Getting personal about our Mental Health - Lunch Break!

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 109

  • @thewesleychan
    @thewesleychan 3 года назад +106

    Thanks for sharing Chris, Michelle, and Taylor

  • @michellehsieh246
    @michellehsieh246 3 года назад +196

    Thank you, everyone, for all love and support and sharing your experiences ♥️ Mental health is incredibly important so please take care of yourselves and seek a professional if it gets too much. Too many times we overlook ourselves thinking it’s weak to ask for help or that we can handle it. There’s a lot of strength in reaching out when we need it.
    Also, please be kind to each other in the comments. If you don’t struggle with mental health, don’t put others down just because you can’t relate. Mental health is real and everyone’s experiences is less than another persons. Love y’all ♥️

    • @RondyWooten
      @RondyWooten 3 года назад +4

      Thank you for giving this subject the time and care that it truly deserves, and for allowing yourself to be vulnerable to help others. I hope you know that I consider you a friend, and that I'm rooting for you from the other side of the country 💖

    • @traidahhsien7378
      @traidahhsien7378 3 года назад +2

      Thank you Michelle! and Wong fu!

  • @bensonq
    @bensonq 3 года назад +82

    Such a powerful episode. People of all ages can learn from having these conversations. It's never too late to start taking the steps toward healing.

  • @judytrinh
    @judytrinh 3 года назад +94

    taylor ---- i cried when you cried. it's beautiful to see you go deep & express yourself, it helps us connect with you. ❤️
    chris ---- my mother passed away so i empathize with you. hope you are feeling better. be gentle on yourself. your father is proud of you.
    michelle --- i love you! if someone doesn't like you -- rejection is god's protection.
    being vulnerable is beautiful ----- be you. ❤️

  • @MartyD
    @MartyD 3 года назад +66

    An important and often overlooked subject matter amongst the Asian community!

    • @holidayturnpike
      @holidayturnpike 3 года назад

      def need substitles for our parents. unfortunately im a disgrace and cant speak my mother tongue, so other heroes are required

  • @HowToNguyen
    @HowToNguyen 3 года назад +24

    Thank you Wong Fu, and especially to Chris, Michelle, and Taylor, for being vulnerable and open to having this discussion. I remember mentioning to the team when you guys were in Dallas in 2019 that I would love to see you guys touch on Mental Health and I believe Wes responded saying he hears us and has plans, but is worried about approaching the topic in the right way. While it's also unfortunately necessary, I'm also really happy watching this because this was such a sincere way to have this conversation.
    I've spent so many years fighting to help my social circles and extended family acknowledge the legitimacy of mental illnesses and the importance of mental health. It's really wonderful to see it being talked about more among prominent Asian Americans.

  • @justmejessie97
    @justmejessie97 3 года назад +29

    Missed you guys!! Michelle looks absolutely stunning, love the hair!

  • @daniellelim4576
    @daniellelim4576 3 года назад +35

    Honestly really grateful for everyone being so open and candid! Mental health is so important so thank you for all your experiences and honesty.
    Remember that you're not alone and that you can reach out to those who care about you!

  • @Nlah27
    @Nlah27 3 года назад +9

    When taylor said “part of the stigma comes from feeling like your problems aren’t as BIG as other people’s problems” omg relate so hard🥺😢 until I spiraled and a friend recommended me to seek help. Hope others who need it, look for it too!🙂

  • @soljah37
    @soljah37 3 года назад +13

    I never knew what it felt to be concerned about my mental health until I experienced my first anxiety/panic attack last year. Even experiencing the thought of suicide made me more aware to keep my mind in check. So now I try my best to keep busy and stay positive by doing things like spending time with my daughter, working out as most as I can, cleaning up my place, and shit......picking up Pokemon again and playing with pokemon cards. While it's so dumb to a lot of folks, I find myself at ease when I'm working at home but sorting through my pokemon cards on the downtime. On days that I'm completely overwhelmed, I learned to just call in sick for a day and step out to just be by myself. Now, more than ever, I try to reach out to my friends by just saying hi. Idk wtf they doing, but just saying hi on a random day and time really does brighten up their day.

    • @michellehsieh246
      @michellehsieh246 3 года назад +1

      anything that makes you happy is NOT dumb!! I'm glad you can find solace in all the things you've listed and you're exercising self love and self care :)

  • @froggyfrulz
    @froggyfrulz 3 года назад +10

    Thank you Taylor for being vonerable in your story, it says a lot to guys that mental health is not gender persific. Michelle & Chris thanks for being open about your past experiences as well

  • @video4newt
    @video4newt 3 года назад +5

    Michelle, your sharing so resonates with me as I was in the same situation growing up with friends. Thankfully I did not do anything with self harm but depression was and anxiety was a constant battle. Your strength you show now gives us and me strength that we can all get through it.
    Taylor, your emotion shows the truth and how important it is to have support and how it is okay to recognize anxiety is a journey to work though and there is no shame in it. You show strength by recognizing it.

  • @yessie1
    @yessie1 3 года назад +13

    I wanted to cry when Taylor started sniffling

  • @Kaiya027
    @Kaiya027 3 года назад +2

    This was an amazing video. Thank you so much for sharing. I feel like I have even more of a connection with you guys. Yes. I deal with Anxiety, and mild BPD. I am also aware that different cultures have different stigmas, too. My first suicide attempt; one of my elementary school friends said she could not hang out around me anymore. One of our mutual friends stood by me. So I still know the other girl today, although not as directly anymore. Yes, you DO find out who your true friends are. The girl who stood by me; her brother is dealing with issues, and is on medication. But I am so proud of her and her parents for their behaviours towards me. When it came to her brother dealing with that, my family rallied to help her and her family. I have so much more to say but it usually comes out sounding awkward. So I won't. But just thank you. For all your mental health campaigning, All The Way Through this pandemic. You guys have demonstrated that you don't just talk about this for a while, you are willing to support this ongoing. You guys are amazing.

  • @SamElle
    @SamElle 3 года назад +17

    I struggle with anxiety and it honestly have felt so so debilitating for the better part of my life. A big reason was that when I expressed how I felt, people around me said they felt the same way so I thought it was normal and I was just being a baby about it. It wasn't until I started therapy where I saw improvement with my anxiety. I learned different coping mechanisms and strategies when my anxiety flares up. Now I have better control over it and it doesn't feel like it has such a huge grasp on my life anymore!

    • @michellehsieh246
      @michellehsieh246 3 года назад +1

      Your experiences and feelings are completely valid and it's too often people invalidate how hard someone is struggling as "being a baby" or "being weak" or "sensitive" etc. I'm so glad you've taken the step to go to therapy to help you with your anxiety! Keep on going with that self love & self help :)

  • @christinelin9763
    @christinelin9763 3 года назад +5

    When I was in middle school, I went thought a severe bout of depression. When my father found out, he told me not to mention it to my mother and put on a happy face. As someone who suffers from clinical depression and anxiety, I am grateful that people in the Asian community are coming out and expressing support for mental health and well being rather than seeing these issues as shameful and wrong. Thank you Wong Fu!

    • @michellehsieh246
      @michellehsieh246 3 года назад +1

      I'm sorry that your family couldn't be a bigger support system and you were forced to hide it for so long. That being said, thank you for sharing your experience and I hope this encourages you to seek professional help whenever it gets too much to handle

  • @FlimsyRock
    @FlimsyRock 3 года назад +9

    Thanks for being so vulnerable about mental health. Sometimes we just need a reminder that it's okay to be candid about our experiences and that they still affect us- I'm glad you guys have created such an amazing safe space for yourself and everyone who watches!

  • @HeyLookItsKathy
    @HeyLookItsKathy 3 года назад +25

    Thank you guys for being vulnerable and sharing with us! I've been lucky enough to go to therapy since January and it's completely covered by my health insurance. It's helped me so much! I hope more people are able to seek the help they need to improve their mental health.

    • @michellehsieh246
      @michellehsieh246 3 года назад +1

      thank you for sharing your experiences! i'm so glad that you took the step to go seek therapy. it's unfortunate that the american health system is so scuffed and some don't cover insurance, but im glad that yours was able to!

  • @jae4356
    @jae4356 3 года назад +4

    Hearing about how supportive Michelle’s mom is makes me happy... my mom threatened keep me from going to college if I didn’t recover immediately from my ED

  • @adilah1000
    @adilah1000 3 года назад +3

    This is always a good reminder to check in on the people around you to see if they're doing okay in ways that we can't easily tell. Thank you so much Wong Fu for being open and vulnerable about your experiences.
    I was [in some ways, unfortunately] able to relate to each of you, having to grieve in high school, to self-harm, and these days, anxiety has been most prevalent for me as I get older. I think to experience forms of mental health issues is very normal, and people don't realise or talk about it enough. To this day, even the subject at home (coming from a first generation Indonesian immigrant family) is difficult, where mental health is usually brushed to the side. I was only able to get help when I pushed myself to open up to my doctor - even while my parents were against it. It's always okay to ask for help.
    Thank you again, and much love to anyone who is going through something - things will get better ♡

  • @diw2756
    @diw2756 2 года назад +1

    Thank you to the Wong Fu team for addressing this…. I feel like many of us have one or many kinds of mental health issues…sometimes for a long time too cuz life gets complicated
    It make us feel less alone and more willing t seek help

  • @innmyhumbleopinion
    @innmyhumbleopinion 3 года назад +8

    Thank you for being so vulnerable. ♥️Mental health is an important topic that we need to start being more open about in our community so I'm so proud of you all for sharing your personal journeys with us.

  • @kasuScene
    @kasuScene 3 года назад +2

    Michelle’s story really resonates with me; I had strict Asian parents so I couldn’t really hang out with friends and I slowly lost all my friends. I was sucidal in middle school, as an introvert it’s always been a struggle for me to make friends and right now in life I have a lot of acquaintances. I am in a better place but there are days where the world starts closing up on me. My parents have been separated for pretty much my entire life but not divorced, so there is just a bunch of things that really make life weird but having a support system really helps. RUclips has really helped me deal with all of my anxieties and I can’t thank you guys enough for opening up the dialogue and creating the content you create! It’s really hard to find Asian representation in America especially Muslim representation but it’s slowly happening and y’all have contributed a lot to bring more Asian voices forward.

  • @Chipayon
    @Chipayon 3 года назад +3

    Thank you guys for being vulnerable and talking about this topic.
    When Taylor sniffles, I also started crying. I was in similar situation in college. Study full time, work part time, a president of a student club, and an officer of another academic club, while just got through a break up in my senior year, plus the anxiety of finding a job before graduation. I keep the “overachieving” pattern even after I start working a few years. My therapist told me to be kinder to myself (and no, this is not because of my Asian parents, they are pretty chill, I’m the not chill one)
    Hug to you Taylor, and other people who are striving to have better mental health 💕

  • @helenlovespurple
    @helenlovespurple 3 года назад +1

    as someone who dedicated their career to mental wellness, i really appreciate the open and honest conversation about mental wellness!! I think in asian culture, there is a sensitivity to the stigma and cultural beliefs of saving face or survivor mentality that exist! Being advocates in the asian community to speak about mental health is so important to bring awareness, I am happy to hear that wes heard us and that you guys came about this topic in such a vulnerable and inspiring way.

  • @BeVazn
    @BeVazn 3 года назад +1

    Thanks to all three of you for sharing your stories.

  • @ILikeGrapefruit
    @ILikeGrapefruit 3 года назад +3

    this is a great talk that needs to be brought up more often!

  • @eunjikim5255
    @eunjikim5255 3 года назад +1

    One of the best lunch break. Thank you for continuing this dialogue. Mental health is a topic I am prioritizing right now. I personally did not even realize that I neglected my own health during this pandemic and snowballed into a crisis. Whether journaling, reading self help books, or seeking therapist, remember to advocate for your story, experience, and emotions. No one else can fully validate you but yourself. Surround yourselves with people and friends who will advocate and support your voice.

  • @saraamin5494
    @saraamin5494 3 года назад +5

    Thanks for talking about this. I struggle with emotional numbness and apathy because of chronic illness, and I find myself pushing my emotions away too. I need to work on that. Overall very insightful :)

  • @tchittesh
    @tchittesh 3 года назад +3

    Michelle, your story was all too relatable 😬😫. I didn't have a lot of friends in high school so I went into college thinking my primary goal would be to make good friends ("putting friends on a pedestal" rings too many bells *yikes*). I totally understand the feeling of insecurity over whether your friends value you, and at least in my case have noticed how this mindset often gets in the way of making friends you feel truly comfortable around. It was really uplifting to hear how therapy helped you reconcile those views and feel better

    • @michellehsieh246
      @michellehsieh246 3 года назад +2

      I'm glad but also sad you could relate to my experiences. I'm sorry that you've had to go through so much as well T_T I hope this encourages you to seek therapy if it gets too much to handle, especially if those around you aren't showing you the love you need

  • @emmTemm
    @emmTemm 3 года назад +4

    Thank you all for being so honest. For me personally, I realized the more I open up about my mental health Journey the more those around me open up. Thank you for this space

  • @video4newt
    @video4newt 3 года назад +2

    Chris, you went through a tough time with the passing of your Dad. I am sorry for your loss. Your emotions is normal and I am glad that you found the strength to see therapy and work through your loss. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • @khoaaaa
    @khoaaaa 3 года назад +4

    Seeing everyone open up meant a lot

  • @jessthetician
    @jessthetician 3 года назад +6

    Such an important yet not often discussed topic! So grateful for this lunch break! 🙌🏻

  • @sweetlistenings3324
    @sweetlistenings3324 3 года назад

    Stay strong.
    What I mean by that is stay strong for yourself!
    This means being honest about what you're feeling and seeking help if you feel you need to. Do not worry about what others say or think. My parents used to always say to me "people gon talk about you til the day you die." You can't stop that. Take care of yourself and love yourself. That also means eating right and taking care of your body.
    This world is tough and can be mean and hateful but if you continue to be a light for yourself, you can survive.
    Don't forget that you can also write down your feelings in a journal or even vlog for yourself. It sounds weird to vlog for yourself but it can help to keep your own video journal of your struggles.
    Take care of YOU and love YOU.

  • @poojakini993
    @poojakini993 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for being so vulnerable and sharing all of your experiences, it means so much

  • @ChourPower
    @ChourPower 3 года назад +2

    I don't usually comment on videos but I think it's great that you all are bringing up this important topic. Thanks! If you are reading this, I hope you have a great weekend. Take care!

  • @tienmiechen7689
    @tienmiechen7689 3 года назад +3

    Your vulnerability is inspiring. Thank you

  • @dooorthvader
    @dooorthvader 3 года назад +5

    you guys are so precious! thank you for sharing your story, it definitely helps me not feel so alone when I experience roadblocks. we're all going through our own things and we're doing the best we can

  • @melmusica
    @melmusica 3 года назад +1

    appreciate how vulnerable and open this convo was, I hope more and more people seek education and understanding about mental health because it's not something that's easily shrugged off, it requires homework

  • @LoisT
    @LoisT 3 года назад +4

    i really appreciated this episode. mental health is absolutely an important topic, and to see you guys been so open about it is a great step to making it more of an open conversation for more ppl to learn more about. especially as asians where theres still a huge stigma about it. thank you guys 💕

  • @TiffanyLawChiffy
    @TiffanyLawChiffy 3 года назад +1

    Such a powerful episode and I have gained so much respect for you three for having this hard but necessary conversation about such an important topic. ❤️

  • @imElainee
    @imElainee 3 года назад +5

    I got diagnosed this past year and want to thank you for this convo ♥️

  • @fayeildefonso
    @fayeildefonso 3 года назад

    aww..I wanted to hug Taylor. I love you Taylor. Take care of yourself and surround yourself with the right people. Don't ever quit! The world is better with you around --- well, for me. I love More Wong Fu and I KNOW. You are a big part of this.

    • @fayeildefonso
      @fayeildefonso 3 года назад

      Also, I didn't watch this immediately because I didn't want to be triggered. Today, I was brave and I got to hear your lovely stories. I love all of you!

  • @maytran9326
    @maytran9326 3 года назад +3

    Been loving the new lunch breaks lately! Keep up the great work:)

  • @soccerjl8
    @soccerjl8 3 года назад +1

    Thank you Chris, Michelle, and Taylor for being so open and sharing your mental health experiences with us! I teared up watching, and related to some of the things you guys mentioned. I actually went to my first therapy session the day this video came out - but it definitely took a while from when I first thought about going to therapy to actually getting that first appointment scheduled.
    I learned in the process that many of my peers have gone to/are seeking therapy too. Whether they have gone themselves or not, my friends and peers from college have been very encouraging about seeking therapy - so I hope that's a sign that we're acknowledging the importance of mental health and making it more of a norm to seek help.

  • @estherpham3542
    @estherpham3542 3 года назад +2

    Thank you so much for having this conversation. Mental health was a really stigmatized topic in the environment I was growing up in, and even the word itself was difficult to mention. Even though that was the past and I am a lot better now, conversations like this still give me a sense of relief and make me feel better.

  • @aloneshark7
    @aloneshark7 3 года назад +1

    As a skeptic before, I thought I could "fix" myself. However, with my supportive wife (who happens to be a mental health therapist!) and Better Help (thanks Wongfu for the introducing it) helped me on a path to better mental health and understanding. Thank you Wongfu!

  • @SimpleCasualChic
    @SimpleCasualChic 3 года назад +2

    Wow! Thank you everyone for being so open and honest with sharing your stories.

  • @theunknownperspective2650
    @theunknownperspective2650 3 года назад +1

    Very happy to see this episode. Mental health is such a fragile topic and I’m glad it’s being addressed more often these days. I’ve dealt with mental health issues since high school, and often felt ashamed to talk about my struggles outside of my close friends, family, and counselors. By the end of high school to now, I’ve been very open about it. Life isn’t easy, but so long as there’s a way to adapt to the changes and check in with ourselves on a frequent basis, there’s hope. At least that’s what I believe ☺️

  • @rachelnguyen4283
    @rachelnguyen4283 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for opening up. Mental health is really important, and I’m really glad you all posted this video. This episode made me cry so much

  • @ilai7893
    @ilai7893 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for being open to share from periods of hurt on an important topic

  • @Jnthlv
    @Jnthlv 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for sharing your experiences and being vulnerable, and spreading awareness on continuing the converstion on mental health. Love you guys!

  • @Puppy52
    @Puppy52 3 года назад +5

    I needed this, thanks for opening your hearts

  • @jameshizon4861
    @jameshizon4861 3 года назад

    Aww... seeing Taylor cry making me cry.

  • @CoffeeOverdosed
    @CoffeeOverdosed 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for sharing this video! Actually teared and cried a lot when Chris, Michelle and Taylor were sharing their experiences because they were so relatable. Hopefully everyone in this community is doing the best they can in their mental health journey ❤️

  • @nyankosushi
    @nyankosushi 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your stories 💜 I'm so happy to see your stories resonate with so many people, including myself... It brought back memories that relatives would also say the "stay away" and "ke lian" type things that Michelle & Chris mentioned, and it really did create a stigma on mental health topics. I'm glad the stigma is constantly changing with conversations like these!
    Enjoying these talks, and now I'm craving a banh mi haha
    Sending love to y'all 💕

  • @jessicaphan5240
    @jessicaphan5240 3 года назад +4

    Thank you for sharing your stories

  • @perfectlove33
    @perfectlove33 3 года назад

    Thank you for the three of your vulnerability in sharing on the topic of mental health. I’m starting therapy for the very first time in two weeks and I’m terrified because I’ve never done it before and I don’t know what it’s like, but I know it will be a good place to process all my thoughts and all my baggage that I carry every day.

  • @coach41
    @coach41 3 года назад

    I could write a lot. But simply mental health is letting your feelings or worries or issues out. If you don’t, you risk spiraling down mentally and physical.
    So I’m watching the video so some of this may be covered later. But I think for e stones mental health it’s good to have a supper system. It doesn’t have to be huge. But having trusted people around to talk to will make you feel a lot better.
    Chris just talked about anxiety. For me personally, i had a lot of worries that led to anxiety. For me anxiety, it was the mental that led me to a physiological issues (fast heartbeats, sweating, etc).

  • @MichaelSAMyatt
    @MichaelSAMyatt 3 года назад +1

    This was a powerful/impactful episode. Thank you for doing this and being so vulnerable with us!

  • @thecommonsensediet8619
    @thecommonsensediet8619 3 года назад

    Beautiful upload, thanks for sharing! Have a calm and relaxed day! Stay healthy and safe! 👍😊🍓

  • @_aiko020
    @_aiko020 3 года назад +5

    Michelle looks so pretty!

  • @kawaiiafangirl
    @kawaiiafangirl 3 года назад +2

    I'm probably a bit older than most of the Wong Fu fans here so one of the only pieces of advice that I can give the younger ones (especially middle school and high schoolers) is that while your life will continue to have ups and downs as you get older, sometimes with age comes greater coping mechanisms.
    Certain things like bullying are more prominent during your school days and don't play as big a factor in your life as you get older (not to say that there aren't assholes outside of school, of course). School work just becomes regular work and a new batch of grown-up problems will arise such as paying the bills and finding someone you'd like to marry, etc. Also as I've grown older, I've seen and heard of so many people who have had greater problems than I have but continue to move forward. When you're younger, you simply know less people and your chances of hearing of someone growing through hardships is lower. I understand that anyone can drown in either 6 ft. of water or 20 ft. but there's a reason why suicide is the leading killer for people ages 10-35 but decrease as you get older.
    Therapy, medicine, and a great support structure (such as family and friends) are vital but I genuinely believe that if people can survive one storm, that we can survive another and that every storm will pass. If you believe that you're at your lowest point and at rock bottom, you have to remind yourself that you've probably felt this before and that you've made it through. I've gone through a couple periods of severe depression in my life and for the past few years, this is what I have been reminding myself of whenever I feel like I've hit a low point again.
    This post probably can't help everyone out there but I hope that it can at least help some. Thank you to anyone who read the entire post.

  • @jessthetician
    @jessthetician 3 года назад +4

    Yay Rondy as the +1!

  • @wheremonkey1205
    @wheremonkey1205 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for sharing such personal experiences and talking about mental health.

  • @SirAgravaine
    @SirAgravaine 3 года назад

    Thank you for discussing such an important topic.
    (Michelle your makeup is seriously gorgeous!)

  • @TheGatewayProductions
    @TheGatewayProductions 3 года назад

    Awesome video! They should teach the importance of mental health in schools. Nice work!

  • @sophiez.k
    @sophiez.k 3 года назад

    Thank you for sharing ❤️

  • @Stephanie-zg6tk
    @Stephanie-zg6tk 3 года назад

    Power to you guys, thank you for sharing!

  • @julzamidala2865
    @julzamidala2865 3 года назад

    Thank you for sharing your stories. Love to all ❤️❤️❤️

  • @bradcha5413
    @bradcha5413 3 года назад +11

    Michelle looking extra cute today

  • @chuckster5571
    @chuckster5571 3 года назад

    What a great episode for such an important topic!

  • @rawbertyu
    @rawbertyu 3 года назад

    Very important subject that I'm glad you talked about.

  • @zhoujo
    @zhoujo 3 года назад +9

    Mom always came down on me for making mistakes in math. I was confused because I felt I understood it just fine, turns out I have ADHD.

    • @michellehsieh246
      @michellehsieh246 3 года назад +3

      ADHD is often overlooked as being forgetful or hyper a lot .-. Thank you for sharing your experiences and I'm glad that you've gotten clarity for your experiences. I hope if it ever comes to the point where it's impacting your life negatively that you seek professional help because there are treatments for ADHD.

  • @naruyuyu
    @naruyuyu 3 года назад +2

    Rondy!!! Congrats on being a +1 haha

  • @TheEunoiaProject
    @TheEunoiaProject 3 года назад

    This was very important thank you

  • @howardahhon7600
    @howardahhon7600 3 года назад

    We appreciated you all opening up like that, it's not always easy on a platform so open to the public. I guess, we all struggle with mental issue sometime in our lives, as I also lost my dad last year and it's never easy loosing a loved one...

  • @Dr.Phamtastic
    @Dr.Phamtastic 3 года назад

    Hearing these topics spoken out loud does a lot for motivating others to do the same! As a side note, does anyone know where I could get the shirt Taylor is wearing?

  • @madelenesoo7826
    @madelenesoo7826 3 года назад

    thank you for this

  • @karenarceo0928
    @karenarceo0928 3 года назад

    It really was a rough year 2020, and it seems to still carry over into 2020. I was recently diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder and am always going through ups and downs of it. It most affected my ability to work but my work abilities have been challenged since 2019 so life hasn’t been going as well as I wish it could be.

    • @karenarceo0928
      @karenarceo0928 3 года назад +1

      It seems to still carry over into 2021**

    • @michellehsieh246
      @michellehsieh246 3 года назад +1

      Thank you for sharing your mental health journey in the comments here! I'm so sorry that your mental health has affected you negatively and right now isn't going too well. I hope you continue to seek professional help and therapy because even though it might sleep to be slow, it really does help over time. Also it's important to practice the things your therapist "assigns for homework," even if it makes you roll your eyes. This might sound cliché, but things won't always be this way and it WILL get better. Sending love

    • @karenarceo0928
      @karenarceo0928 3 года назад +1

      @@michellehsieh246 thank you for opening up this discussion! It means a lot more to me now especially since I’m actively going through mental health changes

  • @Californiansurfer
    @Californiansurfer 3 года назад +1

    Latino that I know tell me they have their confession and tell the father. I am not catholic , but I think it really works. I,tied it. I felt less stressed and I,was,ok. California

  • @mr.q337
    @mr.q337 3 года назад +1

    Woa just wanna say Michelle is stunning this vid, what a glow up LOL

  • @kiwiberryyy
    @kiwiberryyy 3 года назад

    love u guys

  • @davidparnell3241
    @davidparnell3241 3 года назад +1


  • @tzigamingofficial
    @tzigamingofficial 3 года назад

    hello do you have podcast of all this Wongfu

  • @obeserobot
    @obeserobot 3 года назад

    my mental anxiety varies from day to day

  • @kaitlyn8514
    @kaitlyn8514 3 года назад


  • @dyhppyx
    @dyhppyx 3 года назад +1

    Michelle, I don't mean this in a harassment kind of way but you're really beautiful.

  • @MinhPham-vg6bw
    @MinhPham-vg6bw 3 года назад

    I wonder why I haven't fallen off the deep end. I've been socially distancing for over a decade now. Maybe it's because I take matters into my own hands.
    When you know certain things are hopeless, just say "fuck it" and throw your trash wherever you want as long as you don't get caught. I've thrown plastic bags out the window like it don't fucking matter. Cause in the end, it's everybody else's kids and grandkids problem. I'll probably be dead in another 20-40 years anyways from cancer or some other bullshit disease

  • @epickric5424
    @epickric5424 3 года назад +2
