BIRD LIZARDS?! What Dinosaurs ACTUALLY Looked Like? [Reaction]

  • Опубликовано: 4 сен 2024
  • Today we react to "What Dinosaurs ACTUALLY Looked Like?" from the amazing Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell. We'll talk about what we think the dinosaurs may have looked like, why we think that, and how much we don't (and never will) know.
    Please support Kurzgesagt and make sure to check out the original video at • What Dinosaurs ACTUALL... .
    My new gaming channel! / @malkarissplays .
    #kurzgesagt #reaction #malkariss

Комментарии • 44

  • @newjojosupercutsandmore2489
    @newjojosupercutsandmore2489 Год назад +22

    11:18 we have fossilized feathers, and we can analyze the carbon to figure out their colors, it’s super interesting if you ever decide to look into it

    • @PackHunter117
      @PackHunter117 10 месяцев назад +2

      It’s not just carbon it’s also melanosomes I think which are essentially like tiny shapes that are within feathers that give them their color depending on what shape they have. Since dinosaurs had those in their feathers too we can figure out their color if their feathers are preserved in a good fashion.

  • @GeorgeTankerYT
    @GeorgeTankerYT Год назад +11

    4:26 It is indeed pretty random. In Mexico City, when the city's subway was being expanded, they had to halt construction in some lines because either fossils or remnants of previous civilizations were found.
    One of this fossils gave a station its name and symbol, Talismán. Which has the symbol of a mammoth and the fossils are displayed in the station.

  • @DreadEnder
    @DreadEnder Год назад +20

    Have you seen prehistoric planet? If not DO IT!!!

  • @paleobolt8069
    @paleobolt8069 9 месяцев назад +1

    Here are a few corrections
    1. This isn't really a correction but saying they were around for tens of millions of years is understating it, they were around (Ignoring Birds) for over 165 million years.
    2. While of course a lot of it is random, we can calculate places where a lot of fossils most likely are and that is how most professional fossil hunting works.
    3. That is pretty clearly not a Dodo, they look nothing like a Dodo and Dodos are very recent creatures.
    4. Both not actual mummified remails that's just used as a way to say a very well preserved and complete skeleton containing soft tissue (Though you probably already new that) and it wasn't of an Ankylosaurus it was of another species of Ankylosaur (If anyone actually sees this and wants to know exactly what species just ask me, I don't want to bother searching it right now.)
    5. As Kurzgesagt said we know the feather colours by comparing fossilised feathers to those of modern day Birds, specifically on especially well preserved fossil feathers we can still see the incredible tiny shapes that signify which colours were there.
    6. Also of course brain to body ratio is hardly a good way of measuring intelligence (There isn't really one but average neuron density is looking promising) so who knows.
    7. Jurassic park would not work DNA does not last that long, the longest estimates is that some miniscule parts of it can rarely last up to 1.5 million years and amber is hardly a good substance to preserve things like that even if DNA did last long enough.
    8. No not really much of a chance that there will be any of what most people would consider intelligent life will ever happen again, on Earth or otherwise. For a start using the term intelligent life in the way most people do is very misleading, creatures as small as Insects are probably sentient so theoretically almost all animals are intelligent life, and the difference between the intelligence of Humans and other animals is nowhere near as big as most people seem to think, and it is entirely possible that other creatures might even be more intelligent than Humans but that is just speculation. As well as that even if there were creatures that evolved into exact copies of humans, it is unlikely that anything even resembling what most people seem to think of as civilisation (Though using the scientific definition technically other creatures such as for example Crocodiles have civilisation) to reappear. We only got to where we are based on a huge amount of luck then a long series of unlikely coincidences that created are basic technology, we then through a mixture of chance and study were able to expand our technology and knowledge in very specific ways which lead us to what we have today and would be unlikely to be ever replicated. Also the idea of what most people consider intelligent life also requires that somehow whatever other species already has that same level of intelligence and brain that works exactly the same way as us then develops the exact same culture and popular ideas for example a very specific and unlikely chain of things lead to it being a popular idea to want to go to and want to colonise space, it is very unlikely that the right path of things will happen for that to happen again. Also with the looking back that would require this theoretical new species to figure out the concept of fossils, have an interest and ability to find and understand them and for the unlikely chance that they find any or at least many Human fossils. Now a quick note on the concept of an Alien civilisation, as well as all of the former and that which I didn't bother mentioning also applying to them, it is very unlikely that they would somehow develop into anything resembling any life on earth. Already something as seemingly simple as a leg would take a miracle to develop, let alone anything as complicated as an eye or especially a brain. And even if something at all resembling an animal somehow developed anywhere, things like whatever resembled a brain for them would most likely be so different from anything on Earths, that it is almost impossible that they would somehow develop any ideas resembling what Humans have going on, and effectively impossible that anything at all resembling newer concepts to Humans such as space travel would emerge. I could go on more but this is already way to much of a rant for a mostly unrelated to it video so I'll stop here.
    9. Not that this really matters but my feelings on Kurzgesagt are mixed they make some really good videos and some really terrible ones, for example I would suggest that everyone avoid their videos on climate change, intelligence, sentience, Aliens, space travel and certain medical ones as well as others. Also fun fact Kurzgesagt used to technically be part of the German government until recently.

  • @DreadEnder
    @DreadEnder Год назад +6

    9:48 this is the all yesterdays principle, a book made by renowned palaeontologist Darren Naish, mathematician John Conway and palaeoartist C.M. Köseman. It depicted dinosaurs and other extinct animals doing everyday normal things you would expect to see them doing, such as a Tyrannosaurus rex (the most famous dinosaur), sleeping. And it also depicted modern creatures using the same logic of shrink wrapping and making them look like monsters as we do for dinosaurs in popular renditions. This video actually shows some of their top ones like what would we think of birds if they all went extinct, what we used to think of elephants being cyclopses and apes with weird skull shapes! It’s a brilliant read!
    And it’s a main point of prehistoric planet which had Darren Naish as a scientific advisor!

  • @fabriziobiancucci7702
    @fabriziobiancucci7702 Год назад +7

    11:21 They don't leave traces in bones, we are just very lucky that we found remains of ancient feathers of these dinosaurs, and so using our knowledge and modern technology we are able to reconstruct them

    • @DreadEnder
      @DreadEnder Год назад +1

      Yes and no. Yes we have found fossils with inexcusable feathers in them such as microraptor and archaeopteryx. But what is incorrect is you saying feathers don’t leave trace fossils. Long main feathers such as those found in bird wings leave visible notches or bumps in bones where they attach. So no, feather’s definitely DO leave traces in bones

    • @fabriziobiancucci7702
      @fabriziobiancucci7702 Год назад

      @@DreadEnder But I know, I'm referring to the fact that the colors of the feathers don't leave traces in bones. The video already explained how feathers leave traces, but not the reason why we know the colors of the sinosauropterix and anchiornis. It was enough to read or go to the right minute to understand, since he was literally asking how colors leave traces on fossils

    • @DreadEnder
      @DreadEnder Год назад +1

      @@fabriziobiancucci7702 actually they do! We have fossils of the pigments melanins and carotenoids which give plumage their colours. And by by cross referencing the structure of these pigments with those of modern day dinosaurs (birds) we can identify ,very precisely, the colour of the dinosaurs plumage! As well as melanosomes which although mainly found in the eye and skin are sometimes found in feathers of birds and dinosaurs!

    • @fabriziobiancucci7702
      @fabriziobiancucci7702 Год назад

      @@DreadEnder Yes, that is exactly what I said: the remains of feathers or, in some cases, the skin of the dinosaurs! Not from the bones, which don't give us any glimpse of their real colors

    • @DreadEnder
      @DreadEnder Год назад +1

      @@fabriziobiancucci7702 no you said feathers don’t leave traces in bones, they do. And if you said how do we know the colour of feathers then that’s because we have fossils OF the feathers, no we can’t tell the colour of feathers if we don’t have the feathers but we do have fossils WITH feathers and we can tell the colour of the the creature from there.

  • @DeTinyDog
    @DeTinyDog 11 месяцев назад +2

    Jungles and Rain Forests aren't exactly the same things. However when referring to the area where 50% of all species live in, includes the rain forests. Due to this the area of the world they cover isn't 2%, but 12% of the Earth's landmass

  • @taliesincoleman6569
    @taliesincoleman6569 Год назад +6

    watch prehistoric planet please

  • @GeorgeTankerYT
    @GeorgeTankerYT Год назад +5

    15:35 I think that bringing dinosaurs back isn't a very good idea (Aside from those movies.) Because we've always been biased for the image of big reptilians that are "stupid brutes" as the video said. So we would probably bring them as we hace always depicted them.
    And the mammoth is a different case because there are much more records about them. Aka rock paintings.

  • @armandoguzmannieves5472
    @armandoguzmannieves5472 Год назад +8

    I love this video so much.
    I hope Kurzgesagt does more dinosaur content

  • @DreadEnder
    @DreadEnder Год назад +3

    7:57 ankylosaurs and nodosaurs are weirdly good at preserving, in Bristol Museum there is scelidosaurus skin and a complete skeleton of a nodosaur (can’t remember which) with the osteoderms and soft tissue, even the oesophagus (complete with bile/food) and a stomach! Then you have the famous ankylosaurus specimen your talking about which isn’t compressed, complete and has soft tissue. And then recently we discovered a larynx in a pinacosaurus!

    • @darkonyx6995
      @darkonyx6995 Год назад +3

      There's also the Euplocephalus skeleton that also has "mummified remains" and the Stegouros skeleton, which is complete!
      This is probably because Ankylosaurs generally lived farther away from forests, and their hard exterior made scavanging and overall degradation of the body slower.

    • @DreadEnder
      @DreadEnder Год назад

      @@darkonyx6995 yep

    • @Anonymous-lv4di
      @Anonymous-lv4di 4 месяца назад +1

      I mean not that weird once you notice a lot of their skin was made of bone

    • @DreadEnder
      @DreadEnder 4 месяца назад

      @@Anonymous-lv4di yea they had lots of osteoderms which preserve well but their skin and internal organs are often remarkably well preserved.

  • @LucasF25
    @LucasF25 2 месяца назад

    It would definitely be interesting if they could revive something like dinossaurs but just for starters before we even discuss bringing those back, how about bringing back Animals much closer to us? Like, y'know... Tasmanian wolves.... Dodos... Mammoths-? I mean, the last one might seem already a bit too old, but keep in mind that the last ones were apparently still alive while the first Pyamids were being built, so that's closer to our present than you'd think. And the other two even moreso, Dodo extinct since the middle ages or the Thylacine just last century.
    Lets bring those fellas back and see how they adapt, and THEN we can talk about bringing back Animals alive much longer than the first primates came to exist, much less us.

  • @PackHunter117
    @PackHunter117 10 месяцев назад

    The more dinosaur fossils are discovered the more information we learn about them. In fact there’s several dinosaurs like T-Rex, Allosaurus, and Triceratops that have several specimens from young to adults. They can get a very good idea now with new technologies and discoveries.

  • @berserker3414
    @berserker3414 4 месяца назад

    One of the saddest parts of our existence is that once we gone extinct no one will remember us. Firstly, our existence is so short in Earth ages, having in consideration how little of dinos remains and they were living for billions of years, imagine humans. Secondly, we bury our remains in certain way that they end disappearing, you need certain conditions to be a fossil and people don't usually end dying on swamps or so. And lastly, even if they find a complete skeleton of a human, they will think it's an anomaly, an exceptional individual with a ball skull and not an entire species like that because we are the only survivor of the hominids group and we are vastly different from chimps or any future ape in case they still exist. The only thing that will remain is the CO2 increment and layers in the soil but they won't know what causes it.

  • @maxlarivee3663
    @maxlarivee3663 Год назад +1

    The idea of dinosaurs being cloned using prehistoric DNA would be complicated, since we would be missing too many genes, and many of those we would have decayed or been corrupted. Too much would be "made up" by us, based on biases of what we think or imagine them to have been like. Any resulting creature would probably have less in common with OG dinosaurs than a chicken does today.
    The mammoth, on the other hand, is much more intact, having been extinct for only about 10,000 years (some say small groups survived for as long as 3,500 years ago). They also have extremely close cousins, elephants, still alive today to compensate for the missing DNA (as opposed to dinosaurs whose closest living relative is 65 million years of evolution apart).

  • @antonbrakhage490
    @antonbrakhage490 4 месяца назад

    Good video, except it basically ignores trace fossils, like footprints, which are great for determining behaviour and good reveal traces of soft-bodied creatures that weren't preserved.
    On cloning dinosaurs, the problem is that DNA degrades after a few hundred thousand or maybe a million or so years (I've heard slightly different numbers, but they're all way under 66 million years). So anything older is likely out. Ice Age creatures, though, we could maybe bring back one day.
    The only extinct dinosaurs we could clone would be extinct birds, but that would let us bring back a bunch of fantastic creatures including Dodos, Moas (giant flightless plant eating birds) and terror birds (giant flightless predatory birds). And things that look vaguely dinosaur-like, like glyptodonts (giant armadillos) and Megalania (basically a giant Komodo Dragon). Plus all the classic Ice Age giant mammals.

  • @piglin469
    @piglin469 Год назад

    yeah occasionally
    kerattin survives
    and feathers leaves imprints

  • @coltafanan
    @coltafanan Год назад +1

    The Jurassic Park is not possible. DNA can only last about 10,000 years before it’s too damaged to be useful. That’s why things like the wooly mammoth are among the oldest animals worthy of possibly being brought back to life

    • @CervusLavandula
      @CervusLavandula 11 месяцев назад

      I love that movie, but it’s true. There’s no way to bring them back.
      I’m never closed to new possibilities, but knowing what we know today, it’s not possible. Maybe it’ll be possible in the future as we don’t know enough about genetics and biology in general as we’d like to, but I highly doubt it.
      But I do love idea of one day seeing a mammoth, but that’s just selfishness, because it would be so chaotic to the ecosystem considering the last ones they found were from 3,000 years ago from an isolated island

    • @Anonymous-lv4di
      @Anonymous-lv4di 4 месяца назад +1

      There's the chickensaurus project to reverse-engineer the ancestors of modern birds wich would look a lot more like other dinos than the heavily specialized modern avians. We would never be able to creat anything like T. Rex just by reactivating old genes but we could get animals like Archaeopteryx or Microraptor

    • @Anonymous-lv4di
      @Anonymous-lv4di 4 месяца назад +1

      Also not only Mammoths would help fight climate change with keeping permafrost on the siberian traps but we have evidence that even with the Mammoth step shrinking a lot since they were around, it could still support a population of mammoths

  • @TriassicPendraig
    @TriassicPendraig 9 месяцев назад

    1:03 thinking like that is actually stupid dinosaurs as a whole were around for 100 million years or so thats true but so where mammals individual dinosaurs species typicly only lifed for 2 to 5 million years or so on average wich is still more impressiv then humans but this also takes into consideration the diferent sub species of dinosaurs wich humans had two so in fact we are actually pretty close to living as long as the average dinosaur species if we include other human species

  • @taliesincoleman6569
    @taliesincoleman6569 Год назад

    it's not the bones it's the perverse feathers

  • @stxticnathan6627
    @stxticnathan6627 Год назад

    Birds are literally Dinosaurs like your a mammal

    • @stare4539
      @stare4539 Год назад +1

      nice pfp

    • @stxticnathan6627
      @stxticnathan6627 Год назад

      @@stare4539 thanks I drew it a couple months ago

    • @malkariss
      @malkariss  Год назад +1

      That is a really cool drawing, not going to lie. Good work!

    • @stxticnathan6627
      @stxticnathan6627 Год назад

      @@malkariss thank you, do you know what it is?

    • @stare4539
      @stare4539 Год назад

      Wow @@stxticnathan6627

  • @ThaTrisme
    @ThaTrisme Год назад +1

    i feel like this is going to be a good reaction because last time i really enjoyed your cancer kurzgesagt video so we'll see if i hate it ill let you know. lets watch

  • @ThaTrisme
    @ThaTrisme Год назад

    i rate this reaction 7/10 and thats just my opinion at least be grateful im not giving you any hate