Victor should have either took biscuits for his runes or teleport for his spell. He literally has no mana since he was level 4. Nice macro from Chovy shoving a huge incoming lane and forcing victor to either recall and give up the next minion wave or continue the laning phase without mana. Unlucky for victor when he had no jungler nearby to help him clear the wave 😅
Lol is this challenger elo in NA?? That Viktor doesn't know how anything about laning phase LMAO.
bro was prolly nervous hes against chovy 💯
Chovy does the same to midlaners in every elo that arent pro, especially on his Yone
Victor should have either took biscuits for his runes or teleport for his spell. He literally has no mana since he was level 4. Nice macro from Chovy shoving a huge incoming lane and forcing victor to either recall and give up the next minion wave or continue the laning phase without mana. Unlucky for victor when he had no jungler nearby to help him clear the wave 😅