Shelia's Story: This is My Safe Haven

  • Опубликовано: 23 июн 2019
  • As you can see, my neighbor Shelia has the most brilliant smile. You, my friend, are the reason it shines so bright! You relieved her greatest worry. You restored her hope. You brought her home.
    Shelia’s life was shattered after suffering a devastating divorce and debilitating illness. For more than two years, Shelia was unable to work in her job as a corrections officer. Her illness proved very difficult to treat and she struggled to survive. She was alone, homeless and fighting to restore her health. It was during this time that Shelia learned about Community First! Village, but couldn’t believe that such a place really existed. Because of you, it does.
    Through your loyal support of Mobile Loaves & Fishes, Shelia has been lifted off the streets into a permanent home in Community First! Village. She is surrounded by people who love and care for her, and she is restoring her health and her life day by day.
    Read more of Shelia's story at

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