Been teaching for 33 years -- Art and Media Arts -- seen a lot of talent shows come and go and this has to be one of the best performances by a high school band I've ever seen. Tight musicianship, tuning and, what is one of the biggest obstacles for groups of this age, unbelievable vocals. This performance is pretty awesome. Well done. And I just realized...this was posted 12 years ago? So these "kids" are all now pushing 30? Hope you're all doing well and still playing music somewhere!
Julian Appellof Rewatched the video and I don't get why I criticized. It was great, vocals were amazing, and the solo was good. Forgive me it was 2 years ago.
Getting up from to piano to play the guitar has got to be the hardest thing to ever happen at this school
Even looked like Paul McCartney shredding it 😮.
Awesome cover 😊🎉!
My new fav hobby is watching 13+ year old school talent shows at 4 am covering my fav songs while crying cause they lived my dream
Perhaps its not too late for us, maybe not at school but in our free time lol
"My new fav hobby is watching 13+ year olds" alright man
@@rubub8455 oh hell na
@@rubub8455 lmaooooo
and he went on to be car seat headrest
did he actually? I just learned that they formed in MY TOWN
I'm a simple man, I see Radiohead, I click.
Hello thom
Been teaching for 33 years -- Art and Media Arts -- seen a lot of talent shows come and go and this has to be one of the best performances by a high school band I've ever seen. Tight musicianship, tuning and, what is one of the biggest obstacles for groups of this age, unbelievable vocals. This performance is pretty awesome. Well done. And I just realized...this was posted 12 years ago? So these "kids" are all now pushing 30? Hope you're all doing well and still playing music somewhere!
Really appreciate it! We all still play casually but nothing serious. Also, we didn't even make the top 3 places in this talent show. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@@CameraActionLights1 Hey another fan of this talent show, yall def shouldve won this shit was beautiful.
vocalist did amazing
His voice is so well defined. I was honestly shocked
Not the “Sam I want ur babies”
@@AmritSingh-gj5rw 5:42
@@Gruurp lmfaoo. Is sam the tall bassist or the pianist guy
Woah, your vocals are amazing!
note my words: this will blow up with the blessing of the algorithm
Hasnt happened yet, but I leave my mark here
give it till the 10 years old mark
This is badass dude. Best cover I've seen
Whoa that solo/ending was unexpected. Super awesome!!
this is so attractive and i cant explain why
It’s because music moves everyone ,the magic of music & makes people seem more attractive or interesting etc.
so fucking impressed, and the guitar solo was a beautiful surprise.
lesson learnt:
dont encourage the audiance to clap 😭
this is definitely one of my favourite radiohead covers
thank you will toledo
This is great. I hope you went on to do more music
Holy shit. this is good
this is brilliant
i can fall in love easily
That was unexpected. It's like the ghost of Thom Yorke got reincarnated early into that pianist/vocalist.
i love whoever that is
woaw, moonrise kingdom kid is a badass. great cover
This is amazing! I listen almost daily to this now
I love this alot. Whoever did this great job,I'm really pround of you. And I will always enjoy listening to radiohead. : )
Best cover ive seen all week
that was amazing omg i would pay to see this
This is actually is insane this better go viral soon
nice coverrrr
Whoever yelled "Nacho" must be a KOL fan. Nice!
The clap hype was nice
Bro taught Jimi how to play
really nice performance and vocals !
So good
No, actually. We didn't even place...
I’m late but wow, I really want to see who would place ahead. Amazing performance!!
That's unfair.
You placed in our hearts
@@Ethan-fb3ybthe ukulele girl
@@M_ehdibro might have made a terrible apology video as a last ditch effort to save her dying reputation
here: 1:38
Cool cover, I like to watch it one in a while ^_^
Will Toledo??
I'm gonna tat this video on my forehead
Lo iso bien
Oe metio esa chispa que rrealmente es
@mathewkrill Thanks man. I really appreciate it!
Great 🤘
Se mamo el del piano. Debió ser la mejor actuación de ese dia, buen trabajo 👌
you're telling me this isnt Will Toledo on vocals/piano
Omfg yes lmao
Could've done without the clapping, but I get you're trying to get the crowd hyped
this is what you get when you mess with us
He looks like Will Toledo
That's dope keep it up in 10 years you'll be well known lol
this is why you never during a live performance
wait he actually sings good
this is fucking crazy
I didn't know joker from persona 5 could sing!
No damn way 💀😭
I thought the exact thing! His hairstyle is too similar
Would be a shame if the vocalist didn't pursue a career in music/singing
omg, this was pretty good. it just needed better audio and video quality
yeah drummer wasn't in time
"i dont hear the baiss"
No clapping
Did you win?
what happened to these guys?
obvi the hipster sings radiohead
Not bad, guys. The drums could use some work, but overall, y'all did a pretty good job.
Its great i recently made a cover of it. U guys can check it ✌️
The clappinf ruined it
Why does the drummer always ruin it?
you need a haircut
you're right - no musicians have ever had long hair
Kurt Cobain @@lightwolf345
thats what they said to elvis lol
Above average but still kinda sloppy. But if you were nervous then you did amazing. And why the solo, that was not necessary.
How was the solo "not necessary"?
Lord Crump it wasn't necessary, it was creative. and anyone who isn't criticising liked it
Julian Appellof Rewatched the video and I don't get why I criticized. It was great, vocals were amazing, and the solo was good. Forgive me it was 2 years ago.
Lord Crump well I think that's awesome that you could revisit this with more optimism. Not easy to do. Props
@@TheLegendaryTwig2000 How about now