Broke the same place as last time. Must have been overloaded then also. How can you overload a body made for woodchips or grain just with wet sand??? Lucky it didn't punch the dump cylinder through the bed.
It is not unusual for there to be breakages with this super-hard leaf spring suspension, the overload and the poor condition of the roads. The mechanics in the video have their work guaranteed for a long time.
Why use power tools like elsewhere in the world 🌎 when skilled Pakistani labor is available so cheap. It's sad but it's a reality. 🇨🇦
Tudo de acordo, com ferramentas eletricas ou não 👏👏👏
Yes i like watching them aswell. I don't know of another country where truck axles break so much, & springs
Muito bom os vídeos de vocês eu curto bastante são Paulo Brasil
Very hard work 💪 really appreciate it
I was very impressed by the work and hard work of these mechanics 👍👍👍
Excellent talent amd amazing technic
Some wheelmountig bolts have left handed threads and nuts. 🙂
Broke the same place as last time. Must have been overloaded then also. How can you overload a body made for woodchips or grain just with wet sand??? Lucky it didn't punch the dump cylinder through the bed.
С таким количеством рессор, они не Работают!!!! Как можно такой херней заниматься ????????
у нас газелисты любят так делать
you no expert .don't criticise so much ..😂😂😢😢😢
Where is this hino truck head body made ?????
Hard work, in expert hands it becomes easy
Will hold about two minutes.pitiful.
Then he'll put TWO 4x4's on top of the rear axle and haul until they get more parts.
if they received enough resources and tools,,, confirm they can repaired almost everything even fly to the moon.
Bottle jacks play an important role in this job apart from their skills. This kinda job is not possible on roadside without jacks in toolbox. 🇨🇦
The entire axle is bent.
Yes it is
Может нужно не ебать грузовик во все щели ? 😂 Сверх положенного вы небось 30 тонн перегружаете ?
It is not unusual for there to be breakages with this super-hard leaf spring suspension, the overload and the poor condition of the roads.
The mechanics in the video have their work guaranteed for a long time.
Yes you are absolutely right sir the road conditions of Pakistan is so bad
Not to mention the loose nuts behind the wheel!
I wouldn't be surprised if they were all of with the flu following day, something doesn't look right with that part in the lathe
'M just curious how many hours they take to finished the job??
You can fix everything in Pakistan with a metal grinder. If not, just melt it and make a cooking pot
Need stop over its capability or it will never end
I don't think it will works for so long time....
Единственное ,что у посонов получается неплохо, это намазывать солидол
Машина едет, цель достигнута. У нас в таком случае, даже живя в селе, побегут заказывать новую железку.