- rotate my wardrobe: 옷장을 정리하다 - switch out A (for B): A를 (B로) 대체하다/바꾸다 - I think I’m going to do that: 그렇게 해야겠다 - sometime this week: 이번주 중으로 / within this week: 이번주 내로(기한)
갑자기 너무 더워지지 않았어? 특히 낮동안에 밤에는 아직 꽤 쌀쌀해. 그래서 옷장을 정리할 때가 된거같애. 있잖아 여름을 대비해서 겨울 옷 정리 하는거. 이번 주 중으로 그렇게 해야겠다. It suddenly got really hot, didn’t it? Especially during the day. It still pretty chilly in the nights. So i’m thinking it’s time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my winter clothes and get ready for the summer. I think I’m going to do that sometime this week.
매우 유용합니다. to rotate wardrobe : to switch out off-season clothes ( to get ready for the next season) * sometime this week. vs. sometime within this week (이번 주 限 - 기간 제한)
23.05.02 It suddenly got really cold, didn't it? Especially in the mornings and evenings. It still gets pretty warm during the day. So, I'm thinking (that) it's time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I think I'm going to do that sometimes this week. somethimes this week. : 이번주 중으로 rotate my wardrobe : 옷장을 정리하다. It's cold 춥다. get cold 추워지다.
It suddenly got really hot, didn't it? Especially during the days. It gets still pretty cool in the morning and evening. So, I think it's time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out winter clothes and get ready for the hot weather. I'm going to do that sometime next week.
It suddenly got really cold, Didn't it? Especially in the mornings and evenings. It still gets pretty warm during the day. So, I'm thinking it's time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I think I'm going to do that sometime this week.
It suddenly got really cold, didn’t it? Especially in the mornings and evenings. It still gets pretty warm during the day. So, I’m thingking it’s time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I think I’m going to do that sometime this week.
Melbourne suddenly got really cold, didn't it? Especially in the midnights. It got pretty warm during the day. So, I'm thinking (that) it's time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I think I'm going to do that sometimes this week.
a. These days, sometimes it gets pretty cold during the day. b. I'm thinking of switching out my winter clothes and getting ready for the warmer weather.
It suddenly got really cold, didn't it? Especially in the mornings and evenings. It still gets pretty warm during the day. So, I'm thinking that it's time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I'm thinking I'm gonna do that sometime this week.
[28일차] - 24. 9. 15 (1) 시험이 두 달 정도 남아서 이제 공부할 때가 된 것 같아. I’m thinking that it’s time to study now because I have about two months left until the exam. (2) 내일 그렇게 해야겠다. I think I’m going to do that tomorrow. (3) 불 좀 꺼줘. Please switch the light out.
It suddenly got really warm, didn't it? Especially in the days. It's still cold during the mornings and evenings. So I'm thinking it's time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my winter cloths and get ready for the hot weather. I think I'm gonna do that within this week.
"It suddenly got really cold, didn't it? Especially in the mornings and evenings. It still gets pretty warm during the day. So, I'm thinking (that) it's time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I think I'm going to do that sometime this week."
a. It suddenly got a little cold especially in the mornings and evenings. b. I'm thinking that it's time to ratate my wardrobe. c. You know, swich out my summer clothes and get ready for cold weather. d. I think I'm going to do that sometime this month.
It suddenly got really cold. Especially in the mornings and evenings. So I'm thinking that it's time to rotate ma wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I think I'm gonna do that sometime this week. Switch out sth 다른것으로 대체하다 Rotate ones wardrobe Get ready for...
It suddenly got really cold and windy didn't it? What kind of spring is it?You know I'm thinking it's time to rotate my winter clothes and get ready for the warm weather but, I guess I should push it back for a while.
It suddenly got really warm, didn’t it? It suddenly got a rainy season, didn’t it? I’m thinking it’s time to rotate my wardrobe. I’m going to switch my winter clothes and get ready for summer within this weak.
Especially in the mornings and evenings. It still gets pretty warm during the day.에서 앞에서 복수형으로 쓴건 이해가 되는데 왜 뒤에는 the day라고 단수형으로 썼나용??? 여기서도 the days라고 써야되는거 아닌가요??????
It suddenly got really warm, didn’t it? Especially in the afternoons. It still gets pretty chilly during in the midnight. So I’m thinking(that) it’s time to turn on the fan You know switch out the stove with the fan because I’m not gonna use the stove anymore I think I’m going to do that sometime this week because I’m lazy
He suddenly got seriously change, didn’t he? Specially in the meetings. He is still woking hard during the day. So, I’m thinking that It’s time to ask him about that. You know, switch out my nerves of him and get release for the comfortable. I think I’m going to do that sometime this week.
[KOR] "갑자기 엄청 추워졌어, 그치? 특히 아침이랑 저녁에. 낮에는 아직도 꽤 따뜻해지기는 해. 그래서 옷장을 정리할 때가 된 것 같아. 있잖아, 추운 날씨를 대비해서 여름 옷 정리하는거. 이번 주 중으로 그렇게 해야겠다." It suddenly got really cold, didn’t it? Especially in the mornings and the evenings. It still gets pretty warm during the day. So I am thinking it’s time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I think I am gonna do that sometime this week. *wardrobe 옷장
선생님, 주신 학습 내용 감사합니다. It's time to rotate... 를 it's time you rotated..라고 하는 경우가 있나요? 어디선가 봤는데요... It's time we were going. It's time you learned to behave yourself.
영상 잘 보았습니다. 궁금한 것이 있어 올립니다. You know, switch out my summer clothes and ~에서 switch 의 품사가 뭔가요? 여름옷 정리하는 것, 여름옷의 정리..명사형인데 뒤에 and get 을 봐서는 동사로 쓴것 같고... switch를 어떻게 이해 해야 하나요?
반대로 표현을 하고싶은데요... It suddenly got really hot, didn't it? Especially during the day. It still gets pretty cold in the mornings and evenings. 이렇게 단어만 바꾸면 될까요??^^;; 꾸준히 영상보며 공부하는건 빨모샘이 처음입니다. 항상 좋은 영상 감사해요~😊
I’ve been thinking that I should switch out my summer beddings, since I started to wake up in the middle of the night feeling cold! But it gets cold one day and then gets warm again next day, so I am only thinking without actually chaning it.
설명시작 - 00:34
3번 연속듣기(속도변화) - 7:28
- rotate my wardrobe: 옷장을 정리하다
- switch out A (for B): A를 (B로) 대체하다/바꾸다
- I think I’m going to do that: 그렇게 해야겠다
- sometime this week: 이번주 중으로 / within this week: 이번주 내로(기한)
이번주 주중과 이번주 내가 뭐가 다른가요?
늘 감사합니다. 선생님 힘내세요 !
늘 감사 감사 감사~~~드려요.
진도 따라잡을 때까지 오늘도 영어공부!!! 정말 감사합니다
감탄 감탄 또 감탄!!!
정말 시의적절한 예문이네요
맘에 꼭 와닿습니다
그래서 도 열심히 보게되네요
정말 감사합니다
일상영어 자주 올려주세용^^
항상 잘듣고 있습니다
항상 좋은 강좌 올려 주셔서 감사합니다. 잘 보겠습니다.
유용한 표현들 많이 배웁니다 정말 감사합니다.
내일 프리토킹 시간에 써야겠어요.
사계절이 뚜렷해서 옷장정리 하다가 한해가 간다고 말하고 싶었거든요.
지금부터 문장 만들기 씨름;; 언제나 고마운 선생님^^
갑자기 너무 더워지지 않았어? 특히 낮동안에
밤에는 아직 꽤 쌀쌀해. 그래서 옷장을 정리할 때가 된거같애. 있잖아 여름을 대비해서 겨울 옷 정리 하는거.
이번 주 중으로 그렇게 해야겠다.
It suddenly got really hot, didn’t it? Especially during the day. It still pretty chilly in the nights.
So i’m thinking it’s time to rotate my wardrobe.
You know, switch out my winter clothes and get ready for the summer. I think I’m going to do that sometime this week.
빨간모자 선생님! 늘 잘 보고있습니다. 도움이 많이되요!!! 감사해요🙊💗
꼭 필요했던 예문이에요~!오늘도 감사합니다~!😁
쌤 항상 감사합니다.
좋은 표현들 정말 많이 포함되어 있네요 :)
잘 배워 갑니다 감사합니다 !
다시 한번 감동받고 갑니다 감사합니다
좋은 강의 감사합니다!
항상 감사드립니다. 환절기 감기 조심하세요 ~~
항상 좋은 강의 너무 너무 감사합니다!
좋은 강의 감사드립니다.
정말 유용한 표현이었네요. 감사합니다.
프로필 사진 귀여워요
최고다 엉엉 ㅠㅜ❤👏
타이밍이 알맞은 주제네요! Rotate를 이렇게 쓰는지 몰랐습니다. 살아있은 영어 감사해요 :)
사파날씨도 딱 그래요..
오늘도.. 감사해영~
매우 유용합니다.
to rotate wardrobe : to switch out off-season clothes ( to get ready for the next season)
* sometime this week. vs. sometime within this week (이번 주 限 - 기간 제한)
It suddenly got really cold, didn't it? Especially in the mornings and evenings. It still gets pretty warm during the day. So, I'm thinking (that) it's time to rotate my wardrobe.
You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I think I'm going to do that sometimes this week.
somethimes this week. : 이번주 중으로
rotate my wardrobe : 옷장을 정리하다.
It's cold 춥다.
get cold 추워지다.
시간 날때마다 보는데 정말 미국에 사는 제게 너무나도 유용한 내용들 이고요
정말 저에게 도움이 많이되요
여기자기 기웃거렸는데
라이브 아카데미 🤩👍👍👍
좋아요 100번 누르고 싶습니다 😭😭😭
3년을 공부해도 이거 하나 제대로 영작을 못하네요 으흑흑ㅠㅠㅠ 오늘도 감사합니다.
Me neither. I think we should switch out our brains.
Is cold 와 get cold의 차이점 한 번도 생각해보지 않았는데 알게되어 너무 좋습니다. 감사합니다! 아, switch out도 대박이에요 ㅎㅎ
세상에나 !!!! 오늘 막 여름옷 정리하고 약간 도톰한 옷으로 바꿔 놓고 앉았는데...정말 놀랐습니다. 정말 정말 시의적절한 표현들을 알려주시네요. Wow !!!!
뭔가를 시작할 때가 된 것 같아.
I'm thinking it's time to start doing something.
이번 주 중으로 이 책을 다 읽어야겠어.
I think I'm going to finish this book sometime this week.
일상을 영어로 말하기 이걸원했는데 많이많이 올려주시면 감사하겠습니다!!
와~오늘 제상황에 딱 맞는 문장들 너무 감사해요 ~
Same thing happened here in the USA! It dropped like 10 degrees in like a week. Nice video as always man! Good luck with your English everyone 😎👍😎👍
이렇게 좋은 영상을 만들어주시다니 감사합니다. 항상 여행가서 기초적인 의사소통밖에 못하고 외국인 친구들도 못사겼는데 영상보면서 연습해서 외국인 친구들을 사겨봐야겠네요
It suddenly got really hot, didn't it? Especially during the days. It gets still pretty cool in the morning and evening. So, I think it's time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out winter clothes and get ready for the hot weather. I'm going to do that sometime next week.
Thanks to you for gathering and organizing the videos, studying has become much easier. I appreciate it.^^
It suddenly got really cold, Didn't it? Especially in the mornings and evenings. It still gets pretty warm during the day. So, I'm thinking it's time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I think I'm going to do that sometime this week.
I just switched out my summer shoes this morning! nice topic :)
It suddenly got really cold, didn’t it? Especially in the mornings and evenings. It still gets pretty warm during the day. So, I’m thingking it’s time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I think I’m going to do that sometime this week.
Melbourne suddenly got really cold, didn't it? Especially in the midnights. It got pretty warm during the day. So, I'm thinking (that) it's time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I think I'm going to do that sometimes this week.
a. These days, sometimes it gets pretty cold during the day.
b. I'm thinking of switching out my winter clothes and getting ready for the warmer weather.
It suddenly got really cold, didn't it? Especially in the mornings and evenings. It still gets pretty warm during the day. So, I'm thinking that it's time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I'm thinking I'm gonna do that sometime this week.
[28일차] - 24. 9. 15
(1) 시험이 두 달 정도 남아서 이제 공부할 때가 된 것 같아.
I’m thinking that it’s time to study now because I have about two months left until the exam.
(2) 내일 그렇게 해야겠다.
I think I’m going to do that tomorrow.
(3) 불 좀 꺼줘.
Please switch the light out.
It suddenly got really warm, didn't it? Especially in the days. It's still cold during the mornings and evenings. So I'm thinking it's time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my winter cloths and get ready for the hot weather. I think I'm gonna do that within this week.
"It suddenly got really cold, didn't it? Especially in the mornings and evenings. It still gets pretty warm during the day. So, I'm thinking (that) it's time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I think I'm going to do that sometime this week."
예문 실생활에 사용하기 정말 좋네요~^^b
늘 감사합니다~
The food there is really good, isn’t it?
I think I’m gonna go there sometime this week.
여름옷 정리중이였는데 ㅎㅎㅎ 👍💕
a. It suddenly got a little cold especially in the mornings and evenings.
b. I'm thinking that it's time to ratate my wardrobe.
c. You know, swich out my summer clothes and get ready for cold weather.
d. I think I'm going to do that sometime this month.
Youn know, Switch out my summer clothes - 내 여름옷을 (겨울 옷으로) 바꾸는거~
열심히 해야지~!💪
It suddenly got really cold. Especially in the mornings and evenings. So I'm thinking that it's time to rotate ma wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I think I'm gonna do that sometime this week.
Switch out sth 다른것으로 대체하다
Rotate ones wardrobe
Get ready for...
It suddenly got really cold and windy didn't it? What kind of spring is it?You know I'm thinking it's time to rotate my winter clothes and get ready for the warm weather but, I guess I should push it back for a while.
갑자기 분위기 싸해졌어 인정?
it suddenly got silent didnt it?
It suddenly got really warm, didn’t it?
It suddenly got a rainy season, didn’t it?
I’m thinking it’s time to rotate my wardrobe.
I’m going to switch my winter clothes and get ready for summer within this weak.
There have been lots of English education channels until now in RUclips. But, I didn’t switch out others. I only stick to Live academy.
Especially in the mornings and evenings. It still gets pretty warm during the day.에서
앞에서 복수형으로 쓴건 이해가 되는데 왜 뒤에는 the day라고 단수형으로 썼나용???
여기서도 the days라고 써야되는거 아닌가요??????
and로 이어줘서 그런거 아닐까요?
JunHyuk Choi 네 그건 아니에요;;
@@이런-m3z 아아 제가 잘못이해했네요!ㅠ
그냥 During the day라는걸 하나의 표현으로 생각하면 될 것 같은데요?
아래 JunHyuk Choi 님께서 말씀하신 것처럼 하나의 고정된 표현으로 생각하면 되는데요
그것말고도 'during the days'라는 표현을 다른 의미로("그때 당시에") 쓰이기도 하는 이유도 있어요 😀
꼼꼼히 갈르쳐 주시는 섬세하신 선생님!
늘 마침표로 대신해서 다가오시는 모든이의 소중한 귀하신 선생님!
늘 평안하시고 행복하세요♡
It suddenly got really warm, didn’t it? Especially in the afternoons.
It still gets pretty chilly during in the midnight. So I’m thinking(that) it’s time to turn on the fan
You know switch out the stove with the fan because I’m not gonna use the stove anymore
I think I’m going to do that sometime this week because I’m lazy
He suddenly got seriously change, didn’t he?
Specially in the meetings.
He is still woking hard during the day.
So, I’m thinking that It’s time to ask him about that.
You know, switch out my nerves of him and get release for the comfortable.
I think I’m going to do that sometime this week.
"갑자기 엄청 추워졌어, 그치?
특히 아침이랑 저녁에.
낮에는 아직도 꽤 따뜻해지기는 해.
그래서 옷장을 정리할 때가 된 것 같아.
있잖아, 추운 날씨를 대비해서 여름 옷 정리하는거.
이번 주 중으로 그렇게 해야겠다."
It suddenly got really cold, didn’t it?
Especially in the mornings and the evenings.
It still gets pretty warm during the day.
So I am thinking it’s time to rotate my wardrobe.
You know, switch out my summer clothes
and get ready for the cold weather.
I think I am gonna do that sometime this week.
*wardrobe 옷장
아 요즘 상황에 맞는 예문 최고 ㅠㅠ
It suddenly got really warm didn't it? But it still gets pretty cold in the mornings and evenings
I needn’t to rotate my wardrobe in here, NewZealand. You know, it has got 4 seasons a day. I would be never get used to it.😅😅😅
@@user-lt1cq3lc1w ㅋ
선생님, 주신 학습 내용 감사합니다. It's time to rotate... 를 it's time you rotated..라고 하는 경우가 있나요?
어디선가 봤는데요...
It's time we were going.
It's time you learned to behave yourself.
늘 감사히 시청하고 있습니다
세번째 문장에서 gets이 꼭 필요한 지 궁금합니다
날씨가 계속 덥다가 아침저녁으로 추워진 것인데...
이것도 관용적으로 쓰이는 건가요?
저도 그렇게 생각해요. 어감이 부자연스러운것 같아요.혹 아침에 추웠다가 더워진다는 의미로 본걸까요?
get은 시간의 흐름을 담고있어요
선생님 수업과는 다른 질문인데.. 영상 끝에 나오는 노래 제목 알 수 있을까요?? 노래 검색해도 안나오네요~ 항상 좋은 수업 감사합니다
Ril smrt의 when you've found home 입니다~
영상 잘 보았습니다. 궁금한 것이 있어 올립니다.
You know, switch out my summer clothes and ~에서
switch 의 품사가 뭔가요?
여름옷 정리하는 것, 여름옷의 정리..명사형인데
뒤에 and get 을 봐서는 동사로 쓴것 같고...
switch를 어떻게 이해 해야 하나요?
switch는 명사, 동사 품사 모두 있습니다.
이 상황에 쓰인 동사 뜻은 'If you switch two things, you replace one with the other'인 것 같네요.
뒤의 get ready도 명사가 아니듯이... 주어를 생략하고 동사와 목적어만 써서 구어체 식으로 얘기한 문장 같네요~
switch out my summer blanket.
항상감사합니다ㅜㅜ 쌤근데 이강인 닮앗어용
Oh, yeah. There is a temperature gap these days throught the day.
Switch out A 라고 하면 A를 바꾸는 건데, 그럼 설명하신 switch out for -- 라고 하면 for 뒤에는 똑같이 바꿔질 A 가 나와야 하나요? 아니면 switch out for winter 이렇게 겨울을 위해 바꿀것이다 이렇게 쓰이는건가요?
대화문(한문장씩 주고받는)이 아닌
이런식으로 문맥을이해하고 외우는게
질문요!!: get ready for 를 prepare for로 바꿔써도 어색하지 않은건가요? 누구라도 아시는 분 답 부탁드립니다~`
선생님~ 어떤 순서로 공부해야하나요? 기초문법, 시제, 의문문,전치사...등등 종류대로 따로 따로 봐야하나요? 아니면 영상 올린 순서대로 봐야하나요?
Cold는 춥다라는 형용사라 It is suddenly got really cold isn't it?
이나 It has been cold ? 수동태나 현재완료형이 가능한거 아닌가요?
반대로 표현을 하고싶은데요...
It suddenly got really hot, didn't it?
Especially during the day.
It still gets pretty cold in the mornings and evenings.
이렇게 단어만 바꾸면 될까요??^^;;
꾸준히 영상보며 공부하는건 빨모샘이 처음입니다.
항상 좋은 영상 감사해요~😊
"It suddenly got really cold~"에서 It 대신에 I 로 바꿔서 써도 괜찮을까요?
오늘중으로 라는 표현은 그럼
Sometimes today 이라고 하면 되나용??
왜 get ready 로쓰는건지 이해가 잘안가요. 그냥 ready for the cold weather과는 의미가 다른가요?
I’ve been thinking that I should switch out my summer beddings, since I started to wake up in the middle of the night feeling cold! But it gets cold one day and then gets warm again next day, so I am only thinking without actually chaning it.
It’s time to wear thicker clothes.
미국학교 다녀보니깐 change보다
switch 엄청 많이 들림 (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
선생님 근데 제 마음을 읽고 계신가요 저 문장들이 지금 제 상황을 1000프로 반영하고 있어요
옷장 정리하다말고 이 영상보고 있는 난 무엇 ㅜㅜ
It suddenly got really fat, didn't it?