Hello, awesome channel for a noob like me! I was wondering, at 10:42 in our utility function couldn't we just omit to type the message as string and instead in the return do something like "return message.toString()" ?
That's exactly how I handle request errors in our projects. 😅 Those Python develelopers cannot agree with Java developers on error response, and they both think it is easy to handle those errors in the client side.
Wrapping an unknown in a String() call does not actually constitute casting, strictly speaking, as it’s either this or this: as string. Wrapping stuff in a String() call actually replaces the value of the unknown with a string equivalent. Not casting That note aside, I really like videos. Appreciate the effort
I would write ... else if (error && typeof error === "object" && "message in error && typeof error.message === "string") { ... If there is a message in an error object but it isn't a string, it should possibly use the default error message instead.
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Hello ByteGrad I was struggling with error handling and your tutorial really helped dealing with errors loved your content good luck
Thank you for explaining this well, i have banged my head on JS error handling for so long
This is art, loved it 🙂
Your tutorials and content are A Class. Just get a better microphone if possible. Thanks
yap, sounds is too low.
This is pure gold! Thanks a lot!!!
Hello, awesome channel for a noob like me! I was wondering, at 10:42 in our utility function couldn't we just omit to type the message as string and instead in the return do something like "return message.toString()" ?
Your really good explaining, keep going Cheers
thank you for sharing this topic
This is awesome!
Thanks finding a solution for this :D
That's exactly how I handle request errors in our projects. 😅 Those Python develelopers cannot agree with Java developers on error response, and they both think it is easy to handle those errors in the client side.
We still not consider the case where "message" is also an object
Amazing! Thanks
Thanks a lot. keep going
Nice lesson on error handling though
Wrapping an unknown in a String() call does not actually constitute casting, strictly speaking, as it’s either this or this: as string. Wrapping stuff in a String() call actually replaces the value of the unknown with a string equivalent. Not casting
That note aside, I really like videos. Appreciate the effort
What about to save mark as 'any' and use following: console.log(error?.message || error?.stack || error); It is suitable for all error data types
I prefer
typeof error?.message === "string"
Thank you chris
I didn't know there was an unknown type 😮
I would write
... else if (error && typeof error === "object" && "message in error && typeof error.message === "string") { ...
If there is a message in an error object but it isn't a string, it should possibly use the default error message instead.
Good point
export const getErrorMessage = (error: unknown) => {
if (error instanceof Error || (error && typeof error === "object" && "message" in error && typeof error.message === "string")) {
return error.message;
} else if (typeof error === "string") {
return error;
return "Something went wrong";
use a generic API response wrapper
const res = ... as unknown as any
What if error.message is is an object, HTML, etc... Casting to string then would not be really safe.
Good point
It is good for another video about TypeGaurds maybe.
Then that would be [object Object]
The thing is even if it is an object should you trust it for display purposes?
God, I hate TS. Yet its so needed.
message = `${error}`
just type and be happy:
error?.message??'errors happens'
use zod
the fn is async, and he used the then, man just use await