Chamberlain's Speech to Mutineers on Road to Gettysburg: What it is to be an American

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • Union Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain was marching with his men to Gettysburg to hold the left flank of the Union line...when 120 mutineers were given to him and told he could shoot them by a snobby guard detail officer. Wronged by the Army bureaucracy with a gotchya! stop-loss that wouldn't let them out of their expired enlistment contracts (sound familiar?), Chamberlain instead DOES THE RIGHT THING and ASKS them to fight one more last time for the Union. He reminds them that there is no "us" and "them" snobbery the Southern Rednecks prescribe too, only US; each one of US are human beings made in God's image and in the final analysis: WE FIGHT FOR EACHOTHER.
    Those mutineers--WHO DIDN'T HAVE TO--swayed by Chamberlain's logic and love of mankind SAVED OUR NATION that fatefull day when by the thinnest of margins they defeated an emotional Confederate attack by doing the unpredictable---fixing bayonets! and charging--when their ammunition ran out. Chamberlain's tactical intellect and MORAL INTEGRITY won the battle.
    This is what being a REAL American is all about.
    Standing for your conscience based on FACTS. Not prejudices and hate.
    We need this reminder today because we have a new underclass of hate and violence-mongers masquerading as "Americans" but who have no conscience and want to live their lives based on prejudices and not any objective FACTS; steered by a dictator who creates wars for maximum corporate profits just as long as he feeds them fluff about "going to Church, keeping their guns and not aborting babies"-- while he bankrupts the nation and murders "ragheads" for Wall Street profits. Its the same Fascism that the Tories who wanted to stay wed to King George wanted in 1776; that if followed back then there wouldn't even be an United States of America.
    REAL Americans are not snobs.
    REAL Americans don't buy into corrupt BS even if it comes from a government official or allegedly "patriotic" political party; they do what's RIGHT, period. Even when its unpopular and when the chips are down. These are the real Americans--not the flag-waving fascist phonies. Its time for Red America to join the human race and stop being the stooges for evil corporations and would-be King Georges like Bush and McCain who only fight for filthy big corporation loot.

Комментарии • 90

  • @maty4me
    @maty4me 12 лет назад +3

    my roommate is a grand child of this man and he is white and i am black....because of men like this we can freely live in peace and harmony. Thanks Chamberlin. Rest in Peace.

  • @tomenicus
    @tomenicus 15 лет назад

    @Allocator2008 ... and when the Free French were organizing 1st armoured division of their forces (II WW)U.S. General staff sent them message: make sure the personell will be all white...

  • @njdevils613
    @njdevils613 15 лет назад +1

    What an incredible scene. Col. chamberlain was such a remarkable American hero. "We are an army out to set other men free..." Just, wow.
    God Bless America

  • @JeffTheFutureJaros
    @JeffTheFutureJaros 15 лет назад

    I have this & "Gods & Generals", this one entiltled "Gettysburg" is the best of the two they've made, though "Gods & Generals" is a great watch also, & is the prequal to "Gettysburg" so if you get it, get the War Double Disc set like the one I bought off of E-Bay. & to let ya know this is actually meant to be a trilogy, & they are trying to find someone to produce "The Last Full Measure" which Ted Turner opted not to produce due to poor box office results of the 1st 2 which he produced himself..

  • @frellthat
    @frellthat 14 лет назад

    @ColonelTrainwreck Yes, it was about "states' rights" - namely, the right to own slaves. The southern states proclaimed that they would secede if an abolitionist President were elected, and when Lincoln won, that's exactly what they did. Not for any reason other than the fact that they wanted to keep slavery intact as an institution. You can talk about "states' rights" all you want, but the only right in dispute was the right to own slaves.

  • @fntime
    @fntime 14 лет назад

    @dynmicpara Why did we have to keep the union together?
    Every nation in the world ended slavery in the 19th century, after the
    Civil War, slavery was still permited in Brazil & Cuba, both countries
    ended slavery without a war.
    Slavery, inflamed the Civil War, BUT, it was fought for money, land
    (2/3 of USA was still unsettled) and who would control this wealth
    and power.

  • @bettyhardy2873
    @bettyhardy2873 10 лет назад

    Beautiful speech. Well done.
    I am also a firm believer that, if loyalty to our Constitution is the core of patriotism, Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis - are two of the greatest patriots in American history.
    I know some of you are going to hate me for saying that but it is my firm belief. Especially in light of what the Obama administration has done to this country. I will leave it at that and have the naïve hope that liberals just once might tolerate an opinion different from theirs.

  • @fntime
    @fntime 14 лет назад

    @dynmicpara Why did we have to keep the union together?
    Every nation in the world ended slavery in the 19th century,after the
    Civil War,slavery was still permited in Brazil & Cuba,both countries
    ended slavery without a war.
    Slavery,inflamed the Civil War, BUT, it was fought for money,land
    (2/3 of USA was still unsettled) & who would control this wealth
    & power.

  • @777quiet
    @777quiet 11 лет назад

    I wanted to say it was because when he walked on screen they thought about something Harry would say from Dumb and Dumber - that was my reaction to him in Gods and Generals, I couldn't get past Confederate Christmas because every time he came on camera I wanted him to be like, "where's the beer, Lloyd?" but that came out 1994 I think mostly it's because 1993 was the year Unforgiven came out...and Clint Eastwood's just classically minimalist performance slowly reverting into what he can't help be

  • @dylancompton5652
    @dylancompton5652 11 лет назад

    The united states was already created before the civil war. This was Lincoln's reasoning for attacking the confederates in the first place. Originally, yes the states were that. Just states. They joined together to fight Britain in the 1770s and after defeating Britain, the thirteen colonies became a united country with seperate states. This included north and south. The confederates were a part of the united states before the civil war. the civil war didnt happen until the 1850s.

  • @majordani3l
    @majordani3l 13 лет назад man has to bow, no man born to royalty, here we judge you on what you do, not who your father was. Here you can be something, here is the place to build a home. But its not the land, mhm, there's always more land. It's the idea that we all have value, you and me...
    Favorite line in the movie... something all Americans should remember. This is why if I ever meet the Queen of England or the Emperor of Japan, I would not bow, but instead, would greet them as fellow citizens of humanity.

  • @Rimasta1
    @Rimasta1 13 лет назад

    To everyone is the South, if you watched this movie even General Longstreet said they should have freed the slaves THEN fired on Fort Sumter. He also said to the British military attache that the British gvm't should NEVER align itself with the confederacy with the institution of slavery. Basically, the south did not have the moral high ground although concerns about increasing federal power may have been warranted.

  • @malcs0
    @malcs0 14 лет назад

    It's a shame that Americans don't have more people like Joshua Chamberlain. The man obviously treated others with respect, had good manners, and was courteous. He believed in a set of values that he believed were right and proper. Finally, he realised that the mutineers were ordinary men in extraordinary circumstances. If more leaders were like this the world would be a much better place.

  • @Jajisee
    @Jajisee 14 лет назад

    What a great moment in American history. What a great teaching device. Would YOU shoot them? Could YOU articulate so clearly the purpose of YOUR organization today? Who would imagine an English teacher grasping the moment so well? The decision: legal? (yes) ethical? (yes) culturally acceptable? (yes) Moral? Not to Chamberlain. And the 116 / 120 who followed were the difference according to military historians. He changed American history from a tiny platform.

  • @creed61285
    @creed61285 14 лет назад

    Love the video. Hate the attacks on anyone who happens to think there were honorable men leading and fighting on the Confederate side or didn't vote for Kerry or Obama. Take a page from the great man this video portrays and have some grace. He was the one who gave the order to the accepting Union Army to come to attention and carry arms when the Confederacy surrendered. The gesture was returned and it was one of the most profound moments of the Civil War. Dignity and respect.

  • @EvaIowaCubsFan
    @EvaIowaCubsFan 14 лет назад

    @SocratesRulz The Maryland anthem is a pro-south rag. I can't listen to the old version without wanting to mute the source of the noise.
    We know he suspended Habeas Corpus in Maryland in 1861, no shock. It wasn't the greatest idea, but he had his reasons for it.
    Lincoln was a great president, the idea of slavery had to go, and I will still burn Andersonville to the ground one day

  • @cigar420
    @cigar420 14 лет назад

    @dynmicpara As if the Confederate troops fought with any less passion? Why would there be sour grapes? My team won. I'm just saying the legend of LRT being pivotal to winning the war is questionable, and since we'll never know what Lee & Hooker's next moves were should the North have lost the flank, we can debate that point of view all day. My point was that the North should've never been in the hole to begin with since they had strength in numbers and ultimately was still a big reason they won

  • @cigar420
    @cigar420 14 лет назад

    While the point of this video is compassion, the idea that the North were courageous in winning the Civil War is laughable. The constant incompetence from the North's military leaders was the reason it took so long as the South was heavily outnumbered, yet had enough strategic ability to win. Furthermore, Chamberlain was a questionable figure in history since casual "historians" will tout him as a hero because of Little Round Top with only referencing his point of view, which might be skewed.

  • @Jimhill58
    @Jimhill58 14 лет назад

    @ColonelTrainwreck Sir, If you do your homework you will see that most of the confederate generals had already released their slaves before the conflict started. I am a southerner. I was born in the south and raised in the south.My home is in the south. My ancestors fought on both sides. The civil war was to some a war of slavery and to some it was a matter of states rights. It was the will of of the Almighty to keep the union together. I gave 28 years of my life to preserve the union .

  • @TheQuadStuff
    @TheQuadStuff 14 лет назад

    you do realize that we are the ONLY nation to withstand a civil war and still have no change we are the people as our constituion says so and it still is today now why wouldnt you praise those 600k men those men died so you could sleep eat pray and play in peace those men shaped our FUTURE our future as the best nation ware there is no one man who can tell us what do to we chose what to do and they listen the government gives us word over EVERYTHING now will you respect that or would

  • @RobertEWaters
    @RobertEWaters 15 лет назад

    At about the same time as Chamberlain's defense of Little Round Top 262 men of the First Minnesota Volunteers, ordered to pull a hole in the line while Hancock found reinforcements to repel 1500 Confederates who were heading straight for it.
    When Hancock and the reinforcements arrived, they were not needed. The First Minnesota had stopped the Confederates cold and thrown them back. 56 Minnesotans were still standing.

  • @creed61285
    @creed61285 14 лет назад

    @dynmicpara I think it's less of an American thing than a human condition thing. People will always want more than they have and they'll always fail to keep things in perspective. This leads to some pretty terrible decisions. The condition will never change, but awareness of it certainly mitigates its influence.

  • @titisuteu
    @titisuteu 14 лет назад

    My respects. Just so you know, throughout Europe on both sides the Iron curtain, when it comes to discussing the American Civil War every historian and all people who know about it essentially share your views. Just in the USA there are apologists of the secessionists.

  • @pandaphil
    @pandaphil 15 лет назад

    I do have one question if there are any CW experts out there. You can't see it very well in this clip, but when the troops march by at the end, some of them have red german style crosses on their caps. What are they for, and why do only some of the men have them?

  • @JeffTheFutureJaros
    @JeffTheFutureJaros 15 лет назад

    Yeah, you're right, it was actually meant to be called "Killer Angels" after the book it was made after.

  • @olentangy74
    @olentangy74 13 лет назад

    @searching900 I agree. Jeff Daniels was just fantastic in this role. This scene here stays in my mind as one of the greatest speeches given in cinema. If you have not seen Jeff Daniels as G.Washington in 'The Crossing" you really owe it to yourself.

  • @phranchise9
    @phranchise9 15 лет назад

    Allocator2008 after his speech Joshua went back...ordered a black soldier to kiss his feet and shot him! Are you serious...about the hero part? All these people outrageously racist to the bone! As we often say in the modern world, talk is cheap mothaf*cka!

  • @montague4684
    @montague4684 14 лет назад

    @ColonelTrainwreck But the vast majority of fighting men of any nation are convinced to fight for the wealthy interests, therefore a war can be about an issue that does not concern the majority of the citizens of that nation.

  • @BeachBoysJanDean1
    @BeachBoysJanDean1 14 лет назад

    Men like Chamberlain are among the rare breed that that pass this earth. He is in good company with the likes of Sgt. York, (WWI) and Audie Murphy and Dick Winters (WWII). Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain will always be my hero!

  • @TMMQUINN2011
    @TMMQUINN2011 13 лет назад

    Chamberlain was an extraordinaryly gifted thinker, tactician and leader. At the Confederate surrender Robert E. Lee offered him his sword.. a mark of the esteem in which he was regarded by North & South.

  • @PFB1994
    @PFB1994 13 лет назад

    @searching900 No doubt Jeff Daniels deserved an Oscar. I recall very clearly Siskel & Ebert called for him to be nominated for this performance. He wasn't even nomniated. This is a truly great performance.

  • @ShipmasterFlint
    @ShipmasterFlint 14 лет назад

    Hey, let just stop arguing, agree that the war could have been avoided and should not have happened, and admit that there were great leaders and heroes fighting for what they believed in on both sides

  • @jayers2
    @jayers2 15 лет назад

    Kind of ironic that even the the Union was supposed to represent freedom for everyone, many people were still mistreated based on race and color long after the Union won. Good speech non the less.

  • @Evocati2008
    @Evocati2008 13 лет назад

    General Gordon being his counterpart. So true, even R.E.Lee showed great dignity and respect when he surrendered his army, rather than it sink into a guerilla force.

  • @sawzaw203
    @sawzaw203 15 лет назад

    I agree with the comments of my fellow American below!! Our founding father's fought much MILDER apperesion than that which happens today!! It's time for us to make a choice!!!

  • @JeffTheFutureJaros
    @JeffTheFutureJaros 15 лет назад

    Sorry for thumbin' ya down at 1st, now that I know what you mean, it would be a great title.

    @MJCCMC 14 лет назад

    god rest col chamberlain...a real american hero!!!!
    "The power of noble deeds is to be preserved and passed on to the future. "
    Joshua Chamberlain

  • @zdv183
    @zdv183 14 лет назад

    I hope that someday i can be half the man Col. Chamberlain was, great man, brilliant, kind, fair, a perfect role model for todays officer in the miiltary.

  • @rudigarmisch1657
    @rudigarmisch1657 10 лет назад

    The problem with reenactors is that they are way too old. The only greybeards back then were high level generals.

  • @chesterdouglas
    @chesterdouglas 15 лет назад

    I certainly wouldn't call the apperesion of days of yore mild. But then, I don't know what "apperesion" even means.

  • @lildiriz77
    @lildiriz77 15 лет назад

    I'n watchin' Gettysburg in Social Studies today. Just saw this scene today too =]
    I gotta do a paper on it -_- yay.

  • @PocoPortillo
    @PocoPortillo 13 лет назад

    Every time i hear this speech I feel American. As a free man, "I have your back my fellow American's".

  • @MissGreenTeaLady
    @MissGreenTeaLady 12 лет назад

    Whenever people ask me why I want to join the army someday, I just pull this up on RUclips and it says it all

  • @WildBillVT74
    @WildBillVT74 14 лет назад

    " the end we're fighting for each other." All races for a common goal and purpose....Freedom.

  • @TC27127
    @TC27127 10 лет назад

    I am not American (British) but I love this speech.

  • @MegaAstrodude
    @MegaAstrodude 13 лет назад

    Great movie and good acting, but this line is baloney. He obviously meant to preach.

  • @Tsadik6251
    @Tsadik6251 14 лет назад

    @EvaIowaCubsFan Let me know. I will come and join you. My match box is ready. Let me know.

  • @steveparr9123
    @steveparr9123 11 лет назад

    Does anyone know what the fife & drum tune, playing at the end of the clip, is called?

  • @UtahMike41
    @UtahMike41 14 лет назад

    This was when Officers and NOC's actually gave a shit about the troops they commanded.

  • @UtahMike41
    @UtahMike41 14 лет назад

    This was when Officers and NOC's actually gave a shit about the troops they commanded.

  • @crosschek4
    @crosschek4 14 лет назад

    AH! In the book, he says the regiment was formed last fall! The writer messed up!

  • @RobertEWaters
    @RobertEWaters 15 лет назад

    You guys on the Left just can't give it up, can you?
    You won. Deal with it.

  • @snapdragon11
    @snapdragon11 14 лет назад

    @dynmicpara Well apparently back then, some people couldn't think long-term

  • @tricofilms
    @tricofilms 15 лет назад

    Jeff Daniels does Chamberlain so well!!! Great scene.

  • @KnightOwl2006
    @KnightOwl2006 12 лет назад

    Nice speech but how free were the American Indians?

  • @Raford146
    @Raford146 14 лет назад

    It's the difference between being a bigot and being a racist.

  • @olgreg3
    @olgreg3 15 лет назад

    because its about the whole battle, not just little round top

  • @Kruezoraxe
    @Kruezoraxe 13 лет назад

    @pensacolaguy I wish i could like this post multiple times.

  • @KnoxSUX
    @KnoxSUX 13 лет назад

    @Johnchuk3 No. It will become another al-Qaeda state.

  • @Rosstacular
    @Rosstacular 14 лет назад

    everyone needs to see this movie period

  • @IveGotToast
    @IveGotToast 11 лет назад

    Why didn't he get an oscar nomination

  • @genola
    @genola 10 лет назад

    Best battle speech I ever heard.

  • @lordcornwallis2
    @lordcornwallis2 13 лет назад

    what a great great fine man he was

  • @Royalmerc
    @Royalmerc 14 лет назад

    What an epic speech, and mustache.

  • @WC3POchannel10A
    @WC3POchannel10A 14 лет назад

    @dynmicpara Very true. Very true.

  • @TheGmodParty
    @TheGmodParty 12 лет назад

    Best man I ever heard of.

  • @JeffTheFutureJaros
    @JeffTheFutureJaros 15 лет назад

    No doubt.

  • @duanekuiper
    @duanekuiper 14 лет назад

    God Bless The Republic.

  • @unconditionalluv
    @unconditionalluv 15 лет назад

    damn i need this movie!

  • @zetsusama23
    @zetsusama23 15 лет назад


  • @maxmolodtsov
    @maxmolodtsov 12 лет назад


  • @koalashooter1
    @koalashooter1 14 лет назад

    what a great american

  • @rockndude87
    @rockndude87 14 лет назад

    One thing about Chamberlain is that at a later battle during a fierce right he took a bullet in the abdomen and it got lodged in his bladder. He refused to leave the front until the fighting stopped. That's one dedicated soldier right there!

  • @crusader636
    @crusader636 15 лет назад

    what movie is this?

  • @DSVII
    @DSVII 14 лет назад

    Hurrah for the Union!

  • @PocoPortillo
    @PocoPortillo 14 лет назад

    I saw this scene many years ago when it first came out. I have remembered it and have thought it to be one of the finest moments in the history of acting. Jeff Daniels took this part and taught me about compassion and courage through General Chamberlain's words. This speech was not only about being a patriot but that freedom and justice goes hand in hand.

  • @TJHat16
    @TJHat16 14 лет назад

    I have been involved in Civil War reenacting for about 5 years now and one of my commanders was a part of the 20th Maine for this movie. He told our unit that to add to the power of Chamberlains speech, Jeff Daniels spoke the entire speech in one take, and some men even had tears in their eyes when the take was over.

  • @gsubrama1231
    @gsubrama1231 12 лет назад

    Great speech by Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain! He did not have to apologize at all for preaching because what he said not only was true, but a vision for what America is all about! Freedom, and being judged by what you do and not by who your father is or what your skin color is.

  • @brothalow1987
    @brothalow1987 10 лет назад

    A good man

  • @Johnchuk3
    @Johnchuk3 13 лет назад


  • @k1llertaz18
    @k1llertaz18 14 лет назад

    love it!

  • @sarge2906
    @sarge2906 14 лет назад

    This is so moving! I played this at shift change for my troops a couple of weeks ago! An inspiring movie and an inspiring man!

  • @njdevils613
    @njdevils613 15 лет назад

    What a speech...
    "We are an army out to set other men free..."
    Simply Amazing. God Bless Col. Chamberlain

  • @PeePeeMilk
    @PeePeeMilk 13 лет назад

    In the end we are fightintg for eachother