The guy who made the totally legit recap mlp series put it pretty well. Since the ponies are all pretty much identical in body type any discussion about who’s is the prettiest or coolest looking is just a debate over the combination of color schemes and eyelashes.
So what exactly is the point here? Is this supposed to be some big revelation or what? Because this was obvious in Amending Fences; Twilight's old unicorn clique was made up of three pairs of ponies that are just palette swaps of each other. The only question becomes who's older in each pair. In other words: who's the original. We don't know.
If you rearrange the letters in Lyra Heartstrings it actually becomes an anagram for Minuette.
Wait? No...
The guy who made the totally legit recap mlp series put it pretty well. Since the ponies are all pretty much identical in body type any discussion about who’s is the prettiest or coolest looking is just a debate over the combination of color schemes and eyelashes.
*Brushie Brushie with malicious intent*
:toothpaste: You did look at me today, didn't you anon?
Your Lyras are on the way :)
I never noticed this.
Also, I am subscriber 88.
They both look kinda different.
I guess you could say Hasbro is a: Lyre
oh ye Puff gang
So what exactly is the point here? Is this supposed to be some big revelation or what? Because this was obvious in Amending Fences; Twilight's old unicorn clique was made up of three pairs of ponies that are just palette swaps of each other. The only question becomes who's older in each pair. In other words: who's the original. We don't know.
Wow Lyra was just minuette all this time? the more you know.
I closed them and Lyra became Minuette with fire in the background
:toothpaste: How dare you look at her and not me, anon
Haha, get it?
they arent the same, eyecolor, mane and even their horns are different. they look somewhat like similar but thats all
So Lyra was Colgate all along?
Always has been.
I made this video, but it's Yemen flipping its flag. I did it on my other account.
I don’t get it