After watching these series I realised that we are really just wasting our time when we choose to stay miserable. I'm really inspired by your son, and especially by the scenario where he went talking with the homeless woman, that is soo touching. I already shared your message with some people, and all of them connected with the message, they also all sent a happy wish to Ali. You really made me want to meet Ali. I'm sure you will meet him very very soon, and I pray for you and your son.
"We are just wasting our time when we choose to stay miserable" I love this quote Galaeiv. Thank you for sharing and thank you for your kind wishes for Ali and me. You would have really liked him but as you said. We are all going to end up in the next level of the game sooner or later. I will do the best I can in this level and wait to see Ali agin when the time comes.
WoW, this whole presentation was so heart and eye opener for me. I thank you for your generosity, your honesty and authenticity…. Thank you, thank you and thank you again.
That song at the end.. My body was ready to cry but my mind was so amused.. I bet they had fun writing that before they incarnated. Thank you Mo and Ali ❤
After watching all the videos for solve for happiness, changed my perspective on life for better. All videos were very clear & lots of examples were provided. I greatly appreciate the effort for posting them for anyone to watch & learn alot from them.
I discovered your talk on Google talks posted in LinkedIn ..on 6th apr thurs.....was in the midst of work woes...waa nine mins into the talk..interrupted with meetings. ..decided to continue smtime later.. Friday morning heard part two...implemented the 'get me a better thought' technique...ended up cheerful at work.....again I hv a lot of reasons to be down....or so am told by my ego...but hearing part two in Friday ..I tricked my ego.. I just completed listening to all the parts incl this one.....I just feel hv missed out so much in life...but ready to start anew now...need to get your book...and all thw while you mentioned Ali...I conclude...he surely has been your teacher. ..and is a reminder to me ...of all that life is...thank you for Ali..and all that you are doin....peace now to all of us..
"I tricked my ego" :) I love this sentence. Thank you for writing this Jennifer. You brought a tear to my eye for what you said about Ali. He truly was my teacher and the kindest man I ever met. Please send him a wish that he is happy wherever he is right now.
Solve for Happy ----Mo, Ali has always been at peace..while he was here in the physical, and now on the other side...his peace continues through you and what you are blessed Ali wherever you are and thank you ..through your Dad's beautiful endeavour. .I am humbled to relook at my life...thank you for the 'nudge'...peace be with you Mo and Ali..and also Omar. ..
Just thank you Mo! I read the book in 2020, it changed my life… now I probably bought and gave away your book more than 50 times… and will continue… this seminar was really nice and so authentic. Cheers and all the best
Hi, Mo, most of my Christmas is spent watching your class. I could not stop. The song at the end is truly heart touching. We are all here to live a life that delights our soul and then we move on to the next station that offers more life. I hope Ali is there when you eventually finish this game. He will be able to tell you himself how proud he is. You are amazing!
Hello Sir, It brought tears to my eyes when you played that song. I lost my father 5 months back due to Covid. The way things happened makes me wonder that all was planned. The last few things that my father said to me, the fact that I was able to see him one last time, it wouldn't have been possible out of complete randomness. But how do you overcome the fact that life is so long before you will meet your son again (and I will meet my father again)? Don't you feel like taking the shortcut that you talked about to reach the next level? Your son must be so proud of you for what you are doing and trying to bring change to people's lives. The song said that " I am alive" and what you are doing has really made him alive. I don't know how life and death work but someday I will like to meet your son at that next level.
Thank you for sharing your story and insight with the world, and on this free platform. All of your concepts were well thought out and explained but the one that really stood out for me was your explanation on why we are not our mind and your concept of perception. Made a massive difference to my existence and inner peace
Thank you so much Mo for sharing this. I can't wait to read the book - discovered already the kindl version translated in German. I think it is so important to tell this to the world right now. How amazing this is, to find the words to put in the massage so understandable and clear. Thank you Ali - you make me 😊
This was a remarkable event, to watch each and every segment (thank you for the generosity of sharing it). And then to end with the tune you had playing in your mind after your son's death...I was just shaking my head in amazement at the words. I am not a gamer and have never even heard of that particular game or song (not the demographic really as a 56 year old mom) but I have had long conversations with my own son who loves some of the games--he taught me not to have any fears long ago of his playing them, by the way. I still hear the joy he shares in playing. About 15 years ago, I noticed I myself needed to investigate FEAR because it was ruling my life. I dove into it and found The Work of Byron Katie who you mention in your program, a delightful coincidence. I did her method of The Work over and over on some frightening events I had logged as tragic, and found I had been mistaken and not able to see the full picture. I've been doing The Work ever since and it's become my profession and it's my great joy to work with others in this format all the time, every day. Your experience you share here is an example for me of what can happen to step out of what one thinks is reality, into a kinder universe, through inquiry. Incidentally, right before I discovered your work here online (I ordered the book and it's on the way) my son had an emergency appendectomy which was normal procedure and outcome, but it just seemed rather an interesting composite of shared story. I am also very close to Ben, my son (who is 22), and a decade ago in my investigations, I realized one of my great fears was that he would die so I turned towards the terrifying images. I found so much awareness. However, I am so deeply grateful for your example and sharing. It is the Next Level and I am very humbly moved and inspired. Deep bow.
I am so grateful that you took the time to write those kind words and share so openly Grace. Byron Katie is amazing. I love her work and highly recommend it for every one. It's never too late to be a gamer :) :)
تعازيٌ لفقدانك ولدك علي, لقد مررت بتجارب مشابهة ولكن ليست بمثابة فقدان شخص عزيز لهذه الدرجة ستبقى ذكراه في قلوب الملايين لما فعلته لأجله فهذا اعظم انواع الحب , احسست انك تتكلم ما كنت افكر به منذ زمن ولكن لم استطع شرحه او فهمه ولكن تجربتك في الحياة وخبرتك سمحت لك بذلك , لك كل التقدير والأحترام لأول مرة أشعر بوجود شخص يشاركني الفكر ولديه الخبرة ليوجهني لحياة أسعد , سأحاول بكل صدق أن اتبع نصائحك حتى في كتاب scary smart فانا سأبدء العمل في مجال AI الأسبوع المقبل . thank you for being you
I see sometimes I live my life by going from pleasure to pleasure but not quite reaching happiness. It makes me happy to think that life is just a game and then we die we stop playing the game regardless of whether this is true. I will keep trying to be aware of the illusions in life and I will keep trying to find my grand truths. Thank you for the stimulating videos.
Thanks Mo. I watched this video series, and I think you have done an exceptional job of bringing together a range of different thought and life concepts to make a very practical and clear method to work toward a happier life. Further, making a positive choice to seek to make millions happy on the back of such a traumatic event in your life with losing Ali is really brave, and just very cool. You should be very proud.
through the 9 parts i lived in the 'now'. almost every sentence felt at the moment the most important 'knowledge' i questioned myself about. every part seems to be best of the 9 at his 'now time' you helped me feel happy through the journey. i started acting happily and i believe that every 'now' time; of the rest of my real life time ;will be a commited acceptation if i continue doing my best. Allah yarham your son sir.
I am so happy to have found your videos and listen to your experience . It brings me joy to learn and relate to your wisdom , I will share this my friends as well. Thank you so much for doing positive work on earth . Peace
Thank you Mo for this lecture and book and for telling us about your views on life and beyond.It's an interesting concept and will help me with my own life as well.Be blessed.
Thank you for sharing this. Keep sharing. It is such an important message. Even if people need many reminders following hearing the message the first time, it is a message that has the power to affect a collective consciousness in a way that the 'non-spiritual' can understand. I love the word Happy. I use the term as a reference point for what you describe as joy, and consider the centering on it as a reference point, a North Star if you will. I too lost my son. It was at his birth, so I did not have the joy of years with him, as with your Ali. Nevertheless, it had a profound impact on my life and the view of good and bad, and I very much identified with that portion of the discussion.
I am, after this discussion, curious about your thoughts on the observer vs. the creator. I do not necessarily mean this in the religious sense, rather, as you said you believe we are the observer, is our role to observe or to create? Or do you believe that creating is a method of observation?
Joy is happiness, uninterrupted. It surely should be the north star. I am sorry for your loss and hope your path in life will never have to endure such hardship again. And I am honored you found value in this approach. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
That's the topic of my next book :) (I hope) Very complex but mind blowing really. We are both observing and creating. Let me get the concepts clear before I share it on the public internet :)
Thank you for the kind comment. It is a small world. I hope we can meet too. Please join I always announce my travel there. Hoping to meet when in the same city next.
استمعت إليها كاملة وحمدت الله على نعمة الإسلام وطمأنينة الإيمان بالله وحده لاشريك له؛ فهم يحومون حول كل شيء حتى يصلوا إلى الموت فيقفون أو يبدؤون بالكلام الفاضي. هذه هي الحقيقة الموت حق وما بعد الموت حق، فإذا لم تؤمن بذلك ولم تبحث بجد عن الدين الحق فأنت تلعب على نفسك، والحياة قصيرة جدا.
SUMMARY: 0:50 Why do you need to find your ultimate truth? So we can use it as signposts to instinctively know that we are on the right path to joy, instead of incessantly wondering whether we are happy or not by ALWAYS comparing events to our expectation every damn time. 0:38 The five ultimate truth: 1) Now is real 28:13 Life is now, not in the past nor in the future. 2) Change is real 3) Love is real There are 2 types of love: conditional & unconditional 4) Death is real 27:23 Three philosphies around death: a) Life is inevitable. Death is part of life, and life is inevitable. Since death will happen anyway, it's better to take death out of the equation and focus on life. b) Life is now. The truly thing we can affect is now. c) Life is a rental. All of our belongings will become someone else's. When somebody is died, people usually say may he/she rest in peace, but why waiting until we die to be in peace? Why don't we live in peace instead? 5) Grand design is real 37:58 Golden tip of happiness: "If you're presented with two choices, neither of which you can prove with certainty, please choose the one that makes you happy." 32:33 The girl commented that a lot of Mo's arguments on the topic were so rooted in reasons and logic that she felt there was a loss of feelings and emotions in it, although the event that triggered Mo to pursue this path is a very emotional event, namely the death of his beloved son. Mo's answered that he did feel pain from the death of his son, even to this day, but he chose to not to dwell into suffering. Since he couldn't change the event (the death of his son), he chose to take something positive feom it, to spread his son's legacy instead of suffering from the loss. This conversation actually answers my curiosity. In the middle of this series (around the 4th or 5th video), I was thinking that Mo's story went from the lost of his son straight to the wisdom that he got. There must be a lot of pain and struggle in the middle, and it must be an interesting story, probably even worth of another book. I wonder why he didn't tell us. Now I know why. Mo didn't want to dwell on the feeling of loss and grief for too long. He didn't want to change his pain into suffering, which I suspect would happen if he told the story. I'd like to thank Mo for sharing his time and wisdom in this topic. He's a kind and gentle teacher. I found his podcast at the right moment. I just quitted from a job that took toll on my physical and mental health. I purposely delay hunting for another job because I want to work on my mental health first. This podcast is exactly what I need, and I believe it is because of the grand design of God I found this. Thank you very much Mo🙏
Oh wow! Have been following Mo Gawdat's talks on utube and read his book. It always made me a little mad that God took his son away from him in such an unnecessary manner. Why do humans suffer why does god play such a cosmic joke on us. Mo didn't give me the answer. His story made me even more mad at God! I was like how can Mo just talk about Happiness,,no !!no! no! It's unfair unjust its not right!!!!!!!. It's like all the silly religious people telling us to just surrender and accept our lot in life. But after going through the lecture, feeling, trying to grasp what he was trying to convey to us........he plays this song!!! A tune playing in his head for 4 days after Ali's death. A clear message from beyond this world. What a beautiful message,,, I just burst into tears it's as if Ali was telling me its ok , I am fine and Happy ! My life and death was a triumph! AND I am still alive , wow, wow! Thank You Mo! Thank u Ali! Beautiful!
I am a non-believer (atheist). I allow anyone their religious beliefs but I think that religious beliefs are stories that are not rooted in reality. They have valuable functions for a lot of people but I do not accept religious arguments when discussing science or 'the truth'. I followed your talks with great interest and have been summarising each video. I respect your work on this and am grateful for the lessons that you're teaching. But I have to admit that I became very skeptical when I reached this last video. From someone who spent much of his time backing up his story with a scientific approach / using scientific experiments I was not expecting such an easy dismissal of the theory of evolution. You basically went "oh by the way, the theory of evolution is wrong". You say that one can prove neither God nor evolution with absolute certainty, which is true, but the very significant difference is that all scientific research points towards the theory of evolution being the probable explanation while none of the empirical research ever done points to the likelihood that intelligent design exists. You say that you have done your own mathematical calculations and that they point to intelligent design as opposed to 'pure luck'. No doubt you're a very intelligent man, far more intelligent than myself, but I doubt that you are singlehandedly capable of proving all the world's leading biologists, physicist and other scientists involved with this topic wrong. I wanted to communicate this to you, but I'm sad that I couldn't find another way to make my point without resorting to another 'creationism vs evolution' argument. I do wish you all the success imaginable in obtaining your goal of making so many people happy. I surely will take some valuable lessons from your talks.
Dear Mo, I also wonder, is there a difference between the intuition and the brain? And if there is, who is to taken action upon? Thank you very much, Diana
The best book I read on the topic is Blink by Malcom Gladwell. It sure is a worthy read. I tend to believe that our intuition is our ability to include a lot more of the complexity of the world into our analysis than is obvious to our conscious brain. Intuition surely can open our minds to many possibilities that we would not arrive at through diligent thought alone. The best approach I found, though, is a mix of both--an openness to intuition followed by due diligence and analysis. Another amazing book on that last approach is Thinking fast and Slow.
Creation, I was created by the seed wisdom. Evolution. I evolve. I evolve from birth, age 20, 40, 60, 80, I evolve, age. Creation and evolution compliment and complete each other like male and female. Opposites compliment and complete each other to sustain life.
The copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics is just stated as fact... It is not - it is highly contested. That combined with the views that you are not dead when you are dead and that the universe has been created all at once, means that the rest of the views presented should be seriously questioned before being adopted.
If there is a grand design, then why did it take over a million years to create. There is no randomness? Convenient to only use examples that have had some positive outcomes. Childhood cancer is designed to bring pain? Very flawed argument.
I am sorry my talk did not meet your expectation. It is just my world view affected by the scenarios of what life took me through shared for conversation. You can imagine that some actually find this useful despite the fact that it disagrees with your world view. For those, I will keep sharing. For you, please accept my respect and ignore it.
well I'm going to be a horrible person and say you're just doing jour son's funerals again and again with these talks. I get it though, and I agree that losing a child is the worst anyone can go through
Different cultures view death in different ways. Some believe that you should never again speak the name of someone who has passed, and doing so disrespects the deceased. Others believe that honoring the name of the deceased includes continuing their life's work and spreading their message, allowing them to "live on" in the memories and lives of others. The latter is exactly what Mo is doing. He has chosen not to suffer, but to exalt his son's name in this grand project, as he attempts to improve the lives of others around him. Remembering the life and message of someone who has passed is not the same as re-living the sadness of their death. We have 100% control over our emotions. Some of us are better at exerting that control than others.
After watching these series I realised that we are really just wasting our time when we choose to stay miserable. I'm really inspired by your son, and especially by the scenario where he went talking with the homeless woman, that is soo touching.
I already shared your message with some people, and all of them connected with the message, they also all sent a happy wish to Ali. You really made me want to meet Ali. I'm sure you will meet him very very soon, and I pray for you and your son.
"We are just wasting our time when we choose to stay miserable" I love this quote Galaeiv. Thank you for sharing and thank you for your kind wishes for Ali and me. You would have really liked him but as you said. We are all going to end up in the next level of the game sooner or later. I will do the best I can in this level and wait to see Ali agin when the time comes.
This presentation has made me rethink my life
... and your comment has made me feel that my life was worthwhile. Thank you!
WoW, this whole presentation was so heart and eye opener for me. I thank you for your generosity, your honesty and authenticity…. Thank you, thank you and thank you again.
That song at the end.. My body was ready to cry but my mind was so amused.. I bet they had fun writing that before they incarnated. Thank you Mo and Ali ❤
Amazing. I watched the whole series, I am starting the second time & can't wait for the book. Thanks to you & Ali from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you so much Ali & Mo for sharing the crystal clear wisdom 🙏💞💐🙏
After watching all the videos for solve for happiness, changed my perspective on life for better. All videos were very clear & lots of examples were provided. I greatly appreciate the effort for posting them for anyone to watch & learn alot from them.
I discovered your talk on Google talks posted in LinkedIn ..on 6th apr thurs.....was in the midst of work woes...waa nine mins into the talk..interrupted with meetings. ..decided to continue smtime later..
Friday morning heard part two...implemented the 'get me a better thought' technique...ended up cheerful at work.....again I hv a lot of reasons to be down....or so am told by my ego...but hearing part two in Friday ..I tricked my ego..
I just completed listening to all the parts incl this one.....I just feel hv missed out so much in life...but ready to start anew now...need to get your book...and all thw while you mentioned Ali...I conclude...he surely has been your teacher. ..and is a reminder to me ...of all that life is...thank you for Ali..and all that you are doin....peace now to all of us..
"I tricked my ego" :) I love this sentence. Thank you for writing this Jennifer. You brought a tear to my eye for what you said about Ali. He truly was my teacher and the kindest man I ever met. Please send him a wish that he is happy wherever he is right now.
Solve for Happy ----Mo, Ali has always been at peace..while he was here in the physical, and now on the other side...his peace continues through you and what you are blessed Ali wherever you are and thank you ..through your Dad's beautiful endeavour. .I am humbled to relook at my life...thank you for the 'nudge'...peace be with you Mo and Ali..and also Omar. ..
Just thank you Mo! I read the book in 2020, it changed my life… now I probably bought and gave away your book more than 50 times… and will continue… this seminar was really nice and so authentic. Cheers and all the best
Thank Mo, now I know why I always expect the worst in life, but now my mind is aware of what the brain is doing. Thank you for sharing your messages
Hi, Mo, most of my Christmas is spent watching your class. I could not stop. The song at the end is truly heart touching. We are all here to live a life that delights our soul and then we move on to the next station that offers more life. I hope Ali is there when you eventually finish this game. He will be able to tell you himself how proud he is. You are amazing!
Beautiful. God bless you and Ali Brother. That meant so much when I needed it the most.
Thank you Mo, your teachings made me happier. Count me in your 1mil happy ppl. I love you
The cake is a lie!
Thank you so much for sharing this playlist / conference. Very insightful ❤
Hello Sir, It brought tears to my eyes when you played that song. I lost my father 5 months back due to Covid. The way things happened makes me wonder that all was planned. The last few things that my father said to me, the fact that I was able to see him one last time, it wouldn't have been possible out of complete randomness. But how do you overcome the fact that life is so long before you will meet your son again (and I will meet my father again)? Don't you feel like taking the shortcut that you talked about to reach the next level? Your son must be so proud of you for what you are doing and trying to bring change to people's lives. The song said that " I am alive" and what you are doing has really made him alive. I don't know how life and death work but someday I will like to meet your son at that next level.
Thank you for sharing your story and insight with the world, and on this free platform. All of your concepts were well thought out and explained but the one that really stood out for me was your explanation on why we are not our mind and your concept of perception. Made a massive difference to my existence and inner peace
I love everything you have to say. You sure up my understanding. I return to Barbados after living in the US for 50 years. We need you here.
Thank you so much Mo for sharing this. I can't wait to read the book - discovered already the kindl version translated in German. I think it is so important to tell this to the world right now. How amazing this is, to find the words to put in the massage so understandable and clear. Thank you Ali - you make me 😊
Thank you for your kind comment. German and 15 other languages are being worked on. I hope the whole world reads it. Help me spread the message.
Thank you for making this so systematic. I have heard all 9 plus few more. Will try it out. Last bit here is heartbreaking .
This was a remarkable event, to watch each and every segment (thank you for the generosity of sharing it). And then to end with the tune you had playing in your mind after your son's death...I was just shaking my head in amazement at the words. I am not a gamer and have never even heard of that particular game or song (not the demographic really as a 56 year old mom) but I have had long conversations with my own son who loves some of the games--he taught me not to have any fears long ago of his playing them, by the way. I still hear the joy he shares in playing. About 15 years ago, I noticed I myself needed to investigate FEAR because it was ruling my life. I dove into it and found The Work of Byron Katie who you mention in your program, a delightful coincidence. I did her method of The Work over and over on some frightening events I had logged as tragic, and found I had been mistaken and not able to see the full picture. I've been doing The Work ever since and it's become my profession and it's my great joy to work with others in this format all the time, every day. Your experience you share here is an example for me of what can happen to step out of what one thinks is reality, into a kinder universe, through inquiry. Incidentally, right before I discovered your work here online (I ordered the book and it's on the way) my son had an emergency appendectomy which was normal procedure and outcome, but it just seemed rather an interesting composite of shared story. I am also very close to Ben, my son (who is 22), and a decade ago in my investigations, I realized one of my great fears was that he would die so I turned towards the terrifying images. I found so much awareness. However, I am so deeply grateful for your example and sharing. It is the Next Level and I am very humbly moved and inspired. Deep bow.
I am so grateful that you took the time to write those kind words and share so openly Grace. Byron Katie is amazing. I love her work and highly recommend it for every one. It's never too late to be a gamer :) :)
تعازيٌ لفقدانك ولدك علي, لقد مررت بتجارب مشابهة ولكن ليست بمثابة فقدان شخص عزيز لهذه الدرجة ستبقى ذكراه في قلوب الملايين لما فعلته لأجله فهذا اعظم انواع الحب , احسست انك تتكلم ما كنت افكر به منذ زمن ولكن لم استطع شرحه او فهمه ولكن تجربتك في الحياة وخبرتك سمحت لك بذلك , لك كل التقدير والأحترام لأول مرة أشعر بوجود شخص يشاركني الفكر ولديه الخبرة ليوجهني لحياة أسعد , سأحاول بكل صدق أن اتبع نصائحك حتى في كتاب scary smart فانا سأبدء العمل في مجال AI الأسبوع المقبل . thank you for being you
I see sometimes I live my life by going from pleasure to pleasure but not quite reaching happiness. It makes me happy to think that life is just a game and then we die we stop playing the game regardless of whether this is true.
I will keep trying to be aware of the illusions in life and I will keep trying to find my grand truths.
Thank you for the stimulating videos.
Thanks Mo. I watched this video series, and I think you have done an exceptional job of bringing together a range of different thought and life concepts to make a very practical and clear method to work toward a happier life. Further, making a positive choice to seek to make millions happy on the back of such a traumatic event in your life with losing Ali is really brave, and just very cool. You should be very proud.
through the 9 parts i lived in the 'now'. almost every sentence felt at the moment the most important 'knowledge' i questioned myself about.
every part seems to be best of the 9 at his 'now time'
you helped me feel happy through the journey. i started acting happily and i believe that every 'now' time; of the rest of my real life time ;will be a commited acceptation if i continue doing my best. Allah yarham your son sir.
I am so happy to have found your videos and listen to your experience . It brings me joy to learn and relate to your wisdom , I will share this my friends as well. Thank you so much for doing positive work on earth . Peace
"live before you die, but don't hung on too much, it's just a game" I love that
One Love!
Always forward, never ever backward!!
Thank you Mo. I viewed all 9 videos. Loved them all !!!
Thank you Mo for this lecture and book and for telling us about your views on life and beyond.It's an interesting concept and will help me with my own life as well.Be blessed.
Thank you very much for taking the time to write this kind message. I am delighted you found value in Solve for Happy.
Can't find the words. BEAUTIFUL, Perfect, LIFE CHANGING...will just have to do.
Thank you for sharing this. Keep sharing. It is such an important message. Even if people need many reminders following hearing the message the first time, it is a message that has the power to affect a collective consciousness in a way that the 'non-spiritual' can understand. I love the word Happy. I use the term as a reference point for what you describe as joy, and consider the centering on it as a reference point, a North Star if you will. I too lost my son. It was at his birth, so I did not have the joy of years with him, as with your Ali. Nevertheless, it had a profound impact on my life and the view of good and bad, and I very much identified with that portion of the discussion.
I am, after this discussion, curious about your thoughts on the observer vs. the creator. I do not necessarily mean this in the religious sense, rather, as you said you believe we are the observer, is our role to observe or to create? Or do you believe that creating is a method of observation?
Joy is happiness, uninterrupted. It surely should be the north star.
I am sorry for your loss and hope your path in life will never have to endure such hardship again. And I am honored you found value in this approach. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
That's the topic of my next book :) (I hope) Very complex but mind blowing really. We are both observing and creating. Let me get the concepts clear before I share it on the public internet :)
Would love to assist in the editing process if you choose a similar method.
Thank you MO you make rethink of my life. I am talking about the book all the time and with every one. I hope 🤞🏼 that one day I can meet to you 😊. 😊
Thank you for the kind comment. It is a small world. I hope we can meet too. Please join I always announce my travel there. Hoping to meet when in the same city next.
استمعت إليها كاملة وحمدت الله على نعمة الإسلام وطمأنينة الإيمان بالله وحده لاشريك له؛ فهم يحومون حول كل شيء حتى يصلوا إلى الموت فيقفون أو يبدؤون بالكلام الفاضي.
هذه هي الحقيقة الموت حق وما بعد الموت حق، فإذا لم تؤمن بذلك ولم تبحث بجد عن الدين الحق فأنت تلعب على نفسك، والحياة قصيرة جدا.
0:50 Why do you need to find your ultimate truth?
So we can use it as signposts to instinctively know that we are on the right path to joy, instead of incessantly wondering whether we are happy or not by ALWAYS comparing events to our expectation every damn time.
0:38 The five ultimate truth:
1) Now is real
28:13 Life is now, not in the past nor in the future.
2) Change is real
3) Love is real
There are 2 types of love: conditional & unconditional
4) Death is real
27:23 Three philosphies around death:
a) Life is inevitable.
Death is part of life, and life is inevitable. Since death will happen anyway, it's better to take death out of the equation and focus on life.
b) Life is now.
The truly thing we can affect is now.
c) Life is a rental.
All of our belongings will become someone else's.
When somebody is died, people usually say may he/she rest in peace, but why waiting until we die to be in peace? Why don't we live in peace instead?
5) Grand design is real
37:58 Golden tip of happiness:
"If you're presented with two choices, neither of which you can prove with certainty, please choose the one that makes you happy."
32:33 The girl commented that a lot of Mo's arguments on the topic were so rooted in reasons and logic that she felt there was a loss of feelings and emotions in it, although the event that triggered Mo to pursue this path is a very emotional event, namely the death of his beloved son. Mo's answered that he did feel pain from the death of his son, even to this day, but he chose to not to dwell into suffering. Since he couldn't change the event (the death of his son), he chose to take something positive feom it, to spread his son's legacy instead of suffering from the loss.
This conversation actually answers my curiosity. In the middle of this series (around the 4th or 5th video), I was thinking that Mo's story went from the lost of his son straight to the wisdom that he got. There must be a lot of pain and struggle in the middle, and it must be an interesting story, probably even worth of another book. I wonder why he didn't tell us. Now I know why. Mo didn't want to dwell on the feeling of loss and grief for too long. He didn't want to change his pain into suffering, which I suspect would happen if he told the story.
I'd like to thank Mo for sharing his time and wisdom in this topic. He's a kind and gentle teacher. I found his podcast at the right moment. I just quitted from a job that took toll on my physical and mental health. I purposely delay hunting for another job because I want to work on my mental health first. This podcast is exactly what I need, and I believe it is because of the grand design of God I found this. Thank you very much Mo🙏
I have learnt few great tips. And sharing with my friends
Your an amazing inspirational man ..
Thank you for the inspiration!!!
Oh wow! Have been following Mo Gawdat's talks on utube and read his book. It always made me a little mad that God took his son away from him in such an unnecessary manner. Why do humans suffer why does god play such a cosmic joke on us. Mo didn't give me the answer. His story made me even more mad at God! I was like how can Mo just talk about Happiness,,no !!no! no! It's unfair unjust its not right!!!!!!!. It's like all the silly religious people telling us to just surrender and accept our lot in life. But after going through the lecture, feeling, trying to grasp what he was trying to convey to us........he plays this song!!! A tune playing in his head for 4 days after Ali's death. A clear message from beyond this world. What a beautiful message,,, I just burst into tears it's as if Ali was telling me its ok , I am fine and Happy ! My life and death was a triumph! AND I am still alive , wow, wow! Thank You Mo! Thank u Ali! Beautiful!
Amazing, as most of MO videos, would like to attend personally one of your life session, will be happy to do so.
Amazing. Thank you MO.
شكرا محمد و على.. جزاكم الله خيرا 💓
You are amaizing ❤️
I love Ali , Allah is with us all 🙏
What a talk 👏👏👏
Beautiful talk Sir.
I am a non-believer (atheist). I allow anyone their religious beliefs but I think that religious beliefs are stories that are not rooted in reality. They have valuable functions for a lot of people but I do not accept religious arguments when discussing science or 'the truth'. I followed your talks with great interest and have been summarising each video. I respect your work on this and am grateful for the lessons that you're teaching. But I have to admit that I became very skeptical when I reached this last video. From someone who spent much of his time backing up his story with a scientific approach / using scientific experiments I was not expecting such an easy dismissal of the theory of evolution. You basically went "oh by the way, the theory of evolution is wrong".
You say that one can prove neither God nor evolution with absolute certainty, which is true, but the very significant difference is that all scientific research points towards the theory of evolution being the probable explanation while none of the empirical research ever done points to the likelihood that intelligent design exists. You say that you have done your own mathematical calculations and that they point to intelligent design as opposed to 'pure luck'. No doubt you're a very intelligent man, far more intelligent than myself, but I doubt that you are singlehandedly capable of proving all the world's leading biologists, physicist and other scientists involved with this topic wrong.
I wanted to communicate this to you, but I'm sad that I couldn't find another way to make my point without resorting to another 'creationism vs evolution' argument. I do wish you all the success imaginable in obtaining your goal of making so many people happy. I surely will take some valuable lessons from your talks.
Dear Mo, I also wonder, is there a difference between the intuition and the brain? And if there is, who is to taken action upon? Thank you very much, Diana
The best book I read on the topic is Blink by Malcom Gladwell. It sure is a worthy read. I tend to believe that our intuition is our ability to include a lot more of the complexity of the world into our analysis than is obvious to our conscious brain. Intuition surely can open our minds to many possibilities that we would not arrive at through diligent thought alone. The best approach I found, though, is a mix of both--an openness to intuition followed by due diligence and analysis. Another amazing book on that last approach is Thinking fast and Slow.
Creation, I was created by the seed wisdom. Evolution. I evolve. I evolve from birth, age 20, 40, 60, 80, I evolve, age. Creation and evolution compliment and complete each other like male and female. Opposites compliment and complete each other to sustain life.
Evolution is part of the mechanics of life. Part of the design.
Until, change is real.. ..
Watch until, change is real.. ..
Read until change is real..
Now is real..
Change is real.. ..
The copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics is just stated as fact... It is not - it is highly contested.
That combined with the views that you are not dead when you are dead and that the universe has been created all at once, means that the rest of the views presented should be seriously questioned before being adopted.
Dear Mo, I suggest you talk to a biologist about evolution and you will see that what you said was just an "illusion of knowledge" about evolution".
Hey Mo,
I want a car ! !!
Just kidding..
I didn't even bother to learn driving.. ..
If there is a grand design, then why did it take over a million years to create. There is no randomness? Convenient to only use examples that have had some positive outcomes. Childhood cancer is designed to bring pain? Very flawed argument.
please stop using science as 'proofs' of anything, most of the time you don't know what you're saying
I am sorry my talk did not meet your expectation. It is just my world view affected by the scenarios of what life took me through shared for conversation. You can imagine that some actually find this useful despite the fact that it disagrees with your world view. For those, I will keep sharing. For you, please accept my respect and ignore it.
well I'm going to be a horrible person and say you're just doing jour son's funerals again and again with these talks. I get it though, and I agree that losing a child is the worst anyone can go through
I am not sure I understand. Would you kindly explain how you think that this is what I am doing?
Different cultures view death in different ways. Some believe that you should never again speak the name of someone who has passed, and doing so disrespects the deceased. Others believe that honoring the name of the deceased includes continuing their life's work and spreading their message, allowing them to "live on" in the memories and lives of others. The latter is exactly what Mo is doing. He has chosen not to suffer, but to exalt his son's name in this grand project, as he attempts to improve the lives of others around him. Remembering the life and message of someone who has passed is not the same as re-living the sadness of their death. We have 100% control over our emotions. Some of us are better at exerting that control than others.