Which story intrigued you the most? Do you know any other ones? 🤔 Let us know in the comments below ✍ If you enjoyed the video, help us grow by hitting the like button & subscribing to our channel! 🙌 Check out our 2nd channel: www.youtube.com/@OutsideTheNBAChannel For more content like this visit: basketnews.com Lastly, don't forget to follow us on social media: Twitter: twitter.com/basketnews_com/ Instagram: instagram.com/basketnews/
Wow. One of these videos that isn't just Darko Milicic, Jan Vesely, and Andrea Bargnani. I am a big fan of these type of videos you guys make. Keep it up!
Fred Weis career trajectory shows most people people who call themselves basketball fans don’t actually watch basketball. He was legit but clowned on because of one play.
People talk about Fred Weis like they know him. The guy has to dealt with mental pbs coming from having an autistic son and having to go true hard divorce at the same time. His downfall has nothing to do with the Vince Carter dunk... It's really a cheap shot from your part to spread those kind of ideas...
Just a note, Tsakalidis faked a lot of his documents including his birth certificate he wa probably 3-4 years older than what he said. You could tell in his last season with Oly ..he was like a retired player
And an Olympic silver medal, which was pretty rare in this area (2000) if you weren't from the USA. And a bronze medal in the 2005 European Championship. He's a basketball announcer since 2016.
Jake tsakalidis lied about his age and his name. His real name was tsakalov and was five years older when he started basketball at Aek( he was 22, not 17)
@@Vassilis254 νομίζω πάντως πως ήταν 3 χρόνια μεγαλύτερος απ' οσο έλεγε και όχι 5. Θρυλική εμμονή του Ιωαννίδη να κατέβουμε με ''ηγέτη'' τον Τσακαλίδη στο Ευρωμπάσκετ της Σουηδίας το 2003 που το πληρώσαμε βεβαίως. Η Ελλάδα τότε ήταν καλή και μπορούσε να πάει καλύτερα, ο Τσακαλίδης τραγικός στα περισσότερα παιχνίδια. Και όσο έβλεπε οτι δεν τραβούσε, τόσο επέμενε σε αυτόν ο Ιωαννίδης
@@ΚώσταςΠαππάς-φ7ζ όταν ήταν στην προετοιμασία, ο Ιωαννίδης τον διαφήμιζε λες και ήταν ο Σακίλ Ο' νιλ και όταν έφτασε η ώρα του Ευρωμπάσκετ ήταν τραγικός,όλοι οι αντίπαλοι σέντερ έκαναν πάρτι με αυτόν στην ρακέτα, ειδικά ο Οκουρ. Γενικά ήταν ένας βαρύς δυσκίνητος σέντερ που δεν ήξερε πώς να χρησιμοποιήσει τον όγκο του
@@SuperMario-zt7fl Θυμάμαι χαρακτηριστικά την φράση που είχε πει τότε ο Ιωαννίδης για την εθνική του 2003: ''ουδείς αναντικατάστατος εκτός του Τσακαλίδη''
The Awvee Storey vs Andriuškevičius story is wild. He punched him so hard that the guy had serious issues. I find it bizzare he didn't go after him in court.
frederic weis is an olympic silver medalist, two times korac cup champion, french league champion , played at the highest level for 16 years in three great leagues (spanish, greek, french) ..that's not a flop ....
love this content. as someone that loves basketball but doesnt follow euroleague, its really entertaining seeing content on players that aren't talked about as much.
Tsakalidis never had hype in Greece and I don't remember him ever being considered particularly mobile or talented. He was just very tall at 2.18 and young, but that was it and everyone knew it. I don't think he was drafted in the NBA as a promising prospect, just as a bench player who could give breaths.
Κάνεις λάθος. Ο Τσακαλίδης είχε φοβερή προώθηση στις αρχές του 2000 και μάλιστα τον ανέφεραν συχνά οι εφημερίδες ως τον καλύτερο παίκτη της εθνικής παρόλο που οι Φώτσης και Ντικούδης έβγαζαν μάτια εκείνη την περίοδο στα παιχνίδια και έπαιζαν πολύ καλύτερα από αυτόν. Εν τέλει ο Τσακαλίδης δεν ήταν κακός παίκτης απλά υπερτιμημένος εδώ στην Ελλάδα. Επίσης πλήρωσε το γεγονός οτι ήταν σέντερ δεινόσαυρος παλιάς κοπής σε μια εποχή που το μπάσκετ είχε ήδη αρχίσει σιγά σιγά να αλλάζει
@@ΚώσταςΠαππάς-φ7ζ είχε φοβερό μανατζαρέικο σπρώξιμο και από τον Ιωαννίδη φυσικά. Αν σκεφτούμε τι ταλέντο υπήρχε τότε στην Ελλάδα, ήταν τελείως για γέλια. Ζεβροσένκο Ζουρμπένκο και Λενκώφ πως τον λέγανε στην πραγματικότητα είχαμε γεμίσει "ταλέντα" από την ανατολική ευρώπη μέχρι να μας έρθει η νέα φουρνιά των αφρικανών για να γίνουν τα νέα ντάρλινγκς των μίντια
This wouldn't be a disappointment, but I remember that the Sonics drafted a 211 guy in 2002 in the 2nd round. The guy's name was Peter Fehse. I wouldn't say he was a disappointment, because nothing was ever expected of him. It was just a long shot with a 2nd round pick that had no guaranteed contract.
So many examples in the video show quote a few big men considered versatile or at least multi-faceted, with all except maybe Weiss not having an extended European career and all flopping in the nba. This is overshadowed by successful overseas big men like Jokic, Arvydas Domantas Sabonis, and even Wembanyama and Şengün. This is also an underrated reason why so many teams pass on Jokic (definitely not justifying it or anything; it was still stupid by nba front offices)
Everything goes in cycles. A lot of these “busts” were over drafted because NBA teams fell in love with the idea that European big men were more skilled than Americans. In most cases, they were not and/or got by on size and athleticism in Europe, but couldn’t in the NBA. Now fast forward to Jokic and Doncic. The NBA had been burned by players like that before, so of course there was skepticism. In Jokic’s case, he clearly got a lot better and not even European fans dreamed he’d be as good as he is. Doncic was incredibly hyped but polarizing. I would argue he’s still one of the most unique guys we’ve seen. He was often compared to LeBron, but it’s silly because LeBron is arguably the greatest physical specimen in NBA history when talking size/speed. Doncic is relatively unathletic even though he has great size. So of course some teams were skeptical an unathletic ball handler who wasn’t a great shooter would dominate like he has. And again, even Doncic’s biggest fans didn’t believe he’d become arguably the best scorer in the NBA. So I understand why those guys weren’t considered lock stars. The reality is I bet guys will be over drafted because of their success now…
Well, Weiss is a special case. They already did him bad in the media before the Olympics. That dunk was a historic moment, with him on the losing side. Extremely unlucky for him, beiing in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Some other french -Some, even if they are not exactly flops, never became what their potential suggested (some were not drafted) : Johan Petro, Julien Doreau (first team eurobasket U16), Paccelis Morlende (first team eurobasket U16), Alexis Ajinça, Killian Tille (MVP eurobasket U16), Alain Digbeu, Rudy Bourgarel (Rudy Gobert's father)... -About Moïso, he was considered the biggest prospect in the history of French basketball before Wembanyama. -I would say that some people fail because they think to much that they are the best, but for him it seemed to me to be the opposite.
Some of them, once their career over, just got back to normal life... Frederic Weis even participated to a tv game and the animator didn't recognize him !
I don't think that Tsakalidis career was a flop as he was never considered the next big think for the NBA. He managed to play for 8 season in the NBA, being a decent role player, and that is a huge accomplishment for any basketball player.
Nikoloz "Skita" played for the team I support (you can see some images here) and he was horrible. Soft as hell and couldn't defend. For a second edition you could bring another NBA bust who also played for us and also was pretty bad: The russian Yaroslav Korolev.
επίσης ο Διαμαντόπουλος κονταροχτυπιέται με τον Ταπούτο για το ποιος είναι το μεγαλύτερο χαμένο ταλέντο στην Ελλάδα. Οι λίστες που αναφέρει ο τύπος στο βίντεο δεν είναι λάθος αλλά κρύβουν μια μεγάλη παγίδα και εξηγώ. Αρκετοί από τους παίκτες που αναφέρει ακόμα και αν δεν έπιασαν το ταβάνι τους πρόλαβαν να γίνουν γνωστοί στην Ευρώπη ώστε να θεωρηθούν μετά εκ των υστέρων ως αποτυχίες. Αντίθετα μερικοί από τους πραγματικά underachievers (μέσα σε αυτούς ο Ταπούτος, ο Διαμαντόπουλος αλλά και αρκετοί ξένοι παίκτες) παρέμειναν τόσο άγνωστοι στο ευρύ κοινό της Ευρώπης με αποτέλεσμα να τους προσπερνούν οταν αναφέρουν τις λίστες με τα μεγάλα χαμένα ταλέντα. Πχ. ο τύπος στο βίντεο αναφέρει ως χαμένο ταλέντο τον Μπετσίροβιτς. Δεν συμφωνώ. Ο Μπετσίροβιτς μπορεί να μην έπιασα το ταβάνι του αλλά δεν καμία περίπτωση δεν πρέπει να θεωρείται ως χαμένο ταλέντο έχοντας καταφέρει πολλές διακρίσεις σε ατομικό και σε ομαδικό επίπεδο. Υπάρχουν και άλλες αντίστοιχες περιπτώσεις σαν αυτή του Μπετσίροβιτς εδώ στην Ελλάδα. Η πρώτη περίπτωση που μου έρχεται στο μυαλό είναι ο Ρεντζιάς. Εξίσου εύκολος στόχος λόγω της παγίδας που ανέφερα παραπάνω. Σε καμία περίπτωση δεν θεωρώ τον Ρεντζιά ως χαμένο ταλέντο ακόμα και αν δεν έπιασε το ταβάνι του. Ένας τύπος παρακάτω στα σχόλια ανέφερε τον Φώτση. Αυτός και αν πρέπει να βρίσκεται κανονικά εκτός λίστας. Ο άνθρωπος είναι από τα καλύτερα 4αρια των ευρωπαικών γηπέδων. Κατάλαβες τώρα τι γίνεται με αυτές τις λίστες; Επειδή ο Φώτσης έφτασε στο 80% των πραγματικών δυνατοτήτων του θεωρείται ως χαμένο ταλέντο ή underachiever!!! Τώρα καταλαβαίνεις την παγίδα;
I mentioned his name, because I was following the Sonics at the time, but from the US perspective, there was never really anything expected of him, so he doesn't seem like a disappointment. It was even hard at the time to find any information about what he was doing from Seattle. Not even sure he ever even came to Seattle.
Excellent job yes Jerome Moiso was very lazy .I even asked myself if he truly loved basketball.Fred Weis was underwhelming because his upper body was not that strong .Not the only reason he also seemed to lack motivation.But I recognise his Euro 2005 was good .Not a big fan of his role as a journalist for official games.He's too harsh at times in my humble opinion.
Is embiid European. Cause he’s never worked out. Individually he’s accomplished something’s but you don’t play to win mvp you play to win and he’s never made the finals or conference finals. I feel like that’s a major disappointment/failure.
Embid id from Cameroon and calling a multiple time All star and Nba MVP a disapointement is wrong on so many level. Ihate Embid the human and the leader but he is a great Basket ball player.
Which story intrigued you the most? Do you know any other ones? 🤔 Let us know in the comments below ✍ If you enjoyed the video, help us grow by hitting the like button & subscribing to our channel! 🙌
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For more content like this visit: basketnews.com
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The NBA was looking for Tony Kukoc clones..
Igor Rakocevic... bust in the NBA
Wow. One of these videos that isn't just Darko Milicic, Jan Vesely, and Andrea Bargnani. I am a big fan of these type of videos you guys make. Keep it up!
Fred Weis career trajectory shows most people people who call themselves basketball fans don’t actually watch basketball. He was legit but clowned on because of one play.
he was the 15th pick of the draft and never played in an NBA game
@ I don’t get your point.
@@thomasarnalthis video is about euro players who flopped in the nba and he obviously flopped
@@milesmoralescousin no way!!! Thanks for pointing it out, it didn’t notice.
@@milesmoralescousin he didn't play one single game in the NBA
People talk about Fred Weis like they know him. The guy has to dealt with mental pbs coming from having an autistic son and having to go true hard divorce at the same time. His downfall has nothing to do with the Vince Carter dunk... It's really a cheap shot from your part to spread those kind of ideas...
Just a note, Tsakalidis faked a lot of his documents including his birth certificate he wa probably 3-4 years older than what he said. You could tell in his last season with Oly ..he was like a retired player
Dragan Bender, Nemanja Aleksandrov, Mickael Gelabale, Marko Tomas...
Marko Tomas was really good and shoiwed it but injuries destroyed his career
@@radovanprstojevic1060 Gelabale was OK. A good role player
@@gypate74 Yeah, he was ok, but he was supposed to be great!
@radovanprstojevic1060 no he wasn't. He was number 48 draft pick. You don't expect a second round pick to be great
Frédéric Weiss won two Korac cup.
And an Olympic silver medal, which was pretty rare in this area (2000) if you weren't from the USA. And a bronze medal in the 2005 European Championship. He's a basketball announcer since 2016.
I only talked of his carreer on clubs. But he has also a good carreer with the national team
6'9" isn't 211 cm
Yeah, that's a typo 🥴
Jake tsakalidis lied about his age and his name.
His real name was tsakalov and was five years older when he started basketball at Aek( he was 22, not 17)
Wrong about his name, his real was Alexey Ledkov 😉
@Vassilis254 ναι έχεις δίκιο
Αυτό ήταν το ονοματεπώνυμο του
@@Vassilis254 νομίζω πάντως πως ήταν 3 χρόνια μεγαλύτερος απ' οσο έλεγε και όχι 5. Θρυλική εμμονή του Ιωαννίδη να κατέβουμε με ''ηγέτη'' τον Τσακαλίδη στο Ευρωμπάσκετ της Σουηδίας το 2003 που το πληρώσαμε βεβαίως. Η Ελλάδα τότε ήταν καλή και μπορούσε να πάει καλύτερα, ο Τσακαλίδης τραγικός στα περισσότερα παιχνίδια.
Και όσο έβλεπε οτι δεν τραβούσε, τόσο επέμενε σε αυτόν ο Ιωαννίδης
@@ΚώσταςΠαππάς-φ7ζ όταν ήταν στην προετοιμασία, ο Ιωαννίδης τον διαφήμιζε λες και ήταν ο Σακίλ Ο' νιλ και όταν έφτασε η ώρα του Ευρωμπάσκετ ήταν τραγικός,όλοι οι αντίπαλοι σέντερ έκαναν πάρτι με αυτόν στην ρακέτα, ειδικά ο Οκουρ.
Γενικά ήταν ένας βαρύς δυσκίνητος σέντερ που δεν ήξερε πώς να χρησιμοποιήσει τον όγκο του
@@SuperMario-zt7fl Θυμάμαι χαρακτηριστικά την φράση που είχε πει τότε ο Ιωαννίδης για την εθνική του 2003:
''ουδείς αναντικατάστατος εκτός του Τσακαλίδη''
The Awvee Storey vs Andriuškevičius story is wild. He punched him so hard that the guy had serious issues. I find it bizzare he didn't go after him in court.
frederic weis is an olympic silver medalist, two times korac cup champion, french league champion , played at the highest level for 16 years in three great leagues (spanish, greek, french) ..that's not a flop ....
love this content. as someone that loves basketball but doesnt follow euroleague, its really entertaining seeing content on players that aren't talked about as much.
Aleksandar Cubrilo was one of the best European talents, he played some good years with Partizan, but injuries ended his career.
Tsakalidis never had hype in Greece and I don't remember him ever being considered particularly mobile or talented. He was just very tall at 2.18 and young, but that was it and everyone knew it. I don't think he was drafted in the NBA as a promising prospect, just as a bench player who could give breaths.
Κάνεις λάθος.
Ο Τσακαλίδης είχε φοβερή προώθηση στις αρχές του 2000 και μάλιστα τον ανέφεραν συχνά οι εφημερίδες ως τον καλύτερο παίκτη της εθνικής παρόλο που οι Φώτσης και Ντικούδης έβγαζαν μάτια εκείνη την περίοδο στα παιχνίδια και έπαιζαν πολύ καλύτερα από αυτόν.
Εν τέλει ο Τσακαλίδης δεν ήταν κακός παίκτης απλά υπερτιμημένος εδώ στην Ελλάδα. Επίσης πλήρωσε το γεγονός οτι ήταν σέντερ δεινόσαυρος παλιάς κοπής σε μια εποχή που το μπάσκετ είχε ήδη αρχίσει σιγά σιγά να αλλάζει
@@ΚώσταςΠαππάς-φ7ζ είχε φοβερό μανατζαρέικο σπρώξιμο και από τον Ιωαννίδη φυσικά. Αν σκεφτούμε τι ταλέντο υπήρχε τότε στην Ελλάδα, ήταν τελείως για γέλια. Ζεβροσένκο Ζουρμπένκο και Λενκώφ πως τον λέγανε στην πραγματικότητα είχαμε γεμίσει "ταλέντα" από την ανατολική ευρώπη μέχρι να μας έρθει η νέα φουρνιά των αφρικανών για να γίνουν τα νέα ντάρλινγκς των μίντια
Dragan Labovic,Nemanja Aleksandrov,Josip Sesar,Marko Tomas,Andrea Bargnani,Gentile,Areola...
Wow i signed most of these playing nba live, cabarkapa became a consistent 6th man of the year 😂
Good old days
where is maciej lampe
Lampe had a decent career in Europe!
@radovanprstojevic1060 still his nba downfall is generational
Milos Vujanic was beast before injuries
This wouldn't be a disappointment, but I remember that the Sonics drafted a 211 guy in 2002 in the 2nd round. The guy's name was Peter Fehse. I wouldn't say he was a disappointment, because nothing was ever expected of him. It was just a long shot with a 2nd round pick that had no guaranteed contract.
So many examples in the video show quote a few big men considered versatile or at least multi-faceted, with all except maybe Weiss not having an extended European career and all flopping in the nba. This is overshadowed by successful overseas big men like Jokic, Arvydas Domantas Sabonis, and even Wembanyama and Şengün. This is also an underrated reason why so many teams pass on Jokic (definitely not justifying it or anything; it was still stupid by nba front offices)
Everything goes in cycles. A lot of these “busts” were over drafted because NBA teams fell in love with the idea that European big men were more skilled than Americans. In most cases, they were not and/or got by on size and athleticism in Europe, but couldn’t in the NBA. Now fast forward to Jokic and Doncic. The NBA had been burned by players like that before, so of course there was skepticism. In Jokic’s case, he clearly got a lot better and not even European fans dreamed he’d be as good as he is. Doncic was incredibly hyped but polarizing. I would argue he’s still one of the most unique guys we’ve seen. He was often compared to LeBron, but it’s silly because LeBron is arguably the greatest physical specimen in NBA history when talking size/speed. Doncic is relatively unathletic even though he has great size. So of course some teams were skeptical an unathletic ball handler who wasn’t a great shooter would dominate like he has. And again, even Doncic’s biggest fans didn’t believe he’d become arguably the best scorer in the NBA. So I understand why those guys weren’t considered lock stars. The reality is I bet guys will be over drafted because of their success now…
7:45 That play right there is just silly
Well, Weiss is a special case. They already did him bad in the media before the Olympics. That dunk was a historic moment, with him on the losing side. Extremely unlucky for him, beiing in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Some other french -Some, even if they are not exactly flops, never became what their potential suggested (some were not drafted) : Johan Petro, Julien Doreau (first team eurobasket U16), Paccelis Morlende (first team eurobasket U16), Alexis Ajinça, Killian Tille (MVP eurobasket U16), Alain Digbeu, Rudy Bourgarel (Rudy Gobert's father)...
-About Moïso, he was considered the biggest prospect in the history of French basketball before Wembanyama. -I would say that some people fail because they think to much that they are the best, but for him it seemed to me to be the opposite.
Vasilis Spanoulis and Antonis Fotsis had unremarkable NBA carreers, despite the fact that they beat the top NBA players in 2006
Nemanja Aleksandrov
Some of them, once their career over, just got back to normal life... Frederic Weis even participated to a tv game and the animator didn't recognize him !
just about croatians Stojic, Kalamiza, Pasalic Delas Mazalin, Bender, zubcic Bagaric Zizic
Becirovic had a very decent European career, why would you mention him on a list with flops????!!!!!
Man, Sabonis was so slick, even old and beat up. He would absolutely dominate in today's NBA.
Some of those guys ended up playing in Bilbao.
Sani Bečirović has no place here.
I don't think that Tsakalidis career was a flop as he was never considered the next big think for the NBA. He managed to play for 8 season in the NBA, being a decent role player, and that is a huge accomplishment for any basketball player.
Nikoloz "Skita" played for the team I support (you can see some images here) and he was horrible. Soft as hell and couldn't defend. For a second edition you could bring another NBA bust who also played for us and also was pretty bad: The russian Yaroslav Korolev.
From Greece, Tapoutos Christos.
When he was young , "next Toni Kukoc"
επίσης ο Διαμαντόπουλος κονταροχτυπιέται με τον Ταπούτο για το ποιος είναι το μεγαλύτερο χαμένο ταλέντο στην Ελλάδα.
Οι λίστες που αναφέρει ο τύπος στο βίντεο δεν είναι λάθος αλλά κρύβουν μια μεγάλη παγίδα και εξηγώ.
Αρκετοί από τους παίκτες που αναφέρει ακόμα και αν δεν έπιασαν το ταβάνι τους πρόλαβαν να γίνουν γνωστοί στην Ευρώπη ώστε να θεωρηθούν μετά εκ των υστέρων ως αποτυχίες.
Αντίθετα μερικοί από τους πραγματικά underachievers (μέσα σε αυτούς ο Ταπούτος, ο Διαμαντόπουλος αλλά και αρκετοί ξένοι παίκτες) παρέμειναν τόσο άγνωστοι στο ευρύ κοινό της Ευρώπης με αποτέλεσμα να τους προσπερνούν οταν αναφέρουν τις λίστες με τα μεγάλα χαμένα ταλέντα.
Πχ. ο τύπος στο βίντεο αναφέρει ως χαμένο ταλέντο τον Μπετσίροβιτς. Δεν συμφωνώ.
Ο Μπετσίροβιτς μπορεί να μην έπιασα το ταβάνι του αλλά δεν καμία περίπτωση δεν πρέπει να θεωρείται ως χαμένο ταλέντο έχοντας καταφέρει πολλές διακρίσεις σε ατομικό και σε ομαδικό επίπεδο.
Υπάρχουν και άλλες αντίστοιχες περιπτώσεις σαν αυτή του Μπετσίροβιτς εδώ στην Ελλάδα. Η πρώτη περίπτωση που μου έρχεται στο μυαλό είναι ο Ρεντζιάς.
Εξίσου εύκολος στόχος λόγω της παγίδας που ανέφερα παραπάνω. Σε καμία περίπτωση δεν θεωρώ τον Ρεντζιά ως χαμένο ταλέντο ακόμα και αν δεν έπιασε το ταβάνι του.
Ένας τύπος παρακάτω στα σχόλια ανέφερε τον Φώτση. Αυτός και αν πρέπει να βρίσκεται κανονικά εκτός λίστας. Ο άνθρωπος είναι από τα καλύτερα 4αρια των ευρωπαικών γηπέδων.
Κατάλαβες τώρα τι γίνεται με αυτές τις λίστες; Επειδή ο Φώτσης έφτασε στο 80% των πραγματικών δυνατοτήτων του θεωρείται ως χαμένο ταλέντο ή underachiever!!! Τώρα καταλαβαίνεις την παγίδα;
21st draft pick Pavel Podkolzin
That thumbnail crazy
You forgot about Viktor Khryapa
Duenas was another hit prospect but ...
He was drafted but never went to the NBA. The same happened to Fran Vázquez.
Peter Fehse
I mentioned his name, because I was following the Sonics at the time, but from the US perspective, there was never really anything expected of him, so he doesn't seem like a disappointment. It was even hard at the time to find any information about what he was doing from Seattle.
Not even sure he ever even came to Seattle.
Jiri Zidek
Tomislav Zubčić, Kosta Perovic
Maciej Lampe
He played in Barca with good seasons
That miniature …
What's with the centimeters and meters crap?
Excellent job yes Jerome Moiso was very lazy .I even asked myself if he truly loved basketball.Fred Weis was underwhelming because his upper body was not that strong .Not the only reason he also seemed to lack motivation.But I recognise his Euro 2005 was good .Not a big fan of his role as a journalist for official games.He's too harsh at times in my humble opinion.
andrea bargnani
Wow instead of artest in ny
Kenan Sipahi
Sorry i really like this chanel but moest mesurments in feets and inches are wrong
It is crazy but I know ALL these names 😭😭😭
Me too, except for that Georgian dude...
6´9" are 205cm, not 211cm - kinda embarrassing running a basketball channel and not even being able to calculate metrics to inches.
Mario Hejonza...
Antonis Fotsis, to an extent
ούτε καν
ο Φώτσης είναι από τα καλύτερα 4αρια των ευρωπαικών γηπέδων.
Is embiid European. Cause he’s never worked out. Individually he’s accomplished something’s but you don’t play to win mvp you play to win and he’s never made the finals or conference finals. I feel like that’s a major disappointment/failure.
Embiid is from Cameroon
Embid id from Cameroon and calling a multiple time All star and Nba MVP a disapointement is wrong on so many level. Ihate Embid the human and the leader but he is a great Basket ball player.
He is an all NBA level player. He is far far farrrr from a failure.
Stop it!
Stupid clip. Overall no content for anybody.