Indeed there doesn't seem to be any use beyond synchronizing battery settings, which seems kind of a trivial convenience given the cost of the wire. Oh well, we live and learn. I will say both controllers have run great since installation, set and forget, so there's that.
@@2hotscottpro Interesting. I guess after what we've just been discussing it can't be differing settings. It could be that one of them is reading an ever so slightly different state of charge / voltage from the battery because of wire differences / resistance and stopping early / keeping charging as a result? Maybe a meter reading of the voltage / amps from each set of terminals might confirm or deny the theory. If you figure it out do let me know! :)
@ one way to test that is to lower input on the one still charging.Yes they are off stightly showing in app.I’ll have both apps open per controller and actual voltage (SOC) is different.Doesn’t surprise me.I’m in an RV not NASA lol There’s most likely a buffer for the second controller to kick back on.Close enough for first controller to be in over ride mode not letting second controller to have output. The only difference I have is one controller is 2s2p and other is 3 series.So 3s is higher voltage,120 vs 80 estimated but close to actual. What’s your thought now? Oh but I get 3x wh from 2s2p string vs 3s.Like 900 vs 300wh.Deffinatly when both controllers are producing.
Did you test the low temp cutoff/ protection?
I did indeed, and have created a video for you. Please seeвидео.html :)
Cable for joining 2 doesn’t do anything.
Indeed there doesn't seem to be any use beyond synchronizing battery settings, which seems kind of a trivial convenience given the cost of the wire. Oh well, we live and learn. I will say both controllers have run great since installation, set and forget, so there's that.
@@thedabbler2753 last week bat bank was almost full and one controller wasn’t adding any power ,just the other controller.First I’ve noticed that.
@@2hotscottpro Interesting. I guess after what we've just been discussing it can't be differing settings. It could be that one of them is reading an ever so slightly different state of charge / voltage from the battery because of wire differences / resistance and stopping early / keeping charging as a result? Maybe a meter reading of the voltage / amps from each set of terminals might confirm or deny the theory. If you figure it out do let me know! :)
@ one way to test that is to lower input on the one still charging.Yes they are off stightly showing in app.I’ll have both apps open per controller and actual voltage (SOC) is different.Doesn’t surprise me.I’m in an RV not NASA lol
There’s most likely a buffer for the second controller to kick back on.Close enough for first controller to be in over ride mode not letting second controller to have output.
The only difference I have is one controller is 2s2p and other is 3 series.So 3s is higher voltage,120 vs 80 estimated but close to actual.
What’s your thought now? Oh but I get 3x wh from 2s2p string vs 3s.Like 900 vs 300wh.Deffinatly when both controllers are producing.
@@thedabbler2753 I asked LiTime,looks same as HQST.There response was cable only for factory calibrations.
Dustin Pines
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