PRO-Abortion Pastor Defends Abortion During Baby Dedication! CRAZY!

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 100

  • @tiffanywells1909
    @tiffanywells1909 2 года назад +22

    What a slap in the face for women and for the Church! This is disgusting! How can he call himself a pastor going against Gods word .
    We are for life , we are for families!

    • @jamesoumar
      @jamesoumar 2 года назад +1

      Be blessed 🙌

    • @gaynellpowell5418
      @gaynellpowell5418 2 года назад +1

      living in the last days we seeing what the bible teaches in the last days even in Pastors

  • @sanuraholmes9233
    @sanuraholmes9233 2 года назад +20

    A lot of pastors are allowing politics to create their messages. Instead of Christ dictating their messages

    • @judywilliams1274
      @judywilliams1274 2 года назад +2

      I preached this on Sunday and said that any Pastor who is agreeing with abortion get from under them

    • @sanuraholmes9233
      @sanuraholmes9233 2 года назад +2

      @@judywilliams1274 It seems like they don't even consult with the Father anymore

  • @EdwardsEvelyn
    @EdwardsEvelyn 2 года назад +14

    ““Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day [when I judge them], ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and driven out demons in Your name, and done many miracles in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them publicly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me [you are banished from My presence], you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands].’”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:21-23‬ ‭AMP‬‬

  • @JennyLynnMinistries
    @JennyLynnMinistries 2 года назад +14

    I pray he repents before God gets involved. Wow makes me utterly sick

  • @znoverjones1860
    @znoverjones1860 2 года назад +4

    There are A LOT of Pastor’s for abortion!!!!! He just so happens to be a TARGET 🎯 at this time!!! I will NOT put my mouth on ANYONE!!! BUT I will PRAY for EVERYONE!!!!!

    • @Poshjoshie
      @Poshjoshie 2 года назад

      Amen & amen🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

    • @latonyanewsome0
      @latonyanewsome0 13 дней назад

      Telling the truth is not putting your mouth on anyone, it's just telling the truth. That's what Jesus requires of us. If you don't tell the truth you may as well be complicit.

  • @JourneyWithRee89
    @JourneyWithRee89 2 года назад +3

    He's a people's preacher. He's not a Jesus preacher. He is a motivational speaker and that's it.

  • @hanginwiththeharris5
    @hanginwiththeharris5 Год назад

    The song at the end blesssed me. Thank for this! 😭😭🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

  • @bronzeharris1928
    @bronzeharris1928 2 года назад +5

    Such a beautiful testimony 🙂

  • @lindadonelson3076
    @lindadonelson3076 2 года назад +5

    A religious spirit. No one has a relationship with the Jesus. They would know His heart.

  • @brackinsteve
    @brackinsteve Год назад +1

    Do not let that man lay hands on anyone!!! Especially babies!!

  • @jenniferjackson8528
    @jenniferjackson8528 Год назад

    This just blessed my whole life…I can’t truly relate to her testimony! God truly is a restorer

  • @lindadonelson3076
    @lindadonelson3076 2 года назад +5

    The church is asleep. Lord have Mercy.

  • @hazelstreet8612
    @hazelstreet8612 2 года назад +1

    We're supposing to be building GOD'S kingdom, every time a child is born we're building GOD'S kingdom🇬🇧

  • @tonynichols6145
    @tonynichols6145 2 года назад +2

    I love rodrigos commentary and it is so true, that pastor is so backwards and he’s trying to distract from the subject with all his twists and turns in his sermon. Am abomination 🤢

  • @sharonsimmons3064
    @sharonsimmons3064 2 года назад +1

    This makes me want to cry! This is not a Pastor I would ever follow !

  • @yb6480
    @yb6480 2 года назад +3

    Some of our churches are a mess. There are women who want babies who can't have them. People are quick to talk about women who are raped having abortions, but out of those who have abortions, most of them were not raped!

    • @JennyLynnMinistries
      @JennyLynnMinistries 2 года назад

      they are calling the babies parasites, its evil from the pit of hell!

    • @satyraharper3199
      @satyraharper3199 2 года назад

      Amen! I know several women! Several who have abortions and every last one of them did it because they didn't want any children at the time. Which is most women who get them. And I know 2 women who were raped and got pregnant they both gave kept and raised the baby, the other put hers up for adoption.

    • @naterussell5187
      @naterussell5187 2 года назад

      Exactly. Women have a big part to play. I look at how some of the women dress. Their behinds and breast are hanging out and they don’t expect to get attention. Really! Then they will tell a judge ‘It’s my body and I can wear what I want to’ then they wonder way men address them in a negative way. Let’s make it make since.

  • @tonynichols6145
    @tonynichols6145 2 года назад +2

    Also beautiful testimony from Mrs. Luna. May God bless your union and descendants to eternity, in Jesus name HalleluYAH amen

  • @bertaroberson3446
    @bertaroberson3446 2 года назад

    I will not agree to the killing of beautiful babies,will not be Swayed!!!

  • @fourfourteen2588
    @fourfourteen2588 2 года назад +6

    Why are you here on RUclips instead of communicating the issue around the topic with him? This is a prime reason ppl in the world struggle with the church….church ppl struggle settling differences. So sad 😞

  • @carlahull7681
    @carlahull7681 Год назад

    Wow sis thanks for share I did the same thing hugs and the comfort of God

  • @aandreahodge
    @aandreahodge 2 года назад +1

    Amen I love this stand for holiness

  • @ricardobrown5753
    @ricardobrown5753 2 года назад

    You are speaking the truth I don't know why they don't sit him down I don't who his is Spiritual covering what a disgrace. He stand against everything the bible talk about. The bible saying if you break one of the command you are guilty of all

  • @zeldacroskey4225
    @zeldacroskey4225 2 года назад

    Amen! What foolishness! Father open their eyes of the people Deliver them from deception!

  • @Nelliechanelle
    @Nelliechanelle 2 года назад +1


  • @arlishaedwards4850
    @arlishaedwards4850 Год назад

    I understand what everyone is saying and I'm totally against abortion but we are NOT to put our mouths on God's anointed. We are to let God handle them, not us. It's totally out of order. This is what brings division in the church. If you're a pastor, then you are to go to Pastor Jamal and speak to him privately. We should not spew our personal opinions across an open forum such as RUclips, Facebook, or any other social media group. If it makes you sick, pray for the man, if it makes you angry, pray for the man. The same finger we are pointing at others points back at you. We MUST do better in the Body. Again, I am not for abortion but I refuse to put my mouth on God's men and women of God. Let God handle this.

  • @ryandawson2877
    @ryandawson2877 2 года назад

    Upper he repent. You cannot compare the death penalty to murdering unborn babies. The death penalty is biblical. Shedding innocent blood is not, Proverbs 6:16. He is out of his anointing if he has ever had one to begin with. God knows that.

  • @angeliaspaperdoll8095
    @angeliaspaperdoll8095 2 года назад

    Prayer is ESSENTIAL!!!

  • @ImpactTalk924
    @ImpactTalk924 2 года назад +1

    What makes you better? . Read the whole scroll! Do not pick and choose!! The devil is liar what kind off prayer! Proverbs 16 and Provers 6:16-19 Read it.

  • @gwendolynshepphard1933
    @gwendolynshepphard1933 2 года назад +1

    I'm as much if not more concerned about what is coming out of the mouths of my fellow Christian brothers and sisters. Can you hear what your lips are saying.
    I want so much to comment further, but I need to sleep on this after I have a little talk with Jesus. Pray 🙏 for us all. So much here is deeper than we can imagine. Lord. Help rebuild the Broken Parts of the BODY of CHRIST. AMEN.

  • @maekersey8708
    @maekersey8708 Год назад +1

    I don't agree with a lot of what you're saying.

  • @Poshjoshie
    @Poshjoshie 2 года назад +1

    Lord, I plead mercy over your children. While you understand the sentiments/the emotions/ the situations that make us run to sin. You cannot condone the shedding of innocent blood, whether it be through abortion, criminal activity or the justice system. The Bible says all things are permissible but not beneficial. God covers our sin through the blood of Jesus Christ. Although we are forgiven, there still exists the natural consequences of sin. I just pray for the Church because this issue is causing so much division.

  • @judywilliams1274
    @judywilliams1274 2 года назад +2

    Praise Yahweh

  • @ryandawson2877
    @ryandawson2877 2 года назад

    The judgment of God is upon him apart from repentance.

  • @sharonamis6572
    @sharonamis6572 2 года назад

    1 Corinthians 1619-20 What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which have of God, and ye are not your own?
    For ye are brought with a price; therfore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit. Which is God's
    For those who determine to still believe in abortion & refused to hear the word of the Lord. Read Genesis 9:8 NET Whoever sheds human blood, by other humans must his be shed; for in God's image God had made mankind.
    Proverbs 16:17.......hands that shed innocent blood is an abomination to God.
    Thank you Pastor Rodrigo for the beautiful awesome testimony of your wife. A testimony to set the captives free from guilt & shame

  • @carlawright5573
    @carlawright5573 2 года назад

    The issue I have with this is, what is the women supposed to do that has been raped? What do our young daughters supposed to do when they have been violated. I believe that this is between God and the individual.

    • @lwh847
      @lwh847 2 года назад +1

      They can put the baby up for adoption. There's many good families out there, and ministers who run homes for children. The child has a purpose, they need to live. As far as the mother, God can and will heal them if they come to him. I know this personally. And He will bring them justice for what was done to them.

    • @jamesoumar
      @jamesoumar 2 года назад

      @@lwh847 Thank you 😊

    • @naterussell5187
      @naterussell5187 2 года назад

      @LH i agrée with you. Give the baby up for adoption. The Lord didn’t say we couldn’t give the child away, He said not to kill it. People have made the church a political arena and will believe politics over God. Church let’s wake up. Also, abortion is spiritual. I have heard stories of women who got abortions and wish they hadn’t. It’s a whole lot to getting an abortion that people don’t realize. Finally, women have a part to play in how they carry themselves.

  • @glorayhallelujah
    @glorayhallelujah 2 года назад

    Praises be to God!

  • @carlahull7681
    @carlahull7681 Год назад

    Lord these people are lost and sad the mother and father is lost and delusional for them to let him pray and touch their child ( it good for both to be spiritual but if not somebody in the marriage or relationship should be saved and fill with the Holy Spirit)

  • @Nelliechanelle
    @Nelliechanelle 2 года назад

    He is about culture not the Lord!

  • @EdwardsEvelyn
    @EdwardsEvelyn 2 года назад

    “Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy (vile, impure), still be filthy; and the one who is righteous (just, upright), still be righteous; and the one who is holy, still be holy.””
    ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭22:11‬ ‭AMP‬‬
    Nothing shocking. It’s biblical.

  • @mariamcfadden1552
    @mariamcfadden1552 2 года назад


  • @carollovings2830
    @carollovings2830 2 года назад

    The blood of Jesus is against his teaching and I agree with your prayers that the fear of God,come upon this man claiming him is a Pastor

  • @Nelliechanelle
    @Nelliechanelle 2 года назад

    613 laws in the bible

  • @judywilliams1274
    @judywilliams1274 2 года назад

    Change it to Murdering Leader

  • @melanienoble
    @melanienoble 2 года назад +2

    I received an email link for this video. I'm so happy that women and children are not being raped. I guess it doesn't matter their psychological, emotional or medical state. They should just be quiet and have the baby. Give it up for adoption and move on with life. Oh ok. I understand.

    • @naterussell5187
      @naterussell5187 2 года назад

      And….. what is your point? We are not saying be quiet about someone who has gotten raped. We are talking about shedding Innocense blood 🩸. I’m not saying the person that was violated doesn’t need help, surely they do, but abortion adds to the pain and misery. I question a lot of ppl’s relationship with God that agree with murder. The baby has nothing to do with what happened to the person.

    • @melanienoble
      @melanienoble 2 года назад +1

      @@naterussell5187 you're don't get my point...and I hope one day you never will...

    • @naterussell5187
      @naterussell5187 2 года назад

      I get the point. You’ve been taken advantage of before and you agree with murder. Also, you do not study the word of God.

    • @melanienoble
      @melanienoble 2 года назад

      @@naterussell5187 I see you like to Assume things. I haven't been taken advantage of. I also study the bible; however people like you love to throw a brick and hide your hand. Now let me assume this...If this happened to your daughter, sister or female relatives...I know you would approve for them to go out of state to get the abortion because you wouldn't want that man's baby in your family...Oh you would just want them carry that man's baby to term...then give it up. With that being said I'm not going to continue to debate because onlookers may not know which one of us is the whatever you say...I agree.

    • @cherish3drose
      @cherish3drose Год назад


  • @Nelliechanelle
    @Nelliechanelle 2 года назад

    Come on now

  • @carlahull7681
    @carlahull7681 Год назад

    Oh no this man has to go he is going way too far Lord Jesus

  • @ImpactTalk924
    @ImpactTalk924 2 года назад +2

    This is the foolishness I be talking about. Do you know him or anything about this pastor? If you have an ought against your brother you go to him. We can not use the word of God on one issue and not on another. He is not a cult no more than those who supported Trump as president. You are not even understanding what he is saying. No they are not. They are advocating for choice as God give choice in all things. Read the whole scroll!

  • @Nelliechanelle
    @Nelliechanelle 2 года назад

    And does not pray at all.

  • @judywilliams1274
    @judywilliams1274 2 года назад

    Beautiful song

  • @ministercarolynmooney8891
    @ministercarolynmooney8891 2 года назад +1


  • @Nelliechanelle
    @Nelliechanelle 2 года назад


  • @carollovings2830
    @carollovings2830 2 года назад

    Holy Spirit wake this man up he need to be delivered from darkness and all those clapping alone with what he is saying, God,said choose life. He is serving Satan big time. Everyone at that Church including him,better repent,because that is Not of God. Repent! Unless you go to hell.

  • @Nelliechanelle
    @Nelliechanelle 2 года назад

    But he will be judged and will look at this and see what he is doing. My God in heaven help us all

  • @Nelliechanelle
    @Nelliechanelle 2 года назад

    They go after doctrines of Devil's

  • @dorcasstalling9417
    @dorcasstalling9417 2 года назад

    Hi!! Rodrigo Christians are so loose that they just follow any body, Its a shame.

  • @judywilliams1274
    @judywilliams1274 2 года назад

    He releasing his demonic spirits but God cover those babies and there parents

  • @judywilliams1274
    @judywilliams1274 2 года назад

    Amen 👐

  • @judywilliams1274
    @judywilliams1274 2 года назад

    So saddddd

  • @righttrackcreditlife9256
    @righttrackcreditlife9256 2 года назад +4

    Listen. I don’t agree with a lot of the things that pastor Jamaal Bryant does. Pro-choice simply means the woman has to make the choice for her body. We are God-fearing women who vote and pay taxes. We are smart enough and wise enough to make our own decisions.

    • @tiffanikoonce-crawfordhisd8732
      @tiffanikoonce-crawfordhisd8732 2 года назад +4

      I used to agree, I was a pro choice "Christian", until I was filled with the Holy Spirit. The Bible says our life was brought with a high price....hence my body is NOT mine, it's the Lord's.

    • @righttrackcreditlife9256
      @righttrackcreditlife9256 2 года назад +3

      @@tiffanikoonce-crawfordhisd8732 and I completely agree with that as well. However, at the end of the day we all have to answer to God for our choices in life. My prayer is that women will choose life. But again it needs to be the woman’s choice. God also tells us to choose this day whom you will serve. Again, he’s giving us the choice.

    • @lwh847
      @lwh847 2 года назад

      @@righttrackcreditlife9256 Should it be a choice for someone to run up on you and shoot you? Should it be a choice for someone to beat someone else to death? Why when it comes to other forms of murder we condemn it and call it wrong, but with abortion (which is literally killing another living human being) it's a "choice"? Please don't be deceived by the worldly spirit. God's Word means exactly what it says.

    • @lwh847
      @lwh847 2 года назад +1

      @@tiffanikoonce-crawfordhisd8732 Amen!!

    • @righttrackcreditlife9256
      @righttrackcreditlife9256 2 года назад

      @@lwh847 I understand what you’re saying and YES everything you just mentioned was someone making a CHOICE. It’s a right we have from the throne of God. We ALL make choice…everyday. That is our right.

  • @patjackson5783
    @patjackson5783 2 года назад +1

    If you feel this way about Pastor Jamal H Bryant. Please reach out to him so he can respond to your 4 questions. I think you don't understand the Assignment and Preaching that God has assigned him to. I never seen you out front advocating for people especially Black men and Black women.

  • @deborahking5195
    @deborahking5195 2 года назад

    Love Love This ‼️

  • @judywilliams1274
    @judywilliams1274 2 года назад
