Karla, your book came into my life is a pivotal moment, I grew up always being angry, angry child, angry teen , angry young adult, and soon it was destroying my whole life. I knew that I need to dig deeper and when I found your book it all started to click, I realize that I grew up angry as a shield of protection to not being heard, to my boundaries being broken. Now I understand my anger and feelings, I have a deep relationship with them. and It has impacted my business coaching as I teach women this as well! Thank you for your work!
View or download the free Language of Emotions chart here: www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2kazsl12oeaxd4z4lmgz4/A-Guide-to-the-Language-of-Your-Emotions.pdf?rlkey=hnbkfew6bc1644s1yatnlrg8v&e=1&dl=0
Karla, your book came into my life is a pivotal moment, I grew up always being angry, angry child, angry teen , angry young adult, and soon it was destroying my whole life. I knew that I need to dig deeper and when I found your book it all started to click, I realize that I grew up angry as a shield of protection to not being heard, to my boundaries being broken. Now I understand my anger and feelings, I have a deep relationship with them. and It has impacted my business coaching as I teach women this as well! Thank you for your work!
I'm so glad that you and your anger have become allies! Anger is such an essential emotion, hooray!
One Love!
Always forward, never ever backward!!
Where can I find the chart you guys talked about ?
View or download the free Language of Emotions chart here: www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2kazsl12oeaxd4z4lmgz4/A-Guide-to-the-Language-of-Your-Emotions.pdf?rlkey=hnbkfew6bc1644s1yatnlrg8v&e=1&dl=0