LOTRO: Umbar Expansion Is Not Good Enough

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024

Комментарии • 129

  • @kaskae7240
    @kaskae7240 10 месяцев назад +37

    I actually think quite a lot of people are unhappy with the amount of King's Gondor content in the 'Umbar' expansion. I was enjoying the questing to begin with, but after a while Gondor seemed to really drag and I just wanted to get to Umbar. By the time I finally got to the Shield Isles, I felt burned out and didnt enjoy it as much as I might have done. And that's just the start. The cosmetic armour available for the rep vendor is just recycled old armour that's been renamed. There are only 65 LP available to earn from the entire expansion which feels stingy. Craft mats are rare drops and let's not even start on the crafting change failures. No task item turn ins. Quests, including the main Epic Quest line bugged and disabled. I could go on and on... I really wanted to back this expansion but there are just too many issues. Its baffling they decided to release this in it's current state.

    • @MaynardKeenanX
      @MaynardKeenanX 8 месяцев назад

      that right there is where all the developer time went to instead of actually ensuring quality control......team fucking clown

  • @LightS_bRight
    @LightS_bRight 10 месяцев назад +33

    The biggest failure is they don't cater to low level raids, instances and incentives to do group activities.

    • @jediwarlock1
      @jediwarlock1 10 месяцев назад +11

      They need to scale all Raids and raid barter rewards to immortalize the raids forever

    • @taylemgames2652
      @taylemgames2652 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@jediwarlock1 That would make completing Deeds impossible for most people.

    • @SilverPT84
      @SilverPT84 10 месяцев назад +2

      Not impossible... having for example a weekly raid or Featured Raid with a good reward , ppl would group up to do it for shure...
      Nowadays is dificult to do anything other than late game just because there is nothing droped for crafting or anything usefull for higher lvls ...

    • @takecarey
      @takecarey 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@taylemgames2652 not if they allow an instance to still be down-scaled, like skirms.

    • @Supadrumma441
      @Supadrumma441 10 месяцев назад

      All instances should be scaled up to 150, and new players, say a lvl 30, gets scaled up to 150 to do them. Like how ESO does it. @@takecarey

  • @maywynmaiar
    @maywynmaiar 10 месяцев назад +17

    I aggree that landscape, quests and the story are great as always... BUT: Kings Gondor West... and maybe even Outer Gondor... but at least Kings Gondor West including the epic quest feels like it doesn´t belong to U38 but to U37. It feels like it was held back so that the expansion doesn´t feel as short as it actually is. And this wouldn´t be that bad if we were to get at least some solo endcontent to go for until December.

  • @decoutan3900
    @decoutan3900 10 месяцев назад +12

    Quality > Quantity.
    350 quests means nothing to me if 320 of them are your average fetch/kill quests

    • @Supadrumma441
      @Supadrumma441 10 месяцев назад +2

      I spent a few hours yesterday repairing fences and carrying bundles of items. Snore.

  • @chelouha
    @chelouha 10 месяцев назад +10

    I think it's actually a bit deceptive to state 'Over 350 Unique Quests: Venture deep into Umbar's heart...' when the majority of those 350 quests are in King's Gondor, a mostly copy-pasta area.

  • @worrbinpike8893
    @worrbinpike8893 10 месяцев назад +11

    I do agree to the landscape stuff, its great as always in Lotro. But the quest design gets worser and worser. Go talk to person A -> Continue -> go to Person B (over the whole map) -> continue -> go back to Person A -> Continue -> Go to Person B and say hes right -> finish. And a lot of Killquests of course. in my humble Opinion the release had to be postponed for 30 days a minimun, to add at least proper daily stuff. That cant be that hard for SSG. I really like the shield isles, how great are the waves effects of the beaches for this game, at least this is something really new. But other than that for 40 Dollars you dont get as much as you got in Gundabad (except some new graphics).

  • @pandymandy
    @pandymandy 8 месяцев назад +2

    I actually really disagree with the landscape being good. LOTRO has its strength in this very item and I do not think they are terrible but if you actually compare at all the present layout to their previous zones Corsairs of Umbar is extremely disappointing, the sense of scale and additional intricacies are lost. We've been getting less and less unique assets and each area is becoming less distinct, but with areas prior to 2021 you can look at screenshot of ANY part of it, and know which zone it is, because they leverage the limitations so well. They map height in unique ways with areas like Limlight and Moria, make open expanses feel valuable ala Bree-land and Far Anorien, diversify the textures, foliage and model placement as with Ithilien and Lothlorien.
    Recently however zones keep getting rehashed at resource cuts, even when the development was on the rocks we got places as distinct from one-another as The Wastes and Dol Amroth, now when the game is making a soft resurgence in notoriety, we get the exact same maps sold back to us in a different time period with nearly no changes at all. Worse, new areas like Cardolan and Swanfleet now lack that powerful distinction between each zone as the attempt to cut development cost they blend assets from surrounding areas to fill the gaps. Doing this partially, is a great thing, look at Eregion, but doing this entirely means we don't really get a new Middle-Earth country any more, we just get a sold in-game zone.
    I feel nothing new about Corsair's landscapes, its nice there are some new assets and buildings but it isn't done with care. The architecture of places like Gondor, The Shire and Ered Luin, all looked like fantasy designs with their own code of creation, distinct and recognisable. Umbar is different but nothing about it says this is Umbar, it looks like it was inspired by Italian architecture and then just lanced about the place to fit the smaller feeling space as best it could. We've had tight messy cities before; Dale looks gorgeous, we've had colourful new environments before; lots of The Great River's open space, and we've had coastlines that felt powerful and strong of a larger world; at the top of Forochel and the bottom Bays of Belfalas. Umbar, for a clustered, new, colourful, ocean designed area, lacks *all* these strengths.
    I rode into Anfalas as soon as the expac dropped because I was so profoundly excited to go to this magical part of Gondor isolated out west, which Kingsfoil shares a name to, having waited nearly a whole decade. After the books and LOTRO itself I was expecting a grand place with heights in the mountains and greenery everywhere - I was ready for more large Gondorian ruins or beautifully structured wildlife. But its barren, it is dead empty. And not the normal LOTRO empty, fun to run through and take in the sight of its openness, no, just rocky, dead and grey. I've never felt so disappointed in LOTRO's landscape - and this wasn't even a rehash.
    I'm beginning to feel like I am alone in this criticism and it makes me really sad, because so many people talk as if the landscape design hasn't changed but it has absolutely definitely gotten worse. And as someone's whose entire focus on the game is taking it slow and living in these environments as best I can, I can tell you magic is completely gone. Go look at lush diversity of Eryn Lasgalen, the colours of the Vales of Anduin, the scale and power of the Second Hall of Moria, the wide open mapping of the North-Downs, and the still utterly magnificent way of doing close-quarters smallness in The Shire. It isn't the same.
    Umbar looks to me in a presentation of the creative art itself though it says: 'This is a new coastal region in LOTRO', it does not say to me (as it once might have) 'This is our most faithful creation of Middle-Earth's Umbar'. Perhaps I am the only one who sees it that way.

  • @mauricio_arrr
    @mauricio_arrr 10 месяцев назад +6

    I just wish they were more transparent and receptive to player criticism

  • @jennyellen2606
    @jennyellen2606 10 месяцев назад +6

    Not everyone wants to do dailies over and over. Some of us hate dailies. Why can’t we have decent rewards for questing.

    • @ghynghyn4706
      @ghynghyn4706  10 месяцев назад

      It seems to me that the questing rewards were pretty good this expansion.

  • @pilot_paul42
    @pilot_paul42 10 месяцев назад +7

    LOTRO in one update has turned in to Pirates of the Caribbean online. It takes far too long to get to Umbar with some really random quests to get there in Outer Gondor. Example is getting your crew together and sending you over various regions just to get npcs to say yes to you and there being no quest rings as you mention in the video.
    And as a Hunter all the gear drops are non usable, such as shields, why ? Flame is level 151 (known bug)
    Looks like a bit of a money grab rather than doing proper quality assurance and waiting. Not fit for purpose this time around
    And how long does it take to put a few paragraphs together for a communications update. If SSG need help with Communication I'm sure there are a lot of us that would do this for free for the good of the game and managing expectations. .

  • @michaelreid5307
    @michaelreid5307 10 месяцев назад +5

    Having a daily quest hub in a MMO expac is almost a basic requirement so rather disappointing that it's not included in Umbar. I bout the standard edition but I won't be playing for at least a few weeks just so the early rush passes & the main bugs are ironed out.

  • @systoliker6118
    @systoliker6118 10 месяцев назад +3

    When considering the price of the standard version, it essentially breaks down to $10 per zone, which I find reasonable. Before the Shadows was $20, and adding two new zones for $10 each aligns with that precedent. The primary concern lies in the lack of new mechanics. BtS did well by introducing the delving system exclusively to the mini-expansion, later extending it to free players. A more comprehensive crafting system, incorporating guilds and events, could have compensated for the delayed missions and instances.
    I agree with your observation that the rushed development and poor balancing are significant issues. Perhaps an alternative approach could have been to introduce Western Gondor as a quest pack to generate revenue, delaying the rest of the expansion. This strategy might have allowed for the addition of more parts of outer Gondor or even Harad.
    On a minor note, the level increase feels incomplete. It's odd that you don't receive any trait points up to 150, only having all your stats increase. There's a concern that if they introduce endgame content for level 150, we might end up with similar values as we had with the 140 level cap, rendering the stat crunch potentially unnecessary...
    Another potential addition for more comfortable and engaging traversing could have been a boat mount. While it acts like a horse, it can only be used in water to increase your swimming speed by 62%. This addition would have been ideal, especially if it could be used in Evendim.
    In conclusion, I believe it's an expansion worth its price (even more so than some expansions of other video games). I've thoroughly enjoyed it so far. There's certainly missed potential in various areas, and work is needed, especially in endgame content, balancing, and polishing. However, some feedback and statements seem mildly exaggerated regarding these concerns.
    Nonetheless, your video is excellent, and keep up the fantastic work!
    Edit: I also like to add that I think it does not make sense whatsoever to outphase old instances, just imagine how much more content there would be if everything has the ability to give good rewards... There is so much amazing content to play with other players together

  • @tatemessmer4936
    @tatemessmer4936 10 месяцев назад +3

    Its a dead giveaway that this was rushed to hell. Im guessing the plan should have been the entire expansion in Umbar and islands etc. But since they rushed it out they had to include outer gondor. Outer gondor should have been a content update before the expansion. Should have gotten the expansion like summer of next year.

  • @Supadrumma441
    @Supadrumma441 10 месяцев назад +6

    Pretty mediocre release for the cost.

  • @Erth91
    @Erth91 10 месяцев назад +3

    To be honest in my opinion Lotro need more videos like this.Community has given too many free passes to SSG over the years such as Teal gear in lootboxes,devs making problems so players can surpass them via store.Main example VIrtue xp system which is for 2023 mmorpg endgame standards when everything is getting fully optimizied and minmaxed you need to do low lvl deeds/content so you can max your character even then there is not enough deeds to max everything so you need to do weeklys for months or just skip it via stor with valars or xp tomes and that is really unhealthy for the game.Same with legendary weapon system and golden traceries which are too much RNG based and also unhealthy for game.SSG is too used to silence from the community and has no responsibility to put a good product on the table.Its a shame that UMBAR expansion is mostly gondor under king Aragorn revamp and little bit of new zones.I don't want to compare Umbar to old Lotro expansions but the difference is too great.Compare this to Moria which had 6 new dungeons,2 new raids,2 new classes plus alot extra ON RELEASE......ON RELEASE.Yes Expansion was too rushed and its clearly not close to finished.Maybe daybreak forces them to release content or what ever but this is not good look for lotro BUT AGAIN IT'S THE COMMUNITY's FAULT BECAUSE THEY ALWAYS ACCEPT EVERYTHING SSG DO.I dont know if SSG is sending too much copium to their player base or what but we need to be better.Also Riverhobbits should be part of the expansion not separate cash grab coming out 2 months before expansion but the players are used to SSG cash grabs

    • @pandymandy
      @pandymandy 8 месяцев назад +1

      Literally this. There have been a lot of genuinely bad development decisions in LOTRO over the past couple years and I keep seeing everyone hand it off in discussion as being 'fine' or 'actually a good thing', rather than being willing to criticise the game they love. It actually makes me very upset to see people so okay with a far worse version of the game compared even just 5 years ago, where now they keep rolling out new worse systems, predatory sales practices and FAR less effort in the visual design process.

  • @forestschneiter5832
    @forestschneiter5832 10 месяцев назад +13

    For me. I play the game for questing, exploration, story. My experience has been great. Love it.

  • @ThecrusaderWoW
    @ThecrusaderWoW 10 месяцев назад +2

    I'm gonna be the hot take here i guess, I'm glad there isn't shit to do for dailies tbh, It gives me more time to prep other characters, to deed out their virtues etc. If i had a bagillion dailies to do, I lose the ability to do that, and instead would need to be on my main doing dailies with all my play time. Dailies can come in time with missions etc and instances and all that, i think having very little to do at cap right now for the first few weeks is perfectly fine. The only gripe i have is the flame disabled is a bummer, crafting issues of course, and task boards being broken. other than that, for me it's a 10/10 expac launch for me personally.

  • @HannestadJacob
    @HannestadJacob 10 месяцев назад +2

    Tried to buy the expansion when it came out but couldnt. Submitted a ticket and havent heard anything back. Jeeez customer here ready to pay and no service.

  • @ChrisYork-xh9zq
    @ChrisYork-xh9zq 10 месяцев назад +2

    They should have held back the expansion until the missions and full allegiances were ready (at least).

  • @vimzim8576
    @vimzim8576 10 месяцев назад +2

    I think Gundabad had too many dailies so I was happy Umbar didn't have a gazillion like Gundabad did right away. Gundabad was fine if you only played one character but if you played multiple characters it is a bit of a second job to get through them so I typically only did them sporadically to get weeklies done.
    There was also too much Gondor and not enough Umbar, I think I was level 148 when I hit the Umbar mainland and we got two quest hubs then the large city full of mostly menial quests.
    For an Umbar expansion, I would have liked to see more of the Umbar mainland region, this has to be the least real-estate we have experienced with an expansion. It would be like if Gundabad was mostly outside Gundabad and we only got the one zone inside it. They will likely flesh it out with QPs and a mini-expansion, I guess. It just seemed a bit odd. I liked the island part. It would have been great if the expansion gave us real boats to sail and had a large island archipelago to explore, but I don't think they have the resources to execute something like that.
    You are right about the QA stuff, this has been a worrying trend for some time, long before Umbar, like some emotes they brought in previously weren't tested with each race/gender and have had some hilarious bugs, how can you not run them on every race/gender as part of the QA process. Stuff like this should never go live. A lot of bugs seem like they should have been picked up with eve a basic QA process. I think the process is part of the problem, if the crafting resources was of an old build and it wasn't intentional, you would have to ask how it was remotely possible that it popped up in the live version, it goes beyond QA issues, no QA department has the capacity to re-test everything with every build.

  • @NatoRadeX
    @NatoRadeX 10 месяцев назад +1

    I just wish they'd fix server performance....

  • @NJM0324
    @NJM0324 10 месяцев назад +1

    I feel the reward track is flawed even without the expansion starting during it. Since the items in the boxes scale to your level when you open them instead of when you claim them, you still could have hoarded them and stored them in your inventory until the expansion came out. If you really want, you could have stored rewards from the previous reward tracks too as long as you have the storage space. Having the space isn't hard either if you just make a bunch of alts to hold them.

  • @Harry-uq9qd
    @Harry-uq9qd Месяц назад

    Instances! options for solo to small or full group! INSTANCES aren't all that hard to make and yes, as they're more challenging and encourage grouping usually, add greatly to the fun of the game. bonus points if they're more replayable, perhaps having different paths inside the instance to get different rewards

  • @jamesmaclennan4525
    @jamesmaclennan4525 10 месяцев назад +3

    oSome of us are not interested in doing raids and instances you know Just getting to level 150 is quite enough for me along with the exploration. Besides my personal experience with group play in LOTRO is that other people cannot be relied on to finish anything they start.

    • @ghynghyn4706
      @ghynghyn4706  10 месяцев назад +1

      This is very true, but every player in the game should matter and this expansion compared to Gundabad has way more flaws than Gundabad has, so it's definitely not a good enough product early on.

  • @moosecat00
    @moosecat00 10 месяцев назад +1

    I will say it is total whiplash to hear anyone clammoring for more dailies.

    • @ghynghyn4706
      @ghynghyn4706  10 месяцев назад +1

      Believe me, I'd rather see some instances instead.

  • @toxicexplorer1382
    @toxicexplorer1382 10 месяцев назад +1

    Well said! I saw the previews of the expansion and decided to wait for launch before buying. Then launch came and the galore of issues. Haven't bought it and won't until it is appealing, either better price or content.

  • @somethingvisceral2003
    @somethingvisceral2003 10 месяцев назад +2

    I'm not upset with the expansion. I play for the adventure, the questing, completing deeds, exploration and relaxing. There have been bugs before in other expansions, and have been worked out while we keep on trucking. It will be no different than the bugs being ironed out with this one. In a couple months, even next year it will be but a memory.
    After 24 years of MMOing, whenever there is a big expansion in any game I have played, there have been the occasional issues, bugs, exploits, with some expansions being flawless, to some expansions requiring a rollback of a month (yes lost a month of progress/items) due to an exploit that had been found in the game (was a different MMO).
    The expansion is 141 to 150....so many sped through the content skipping so much so they could be 150 within a couple to three days, then they sit back whining there is nothing to do. *shrug* such is life, should have taken your time and explore everything that is currently available and let SSG iron out the bugs.

    • @ghynghyn4706
      @ghynghyn4706  10 месяцев назад +1

      A lot of players do enjoy the story and adventure mainly, but we should still expect a bit more for people who enjoy doing the endgame grind..

  • @aeasus
    @aeasus 10 месяцев назад +1

    Well the good news is that nobody responsible for Q.A. is a pilot, at least I hope, because they would know how important a checklist is. Fortunately, it's only entertainment and not life or death verification. The sad part is paying for a job done that's incomplete. :(

  • @rolfsinkgraven
    @rolfsinkgraven 10 месяцев назад +1

    They never bring out a finished product, always something is missing, very bad.

  • @TheHeimdal118
    @TheHeimdal118 10 месяцев назад +1

    Have bought the expansion but until now just ran missions with all my 140 characters due to the massiv lag in the new area. Sadly not the way I intendet to get to 150, but probably will be my way of choice.
    THX Ghynghny

  • @moondog548
    @moondog548 10 месяцев назад +3

    The virtual failure to deliver in a substantial way on the crafting revamp is crazy. Breaking up the professions is a GREAT improvement, but virtually none of the many other problems with the system were addressed.

  • @DeanFWilson
    @DeanFWilson 10 месяцев назад +1

    I think most of the highlighted bugs are relatively minor (though should, of course, be fixed), but the lack of endgame content is a big issue. While there are some dailies (and the Proto-dailies give decent rewards), there are no weeklies, and other dailies appear to be currently disabled. Add to this the lack of Missions at launch, etc., and there's very little for players at 150 to do. In some ways, I think Gundabad got things so right in this regard that we expect more from SSG now (resource dungeons at launch are not typical, for example). I fully expect the situation will improve a lot in the coming weeks, but it doesn't give a great first impression for endgame. That said, the actual content from 140-150 is excellent, and there's a lot of it, so they did get many things right.

  • @thegenxgamerr
    @thegenxgamerr 10 месяцев назад +3

    SSG excelled in the areas they usually do, story and landscape. Many of the quests are not engaging at all, and we are reusing a lot of old assets in Gondor which is disappointing. A lot of these places we have already seen. Not being able to use Flame of Ancalamír is a pain and crafting has been a let down. Yes we can switch professions but I guess I was expecting more. Mariner is fun to play though. Overall this expansion for me is a 5 out of 10.

    • @pandymandy
      @pandymandy 8 месяцев назад

      In a game that has so carefully managed its regional assets for architecture between each region to distinguish countries over the course of the game. The bleeding out of assets that should not be re-used is utterly unacceptable in my opinion. It completely stops this from actually being the creation of a new region of the continent, as much as it is just more area in a video game.

  • @thatsoupguy
    @thatsoupguy 10 месяцев назад

    thank you ghynghyn for covering the news

  • @MarleMMO
    @MarleMMO 10 месяцев назад +1

    Great fair coverage. Appreciate you buddy! :)

  • @Subo23
    @Subo23 10 месяцев назад +2

    I see its flaws but I'm still enjoying it. As always it seems like a bit of a bridge between past and future content but hopefully it opens into new material. As Ghyn notes the landscape and story is pretty solid. TBH beyond that, not much. If it hadn't been for the story surprises I'm not sure I would rate it as highly.

  • @Andreluizfeital
    @Andreluizfeital 10 месяцев назад +2

    Please add to this everything that not everyone liked the landscapes. There are many people in this game who are consumed by fans of Tolkien's work, and were always willing to forgive the large amount of problems, neglect and everything we already know through tradition in the world created by the professor. When you add an expansion that's a weak mix of Pirates of the Caribbean and Prince of Persia, an important and long-standing foundation feels like it's time to go, as this game has crossed that last line. It is more than clear that LOTRO lives in survival mode. Salaries are paid to half a dozen employees who must work until exhaustion, and that's it. Not a drop of capital will be invested anymore. Just make what little profit you can, until the lights go out. For many of us, it's time to head to the ports and leave Middle Earth.

    • @pandymandy
      @pandymandy 8 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for saying so, I feel crazy like I'm the only one that sees this. None of the new areas are Middle-Earth to me, there is such a clear line between the game made for its earnest approach to Tolkien's work in the landscape, and the new areas eschewing verisimilitude to be a new zone in a video game. It truly doesn't feel, to me, like we ever actually got Swanfleet no part of me can look at it and go 'FINALLY I was waiting to see what this would look like' I look at it, and _all_ new zones now, and just think 'I could have guessed this is what it would look like with the re-used assets'.
      All I see from Umbar and basically everything in this expansion is just more added on "space" where the game can be built ontop of, not more Middle-Earth lovingly crafted.

  • @beksexp1527
    @beksexp1527 10 месяцев назад +2

    its the final straw that what it is! There was a plan to overwork the game again on details and graphics and so on.... that plan was removed there will be no rework or what so ever. And the problem bout that is the new amazon lotr game i asume, but there is no big plans for lotro anymore as far i know. So they will run the game until there is no income anymore and after that they will shut it down.

  • @markrobinson2648
    @markrobinson2648 10 месяцев назад +1

    Positives for me:
    Landscape maps/views, very nice place to be to quest. Music is relaxing.
    Epic story is good
    Side quests are just go get 10 items or go kill 10 mobs. I know this is an mmo but it's VERY repetitive, more than normal I think, side quest design seems very lazy.
    Too long in Gondor, feels like I'm just questing in areas I've seen already, I'm level 144 and still not got to a brand new map yet.
    Lots of bugs on release, felt untested
    Lag seems worse but that's probably due to population increase for expansion

  • @99LitOs
    @99LitOs 10 месяцев назад +1

    I started the expac yesterday, first time im ready to play a Lotro expansion when it releases and it saddens me to see this. No endgame content at all, including missions or delvings is weird imo as someone that plays or played all mmos out there. Also i thought this wouldnt bother me, but having half the expansion being in Gondor is lame im on Outer Gondor and it feels like im fighting to not be bored. Im enjoying the story itself at least, just not super interested in the zones so far.

  • @SilverPT84
    @SilverPT84 10 месяцев назад +2

    The shield islands are tiny!
    You can swim for a couple of minutes and cross more than half a map!
    Its mabe as big as Slugs area in shire....😮
    The scale of the whole map should be for 1 of the islands making that group of islands a huge area... not like this... its a waste for such a great looking area! 😮
    Gondor renewed quest line areas feel huge and great harbours full of life, really nice the coastal areas!

  • @AndreiC-m6f
    @AndreiC-m6f 10 месяцев назад +2

    I got the Ultimate but now playing other games. This is bad and it will be for months looks like.

  • @consumablecorner150
    @consumablecorner150 9 месяцев назад +1

    Imo the "not good enough" began with the Iron Hills, followed by Ered Mithrin, etc. Largely empty-feeling.

    • @pandymandy
      @pandymandy 8 месяцев назад +1

      It was around that time for sure. Ered Mithrin still had a vague charm to it, but Iron Hills... and the majority of everything after that, especially post Minas Morgul, has not been even close to 'good enough'.

    • @consumablecorner150
      @consumablecorner150 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@pandymandy Post Minas Morgul. Well-said. That expansion was epic. They could always go back. I'm tempted to find out how much they'd sell the game for and host a crowd-funding campaign so that those w the time, energy, etc, could go re-code the snot out of it and flood these newer maps with deep content.

  • @captainofdunedain3993
    @captainofdunedain3993 10 месяцев назад

    I havent started new quests yet. Good to know before starting. Maybe I should wait little more. Thanks for video

    • @ghynghyn4706
      @ghynghyn4706  10 месяцев назад

      No need to wait with doing the quests. That's the part with the expac that seems really solid. We are also expecting a patch this week to iron out some bugs.

    • @captainofdunedain3993
      @captainofdunedain3993 10 месяцев назад

      Sounds cool :) still excited about Anfalas to see :) thanks again buddy@@ghynghyn4706

  • @jannali2
    @jannali2 10 месяцев назад

    task item boards being empty and broken flame of ancalmir is very frustrating

  • @gscgold
    @gscgold 3 месяца назад

    I like the way other games like ESO are going with releasing updates every 3 or 4 months with content instead of one HUGE expansion every 2 years, just add new content in chunks over time keep everyone busy. Just my thoughts. I got to 150 on my main and went back to playing other games..Umbar really isn't doing it for me to be honest but maybe I need to continue questing but all that swimming is a turn off between those first few islands..I did all my questing in Kings Gondor and got to 150 before I hit those small islands.

  • @sunnydlite-t8b
    @sunnydlite-t8b 10 месяцев назад +1

    As a new player, i preordered, got to 150....now im back to other games. How do you call it an expansion when nothing got expanded outside of maps/zones? This isnt GW2, you cant get away with maps/zones only.

  • @arcticantic1768
    @arcticantic1768 10 месяцев назад +3

    it is boring to do new quests in lands where you finished all quests 5 years ago. It is not funny to me and half of the game is simply this developers cheating. New lands start only in Anfalas.

    • @pandymandy
      @pandymandy 8 месяцев назад

      Yep, exactly. We've had multiple old zones resold back to us and tiny 15% versions of zones part of old ones also sold at full price.
      Even the new zones I wouldn't call good though as they are barely different any more, just blending old assets and putting in minimal effort.

  • @macdui1012
    @macdui1012 10 месяцев назад

    They regard more communication as just more spin to spew out. Trouble with "people persons" and "communicators" is it's all output and little or no input from feedback. Bad news means no news for SSG's customers.

  • @elbutanero8
    @elbutanero8 10 месяцев назад +1

    Nothing to do when you reach lvl 150 :(

  • @auntbeeje1231
    @auntbeeje1231 9 месяцев назад

    I've got one toon almost at 146, one at 143, and one almost 141. I seriously doubt I will get all 3, maybe not even just 2, through all this content. It's just too monotonous to do it 3 times. Any suggestions to get through it appreciated.

  • @marcelab7000
    @marcelab7000 10 месяцев назад

    I'm enjoying it. I don't feel the need to level to 150 in a day, so I'll give SSG time to fix whatever. Dailies? Isn't that a relief not having as many?

    • @ghynghyn4706
      @ghynghyn4706  10 месяцев назад

      A lot of players do enjoy taking it slow and enjoy the story and the world, but there are players who like getting to max level quick and then start working on getting the best gear. There is simply not enough content for those type of players, but I'm sure eventually there will be more added to them in the following months.

  • @DeanFWilson
    @DeanFWilson 10 месяцев назад +1

    Re: the Reward Track, it was pretty much the same from the beginning (with the cosmetic stuff added in the 2nd or 3rd track, and a few other changes). They never really did tuning for specific periods of an expansion, and I personally wouldn't like to be grinding out all of that and just get yellow runes instead of golds. I think the Reward Track is fine as is. Combined with the runes change they made, it means the gold runes are actually useful from the start, not just the end (when, ultimately, they were useless in the Gundabad cycle).

  • @SDieter81
    @SDieter81 10 месяцев назад +2

    I don't get the 'landscape looks great'. It feels extremely out of place. It was supposed to be a desert, not some lush jungle straight out of Black Sails and the likes. Landscape was the one thing this game had going for it, everything else was *****. Combat was slow, classes unbalanced, lag omnipresent, class customization too limited, repetitive questing, loads and loads of whales to the point where 95% of the playerbase has valared at least 1-2 chars or more, ...
    'People are fine with dailies'. Exactly... people are fine with no content at all and will preform daily after daily after daily and then beg for store resets to be able to complete more dailies so they can complete a meta deed designed to take 2-3 festivals in a single festival instead.
    Also, as you're talking, there's another player in the background, not even that far out. One second he's there, the next he's gone. So much for immersion. Like I said, he wasn't even that far out.. Engine has been stretched beyond it's limitations.
    Nope, to hell with this. Not a game I wish to play, not a community I'd like to be part of. Flame away.

    • @pandymandy
      @pandymandy 8 месяцев назад

      Yep, this exactly. Landscape effort died after the Vales of Anduin, and none of the issues have been fixed.
      It took me until reading this comment actually to sort of realise how silently toxic LOTRO players are, I can't think of a single time I've ever voted a criticism and actually had people agree. Makes sense with the die-hard loyalty to their money spent on the way the system drags them to keep defending poor sunk-cost investment. Nearly every new update makes the game worse somehow, and I'd honestly be more fine with it if others were willing to notice but everytime everyone just keeps praising things anyway.
      I wish the game died gracefully just post-Mordor. It feels miserable having left an MMO I love behind and seeing the developers kick it like a sick-horse for years on end while the end-game players prance and cheer about what a good idea that is so long as they can keep rinsing a few instances for new gear and the ability to keep grinding droll nonsense.

  • @spencerhulme1203
    @spencerhulme1203 10 месяцев назад

    I think they need to improve crafting significantly, it is a total let down in terms of recipes and lack of them after anorian, making new equipment helps me to push forward. Thank you for the video and the content!

  • @sneezywheezy6699
    @sneezywheezy6699 10 месяцев назад +2

    Sadly this is the first expansion that I stopped playing so soon. Landscape is great as usual. My issue is character development, simply is doesn't feel rewarding to do anything. Very few things, items, Li rewards and no trait points so far.

    • @Supadrumma441
      @Supadrumma441 10 месяцев назад

      Not to mention, levelling up makes our characters weaker not stronger.

  • @Lahres
    @Lahres 10 месяцев назад +2

    I dont agree at all with your opinion on daylies. For people who have more then 1 Charakter it is quite nice to have a little more time to level your Chars before you need to grind them towards Instances. In gundabad you had to choose: Do i level my chars or do Daylies.

    • @ghynghyn4706
      @ghynghyn4706  10 месяцев назад

      I very much prefer the option of choosing, rather than catering to players with multiple alts

    • @mystic-83_
      @mystic-83_ 9 месяцев назад

      I'm with you on this. How many players really only play one toon? I'm happy for the extra time to level my alts and not feel left behind.
      I do see a lot of people rushing to cap by leveling with Sword-Halls or old instances. I hope these aren't the people complaining there's nothing to do.

  • @OliverJapan
    @OliverJapan 10 месяцев назад

    I was hoping for a UI overhaul and graphics update.

  • @Sagewyn
    @Sagewyn 9 месяцев назад

    Ghyn love your content and your ghyniversere job well done. The dailies are only necessary to get the thousands of runes necessary to finish your legendary weapon. An act that was possible before the new system by getting only 21 empowerment scrolls per legendary. This takes time away from actually enjoying the questing in the game and is designed to be a time sink as are missions, which it does magnificently. Hugely demotivating. yes some opportunities to get embers but better armor could be done in the crafting system. Assume this is done to keep the game running financially. I spend so much time on dailies that i don't feel like playing the game afterwards. agree with your comments on checklists and quality control.

  • @schvanysepitome8500
    @schvanysepitome8500 10 месяцев назад +1

    I’m just glad I’m still questing in Mordor. Hopefully in the next year or so they can “fix” Umbar

  • @mercster
    @mercster 10 месяцев назад

    "Waaaaaaaaaah I don't like the toy!"

  • @Ilovetechno426
    @Ilovetechno426 10 месяцев назад

    I wonder why they didnt wait around chirstmas time, would been a great. get more people in due to the holidays too. i think E7 and daybreak forces them a lot to do stuff on a timmer.

  • @xbighansonx
    @xbighansonx 10 месяцев назад +1

    unpopular opinion: i hate daylies ! I love instances and raids - and in the very past we got instances on release days too

  • @myteeone8619
    @myteeone8619 8 месяцев назад

    The hated delving is one of the dumbest ideas they came up with. The skirms let you set the tier without rockcrap filling your bag.

  • @chris200933
    @chris200933 10 месяцев назад

    I agree with you ghyn... Good thing i decided not to buy the expansion until its really exciting to quest..the only thing that excite here is the new class mariner.. but im still holding it.

  • @hein1966
    @hein1966 10 месяцев назад

    nothiced if you scale the map more then the ring of quest will be showing

  • @avanaxa
    @avanaxa 10 месяцев назад

    the communication with the playerbase has been exceptionally poor for years, how is this still an issue

  • @Devdor
    @Devdor 10 месяцев назад

    I have not even touched my characters since the update not motivated enough to level stuff up

  • @vladescu3g
    @vladescu3g 10 месяцев назад +2

    I wouldnt call this an expansion just because of the lvl up update to 150, all o fthese feel like an old qp that you could get with 500tps back in the day, glad i no longer play this crap.

    • @merickful
      @merickful 10 месяцев назад

      The entire game benefits from you not playing, I'm sure.

    • @9thebear
      @9thebear 10 месяцев назад


  • @TheDisorderly1
    @TheDisorderly1 10 месяцев назад +1

    Too much grind and lag in the game now. Virtues, LIs, total gear replacements. The different types of essences now, I don't know the game is just not fun anymore.

  • @DiegoPaulMorenoDuran
    @DiegoPaulMorenoDuran 10 месяцев назад

    I have a question a bit of topic , why does your water look different from the one in my game I have everything in Ultra and it looks terrible pallet color, anyone know why ?

    • @ghynghyn4706
      @ghynghyn4706  10 месяцев назад

      I wouldn't have an answer to this honestly. I just play on ultra sometimes and it looks the way it does.

    • @9thebear
      @9thebear 10 месяцев назад

      Make sure post processing effects is ticked.

    • @DiegoPaulMorenoDuran
      @DiegoPaulMorenoDuran 10 месяцев назад

      appreciate it bro@@9thebear

    • @DiegoPaulMorenoDuran
      @DiegoPaulMorenoDuran 10 месяцев назад

      thanks kindly@@ghynghyn4706

  • @ryanlotgd
    @ryanlotgd 10 месяцев назад +1

    been saving the last 3 reward tracks rewards for umbar so sat here with loads of runes 12 gold tracery tokens and more than enough teal tracery tokens for the chars i never got gold tracerys on before that i dont use oftern enough. delvins i exspected to not work fully teal gear shouldnt come till t3 of raid release if orion is to keep to his word but should be yellow and purple gear.

  • @jeremybartelme8666
    @jeremybartelme8666 10 месяцев назад +2

    The last year the amount of content has been paltry, new worst ever xpac ssg on a roll

    • @pandymandy
      @pandymandy 8 месяцев назад +1

      Bonus! Any new non-expac content is just old areas recycled with the label 'new' slapped on at a full price.

  • @pilot_paul42
    @pilot_paul42 10 месяцев назад

    LI Reward Track Season 8 starts this Wednesday 14/11/2023 so claim existing ones now or you will lose them

  • @choogheem
    @choogheem 10 месяцев назад +1

    350 unique quests - really? have you noticed how many of the gondor quests are essentially the same as they were on our way to minas tirith? this expansion seems to have decided that walls of text quest descriptions is a desirable thing. post 150 - blech.

  • @TonyHammitt
    @TonyHammitt 10 месяцев назад

    So far, I only got the cheap expansion for one of my accounts. I've bought the more expensive versions of some things if they come with something practical and usable, but don't care about cosmetics at all. It's been many hours spent on a character to not even get to Umbar at all yet. I don't think that's a good idea. Sure, maybe a quest or two to get to the new area, but several books of epics before you can get there is just way too much. It's been a little boring, to say the least. So, I hope they get some better level 150 content at some point.

  • @LinRaN_DanceR
    @LinRaN_DanceR 10 месяцев назад

    From other side, thanks I dont need to buy new expansion and grind new dailies to get lvl and LIs, and Ettenmoors are free now. So I can enjoy the game from wednesday to saturday until it too laggy to be playable

  • @trevor3910
    @trevor3910 10 месяцев назад

    show me the checklist!

  • @IzeyurOrlezu
    @IzeyurOrlezu 10 месяцев назад +1

    The expansion is lazy and it has been that way for a while now. Pretending like missions and delvings are new content is just a joke. They could rework old systems like mounted combat, skirmishes or epic battles, making old content relevant at high level, but they don't. The game is still laggy as hell, I can barely get over 50 FPS on my high end computer. Relying on making nice zones is no longer enough when I see what's on the market at the moment. Shame.

  • @zefjansen5011
    @zefjansen5011 10 месяцев назад +1

    I dont think its fair to say that the reward track rewards are not tuned for this early of an expansion. The first reward track that became available after the Gundabad had more rewards then this one. So the next reward track will likely have similar rewards too.
    That being said, an expansion release not being timed with the reward track seasons does seem odd.

    • @ghynghyn4706
      @ghynghyn4706  10 месяцев назад

      The point is that you get the ability to hoard for a couple of weeks before there is already a new season releasing. I don't think that's right for an expansion.

  • @ishlotro1733
    @ishlotro1733 10 месяцев назад +1

    Flop xpac

  • @RogdushTheMystic
    @RogdushTheMystic 10 месяцев назад

    What were expectation? I find it completely satisfied. I dont get all that whining around. It was always the same. Minas Morgul was lagging for 2 weeks constantly on release. I expected new quests and zones to do at begining and thats it. I find nothing special in couple bugs or flame locked. Whats the problem LOL. You will just ash stuff in couple days. The progression was always spread on couple months. 3mans, 6man, raid... its normal. I expect stuff fixed in next release or two. Thats it. What problem do you have guys? Just chill lol, more stuff coming
    What I really like there are already landscape dailies. That is great.

    • @ghynghyn4706
      @ghynghyn4706  10 месяцев назад +1

      We paid the same price as the previous expansion, so the minimum expectation will be what we got from the previous expansion. We got less than that, so people are not very happy about that. Hopefully upcoming weeks have updates that will rectify this.

    • @RogdushTheMystic
      @RogdushTheMystic 10 месяцев назад

      this release feels really unfinished. I am pretty sure we will get more dailies, more stuff, more weeklies and everything. AFAIR Minal Morgul got weeklies after some time also. I do not find it problematic. This is MMO, changes are here on weekly basis. I am looking forward for new patches. I am fine with having new zones and quests for now. Thats why I am surprised ppl expect so much from very begining, like they havent played this game so far :D
      I also do not think it would be wise to wait a month. I have already noticed total loss of interest with game just because new xp was announced for nov 1 and ppl stop playing completely in oct already. This would not be good to wait 1 month more.

  • @harrr53
    @harrr53 10 месяцев назад

    I have mixed feelings so far, but over all I am enjoying it. It's not Moria, but it beats Rohan.
    Now, I keep reading comments where players criticise the quests are all similar abs consist of talking to NPCs, fetching, killing.
    That, to me, trivialises and misses the point. That's like saying that reading a book is just watching letters and turning pages. Those are tge mechanics. But a large part of the point here is the story.
    I see about half the players talking to NPCs and running off in a second, i.e. they are not reading quest dialogue. That means you are skipping the story. What makes a quest not be the same as that other quest.
    The other half take their time, read the quests, immerse themselves in the story being told, which adds meaning to the actions. It's an RPG!
    Guess which half enjoys the game more!

    • @vyzion980
      @vyzion980 8 месяцев назад +1

      Rohan had SO MUCH more to offer wym 😂

  • @daniels.7104
    @daniels.7104 10 месяцев назад

    Did i just listen to you saying the same things for 6 minutes just switching adjectives to describe landscape and quests?

    • @ghynghyn4706
      @ghynghyn4706  10 месяцев назад

      That is very much a possibility :O

  • @PangXueYu
    @PangXueYu 10 месяцев назад

    I don't know why everyone is ranting bout this expansion. Sure it got some flaws, and Outer Gondor is a little boring, but Umbar Baharbel is nothing short of amazing. Bravo to the devs 👍👍👍 My favorite expansion of LOTRO. Thank you so much standing stone 😍

    • @ghynghyn4706
      @ghynghyn4706  10 месяцев назад +1

      No one is complaining about the part that you are praising, everyone acknowledges that those parts are great. The problem is the missing parts, bugs and the lack of things to do after you finish the main quests and story.

    • @PangXueYu
      @PangXueYu 10 месяцев назад

      @@ghynghyn4706sorry. But I totally agree when you said there’s nothing to do after the main quest line. A little disappointed regarding that.

  • @drewgb
    @drewgb 10 месяцев назад


  • @GoodTimes4All
    @GoodTimes4All 10 месяцев назад +2

    You know what else helps out your channel? Not releasing freakin' 30-minute videos that could have said everything in under 5min!!

    • @ghynghyn4706
      @ghynghyn4706  10 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks for the feedback

  • @emaadsoofi7569
    @emaadsoofi7569 10 месяцев назад

    I was planning to buy collectors edition... Should I wait?

    • @ghynghyn4706
      @ghynghyn4706  10 месяцев назад

      If your intent is to play the Umbar content, then you don't really have to wait. You will just have to wait a bit before we get more endgame content. The quests and the story etc are good.