Difficult Schmifficult! Striking a golf ball is actually easy!

  • Опубликовано: 10 дек 2024

Комментарии • 49

  • @peterbennellick5255
    @peterbennellick5255 5 лет назад +1

    Best golf instruction ever. As long as I turn my shoulders on the back swing, the rest just happens . I have never found any instruction before that I could repeat over and over again because all the swing thoughts I had have now disappeared.Thanks.

  • @quintinmeier7883
    @quintinmeier7883 9 лет назад +4

    Well not sure if you read this, but here goes anyway…bought golf clubs some years ago, try this game out, got mad…went for lessons - then tried it again….got really mad then sold the clubs….after a few years I got more clubs - okay now I WILL get this thing right….Well, I went for more lessons….downloaded clip after clip, on how to hit the ball/connect the ball/ make contact….whatever….there has to be a way, it can’t be that difficult - friends of mine would say keep your head down, you coming through to fast - Okay you know, I’m giving up this stupid game - this is the part that you might care for - yes I came across your youtube clip…okay lets see this one!!! WOW, you so right…in everything you say - don’t think just hit the ball. So as soon as I could, I was off to the range…gonna try this - Well it worked, and I was really whacking those balls a good distance too - So yeah, I’m happy - thanks

  • @joebradley7317
    @joebradley7317 4 года назад

    I asked Siri if it was hard to hit a golf ball & she sent me to your you tube video. What a hoot !! I don't know if you are still on here or not but I subbed 2 your channel for more easy videos on how to hit a golf ball easily. What the Hell the other people on you tube aren't helping me to hit the golf ball any better so maybe this new approach will turn me into a 7 handicap golfer down from 26. I'm game, Let's go !!!

  • @MyOldMally
    @MyOldMally 5 лет назад

    I agree with a lot of the things in the video. I have played with a lot of guys that take a lot of time with their set up and looking at the ball just to have bad contact. A pro instructor can help you but you still have to have good eye and hand coordination to play well. All the pros do that is why they swing with confidence.

  • @kylematthews1610
    @kylematthews1610 7 лет назад +6

    It can be done. It's just that very few people can do it. It helps to start when you're two years old, as he points out. Once you're 50, or even 20, and you start out to be a good golfer, the odds aren't very good that you'll succeed, no matter who teaches you, or what theory you subscribe to. So these videos are kind of tipping people off to that fact. If you're good you're good. If you're bad you're bad. If you're in between somewhere, you're in between somewhere. He's right that the old paradigm doesn't really work, and the people are also right who are pointing out that his "new paradigm" isn't any better. How many millions of pages have been written about how to play golf? The more that is written, the more obvious it becomes that nobody really knows. Where do we come from? Why are we here? What happens after we die? How do you hit a golf ball?

    • @mefrankme
      @mefrankme 2 года назад +1

      Actually “Where do we come from?” “Why are we here?” “What happens after we die?”, are easier to answer than “How do you hit a golf ball?”

  • @drawstraw4483
    @drawstraw4483 6 лет назад

    That was absolutely impressive!!! I been playing for years and never knew that..

  • @kcd2630
    @kcd2630 5 лет назад

    Great Video if u want to remain an average golfer....
    In sport that involves a ball on use of hand. Coordination is a must.
    But if u want to to be good then follow what the pros do...

  • @golflivesmatter1300
    @golflivesmatter1300 6 лет назад +2

    Dude, you are single-handedly wiping out ALL the ridiculous "golf tips" that make folks tons of money! Look at some of the comments....they don't want to think they've wasted 10's of thousands on clubs and magazine's with "this month's" swing tip! LOL! Keep up the good work and let the "golf tip" guys continue to shoot way above par because they refuse to accept the laws of physics.

  • @priesty1234
    @priesty1234 8 лет назад +4

    What did I just watch? I just watched someone hit balls and tells us it's easy, that's like Rory mcilroy hitting balls in front of me and then turn round to me and say, 'it's easy' wow just wow I'm so confused

  • @ExceptionalPleb
    @ExceptionalPleb 6 лет назад +1

    Oh that bubba swing had me dying 😂🤣😂🤣

  • @jardinesydney9447
    @jardinesydney9447 6 лет назад

    The takeaway,i know it doesn,t go straight back,roughly how far do you take it back in a straight line before it arcs to the inside,i,ve been taking it back straight until it reaches my right foot,what is the likely result if you take it straight back for too long.S/J.

  • @CloranM
    @CloranM 9 лет назад +3

    You show that hitting the ball is easy... Not that hitting the ball the correct didtance, with the desired curvature and the desired trajectory, is easy. Big difference.

  • @richardc6932
    @richardc6932 4 года назад

    I have no problem hitting the ball, it just doesn’t go where I want it to go!

  • @wreckim
    @wreckim 6 лет назад +1

    This guy is awesome! BTW, he reminds me of the character in Stephen King's Cristine -- the one that sell Christine to the next victim, and call everybody a "shitter".

  • @Golftheonlyway
    @Golftheonlyway 9 лет назад

    What is your handicap or are you scratch? I like toe concept much like A.J.

    • @chillskid
      @chillskid 8 лет назад

      +Golftheonlyway Are you asking what his handicap was before he turned pro, or what he shoots on average during a round?

  • @variable42
    @variable42 10 лет назад +7

    I get the message you're trying to convey. Golf is not as complex as modern teaching makes it out to be. And I agree with the message. But you may want to reconsider how you deliver that message.
    Ultimately, your video does not show that striking a golf ball is easy. It shows that striking a golf ball is easy for someone who's spent the necessary 10,000 hours to master the act.
    The video you'd need to shoot to more effectively convey the message would be one where you take someone who's never picked up a golf club in their life, and have them hit flush shots within minutes.

    • @LearnTheRealSwing
      @LearnTheRealSwing  10 лет назад +2

      Oh, you mean like this video? www dot youtube dot com slash watch?v=om1uMvCKir8

    • @hedonit
      @hedonit 10 лет назад

      love your approach and so do all the people in the link you list
      wish I were in Calgary, I'd come to see you
      i look forward to seeing what else you put up here

    • @georgesmith4639
      @georgesmith4639 9 лет назад

      LearnTheRealSwing Wow! talk about making your point. I actually felt encouraged after seeing that video that I can escape from golf swing mechanics h#ll. You should send that video to Tiger Woods. LOL!

    • @alanmartins6349
      @alanmartins6349 8 лет назад +1

      That's the biggest bullshit ever that you have to spend a long time to master a golf swing. That's crap.

  • @LearnTheRealSwing
    @LearnTheRealSwing  10 лет назад +7

    So why has it become so unbelievably complex to hit a stationary ball sitting still on the ground with a specially designed stick?
    The problem is that Joe and Josephine average golfer on the driving range trying to help each other and, surprisingly, the vast majority of modern golf instruction advice is exactly like the blind leading the blind.
    Average golfers, who think they are "helping" each other, instead just endlessly pass on to each other what I like to call "golf folklore wisdoms" ...little snippets of advice that are passed from one generation to the next, some of them centuries old, that have NEVER been correct:
    "Jack Nicklaus says to 'Keep your head very steady, if not absolutely stock still' throughout the swing...," “You’re not getting underneath the ball! You gotta swing under it...,” "You're looking up too soon, darn it! Keep your head down and keep your eye on the ball!... Look, just keep your eye on the ball and 'see' the club contact the ball and then.... just stare at the grass where the ball was and I'll watch the ball for you!...," "Your left arm is bending and your knees are straightening so keep your left arm straight and keep your knees bent...," "Your feet keep lifting off the ground! Keep them still!..., [Guess somebody forgot to tell that one to Bubba, Laura Davies, Lexi Thompson, etc...!]
    After the "advice" of their golfing friends doesn't work, a paltry 13% of golfers will seek professional help, according to the National Golf Foundation statistics. In the vast majority of cases, the following "advice" will be given:
    "Ignore the legendary Arnold Palmer encouraging you to "Swing your swing..." Your swing is terrible! You need to take advantage of all the sophisticated technology we have today - super slow motion video, tour pro model vs your crappy swing computer split screen technology, 3D modeling, etc... - so you can try to look like somebody else when you swing. Look, you just need to spend three or four years in front of a mirror, swinging in super slow motion to train your muscles to remember the exact positions of Trevor Immelman's swing [currently #236th is the World Rankings] - he's got the most technically sound swing in professional golf, you know! - and you'll be hitting the ball just like a tour pro!..."
    None of these ideas ever have been, or ever will be, correct.
    What's the solution? All of the mythology and perceptions of what average golfers, legendary tour pros like Johnny Miller, legendary ball strikers like Moe Norman and golf teaching pros, legendary or otherwise, "think" is happening and/or "feel" is happening during the golf swing, must be replaced with what modern science currently understands regarding the striking of a golf ball.
    Every person involved in the game of golf at whatever level or capacity -- especially those that teach the game professionally -- MUST have a clear and correct understanding of what is ACTUALLY HAPPENING when a skillful golfer strikes a golf ball powerfully and precisely. (See below...)
    My idea for addressing this issue:
    So what exactly is happening when a highly skilled golfer strikes golf ball?
    When you delve deeply and scientifically into the above question, you will find that the task of hitting a golf ball hundreds of yards in a relatively accurate direction has some requirements that are quite insane.
    From its starting position at address to its settling at the swing's conclusion, the clubhead will have travelled some 50 or more feet.
    Depending on who is swinging the club, it will have reached a peak of speed at impact somewhere between 70 and over 120 miles per hour.
    Relative to the straight target line, the sweet spot of the clubface will have moved in a curving arc, either curving toward the target line on the downswing or away from it after impact, only briefly touching the target line for a brief millisecond at impact.
    During the forward swing, the clubface will have gone from facing 90 or more degrees open to the intended target to 90 or more degrees closed after impact in about 6 tenths of a second.
    Impact with the ball has three phases: Initial impact (the exact nano second when the clubface just barely touches the outer surface of the golf ball), Compression (the ball flattening against the club face due to the force of the impact) and separation (the exact nano second when the ball leaves the club face). These phases of impact occur over a distance of 6/10th of an inch -- which means that the ball and the club face are in contact with each other for just more than 1/2 an inch.
    For the shot to be directionally accurate, at initial impact the clubface would have to have been fractionally open, then rotate to perfectly square or very close to it at the height of the compression phase of impact - just 1 degree open or closed will send the ball some 20 yards wide of the intended target. Then, the club face will begin closing as the impact phase concludes with the ball separating from the club face.
    And the 'pièce de résistance' of insaneness: While all of the above is happening, at impact the ball must be struck to within 1/16th of an inch accurate of the the center of the clubface or better - presuming you want those nice shots that make golf fun. [For a “real world” perspective of what a 16th of an inch is, take a nickel, turn it sideways and look at the thin edge of it. That’s a 16th of an inch.] If you do strike the ball off the center of the clubface, you are just 1/4 of an inch away from "sort of okay" shots, 1/2 an inch away from "bad" shots, and a mere 3/4ths of an inch away from "terrible" shots.
    The current perception of the golf culture is that all of the above is incredibly difficult to do.
    In reality, it's actually very, very simple as I demonstrate in this video!
    "How does he do that?!?," you may be wondering. The answer involves a "Tale of Two Paradigms." That is the topic of my next post.
    Stay tuned….

  • @mikerisser658
    @mikerisser658 9 лет назад +4

    It's simple for you because you have been doing it your whole life.

    • @priesty1234
      @priesty1234 8 лет назад +3

      Mike Risser lol this is what I mean, patronising video

  • @tvs3497
    @tvs3497 7 лет назад +1

    Learning to golf is like learning to walk, you start by crawling, then your daddy helps you balance while you build up leg muscles and balance & coordination. After more time, you take little baby steps for a few months, gradually getting the "feel". After a year of walking and falling, you can do it pretty good. Then you start to run. You shouldn't start out golf learning the full swing, imho, you need take baby swings, building up the correct muscles and timing. It's the best way to prevent bad habits from implanting themselves in your swing style. Of course, hitting the ball is only one aspect of the game; you have to learn the rules, etiquette, and game management skills (your strategy on playing the golf course to suit your ability). I got my first golf club at 14, played in the back yard because we couldn't afford green fees, anywhere. I'm now 63 with a 2 handicap. Up until a few years ago, I was playing in USGA qualifiers such as the Senior Open and other Georgia State Championships. I haven't qualified yet, it takes much patience and nerve to beat par. Maybe that's why many golfers get frustrated.

  • @dry509
    @dry509 5 лет назад

    So far I have been unable to do what he is doing.

  • @keviniwankow8294
    @keviniwankow8294 Год назад

    Sure it's easy go on the Canadian tour and show us...😅

  • @JohnMartin-jx1wz
    @JohnMartin-jx1wz 5 лет назад

    Open to what?

  • @gagolfanddrones487
    @gagolfanddrones487 5 лет назад

    So .. just hit the ball? LOL

  • @jimbaker3553
    @jimbaker3553 7 лет назад +1

    # 1 I think Ron's commentary is a parody on the futility of expecting to hit the golf ball correctly on a consistent
    basis..explaining why this is unlikely to happen.
    #2 His ideas are explaining what happens in the golf swing when a ball is hit correctly ( which is very unlikely)
    And #3 My dad use to say " everyone hits a good shot once in a while... BY ACCIDENT".
    I guess you have to accept the futility of hitting very good shots... hope for the best and try to enjoy the game.
    I think Winston Churchill's comment on golf was probably a result of the fact that he never played golf or
    he was very bad at it.
    Ron thanks for your posts and Utube lessons.

  • @LuckyCharmkid1
    @LuckyCharmkid1 8 лет назад

    So,what the message is..... Swing loose n fast you'll hit a perfect golf shot? Moe Norman rolling in his grave........

    • @alanmartins6349
      @alanmartins6349 8 лет назад +1

      No, he's right make an athletic swing use your brain and figure out how to hit the ball just like someone who's starting to play baseball, no need to think mechanics. I started to play single digit golf when i realized that I could never get to positions that so called golf teachers wanted me to get to. Moe norman figured out how to swing his swing not what everyone else was doing.

  • @acov0423
    @acov0423 9 лет назад

    Leave it to Canada lol

  • @emncaity
    @emncaity 8 лет назад

    You did _not_ just say schmifficult.

  • @brianhutchinson5299
    @brianhutchinson5299 5 лет назад

    How come I never heard of you before. You must have won a few majors. Or a few British opens. Are you must have teaching all the top golf pros in the world. Well you are saying you are that good. Do you ever watch back your videos.

  • @akroguy
    @akroguy 9 лет назад +1

    Some people have a natural, athletic ability to connect themselves to the ball being hit/kicked/struck/batted/rolled, etc. Others simply do not possess this ability. They still need guidance on grip, balance, tempo, alignment and getting the most out of the body they have. Some are arm swingers with limited torso flexibility and others must nullify the arms as much as possible to avoid over manipulating the club. Both can be successful. The golf swing cannot be boiled down to "just hit the ball" in so many words. I do like your mission to try and get us "out of our heads" to let our biology work its wonders. There has to be a middle ground somewhere.

    • @robertchancey6028
      @robertchancey6028 8 лет назад

      +Brian D
      No doubt that grip, balance, tempo, and alignment are all aspects of golf that should not be ignored. When you boil it down, Golf is simple (at least it is supposed to be). You have an instrument (golf club) and you have a spherical object (golf ball). The only object is to get that instrument to strike that spherical object. It does not matter how it is accomplished, it just needs to be. Not everybody has the same build, so why would we all have the same swing? I believe that if we are able to free our minds, we will be able to have a free-flowing swing that is repeatable. All this other stuff can be worked on as a useful tool to shave down our dispersions. How can you make an effective swing if you are thinking about things like grip, balance, tempo. etc... Bobby Jones said it best, "We swing our best when we have the fewest things to think about." How many people are going to argue with Bobby Jones. I would imagine not many at all. By no means do I want you to think that I am criticizing your post, I just wanted to supplement it.

  • @JCASS611
    @JCASS611 6 лет назад +1

    so what are you teaching?????> terrible

  • @limarc1985
    @limarc1985 5 лет назад

    What are you teaching????????????

  • @kopluss
    @kopluss 8 лет назад

    If I had 3/4 of your iron game I would be in ture.

  • @b3u3g3g3y
    @b3u3g3g3y 5 лет назад

    This was not helpful at all.

  • @geeminsong1
    @geeminsong1 7 лет назад

    i agree with you

  • @drunkbrucelee
    @drunkbrucelee 9 лет назад +1

    Too much info, nobody cares about the three parts of impact. Not going to help them hit the ball better. This guy cracks me up. I happen to be a really good PGA teaching professional and these videos are pure comedy. I like to watch for the amusement.