There are quite a few area's like that. There is a shuttered window off George Street that opens to the nothing. And near the basketball court's in Sixth Street a corner onto the buildings is non existent out in the open. Found that one quite by accident when I turned a corner while looking for trash to pick up and just fell. Fell into it again by accident while jumping off the rooftop of the building and not remembering there was no ground below.
def looks like they had "plans" for some kind of train/subway system thru the city but shit happened and they've been fucked. you know if they took awhile longer maybe, just maybe this game wouldn't of been the fucking mess that it is.
There are quite a few area's like that. There is a shuttered window off George Street that opens to the nothing. And near the basketball court's in Sixth Street a corner onto the buildings is non existent out in the open. Found that one quite by accident when I turned a corner while looking for trash to pick up and just fell. Fell into it again by accident while jumping off the rooftop of the building and not remembering there was no ground below.
Haha that is brilliant
def looks like they had "plans" for some kind of train/subway system thru the city but shit happened and they've been fucked. you know if they took awhile longer maybe, just maybe this game wouldn't of been the fucking mess that it is.
wtfffffff lollll