REAL & RAW Mum Life: Magnesium for Toddlers, Postpartum Health + Holiday Plans!

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024

Комментарии • 65

  • @biancaboshoff
    @biancaboshoff 4 месяца назад +11

    Hi Shan, I highly recommend a screen time detox. I know it’s hard, but I’ve heard so many stories and have seen myself how children’s behaviour do a complete 180, once you do a one month complete zero screen time detox, including improvements in sleep. Maybe worth a go?

  • @sashapeirce5936
    @sashapeirce5936 4 месяца назад +1

    Ive had pelvic floor issues for 10 years. I now have a 2.5 year old and a 7 month old baby... my pelvic floor is the best it has been in 10 years!!! I started doing 1-1 reformer pilates with an amazing teacher. She really taught me how to correct my breathing and what spaces to breathe into and out. My pelvic floor now moves as i breathe. I dont do anything else and its amazing. Definately recommend as an option

  • @taraoconnell7820
    @taraoconnell7820 4 месяца назад +3

    My boy 3 and 3 months was having MAJOR tantrums for a few weeks and I honestly nearly had a breakdown. I took him to doctor and got bloods done and he was low on iron. 28 days later he was like a new man. No tantrums and just happier in himself in general. It can be something simple as that.. ❤ so hard though 😊

  • @christylea20
    @christylea20 4 месяца назад +2

    Dont overthink travelling with the kids - yes its different than holidays before kids, and it is harder but isnt everything with kids?! My top tips for travelling with kids - take a mini paddling pool for Halle. This was a game changer when we took our first away at 9 months old. He wasnt rolling, crawling etc but could competently sit and the little paddling pool allowed us to fill it and put it in a shaded spot to keep him cool but out of the sun. For the flight with our 2 last year they each had their own travel cosmetics bag filled with fun stuff - play doh, play doh tools, crayons, something to colour, stickers (you can even get reusable ones to stick on the plane window!), their favourite figures, little cars etc. Then we also had snack boxes for each of them full of their favourite foods and good old screentime. Between all that we didnt hear a peep from them the whole of the flight! 🤣 xx

  • @elliemae2237
    @elliemae2237 4 месяца назад +1

    Really loving these videos, they really help me feel not so alone, I have 19 months between my two and my now 3 year old has just started nursery. But she has behaviours and struggles like that of what you explained George has and our now 19 month old was the exact same as you have explained Halle to be when he was a baby,
    It’s so so hard and it still is really hard as they both now feed off of each other.
    It’s just so nice to find a genuine mum who just shows real life, and the good and the bad, keep up the good work, really hope you continue on with these type of videos xx

  • @alexandrawalton9129
    @alexandrawalton9129 4 месяца назад +1

    I love these kind of videos just a typical day for you, it helps me in lots of ways with my 3 year old son, I only have 1 and as I said before I find it so hard at times, you are doing amazing! Watched your videos since 2020 and they make me feel so much better about things at times as I feel like it's just me dealing with the awful meltdowns and tantrums etc, so thank you 😊 x

  • @Hercules_Morse
    @Hercules_Morse 4 месяца назад +8

    Really loving your longer vlogs at the moment - and all the honesty - so refreshing vs most of what you see on social media! 😆
    Can’t wait to see the bathroom update - loved all your previous house content!
    We’ve been abroad a few times now with our now 2.5 year old - and just about survived some long haul flights! It was all really worth it but you have to embrace the chaos 😂
    Some tips that have helped us:
    - to bring a bag full of cheap toys for the plane/airport etc that they haven’t seen before (Poundland style party bag type crap toys) and bring one thing out every 15mins or so. Things like novelty post its they can stick to the seats, mini play dough pots, rolls of stickers, glow sticks, fidget spinners, mini pack of pencils, gels they can stick on the window etc)
    - make sure you have a change of clothes to hand for yourself!!!
    - ALL the snacks!
    - never feel bad for having young kids on a plane. They have just as much right to be there as everyone else and if others don’t like it, they get to put headphones in! 😂
    - bring/buy breakfast-y type food for the kids with you to have in the hotel room so you can limit the number of sit down meals you need to have every day
    It will be amazing & so worth it ☀️ ❤

    • @mumofthreekids3428
      @mumofthreekids3428 4 месяца назад

      This is one of my biggest worries about flying with a toddler! As some people can get a bit funny about noisy children can't they? However you are right in saying children have every right to fly as well. Xx

  • @lesleybrice8203
    @lesleybrice8203 4 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for the vlog Shan! Would be great to see what you plan / how you entertain George during the school holidays. Especially with summer coming up, I’m sure lots of people looking for ideas!
    You will be fine going on holiday abroad, it’s just the same as holidays in the uk but with nicer weather and a flight either end. Definitely no sunbathing but you will make lots of other amazing memories. Definitely take favourite snacks from home for the kids and pouches, particularly fruit ones and prunes! Check what type of bottled water to buy, there is normally ones specifically for babies / toddlers abroad x

  • @chloelou7202
    @chloelou7202 3 месяца назад

    Definitely dont be put off going away abroad with your kids! With your extra income as well just make the most of it! We have two kids similar age and yeah you're still parenting in a different country but its completely different with the beaches, swimming pool etc, not having to constantly cook and clean and just enjoying the quality time with them! The few holidays we've managed to have as parents have been our favourites seeing how happy our toddler was ❤

  • @emma5698
    @emma5698 4 месяца назад +3

    Oh honey, you definitely don't need to put up with pelvic floor issues and worrying about jumping on a trampoline! Have you seen a specialist women's health physio for a Mummy MOT? They'll be able to check your pelvic floor and give you exercises to strengthen it. On a side note but related: Dr Hazel Wallace's book (The Female Factor) about women's health through various life stages (inc. pregnancy, postpartum and peri menopause) is a good read in terms of empowering us with knowledge about preventative measures we can take xx

  • @elliemae2237
    @elliemae2237 4 месяца назад +1

    Nappy pants, the covers for girls at the way to go with dresses, my 3 year old has always worn dresses right from being a newborn and in the summer we just either put a short sleeved/strappy vest under, or we put the nappy pants/ frilly pants over her nappy x

  • @abbeymorris2596
    @abbeymorris2596 4 месяца назад

    Love this vlog, so real, raw & relatable 🥰❤️

  • @emmajackson8887
    @emmajackson8887 4 месяца назад +1

    Definitely get your pelvic floor sorted! It was my main concern after my 2, similar ages to yours but I’m nearly 15 years older than you. So I figure it would be older and harder to do 😂 but had my women’s health check and had already made contact with a post natal PT. Once a week since little one was about 12 weeks, I get my hour treat to strengthen core and pelvic floor. I never get a chance to do anything more but it’s been enough. Most NHS trusts you can refer yourself to the women’s physio so have a look on their website. Hope you get your hip sorted well done for being proactive like you say you shouldn’t have to live with it.
    Don’t worry about your hols, just go with the flow and don’t put pressure on yourself. Unfortunately the UK is not family friendly compared to others. We flew to Canada with a 2.5yo and 10 week old (we are insane) toddler had to be woken up from his nap to board the plane and had a full on melt down screaming I want to get off over and over again. The rest of the flight was a breeze after that. He did run up and down the aisles but people were great and were smiling and chatting to him. Try and enjoy ❤

  • @Beanshome
    @Beanshome 4 месяца назад +1

    Go travel with your kids! We haven’t done it with two kids but we’ve been out of the country about 3 times already with our first and it was so amazing everytime. We even went to the Philippines once where it was basically 24hr travel and a 7-hour time difference🙈 It’s definitely going to be a bit challenging but so worth it IMO❤

  • @emmaparry9372
    @emmaparry9372 4 месяца назад +1

    Definitely watch Emily Norris’s vlogs if you don’t already, she’s amazing and wish i had her advice when mine were younger xx

  • @MarLilja
    @MarLilja 4 месяца назад +1

    Glad you got to see someone for your leg. It's so hard being in pain and taking care of 2 kids. I have 2 kids, a 13 month old and a almost 3 year old. Ever sence the birth of my youngest, ive got pain in my lower back. Its probably due to the epidurral needles, they keept getting it wrong so they had to reinsert it 5 times in different places. My back feels very stiff and i wake up in pain every morning. Still have to so my mum duties. Not sure what i can do about it. Cant get anywhere with the NHS at the moment

  • @charlotte3726
    @charlotte3726 4 месяца назад +2

    Hi Shan, I love your videos. Could you do a weaning recipe/cook with me video please?

  • @Mrsh52
    @Mrsh52 4 месяца назад +1

    We went abroad when our youngest was 10months. He was brilliant, totally surprised me how good he was on the flight! Taking him away this year, he will be 2 and a half so i feel the anxiety now 😂 xx

  • @ellapayne3396
    @ellapayne3396 4 месяца назад +1

    I saw somewhere that it can take longer for babies to get used to fruit because each piece can taste slightly different - sweet / sour etc!
    Its just a case of exposure, I think! They'll get used to it 😊

  • @Jo4167
    @Jo4167 4 месяца назад +1

    Hi Shan :) me and my kids have adhd so interesting what you say about the magnesium! As a child I had such bad leg aches in the night if I was over tired it was awful. As a baby/child My son would wake up for hours in the night from around 11pm to about 3/4am but he never actually wanted/needed us just chatted to himself this was from a baby to around 7/8 years old but I was lucky that it didn’t impact anyone else’s sleep! I was advised to just leave him but he always looked so tired. I got him the sensory sleep sock Lycra thing that goes around their mattress and he got under it to sleep it helped him rest, then now he’s older he has a weighted blanket, the correct weight for his weight. I believe it helps active children to rest and relax in bed.
    This is unrelated but I saw on insta you said you wear your AirPods for sensory overload, I believe the loops from Amazon are amazing! I’ve just ordered some for my daughter the engage ones I’ve ordered so she can still hear but it’s filtered a bit I believe xx

  • @nicolepilgrim3142
    @nicolepilgrim3142 4 месяца назад +1

    For magnesium I give my 2 and 1/2 yr old quarter teaspoon of organic cacao powder in her night teatea and it seem to help also almond and cacao is high in magnesium … (must not give too much cacao cause it also contain caffeine) sometimes when she is picky eating for the day I use else protein shake powder (contains cacao and almond butter) and I add it to almond milk with a little honey

  • @ElaineMcM
    @ElaineMcM 4 месяца назад +1

    I hear you with the low fibre and water issue lol! I second the Ellas kitchen prune pouch... but I now make my own prune puree for my baby girl and I add apple and sometimes pear to it to make it more appealing. My girl doesnt want puree or wet food anymore, loves to feed herself with finger food, so I make porridge fingers with chopped up rolled oats and milk, just pop in microwave until it peels from side of dish and cut it up into strips....plenty of fibre and can hold them! x

  • @helenrhall
    @helenrhall 4 месяца назад +1

    Take Halle swimming whilst George is at nursery. X

  • @barbaracoutinho6088
    @barbaracoutinho6088 4 месяца назад

    Hey Shan, just seen this. I see what you mean with babies, wearing dresses and their nappies showing when carried. I had the same issue so what I did was I bought some frilly knickers for babies from Matalan and put that on under her dress to cover her nappy when it was summer and too hot for a vest underneath the dress. Hope this helps x

  • @isla-rosesadventures1812
    @isla-rosesadventures1812 4 месяца назад +1

    If she loves fritta's you should make her a sweet variety like banana or fruit filled pancakes/muffins

  • @AnaLucia-hg4zq
    @AnaLucia-hg4zq 4 месяца назад +2

    Going to the osteopath for your leg pain, why don't you take George to the doctors for his leg pain??

  • @lizfield6486
    @lizfield6486 4 месяца назад +1

    Have you tried a weighted blanket for George.? It’s helped my daughter’s boy with sleep. 😴

  • @sophiej1385
    @sophiej1385 4 месяца назад +3

    Try the prune baby pouches ~ Ella’s kitchen and loads of supermarket brands do them x

    • @HomeWithShan
      @HomeWithShan  4 месяца назад +1

      Thank you!! I will get some today 🥰

    • @nicolesurphlis1558
      @nicolesurphlis1558 4 месяца назад +1

      My little nephew s had chicken pox on holiday last week but they are ok

    • @sophiej1385
      @sophiej1385 4 месяца назад

      Watermelon might be a fruit to try, the segments so she can try and hold the rind to get a better grip x

    • @nicolesurphlis1558
      @nicolesurphlis1558 4 месяца назад

      @@HomeWithShan every one ok

  • @kyliewebb8948
    @kyliewebb8948 4 месяца назад +1

    I was awake for all 4 wisom teeth to be pulled out also for 30 days after purchasing from temu you can het price ajustments where they refund u if the price goes downut you have to click a price adjustment button its not automatic

  • @hayleysway9518
    @hayleysway9518 4 месяца назад

    My daughter is very very similar to George- behaviour wise and her nursery has helped us get her on the waiting list for autism… has anyone mentioned this to you before? I have only just started to accept it now and I know it can be upsetting at first but I have bought loads of books and done so much research to best support her needs. She has big melt downs with screaming and won’t sleep around 2,3,4 am then be knackered for school. She sucks her thumb and plays with her her as stimming to calm herself. I do put a noise machine on gently which helps her mind switch of in the night sleeps a bit better. She very picky with food and no change we could share a hotel room with her - we are looking at villas on jet2vilas currently. She is obsessed with bluey on CBeebies and does get very stimulated watching it.
    Just an idea. Maybe he is … maybe not❤ can’t believe your only 25!!! Well done you girl brilliant mumma xx

  • @deeacrt2808
    @deeacrt2808 4 месяца назад +1

    I ordered the magnesium as well and really hope it helps. Fingers crossed for both of us 🤞 How long do your sources say it takes to see any results? 😅

  • @sophiebrough1991
    @sophiebrough1991 3 месяца назад

    Love your volgs i cant actually watch others that were everything is perfect all the time just gets me so mad as it was what i watched after having my daughter and didn't help with my depression.
    Anyway just commenting about the swimming is there not a time during the week when George is at nursery where you can take hali my local pool use to have a 2 hour slot and you just paid for yourself as under1s were free

  • @emmalcm
    @emmalcm 4 месяца назад

    Do you have a recipe for the veggie fritters please? Looking for weaning ideas for our almost 7 month old baby 🙂 x

  • @helenrhall
    @helenrhall 4 месяца назад +1

    For fruit have you tried a banana cut in half, raspberries or blueberries?

  • @jessmars895
    @jessmars895 4 месяца назад

    Speaking neurodivergence and hyperactive tendencies, I can only addume you are going down the route of having him assessed for ADHD? Have a look into sensory circuits to help him with bedtime and work them into his bedtime routine to help him calm down 😊

  • @annhitchen6024
    @annhitchen6024 4 месяца назад +1

    Can I ask where you are staying in morroco , family friendly , young kids ?

  • @BellaBeanHead
    @BellaBeanHead 4 месяца назад +1

    We have that magnesium from seeing it all over instagram. Unfortunately has not worked for us 😅

  • @karinseaman4060
    @karinseaman4060 4 месяца назад +1

    My son's waist is so small! He is almost 21 months old, and his shorts / pants are still 6-12m... His pants and leggings are getting a bit short now, but a bigger size will fall off 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

    • @kirstyrobinson3109
      @kirstyrobinson3109 4 месяца назад

      This is a huge issue with kids clothes I think.. boy clothing especially. I work in a nursery and I’ve heard it countless times and my little boy who’s 5.5 and I’ve had this issue since he was small. Huge gap in the market for someone who wants to create some I reckon 😂 x

  • @Leahhannah_
    @Leahhannah_ 4 месяца назад +1

    Where are the grey baby hangers from?x

    • @HomeWithShan
      @HomeWithShan  4 месяца назад

      Hey lovely! They’re from
      Home bargains!

  • @AbiBloomUK
    @AbiBloomUK 4 месяца назад

    Weird! I just ordered the same magnesium last night. My two year old has never ever slept through the night. He wakes up kicking and crying so I’m wondering if he’s lacking magnesium. He was definitely deficient in Iron but that’s not really helped either 😢

  • @jennysimpson7838
    @jennysimpson7838 4 месяца назад +2

    Just get some frilly knickers/bloomers to go under a dress for little girls. Covers the nappy.

  • @debbiesheldon5086
    @debbiesheldon5086 4 месяца назад

    Has George had blood tests for his leg pain sounds more like vitamin D ask your Dr.Sometimes as well can be growing pains. Hope the magnesium works 😊

  • @xFionajslifex
    @xFionajslifex 4 месяца назад

    I read magnesium does the opposite though?

  • @ejhbeauty_8221
    @ejhbeauty_8221 4 месяца назад +1

    How did you get on with George and the magnesium? I bought it for my daughter and she just cant get past the taste, its fowl and absolutely stinks 😒 i was hopeful it would help with her sleep as she wakes in the night similarly with george in pain with her leg but i just cant get her to take it to see the benefits.

    • @kyliewebb8948
      @kyliewebb8948 4 месяца назад

      If shes old enough for gummy lollies Try magnesium gummies she might like them better cause it's a lolly

    • @HomeWithShan
      @HomeWithShan  4 месяца назад +1

      We mix it with water and call it his super hero juice!!! 🧃 game changer cause he wasn’t a fan of it straight either!

  • @AbiBloomUK
    @AbiBloomUK 4 месяца назад

    Definitely don’t need to be put to sleep to get wisdom teeth out! I went to the emergency dentist for wisdom teeth pain when I was heavily pregnant. She just yanked it out there and then. I was horrified 😂

  • @paigemorton9217
    @paigemorton9217 4 месяца назад

    Where is your beautiful necklace from please ☺️

  • @katiesmith6011
    @katiesmith6011 4 месяца назад +1

    Where did you get your necklace from? Thank you

    • @HomeWithShan
      @HomeWithShan  4 месяца назад

      Hey lovely! It’s from @lucyashton_uk on Instagram, she’s wonderful! 🫶🏼

    • @katiesmith6011
      @katiesmith6011 4 месяца назад

      @@HomeWithShan thank you, love it!

    • @fionaedmond6685
      @fionaedmond6685 4 месяца назад

      @@HomeWithShan do you have a recipe for the pancakes you made? ❤

  • @rebeccaclaire6650
    @rebeccaclaire6650 4 месяца назад +3

    Long time viewer here, love your content but temu are SO unethical. I don’t know why people aren’t embarrassed shopping there. It’s bad for the environment, the workers are poorly treated, it’s all Chinese manufacturing and there’s a reason it’s so cheap. Makes me really sad as you can definitely afford to do better with your choices 😢

  • @Cloella_
    @Cloella_ 4 месяца назад

    Hey shan what is your vinted profile name 🥰🥰

  • @clare11
    @clare11 4 месяца назад +14

    Hey, long time viewer and follower over here. I don't want to be negative but I find these really long and 'unfiltered' style vlogs so difficult to watch. I love following your stuff across the different socials but I can't relax watching these with all the noise in the backgrounds and I get that it's just our real, true, mum lives, but it's not what I watch to relax after a long day with my own 2 or having on as some background viewing while I'm putting clothes away or whatever other mundane task I need to do. Please don't take it as offensive but I'm just offering up my personal opinion, I miss the old style of vlogs and I end up skipping through these ones unfortunately

    • @AbiBloomUK
      @AbiBloomUK 4 месяца назад +17

      I remember someone saying this to me when hearing my newborn making a small little sound in the background. Apparently it was distracting. It really hurt to read that comment and although it was just one it stuck with me. To be made to feel bad about your children being noisy is not something someone should be doing to someone else. I hate to say this but maybe these videos aren’t for you anymore. Shan is developing and evolving her videos as her family and life is, so while the feedback is supposed to come from a good place, there is nothing Shan can do about it.

  • @hayleyhooker5528
    @hayleyhooker5528 4 месяца назад +1

    100% recommend Emily Norris for holiday with kids.