5 Ways to Get Your Novel Written

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 760

  • @CareyHAuthor
    @CareyHAuthor 8 лет назад +14

    4th consecutive NaNoWriMo this year! Smashing 2 novellas in a series into one project. Am I out of my mind? Probably. Will it be worth it? Absolutely.

  • @tick-tackgirl335
    @tick-tackgirl335 7 лет назад +8

    l believe no story is crap. it might be cheesy and corny. for example. 'Boy meets girl, their lives are never the same after.' cheesy right, but anyone can take a simple sentence and turn into a magical story.

  • @lesleygoat4321
    @lesleygoat4321 6 лет назад +1

    I know this video is four years old, but I am going to be doing NaNoWriMo for the first time this year. I have been scared to write a novel since a failed attempt when I was very young. For years I have watched you succeed at NaNo, and I am excited to try it myself. I have been watching your videos for inspiration, and I just wanted to say thank you for being so encouraging to all writers.

  • @JennaWangOfficial
    @JennaWangOfficial 8 лет назад +2

    I'm doing Nanowrimo for the first time and I'm so excited!

    • @thiacarbonneau
      @thiacarbonneau 7 лет назад

      Add me, this is my first NaNoWriMo too ! nanowrimo.org/participants/thiacarbonneau

    • @JennaWangOfficial
      @JennaWangOfficial 7 лет назад

      Cynthia Carbonneau Added you!! :))

    • @thiacarbonneau
      @thiacarbonneau 7 лет назад

      Thanks ! Hope to talk with you during the NaNoWriMo ! :)

  • @wiccanangel12
    @wiccanangel12 9 лет назад +1

    If I can add in my own advise. One way to really get the words done is to not be afraid to type away on your phone! I am currently participating in Camp NaNoWriMo, and because I was so busy with work I had to write the first 5,000 words of my project completely on my phone. It may be strange to start off, but you'll eventually get into the grove of it and it will feel as naturally as typing on a computer.

  • @SugarHighDD
    @SugarHighDD 11 лет назад

    I did the NaNoWriMo last year because of your pep talk. Now I have self-published a book on CreateSpace and I made sure to thank you on the last page. I will be doing it again this year and hopefully many years from now on. Thank you, Kristina!

  • @TheBrokensaintvxvx
    @TheBrokensaintvxvx 10 лет назад +4

    This will be my first year participating in NaNoWriMo, and I fully intend on taking full advantage of it this year. I am finishing all of my prep work, I have the outline ready, the characters ready, and even pictures of each character and certain parts drawn in storyboard (O_o). I think I'm ready this year.

  • @CTylerBooks
    @CTylerBooks 10 лет назад

    This was my second year doing it. Last year I made it to 30k, but this year I used everything I learned and won! I've been following a long time, and I think you were one of the first RUclipsrs to introduce me to NaNoWriMo. Then came Katytastic, and with your powers combined I got hooked :D

  • @AlyssaJLewis
    @AlyssaJLewis 10 лет назад

    I won NaNo every year since 2006, but last year I decided to take a break because I was already working on a novel and I felt that my psychology at the time demanded I take things more slowly than NaNo would allow. That novel is now at 67k words, for the record, and still growing! I hope to participate in again NaNo this year.

  • @authorgkray
    @authorgkray 7 лет назад

    Hey, Kristina! I'm slowly getting back into writing after a four-month slump. Watching all your NaNo vids over again gets me excited to write regularly again. :D :D

  • @SewOldFashioned
    @SewOldFashioned 10 лет назад

    It took me three times to get NaNo right! This year, I went in with the idea of just using NaNo as an excuse to get into the habit of writing daily and it just seemed to work. Plus, as you say, it helps if you have a story that is a lot of fun to write, regardless of whether it's publishable or not.

  • @KerrieSalsac
    @KerrieSalsac 11 лет назад

    Hey :)
    This is my second year taking part in NaNoWriMo, and I'm very proud of the fact that I managed to 'win' last year.
    I still haven't brought myself to edit last years novel, but I have made it into an ebook, and it is sitting on my eReader, waiting to be picked apart.
    So far so good this year. Just managed to get past the 10K mark before midnight *phew*
    Looking forward to future videos!

  • @nikkietiger4813
    @nikkietiger4813 10 лет назад

    This was my first year doing NaNo, and I won! I'm proud of myself. My word count goal was 10 thousand for a start, but I'm doing it again in January, and doing Camp NaNo, and so every time I do this, I'm going to raise it higher. :)

  • @strwrsgirl13
    @strwrsgirl13 11 лет назад

    This is my fourth NaNo, and I've won my last two. I don't plan on failing at all and I'm really excited. Last year I tried to do your writing sprints but I never caught the beginning of them due to my classes. I'm going to be writing something completely different than before but it's also the first year I've ever planned things out, so it's going to be very very different. Good luck to everyone else!

  • @QuietMouseify
    @QuietMouseify 11 лет назад

    I can't wait for NaNo this year! I've won two years so far, hopefully I can keep the streak alive. Your word sprints really help, Kristina!

  • @---ut6fk
    @---ut6fk 10 лет назад +1

    I'm currently planning my novel for next year's nanowrimo! It'll be my first year participating

  • @lizzieholloway9787
    @lizzieholloway9787 10 лет назад

    This is so cool! I'd heard of NaNoWriMo before, but had never seriously considered it until a few days ago. Now I'm looking forward to next November so much. :)

  • @Allioop88
    @Allioop88 11 лет назад

    WOOHOO NANOWRIMO! I won last year, and i also did the camp nanowrimo over the summer and I'm SUPER EXCITED for november. The novel I'm planning has been simmering in my head since January, so its just about ready to ACTUALLY become words on a page now :D

  • @realar
    @realar 10 лет назад

    I MUST win this year!! I will be going back to an old NaNo story and reinventing it and I WILL win this year! My girlfriend did her first NaNo last year and totally beat me by double the words I churned out. So, it is my mission to finish my current book, "the Disk: Being", find a way to edit my first finished book, "the Disk: Coincidence", and get a good chunk started on "the Disk: Operation Firewire" during this year's NaNo.

  • @SGBluebell
    @SGBluebell 11 лет назад

    Two or three years after I first heard Kristina talk about NaNo, I'm finally doing it. I've already commented on how she's changed my life completely despite me not being as hardcore of an Unicorn Warrior as I once was, but it keeps happening :)

  • @ekyhc
    @ekyhc 9 лет назад

    I just signed up for this year's nanowrimo after seeing your 'writing a book in a month.'
    VERY excited, but I'm also VERY nervous! This will be my first novel ( :S usually only write short stories. Always wanted to write a novel though.) I don't think I've ever written 50,000 words, but I thought I'd give it a try. I also wanted to go to the night of writing dangerously but I live in Japan so thats... A little difficult. But I'm very very very very much hoping I can meet writing buddies from all over and maybe even some in Japan!

  • @NatalieForslind
    @NatalieForslind 11 лет назад

    I'm participating this year. It's my first time. We're a few people from my school doing it, which means Nanowrimo maratons (all night) at school once a week. So much fun, and it's great to actually write a first draft for what I hope will be a published book later :) Good luck, and hope to see you on twitter! Yaay.

  • @LucieAriaSekca
    @LucieAriaSekca 11 лет назад

    I've done it in the last two years and won it both times! This is year number three :D I've had my nano idea for this year since about April but I'm glad I still have three weeks to fine tune it. Stuff always happens during my November, it's exam season here in Australia, but I've coped in the last two years so fingers crossed for this year too! Love you Kristina xx

  • @hatorigirl1202
    @hatorigirl1202 11 лет назад

    I think I'm going to try this year. My school load is lighter this semester, I started a story over the summer that I'm excited to get back to, and I'm in a creative writing class that will remind me to write, and will keep my creativity up. In years past, school, commuting, and mental health kept me, but I think this is the year.

  • @TenleyNadine
    @TenleyNadine 11 лет назад

    I'm so excited for NaNo this year. I had an amazing story the idea the other day and since then I've been sort of outlining my novel and just in general getting more and more excited. Also, I convinced my Mom to try it for the first time this year, so that's exciting.

  • @MagicTurtle643
    @MagicTurtle643 11 лет назад

    I will be joining in the challenge for the third year in a row! :D I won properly the first year, meaning I started and finished a novel that was over 50,000 words. The second year I wrote over 50,000 words but I didn't finish the book, and I'd already started a few chapters. This year I plan to do it properly again :) Gotta get the whole thing outlined though.

  • @erinelaine255
    @erinelaine255 11 лет назад

    This is my first official go at NaNo and I'm beyond excited. November is generally just a really busy month for me, so for the past two years, my best friend and I completed the project in MAY, with the same "rules" and everything, but just...not in November, and minus the community aspects. So I know it's possible, and am so glad I finally decided to pull it together and do it in november for real! Having someone in real life to write with is great, but this whole world wide experience is inde

  • @kermie_8
    @kermie_8 10 лет назад

    This is my third year in a row doing NaNoWriMo and I really have enjoyed doing it those last two years. The first year I only got to 13000 but I won last year :) Now I'm behind by at least 5000 and I'm trying to decide whether or not to keep going. I just need to find my motivation to do it, and I do know that nothing is stopping me when I should be writing.

  • @karenkavett
    @karenkavett 11 лет назад

    I've had a novel idea for years and I keep meaning to do Nanowrimo but life stuff just always gets in the way. Someday...

  • @littleorangeladybugs
    @littleorangeladybugs 11 лет назад

    OHMYGOSH I'm so glad that I came across this. I've been putting off finishing my novel and last night I started re-planning it. I needed this.

  • @weepingwillow5926
    @weepingwillow5926 8 лет назад

    so doing this in November. just began being writing as summer. I finished a book in June! and I am writing the second this month. But I love to write. and I really can not wait for November to roll around. p.s just subbed. WHOO!

  • @Kristina
    @Kristina  11 лет назад

    I am so glad to hear that! Good luck!

  • @Hopeful125
    @Hopeful125 11 лет назад

    This will be my fourth year doing Nanowrimo and I discovered this wonderful past time through your videos. Won all three years and going for four!

  • @MusiacterJoe1188
    @MusiacterJoe1188 11 лет назад

    Thanks for letting me know about this. :)
    I spend A LOT of my time writing, and have been planning to start publishing on amazon for a long time now, but, thing is, I always get new ideas while I'm working on a novel so I start working on those, and end up finishing none, so think Nanowrimo will be a great way to force me to focus on one work at a time, and commit to it till I finish it.
    I look forward to reading your novel, and I hope you read mine too ^^
    Give it your best!

  • @ThePinkFluffyCat
    @ThePinkFluffyCat 11 лет назад

    I'm doing NaNoWriMo for the fourth time this year- I've won it the past three years. I've also convinced one of my friends to do it this year so we've been helping each other out on our stories :D

  • @mayeginz
    @mayeginz 11 лет назад

    I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year too! I wasn't sure I was going to, because I have a long history of giving up halfway in past years, but I graduated this year and at the moment have more free time than I've had in years, so it'd be such a wasted opportunity if I didn't try again! I'm pretty excited, but I'm trying to to think about it much yet, so I can save most of that excitement and be motivated when I actually do the writing! Good luck to everyone participating!

  • @kiracanread81
    @kiracanread81 9 лет назад +2

    I am soo excited my avocado heart melts XD So to keep myself accountable I am saying that I WILL do nanowrimo this year (2015) I hope everyone tries it (this will be my first year) we can do this!!

  • @crazysister1792
    @crazysister1792 6 лет назад

    Took a break last year, working on prepping for this year super stoked to take the challenge this year

  • @PetaMH
    @PetaMH 11 лет назад

    Most people have already got character profiles mapped out and story-lines piece by piece planned. It's encouraged on the site too, to prepare as much as you can before the madness begins. The book I'm doing this year is a sequel to my last one, so I have all the twists and turns and everything ready.

  • @jennaclarek
    @jennaclarek 11 лет назад

    I haven't finished a novel since 2010 (I tried writing in both 2011 and 2012 but I gave up way too fast) SOOOO I have grand plans to try NaNo again this year and I'm really excited and I need a writing buddy! LET'S BE FRIENDS

  • @uhospaghettios14
    @uhospaghettios14 11 лет назад

    I counted Nanowrimo out this year with the whole applying to college and senior year craziness but Nano has always been a bunch of fun for me so I think I'm going to do it this year anyways I'll just pick a lower number goal! Thanks Kristina you inspired in my first year to do Nanowrimo and now you are inspiring me again in my 3rd year :)

  • @alexishope3552
    @alexishope3552 11 лет назад

    I've failed NaNoWriMo the past two years I've done it, but I'm not giving up this year! I'm really excited for NaNo! I've already got most of my story planned out :D and I agree with you on the topic of writing buddies, I've met a lot of great people on the NaNo forums :3

  • @Woahsnapitsjess
    @Woahsnapitsjess 11 лет назад

    This is going to be my 3rd time attempting the official NaNoWriMo, not including the camps. I didn't win the last two but I am so excited for this year because I'm actually kinda liking my novel this year? I should be planning right now actually but I've been sucked into RUclips. And I've been waiting for your NaNo videos for awhile because they're some of my favorite so :)

  • @cheezewheel
    @cheezewheel 9 лет назад +3

    I'm going to try this year. not sure if I'm going to go with the word goal but I'm going to write everyday.

  • @OtakuMadnesspwns
    @OtakuMadnesspwns 11 лет назад

    I randomly just clicked on this because it was in my "recommended videos..." Great video! I've tried to do NaNoWriMo in previous years, but I never managed to succeed because I have too many great story ideas going 'round in my head at once.. I think I'm in the middle of four or five separate novels, and several short stories are constantly poking at my mind, saying "write me, write me!" So, as it turns out, I don't write anything at all because I'm so overwhelmed. I guess I just never realized

  • @lucygranger9882
    @lucygranger9882 10 лет назад

    I am writing this year and I think it's quite fun. People think that I am crazy cuz I have been cutting my hours for studying. But I escaped detention and it was worth it. I hope I could finish it this year, it is my first year and I don't want to let down my teachers who were promised this novel once it is finished, which I told them that it was November 30.

  • @TheNevilleFangirl
    @TheNevilleFangirl 11 лет назад

    I can't wait to write my story this year! 4 years participating (this year will be 5!), 3 years winning. I have a full time job now that I've graduated from college, but if I get in a show that might make writing more complicated. Something relegated to the weekends? We'll see!

  • @thatonecatmom
    @thatonecatmom 11 лет назад

    I participated in 2010, 2011, and 2012, though I only won in '10, and '12. Can't wait to participate this year! I did a rough outline at work yesterday, and I'm having a hard time just waiting for another day to get started. CAN'T WAIT!

  • @raulmoreno2756
    @raulmoreno2756 11 лет назад

    Hi!! This Will Be My Second Year. Last Year I failed..... Miserably Tear tear But IM SUPER DUPER EXCITED this year and I'm truly in need of writing buddies no of my friends are writers so you guys are Awesome Especially this girl right here She has kept me wanting to do video blogs and of course Nana Wrimo :)

  • @DragonWriterGirl
    @DragonWriterGirl 11 лет назад

    Yup! I've done Nanowrimo two years and won both years, and I'm going at it again this year! It'll be interesting (read: difficult) because of the AP classes I have this year that take a lot of time, but... I'll make time! :D That's what NaNo's about! I think this year I'll write a mostly "for fun" novel... Not a serious one, that is, but one where I can just have whatever crazy things I want to happen happen, just to get those plot bunnies out and have fun at the same time :)

  • @GhostOfAnAvatar
    @GhostOfAnAvatar 11 лет назад

    I'm doing NaNoWriMo for the first time this year. I want it to lead to great things. I don't know whether it will, but what I do know so far is that I'm having a blast :D

  • @bridgetisadreamer
    @bridgetisadreamer 11 лет назад

    I've done it and won for the past two years and im really pumped to do it again!!
    I want to plan more and have a bit of a support group going in the meantime :3

  • @WholeFoodSpark
    @WholeFoodSpark 11 лет назад

    I write non-fiction ebooks so I won't be doing NaNoWriMo BUT the fact that so many other people are writing makes me want to hustle in November! Writing has taken a backseat to job hunting over the last few weeks. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but I need to get back into the habit of writing daily, even if it's 20 minutes.

  • @LuneFromage
    @LuneFromage 11 лет назад

    I am going to do NaNoWriMo this year. This year is my first year as an English teacher in Japan, so perhaps I will encourage my students to do NaNoWriMo either in Japanese or an abbreviated English version! And I will of course be doing NaNoWriMo this year. There are quite a few writers in my prefecture, but I am always interested in meeting new people! This will be the kick in the pants that I need to finally write my story! ^_^

  • @ImHalfAVampire
    @ImHalfAVampire 11 лет назад

    I'll be participating for the first time ever this year. I don't have a ~good~ idea for a story yet but as long as I can keep on writing, I'll consider it worthwhile.

  • @bookbrooke8
    @bookbrooke8 11 лет назад

    I attempted NaNoWriMo last year but I only got to around 14k words. I want to try again this year, but I don't have my story as planned out as the one I tried to write last year. I did make a writing buddy friend though and we've stayed penpals over email over the whole year, so that was the best thing that came out of it!

  • @CrystalBeth97
    @CrystalBeth97 11 лет назад

    I did it last year when I saw one of your videos about it... the day before NaNoWriMo started. My story made no sense, had no planning and by this point it even took me a few days to remember the main characters' BUT it was a ton of fun and I managed to do the 50,000 words :) Definitely doing it again this year :D

  • @jennasthilaire
    @jennasthilaire 11 лет назад

    I can't this year!! I have to get this beast of a fairy tale retelling revised or risk the wrath of... like, five people. ;) But I think you've just inspired me to PRETEND I'm doing NaNoWriMo and throw all my spare time (and some of my not-so-spare time) into getting that done. So, if I try to have it done by December 1, maybe I can think of all you WriMos as writing buddies....

  • @zeekzurvich7214
    @zeekzurvich7214 10 лет назад

    I'm starting mine in January I thought I was going to start in December but there were no ideas and December starts tomorrow so... JANUARY!!! Yay I get two weeks for the plot and two to review and polish the plot. Super excited. Yay!!! First year and I am determined to be awesome. Oh god I can't stop rambling on and on... And on... And on... Yeah... I'm gonna stop now...

  • @XandraLeigh
    @XandraLeigh 11 лет назад

    I've wanted to do NaNoWriMo for 2 years but couldn't figure out it or make it happen. This video made me excited about trying. Thanks Kristina! :D

  • @makitajazzqueen7794
    @makitajazzqueen7794 11 лет назад

    I wanted to do NaNoWriMo but I then didn't think it was such a good idea... But every time I watch one of your NaNoWriMo videos I get all pumped! I think I might attempt it

  • @PaigeLavoie
    @PaigeLavoie 11 лет назад

    Oh man! I'm planning on participating this year, and after watching this video, i'm more excited than ever :)

  • @writerforever97
    @writerforever97 11 лет назад

    I know NaNo is close when I see one of your writing pep videos! :D I'm really starting to get excited!!

  • @OtakuMadnesspwns
    @OtakuMadnesspwns 11 лет назад

    that I didn't necessarily have to hit the 50,000 word count at the end of the month if I accomplished some other sort of writing goal. So this year, for NaNoWriMo, I'm going to make it my goal to not necessarily hit the word count, but instead finish a novel, no matter what. And I will definitely follow your word sprints on Twitter so that I get motivated to do stuff. Thanks for the great advice!

  • @zessicajak1173
    @zessicajak1173 11 лет назад

    Hi, well this is my first time doing NaNoWriMo, I can't wait. I've heard about it and didn't really understood what it was about so now that I know I'm going to do. For the past 2 years I've been writing a novel and only got to chapter 9, so it's time to finish it! :) I can't wait. I'm getting my playlist ready

  • @Emlinian
    @Emlinian 11 лет назад

    I am super excited :) I've given up on NaNoWriMo twice because of exams but finished camp NaNoWriMo this year with a 10000 word count goal :)

  • @CalTheMartian
    @CalTheMartian 11 лет назад

    This is my first time hearing about NaNoWriMo (I'm a newer subscriber) and I am very excited. I have had a novel idea bouncing around in my head for a few months and I feel like this is a perfect opportunity to start! P.S. A writing buddy would be nice :)

  • @ASMRReads_
    @ASMRReads_ 11 лет назад

    This will be my 3rd year that I've attempted this, and normally I give up after 2 days, because of other commitments. However I have nothing to stop me this year, so I'm giving it my all. A tip for everyone, because this is what I used to do with my homework, is to write whilst watching TV if you can multi-task. That way you still get your word count in and you don't miss out on your favourite shows :)

  • @sarastarp99
    @sarastarp99 11 лет назад

    I'm trying it this year (I wanted to last year, but then November came around and... nothing happened) but I hope October will last long enough to finish planning an outline and characters and everything so I don't figure it out as I go along. I just want to thank you for introducing NaNoWriMo to me to begin with, and even though it'll probably be hell, it sounds like fun, despite the voluntary torture.

  • @authorgkray
    @authorgkray 8 лет назад

    Hey Kristina! Thanks for the encouragement! I'm new to your videos. It isn't NaNoWriMo right now, obviously, but I am writing lately. I often struggle to start a story, even though it may be fully formed in my head. Okay, I should get back to my story. Thanks again!

  • @KatieContinues
    @KatieContinues 11 лет назад

    I've participated in (and won!) NaNo twice before (2005 and 2011). I don't plan to do it this year because I'm currently on an exchange semester. What free time I have from school is best spent exploring. As much as I love writing, if I spend a whole month of my time here holed up in my room and not out enjoying my trip, I'll regret that. I do want to get back into writing regularly though, so I might use the NaNo momentum to set a goal of writing 15 minutes a day or something along those lines.

  • @JovannaGarcia
    @JovannaGarcia 11 лет назад

    I can't wait for November. I'm really excited to try to win NaNoWriMo this year. I've only ever participated one year and I wasn't able to finish my novel because of life. This year things will be different and I will focus and dedicate time to writing.

  • @elzbietahapsburska3711
    @elzbietahapsburska3711 11 лет назад

    I'm attempting NaNoWriMo for the first time this year. I have written novels before, all of which were Mary Sue-tiful gifts for specific people containing personal stuff. I had an idea for a novel in October, and, to motivate myself to actually FINISH, decided to make an account and track my time. Its still dedicated to someone (my mom) and its still Sue-tiful (I am an idealist, I write the world as I see it, and according to some I see it through rosey coloured glasses), but it will be DONE :D

  • @JoannaVolavka
    @JoannaVolavka 11 лет назад

    Writing this year and super excited! I've done all but one year since 2006 and it's the best part of my year, creatively.

  • @JakobPfeifferTheJavascriptPro
    @JakobPfeifferTheJavascriptPro 8 лет назад +2

    Doing NaNoWriMo and I'm almost 12. First year, and I'm at 10,000 words on Nov. 4

  • @lenikaspi
    @lenikaspi 11 лет назад

    I'm definitely not ready for November yet. I participated and won ;) in the last two years but I don't have my own computer right now, so I'm not sure if I can do it this year. Writing by hand seems very very hard. But I will totally try and I'm looking forward to your word sprints, they were a huge help last year (:

  • @hopelesslynerdy
    @hopelesslynerdy 11 лет назад

    I've tried the past two years, but could barely make it through a week before other commitments got in the way. This year, I will try to plan ahead more, and maybe try to think of a story idea more than a few days ahead of time :)

  • @DeepFizzyPurple
    @DeepFizzyPurple 10 лет назад

    I wish i had watched this video in October when you posted it, Kristina Dx, maybe then i wouldn't have failed NaNo after three years of winning. Dammit. But your advice here is so useful.

  • @Touchmon
    @Touchmon 11 лет назад

    So ready for NaNoWriMo. :D I've had my novel ideas ready to go for a while now. I've been doing it for the past 2 years.

  • @KateNotKatiefoo
    @KateNotKatiefoo 11 лет назад

    This will be my fourth year for NaNo. :) I've won the last three years, and I don't plan on failing this year. This year should prove an interesting challenge though because 1) I'm working part-time at Disney World this time around and 2) I have NO CLUE what my novel will be...
    Should be fun! ;)

  • @misstamih
    @misstamih 11 лет назад

    I think i'll attempt this year! I've never tried before, simply because november is the busiest month!

  • @Mikkie718
    @Mikkie718 11 лет назад

    This is going to be my second year doing NaNoWriMo. I didn't get 50,000 words last year, but I did get 10,000 which was my goal for myself. And I definitely agree that word sprints are like, the key to getting your word count up :)

  • @belidama
    @belidama 11 лет назад

    Yeah I also have no idea what I'll be writing about. I don't usually have a plan, but feel like it would be useful to have something this year so I don't have to spend ridiculously long figuring out the plot! Haha good luckk and hopefully our education won't suffer too much ;)

  • @NicoleCraswellBooks
    @NicoleCraswellBooks 11 лет назад

    I have attempted NaNo for the past two years but haven't won. However this year I'm determined! I'm actually taking a writing class at my school so I'm hoping that will help motivate me!

  • @RetroMinnie87
    @RetroMinnie87 11 лет назад

    I heard about NaNoWriMo from you last year and I atempted it but I only got like 15,000 words in and then I fell off. I would like to try it again this year. I just need to find something to write about that will inspire me to keep going. :)

  • @BrandiMarie
    @BrandiMarie 11 лет назад

    This year will be my 2nd year actually participating. I didn't make the goal previously however this year I don't have anything in my way such as school, full time job, etc. Really... I have no excuse this year, I want to do it and I am so nervous but I'm determined. Thanks for the tips and I'm going to check out the Word Sprints!

  • @irinayakubin8921
    @irinayakubin8921 8 лет назад

    I did this several years ago and won and loved it (about half the time) and then in the years following there's always been something. but I really have no excuse this year.. and I can't believe i just realized it was Nonowrimo and I don't care if it's 4 days in... I will write a novel this nanowrimo!!

  • @raynermooney1239
    @raynermooney1239 11 лет назад

    I just added you as a writing buddy. This is my first attempt at Nano this year too, and you're further than me. But I'm still writing for the day... Anyway, good luck.

  • @dailypendulumsessionwithki4917
    @dailypendulumsessionwithki4917 7 лет назад

    omg ok like 3rd comment in a row mainly because I just want to thank you because you have inspired me to get this in gear and I can't wait to connect with you on the site!Good luck this year!I'm routing for you!

  • @lumusolem
    @lumusolem 11 лет назад

    she's such a nerd and im just thankful people like her are here to surround me :D

  • @proudveggie
    @proudveggie 11 лет назад

    I am currently an unemployed graduate with basically no commitments other than desperately trying to get a job. This is THE BEST year for me to try and complete NaNoWriMo...and despite that, I'm still a bit scared! Any encouragement would be massively welcomed, lovely Kristina-viewers!

  • @TrudesBecker
    @TrudesBecker 11 лет назад

    Also jumping in to say hello to you both. This will be my second year doing NaNo :)

  • @raynermooney1239
    @raynermooney1239 11 лет назад

    This is my first time actually participating in Nanowrimo. The story I chose to write is one I've been thinking about a lot for three years. I'm so ready to start it.

  • @mellydew
    @mellydew 11 лет назад

    I tried NaNo the past two years and failed both times, because halfway through I started hating my stories. This year I'm really pumped for the story I have planned!

  • @cubnoble
    @cubnoble 11 лет назад

    Giving it a go again this year! I was excited to have won for the first time last year!

  • @larabella713
    @larabella713 11 лет назад

    This is gonna be my 5th year doing Nanowrimo, and last year was my first victory, of many I hope. I am very determined to repeat history this November!

  • @plainoutofthisworld
    @plainoutofthisworld 11 лет назад

    School is once again getting in my way again this year, but I will be writing more this year than I have in the past. Finally studying literature in college, I'll be writing as much as possible. Even if it is a lot of short stories and poem, it's still a lot of fun. Maybe the novels I already started will be increasing too. :)

  • @pianobooks42
    @pianobooks42 11 лет назад

    I did the camp nanowrimo in july and won. The year before, I had tried and onlygot to 10,000, so all you people thinking they can't do it because of that YOU CAN! You just have to try!
    I did camp nano because school was out, and I won't be officially doing nano for November for school reasons as well, but I will be editing my july novel more and writing a bit. If you don't think you have time in Nov, try summer time!
    Keep writing!

  • @sakura9400
    @sakura9400 11 лет назад

    My friend and I attempted it last year! She lasted a few days and I lasted a week.
    I learned that an important thing to have before you start is a structured plot so you know what the hell you're writing XD
    Unfortunately my goal to refine that plot for this year hasn't worked out so far, as I've completely changed large chunks of it many times!~

  • @vinceandlilly
    @vinceandlilly 11 лет назад

    This kind of stuff goes for essay-writing too, thanks for making this!