From 1939 to 1945 my grandmother lived in Jesenik, back when it was under the German name Freiwaldau. She loved all the recreational activities Jesenik offered. Being in Jesenik in person gave me a new perspective as to what her life was like and where she came from before the war displaced her. The Sound of Music was her favorite movie because it reminded her so much of home.
From 1939 to 1945 my grandmother lived in Jesenik, back when it was under the German name Freiwaldau. She loved all the recreational activities Jesenik offered. Being in Jesenik in person gave me a new perspective as to what her life was like and where she came from before the war displaced her. The Sound of Music was her favorite movie because it reminded her so much of home.
Да бывал сдесь проходил службу, Цгв 1981_1983г!!!
Ja bil.....davno...
Libim vas
Pěkné promo z toho údolí zmaru a bídy.
to je tu až tak pekne?
Já bydlím v Jeseníku
На пишите что стала на территории бывший военной части
Да. Напиши, что на месте русской военной части сейчас.