[FEH] A PIRATE'S LIFE FOR ME! "Perilous Seas" Trailer & Banner Analysis [Fire Emblem Heroes]

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 49

  • @XBaconXStripsX
    @XBaconXStripsX 3 года назад +12

    I’d say that despite Hinoka being at the forefront, they should still be part of Camilla Emblem! They would be a great boon for your future clears, that’s for sure.

  • @ThiefofRPGistheWanderingSoul
    @ThiefofRPGistheWanderingSoul 3 года назад +4

    I didn't even realize Hinoka was riding Camilla's Wyvern that's a really nice touch.

  • @999porte
    @999porte 3 года назад +1

    trepidation, preening, fetching. i enjoy listening to you 😁

  • @Jamesbutler890
    @Jamesbutler890 3 года назад

    In case anyone didn’t notice if you look at the duos art. In the braids you can see that they have each other’s hair :)

  • @elianrodriguez7318
    @elianrodriguez7318 3 года назад

    I think that the reason why the 2nd effect on the bow is there is for countering units like B!Hector especially since his refine makes him pretty hard to take down, the conditions were probably put in the weapon to avoid having it become too overpowering. Heck can you imagine a Prf Brave weapon that has adaptive damage that doesn't require a WT condition? Even red units would have a tough time dealing with them, give em some support with L!Byleth and Deadeye as a special and you'd have a near unstoppable player phase unit.

  • @BlueElthunder57
    @BlueElthunder57 3 года назад

    That is such a nice banner! And Vika being in the game is really awesome! And her being a colorless beast while also being the 4-star is quite noteworthy and unique. And also the art is amazing for everyone here. Probably gonna do one full circle with the free pull since I wouldn't mind getting anyone. But that's it. CYL is so close. And I went back with my words and did a few pulls on the current Mythic banner...Thankfully I lucksacked hard and got Ullr and two Seiros super quick so that's a big win. So yeah, CYL is almost there. And I gotta get one more spark to have enough Celestial Stones to get a Forma Soul. Kinda sad that Pirate banners will always be close to CYL so that's really tough to summon for them...

  • @mythoughtsexactly2145
    @mythoughtsexactly2145 3 года назад +4

    I wish there was a duo for Xander and Ryoma in the future. As for the banner, Im still gonna resist and save up for CYL and L!Ryoma next month

  • @skeletonliar101
    @skeletonliar101 3 года назад

    Happy (belated?) Birthday! I'm behind on watching videos and my dumb dumb brain can't recall if you said it was the 2nd or 5th. I do think this duo would be helpful in Camilla Emblem. Even if the quadding condition is very specific, imagine how useful that would be against the armor units (especially with Near/Far Save) that IS loves to put on Legendary/Mythic Hero Battles. Or even just against the other flying, armor, and blue units. Now I suppose the question becomes whether or not you +10 them.
    I'll be trying to go for a copy of Vika. Hopefully, that can be quick.

    • @GuardianEPlays
      @GuardianEPlays  3 года назад +1

      Thank you very much for the birthday wishes! I just have an issue with how it only works on 25% of the units out there. I understand adding restrictions, but that's too restrictive in my mind, and I feel like conforming the weapon to the current meta is kinda shortsighted and leads to a lack of longevity. Good luck!

  • @biagioiovine6991
    @biagioiovine6991 3 года назад +4

    Do you think that if the brave effect was on weapon triangle disadvantage, it wouldve been better?

  • @GuranPurin
    @GuranPurin 3 года назад

    Honestly think I'll try for a copy of Vika, she seems like a nice merge project

  • @ItsIanTime
    @ItsIanTime 3 года назад +2

    Honestly I disagree with your opinion about the mermaid bow. The most common far save armors are blue (B!Hector, W! Felix, W! Nino) not to mention Micaiah, Brunnya, Guinevere, Serios, Nott. Legendaries like Chrom and Dimitri. They impact a lot of strongest units in the game

    • @Exiled28
      @Exiled28 3 года назад

      I think his take on Duo Hinoka color was more aesthetically, ofc green is a great color and armor effectiveness is great in the current meta, but the rest of her weapon effect is disappointing.

  • @Exiled28
    @Exiled28 3 года назад

    Yeah you're right about Duo Hinoka, I mean we just got Ullr that basically attacks twice unconditional, a better brave weapon for the most part(because it's stronger)
    and the adaptive damage part gets nullified by the most common seal out there: mystic boost.
    So yeah they kinda flopped with her weapon, it would've been cooler if her brave weapon effect won't activate against color disadvantage, just imagine that

  • @Ancolyrica
    @Ancolyrica 3 года назад +1

    I mean Camilla is part of this Duo and I mean look at how Harmonics handle it, they always count for units from both games, so I THINK it this is should count as much for Camilla Emblem as for Hinoka Emblem, because both ladies representing this Alt.
    And I honestly understand you complain with the weapon. I actually think the weapon is pretty amazing until it came to the WT-restriction, which ... I mean I can kinda understand it, because at the state of the game we are now, they possibly win the speed check against many existing units and be able to quad-attacking them all WITH adaptive damage could maybe threaten instantly 80% of existing units. But at the other hand IS also released units like Fallen Edelgard or Legendary Sigurd and in comparison to them the Duo ist pretty weak on their defensive side and especially in Enemy Phase so... yeah, would it have been REALLY that big of a problem to have the effect without WT restriction?
    I don't know, I don't think so because it should be also considered that new units constantly got released and this Duo will grow older and with newer units stats grow stronger and so over time it will be already harder to meet some of their other conditions and then it probably wouldn't be that strong anyway...so yeah...
    So in conclusion I think the WT restriction is honestly too much, because to trigger the Brave Effect you already have to be over/equal to 25% HP, must initiate (so it only works in player phase) AND have to have more Spd than the foe you attacking, so if the Duo drops to low on their health side or have to fight in enemy phase (which honestly in most cases they maybe don't survive anyway) or are not fast enough... it doesn't work anyway... not to mention that their are also skills that deny follow-up attacks, so they wouldn't even be able to quad-attack against such units.
    I mean I would have understand it if the Brave Effect at least would ONLY rely on the WT advantage and wouldn't be bound to three other conditions at the same time or better if it would have been like "HP Condition, Playerphase and Speed-Check against red/green/colorless foes AND additionally against all blue foes without any of the other conditions" - so do make them a hardcounter against blue like it seems to be intended but also giving them the chance to use their full potential against all other units but with more/harder conditions. THEN this weapon would have been absolutely amazing. So... I still think it is a good weapon with Anti-Armor + Offensive Stats + Adaptive Damage but also ... kinda tame and not more than just good.
    An Alternative would have been, if they want the weapon like that, cancel the Brave because yeah against most blue units it is just overkill, but give them like Firesweep instead, which at least would have made a little bit more sense haha.
    But overall I think the Duo is full of restrictions because honestly... of course for your usage with mainly using Flier teams and the luck that all Camillas and Hinokas are Fliers so far, the Duo Skill will always work but honestly ... it really restricts team compositions because outside of mainly Flier teams the Duo Skill is kinda... I won't say useless but... also not that impactful.
    I mean I totally understand that you limit the gravity effect on foes to ranged foes only, especially against bow units which are effective against them it totally makes sense... but why it only works against ranged infantry, armors (and many of them on many occasions just can move 1 space anyway so...well) and cavs and excluding fliers? So even on the Gravity effect it is limited on more than one way. Same for the player phase, where I don't understand why it only effects fliers. I mean of cause movement +1 for all units ist strong but first: Legendary Sigurd?, second: the Duo skill only works once and on AR with the Duo Hinderance maybe never anyway - so what would have been the deal to give theses benefits to ALL team members in this certain area (which is ANOTHER restriction for both, the player as well as the enemy part), at least the +6 Atk/Spd they could have given to all with the Duo Skill and limiting only the +1 movement to them and allied Fliers.
    So overall I don't know, I still think they are a good unit and their art is amazing but I have the feeling IS really restricted them to much in any certain way (weapon, Duo Skill, weapon color) they could, which is kinda dumb if you look on other units like Fallen Edelgard or Legendary Sigurd or even other Duos like Duo Valentine Líf or Duo Ninja Lyn for example.

  • @naotohex
    @naotohex 3 года назад

    I seriously might +10 Vika. She was in my top 5 in RD for units used and I like her a lot despite the very little screen time. Sadly this does mean I will probably drop Marianne as a project, but ill probably see what Marianne has first before I go for a +10.
    Also shes not very good combat wise especially since her def is so low, her atk is actually really low if you think about it since if you count flowers of gen 1 and 2 compared to her shes technically like a 32 atk unit. Still I think she would pair amazing with my +5 Fallen Edelgard since she can omni debuff foes for Edelgard to Galeforce plus she can run trace and smite so she can smite further in and run away easier.

  • @risersin7957
    @risersin7957 3 года назад +1

    They definitely flubbed this unit. Compare her to Bridal Catria OMG. I doubt she can even kill Brave Hector. I mean maybe with Triangle Adept. +___+ So yeah I'm not counting this as a Camilla anything. Though they still have that dev who knows how to specifically nerf Camilla. What she needed was to switch her Duo Skill with her weapon effect. If her weapon effect granted extra movement (like Catria grants Ground Orders + Triangle Attack) and inflicted gravity on ALL types in cardinal directions, she could work. Her duo skill could then give her brave and adaptive damage.
    That's why I'm terrified for this Brave Camilla refine. If they continue with the anti-Camilla (I still have grievances with her kit) dev for the Brave refine, that'll be it for meeee.

  • @m3tl1kv3e9
    @m3tl1kv3e9 3 года назад +1

    CYL 5 for 2 weeks ready soon to summon.

  • @Fishman465
    @Fishman465 3 года назад +1

    Pirate Surtr sounds about right: a painful wall with some aggressive options (sort of like B.Demitri) , and his C skill works great with Def/Res Ideal. Though the difference is Portent has greater range while Penance has damage. I can imagine the weapon getting a refine akin to Brave Ike's (making the second attack also do reduced damage in this case)
    Naesala being a pirate is very fitting considering his activities in his home games, likewise for his solo-focused kit (he's basically an ally that's not liked much) Stall Ploy seems interesting, though I wonder how his HP will be. I can see it potentially hindering Heron dancers, other bird Laguz perhaps.
    Vika seems a sort of mage hunter, though she'd shine best against groupers or helping mages to brea through a wall. The Solo skill can affect her special however.
    Hearing you say conservative for this brings to mind how Hermione is the most conservative Dido-class sister (still very easy on the eyes). Yeah that's a convoluted Brave effect, sort of glaring when Enrys (a normal unit, not going into the silliness known as Ninja Lyn/Florina) has an easier to trigger one. Though the whole mixed def/res units tend to have speed as their dump stat (but tend to have skills to compensate); though the C skill seems to be a semi-answer.
    The Duo or Harmonic skills can be used any time in a turn regardless of if the unit is active (though that being said, said skills are best done at certain times)
    Hard to say as non-spark things can be sort of painful.

    • @Ryeaugla
      @Ryeaugla 3 года назад

      You're confusing Surtr's Menace with Sinmara. Surtr's Menace never had damage tied to it, only the buffs and debuffs. The damage comes from his weapon, Sinmara. It's easy to conflate the two though, seeing as he's rarely ever seen without both. But yeah, seeing as Surtr's Portent is Surtr's Menace but an actual Menace skill, it's a direct upgrade.

  • @dagidaz5540
    @dagidaz5540 3 года назад

    Really like the art for all of these characters so far, especially the duo unit! The units themselves look pretty interesting too!
    I’m not 100% sure if I wanna summon. I might wait until they reveal the CYL units before deciding. Hopefully that gets revealed before the banner’s end. Good luck to everyone summoning!

    • @GuardianEPlays
      @GuardianEPlays  3 года назад +1

      The art's definitely really great on this banner! This banner will certainly be around while CYL is revealed, so it could be worth waiting!

  • @amanasd26
    @amanasd26 3 года назад

    I think the quading effect was put in as an assurance for units with heavy damage reduction. Like Brave Hector.

    • @sapphiro
      @sapphiro 3 года назад

      Did someone calculated if she can actually kill Pirate Surtr?

  • @kevin-cy3cf
    @kevin-cy3cf 3 года назад +1

    Idk hinoka weapon is odd especially since we had sov Paula who has a similar weapon effect & comes with a true brave weapon

  • @rickraptor9936
    @rickraptor9936 3 года назад +2

    Yeah, I kinda did a double take on seeing Hinoka's weapon as well. That brave effect is a waste with how restrictive it is, and green is already the worst colour for a bow. Especially since a lot of the stronger blues already have bullshit effects that make them resistant to her (like B!Hector). It's kinda odd how the duo it's the most underwhelming 5-star locked unit in the batch.
    Because yeah, Naesala is the standout. He's strong as hell with his kit alone, can canto as well and has a new ploy that screws over the movement of L!Sigurd, beast teams, armored units, Annette and anyone with Odd/Even Tempest. And Surtr is as much of an annoying stat wall as his OG self, now with a prf Menace skill. Vika's a bit odd, though, though she works as a mass debuffer, I suppose.
    Anyway, I'll probably pull for the girls and possibly Naesala. Not sure how hard I should go in (there's Double Special Heroes coming up too), but I might as well give it a try.

  • @fedupwithusernames
    @fedupwithusernames 3 года назад

    I agree with your assessment - when adding a weapon triangle effect at this point in the game, they NEED to have advantage against colorless as well. They should have put the advantage against colorless instead of the brave effect, since all that does is ensure a quad against blue foes. Still, the Atk/Spd+6 bonus probably makes this weapon a pretty decent option overall. The duo effect and the art are the real reasons to pull for Hinoka and Camilla though.
    Also does this mean all the Fates siblings will be a duo in the future? Xander is already sharing with Veronica so idk haha. Now that I think about it, I'm surprised a Corrin/Azura duo doesn't exist yet. Duos for Leo & Takumi and Elise & Sakura would be cute too.

  • @sjoerdtheemperor5229
    @sjoerdtheemperor5229 3 года назад

    They should have left the last part of Hinoka's weapon effect off or switched it with something else. Attacking a opponent which you have weapon-triangle-advantage against and are doubling will die within 2 attacks, and a brave effect doesn't really do a lot extra. Making it so that you double red heroes could help and would make the effect better.

    • @GuardianEPlays
      @GuardianEPlays  3 года назад

      Yeah, I definitely think it should have been reworked. I think she'll still be great, I just feel that lady part was a missed opportunity.

  • @georgpeterschmidchavez9502
    @georgpeterschmidchavez9502 3 года назад

    I'd imagine you will go full for hinoka and Camila, I will do the same I hope I can get them since I got nothing from summer banners, no duo units no freyja neither

  • @Ghilliam1
    @Ghilliam1 3 года назад

    Its definitely a weird color choice for them. It looks like she was made specifically to counter B!Hector or maybe Nott. I think even without the weapon-triangle effect, they're pretty good. Adaptive damage will always get you at least some free dmg. The 3 flier movement will be pretty great for Camilla Emblem clears.
    IS really needs to add some sort of lead unit swap for Duo/Harmonic heroes. It'll only make people summon for them more if they can put their favorite as the lead.

    • @bluegallade
      @bluegallade 3 года назад

      as much as you say that, B!Hector with his refine and common build
      - Nulls armour effectiveness
      - Prevents foe follow-ups
      - Effectively reduces the >25% HP effect to +6 Spd with his "If foe initiates inflicts -6 Atk/def" refine
      - Can still counter, ranged attacks (windsweep/sacae's blessing is more effective against B!Hector)
      - Nulls adaptive damage with mystic boost (+ heals if survives)
      - Being a melee armored unit means their duo skill is worthless against him
      It's honestly upsetting to think Duo hinoka/camilla is this poorly optimized against the unit they were designed to counter. Hell, if they had raven effect built in it could have been argued as a F!Edelgard counter but still would face most of the same issues .
      That brave effect requiring 3 separate conditions is also extremely dumb in 2021 when we just got V!Palla (condition-less adaptive + true brave + canto).

  • @Missiletainn
    @Missiletainn 3 года назад

    Stall ploy mainly just exists to counter L!Sigurd

    • @GuardianEPlays
      @GuardianEPlays  3 года назад

      Yes, I know. Extremely situational.

    • @Missiletainn
      @Missiletainn 3 года назад

      @@GuardianEPlays Especially since most the time you'll see L!Sigurd, he'll be in the range of odd/even recovery or a Restore staff, meaning the stall penalty will just be removed anyway

  • @andrewp6387
    @andrewp6387 3 года назад

    Good to see more info! And that new laguz unit is also a 4 star eh

  • @Missiletainn
    @Missiletainn 3 года назад

    We know Vika's stats, she has 34 atk, 40 spd, 17 def, 40 res, so her weapon gets her to 43 res.

  • @UndeadEggmiester
    @UndeadEggmiester 3 года назад

    Honestly I have a big dislike for pirates I have since a being a kid but I'll try for vika or honika on my free pull and leave. I do wish vika was the free unit and not that useless shi t unit. Also I never count the side unit as a big unit but accessory to the main unit so no I wouldn't count pirate honika as Camella emblem.

  • @Missiletainn
    @Missiletainn 3 года назад

    The weapon triangle part of Mermaid Bow only applies as a restriction to allow her to have a full Mt weapon with Brave. The weapon even without that is great. Its just there to help against. The second part doesnt make the weapon at all, its a bonus, adaptive damage is great as on average units have lower res.

    • @GuardianEPlays
      @GuardianEPlays  3 года назад +1

      I just think it's an unnecessary restriction when we have enough busted duo units out there without a similar limitation. Adaptive damage isn't as powerful as it used to be. It's still good, but tons of meta units out there have a lower disparity of DEF and RES these days. The brave effect against color advantage enemies doesn't help against bad matchups and is overkill for most good matchups.

    • @Missiletainn
      @Missiletainn 3 года назад

      @@GuardianEPlays If the restriction wasnt there her weapon would be made 9-11 might, and they'd also remove the atk+3. Adaptive damage still helps with most meta units, i.e. Brave Hector, F!Edelgard, L!Sigurd, as well her skills lowering the opponents res by 7. The res stat is still significantly lower enough to matter on average for tanking units.
      Brave is usually overkill on a lot of units sure, and its overkill on a lot here, but for big meta units like Brave Hector, Nott and Serios, its a necessity without null follow up being available

    • @GuardianEPlays
      @GuardianEPlays  3 года назад +1

      @Missiletainn I don't think that reduced MT is necessarily the case if the Brave effect had a limitation that wasn't tied to weapon triangle. My issue isn't that it has a condition. My issue is that the condition is so specific, it makes the effect worthless against 75% of the roster. We have plenty of conditional Brave weapons with full MT. The fact that she's a green archer is already a steep limitaton.
      Considering the scale of duo/harmonic weapons we've seen thus far, I think viewing the second half of this unit's weapon effect as a bonus makes it incredibly anemic.

    • @Missiletainn
      @Missiletainn 3 года назад

      @@GuardianEPlays we have 5 conditional brave weapons with full Mt, and one unit who can give that effect to any unit within 2 spaces. I wouldn't call that plenty since only 3 of them are available in the main pool, and they are all refines for gen 1 units.
      Being a Green Archer doesn't really effect her as much as it would seem at first glance, however it is very disappointing in an Emblem team, as Hinoka already has a Green Dagger Flier alt, with her base form being Blue and Hinbowka being colourless, the only other colour she needs is red, and from a camilla standpoint she already has 2 greens so a third doesnt help. A red bow however wouldnt be as effective against most of the core meta nowadays, since they are either Blue or red being the most meta influential units, limiting ourselves to the three main colours of course, colourless units are quite strong. But the point being the only better option for emblem teams being red bow would be less meta influential.
      Still, I would've preferred red bow as we've only got 3 of those, and we've got loads of green bows. And we couldve changed Naesala into a green beast as we've only got 1 flying green beast.

    • @GuardianEPlays
      @GuardianEPlays  3 года назад +1

      @@Missiletainn 5 is plenty. No reason there couldn't have been a 6th, especially for a new duo unit. Duo Palla had it. No reason why Duo Hinoka couldn't. And the fact that its not common in the main pool only reinforces that a limited seasonal is a prime candidate.
      I dont like evaluating units only in the vacuum of the current meta. I find that short sighted. There's some degree of future proofing that I appreciate more than countering specific meta units.

  • @flipperflapper6682
    @flipperflapper6682 3 года назад

    new Hinoka! finally can make Hinoka emlbme!...But Camilla is there sigh...oh well.