Crisp and clear ... Could you provide the rationale for the each and every step why it is done from the next video ( atleast ) so that we need not read it multiple times. Thanks for such an amazing video.I'm a vet too 🙂.
as part of my work i regularly run indirect coombs tests for pregnant women Rh+ ab screening. i have never seen anything close to the hemagglutinations you showed. but i rarely see only one small agglutination on the whole slide and according to my education, that's not enough to call it positive. also, i have never seen the technique of mixing the button at the bottom being mixed with a micropipette. instead we shake the tube while examining it under the light. if it's macroscopically negative, then we put lamellas (slide cover slips) over it so as to avoid roleaux formation.
Can I use plasma for BUN, Gaba, NPY, CCK, SOD, GSH-PX deterimnation in dairy goats. I have read papers where serum is used but my advisor saying to use plasma, please advise.
Annajarvis Pao If you want to differentiate rouleaux from agglutination then add a drop of normal saline If erythrocytes seperate then it is rouleaux If they still appear clumped then it is agglutination. Agglutination showed there are bound antibodies on the erythrocytes surface.
Major is Donor blood and recipient serum, ( helps to know if recipient has pre existing antibodies against donor blood type) Minor is recipient blood and donor serum ( here we ll know if donor has pre existing antibodies or complements are present against recipient blood ). Both should be not have agglutination
Nice video, I just got confused how we can differentiate rouleaux to agglutination, sometime I am doing this test I get so confused if I am really seeing rouleaux
vinicius prado de oliveira Is you see stack of coin like appearance then it is rouleaux. Agglutination is an irregular aggregation of RBCs which will appear like the one I showed in video.
Varsha Scooby and like you said I can also add one more normal saline drop if I still have some doubt? If it is rouleaux it may disappear if it is not rouleaux it will keep toetther right?
Hey! I wanted to ask you about human blood bank system in India if you any idea.. so in India after ABO and RhD typing of the patient blood do we do antibody screening of we directly go for cross matching?
Antibodies require an optimal temperature to bind with antigen to form antigen antibody complex. Here we need them to know if blood is compatible or not.
If you watch the video fully, I would have incubated 4 tubes, 2 of them are major and minor, other two are donor and recipient controls to check per existing agglutination.
Mam..plz tell me that ...Is major minor test necessary for primary blood transfusion in dogs? Is there any risk of primary blood transfusion without do any major minor test in dogs..?? Plz tell's very urgent for me to know that. ..
Nandani Kaur First time blood transfusion without cross matching is fine if it is emergency But best practise is always do typing or transfuse DEA 1 negative blood. Second transfusions 100% require both cross matching and blood typing test. Because if blood doesn’t match the reaction can be fatal. Better to do properly 😊
Crisp and clear ... Could you provide the rationale for the each and every step why it is done from the next video ( atleast ) so that we need not read it multiple times. Thanks for such an amazing video.I'm a vet too 🙂.
Brief explanation of major and minor matching. Thanks.
as part of my work i regularly run indirect coombs tests for pregnant women Rh+ ab screening. i have never seen anything close to the hemagglutinations you showed. but i rarely see only one small agglutination on the whole slide and according to my education, that's not enough to call it positive.
also, i have never seen the technique of mixing the button at the bottom being mixed with a micropipette. instead we shake the tube while examining it under the light. if it's macroscopically negative, then we put lamellas (slide cover slips) over it so as to avoid roleaux formation.
Thank you so much for crystal clear explanation.
A very nice video . But i think we have to test for ABO blood group first.
Thanks for given useful knowledge mam
Mai laboratory technologist hu mujhe ek cheej badi psnd aaae aapki....o hai last wali smile....👏
Your presentation is quite gentil and professional i like it
Wishing you a very happy new year 2 o 2 3 with family dear madam
Thank you very much ❤️❤️❤️
This is great, well done ✅
Can I use plasma for BUN, Gaba, NPY, CCK, SOD, GSH-PX deterimnation in dairy goats. I have read papers where serum is used but my advisor saying to use plasma, please advise.
How much micro lite plasma we have to take initially in test tube
Brief explanation of major & minarets matching Thanks you so much
I like the video doc...
Any video on blood indices
Nice explanation mam... Thankyou very much
Excellent explained.
Thanks a lot 🫡
Thanks mam for your these video to my updates knowledge and cleared my doubts.
Prakash Prakash welcome 🙏🏾
Beautifullly explained 😊
Thank you for such a good description
Just add procedure in this video disruptions..
excellently explained. thanks a lot
Enjoyed watching your video and learned a lot
How many procedures do cross matches do?
Please mention the reference book from which you have made this video.
Kirk and bistners handbook of veterinary procedures and emergency treatment
Very nicely explained, thank you!
BTW, is it rouleaux formation normal in dogs?
Annajarvis Pao
If our canine patient has high proteins / acute phase proteins / on going inflammation then rouleaux formation is profoundly seen
Annajarvis Pao
If you want to differentiate rouleaux from agglutination then add a drop of normal saline
If erythrocytes seperate then it is rouleaux
If they still appear clumped then it is agglutination.
Agglutination showed there are bound antibodies on the erythrocytes surface.
Doc, what about in equine?
Annajarvis Pao For equines use Alvedia blood typing and cross matching kits.
Thanks for your explain very use full video
Why is the rinsing step necessary? Can results be trusted if the rinsing steps are skipped?
Sabrina Covey Can’t be
Washing RBcs is very very important
Without washing RBCs you will see unnecessary clumping that will interfere with true agglutination
Very good & clear presentation
Thankyou sir
Its my humble request to make a video on different blood groups in different species of animal's.
Excellent suggestion
Help full video thanks for this video
EDTA vial me serum kha se aayga vo to red vial m ayga n
Edta vial - plasma
Did I say it wrongly?
Very nicely explained. Thank you.
Thanks u mam
A very nice video
Very helpful video thank you
Amazing Explanation...👌👌👌
praveen kumar Thankyou!
It is plasma or serum?🙄
When you said microliter, did you actually mean milliliter?
Microliter 😀
After wash RWC, why do you added RBC donor to donor serum?
danh le thanh To rule out auto agglutination in donor blood and also acts as negative control
Good JOB 👍👍🎉🎉
Very nice explanation 👌
thank you so much very nice explained.
In this video not running ordering, missing some clips
Great 👍👍... Keep it up
Excellent mam
Thanks it was wonderful 😊
What happen if I added AHG reagent before microscopic examination??and what the differences between minor,major cross matching?
Major is Donor blood and recipient serum, ( helps to know if recipient has pre existing antibodies against donor blood type)
Minor is recipient blood and donor serum ( here we ll know if donor has pre existing antibodies or complements are present against recipient blood ).
Both should be not have agglutination
Thanks for this.
I couldn't hear what she said at 1:33 clearly though.
I couldn't hear what she said at 3:07 too.
Thanks very much
Nice video, I just got confused how we can differentiate rouleaux to agglutination, sometime I am doing this test I get so confused if I am really seeing rouleaux
vinicius prado de oliveira Is you see stack of coin like appearance then it is rouleaux. Agglutination is an irregular aggregation of RBCs which will appear like the one I showed in video.
Varsha Scooby and like you said I can also add one more normal saline drop if I still have some doubt? If it is rouleaux it may disappear if it is not rouleaux it will keep toetther right?
vinicius prado de oliveira exactly
Thank you 😊
Great information
Hey! I wanted to ask you about human blood bank system in India if you any idea.. so in India after ABO and RhD typing of the patient blood do we do antibody screening of we directly go for cross matching?
They do both actually
@@Pathologymadesimple oh i see! Thank you😀
great explanation. thank u
Welcome 😍
Very useful video mam
Explain it in AHG and albumin method also
How many hours in cross matching
It takes 1 hour only to cross match
@@Pathologymadesimple Thanks mam I need job mam your.lab available job
Where is ur lab mam in State
why do we incubate and refrigerate?
Antibodies require an optimal temperature to bind with antigen to form antigen antibody complex. Here we need them to know if blood is compatible or not.
@@Pathologymadesimple thank you for the prompt reply.
Thank you so much madam
thank you so much
Thank you very useful video
Nice video for cross matching
Great video, thanks!
Your welcome
Very helpful. Thank you.
very good we understand you're presence
Please send tail cross matching procedures
Mam plz make cross matching videos with use of jel card
Thank You..Need it..😊👍
Really nice video
Give more video on microbiology topics.
Can you tell me what topics should I cover?
Hi akka Thanks for information akka
Superbbbbbbbbbbbb darling
Tq youuuuuuuuuuu for loveing my coment
Good night swt dream
Donor RBC with recipient serum. As well as Recipient RBC with donor serum But u show Donor RBC with donor serum,???????
That is donor and recipient control, to check autoagglutination.
If you watch the video fully, I would have incubated 4 tubes, 2 of them are major and minor, other two are donor and recipient controls to check per existing agglutination.
really helpful for me.
im a science teacher.
How to do Crossmatch of neonate
Same proceudre
Nice video
Thanks mam !!!
Mam..plz tell me that ...Is major minor test necessary for primary blood transfusion in dogs? Is there any risk of primary blood transfusion without do any major minor test in dogs..??
Plz tell's very urgent for me to know that. ..
Nandani Kaur
First time blood transfusion without cross matching is fine if it is emergency
But best practise is always do typing or transfuse DEA 1 negative blood.
Second transfusions 100% require both cross matching and blood typing test. Because if blood doesn’t match the reaction can be fatal.
Better to do properly 😊
Thank u very much 😊
Your video is good.
BHUSHAN KUMAR thankyou so much
So nice your testing method majar n minor
200 Serum + 200cell suspension tell please
200 micro litre serum and 200 micro litre washed RBCs
described very clearly
This is such a great video, thank you very much.
Thankyou! Welcome 😊😊😊
Nice 👍
give more video on microbiology topics mam
Pooja chaudhary Sure I will do that. 👍🏽
tnk u mam
Thanks ❤
Tq ❤️
Come back pls
Thanks a lot
mam....english and hindi both language mai kijiye....I'm new to lab
competitive Exams I am not very fluent in Hindi sorry☹️
no need to sry mam....
but plz....Hindi mai v kijiye na...mujhe apse hi sabkuch sikhna hai.... pathology ke bare mai...🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Like it ❤️
Thank you
I like you video
Arulananthan Arul Nandri 🙏🏾😊
Neenga Doctor raa Ella lab techniciance naa sollunga
Good night bye.
Neenga Doctor tha OK vaa
Enakku Have A nice day
Goo job
Thanku mam
Mam topics on immunology.
Ashish Verma I have done a very few on clinical immune hematology
Topics such as auto agglutination test
DAT Coombs test etc
I love you mam😁😀
thanks alot
You are very beautiful 😍 last seen bye
very Nice
Nice video
normal saline and rbc 3 times washing how much centrifuge rpm