On Flerf Stupidity | FLERFPRATT 3

  • Опубликовано: 29 дек 2021
  • Flat Earthers tend to respond to accusations of being stupid by saying that it's "globers" who are the stupid ones, since we "blindly accept what we're told." Flerfs are "good skeptics" who are "just questioning," and they think we are calling them stupid for doing so. However, to my knowledge, no one is calling them stupid for asking questions. Even a so-called stupid question like "if the Earth is round, why don't we fall off it?" is a good question if asked with an honest desire to learn, and that's the issue here: flerfs have no honest desire to learn. Therein lies the stupidity.
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Комментарии • 660

  • @23catzilla
    @23catzilla 2 года назад +96

    "Ignorance can go to the library, stupid won't get out of it's chair" - David Gerrold

    • @the-trustees
      @the-trustees 2 года назад +1

      I've always considered Gerrold's "Chtorr" saga as my favorite sci-fi series. But then, back in 2000, he told the world that book 5 "A Method For Madness" would be out "soon". Now, 22 years later, he hasn't finished it, or any of the others that should have made a 7 book series. He really let down a LOT of fans by containing for over 2 decades to keep pretending we'd get the conclusion to the saga... sigh.

    • @jursamaj
      @jursamaj 2 года назад

      He must have said that before the net got big. I have access to a full library without leaving my chair. :)

    • @the-trustees
      @the-trustees 2 года назад +4

      @@jursamaj We are definitely getting older when we remember that a trip to the library was necessary for ANY high school or college research project or paper. My curse is that I still feel that age in my mind... still listening to metal, hair bands and everything my relatives were so sure I'd give up for operas and symphonies... although my love of symphonic metal means they were partially right I guess. :)

    • @23catzilla
      @23catzilla 2 года назад +1

      @@jursamaj Probably not to be taken literally. The intent is that ignorance can be cured,

    • @AntiCitizenX
      @AntiCitizenX 2 года назад +3

      That's a good one. I'm using that.

  • @KeplersDream
    @KeplersDream 2 года назад +49

    Because of her upbringing and poor education, my late fiancée once told me she considered herself stupid for not knowing some basic mathematics. I told her that stupidity isn't a matter of not knowing something; it's not even bothering to learn that thing when given the opportunity. Especially when a person is quick to grasp concepts as she was.
    in the current climate, I will add a dash of Dunning-Kruger for those who still insist they know more than everyone with a better education than them.

    • @cy-one
      @cy-one 2 года назад +5

      Take some wilful ignorance, sprinkle a dash of Dunning-Kruger on it, et voila, Stupid Sandwich alá Ramsey

  • @greendragonreprised6885
    @greendragonreprised6885 2 года назад +42

    Nailed it. The difference between 'not knowing' and 'refusing to know' is huge. There are many things about which I know little or nothing, those are things you won't find me making statements about because I know I still need to learn about them. Flerfs ignore this position and declare themselves experts. That is stupid.

    • @futureshock7425
      @futureshock7425 2 года назад +1

      they are the worst people

    • @Sage-Thyme
      @Sage-Thyme 2 года назад

      I can't work out if they know they're wrong and just doing it for attention, or whether they think they're right because they're just to stupid to understand when they're being corrected.
      I'd still love to a working flat earth model....

  • @PossumReviews
    @PossumReviews 2 года назад +8

    7:45 - 8:25, it also creates an unwarranted sense that one is being persecuted, then they start viewing themselves as underdogs in the fight against some perceived villain. Then it's no longer about who's right or wrong, but who's good or evil, and it's really hard to argue with someone who's convinced they're a hero and you're a villain.

  • @Nowpinion
    @Nowpinion 2 года назад +72

    Thank you! Being stupid is being willfully ignorant, which is the worst case of ignorance. Let’s hope for a less derpy 2022. Gott Nytt År Martymer!

    • @wastelandwanderer3883
      @wastelandwanderer3883 2 года назад +4

      No no... keep the derp coming! So entertaining! 🤣

    • @John.0z
      @John.0z 2 года назад +4

      @@wastelandwanderer3883 It is, but I find it a low kind of entertainment.
      I always prefer to pass on knowledge (and the need to verify such knowledge transfer). So to see people who often seem to *know* that they are lying to those who follow them on social media in order to earn money is not funny, it is sad.

    • @wastelandwanderer3883
      @wastelandwanderer3883 2 года назад +2

      @@John.0z Agreed, that is why it is important to keep denouncing it! And I learn a great deal in the process as well, especially how to answer to stupidity!

    • @Hairysteed
      @Hairysteed 2 года назад +2

      @@John.0z Hmm... We _know_ that watching flat earthers makes us lose our brain cells and feel cringy but we do it anyway... so that means we're engaging in stupid behavior! 😱
      In all seriousness, I mainly do it for two reasons: one is pure entertainment and hilarity, but the other is also fascination as I'm fascinated to find out how a flat earther's mind work, how it got that way and whether I'm suceptible to the same effect (or whether it perhaps already is).

    • @John.0z
      @John.0z 2 года назад +1

      @@Hairysteed I am pretty much the same as you in this interest.
      With the right stimulus, we are all able to be fooled - just look at illusionists. I do not know how most of the do what they do. I have what I consider to be good reason to reject what they do as being "magical", but no direct evidence. However if we allow ourself to think that what we see, or think we see, is all that there is, then yes, we can be fooled.
      And that is just referring to what we see.
      Sellers, whether legitimate or not, do everything they can to manipulate buyers.
      So I hope that by following how these flat earthers have been deluded, I *might* manage to avoid a different scam/sales promotion to the ones I have fallen for in the past.

  • @smashexentertainment676
    @smashexentertainment676 2 года назад +49

    I got a friend who's very good at math and programming, yet buying into Moon Landing Hoax. First I asked him to drop Gish-gallop, coz he started blabbering and present arguments one by one, so I could thoroughly answer them all. Since he presented every single the most standard argument Moon Landing deniers have, it was fairly easy to explain all the confusion. He didn't care for an explanations tho, coz 3 weeks later on the same topic he started presenting exact same arguments, which I explained once again in such details, that he had nothing else to say, coz after every explanation I was asking if there's anything unclear left about that exact point? Since he constantly wanted to turn on Gish-gallop.
    Unfortunately a month later we started conversation with the exact same arguments yet again, for the 3rd time. So yes, it's not the lack of understanding, or answers, or explanations, or information. It's personal psychological denial.

    • @lnsflare1
      @lnsflare1 2 года назад +11

      Get them to agree that if they bring up points that you have already explained to them another time, they will have to pay you twenty bucks per point.

    • @ghz24
      @ghz24 2 года назад +5

      They do love the ol" gish-gallop

    • @TheRenofox
      @TheRenofox 2 года назад

      I have the exact same experience on discussing some topics.
      Time saving protip: When a flerfer, moonlanding denier or any other fundamentalist starts talking about something easily debunked, start by asking them something like "have you ever heard about inertial reference frames?". In pretty much 100% of cases they've heard it already, and you don't need to run the whole explanation to them yet again.

    • @siLence-84
      @siLence-84 Год назад

      In fairness, moon landing conspiracy isn't completely baseless and I can understand people's initial reasoning.

    • @smashexentertainment676
      @smashexentertainment676 Год назад +4

      @@siLence-84 Considering that half debunking comes from flatearthers, believing something flatearther said must be a great reason for embarrassment.

  • @warmachineuk
    @warmachineuk 2 года назад +17

    The bizarre thing is flat Earthers conduct their own experiments then reject the results.

    • @didack1419
      @didack1419 2 года назад +1

      I think most of them are just happy to be confirmed their belief on the shape of the Earth because they or (more typically) someone else flew a meteorological balloon at an arbitrary height which is not high enough to appreciate the curvature, so they didn't see it.
      Most of them can't perform or don't care to perform deeper experiments, like actually looking at the night sky in different latitudes.

    • @chbu7081
      @chbu7081 2 года назад +8

      Thanks Bob.

    • @RideAcrossTheRiver
      @RideAcrossTheRiver 2 года назад +3

      "Interesting ..."

    • @didack1419
      @didack1419 2 года назад

      @@RideAcrossTheRiver He's probably referring to thay documentary with those flatties that tried to measure the rotation of the Earth with an electronic gyroscope and they actually got the predicted measurement of 19 degrees (I think) and then proceeded to reject the experiment.

    • @RideAcrossTheRiver
      @RideAcrossTheRiver 2 года назад +4

      @@didack1419 I know--I was quoting Jeran's response to learning surface curvature is real.

  • @Ugly_German_Truths
    @Ugly_German_Truths 2 года назад +32

    It's a deflection tactic also known as "JAQing off". Just asking questions.
    That way they can claim to have "an open mind" after all they inquested about reality and gave you a chance to reply... that they then return to the same question will invariably be excused by pretend excuses like "you did not fully answer me" or "you didn't reply at all" and wonders of wonders... next time you see the same Jaqer they will ask the SAME questions again. With the same results of not caring for any answers and pretending they never saw any.
    It could be seen as a slow chat version of the debate centrc "Gish gallop". If you throw enough questions at the wall that you can prtetend were not answered (satisfactorily) that may convince a bystander without in depth knowledge of the subject that you have a point and "the other side" has something to hide.
    Deeply dishonest and annoyingly uncurious is what it actually comes over as.

    • @MarkMichalowski
      @MarkMichalowski 2 года назад +7

      And the gish-gallop of unending questions helps to disguise the fact they aren't answering ANY of the questions put TO them (if their questioners manage to get a word in edgeways, that is).

    • @harrisonjodeit4340
      @harrisonjodeit4340 2 года назад +5

      Have you stopped beating your wife yet?! What did you do with all the ballots you stole in 2016?! WHY DID YOU MURDER THAT INNOCENT, HANDICAPPED BLACK CHILD?!?!!
      I'm just asking questions, here. Inquiring minds want the answers!

    • @Kualinar
      @Kualinar 2 года назад +3

      JAQing off is another term for gish gallop. Ask a lot of rapid fire questions, never allow the other to answer even the first one, claim victory.

    • @weldabar
      @weldabar 2 года назад +4

      This reminds me of Tucker Carlson, "just asking questions."

    • @Ugly_German_Truths
      @Ugly_German_Truths 2 года назад +3

      @@weldabar Yes he does that a lot.
      One might almost call him a JAQass.

  • @whatsupinspace854
    @whatsupinspace854 2 года назад +10

    They're not stupid because they ask questions, they're stupid because they do not listen to answers.

    • @multigerbs550
      @multigerbs550 2 года назад +2

      Or they believe the answer that makes them feel comfortable rather than the one that is correct.

    • @Mazaroth
      @Mazaroth 12 дней назад

      "There are no stupid questions, just stupid people."
      ~Mr. Garrison.

  • @Sage-Thyme
    @Sage-Thyme 2 года назад +5

    "That 2 hours a week becomes 8hrs a day" what a succinct way of demonstrating the difference between learning a subject at a high school vs degree level.

  • @ShadeFC
    @ShadeFC 2 года назад +12

    The best video in the series so far, the run down of what is stupidity even though seemingly obvious was very well laid out and I will use that myself, good job, great to have you back.

    • @shelby3347
      @shelby3347 2 года назад

      Are you like 10 years old you must be if you think this was good this entire video was fallacious from start to finish but that’s why I say your 10 cause only child wouldn’t understand what he’s doing. And I’m reality this guy wouldn’t debate a FE in science he would get destroyed and he knows it that’s why lied about FE right at the beginning

    • @tanyanguyen3704
      @tanyanguyen3704 2 года назад

      @@shelby3347 umkay.
      In other news, the earth is a sphere.
      Just saying.

    • @shelby3347
      @shelby3347 2 года назад

      @@tanyanguyen3704 please give 1 single empirical scientific proof of your globe religion. Thanks let’s see how well you know what you believe ( religiously ).

  • @Findme1reason
    @Findme1reason 2 года назад +8

    There seems to be a rise in the rhetorical strategy of asking questions without concern for an answer. They ask the question to imply something to an audience rather than to seek an answer. Asking questions is easy, you can't disprove a question like you can a claim, you can only provide an answer and they can use any number of reasons to ignore it. And if you call them out for their bad faith engagement the defense is "I'm only asking questions!".

    • @uNiels_Heart
      @uNiels_Heart 2 года назад

      Maybe we should more intently point out that taking or mishandling an answer is very separate from merely asking a question.

  • @michaelpettersson4919
    @michaelpettersson4919 2 года назад +34

    I agree with your definition of stupid especially since it is decoupled from IQ. Geniuses can do stupid things and even tiny brained animals can choose to avoid doing stupid things.

    • @Martymer81
      @Martymer81  2 года назад +11

      Exactly. Many stupid things actually require intelligence! If you're not intelligent enough to understand that the behavior is maladaptive, it's not an informed mindset. It's honest innocent ignorance, not stupidity.

    • @missingnola3823
      @missingnola3823 2 года назад +2

      I have an above-average intellect. In college, a friend and roommate once declared I was so smart that I'm stupid. It took me a long time to really understand what that meant, but figured it out a few years later, much to my benefit. I think he was, at the time, correct in his assessment. I suppose I'm a case in point here. I often relied on my intellect without always incorporating available information because I was sometimes too smug to do so. Happy to say I've acquired quite a bit of humility along the way and am less stupid (less, but not zero!) than I used to be. It's easy, and probably quite common, to be stupid and smart at the same time.

    • @PerspectiveEngineer
      @PerspectiveEngineer 2 года назад

      @@missingnola3823 they might've been a roommate but they weren't a friend.
      I've been insulted in the realm of I was just pulling your leg man.
      No they are teeny tiny people with nothing else in their lives other than to insult other people run from that roommate

    • @PerspectiveEngineer
      @PerspectiveEngineer 2 года назад

      @@missingnola3823 and your math sucks so ah... be loved and love

    • @ramakrishnakamathsuresh1076
      @ramakrishnakamathsuresh1076 2 года назад

      @@Martymer81 Hello, Please help me with the below questions pertaining to the CMB if you can spare some time. Is CMB visible in/from all directions? If NOT, based on the direction from which the radiation is detectable, is it possible to determine the approximate direction from which the CMBR or its present remnant got emitted originally? Thereby the approximate center of the universe? I am using an extremely rudimentary logic of locating a light source is located based on the direction from which the light is observed or detected. This may not be applicable in the case of CMB. But it's worth clarifying. On the contrary, If CMB is visible from all directions, how does that manifest? Doesn't it mean that the source(s) of the CMB are effectively all around us?

  • @ThomasTrue
    @ThomasTrue 2 года назад +9

    My definition of stupid is being wilfully and deliberately ignorant in the face of evidence. Being ignorant of facts is forgivable and can be remedied. But in the information age, where we have the most powerful information tool ever devised literally at our fingertips, being wilfully and deliberately ignorant is completely unforgivable.

  • @jwb932
    @jwb932 2 года назад +3

    Just want to point out here that when I went to school here in Wisconsin, USA in the 1980s, we learned in second grade in depth about the shape of the Earth and how we know it's a sphere. It wasn't taken for granted.

  • @daxmarshall4969
    @daxmarshall4969 2 года назад +6

    That yellow light - red light bit is so spot on.

    • @Martymer81
      @Martymer81  2 года назад +3

      It definitely accounts for a significant portion of all traffic-related tickets

    • @Gassit
      @Gassit 2 года назад +2

      @@Martymer81 And accidents

    • @Martymer81
      @Martymer81  2 года назад +1

      @@Gassit True.

    • @KateeAngel
      @KateeAngel 2 года назад +1

      The real problem is that modern urban environments are car-centric which they shouldn't be. There shouldn't be more than one lane in every direction for cars on urban streets, everything else should be delegated to public transport, pedestrians and bikers. And highways shouldn't go through cities, but around them. And cities should do everything to encourage people to use public transport and discourage car usage, especially building places so that you can easily access them by walking or by bus.
      Big car density in urban environments and car-centric planning of streets and neighborhoods makes it dangerous.
      In rural areas it is not a problem because density of transportation on the roads isn't that big

  • @BillGarrett
    @BillGarrett 2 года назад +5

    We need a new universally usable word whose specific meaning is "wrong and smug about it".

    • @stylis666
      @stylis666 2 года назад

      Is this a good time to be a blatant asshole? :D
      What about:" Don't be a Kent"

    • @moggpiano8043
      @moggpiano8043 2 года назад


  • @Hamartia64
    @Hamartia64 2 года назад +5

    That “bill in the special place” scenario hit me pretty hard

  • @ajaxdavis
    @ajaxdavis 2 года назад +6

    "There's no stupid questions, just stupid people" Mr. Garrison

    • @gatergates8813
      @gatergates8813 Год назад

      "So there you go! You're the retarded offspring of five monkeys having butt sex with a fish-squirrel! Congratulations"
      -also Mr. Garrison

  • @rloomis3
    @rloomis3 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for all your great work, Martymer, and best wishes for the new year to your and yours.

  • @SteamingCupofReason
    @SteamingCupofReason 2 года назад +11

    Absolutely brilliant video! Thanks for the excellent breakdown of 'STUPID'! Looking forward to the next one!

    • @shelby3347
      @shelby3347 2 года назад

      Thanks this is the first comment that illustrates his point.

  • @moonblaze2713
    @moonblaze2713 2 года назад +3

    I cant seem to help myself when it comes to watching videos on flat earthers. But this is the first one I've watched that seems interested in addressing the underlying problems. Very well done. Pardon me now, I seem to have two more videos to watch.

  • @Bob-Jenkins
    @Bob-Jenkins 2 года назад +1

    It is good to have you back on the tubes my dude.

  • @colormedubious4747
    @colormedubious4747 2 года назад +36

    I got sucked into a YT "debate" with a flerfer. Damn, that was STUPID!

    • @iami3rian394
      @iami3rian394 2 года назад +6

      Have you noticed all flerfs are also religious zealots?
      There's never a secular flerf... And I think it's not a coincidence.

    • @pdxdragon7479
      @pdxdragon7479 2 года назад +4

      @@iami3rian394 *"Have you noticed all flerfs are also religious zealots?"*
      And anti-vax.
      And convinced that Trump won the election.
      They're all emotion and rage, no logic.

    • @iami3rian394
      @iami3rian394 2 года назад +3

      @@pdxdragon7479 I mean, trump did kinda win though.
      Love him or hate him, if you don't think there were enough red flags for an investigation, bare minimum, you're being biased.

    • @JohnM3665570
      @JohnM3665570 2 года назад +12

      @@iami3rian394 The election was fair. Each state certified its election results. Audits confirmed the results.
      Trump didn't kinda win.

    • @iami3rian394
      @iami3rian394 2 года назад +3

      @@JohnM3665570 lol, sure mate. And COVID is dangerous.

  • @wastelandwanderer3883
    @wastelandwanderer3883 2 года назад +2

    Thanks! That was different from the usual flat earth debunk! Even refreshing! And wishing you the best for the coming year!

  • @unicornep1818
    @unicornep1818 2 года назад +1

    Happy New Year. Have a great 2022

  • @clivedavis6859
    @clivedavis6859 2 года назад +1

    Very well said. Thank you. Have a great New Year.

  • @ragingmoderate6791
    @ragingmoderate6791 2 года назад +11

    In WH40k I would say the veneration of existing technology, to the exclusion of invention and progress would have been a more apt example from that universe. As the old tech was invented 10s of thousands of years ago and is far more advanced than anything they have in M41. However the fact that they refuse to innovate is probably why they can't fix the old tech.

    • @PerspectiveEngineer
      @PerspectiveEngineer 2 года назад

      Get a life

    • @HPalternetive
      @HPalternetive 2 года назад +1

      Get a sit on theze

    • @mwperk02
      @mwperk02 2 года назад +2

      @@PerspectiveEngineer we already have one but thank you for the concern.

  • @ivanljujic4128
    @ivanljujic4128 2 года назад

    Another video, nice :D
    I'm always glad to see new content on your channel.

  • @Dan_C604
    @Dan_C604 2 года назад +13

    In my opinion, there is a deeper level to this desire to not learn. It is the conspiratorial mind. I believe they all fall for conspiracies first (feeling special) and then comes the rejection of established truths (feeling smart). It’s is very similar to the cult mentality and I am not too sure they are actually different in essence.

    • @iami3rian394
      @iami3rian394 2 года назад

      Why wouldn't a person WANT to know the truth, though...?

    • @Dan_C604
      @Dan_C604 2 года назад +3

      @@iami3rian394 with a conspiratorial mind in place, they THINK they know the truth. Anything we say or demonstrate is taken as “from the devil” (sects) or “from NASA” (flatties). They have poisoned the well sort to speak, anything we say is already rejected as bad.

    • @moggpiano8043
      @moggpiano8043 2 года назад +1

      @@iami3rian394 Wanting to know the truth, and interpreting your own preconceived conclusions as the truth, are very different things.

    • @iami3rian394
      @iami3rian394 2 года назад

      I dunno, I believe in a few conspiracies (fake moon landing (I know we've been there, however I don't believe Niel and Buzz have been there, and there are a PLETHORA of demonstrably fake pictures)), I mean... I don't think JFK is a conspiracy, but I'm convinced it was E. Howard Hunt... but I mean, I'm also not just "guessing" here. Art experts (for the moon photo camera angles etc) and I mean, a confession among a million other things...
      But I don't just believe any nonsense Willy nilly.
      Maybe I don't have a conspiratorial mind, I just find two or three of them believable.
      That said, don't forget Enron was a conspiracy theory as well... I mean, ya know, until it wasn't just a "theory" anymore.
      P S. RIP Bette White.

    • @Dan_C604
      @Dan_C604 2 года назад

      @@iami3rian394 conspiracies have always existed. Many wars have started with a conspiracy (for example, Hitler conspired with other countries to make them believe his intentions were peaceful) , but in these times conspiracy is synonymous of fake. I prefer to say I’m skeptic with some official explanations BUT I don’t claim to know the truth, just some things don’t ring the bell in my head. That is as far as I can go. Conspiratorial minds go far and beyond that and very soon those people start to lose any sense of reality.

  • @azurebrown3756
    @azurebrown3756 2 года назад +1

    Great break down. Direct and hits the heart of the problem. And provides a degree of understanding.

  • @p2va73xc6j3
    @p2va73xc6j3 2 года назад +9

    Good video, you covered the topic well to a singular point. I wonder if there are really two somewhat different answers. There are the names we know, who are putting out bad videos to steal money from the hopelessly conspiratorial. There are also those who offer superchats to those flerf youtube posters.

    • @skateboardingjesus4006
      @skateboardingjesus4006 2 года назад +1

      And those manipulative prominent Flatties get a superiority kick out of it. Being marginally less dumb than the gormless Gobshites they drag through their own stupidity, appeals to them.
      One-eyed men in the land of the blind and all of that.

    • @iami3rian394
      @iami3rian394 2 года назад

      @@skateboardingjesus4006 this.
      Every flat earth RUclipsr knows the earth is round. Period.

    • @Forest_Fifer
      @Forest_Fifer 2 года назад

      Also known as the t shirt sellers and t shirt buyers respectively.

  • @FunnCubes
    @FunnCubes 2 года назад +1

    I am so glad you're back! Happy new orbital period!

  • @TuAFFalcon
    @TuAFFalcon 2 года назад +4

    They already started claiming that the JWST is fake.
    I put them in their place.
    No one can talk crap about the JWST.

  • @ThoughtandMemory
    @ThoughtandMemory 2 года назад

    Wow! That was excellent. It really encompasses the flerf, and other types, mindset. Bravo.

  • @jt95124
    @jt95124 2 года назад +1

    The round earth and solar system (orbit, eclipse, 24 day at poles, seasons, year) was taught to me, in 4th grade and 8th grade, as I recall. Multiple times before high school.

  • @adolfojp
    @adolfojp 2 года назад +2

    Your channel is great and it should have way more subscribers than it has. Even though I'm subscribed to your channel RUclips hasn't made an effort to remind me of your new videos. I got a notification to this one so I hit the bell.

  • @ReiperX
    @ReiperX 2 года назад +1

    You hit a huge thing. Asking a dumb question doesn't make you dumb. And I totally get someone's reluctance of asking such questions in a classroom setting because they don't want people to think they are dumb, or get laughed at. But also, if one person has that question, its likely that there are others who also have the same question. And the cool thing about asking those questions, you learn. And every time you do it and realize that the whole world isn't pointing and laughing at you, then its easier to ask other questions.

  • @stylis666
    @stylis666 2 года назад +2

    3:25 I have friends who literally fall in all three of those categories and I love them beyond measure and they sometimes feel stupid and they're really not. They're not just super kind, but honest, creative, and intelligent when it matters for them, which most often is to help people and the main reason for when they feel stupid is that they can't always come up with such creative solutions when it's for themselves. So they often ask me for advice because I am so smart and I know so much, so they keep saying despite my being wrong more often than I'm right. And when they ask me for help, most often it's just simply my asking them what they'd do if it was for [person they love] and they'll figure it out. They don't really need my help. If anything, I need their creative examples to teach me how to be more flexible in where and how to look for solutions. And I hate manipulating people like that so I tell them how their brain fucked up and I laugh at them for it :D
    I think we can all recognize their "problem". It's much more motivating to put effort in reaching a goal when you do it for the love of another, making it feel like so much less effort. I sometimes can't even be bothered to do chores, or put up a christmas tree. Then my mom asks me to help wash the windows, vacuum, put up a christmas tree, and I have energy for days! SHe has the best christmas tree, if I do say so myself XD I just have 4 strings of ugly white flashing lights in a pyramid shape on a white skeleton and I can't be arsed to throw it in the garbage an put up my actual christmas tree XD The only reason I put up the pyramid thingy was to see how ugly it is and if I wanted to leave it there. It's ugly and I don't want it there. It's 4 weeks later and it's still ugly and I still don't want it there and I just don't give enough of a shit to do something about it other than to complain how fucking ugly it is XD Brains, what can you do? :D

  • @volkerwendt3061
    @volkerwendt3061 2 года назад +4

    Brilliant. to the point. Thanks for that.

  • @John.0z
    @John.0z 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for a very clear discussion on this thorny subject. Some may not think like you, but I do.
    And I have really enjoyed checking the observations that support the claims concerning the shape of the earth. And yes flat earthers, they all confirm the globular shape of this planet.

  • @BenGrem917
    @BenGrem917 2 года назад

    Happy New Years!

  • @MSivonen
    @MSivonen 2 года назад +1

    Great video. If someone's opinion is not based on facts, it can not be changed with facts. It's good to see people are beginning to try to understand flatheads instead of just mocking them. Calling someone stupid (ie. "HA! Your a eediot!!1!") does nothing but makes them angry, group tohether more tightly, and defend themselves even harder.
    Good point on separating the terms "being stupid" and "doing something stupid". I learnt this when I said to a kid who did something stupid "You're stupid". She started crying "I'm not stupid bwaaahhhh!!" and all hell broke loose. Next time in that situation I said "That thing you did was stupid" - "No I'm not stupid!!!" - "Listen, I said you did a stupid thing, it doesn't mean you're stupid. Even adults do stupid things sometimes". And she listened and learned. Adults can be compared to childs - we have those same basic responses, we just are able to process them more intelligently. Nevertheless when talking about sensitive subjects, it's never bad to try to avoid those negative responses in the first place.
    I hope a flat earther watches this video and continues to question things. But for one time he decides to try to understand the answer. Just once. Challenge your knowledge, are you right or not?

  • @tobiashagstrom4168
    @tobiashagstrom4168 2 года назад +2

    I think of stupidity as thinking or doing the wrong thing when there should be a reasonable expectation on you to know better. Persisting in bad ideas and ways of doing and thinking, when there are perfectly realistic and easily preferable alternatives. Or something like that.

  • @kaswaro11
    @kaswaro11 2 года назад +2

    Ty for explaining what you mean by stupid. I know that there is a culturally understood meaning behind stupid here in the states (often shorthand for mental conditions such as autism and downs syndrome), and it is really important to avoid those pitfalls. A reasonable person wouldn't assign that type of intent behind calling Flerf's stupid, and I really hope no one thought you were demeaning the mentally disabled.

  • @DutchJoan
    @DutchJoan 2 года назад +2

    That's a wonderful abbreviation! 😂
    Have a nice New Year's Eve 🥂🍾🎇. And may the New Year bring you all you hope for and provide you with opportunities to make your endeavours succeed 🎁.

  • @scoterf
    @scoterf 2 года назад +3

    Wasnt expecting any warhammer, but there you go :p

  • @ecsolha
    @ecsolha 2 года назад +2

    I agree with you. Had a good laugh about the traffic example. Been there done that. And man I felt stupid.

  • @NinaFelwitch
    @NinaFelwitch 2 года назад +9

    We do and say a lot of things about flat earthers, that could be considered ableist. Calling people "idiot" is considered ableist. Or calling them the r word. Like in flattard or something like that. Or insulting their appearance or speech patterns, something I see a lot unfortunately. That's not okay and I'm guilty of doing some of it, too.
    But calling someone stupid for doing stupid things, is not ableist. What else should we call people who knowingly do things that are against their best interest? They are stupid.

    • @soundofazure
      @soundofazure 2 года назад

      Very well said.

    • @MrJoeyWheeler
      @MrJoeyWheeler 2 года назад +1

      I mean realistically, you just shouldn't give anyone an inch when they cry any "ist".

    • @DampeS8N
      @DampeS8N 2 года назад +1

      @@MrJoeyWheeler You've missed the point. "ists" exist. People that are insensitive to other people's needs exist. You've proven that yourself. This is what any give "ist" is. Racists are insensitive to the issues of race. Sexists are insensitive to the issues of gender. Ableists are insensitive to the needs of the differently abled. These types of people exist.
      The problem is that folks which don't need to contend with "ists" very often have strange ideas about what being an "ist" means, usually viewing it as quite a terrible thing to be - stemming from fear and hatred. A moral failing, even. You see this a lot with racism. People get really upset at the idea that they might be racist to the point where they lash out, sometimes violently, against people that try to clear up their racist misconceptions. They can take offense to the very idea that they could be holding racist ideas. They view being racist as a binary factor that they either are or aren't and being one is so awful that the suggestion that they could be one is an insult.

    • @Xelian86
      @Xelian86 2 года назад +1

      If you're using retard, moron or idiot in context to someone without any disability, low iq or brain damage, then it's not being ableist. People need to stop trying to censor words when it's in the wrong context. These words are negative though, so you should consider not using them in an effort to become a more positive person, but there's absolutely no point getting upset when someone calls someone else an idiot for doing something 'idiotic'. This is a strawman used to try and censor people out of context, by way of defamation.
      It's an awkward way that language adapts over time that means words meanings can change or can gain new meanings or be used in new contexts than their original definition. As always, context is key. Getting bent out of shape because someone called someone else a negative word is probably the most inefficient use of your time. There are absolutely so many more important things to be upset about.
      It's also funny how the words changed over time. Retard is the big bad word nobody should use these days. Before that, it was moron, and before that idiot. Nobody gets bent out of shape anymore about moron or idiot really, they just focus on the new word, entirely missing the point. They might even go out of their way to chide you for using the word retard, while in the same breath call you an idiot or a moron.
      There's a joke about how this comes about. I think Bill Burr might be the one who did a skit on it. It goes; The scientific community comes up with a word to call 'slow' people. Then bros start using it to insult each other in banter. Now that this word has entered the common vernacular, the scientific community makes a new word to mean 'slow'. Again bros start using this word to jokingly insult each other. And on it goes. The problem isn't the word being used, the problem is making up new words hoping that people won't use them to insult each other, and also being offended by others using them to insult each other.
      I do believe that we should endeavour to become more positive and humble. Name-calling, even when correct is still childish and shallow. Civility is often way more important than we realise, and it's very easy for things to become heated for multiple different reasons, which can lead to negativity, in whichever form it may take. So we should strive to remove these kind of words from our vernacular, not because they're ableist, but because they serve no purpose. They're (in the context of calling someone a flattard etc) just methods used to stroke our own egos by taking an easy swipe at someone who we think is an easy target.

    • @MrJoeyWheeler
      @MrJoeyWheeler 2 года назад

      @@DampeS8N No. Give no quarter. To people who accuse you of any "ism" it's about perceived offense - usually on behalf of someone else, mind - and more importantly getting power over you. Do not play their games and be absolutely unapologetic. You can correct people on things without accusing people of -isms.

  • @terryboot7777
    @terryboot7777 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for articulating this perfectly.

  • @awesomefacepalm
    @awesomefacepalm 2 года назад +1

    I can agree.
    A flerf asked me questions about my previous job where I worked with radio links. And where I needed to take the curvature in to calculations in order to make good links.
    After some explaining and examples we found out that one of the tools I used had a software bug where the curve became incorrect at certain distances.
    This bug was only present in that piece software mind you. And all other tools I used didn't have it.
    But for him, it was proof that the earth was flat for some reason.

    • @NinjaMonkeyPrime
      @NinjaMonkeyPrime 2 года назад

      That similar to when they quote NDT on whether or not you can see curve at a certain height. It's not possible for NDT to be mistaken for some reason.

  • @haku8135
    @haku8135 2 года назад +8

    flerfs keep saying things like "Standard glober response, gravity! It's ALWAYS gravity! Why is the answer to ALL your problems gravity?"
    Then they keep asking questions such as
    "What's 1+1? What's 3-1? What's 4 divided by 2?"
    If you want us to stop answering 2, ask a question that has a different answer. We didn't make the answers or the questions.

    • @stylis666
      @stylis666 2 года назад +1

      Maybe just frustrate them a little more and answer to everything: physics. And worse than that, it even confuses physicists because many of them then find that we can predict things with probabilities, even though that might only apply to our perception of the outcomes and the actual outcomes might be determined completely.
      It's like this: I am sitting on a chair or a couch and with no further information you have a 50% of guessing the outcome correctly, unless you're a smart ass like me and you guess you have a 50% chance of being correct if you flip a coin for it, because then you'd be ~100% correct, depending on the weight distribution of the coin, but the actual chance for it being a chair is already either 100% or 0%, not 50%.
      And it might just be that the outcome of the coin is also already determined and we just can't see it beyond a distribution that approaches ~50/50 of either outcome with enough tries. Just saying, just because we see the distribution, doesn't mean it's random.
      And for some reason, people, including physicists think that it must be random otherwise we can't choose, but if it was random and that weird-ass conclusion followed, then it would also follow that if what we choose is random and it's still not a choice, and it actually really doesn't matter for a choice if it's random, free, or determined. All that matters is the information(options, motives, priorities, etc.) we use to make the choice.
      And that's what they try and limit: information. Probably to make things simpler because complexity and nuance makes things hard and makes them feel uncertain. At least that's my guess. It would fit the outcome: the negation of choice and leaving everything up to chance, just to rebel and have a sense of control, ironically, by giving up all control.

  • @JarenKurkoff
    @JarenKurkoff 2 года назад +5

    i am convinced all those examples of stupidity were real life experiences of Martymer.

  • @tjsogmc
    @tjsogmc Год назад

    I always believed that ignorance was simply not knowing something, but stupidity is knowing that you are ignorant but failing to correct the problem.

  • @command.cyborg
    @command.cyborg 2 года назад

    Great show! 👍

  • @chbu7081
    @chbu7081 2 года назад +3

    Stupid is knowing what you are doing is wrong and doing it anyway.

  • @tomheinle1049
    @tomheinle1049 2 года назад

    I think a good response to the FLERF statement about conspiracy among the various space agencies is to point out that said space agencies are around 70 years old and civilization has known the earth is round for thousands of years.

  • @DarranKern
    @DarranKern 2 года назад +1

    Semi regular uploads! Based!

  • @lacerta1984
    @lacerta1984 2 года назад +1

    Wow, I didn't expect the 40k reference.
    Foh Gork an' Mork!

  • @UweKlosa
    @UweKlosa 2 года назад +1

    Very good video

  • @noneofyourbusiness7055
    @noneofyourbusiness7055 2 года назад +2

    Personally I consider flerfers stupid because they insist on going out of their way to misrepresent simple positions/concepts despite repeated corrections, and actively uphold literally inexplicable/indefensible positions in favour of a working model they cannot prove wrong.
    This would’ve been a good first episode of the series, even though it might turn people away due to its lack of actual pratt.

  • @darthplagueis3488
    @darthplagueis3488 2 года назад +2

    Man, I missed your videos. And just on the brink of the next year.

    • @Martymer81
      @Martymer81  2 года назад +3

      I've missed making them. My kids are starting to give me a little space now, so hopefully I can return to putting out 1-2 vids a month.

    • @darthplagueis3488
      @darthplagueis3488 2 года назад

      @@Martymer81 I see, keep up the good work. Oh, just a quick video idea suggestion: if you haven’t kept up with the news, a few weeks ago, former Disney actress Demi Lovato has made some headlines for allegedly singing to ghosts… 🤦🏼. I’m not kidding, it’s really something that’s very cringe worthy and deserves a major debunking and mild insult.

    • @didack1419
      @didack1419 2 года назад

      @@darthplagueis3488 Is it really the kind of stuff that Martymer should be the one to engage with (Demi Lovato's I mean)?
      I personally think that Mudfossil University's physics' butchering is way worse. I'm not gonna act like he should pay attention to my request, but I think it would be nice to tackle that 120k channel and his stupid stuff about free energy and liquid photon-electrons, plus the rest of the ridiculous stuff about vagina caverns and that (but that's not really for Martymer81, although the chemistry involved may).

    • @Martymer81
      @Martymer81  2 года назад

      @@didack1419 Sounds like it might be worth a look. No promises, though.

    • @didack1419
      @didack1419 2 года назад

      @@Martymer81 He pretends to found an 'university' to study his stuff and he's clearly pro-homeschooling with the stuff he has made up, not unlike most creationists.
      If you don't mind, I could give you a summary about his 'physics' claims.

  • @skesinis
    @skesinis 2 года назад +1

    I agree with your description of stupidity. There’s a greek saying which translated loosely means: “You can catch the smart bird by the beak.” Everyone, no matter how smart, will do stupid things in their life. Sometimes smart people manage to do monumentally stupid things too because of their over confidence, or for whatever reason.

  • @yellowlynx
    @yellowlynx 2 года назад +2

    The anecdote to prevent ideas like Flat Earth to spread is actually having a science subject be taught in high school which is a subject they need to pass in order to graduate. The subject will get students to undertsand scientific method and how theories are found to be valid. Of course the more desirable thing is to follow UK/India/Singapore and many countrires to have students sit through a public exam to test their knowledge and without a certificate of passing the exam they cannot get a good job.

    • @moggpiano8043
      @moggpiano8043 2 года назад +1

      Flat Earthers care not about such things. They are entrenched in a belief system as impenetrable as religion. They have "special knowledge" so they are above conventions like the world of work. One who recently passed away was a self-employed artist, who according to a third party who lived with him for a while, "never sold a painting". Another has, according to another, just come back to making flat Earth videos, after giving up to concentrate on his busking!
      These are people with a deep paranoid suspicion of convention. They see knowledge and education as the spawn of the devil. You won't shame these loons into normality.

    • @RideAcrossTheRiver
      @RideAcrossTheRiver 2 года назад

      @@moggpiano8043 The idea is to starve out stupidity.

  • @bipolarminddroppings
    @bipolarminddroppings 2 года назад +2

    Find me a Flerf International Airline Pilot. There must be at least 1, who somehow rationalises away the way they have to navigate and how Australia isnt 4 billion miles from the USA.

  • @ihcterra4625
    @ihcterra4625 Год назад +1

    There is a difference between ignorance and indifference. We have the sum of all human knowledge at or fingertips, so ignorance can be cured, but indifference to the truth is a terminal condition.
    Some people have chosen not to believe in science and fall for conspiracy theories.

  • @Drudenfusz
    @Drudenfusz 2 года назад +1

    Stupid is not who asks stupid, stupid is who does stupid!

  • @adamstrange7884
    @adamstrange7884 2 года назад +1

    Love the faceppalm!!

  • @Snowfox572
    @Snowfox572 2 года назад +1

    9:03 i find it worth mentioning that part of the reason why ancient tech can't be reproduced or repaired easily in 40k by humans is partly because a lot of the shit that went into making it involved a lot of hyper complicated calculations and predictions usually done by AI's, which the imperium of man has a hard ban on due to an ancient AI uprising that contributed a major part to why society before the imperium collapsed. The most a lot of people know how to do is to use blueprints from those times to build it, designing those blueprints from scratch is... well, a lot harder would be an understatement.

  • @Hairysteed
    @Hairysteed 2 года назад +1

    3:34 _"To be stupid is to consistently engage in stupid behavior."_
    So... stupid is what stupid does? Does that also mean that life is like a box of chocolates? 😁

  • @kellyd6195
    @kellyd6195 2 года назад +1

    Wow! This was good and applicable to so many other things outside of the FE community.

  • @SchrodingersCatlive
    @SchrodingersCatlive 2 года назад

    Well said.

  • @Katy_Jones
    @Katy_Jones 2 года назад +1

    There is an English saying "Thicker than a short plank"
    As their playpen is debunked by the shadow of the aforementioned plank moving at a constant 15 degrees the natural conclusion is..

  • @flyingfree333
    @flyingfree333 2 года назад +2

    This also applies to all religions.

  • @Kitten_in_a_scaryplace
    @Kitten_in_a_scaryplace 2 года назад +2

    So, if the earth was flat wouldn't you be able to see New York from California if you were really high, like lower atmosphere high?

    • @KateeAngel
      @KateeAngel 2 года назад

      You would be able to see Japan from California as well, with a good enough binocular

  • @timothymulholland7905
    @timothymulholland7905 2 года назад +2

    I taught university students for 40 years. I taught that there were no stupid questions, just stupid answers.

    • @markbeiser
      @markbeiser 2 года назад +3

      I started to question the notion that there are no such thing as stupid questions after interacting with young earth creationists, then gave up completely after interacting with flat earthers...

    • @martinmckee5333
      @martinmckee5333 2 года назад +3

      I accept one sort of question as stupid - a dishonest one. When students would ask questions to waste time or as a joke, *those* were stupid questions in my book. Sometimes, however, it was still possible to turn it into a good teaching moment.
      You have me beat thought. I only taught in K-12 for a handful of years. My mental health struggles wouldn't allow more than that.

    • @KateeAngel
      @KateeAngel 2 года назад +1

      It depends on the circumstances. If a five year old asks you why there are still monkeys if we evolved, it is not stupid. If a 40-year old creationist, who has been given explanations about it 100 times, and presented all the evidence, asks it again, it is stupid

  • @jiberish001
    @jiberish001 2 года назад

    I've conditioned myself out of labeling them as "stupid", and have chosen the more apt term of "intellectually dishonest", and it follows your examples and definition perfectly.
    An intellectually dishonest person fails to be honest with what they know, and does not use that knowledge in their intellectual endeavors.
    I believe that this fits MUCH better with flat earthers, because dishonesty is at the heart of virtually everything they do, say, and believe.

  • @tomaszwota1465
    @tomaszwota1465 Год назад

    Martymer casually referencing 40K? Well damn.
    Emperor Protects.

  • @gilliganallmighty3
    @gilliganallmighty3 2 года назад +1

    So flerfs are now claiming that atomic nuclei don't exist, the universe is 100% electrons

  • @johnkennedy5721
    @johnkennedy5721 2 года назад +1

    Flat Earthers, Big Foot, Easter Bunny, Christians. So many. Must be a human fallacy.

  • @Robert08010
    @Robert08010 Год назад

    Well said! Maybe I use the word incorrectly but I tend to prefer the word ignorant because that to me implies they are ignoring the facts as presented. For me, "ignorant" means far more than just unaware. It means deciding to ignore.

  • @TheDriver454
    @TheDriver454 2 года назад +2

    Gott Nytt År!

  • @akarioRsangma
    @akarioRsangma 2 года назад +1

    Flerfs are the real life sentence of "I am special a person"

  • @cygnustsp
    @cygnustsp 2 года назад +1

    Yay hey Marty

  • @PerspectiveEngineer
    @PerspectiveEngineer 2 года назад

    Oh it's like an Xmas gift from the past.

  • @snapperjessen
    @snapperjessen 2 года назад +2

    so the 3 monkies could be replaced with the 3 flerfers

  • @cerberaodollam
    @cerberaodollam 2 года назад

    Dyscalculia here. Usual route packed? I realize that. Conceptualizing an alternative route though? 404. Hell it took me 3 years to grok that 2 underground lines that meet at a station in the middle are connectable above ground.

  • @geraintwd
    @geraintwd 2 года назад

    Shout out for the 40K ref dude ;0)

  • @HxH2011DRA
    @HxH2011DRA 2 года назад +1

    Can't believe wereat the point where stupid is considered an ableist slur, just pronounce a ban on all insults and get it over with XD

  • @fatitigilo825
    @fatitigilo825 2 года назад +3

    You should do a video about these Bitcoiners. They are even worst and more annoying then FLERFS.

  • @JMM33RanMA
    @JMM33RanMA 2 года назад +4

    I live in a state, Massachusetts, which has the oldest democratic Constitution in use, a very good education system and some of the best universities in the world, yet we are trapped in a union with states that put superstition/religion ahead of science. This has affected the reaction to the pandemic, public health and necessary mandates. The US is becoming an example of what NOT to be, rather than a beacon of hope. Thanks to Martymer 81 for promoting reason and disparaging unreason!

  • @StormiidaeBlogspot
    @StormiidaeBlogspot 2 года назад


  • @1jotun136
    @1jotun136 2 года назад

    He lives!

  • @Arexion5293
    @Arexion5293 2 года назад +3

    I personally use the r-word to describe inexcusable levels of stupidity, meaning it is never used in context of any developmental disorders or anything of that kind because those would indeed "excuse" the perceived "stupidity". But an adult willingly refusing to study anything, to research anything and calling everything as a conspiracy theory? Yep, I'd use the word for that. It is indeed offensive and that is entirely the point. Why would I respect such levels of stupidity, a person who could pose a threat to everyone's safety with their self induced ignorance?
    Besides, this use of the word is closer to its proper definition. Something being slow, being behind current standards and expectations. I will expect every single average person I come across understand that we're on a planet. This isn't much to ask for.

  • @SardonicSoul
    @SardonicSoul 2 года назад +2

    Questioning and being a bit sceptikalnis one thing. Ignoring every scientific arguments/findings, that already had been proven, replace it with something psudoscience, and conspiricays.
    Funny thing, the study of stupidty is called morologie in german.

  • @Pensnmusic
    @Pensnmusic 2 года назад

    Why did it take 5 days for this to show up on my recommended\home page?
    Christ, better hit that Bell. RUclips out here playing games.

  • @grapeshot
    @grapeshot 2 года назад +3

    These flat-earthers will swear up and down they're right. I will get angry at you because you refuse to condone their conspiracy theory.

  • @the-trustees
    @the-trustees 2 года назад

    I thought Jeran's "the 'interesting' heard around the world" signaled the end of any continuing coordinated flathead effort. 🤪

  • @Flyingace678
    @Flyingace678 2 года назад

    I’m happy that you stopped listing examples of stupid things we’ve all done, just so the series could continue. However, I think I could have listened to hours of you listing examples followed by “Damn, that was stupid”, and facepalming 😂

  • @cyanah5979
    @cyanah5979 2 года назад +3

    Same - but unfortunately more serious - applies to antivaxxers.