Enjoy the time with loved ones all that you can. Everybody has a different expiration date. And since we don't know when that is, just love your moments. Suicide might be a little bit different but, still don't know when that is. 🙏♥️
God Bless you & yours, Kellie! This album helped me through a devastating breakup of a 33 year marriage, a decade ago! May you find peace through music! Amazing Grace, how sweet it is! 🙏💜✌️
my little sister sings this all the time, she absolutly loves this song, whenever it comes on the radio or tv we turn it up and she stands up and sings her heart out :D
Revisiting this song after a decade is so refreshing always was a big fan of this song I’m not ashamed to say this song was definitely on my country music playlist on my mp3 back in the day
I was 9 when I first heard this song, I would play the music video over and over again. This is the first time since then I have heard it and I still love it
RIP to her husband, such a tragedy 🤣 She's amazing! I hate so bad she's having to go through the loss of her husband. Prayers going up for kellie and family Revisiting this song after a decide is so Refreshing ! I love Kellie Pickles so much beautiful song I love that song so much lovely song love it sweet and romantic song 🎼🎶🎤🎸🎵😻😍💘🥰🤩🌹💐💋💯🥰😘♥️❣️💚❤️💕💞💖🧡💛💓💙💜
I put my arm around Kellie Pickler and had a picture taken of us at a Brad Paisley, Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood concert. I also had a signed 8x10 picture signed by her. I only had ten bucks left in my pocket so I chose Kellie over Taylor and Carrie. I thought Kellie was much finer and a much better talented than the other two. I still believe that.
I remember when this song took off! Absolutely love Kellie! She had the best breakup songs ever💕 so sorry that me leading to this song again lead me to see that her husband has recently passed. I’m so sorry.. Kellie you and your family are in my prayers 🙏🏼
This is Scott David Schoenfeld. I am single. I have been in two relationships. I lost one girlfriend to breast cancer in Nashville. I had one girlfriend I went to the Middle Tennessee State Mental Health Institute for protesting against " drag racers" against the honky tonks to take the brunt for. I learned from both relationships that " women are smarter than high- functioning autistic men" I big-time dislike ladies being taken advantage of by gentlemen. Yes. Please. Thank you. Your welcome. I have high- functioning autism. Thank you, please, Killie Pickler and lady fans for helping Scott David Schoenfeld realize women across America are special and smarter, than stubborn men. You go 🇺🇸 American USA women. Yes. Please. Thank you. Your welcome. Dedicated to all of the 🇺🇸 American USA " tough ladies" with my "southern hospitality spirit," in Gilbert, Arizona. Age 44. Mother's Day 2021. Your welcome.
Type in the RUclips search bar, _Your lying cheating heart._ Look for a post from someone called Renata M. The pictures she put to that music are hilarious!! Pictures of a lying so and so. Toward the end, is the funniest (what she did to his car).
She has come such a long way since this song was a hit! And I LOVE it! She seems like such a nice girl. I'm glad to see her success. Even though her talk show has been cancelled, she'll be fine. Something else will come along.
i had a wish to want to meet kellie, when i first saw this video back in tha day, was able to git 4 meet&greets for a picture with her, she always amazed me at every concert i went to see her at, she has one of those gorgeous type of voices, 🍀💯
Probably one of the finest blending's of Jessi Colter-country flavored singing and Keith Richards melodic rock & roll guitar riffing I ever heard. She may have been on American Idol but Kellie Pickler kicks ass on this track. Infectious melody, great performance and wonderful little story with attitude. It's not everyday someone from today's generation of singers understands what country and rock are when those two genres french kiss. "Red High Heels" -- what a great musical lip lock from start to finish. Those thumbs down? 622 dislikes up against 10 million listens -- those thumbs should go back up their asses where they do the most good. Hey, those people are all sitting in front of RUclips and Kellie? Well, she's out there singing with Miranda Lambert. As many posters noted, Kellie does have a killer body -- how nice. But, what caught my attention was Ms. Pickler's support of Danny Thomas' St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis. Now that alone -- I'd give her a standing ovation for and I don't stand up for many people.
She's really good looking in this, but still doesn't compare to what she looks like in "Best Days of Your Life". She's absolutely drop dead gorgeous in that video.😍😍😍
Dixie Battaglia it made a lot of ppl Kellie Pickler fans including me. I crushed on her because I have a fetish for shoes. That's the first thing I notice about a girl/woman is the shoes she wears.
Love this song and kelli as well she’s an amazing artist as well as actor she is in my book a 10 of 10 while no ones perfect I swear she’s the closest to it I’ve known literally an angel on earth
She always wears dresses with different hairstyles, but this is the best she's ever looked in my opinion. Loved her hair in this and the jeans with the tank is hot as hell.
Anti christ not. God will kill everyone I'm afraid if me or brothers are picked for such evil. It is apparent to me the antichrist are the masses who betray christ and the likes. In general common conceptual reasoning.
Kellie, I hope to God you see this, you could very well be the next Dolly. You have the charisma, the charm, the voice. You have it all. Be you, but study her career and follow it. We love you!!!
Happy Sunday Kellie, I would just like to let you that you are a beautiful woman and spirit! I love your lyrics and song's as you and your songs are so uplifting and brighten our world! Keep creating girl as this is your gift😊 Peace, love and light, Leah☮💟🌟☀💫✨😊
This is one of my fave songs and videos by Kellie. I like music cause it has a fun bet and the video cause she isn't so 'dolledup', she looks more natural and this may shock some people but I prefer her to Taylor Swift
Hello Diane 👋 Simple music can make you sing, a simple hug can make you feel, better, simple things can make you happy, I hope my simple hello will put a smile on your face..
I saw Kellie, Kerrie and Taylor perform at the same concert about 15 years ago. Brad Paisley was the headliner. Damn that was an awesome show. It cost ten bucks to meet the ladies and to get a signed 8x10. I only had ten bucks left so I chose Kelly. She was by far my favorite of the three.
Kellie and Taylor were in Brad's video for "Online" which filmed during that tour. But who's Kerrie? Unless you mean Carrie Underwood. But I think by that time she was already headlining her own tour
Me and you low key liason are the only ones today with a little time between us leaving a comment... Sees we must be bored maybe we should hook up get drunk and go grab a hoover and let the good tines Roll...🥰😊🙃
Kellie Pickler has a great powerful voice and she's great in a hallmark channel Christmas movie to and rip to her husband and prayers to her and her family
Zerria04 I live here in Watertown TN where this football scene was filmed at Watertown High School. I heard that they dug up the white line, put strips of plywood down so her heels wouldn't sink, & recovered the wood in turf, then repainted the white line.
Lady...if I may, your compact vocals remind one (ages old...lol) of the beautiful Ms. Brenda Lee. Gratifying watching you... {Back in the day...I sported 'Red Springilaters', several pair too...hahaha!) You are refreshing!! Thankful.~♡~
I love how she's like "Break up with my bf...check! put on a stunning outfit and shoes to die for...check! embarrass said ex in front of ALL his friends...check! go and party the night away like he never existed...check!" haha definitely an anthem for us girls :) xxx
I would hope that both of my beloved “bonus” daughters would exhibit such moxie (meaning self-confidence, strength and assurance) if they were given the brush-off by an unappreciative boyfriend.
I use to have a lot of fun wearing my red high heels too, but then my wife caught me. Of course, wearing the black leather mini with them didn’t help either...👠👠
I’ve loved this girl since the first time I saw her as a naive 19 year old on American Idol. I hope she’s doing okay in her grief. 😢🙏🏻
She’s amazing! I hate so bad she’s having to go through the loss of her husband. Prayers going up for Kellie and family.
I very much agree
I agree with both of you she is amazing singer I'm so sorry let her husband prayers going through her and her family I love you Kellie Pickler.
Omg the crazy thing is my mom told me that I’m one of her 6th or 7th cousins I thought she wasn’t being for real but she was
Enjoy the time with loved ones all that you can. Everybody has a different expiration date. And since we don't know when that is, just love your moments. Suicide might be a little bit different but, still don't know when that is. 🙏♥️
@@kayewhite9610 😅❤
I'm so sorry for the loss of her husband, praying for her and her family at this time. 🙏❤
So sorry for her loss. I hope she finds love again in life.
I got to meet Kellie Pickler in person , she is very sweet and nice
God Bless you & yours, Kellie! This album helped me through a devastating breakup of a 33 year marriage, a decade ago! May you find peace through music! Amazing Grace, how sweet it is! 🙏💜✌️
Just now finding out about her husband sorry for the loss that would derail anyone god bless her
Every now and again I rediscover how much I love Kellie Pickler and why. Today is one of those days.
She's so beautiful and talented ❤❤
She's an angel.
thanks to Kellie Pickler I got those same red high heels and wore them to school. I rocked those high heels and still have them to this day!
Where did you buy them?
Love women who wear red high heels
JENNNNN!!! the ultimate anthem!! Such power, such grace, such talent!!! Be the girl in the red high heels!!!
I love when Kelli was overseas with the USO singing this song with a solider! It was awesome...
I love her and all her music PERIOD.
I do too!
I have lots of plans later today when I thank God upon awakening. 🙏👊😇
my little sister sings this all the time, she absolutly loves this song, whenever it comes on the radio or tv we turn it up and she stands up and sings her heart out :D
Awwww ❤
Kellie rocks! She such a strong, wonderful role model for girl/women and not just in her songs, but in life.
I was lucky to see her live for this tour - she was funny and the music and show was amazing. I hope she is doing well today, so sorry for her losses.
Revisiting this song after a decade is so refreshing always was a big fan of this song I’m not ashamed to say this song was definitely on my country music playlist on my mp3 back in the day
I was 9 when I first heard this song, I would play the music video over and over again. This is the first time since then I have heard it and I still love it
+Kat Shaye same lol
j Kilpatrick I don't know they stopped teaching through contents in public schools
she looks like a baby doll
Kat Shaye same
Same! I can’t believe how long it’s been, but it always hits the same when I hear it
RIP to her husband, such a tragedy 🤣 She's amazing! I hate so bad she's having to go through the loss of her husband. Prayers going up for kellie and family Revisiting this song after a decide is so Refreshing ! I love Kellie Pickles so much beautiful song I love that song so much lovely song love it sweet and romantic song 🎼🎶🎤🎸🎵😻😍💘🥰🤩🌹💐💋💯🥰😘♥️❣️💚❤️💕💞💖🧡💛💓💙💜
I love Kellie Pickler and her music
I put my arm around Kellie Pickler and had a picture taken of us at a Brad Paisley, Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood concert. I also had a signed 8x10 picture signed by her. I only had ten bucks left in my pocket so I chose Kellie over Taylor and Carrie. I thought Kellie was much finer and a much better talented than the other two. I still believe that.
I remember when this song took off! Absolutely love Kellie! She had the best breakup songs ever💕 so sorry that me leading to this song again lead me to see that her husband has recently passed. I’m so sorry.. Kellie you and your family are in my prayers 🙏🏼
I’ve loved her since American idol!
This is Scott David Schoenfeld. I am single. I have been in two relationships. I lost one girlfriend to breast cancer in Nashville. I had one girlfriend I went to the Middle Tennessee State Mental Health Institute for protesting against " drag racers" against the honky tonks to take the brunt for. I learned from both relationships that " women are smarter than high- functioning autistic men" I big-time dislike ladies being taken advantage of by gentlemen. Yes. Please. Thank you. Your welcome. I have high- functioning autism. Thank you, please, Killie Pickler and lady fans for helping Scott David Schoenfeld realize women across America are special and smarter, than stubborn men. You go 🇺🇸 American USA women. Yes. Please. Thank you. Your welcome. Dedicated to all of the 🇺🇸 American USA " tough ladies" with my "southern hospitality spirit," in Gilbert, Arizona. Age 44. Mother's Day 2021. Your welcome.
Sad 😭😭 God please hold Kellie and her family in your precious arms during a very sad time 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️🩹❤️🩹
going through a breakup with a cheater and blasting this song even tho i can’t go out ANYWHERE because quarantine 😭😭🙃
I bet you are doing good now that you are free of that sack of tators
Whoever cheat on you is crazy.....
Type in the RUclips search bar, _Your lying cheating heart._ Look for a post from someone called Renata M. The pictures she put to that music are hilarious!! Pictures of a lying so and so. Toward the end, is the funniest (what she did to his car).
People suck Better to be alone I’m a man never cheated in my life but get treated like crap for what I can do for you. Sucks
Sorry hun.......sucks....been there done that after a 28 year marriage.....divorced 7 year....it DOES get better
She has come such a long way since this song was a hit! And I LOVE it! She seems like such a nice girl. I'm glad to see her success. Even though her talk show has been cancelled, she'll be fine. Something else will come along.
bexarcountz frank arrdenoodKristinKristin
Beautiful person ❤️
WHERE has the past 10 years gone?!😩😩😩
She is an amazing singer! I can't wait till I get to see her in concert soon!
i had a wish to want to meet kellie, when i first saw this video back in tha day, was able to git 4 meet&greets for a picture with her, she always amazed me at every concert i went to see her at, she has one of those gorgeous type of voices, 🍀💯
Probably one of the finest blending's of Jessi Colter-country flavored singing and Keith Richards melodic rock & roll guitar riffing I ever heard. She may have been on American Idol but Kellie Pickler kicks ass on this track. Infectious melody, great performance and wonderful little story with attitude. It's not everyday someone from today's generation of singers understands what country and rock are when those two genres french kiss. "Red High Heels" -- what a great musical lip lock from start to finish. Those thumbs down? 622 dislikes up against 10 million listens -- those thumbs should go back up their asses where they do the most good. Hey, those people are all sitting in front of RUclips and Kellie? Well, she's out there singing with Miranda Lambert. As many posters noted, Kellie does have a killer body -- how nice. But, what caught my attention was Ms. Pickler's support of Danny Thomas' St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis. Now that alone -- I'd give her a standing ovation for and I don't stand up for many people.
John LaStrada I like girls who wear cute shoes too. Especially red high heels.
I think Kelli Pickler is great, I kinda wondered about her after American idol, but she is kicking it !
@@jwgreek8606 UT tj I 28th 2nd St 12245
@@jwgreek8606 - What? You say?
The word can be used as a noun, pronoun, or adjective.
That should answer your question, James Greek.
Oh hell yeah! In my red high heels. Love this song. Thanks for sharing it with us.
BETTER tHAN "these boots are made for walkin" & ALWAYS HAS BEEN!!!!!!!!!!!! 🌏🌎🌍🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤️✝️ We LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Red high heels always look BEST going/coming home to you ❤
I love this song. 😍😍😍
i love this song so much. kellie pickler is one of my fave female singers
Kellie Pickler te conocí con ésta canción tu voz me pareció distinta e irresistible. Soy tu Fan desde Chile 🇨🇱 Mucho Éxito y Saludos 😉💪
She is so wonderful, just awesome.
She was soooo underrated as a performer! 😭😭😭
Shannon Marie Quinlan svelte earle cd player new
So sorry for the loss of your husband may he be in peace love and prayers for kelli❤❤❤❤❤❤
**Dang** I love this song! Kellie pickler is sassy!!
She’s really good should have gone a long way. She’s a Country Queen.
She has her own talk show.
Ohhh kelli pickler Saw her at the block party Shelby with my mom law yrs back she's tough. 😮
God bless her and all my niccS
I love Kellie Pickler!
This was the first country song I ever loved haha!
Oh, i love country music! Im saying that this was the first ever country song i liked when i was little. :) Now im a full on country music fan! haha
This is the best song i have ever listened too
Mine was teardrops on my guitar by TAYLOR SWIFT I STILL LOVE
Taylor Stuart You need to get out more.
hannah lyons
Taylor _who_ ?
She's really good looking in this, but still doesn't compare to what she looks like in "Best Days of Your Life". She's absolutely drop dead gorgeous in that video.😍😍😍
This is the song that made me become a Kelli Pickler fan!!
I love all of her stuff
Brittany Andrews I spelled Kellie Pickler wrong because I have diplopia a symptom of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS EXCUSE ME!!
Dixie Battaglia it made a lot of ppl Kellie Pickler fans including me. I crushed on her because I have a fetish for shoes. That's the first thing I notice about a girl/woman is the shoes she wears.
Everybody did hell that was her first one
I love her voice I think this song is catchy!
I watch this while I get ready to go on duty all time.
KP IS tough!
I absolutely love this song! 💗
Oh my god, what a beautiful woman! And how good he sings. She's a love of person.
I haven't heard this song in so long! I loved then and I love it now!
Love this song and kelli as well she’s an amazing artist as well as actor she is in my book a 10 of 10 while no ones perfect I swear she’s the closest to it I’ve known literally an angel on earth
She is the sweetheart of country music ❤
I've always loved this song!!!
Kellie Pickler is one of the Countriest girl in Country music but Country radio hasn't played her last efforts. It's a shame. We love you Kellie!!
Not only is she beautiful but what a voice god bless you and your family for the loss of your husband❤
She always wears dresses with different hairstyles, but this is the best she's ever looked in my opinion. Loved her hair in this and the jeans with the tank is hot as hell.
I agree
Kellie Pickler should have won American Idol😃 Love this song.
She is sooooo GORGEOUS!!! I could watch her videos all day. Also, her singing has come a long way since idol.
Listening in 2021. Love this song. It’s such a great song especially when a guy doesn’t really know what they have until it’s gone.
havent heard this song in like 5/6 years and it s better than i remember
Funny, freaks wait that's me. #26. Your craved mess iah crown me now please.
Anti christ not. God will kill everyone I'm afraid if me or brothers are picked for such evil. It is apparent to me the antichrist are the masses who betray christ and the likes. In general common conceptual reasoning.
Kellie, I hope to God you see this, you could very well be the next Dolly. You have the charisma, the charm, the voice. You have it all. Be you, but study her career and follow it. We love you!!!
12 years later and this song is always my post breakup go to. Absolutely love it!
this is one of my favorite songs
Happy Sunday Kellie,
I would just like to let you that you are a beautiful woman and spirit!
I love your lyrics and song's as you and your songs are so uplifting and brighten our world! Keep creating girl as this is your gift😊
Peace, love and light,
This is one of my fave songs and videos by Kellie. I like music cause it has a fun bet and the video cause she isn't so 'dolledup', she looks more natural and this may shock some people but I prefer her to Taylor Swift
You go girl!!!!!! I love to see this sort of this empowering stuff. :)
Keep it up!
Praying for you love your music my friend so sorry about your husband 🙏🙏
Hello Diane 👋 Simple music can make you sing, a simple hug can make you feel, better, simple things can make you happy, I hope my simple hello will put a smile on your face..
This is an amazing song!!!!!!!!!!
RIP to her husband. Such a tragedy 😢
A total tragedy😅 pointless
Kellie Picklet is one of the best country artists❤
My condolences on the loss of Kellie's husband. May he find peace on the other side.
Any ideas why? Used to watch their show together. And have always Loved her music. So sad to hear:(.
Husband died from suicide
I saw Kellie, Kerrie and Taylor perform at the same concert about 15 years ago. Brad Paisley was the headliner. Damn that was an awesome show. It cost ten bucks to meet the ladies and to get a signed 8x10. I only had ten bucks left so I chose Kelly. She was by far my favorite of the three.
Kellie and Taylor were in Brad's video for "Online" which filmed during that tour. But who's Kerrie? Unless you mean Carrie Underwood. But I think by that time she was already headlining her own tour
LOVE this song!
Listening in 2020
Listening in 2021 😎
Me and you low key liason are the only ones today with a little time between us leaving a comment...
Sees we must be bored maybe we should hook up get drunk and go grab a hoover and let the good tines Roll...🥰😊🙃
Nope. I'm listening in 1950.
2021 💜
Hate to break to you, but 14 years isn't that long a time assuming you're not... 14.
She is the sweetheart of country music I love her voice ❤️
i love this song!!!
I love this song I love her voice its so beautiful,
Kellie Pickler has a great powerful voice and she's great in a hallmark channel Christmas movie to and rip to her husband and prayers to her and her family
love this song and love kellie pickler
i want to know how she's walking across the Field in those Heels without them sinking?
Zerria04 I live here in Watertown TN where this football scene was filmed at Watertown High School. I heard that they dug up the white line, put strips of plywood down so her heels wouldn't sink, & recovered the wood in turf, then repainted the white line.
Or she's walking on her toes
It's not hard if you know how to actually walk in heels. I have no problem walking through soft terrain.
@@princessmissy50 wow. I can't believe they went through all that for maybe one minutes worth of footage 😮
Put all your weight on your tip toes
Lady...if I may, your compact vocals remind one (ages old...lol) of the beautiful Ms. Brenda Lee. Gratifying watching you...
{Back in the day...I sported 'Red Springilaters', several pair too...hahaha!)
You are refreshing!! Thankful.~♡~
Still one of the best country songs made.
They don't make those kinda country song anymore 😭
I love how she's like "Break up with my bf...check! put on a stunning outfit and shoes to die for...check! embarrass said ex in front of ALL his friends...check! go and party the night away like he never existed...check!" haha definitely an anthem for us girls :) xxx
I Agree ! This would cause any guy to go Suicide . Perfect Revenge Tune !
Or guys lol
Definitely agree love this
j wazy109 -It’s not because they are guy it’s because they are stupid like you :)
I would hope that both of my beloved “bonus” daughters would exhibit such moxie (meaning self-confidence, strength and assurance) if they were given the brush-off by an unappreciative boyfriend.
Kelly, my heart was ripped out for what happened to you. 😢 Love you always ❤️
This song is so catchy that in 2016 I still hum it in my head
Andrew Boone I'm still humming it in 2018
Still in 2019
Still love this song 💋💋😘😘😘💟💟 2019 😘😘😘😝😝😝
I am just saying I have been all around the world and this young lady brings me back home every time. Hope you are well young lady!
Long time since i heard this song
Aly Reital I know
Love you to
I remember when she was on American Idol and in June 2009 I graduated from high school
She was a big star on American idol and shocked she didn't keep recording songs.. underrated country artist... good song though... 😊😊💯👍
I remember watching this SO long ago.
i love kelly she sure can sing
you. are. good. 😂😍😻❤💍
great video great voice
I use to have a lot of fun wearing my red high heels too, but then my wife caught me. Of course, wearing the black leather mini with them didn’t help either...👠👠
On a powerhouse blonde southern bell marathon🤗😍😂
I love this song listen to it every Saturday night in the club and dance to it
Shania Cummings would love to dance with you someday boo
Shania Cummings you'd rock a pair of red high heels
Shania Cummings to
Beverly Jones what?!
Prayers for Kellie and her family.
A comfort for your loss....
This song and before he cheats used to be me and my best friends favorite songs!