like that. Bruno would do something like that later on with "Tennis Club" with having cave men and dinosaurs appear in the same period.
Alex Palmese People think too hard about these things Alex. Cartoons were never about that but in today's digital age, we tend to want to see them contextually.
No vabbè storia! Grande Bozzetto!
grande bozzetto !
Great Work! Again!
Incredibilmente attuale.
It was filmed on an ironing board
That's what I heard, impressive this was how Bozzetto began as an animator.
Very accurate.
1958? Wow
You have to start somewhere. He was lucky to get to animate at all given his background and locale (Milan already had a few animation studios up and running), though for his first efforts, he relied heavily on his dad's money to start it up.
Qualcuno qui dopo l'intervista di Dario al maestro?
h=bomba atomica all'idrogeno
Inesatto ma divertente.
Really? Dinosaurs were extinct before HUMANS lived... I know that dinosaurs were extinct 65M years ago, and homo sapiens were there 200K years ago...
Yeah, nobody told nothing to the Flinstones. They also celebrated Christmas before Christ existed...
GiangigiScolapasta Cartoons have a way of screwing around with history like that. Bruno would do something like that later on with "Tennis Club" with having cave men and dinosaurs appear in the same period.
Variety channel, this is a cartoon, not a BBC documentary... Why you forgot to mention Homo Sapiens couldn't play with yoyos either?
Alex Palmese People think too hard about these things Alex. Cartoons were never about that but in today's digital age, we tend to want to see them contextually.
our teacher made us watch it. omg so boring
I feel bad for your teacher
Non fa ridere e non è istruttivo, cancellalo subito
È un pezzo d'arte storico del cinema d'animazione italiano...prima ci commentare informati per favore.
Invece penso che lo farò vedere alle mie piccole, quando dovrò cominciare a spiegar loro come stanno le cose nel mondo dei grandi, tra un po'
Uno dei commenti più ridicoli che abbia mai letto in vita mia.