One-Two-Watch: Meet Lana Del Rey - Exclusive Interview

  • Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
  • Haters are gonna hate. The re­al­i­ty for an artist is that not ev­ery­one is go­ing to love what you make. Not ev­ery­body is go­ing to un­der­stand where you are com­ing from. Not ev­ery­one will give you the ben­e­fit of the doubt when doubt is ram­pant. In our pre-​pack­aged world we haven't been ex­posed to the growth of an artist. We can't let some­one grow, can we? It's not good enough that the artist is smart, in­sight­ful and mes­mer­iz­ing. That artist should not miss the mark AT ALL. The artist should not have anx­i­ety or be ner­vous about the mas­sive steps that con­front and car­ry her for­ward in­to an un­known world of fast-​paced scruti­ny and lim­it­less judge­ment. Lana Del Rey is a beau­ti­ful, shy and in­tri­cate hu­man be­ing with a mean­ing­ful and sul­try voice that con­nects both emo­tion­al­ly and vis­cer­al­ly. Her style is im­pec­ca­ble and her pres­ence res­onates with both cu­rios­i­ty and con­fi­dence. The "Video Games" sin­gle that met with so much love pushed her in­to the world. She has on­ly had a few shows to cap­ture her per­son­al melodies in a pub­lic pre­sen­ta­tion that match­es who she is. This is about sup­port­ing artists in their fu­ture. We should be there for their best and most chal­leng­ing mo­ments as they grow in­to their full po­ten­tial. If you have be­lief in the artists you love, then be­lieve that it's about the jour­ney, and not just the des­ti­na­tions. (ie. SNL) Lana Del Rey is a true artist on her way to great­ness and, the truth is, you have to love her a lit­tle to hate her at all.
    www.mys­­rey -
    Production Company: SLAQR
    Directed by: SLAQR
    Creative Director: Monina Verano
    Photographed by: Dan Addelson and Brett Wagner
    Edited by: Monina Verano and Nick Pezzillo
    Sound Mix: Brian Golub

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