Publius Vergilius Maro - Aeneidos Liber IV

  • Опубликовано: 4 фев 2025
  • (Zum lesen 720p HD Vollbild anklicken)

Комментарии • 26

  • @pracades
    @pracades 11 месяцев назад +1

    Played some of this in class and my students thoroughly enjoyed your reading. They said for the first time they could visualize this being told as an oral recitation of an epic tale. Thank you!

  • @benanderson2920
    @benanderson2920 10 месяцев назад +1

    I really love how you can hear the meter in his reading.

  • @xiaomao7427
    @xiaomao7427 4 года назад +1

    you are a lifesaver! I have a latin reading exam tmmrw and i haven't studied until now... looool wish me luck!!!!

  • @JoePerry91
    @JoePerry91 13 лет назад +4

    my god... the best interpretation of a Vergil's poem, at last! Thank you, thank you very much!

  • @Prochain
    @Prochain 4 года назад +5

    he kinda vibing tho

  • @DavidAmster
    @DavidAmster 3 года назад +1

    Pulcherrime!! Gratias tibi!!

  • @joevonwolfenstein21
    @joevonwolfenstein21 Год назад

    Who is the commentator? His execution of this best chapter of the Aeneis' journey to Carthage enroute to Etrusca.

  • @ephemera8741
    @ephemera8741 5 лет назад +12

    Levan brought me here

  • @maximeviande2334
    @maximeviande2334 7 лет назад +1

    Iste locutor Wilfried Stroh nonest ?

  • @baalhaophanim
    @baalhaophanim 12 лет назад +4

    Merci de cette cadeau magnfique, grazie per questa belleza...
    Prego, dove si può trovare altri canti di questa recitazione? Ci sono? S' il vous plaît, où est-ce qu' on peut trouver plus chants de cette enregistrement, pouvez vous mettre les autres? Please, are there more fragments or chapters of this? I need more...

  • @xiaomao7427
    @xiaomao7427 4 года назад +1

    ignore this is just so I can remember where it starts
    15:26 174 - 183

  • @LaureanoLuna
    @LaureanoLuna 5 лет назад +1

    Barbara Vergilium mactat si musica cantat.

  • @Alice_in_Subatomic_Land
    @Alice_in_Subatomic_Land 4 года назад +2

    53:50 exoriare aliquis nostris ex ossibus ultur!

  • @tlatosmd
    @tlatosmd 2 года назад +1

    Also, ich bezweifele stark, daß 'ae' tatsächlich völlig identisch mit 'a' ausgesprochen wurde. Dann hätten die Römer doch einfach gleich 'a' schreiben können. Es dürfte einen echten Römer ziemlich verwirren, wenn beim hiesigen Deklamator Stroh Singular und Plural von amica völlig identisch lauten. Das beruht alles auf dem verbreiteten Irrtum von Sidney Allen 1987, daß alpha-iota (das im Lateinischem mit 'ae' transkribiert wurde) einfach nur wie ein langes a ausgesprochen worden wäre. Was sich aber schon dadurch eindeutlig ausschließen läßt, daß wir in den antiken Papyri und Kursiven oft Rechtschreibfehler finden, wo alpha-iota stattdessen als epsilon bzw. eta geschrieben wird (und zwar schon lange, bevor die byzantische Aussprache von eta als langem i aufkam). Realiter dürfte der Lautwert von alpho-iota etwa dem ai in der amerikanischen Aussprache von ''maid' (Dienstmädchen) entsprochen haben, was dann von dem Römern wiederum mit ae transkribiert wurde, was wiederum dem deutschen ä sehr nahekommt.

    • @tlatosmd
      @tlatosmd 2 года назад

      Vrgl. dazu auch:

  • @fashion8751
    @fashion8751 4 года назад +1

    La pronuncia restituta e' molto piu'attendibile, leggendo i testi cosi' il Latino acquista valore e ritorna lingua viva

  • @bradgetz
    @bradgetz Год назад

    Kante balapidor el monte kan belabior kasta malapisoe

  • @ts13579_texas_usa
    @ts13579_texas_usa Месяц назад

    I have listened to most of the audio while very carefully following along in my authoritative printed Aeneid text.
    This narrator rushes through numerous syllables in abundant passages, all but swallowing those syllables completely, effectively rendering those syllables, sometimes even entire words, effectively inaudible. Which is supremely annoying.
    It might have occurred to this distinguished professor of the classics (but it apparently did not) that serious learners would be expecting super clear diction in his recitation, in order that we could meticulously follow his example, and duplicate his pronunciation for ourselves, word by word and syllable by syllable, with absolute fidelity.
    With his rendition such as it is, that is obviously and lamentably impossible.

  • @shonnyno
    @shonnyno 5 лет назад +1

    arma virumque cààààno: accento di parola può NON coincidere con il marcato del ritmo (a sua volta generato dalla prosodia): eneide = tango. Contrariamente a Serpa io ritengo (sulla base della nenia di Danae e relativo commento di Dionigi) che l'enjambement NON debba infliure sulla limpidezza del ritmo. "se lo leggi rispettando le pause sintattiche il ritmo ti sfuggirà e non sarai in grado di..." : io lo applicherei anche al tango dell'Eneide.

    • @Velvenor
      @Velvenor 5 лет назад

      Un pazzo.

    • @shonnyno
      @shonnyno 5 лет назад +1

      Diciamo che credo ai Grammatici Latini quando affermano che si dice làtebras ma in fine di esametro diventa latèbras. Ma tali grammatici hanno un gramo destino: li si cita quando ti danno ragione, li si cestina quando ti contraddicono. Ad ogni modo io ritengo che l'accento mutava (hai presente Va pensiero con oh simìle, eppure in italiano si dice sìmile, lasciando all'Ollio di Alberto Sordi il simìle!

  • @sugimeli
    @sugimeli 12 лет назад

    tabula rasa

  • @nihilicious42
    @nihilicious42 2 года назад

    {sploogium meam}