Does JESUS Have a God? Responding to a Common Muslim Objection

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @TestifyApologetics
    @TestifyApologetics 2 дня назад +232

    Its the ChatGPT lady. I don’t always say it but she's deliberately dishonest. Also...Where's your hijab ma'am?

    • @JaidenYoon
      @JaidenYoon 2 дня назад +26


    • @FishermensCorner
      @FishermensCorner 2 дня назад

      it would get in the way of her hijiggiles

    • @RobertsonGerson
      @RobertsonGerson 2 дня назад +4

      Is she exists? or it's just an AI generate

    • @savagecimmerian8442
      @savagecimmerian8442 2 дня назад +19

      @@RobertsonGersonI think she’s a real person who consults ChatGPT on scripture while also constraining it to certain verses thus giving the appearance of honesty for the sake of context while remaining completely deceptive. She’s a wiley one.

    • @darkwolf7740
      @darkwolf7740 2 дня назад +5

      Mrs GPT

  • @Zundfolge
    @Zundfolge 2 дня назад +97

    I hope that girl doesn't smoke around that strawman she's constructed there, that would be very dangerous.

    • @davidmorgan5581
      @davidmorgan5581 2 дня назад +5

      Indeed, the straw would probably catch on fire.

  • @tuolumne556
    @tuolumne556 2 дня назад +133

    The sheer arrogance of thinking her 30-second TikTok “debunks” a belief system that has been put through fire for over 2000 years! The smugness!

    • @HaroldShipley
      @HaroldShipley 2 дня назад

      Christianity has existed LESS than 2000 years.

    • @francescoaccomando7781
      @francescoaccomando7781 2 дня назад +25

      @@HaroldShipley Christianity exists for 6000 years, Adam and Eve had the revelation of the messiah on Genesis 3:15 and Jesus walked with them in the garden as the Word of God. 🤷‍♂

    • @lionsmusic004
      @lionsmusic004 2 дня назад

      straight to the point ​@@francescoaccomando7781

    • @kellyanne7225
      @kellyanne7225 2 дня назад +5

      He was also the fourth person in the fiery furnace. He was one of the men who visited Abraham when he was told Sarah would conceive.
      Too many forget or don’t realize that Jesus of the NT is the God and Creator of the OT.
      For me personally, knowing this makes God even more amazing and wonderful! ❤

    • @Maxsumms
      @Maxsumms 2 дня назад +1

      ​@HaroldShipley no it's been around all time

  • @acurisur
    @acurisur 2 дня назад +73

    This is just a clear misunderstanding of how the Godhead works. It's like you said, 3 distinct persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - that are all fully God.

    • @tpearce713
      @tpearce713 2 дня назад +5

      I think it's more a misunderstanding of the incarnation. Jesus is both God and man, and as a man he prays to and honors God because that's what a perfectly righteous man does. The Trinity is also relevant though, because Jesus isn't praying to himself when he prays to the Father

    • @arcguardian
      @arcguardian 2 дня назад +3

      If it was a misunderstanding, they would have just asked for clarity.
      they assume Christianity is false so they strawman and misrepresent it, instead of seeking clarity.
      In short it wasn't a misunderstanding, but a bad faith passive aggressive video.

    • @xbluesaintx
      @xbluesaintx 2 дня назад

      I thought "Godhead" was a singular word?

    • @samueljennings4809
      @samueljennings4809 2 дня назад

      I would agree with @tpearce713. It is a lot to do more with the Incarnation, else you would have the eternal Word praying to the Father as God, which doesn't make any sense. The Son praying to the Father only is coherent with monotheism in the Incarnation.

    • @astutik8909
      @astutik8909 2 дня назад

      @@xbluesaintx it is. The Father and his Spirit.
      Trinitarians believe in 3 gods.
      One god prays to another god.
      2 gods have different names, ie, JEHOVAH and Jesus. The third percon god doesnt have a name.
      Listening to trinitarians explain their invention is like sitting in an assylum and nodding.

  • @bigga5406
    @bigga5406 2 дня назад +101

    Nothing more cringe than someone acting so arrogant and condescending about a topic that they literally know nothing about.

    • @kyleclair41
      @kyleclair41 2 дня назад +5

      Ugh, ain't that the truth...

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 2 дня назад +1

      If only you understood the irony in a trinitarian accusing someone of being arrogant and condescending about a topic they literally know nothing about. Pot, meet kettle.

    • @gritticus
      @gritticus 2 дня назад +15

      @@theeternalsbeliever1779If only you understood the irony in an atheist accusing a trinitarian who’s accusing an atheist of being arrogant and condescending about a topic they know literally nothing about
      Pot, meet kettle.
      Seeing where this is going?

    • @OctagonalSquare
      @OctagonalSquare 2 дня назад +6

      @@theeternalsbeliever1779trinitarian is the same as Christian. Anything else is heresy, and therefore not Christian.
      Jesus calls himself I Am a few times. He says he and the father are one. This video mentions even more cases of him being confirmed to be God.

    • @macmac1022
      @macmac1022 2 дня назад

      Like so many christians and muslims about evolution.

  • @Noteven0
    @Noteven0 2 дня назад +68

    The overwhelming majority of atheists don't understand how their own eyes work, and yet they believe what they see. They don't understand how their own ears work, and yet they believe what they hear... except when it comes to the God that created those eyes and those ears... then suddenly have to explain and scientifically prove every aspect of that God, if you want them to believe.

    • @RetroRenegade8706
      @RetroRenegade8706 2 дня назад +8

      Amen to that brother 🙏

    • @Sopranohooper
      @Sopranohooper 2 дня назад +5

      Baldwinized memes! All creation gives glory to the creator!

  • @thefirstcoatline
    @thefirstcoatline 2 дня назад +311

    Tim found the cure for strawmen fallacies.
    "If you're going to challenge Christian theology, then you should try to understand Christian theology."

    • @Thaijler
      @Thaijler 2 дня назад +11

      "A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion." - Proverbs 18:2

    • @AFoldingTable7
      @AFoldingTable7 2 дня назад +2

      Perfect sentence 👌🏼

    • @bardowesselius4121
      @bardowesselius4121 2 дня назад

      Only understanding that what we call Christian theology today is a mixture of God's word and carnal thinking like greek philosophy and not just the word of God can open one's eyes. The vast majority always is wrong, see all the examples in the OT. And that majority applies for both christianity and islam. Jesus saves from religion by leading believers to the unmixed truth.

    •  2 дня назад +1

      @@bardowesselius4121 Except Jesus is Christianity as Christianity is based on what Jesus said and did. So you think Jesus mixes carnal thinking? I think the carnal thinking is mostly on your end.

    • @kellyanne7225
      @kellyanne7225 2 дня назад +1

      @@bardowesselius4121 Prove this with just one verse, that sinful flesh is mixed in with God’s Word.
      Go ahead.
      What garbage! 🤦‍♀️

  • @wwfera00
    @wwfera00 2 дня назад +161

    It's a valid question but she wasn't asking in good faith. She thought she was exposing the Trinity. Wrongo.

    • @TommyNitro
      @TommyNitro 2 дня назад

      This is the same girl who claimed chat gpt says islam is the true faith.....but didn't bother showing how she told it to answer from a muslim perspective. She's disingenuous and doing it for the clicks. If she really believed she'd wear a burka.

    • @billbuyers8683
      @billbuyers8683 2 дня назад +2

      maybe, maybe not

    • @mrjessehumphries
      @mrjessehumphries 2 дня назад +10

      It's not a valid question because she didn't ask a single question to her audience in the video. She set up a character to ask herself a question she already wanted to answer. No one asked, and neither did she. To be a valid question she needs to be searching for an answer, not acting.

    • @savagecimmerian8442
      @savagecimmerian8442 2 дня назад

      Exactly this. It’s the norm for most Muslims to be completely dishonest about their own religion and practises and is only a weak attempt at trying to represent Islam to the ignorant in a better light. Just study Islam for yourself or follow Dr. David Wood, Sam Shamoun, or Christian Prince and you’ll get the truth of Islam.

    • @samueljennings4809
      @samueljennings4809 2 дня назад +3

      @@mrjessehumphries I think that by saying it's valid, one is saying that it is a question worth answering.
      The problem is that she is not asking in genuine curiosity or questioning but has ulterior motives in how she presents it.

  • @aSUGAaddiction
    @aSUGAaddiction 2 дня назад +16

    These short videos have been a help is seeing how I've grown in studying and understanding Christian theology. I see the fallacies in this argument when 4 years ago, i would not have been able to see how wrong it is. This is encouraging for me. Thanks Tim!

  • @amandablakely7702
    @amandablakely7702 2 дня назад +41

    Thank you, this is helpful! I've wondered about this one for a long time.

    • @RedPenLogic
      @RedPenLogic  2 дня назад +12

      Glad it was helpful!

    • @christatum3045
      @christatum3045 2 дня назад +2

      The Father calls The Son God as well
      Hebrews 1:1-14 KJV
      [1] God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, [2] hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; [3] who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; [4] being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. [5] For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, This day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, And he shall be to me a Son? [6] And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. [7] And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, And his ministers a flame of fire. [8] But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: A sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. [9] Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; Therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee With the oil of gladness above thy fellows. [10] And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; And the heavens are the works of thine hands: [11] They shall perish; but thou remainest: And they all shall wax old as doth a garment; [12] And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, And they shall be changed: But thou art the same, And thy years shall not fail. [13] But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, Until I make thine enemies thy footstool? [14] Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

    • @whiteandblack2005
      @whiteandblack2005 3 часа назад

      The Father has called many people God.
      The Son, COMMANDED by the Father, preached and practiced that the Father is his GOD - THE ONLY TRUE GOD.
      ✅ Jesus preached and practiced 👉 Unitarian
      ❌ Your FAITH 👉 Trinitarian
      Jesus preached and practiced:
      Who is THE ONLY TRUE GOD?
      ✅ The Father ☝️ (SINGLE PERSON)
      (John 17:3)
      Who is the God of Jesus?
      ✅ The Father ☝️ (SINGLE PERSON)
      (John 20:17)

    •  Час назад

      @@whiteandblack2005 All of that was disproved by Mr. B as explaning how Jesus is both God and Man, and so is the basis for the Trinity. That Jesus who is God was talking to His Father who is God proves the Trinity, depite your denial of it and goofy graphics. Cherry picking where Jesus was talking from His human perspective and ignoring where Jesus speaks from His divine perspective, such as John 17:5, He existed "before the world was", which you conveniently ignored, does not disprove He is God.

    • @whiteandblack2005
      @whiteandblack2005 Час назад

      So even if we go by the gymnastics of Mr. B, your best example to follow, the perfect role model Jesus the man is a Unitarian. As man Jesus preached and practiced that The Father is his GOD - THE ONLY TRUE GOD.
      Hence, Jesus is the biggest
      according to your FAITH.

  • @Are_You_Sure_Bro
    @Are_You_Sure_Bro 2 дня назад +36

    I love how she actually thinks she's discovered something that Christians have somehow missed for 2000 years. Like no one before her has ever talked about this.

    • @bradykenny5485
      @bradykenny5485 День назад +1

      Bro that’s exactly what I saying out loud to myself. Like “looks like we just missed this one all this time.”

    • @whiteandblack2005
      @whiteandblack2005 3 часа назад

      Jesus described a certain type of people who don't really want to correct their false ways:
      👉 "seeing they see not"
      ✅ Jesus preached and practiced 👉 Unitarian
      ❌ Your FAITH 👉 Trinitarian
      Jesus preached and practiced:
      Who is THE ONLY TRUE GOD?
      ✅ The Father ☝️ (SINGLE PERSON)
      (John 17:3)
      Who is the God of Jesus?
      ✅ The Father ☝️ (SINGLE PERSON)
      (John 20:17)

    • @whiteandblack2005
      @whiteandblack2005 3 часа назад

      The religious historian and philosopher Han-Joachim Schoeps says: “Here is a paradox of world-historical proportions: Jewish Christianity indeed disappeared within the Christian church, but was PRESERVED in I-s-l-a-m.”
      (Caps mine)
      👉 Backed up by the preaching and practice of Jesus of the Bible.
      "There is CONSENSUS among biblical scholars that Jesus, to all historical probability, did NOT consider himself as the incarnation of the second person of a Trinitarian God. NOWHERE did Jesus teach a Trinitarian doctrine. As one would expect from a pious Jewish rabbi, he believed in ONE GOD and strictly REFUSED to be equated with God. Jesus saw himself as a divinely authorized MESSENGER ... [and] his contemporaries [saw] Jesus as a PROPHET..." (Perry Schmidt-Leukel, Religious Pluralism, 152)
      Caps mine

  • @composite_0
    @composite_0 2 дня назад +320

    I always hate these "arguments" where one person plays both sides thinking they understand the stance of their opposition.

    • @GSpotter63
      @GSpotter63 2 дня назад

      Why? Do you think that's not possible? Just because you can't do it doesn't mean others can't.

    • @roguedoge2479
      @roguedoge2479 2 дня назад +38

      @@GSpotter63 I mean, she couldn’t.

    • @scottybreuer
      @scottybreuer 2 дня назад +24

      ​@@GSpotter63 You appear to have misunderstood the complaint.

    • @AcousticThoughts159
      @AcousticThoughts159 2 дня назад +1

      I know. It’s their form of mockery. Life is all “fun and inclusive” until it’s about a Christian, then you can trash and mock them all you want.😕

    • @gaminpreacher2909
      @gaminpreacher2909 2 дня назад +11

      @GSpotter63 I think you purposely misreapeted his statement to then make a argument you know what that is?

  • @ameribeaner
    @ameribeaner 2 дня назад +41

    When Paul said women are to be silent and learn from their husbands, he had this woman in mind.

    • @matth3091
      @matth3091 2 дня назад +8

      LOL but for real the context was it was in reference to women spreading false prophecy /scripture and leading others astray.

    • @ronaldssvarups1954
      @ronaldssvarups1954 2 дня назад +1

      But still only men should speak in the church.

    • @matth3091
      @matth3091 2 дня назад +5

      @@ronaldssvarups1954 they shouldn't lead but can speak

    • @ameribeaner
      @ameribeaner 2 дня назад +7

      @@matth3091 and that applies to this video perfectly 🤣😂🤣

    • @kellyanne7225
      @kellyanne7225 2 дня назад


  • @hwd7
    @hwd7 2 дня назад +13

    Every Dawahgandist trots out this canard.
    Well answered, Mr B.

    • @jeremysimmonsDotNet
      @jeremysimmonsDotNet 2 дня назад +1

      til Dawahgandist is a word and "trots out the canard" is a phrase - "Trots out this canard" is an expression that criticizes someone for repeating a false or unfounded story, especially one that has been used before. Thank you!

    • @hwd7
      @hwd7 День назад

      @@jeremysimmonsDotNet Ok, how about, every dawahgandist trots out this old chestnut.
      Is that better?

  • @FitBabe
    @FitBabe 2 дня назад +6

    People who make these types of videos only show how much they _don’t_ understand the Bible. I don’t mean that in a condescending way- because I, too, have a lot to learn. I hope the people you respond to get a chance to see your videos! These videos really help with things that I find confusing.

  • @TheWayOfLife110
    @TheWayOfLife110 2 дня назад +13

    Here first 🎉🎉🎉 GOD BLESS Y'ALL, YOU ALL 😅

  • @sjmusicforlife4638
    @sjmusicforlife4638 2 дня назад +8

    "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Proverbs 14:12

  • @Bad_Llama
    @Bad_Llama 2 дня назад +6

    It's not surprising that so many Muslims don't understand the Trinity. Many Christians don't either. But with that aside, if Muslims understood what the Trinity is, they would be closer to knowing the truth and that's the last thing the one Muslims worship actually wants. Pray for Muslims, for God to reveal the truth to them so they can be set free from sin and walk in God's glorious light.

  • @--Seratin-
    @--Seratin- 2 дня назад +8

    these people are more interested in proving god doesn't exist, rather than interested in finding out if god exists or not

    • @roguedoge2479
      @roguedoge2479 2 дня назад

      They don’t look for the truth in good faith which is why they never find it. Gods meaning is always hidden from these atheist bible-speedreaders

  • @thinkingtoinfinity
    @thinkingtoinfinity День назад +2

    Yep. Also - "If you have seen me, you've seen the Father." John 14

  • @James_Bee
    @James_Bee 2 дня назад +42

    It's 2024 and we still have to explain the basics to airheads.

    • @travisfields157
      @travisfields157 2 дня назад +10

      Not necessarily airheads, just unlearned. Maybe she was insincere, but many still do not know. Even today, the Great Commission is vital.

    • @karlkrause6679
      @karlkrause6679 2 дня назад +10

      Airheads has nothing to do with it. The Trinity is a challenging concept even for the greatest Christian minds. She exposed a misunderstanding (and perhaps her own arrogance) but it doesn't inherently mean she's stupid. Making those kinds of assumptions about somebody in error will only create barriers to your own Christian witness.

    • @DiggitySlice
      @DiggitySlice 2 дня назад +1

      ​@@travisfields157you're overestimating how many people are actively rejecting vs haven't heard

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 2 дня назад +1

      @@DiggitySlice The trinity should be opposed. Not only is it unbiblical, it's just flat out illogical.

    • @travisfields157
      @travisfields157 2 дня назад +1

      @theeternalsbeliever1779 See? Unlearned, but every time we try to comment, there's someone that wants to stir the pot.

  • @ad1rteebum_673
    @ad1rteebum_673 2 дня назад +10

    Psalm 45:6-7 (ESV): 6 Your throne, O God, is forever and ever.
    The scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of uprightness;
    7 you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness.
    Therefore God, your God, has anointed you
    with the oil of gladness beyond your companions

    • @lionsmusic004
      @lionsmusic004 2 дня назад +1

      no one wants to see these kind of verses because it would end the discussion.

    • @droptozro
      @droptozro 2 дня назад

      @@lionsmusic004 No, it wouldn't because it has an original context too---as it likely referred to Solomon initially if you read all of Psalm 45 and no one is claiming Solomon was "God natured," but possibly "god" in his authority is one understanding.

    • @astutik8909
      @astutik8909 2 дня назад +1

      The throne is GODs. Its a divine dynasty of kings.
      Those who sit upon it are not GOD.
      Hebrews 1 v 8 adds, " and to the son he saith". Falsely translated.
      The throne is of GOD.
      1 Chronicles 29 v 23 " then Solomon sat on the throne of the LORD instead of David his father".....
      ( verse 20 ".....and worshipped the LORD, and the king").

    • @droptozro
      @droptozro День назад

      @@astutik8909 Yes I back your understanding also as a legitimate translation. Solomon sat on YHWH's throne also in 1 Chron 29

  • @newenglandsun4394
    @newenglandsun4394 2 дня назад +9

    The argument assumes that unitarianism is the only legitimate form of monotheism. Monotheism is no where inherently unitarian. Jesus can call the Father His God and still be God because Trinitarian monotheism is the theology of Christianity. Therefore, Jesus can refer to the Father as His God and still be God because all three are fully God and one alone can be referenced as God or all three together as God.

    • @whiteandblack2005
      @whiteandblack2005 3 часа назад

      ✅ Jesus preached and practiced 👉 Unitarian
      ❌ Your FAITH 👉 Trinitarian
      Jesus preached and practiced:
      Who is THE ONLY TRUE GOD?
      ✅ The Father ☝️ (SINGLE PERSON)
      (John 17:3)
      Who is the God of Jesus?
      ✅ The Father ☝️ (SINGLE PERSON)
      (John 20:17)

    • @whiteandblack2005
      @whiteandblack2005 3 часа назад

      The religious historian and philosopher Han-Joachim Schoeps says: “Here is a paradox of world-historical proportions: Jewish Christianity indeed disappeared within the Christian church, but was PRESERVED in I-s-l-a-m.”
      (Caps mine)
      👉 Backed up by the preaching and practice of Jesus of the Bible.
      "There is CONSENSUS among biblical scholars that Jesus, to all historical probability, did NOT consider himself as the incarnation of the second person of a Trinitarian God. NOWHERE did Jesus teach a Trinitarian doctrine. As one would expect from a pious Jewish rabbi, he believed in ONE GOD and strictly REFUSED to be equated with God. Jesus saw himself as a divinely authorized MESSENGER ... [and] his contemporaries [saw] Jesus as a PROPHET..." (Perry Schmidt-Leukel, Religious Pluralism, 152)
      Caps mine

    • @whiteandblack2005
      @whiteandblack2005 2 часа назад

      The Muslims worship the GOD of "God Jesus".

  • @gankaku1000
    @gankaku1000 День назад

    100% agree with you bro. Gad father bless everyone in the name of our lord and savior jesuschrits. Big hug from Venezuela

  • @WS-nj7nq
    @WS-nj7nq 2 дня назад +4

    I'm not completely versed in the Bible, but I do know there is over 20 instances of scripture declaring Jesus is God, in the Old Testament as well as the New.

    • @roguedoge2479
      @roguedoge2479 2 дня назад

      One doesn’t have to be necessarily. The Holy spirit gives wisdom to whoever faithfully serves Him and seeks it.
      This is why there are newcomers who are more biblically correct than “teachers” who have been theologians for decades.

    •  День назад

      @@roguedoge2479 You mean the wrong "teachers" for decades saying Jesus isn't God, right?

    • @roguedoge2479
      @roguedoge2479 День назад

      That does apply

  • @teknatruth
    @teknatruth 2 дня назад +1

    I always link your videos, explaining deep Truths, in an easy to understand way.
    Keep speaking the Truth, in Love and Compassion.
    thank you for being a child of Truth = tekna Truth!

  • @ransombaggins9301
    @ransombaggins9301 2 дня назад +3

    I wish people would start by remembering the old adage, “There’s nothing new under the sun,” and then just go look for the answer before plastering their social media with stuff like this girl’s “argument.” When people ask why some will restate the same old points over and over again, this is why. 😂

    • @francescoaccomando7781
      @francescoaccomando7781 2 дня назад

      Do you think most muslims speak in good faith? Do you remember what Jesus said to the pharasees? They speak the language of their father the devil, he speak lies and is the father of lies. Muslim are either ignorant, liar or ex-muslims. God bless them, may open their hearts.

  • @revelation-i7l
    @revelation-i7l День назад +2

    Mary was the vessel that the faithful Creator used to bring the promised Messiah into this world.
    "Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things"(Luke 24:45-48).

  • @kardew973
    @kardew973 День назад +4

    Allah calls to die for him, but Christ calls to live for him !
    Allah wants submission from all, but Christ offers his love to all !
    Allah says he is the best deceiver, but Christ proclaims he is the Truth !
    Allah curses those who dont believe him, but Christ wants to save all ! ✝

  • @omegaarts8317
    @omegaarts8317 3 часа назад

    Truly, an excellent explanatiion of our theology.
    I would also add the importance of Mat: 13-16, where Jesus asks what people believe about Him. Indeed, most believed that He is a prophet. However, if He was just that, why He asked ''Who do you say that I AM?'' If people were correct ot their take, the case would be closed.
    Consider also how Jesus was talking about Himself, ''The son of man'' and also calling God ''His Father''. Also being an allusion to Dan:7, 13-14, it helps us to realise that Jesus was both fully human and fully God.

  • @stefan00017
    @stefan00017 2 дня назад +8

    1400 years and still dumb

  • @jamesschmidtke5183
    @jamesschmidtke5183 2 дня назад

    the Lord works through you brilliantly bro!

  • @BatMite19
    @BatMite19 2 дня назад +28

    The Trinity is so hard even for Christians to understand that it makes an easy straw man for unbelievers.

    • @scoobydoo9579
      @scoobydoo9579 2 дня назад +3

      Trinity is easy to understand - eg., a programmer (God) programmed a world and at one point put his avatar (Jesus) in it. Jesus does the will of God and is God, but he is somewhat bound by the programmed world and therefore not fully God.

    • @KeysmanJax
      @KeysmanJax 2 дня назад +1

      @@scoobydoo9579ymm, no.

    • @BatMite19
      @BatMite19 2 дня назад +23

      @@scoobydoo9579 That is a heretical analogy and I implore you to abandon it. Jesus is fully God and fully man. Thank you for proving my point, though.

    • @ICantThinkOfAFunnyHandle
      @ICantThinkOfAFunnyHandle 2 дня назад +7

      ​@@scoobydoo9579Absolutely not! If Jesus was not fully God, he would not have been able to live a sinless life for us. If Jesus wasn't fully man, he wouldn't have been able to take the punishment for our sins.

    • @CardSharp5H
      @CardSharp5H 2 дня назад +8

      ​@scoobydoo9579 That is a bad explanation of the Trinity. There is nothing like it, metaphors will fail and that one is exceptionally bad.
      Jesus created and sustains the universe, is separate from the Father, resurrected himself, and is frequently referred to as God. He is not bound by the physical world, he existed before he had a physical body, with God, for eternity. Avatars are created but Jesus has existed forever with the Father and Holy Spirit. Doesn't sound like "not fully God" to me

  • @LadyoftheBunnies
    @LadyoftheBunnies День назад

    ✝️ Great explanation!

  • @SirGsusFreak
    @SirGsusFreak 2 дня назад +14

    Oh no! Theological context! Their only weakness!

  • @Esico6
    @Esico6 2 дня назад

    Always love to hear your clear explanations.

  • @BodyOFChrist-b
    @BodyOFChrist-b 2 дня назад +19

    🕊️ God is Good!!! My Husband and I just Acquired a new House here in Northiry Hill worth (£650k), Despite all the ups and down in house crises in UK..... As you congratulate me your own testimony awaits you. Praise God! Hallelujah. 💙✝️

    • @MerijenAndrena
      @MerijenAndrena 2 дня назад +2

      That's a major turn around. Praise be to Jesus our Lord. Hallelujah

    • @MerijenAndrena
      @MerijenAndrena 2 дня назад

      But then, what do you do? How do you come about that in that period?

    • @BodyOFChrist-b
      @BodyOFChrist-b 2 дня назад +1

      It is simply the digital market. That's been the secret to my success. A lot of folks in the US and abroad are getting so much from the program.

    • @BodyOFChrist-b
      @BodyOFChrist-b 2 дня назад +3

      Big thanks to Mrs Elara Marie Wells.

    • @BodyOFChrist-b
      @BodyOFChrist-b 2 дня назад +2

      Her top notch guidance and expertise on digital market changed the game for me.

  • @PsYc87
    @PsYc87 2 дня назад

    Love love love it! Great explanation. Thank you ❤

  • @shiniquajones2812
    @shiniquajones2812 2 дня назад +4

    Allah took orders from Mohammed according to the Quran

  • @spongebobseyelashes8548
    @spongebobseyelashes8548 2 дня назад +2

    This is just another throwaway "argument" that highlights the idiocy and ignorance of the one putting it forth.

  • @slpplz
    @slpplz 2 дня назад +2

    Basic Christianity.

  • @tomluke647
    @tomluke647 2 дня назад +2

    If she jumps into an actual debate, she will pull the racism and islamaphobe card because she is so bad at it 😂

  • @adhd_coach_nic
    @adhd_coach_nic День назад

    Great video again. Keep going!

  • @toddhouston4523
    @toddhouston4523 2 дня назад

    You do a very god job of clearing hard theology up.

  • @trevorolson2564
    @trevorolson2564 2 дня назад +2

    Nice nod to your older videos; and we do have fun along the way.
    I didn't find her agreement compelling. It's obvious that she is making ignorant claims.

  • @thomasservantofchrist
    @thomasservantofchrist 2 дня назад +1

    Good explanations without need to debate.
    God's word is settled and believed on by faith of the hearer. We should never be intimidated by the folly of a fool, and never pulled into a debate to prove God's truths. The Holy Spirit convicts the willing, and God will judge the rest in Jesus Christ, who is savior to some and Lord to all. Knees will bow, and tongues will confess to this truth in that day. We serve the great God, longsuffering with mercy and grace.
    Preach the word, not debate it. It is already truth. Jesus, Paul, Phillip, so many great examples set forth throughout for us to follow in the way we are to be in sharing God's truth.

    • @roguedoge2479
      @roguedoge2479 2 дня назад +1

      Yeah I don’t debate with those that can’t understand. Biblically a waste of time. I will share His truth and try helping others to understand but the moment it becomes unproductive or their intentions are clearly malicious- I’m gone.

  • @johnnelligan7093
    @johnnelligan7093 2 дня назад +2

    As you said, the argument reveals an ignorance of theology

  • @Lingrad-TheTower
    @Lingrad-TheTower 2 дня назад

    You forgot the background music. By the way, you did an awesome job at FLY Beyond!

  • @ectech3623
    @ectech3623 2 дня назад +2

    Perfect explanation brother 👍🏻, that women's allah is actually a.i. all we can do is pray for her that's all.

  • @WeakestAvenger
    @WeakestAvenger 2 дня назад +1

    Western Christianity has tended to interpret this verse as being in reference to Jesus' Incarnation, that the Father is God over Jesus' humanity.. Eastern Christianity has tended to interpret it as being in reference to God the Father being the only Source without Source, while the Son's source is the Father (i.e., the Son is eternally begotten of the Father); so in that sense the Father is the Son's God, though they are one in essence, one in will and power.
    But I will say that most Muslim arguments against Jesus' divinity misunderstand or completely ignore either the doctrine of the Trinity or the doctrine of the Incarnation (or both).

  • @Kyle-my5il
    @Kyle-my5il 2 дня назад +2

    It’s also not problematic for Jesus to refer to the Father as “my God.” The president of the US is “my” president, but is simultaneously still “his” president

  • @mazthread
    @mazthread 2 дня назад +2

    Ecumenical councils have entered the chat

  •  2 дня назад +1

    Imagine that, thinking that someone 500 years after the fact would know more about Christianity than the ones who were there....Holy Koran based on what? Because that same person who existed 500 years after the fact said so?

  • @Undfined2861
    @Undfined2861 2 дня назад

    Amen brother in christ 🙏🏻✝️🔥👑🤍🤍🤍

  • @subiesapper9233
    @subiesapper9233 2 дня назад

    yall is Biblical! you're good brother :)
    all glory to Jesus, thank you Jesus :)

  • @doughammond8932
    @doughammond8932 2 дня назад +1

    Jesus is the image of God (2 Cor 4:4, Col 1:15, Heb 1:3). This is the *key* to understanding the Trinity and the Deity of Christ and everything Jesus said about His relationship to His Father.

  • @LoavesofBread
    @LoavesofBread 2 дня назад +1

    That was a terrible Quizno's commercial.

  • @JonBGreen91
    @JonBGreen91 2 дня назад

    Um, that was a correct use of the word.
    Please, continue.

  • @Taterstiltskin
    @Taterstiltskin 2 дня назад

    i think it's insane that, even not knowing what you explained quite well in this video, a plain reading of the surrounding text that she quoted disproves in every case that it could be used to make the point she was going for. she literally just had to read - A LITTLE MORE - than she did to see why she shouldn't embarrass herself like that. yet sadly (with regard to hope for humanity) to the majority of her audience (thanks to the algorithm) this will not be embarrassing for her at all, instead some sort of slam dunk into the ignorance basket.

  • @Minetic
    @Minetic 2 дня назад

    1st off you remind me of John C McGinnely, awesome actor
    2nd awesome breakdown once again!

  • @murrayrothtard6072
    @murrayrothtard6072 19 часов назад +1

    They have to be lying on purpose. Either that or they’re just relying on the word of other liars. When you start quoting the Bible, but leave out all the stuff that contradicts the point you’re trying to make it’s not an accident.

  • @TopJazzCat
    @TopJazzCat 2 дня назад +2

    The Son of God didn’t become an atheist when he became human.

    • @droptozro
      @droptozro 2 дня назад

      Right, Jesus is a unitarian, not a trinitarian, that's the point.

    • @roguedoge2479
      @roguedoge2479 2 дня назад

      @@droptozro So, you don’t believe the holy spirit is Gods spirit walking with His children? You deny the divinity of the Holy spirit?

    • @droptozro
      @droptozro День назад

      @@roguedoge2479 The holy spirit is basically referring back to God the Father for the majority of the Bible, God's spirit. However, upon Jesus' resurrection he also gained access to this spirit and/or became spirit. Do a word study. Spirit is way more convoluted term than Trinitarians try to allow it to actually be. Paul uses it to refer to the mind of a man and God(the Father's) mind in his letters also.

  • @Polydueces
    @Polydueces 2 дня назад

    I think Christians believe in a limitless God, while non-Christians believe that same God to have limits. So they refuse to fathom the idea that God can be 3 and 1 simultaneously.
    It's like when physicists say the human mind cannot comprehend the scope of the universe. It's too much for us to handle, so many of us don't. I think that's what's happening with others' understanding of the trinity.

  • @NeededGR13F
    @NeededGR13F 2 дня назад

    Save yourself the headache and don't answer "no" to that first question. Always answer "he can if he incarnates as a man first" from the start. The first answer puts you in the position of trying to convince them that they don't actually have you stuck in a corner. The second has them trying to get you to clarify your position to see if they can find any holes. Completely different momentum.

  • @alexzipp585
    @alexzipp585 2 дня назад +2

    God has a definition. Let's define it.

    • @kiwisaram9373
      @kiwisaram9373 2 дня назад

      It means mighty one and in one sense there are many many mighty ones relatively speaking from mighty men to kings, and may necessitate our need to refer to the God of Abraham as Yahweh Elohim. Yahweh being His personal name. Interestingly Allah has no personal name.

    • @alexzipp585
      @alexzipp585 2 дня назад

      @@kiwisaram9373 correctish. Satan is called a god..... Elohim in the Hebrew. God is a title.

    • @Ordinal_Yoda
      @Ordinal_Yoda 2 дня назад

      Hebrew is like Chemistry. Each letter builds the Meaning.
      It begins with an Aleph.
      The Aleph represents an Elephant (some would say a bullox).
      This gives the Idea of Force along the lines of "Overwhelming".
      The next letter is the Lamed. The Lamed represents a Staff. Which offers support and Teachings.
      Together AL gives the Idea: Powerful Teacher/Leader.
      Sometimes translated as God. Sometimes as a negation: "No". Although "No" is often LA: Meaning: Teaching in Power perhaps Guidance in Power.
      The letter Hey: Is represented by a man holding his arms up. Like as if he was saying: "Over Here".
      Giving us ALE: Powerful Teaching Here, Powerfully Teaching This. Translated as God and translated as "These".
      Thus the suffix IM: gives the plurality. Hence ALEIM: "All of These".

  • @mac-1157
    @mac-1157 День назад +2

    In Islam, being on the straight path (or al-Ṣirāṭ al-Mustaqīm in Arabic) is defined as worshiping, serving, and submitting to God. Yet, the Quran says Allah is on the Straight path. Surah 11:56 says:
    "Indeed, I have relied upon Allah, my Lord and your Lord. There is no creature but that He holds its forelock. Indeed, my Lord is on a path [that is] straight".
    So it's actually Allah that is submitting to a God above him. So this lady has a god that has a god.

  • @unexpectedTrajectory
    @unexpectedTrajectory 2 дня назад

    DOES He "set aside His independent authority and heavenly glory?" Substantially good answer, but I'd challenge you on this point. I'd argue that the "extracalvinisticum," that Jesus remains God "beyond the flesh" is merely Chalcedonian. The divine nature of the Son is unchanged in the Incarnation, especially in light of the fact that He is still incarnate! The human nature is a new mode of existence for the person of the Son, not a changed mode of existence for the divine nature of the Son. The assumption of the human nature IS the "emptying Himself"/"making Himself of no reputation" etc.
    Thanks for all your good work, brother.

  • @godsgospelgirl
    @godsgospelgirl 2 дня назад +1

    Honestly, I think 90% of arguments against the Trinity are false dilemmas.

    • @roguedoge2479
      @roguedoge2479 2 дня назад

      They know it’s the only way they can win; nobody can defeat biblical truth. It’s impossible.

  • @KodyCrimson
    @KodyCrimson 2 дня назад +1

    When she brought up the people thinking Jesus was the prophet of God as proof Jesus was just a prophet she ignored the context. Understand what you critique before you critique it, the people didn't realize the prophet was John the Baptist and Jesus disproved them.

  • @jasonfisher8689
    @jasonfisher8689 2 дня назад

    "Y'all" has broken out of the south!

  • @JonBGreen91
    @JonBGreen91 2 дня назад +1

    The reason her argument is so worthless is because it is so thoughtless.
    Christianity has been around for 2,000 years, yet these thoughtless skeptics think such heresies haven't already been addressed, debated, and debunked.

    • @rf7477
      @rf7477 2 дня назад

      Really? Is the eucharist literal or symbolic? How can jesus be a direct male descendant (by seed) of David and have a virgin birth? How is it possible to kill an unkillable deity? How does an omnipotent god who already knows what's gonna happen in advance pretend it to be a sacrifice? If you look at the many comments below you will see dozens of self written liturgy by christians with their own take on these things. Usually they just take a cherry pick from the bible, as if that somehow proves something. The triangular god of christianity is a contrivance because it does not appear anywhere in the OT.

    • @roguedoge2479
      @roguedoge2479 День назад

      @@rf7477 Go read the bible if you actually want answers. If you won’t read the Bible, you don’t actually want answers. You comment section atheists lead Christians on a strawman-scavenger hunt and the goal-line moves every time your point is debunked because you never actually wanted to learn more about Him.
      We’re done. We’re not wasting our time on those with no ears to hear. Go read the Bible and ask the Lord to guide you if you are genuine.

  • @DanielSturge
    @DanielSturge День назад

    It's annoying when people with zero understanding of theology speak like they understand it. Instead of educating themselves, they arrogantly act like they know.

  • @TommyNitro
    @TommyNitro 2 дня назад

    I see these arguments, and it's like they think no one in thousands of years has ever thought of this. Do they not try a simple internet search before they put out these vids?

  • @newcreationinchristministries
    @newcreationinchristministries 2 дня назад +2

    Yes they don’t understand the concept of the Godhead. Book of Hebrews says this wonderfully in distinction, “But to the Son he says,
    “Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever.
    You rule with a scepter of justice.
    9 You love justice and hate evil.
    Therefore, O God, your God has anointed you,
    pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else.”
    10 He also says to the Son,
    “In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundation of the earth
    and made the heavens with your hands.
    11 They will perish, but you remain forever.
    They will wear out like old clothing.
    12 You will fold them up like a cloak
    and discard them like old clothing.
    But you are always the same;
    you will live forever.”
    - Hebrews 1:8-12
    This furthermore is explained in the scriptures in the letter to the Colossians,
    15 “Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.
    He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation,
    16 for through him God created everything
    in the heavenly realms and on earth.
    He made the things we can see
    and the things we can’t see-
    such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.
    Everything was created through him and for him.
    17 He existed before anything else,
    and he holds all creation together.
    18 Christ is also the head of the church,
    which is his body.
    He is the beginning,
    supreme over all who rise from the dead.
    So he is first in everything.
    19 For God in all his fullness
    was pleased to live in Christ,
    20 and through him God reconciled
    everything to himself.
    He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth
    by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.”
    - Colossians 1:15-20
    “For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body.”
    “in him dwells all the completeness of the Godhead bodily.”
    - Colossians 2:9

  • @workinprogressforHim
    @workinprogressforHim День назад +1

    Hey y'all! 🤠 thanks for the video! Great as always.

  • @PettyCrow-n9c
    @PettyCrow-n9c 2 дня назад

    In the beginning was the word, and the was with God, and the word was God.

  • @japexican007
    @japexican007 2 дня назад +1

    “Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.”
    ‭‭1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭15‬ ‭

    • @roguedoge2479
      @roguedoge2479 2 дня назад

      Mark 5:1-13 (ESV): “crying out with a loud voice, he said, ‘What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me.’”
      This was spoken by a literal demon. Faith without fruits and works is dead.

  • @davethesid8960
    @davethesid8960 2 дня назад

    How is it that people can't understand the concept of one God and three persons?!

  • @AntonseunHeins
    @AntonseunHeins День назад

    Yes, if His the 99, life wants the 100, life will create the 100%

  • @FRodriguez_
    @FRodriguez_ 2 дня назад

    I love how they think of themselves as the wisest person in the room when making these.

  • @mcfarvo
    @mcfarvo 2 дня назад +1

    (Kenosis) when God, The Son, came down to take on flesh (incarnation), to live perfectly for us on our behalf, then He had to pray to God rightly, so He prayed to God, The Father, as He should have as a perfectly righteous human would/should (as only God can be, thus the necessity of Christ Jesus the Messiah, Emmanuel)

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 2 дня назад

      Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Christ came to live perfectly on a Christian's behalf. That is the doctrine of fake Christianity. Christ told the disciples to follow the example He set for them, and they in turn told Christians that they are to live as He lived. This doctrine is found in Paul, John, and Peter's epistles. Go and read them for yourself. A Christian emulates Christ's example. True Christianity goes far beyond possessing a shallow belief in His existence.

  • @Yuhanna8.23
    @Yuhanna8.23 2 дня назад +2

    Jesus is the perfect mediator because He is fully human and fully God!
    A perfect logic that are easy to understand.

    • @astutik8909
      @astutik8909 2 дня назад

      Thats completely illogical and ridiculous.
      Jesus has a GOD because he is not GOD.

    • @Yuhanna8.23
      @Yuhanna8.23 2 дня назад

      @@astutik8909 So how does a perfect mediator should be?

    • @astutik8909
      @astutik8909 2 дня назад

      Jesus is the mediator BETWEEN GOD and man.
      This verse alone proves he isnt the god he is in between of.

    • @Yuhanna8.23
      @Yuhanna8.23 2 дня назад

      @@astutik8909 That verse didn't prove that Jesus is not God though.. 😅 Come on. You seems knowledgeable. I'm still waiting for the answer of my first question. *So how does a perfect mediator should be like?*

    • @astutik8909
      @astutik8909 2 дня назад

      Your question shpuld answer itself.
      What is a mediator?
      Were the high priests GOD? Their levitical function was to mediate between GOD and the people. But they werent GOD either.

  • @isanna6075
    @isanna6075 2 дня назад

    "The Forgotten Trinity" by James White is a good book on the subject.

  • @zsisgreat
    @zsisgreat 2 дня назад

    Also - remember that in Hebrews 1 , the Father calls Jesus “God” (1:8)

    • @timothytrudgen8881
      @timothytrudgen8881 2 дня назад

      No. This is just a translation that assumes the author is trinitarin.

  • @rwbaira
    @rwbaira День назад

    You got the incarnation part spot on, and maybe I didn't understand your appeal to the trinity, but it seems to me that invoking it as part of your answer undermines your argument. Jesus has a god with respect to his human nature, but if he has a god with respect to his divine nature, then the objection stands - God has a god.

    • @souzajustin19d
      @souzajustin19d День назад

      "but if he has a god with respect to his divine nature, then the objection stands - God has a god" You said if, and have not presented evidence to prove it. So therefor the objection falls.

    • @rwbaira
      @rwbaira День назад

      ​@@souzajustin19dI think you missed my point. He says in the video that the argument ignores two Christian beliefs - the trinity and the incarnation, the incarnation alone is sufficient to lay the objection to rest. The Trinity has nothing to do with it.
      He didn't actually make any argument based on the trinity, so I'm not sure why he brought it up. His whole argument was based on the incarnation. But what I'm saying is that it seems to me that the only way to bring the trinity into play here would be to say that Jesus' eternal nature has a god. If you don't say that (and I'm not saying that) then the trinity has nothing to do with the objection raised. But if you do say that then you're actually supporting the objection.
      Basically all I'm saying is that the trinity seems to have nothing to do with the question and so I'm not sure why it was mentioned.

    • @souzajustin19d
      @souzajustin19d День назад

      @@rwbaira Thanks for engaging! The Trinity actually does play a crucial role here. According to Christian doctrine, Jesus, the Son, is fully God, sharing one divine essence with the Father and the Holy Spirit, yet is distinct in personhood. This means that Jesus, in his humanity, can refer to the Father as “my God” without implying a separate deity. The concept of the Trinity inherently explains this relationship, so it's not extraneous but rather central to understanding the argument.

    • @rwbaira
      @rwbaira День назад

      @@souzajustin19d If I understand you right, you're saying the incarnation is sufficient to explain why Jesus can have a god, but if you stop there, people might think you're denying his divinity. So you bring in the trinity to explain how he can also be God while having a god at the same time. It's that accurate?
      If that's right, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.
      This may be a little of point, but I would just like to point out that the trinity is not the only way to make that work. Oneness, for example, accomplishes that just as effectively.

    •  День назад

      @@rwbaira _He didn't actually make any argument based on the trinity, so I'm not sure why he brought it up._
      The reason is because she was asking if Jesus has a God based on Muslims insisting on bringing up their canard about Jesus can't be God or else there would be mulitple Gods. The Trinity is necessary to show how Jesus, who is God, can be talking to "His God" in that the Trinity shows how Jesus can be God and the Father can be God and there still be only one God.

  • @lizzard13666
    @lizzard13666 2 дня назад +2

    This is kind of legit though. One of the reasons I'm a Biblical Unitarian / Christadelphian!

    • @HearGodsWord
      @HearGodsWord 2 дня назад

      How is it kind of legit?

    • @lizzard13666
      @lizzard13666 2 дня назад

      @@HearGodsWord Jesus has a God, repeatedly, in Scripture. Yahweh does NOT have a God, ever, in the Scriptures. The best explanation of this fact in that some form of Biblical Unitarianism is true.

    • @HearGodsWord
      @HearGodsWord 2 дня назад +1

      @lizzard13666 Jesus is fully God, so that would mean he has himself, which means some form of Trinity is true. Helpfully, we are told "In the beginning was the Word (that's Jesus), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Can't be much clearer than that.

    • @BibleteachesTrinity-jn1yj
      @BibleteachesTrinity-jn1yj 2 дня назад

      @@lizzard13666 But Jesus is clearly ontologically God.

    • @lizzard13666
      @lizzard13666 2 дня назад

      @@HearGodsWord John 1:1 precludes the Trinity, what are you talking about? Haven't you heard the John 1:1 Dilemma? First of all, John 1:1 only presents TWO ... did John just forget the Holy Spirit, or are you interpreting him wrong? Secondly, you aren't allowed to translate both instances of "Theos" differently to suit your personal theology. John 1:1 is embarrassing for Trinitarians, you should be hiding that verse if you want to present a Trinity in Scripture.

  • @polktechnologysolutions5874
    @polktechnologysolutions5874 2 дня назад +1

    It's not even about misunderstanding Christianity, they fundamentally misunderstand the Old testament. Psalm 82 in Hebrew says Yahweh says to Yahweh.... Throughout the old testament in Hebrew Yahweh is constantly into places at once. Often a Yahweh in heaven talking to a Yahweh on earth. Realizing that there are in fact two yahweh's in the Old testament only enhances the understanding that yeshua is indeed the second Yahweh in Psalm 82 that destroys the other gods/Elohim...

    • @roguedoge2479
      @roguedoge2479 2 дня назад

      You are in dangerous territory if you actually believe there are two Gods.

    • @polktechnologysolutions5874
      @polktechnologysolutions5874 2 дня назад

      ​@@roguedoge2479didn't say that. I said what the OT says .. YHVH says to YHVH sit at my right hand...
      Read Dr. heisers supernatural or unseen realm.

  • @FishermensCorner
    @FishermensCorner 2 дня назад

    They definitely don't understand that Christ is also fully human; it's not one or the other.

  • @christclinger6540
    @christclinger6540 День назад +1

    You can make the Bible “prove” any argument you want IF you cherry pick scripture passages. BUT if you harmonize all of scripture together you will find
    1) that God has existed in multiple persons from the beginning.
    2) God chooses us for salvation, not the other way around
    3) Jesus is fully divine and fully man
    4) the gift of faith is how we are saved, it’s not by works

  • @nadaaseveraqui2031
    @nadaaseveraqui2031 2 дня назад

    In Hebrews 1, God the Father refers to God the Son as “God” and “Lord.”

    • @timothytrudgen8881
      @timothytrudgen8881 2 дня назад

      No it doesn't. It only reads that if you assume the author is trinitsrian. There is no punctuation.

  • @necrocleric13
    @necrocleric13 День назад +1

    It amuses me how atheists comb the Bible, trying to find anything that they can try to turn into a contradiction. If they don't believe in God, why are they so obsessed with the Bible?

    • @roguedoge2479
      @roguedoge2479 День назад +1

      I guess because they desperately want to prove wrong what they know deep inside their hearts is true.

  • @MarcusAurellius7
    @MarcusAurellius7 2 дня назад

    yah i love how these 20-somethings get on tik tok and claim "oh i've discovered how Christianity isn't true - here's my little video, no one in 2,000 years has ever thought of this!" they're such naive idiots

  • @resistdespots4911
    @resistdespots4911 2 дня назад

    I do have an issue with this. I believe in the Trinity (the Father, the Son and the advocate/comforter/helper/Holy Spirit) based on the prophecies of the Old Testament, the arguments for morality and the teachings of Jesus which is why I accept the Trinitarian logic. However, this topic is very confusing and hard to explain to those who don’t believe the same way we do; it sounds contradicting and that circular logic is being used. I take it that we just have to believe what we’re being told by Jesus and accept it for what it is: He’s the Son that relies upon, prays to and obeys the commands of the Father and that the Holy Spirit reminds us what Jesus told us and gives us knowledge of the will of the Father.

  • @RetroRenegade8706
    @RetroRenegade8706 2 дня назад

    “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
    declares the Lord.
    9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts."
    -Isaiah 55: 8-9

  • @J.WinstonCPA
    @J.WinstonCPA 2 дня назад

    It is confusing trying to explain 3 God's as one God, but further digging explains it.

  • @mickknight6963
    @mickknight6963 2 дня назад

    Good word. It sounds contradictory, but isn't because the Bible doesn't teach 1 God and 3 God's, that would be a contradiction. Or, 1 person and 3 persons, that too would be a contradiction.
    But it teaches 1 God and 3 Persons. One in essence while three in persons. Because we see that they have fellowship one with another, while all three, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are all affirmed to be God. ☝️😎

  • @RobertsonGerson
    @RobertsonGerson 2 дня назад +1

    Is so easy to debunk this Muslima argument
    why Jesus say "my God and your God" and he pray to God
    Because Jesus is fully Human, he is the Head of Humanity in One body
    1 Corinthians 12:[12] For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.
    Colossians 1:[15] Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation,
    Jesus is God in flesh
    Muslims are living at the Moon🌕

  • @bbgun061
    @bbgun061 2 дня назад +1

    Y'all is a perfectly cromulent word!

  • @mastermiller2944
    @mastermiller2944 2 дня назад

    Even to go outside of John, the earlier books refer to Jesus as God. Which torpedos the idea that his divinity is an innovation as time went on, it was always there. In Mark 10, Jesus is met with the rich man:
    Mark 10:17 Now as He was going out on the road, one came running, knelt before Him, and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?”
    18 So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God..." 20 And he answered and said to Him, “Teacher, all these things I have kept from my youth.”
    21 Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.”
    The man's God was effectively money, he loved money more than he loved God. Jesus tells him to follow him, whom the Father has sent. To say that he was just a prophet is a denial of his divinity.

  • @satdm9721
    @satdm9721 2 дня назад

    "I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother's belly." Psalm 22:10
    "Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow." 1 Peter 1:10-11
    the Father becomes Jesus' God from the womb.