⬇️ Things I forgot/didn't have time to mention: The 1st 2 points in the video answers why BBA isn't a scam. (1st 4 minutes). The last 2 points (community and alumni network) about why IBA is worth it. (last 2 minutes) 1. Khalid Bhai and Sadman Bhai's points hold some merit (although I disagree). Please don't disrespect them. I respect them and don't like when people badmouth them for no reason. 2. BBA programs like that of BUP and NSU are getting better every day and I think can be fantastic options for business education as well, IBA won't be the only good option. 3. Business schools aren't the only way to build networks. Platforms like LinkedIn can help as well! 4. If a university can't teach a subject, it doesn't mean the subject is bad. 5. I am open to being invited on the podcast again to discuss this with them directly as well. 6. Some jobs out of undergrad need specialization for sure (medical jobs, very technical engineering jobs). But most jobs don't (corporate, IT etc.). Using the exceptions as counters to my argument don't hold. 7. Scam = Fraud It's a very powerful word. Just because something has disadvantages, doesn't mean it's a scam. You shouldn't use a word lightly. 8. Yes, bba can be improved. But that's our education system in general.
Very important point that a lot of people miss: You can disagree with an opinion and also respect the person at the same time. You don't have to respect me to agree with my opinion. You don't have to disrespect me to disagree with my opinion. You don't have to agree with everything I say if you respect me. You don't have to hate me just because you don't agree with my opinion. I follow the content of these creators (Khalid Bhai and Sadman Bhai) regularly and respect them a lot too. I just disagree with this particular opinion they hold.
@@tanvirsolution691 Bro achieve quality education at an affordable range by passing the BBA admission entrance exm of renowned Public Universities in Bangladesh.(DU Iba,DU Fbs,BUP,JU,CU,RU) You need to beat the admission candidates with your knowledge and basics if you want to make education affordable..Grants/Scholarships are given to proven students who prove themselves in admission tests...🙂😪
Thanks for reigniting the debate Seeam. As an IBA graduate myself, here's my perspective: 1. Let's not mix IBA BBA and overall BBA together in BD context. IBA certificate gives a huge advantage (almost unfair to the extent that some really qualified people don't even get the chance to get screened for not having the specific degree) in the job market. If getting a job in BD in the corporate sector is the target, then IBA BBA is a no-brainer. But, that simply doesn’t apply to BBA graduates from all the other institutions. From my personal perspective, not all BBA graduates get the same 'IBA Khatir'. So, let's not glorfiy BBA just from IBA standpoint. 2. Having a good alumni is not a BBA exclusive. You can have great alumnus in any sector. So, again, IBA having a strong alumni doesn’t really hold much to defend all the other BBA programs. 3. My friends who are doing MBA in IBA (who also did IBA BBA) are going through the same courses, same faculties, same slides (as they've shared). If BBA is just an time-extended MBA, the efficiency can definitely be questioned. 4. You’ve referred 'Range' where the point is generalists have the capability to succeed. While on the very next minute, you’ve mentioned people specializing their BBA on marketing, accounting have been able to apply their knowledge to some extent. Whether it’s contradictory or not that's a whole argument. 5. Finally, I maybe wrong in all the points. But one thing that I truly believe in is that IBA admits students out of its league. If you ever get into IBA, you'ld at some point realize that you could've studied in a top notch university like Seeam did, only if you tried. And thank you so much for 'Politely Disagreeing'. This should be an example of how to have real discussions without tangling up egos. Stay blessed brother 😇
Thanks for taking the time to write this Sadman Bhai and I am glad you could see this was just an intellectual disagreement with an opinion and doesn't change how much I respect you as a person (a lot). Some of your points I agree with (#1), some are strong but not relevant to the argument (#3 and #5) and some I disagree with (#2 and #4). It will not be productive to have that conversation over RUclips comments and thus I will pass but if you ever want to have that discussion over a video, I'd absolutely love it. 😊
শিক্ষিত এবং উন্নত মানের কন্টেন্ট ক্রিয়েটর দের আর্গুমেন্ট ও শুনতে ভালো। কোন disrespect বা personal attack নেই। খুব সুন্দর ভাবে নিজের মতামত বললেন। এই ব্যাপারে সাদমান আর খালিদ ফারহান ভাইয়ের কাউন্টার ট্রাইনোমিয়াল পডকাস্টে শুনার অপেক্ষায় আছি 😁
বাজে কনটেন্ট - রিপোর্টেড - On a serious note - I have counter argument with these points :p But I am too lazy to make a video. Will try to discuss these in a podcast :)
The man, the myth, the legend is here. But too lazy for this world. He will come back strongly in the Trinomial Podcast to give his thoughts. Joke's aside, Farhan Bhai, you could make this into controversy and drama. People will enjoy it and you will have some content for yourself.
🎁 If you want to get into IBA, join this free Facebook group created by IBA Alumni & toppers: rebrand.ly/SeeamIBA ➡️ My video on IBA admissions: ruclips.net/video/q_RIIIs8JO4/видео.html
Man this is how a educated person talks!!!!so well explained with humble words!this is what i was waiting for! Huge thank you Sir for showing whatever u study either science business or arts….working hard will definitely take u a long way!!! I pray Allah gives you all the strength so that the path u r creating for us with this much useful content can go a long way💖
কিছুক্ষণ আগে ফারহান ভাইয়ের ভিডিও দেখলাম। আমি ম্যানেজমেন্টের student। ওনার কথাগুলো শুনে খুব আপসেট হলাম। সত্যি বলতে পড়াশোনার উপর মন উঠেই গেছিলো।তারপর আপনার ভিডিওটা চোখে পড়লো। সত্যি বলতে কি অনেক ভালো লেগেছে আপনার কথাগুলো। ধন্যবাদ ভাই।
Exactly! I think the lack of in depth education in undergrad life often makes the students claim that BBA (general) isn't worth it. I've even seen CS graduates saying how they had to eventually teach themselves everything because undergraduate studies only often go into surface level learning. In the context of Bangladesh, I believe BBA will be worth it for years to come if someone is trying to join the corporate world or even join/initiate start-ups.BBA grads will stand out in cross-functional roles anyway. IBA stands out as a place mainly because of its diverse peer-group and vast alumni network. I've rarely seen a place in BD where you can find top notch debaters,pro biz competitors, skilled programmers, film makers,product designers, entrepreneurs and what not. When all these brightest minds study together, they can eventually stimulate personal growth for each other that kind of compensates for any flaws an institution might have.
Thank you for writing this! It was well written. I agree with you in seeing the same complaints from STEM students. It's hard to add depth in undergrad and thus, there are post-grad degrees.
Actually, Bachelors er boyosh is too young for someone to select a concrete career path. This is why we see millions of engineering grads going for MBAs.
Nahid bhai, I want add an ever confusing point.... why are we mixing degree outcomes with Institution and Alumni networks....... if someone is interested in studying enterpreneurship or IT they should set priority is undergrad major first then institution...... and not be a graduate from business background for Alumni and work in tech because thats his/her desired place to work... or do tech undergrad and try to place in business at work. Some may call it cross-functional skill or hybdrid dual expertise ..... isn't specialization and skill the way to go ..... instead of relying on institution ranking / Network
I am a BBA graduate and a part qualified CMA who is specialized at accounting & finance . I am can proudly say that my education is helping me in my professional field too..
Totally Agree with you. I personally like Sadman and Khalid bhai but they comment multiple time as "BBA is a scam" which is misleading for so many school and college students.
vaia, so true that in the undergraduate phase we ppl don't get enough insights into any subject. For that, the master-level degree is helpful to some extent. But the time that cost in BBA is way more lengthy, it could have just been a two-year course, and afterward a year or two in the interested area could make a better output, and we ppl will feel more worthy of the BBA degree. Then again, IBA BBA/MBA is an exception where other universities, including national universities, students get just a certificate, if u wanna talk about a broad topic like this, please count the mxm, otherwise, the justification will automatically lose its weight.
Valid point but I don't think other degree holders from other universities have great job prospects either compared to the prestigious universities giving the same degrees. So will you call every degree that isn't from a top university a scam?
@@seeamshahidnoor @ no vaia. As we all agree upon the fact that undergraduate programs don't prepare us for the job market, we all need some extra out there, which is why most of the companies required master's degrees nowadays. My point here is vaia, the time we put in a BBA curriculum is way too much. That's why I talked about two years of specialization in some sectors like accounting or marketing (which BBA students do as their major, but only for one or two semesters, max just at the end). In a regular engineering degree, for example, ppl need that amount of time. That's all. And then again, having a good degree from a good university is always a privilege vaia, we all know it. It doesn't make any degree any less. A privilege that IBA ppl will get (alumni and communities) is not the case for others in national universities or many private universities as well. If u make general content, u should consider the mxm. nd that mxm ppl aren't getting those. That's all vaia.
ভাইয়া এভাবে video তে discuss করার চেয়ে Trinomial Podcast এ খালিদ ভাইয়া আর সাদমান ভাইয়ার সাথে সরাসরি discuss করলে ভালো হয় ; তখন তারাও ভালোভাবে তাদের দৃষ্টিকোণ তুলে ধরতে পারবে এবং হয়তবা সেসকল argument গুলোও আপনাকে convince করে ফেলতে পারে।
I started this discussion on this channel because that's the easiest way to do it for me. If they are interested, I am open to being invited on the show again to discuss this with them directly as well.
আমি দশম শ্রেণিতে science এ ছিলাম, আর HSC Commerce. কিন্তু ভবিষ্যতের দিকে তাকিয়ে আমি আবার Science এ ফিরতে যাচ্ছি। আমার কাছে ২ বছর বাংলাদেশে Commerce পড়ে এবং Covid 19 lockdown এ কিছুটা research করে দেখলাম, কেউ যদি Physics এ undergraduate হয় তাহলে সে নিজে পড়েই BBA করা যেকোনো শিক্ষার্থীর চেয়ে professional life এ অনেক অনেক ভালো করবে।
@@shuaibshawon4396 accounting, finance e na paileo physics er background stock market, stat ei type onek department ei kaaj korte pare. karon enriched maths background er jonne. generally bd er shob course e fau marka. so doesn't matter what degree you get, you will feel worthless.
@@huhulalammm stock market is accessible for anyone irrespective of the background. Its completely out of subject. Stock market sparked my interest in business. Which lead me to alter my stream whilst in undergrad
@@shuaibshawon4396 হয় তো আগামী ২ দশকের মধ্যে এসব চাকরিই থাকবে না! ২০১৭ সালের একটা research paper এ দেখছিলাম Wall Street এর সর্বোচ্চ বেতন প্রাপ্ত 90,000 Portfolio manager এই দশকে চাকরি হারাবে। এবং এটা ইতোমধ্যেই হচ্ছে, বর্তমানে 80% trading হয় Algorithmic, ব্যংকগুলো portfolio তৈরিতে এখন Sophisticated AI Algorithms ব্যবহার করছে। আমার মতে, কোন degree ই বর্তমানে দীর্ঘমেয়াদে financial freedom এর জন্য ঝুঁকিমুক্ত নয়। তবে Physics এর core concept গুলো বর্তমানে financial sector এ প্রচুর প্রচুর ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে।
Specifically, the second point is a big HIT for me... I'm an undergrad student of Genetic Engineering department. We have to go through a huge number of courses.I have been wondering that as there is no application of the courses why am I studying these stuffs. But, the second point makes me understand the importance of studying all the courses which seems unnecessary but not unnecessary at all.. Thanks a ton Seeam vaiya!!!
Love this video, thanks vaiya for giving us some valuable information about BBA. Specially about T and I model of knowledge base. I really appreciate BBA degree on T model perspective.
This video is worth it vaiya. 11 November is my IBA exam pray for me! I Have prepared for IBA exam for 1 Year. So, BBA is a scam is a Hard word for me!
আমি উচ্চমাধ্যমিক 22 ব্যাচের ছাত্র। আমি চাইতেছি এইবার আবারো একাদশ শ্রেণিতে থাকতে। আমি যদি আবারো একাদশ শ্রেণিতে থাকি তাহলে কি স্কলারশিপ পেতে অসুবিধা হবে (for undergraduate)?? ফুল ফানডেট স্কলার্শিপ ছাড়ো পড়ালেখা করা একেবারেই অসম্ভব আমার পক্ষে 😭😭 SSC 4.53
ব্রো, আমি লিখছি, যারা চান্স পায় নাই। উদাহরণ- আমি নিজে। যদিও ঢাবি ক- তে হইছে। এখন হয়তো বিষয়টা আপনারা বুঝবেন না। যারা খুব ভালো প্রিপারেশন নিয়ে চান্স পায় নাই, তারা ঠিকই বুঝবে।
@@masud4100 যৌক্তিক। কিন্তু at the same time, আপনাকে বুঝতে হবে যে একজন এডমিশান ক্যান্ডিডেটের কাছে অতটা সোর্স থাকে না যে সে কোন সাবজেক্টটা ফিউচারে কাজে দিবে বা দিবে না সেটা যাচাই করবে। আমি কমেন্টে উল্লেখ করেই দিছি যে আমি iba admission seekers-দের কথা বলছি। আশা করি বিষয়টা বুঝতে পারছেন।
Dear Brother, your all videos really inspires me. With due & humble respect I want to see another video from you 'Careers for foreign students after completing Higher Study'. Please, make on it.
ভাই transfer application (MIT, Harvard, ....) নিয়ে ভিডিও বানালে ভালো হয় 1.Bangladesh এর university থেকে transfer হয় এসব University তে যাওয়া যায় 2.যাওয়া সম্ভব হলে কি কি requirement লাগে এবং কারা ওখানে চান্স পায় ভাই প্লিজ answer দিয়েন আমার স্বপ্ন এসব University তে পড়বো তাই transfer applicant হিসেবে apply করতে চাই । আপনার answer এর অপেক্ষায় রইলাম ।
কিন্তু ভাইয়্যা যারা কর্পোরেট জগতের বস তাদের কেনো কোনো Degree নেই তাদের বেশির ভাগ কেনো Drop out? আর আমরা পড়াশোনা করে দিন শেষে তাদের কর্মচারী হওয়ার জন্য দৌড়াদৌড়ি করি? আর যারা সত্যিকার অর্থে Businessman তারা কেন University, College কে Time Waste বলে?
Media publicize the exceptions too much. Data shows overwhelming majority of top company CEOs/founders have degrees, that too from top institutions. Many have advanced degrees as MBA or PhD too. Eita niye alada video e baniyechhi 1-2 tah exception degrees ke time waste bole & media oita niye lafay to get clicks & engagement
IBA is great because they only take the smartest students who get through the entrance exam and pass the interview with the merits of their extra-circular activities, both are very vital to get in.
Labor survey data from Bangladesh also showed highest employment rate for graduates from BBA programs compared to other programs. So, if BBA is a scam based on opportunity, you'd have to call the entire Bangladeshi education system a scam, not just BBA.
@@seeamshahidnoor where to check program specified employment rate of graduates? or can you mention the source that shows employment of BBA grads being higher than of other programs
‼️Please reply ‼️Bhaiya Am from science background but I don't like maths physics and chemistry so far am not good on these subjects that much .. should I prepare for IBA?
Can you talk about the prospects of economics? You spoke about BBA but I wanna know what can you do with an economics degree both at home and abroad or what kind of jobs you can get.
ভাইয়া i've a question science background থেকে iba bba কতটা worthy? কারণ science এর স্টুডেন্টরা phy,che,mat,ict,bio আর কত কি, তারা হাজার হাজার কনসেপ্ট,ইকুয়েশন শিখে। কিন্তু iba তে তো এটা প্রায় লাগেই না। আমার লিখাতে ভুল থাকতে পারে আমার ধারণা টা বললাম। এ বিষয়ে কিছু বলেন ভাইয়া প্লিজ।
Bhia i had a question about active recall..while active recalling i forgot almost 98% my previous studied chapter or anything.than what should i do then? I have to re- read it again and tham again i have to reacll it actively?? Plzzz ans I'm so confused
@@jannatulferdousylucky1443 It happened with me too.Then I did cut time from facebook,specially going through the newsfeed.So now I'm getting less, but important infos
Vaiya...aktu help korun please... Kono Bangladeshi jodi HSC er por India te BBA complete kore then abar MBA ta jodi Bangladesh a ase complete korte chay tahole ki se parbe??
baia.. i am in class 9 . should i start preparing my self for my dream for mit or such top university . you made a video about it. but i didnot help much...can u plz help me..
Seeam Bhai HSC BBA MBA There are doubts about whether he will get a job.So I think you should ask for a job without studying .So BCS exam should be given after SSC.According to Khalid Farhan and Sadman Sadiq, If BBA MBA is a scam, why HSC will not be a scam, nothing can be learned after HSC in Bangladesh my opinion. HSC BBA MBA There are doubts about whether he will get a job...
Vaia ekjon Commerce background student er jonno honours er por baire MBA korar way ektu details e bolben.! Mane CGPA kmne lage extra curricular kmn lage aro ja ja lage.Way gula. It will be very helpful for me
As a junior of yours I want to say that yeah IBA Dhaka University is actually worth it. Because astrology all of the topmost student get here it has its own market value and brand but the thing is that apart from BBA there are also great occupations in the world I get it IBA administrator everywhere by the thing is that IBA BBA and normal BBA is in same I agree with that the
Assalamu alaikum, আমি আপনার IBA (Dhaka University) ভিডিওটা দেখেছি। ভালো লেগেছে। আমি এ ২০২১ Hsc (বিজ্ঞান) পরীক্ষার্থী। আমার ইচ্ছা আমি CSE নিয়ে পড়তে চাই। এমন কি আমি এই করোনার সময় আমি wed design, c programing, python programing শিখতে ছিলাম। দেশে বা বাহিরে পড়তে চাই। Musters অন্তত বাহিরে করতে চাই। আমাদের পরীক্ষা আর কিছু দিন বাকি। এ ব্যাপ্যারে কিছু গাইড লাইন দিবেন। আশা করি উত্তর পাবো। উত্তরের অপেক্ষায়। Love from Savar, Dhaka. ❤️❤️
Siam Vai.Amar ekta questions ze what is early Decision,action and regualr decision?Apni ki kono early action korecen.Common App thakte keno early action,decision e apply korbo.
Bhaiya akta content oneek din dhore request kortesi.. oita koren nah bhaiya.. MSC te abroad jaoa r BSc korte abroad jaoa konta better. benefits ans drawbacks. 😓 Aktu details video Korle oneeeek helpful hoy bhaiya
I think this video raises more questions than answering any! It starts with "Is BBA a scam?" and mostly talks about "Why IBA is worthy". Is it because of the sponsor of the video? Anyway I am not criticising about taking sponsors or following sponsor's talking point. I just don’t think this video answers the question "Is BBA worthy?" it rather answers "Is BBA in a reputed, well connected institution worthy?". I don’t think the answer to the later question is debatable even by Khalid Farhan or Sadman Sadique.
Great points raised. But I kind of disagree. The 1st 2 points in the video answers why BBA isn't a scam and it's regardless of whether it's from a top institution. (1st 4 minutes and thus the majority of the video. The last 2 points (community and alumni network) is about why IBA is worth it. (last 2 minutes).
BBA ses kore ki bairer country golo te Master’s korar jnno ki scholarship dei??? Amr background science.. but math r physics a aktw weak houyai BBA nite chaici...amr bairer country te study korar khob iccha.. Jodi kono opinion diten..?
3:35 Cse ডিগ্রি ছাড়া কোডিং বুটেকম্প দিয়ে চাকরি পাওয়া নন cse দের জন্য অনেকটা মাঝ সমুদ্রে থেকে সাঁতরে তীরে আসার মতই ব্যাপার.. যারা cse তে পড়ছে তারা সামান্য হলেও কুল কিনারা জানে তাই সহজ হয় .. কিন্তু কারো যদি ওই লেভেল এর passion .. desire effort থাকে তাহলে সে অবশ্যই পারবে ...
Seam vi ami HSC-22 candidate. Ami Commerce er student. Ami ki Harverd e porar sujog pabo? Ami BBA program ta kivabe Harverd theke korte pari? Ki ki kora lagbe ektu jann via. Please Mane ami ki kono Scholarship pete pari? Via ektu bolen please.
যেহেতু আপনার কাছ থেকে মোটিভেশন পাই সেহেতু আমি বলবো DU IBA( BBA) সম্পর্কে আপনার আরোও ভিডিও দেখলে ভালো হইতো। আমি এবার এইসএসসি পরীক্ষা দিবো 21 ব্যাচ। IBA( BBA)+ C & D(DU) unit এর কোচিং করব. ইনশাল্লাহ। I just got chance গানটা শুনতে শুনতে মুখস্ত করে ফেলছে 😅 Maliha Ahmed মেম এর ইউটিউব চ্যানেল থেকে ১ টা ১ টা ক্লাসও করছি।
BBA commerce der jonno scam na. Accounting, finance, marketing, management commerce er student valo parbe. Science parbe na . Ar iba te cgpa 4 pai maximum commerce er student science er students kom. Science er students besi holeo cgpa 4 kom pai
⬇️ Things I forgot/didn't have time to mention:
The 1st 2 points in the video answers why BBA isn't a scam. (1st 4 minutes). The last 2 points (community and alumni network) about why IBA is worth it. (last 2 minutes)
1. Khalid Bhai and Sadman Bhai's points hold some merit (although I disagree). Please don't disrespect them. I respect them and don't like when people badmouth them for no reason.
2. BBA programs like that of BUP and NSU are getting better every day and I think can be fantastic options for business education as well, IBA won't be the only good option.
3. Business schools aren't the only way to build networks. Platforms like LinkedIn can help as well!
4. If a university can't teach a subject, it doesn't mean the subject is bad.
5. I am open to being invited on the podcast again to discuss this with them directly as well.
6. Some jobs out of undergrad need specialization for sure (medical jobs, very technical engineering jobs). But most jobs don't (corporate, IT etc.). Using the exceptions as counters to my argument don't hold.
7. Scam = Fraud
It's a very powerful word. Just because something has disadvantages, doesn't mean it's a scam. You shouldn't use a word lightly.
8. Yes, bba can be improved. But that's our education system in general.
In BD it is a scam.🙂
BBA from BANGLADESH A complete complete SCAM
Very important point that a lot of people miss: You can disagree with an opinion and also respect the person at the same time.
You don't have to respect me to agree with my opinion. You don't have to disrespect me to disagree with my opinion. You don't have to agree with everything I say if you respect me. You don't have to hate me just because you don't agree with my opinion.
I follow the content of these creators (Khalid Bhai and Sadman Bhai) regularly and respect them a lot too. I just disagree with this particular opinion they hold.
sir, no offence but if quality education is free for everyone then your word might be acceptable.....
@@tanvirsolution691 Bro achieve quality education at an affordable range by passing the BBA admission entrance exm of renowned Public Universities in Bangladesh.(DU Iba,DU Fbs,BUP,JU,CU,RU)
You need to beat the admission candidates with your knowledge and basics if you want to make education affordable..Grants/Scholarships are given to proven students who prove themselves in admission tests...🙂😪
অন্য কোন content creator এই ভিডিও করলে thumbnail-এ ফারহান ভাই আর আমার পিছে আগুন থাকতো আর চুল দিয়ে ধোয়া উরতো
বাই বানাম ভূল লিখচেন।
উড়তো হবে।
@@tornadoofsouls1307 আপনিও 'বানান', 'ভাই', 'লিখেছেন' বানান ভুল লিখেছেন।
ইয়েস আমার নাম নাই। এইসব লোকদের এক্সপোজ করে দিয়ে অনেক ভালো কাজ করেছেন সিয়াম ভাইয়া। আপনার প্রতি অনেক অনেক ভালোবাসা।
আম্হের নামেও আসতেছে ওয়েট😁😁
CSE er ta apni bolsilen na?
আহারে 🤣🤣🤣
Thanks for reigniting the debate Seeam. As an IBA graduate myself, here's my perspective:
1. Let's not mix IBA BBA and overall BBA together in BD context. IBA certificate gives a huge advantage (almost unfair to the extent that some really qualified people don't even get the chance to get screened for not having the specific degree) in the job market. If getting a job in BD in the corporate sector is the target, then IBA BBA is a no-brainer. But, that simply doesn’t apply to BBA graduates from all the other institutions. From my personal perspective, not all BBA graduates get the same 'IBA Khatir'. So, let's not glorfiy BBA just from IBA standpoint.
2. Having a good alumni is not a BBA exclusive. You can have great alumnus in any sector. So, again, IBA having a strong alumni doesn’t really hold much to defend all the other BBA programs.
3. My friends who are doing MBA in IBA (who also did IBA BBA) are going through the same courses, same faculties, same slides (as they've shared). If BBA is just an time-extended MBA, the efficiency can definitely be questioned.
4. You’ve referred 'Range' where the point is generalists have the capability to succeed. While on the very next minute, you’ve mentioned people specializing their BBA on marketing, accounting have been able to apply their knowledge to some extent. Whether it’s contradictory or not that's a whole argument.
5. Finally, I maybe wrong in all the points. But one thing that I truly believe in is that IBA admits students out of its league. If you ever get into IBA, you'ld at some point realize that you could've studied in a top notch university like Seeam did, only if you tried.
And thank you so much for 'Politely Disagreeing'. This should be an example of how to have real discussions without tangling up egos.
Stay blessed brother 😇
Vya,🙂💔 got rejected at IBA viva stage...
At present, a management student of BUP. Should I go for DU FBS or choose any other sub for career in BD?!
Politely agree with you vai
@@hamjahaami9822 mentorsM-04 batch er student amio..
Ami bup AIS e achi bhai..☺
Kya baat boli Dil hi jitliya sadman vai🤲
Thanks for taking the time to write this Sadman Bhai and I am glad you could see this was just an intellectual disagreement with an opinion and doesn't change how much I respect you as a person (a lot).
Some of your points I agree with (#1), some are strong but not relevant to the argument (#3 and #5) and some I disagree with (#2 and #4). It will not be productive to have that conversation over RUclips comments and thus I will pass but if you ever want to have that discussion over a video, I'd absolutely love it. 😊
শিক্ষিত এবং উন্নত মানের কন্টেন্ট ক্রিয়েটর দের আর্গুমেন্ট ও শুনতে ভালো। কোন disrespect বা personal attack নেই। খুব সুন্দর ভাবে নিজের মতামত বললেন। এই ব্যাপারে সাদমান আর খালিদ ফারহান ভাইয়ের কাউন্টার ট্রাইনোমিয়াল পডকাস্টে শুনার অপেক্ষায় আছি 😁
বাজে কনটেন্ট - রিপোর্টেড -
On a serious note - I have counter argument with these points :p But I am too lazy to make a video. Will try to discuss these in a podcast :)
Are you kidding or serious?
greattttttttttttttt...want to see the collapse
Khalid bhai, would love to hear your counter thoughts about this as well 😊
The man, the myth, the legend is here. But too lazy for this world. He will come back strongly in the Trinomial Podcast to give his thoughts.
Joke's aside, Farhan Bhai, you could make this into controversy and drama. People will enjoy it and you will have some content for yourself.
@iamkhalidfarhan bhai nijeke onek boro kisu mone koren ashole kisui na apni. seeam bhaiyar nokher joggou na apni
🎁 If you want to get into IBA, join this free Facebook group created by IBA Alumni & toppers: rebrand.ly/SeeamIBA
➡️ My video on IBA admissions: ruclips.net/video/q_RIIIs8JO4/видео.html
Seeam bhaiya dont be disheartened by hate comments . This video portrays how people should disagree .
Good luck bhaiya and hope to your vlog soon
Man this is how a educated person talks!!!!so well explained with humble words!this is what i was waiting for!
Huge thank you Sir for showing whatever u study either science business or arts….working hard will definitely take u a long way!!!
I pray Allah gives you all the strength so that the path u r creating for us with this much useful content can go a long way💖
কিছুক্ষণ আগে ফারহান ভাইয়ের ভিডিও দেখলাম। আমি ম্যানেজমেন্টের student। ওনার কথাগুলো শুনে খুব আপসেট হলাম। সত্যি বলতে পড়াশোনার উপর মন উঠেই গেছিলো।তারপর আপনার ভিডিওটা চোখে পড়লো। সত্যি বলতে কি অনেক ভালো লেগেছে আপনার কথাগুলো।
ধন্যবাদ ভাই।
Exactly! I think the lack of in depth education in undergrad life often makes the students claim that BBA (general) isn't worth it. I've even seen CS graduates saying how they had to eventually teach themselves everything because undergraduate studies only often go into surface level learning.
In the context of Bangladesh, I believe BBA will be worth it for years to come if someone is trying to join the corporate world or even join/initiate start-ups.BBA grads will stand out in cross-functional roles anyway.
IBA stands out as a place mainly because of its diverse peer-group and vast alumni network. I've rarely seen a place in BD where you can find top notch debaters,pro biz competitors, skilled programmers, film makers,product designers, entrepreneurs and what not. When all these brightest minds study together, they can eventually stimulate personal growth for each other that kind of compensates for any flaws an institution might have.
Thank you for writing this! It was well written. I agree with you in seeing the same complaints from STEM students. It's hard to add depth in undergrad and thus, there are post-grad degrees.
Actually, Bachelors er boyosh is too young for someone to select a concrete career path. This is why we see millions of engineering grads going for MBAs.
Based comment bro
Nahid bhai, I want add an ever confusing point.... why are we mixing degree outcomes with Institution and Alumni networks....... if someone is interested in studying enterpreneurship or IT they should set priority is undergrad major first then institution...... and not be a graduate from business background for Alumni and work in tech because thats his/her desired place to work... or do tech undergrad and try to place in business at work. Some may call it cross-functional skill or hybdrid dual expertise ..... isn't specialization and skill the way to go ..... instead of relying on institution ranking / Network
Assalamualaikum vaiya. Ami cacchilam Bangladesh theke bachelor complete korte ekhon BD theke IPE/ Textile/ B.Pharm/ BBA Gen/ ( Specific BBA major) kontai bachelor korle USA te Scholarship paoya easy hobe ba job sector valo ache @@seeamshahidnoor
এর আগে কোন ভিডিওতেই আপনাকে এত কনফিডেন্ট লাগেনি 🖤
I am a BBA graduate and a part qualified CMA who is specialized at accounting & finance . I am can proudly say that my education is helping me in my professional field too..
Bro check inbox
Bhaii apnar major ki chilo ? ar cma korte time kemon lagchilo?
apnar English deikhei bujhe gesi apni ki graduate lmao
Totally Agree with you. I personally like Sadman and Khalid bhai but they comment multiple time as "BBA is a scam" which is misleading for so many school and college students.
I think they raised valid points too. I just don't agree with them.
Loved the video man. Well made points as well.
It’s cool seeing how polite you are!!!
vaia, so true that in the undergraduate phase we ppl don't get enough insights into any subject. For that, the master-level degree is helpful to some extent. But the time that cost in BBA is way more lengthy, it could have just been a two-year course, and afterward a year or two in the interested area could make a better output, and we ppl will feel more worthy of the BBA degree. Then again, IBA BBA/MBA is an exception where other universities, including national universities, students get just a certificate, if u wanna talk about a broad topic like this, please count the mxm, otherwise, the justification will automatically lose its weight.
Valid point but I don't think other degree holders from other universities have great job prospects either compared to the prestigious universities giving the same degrees. So will you call every degree that isn't from a top university a scam?
@@seeamshahidnoor @ no vaia. As we all agree upon the fact that undergraduate programs don't prepare us for the job market, we all need some extra out there, which is why most of the companies required master's degrees nowadays. My point here is vaia, the time we put in a BBA curriculum is way too much. That's why I talked about two years of specialization in some sectors like accounting or marketing (which BBA students do as their major, but only for one or two semesters, max just at the end). In a regular engineering degree, for example, ppl need that amount of time. That's all. And then again, having a good degree from a good university is always a privilege vaia, we all know it. It doesn't make any degree any less. A privilege that IBA ppl will get (alumni and communities) is not the case for others in national universities or many private universities as well. If u make general content, u should consider the mxm. nd that mxm ppl aren't getting those. That's all vaia.
Ahahah, " Mentor's didn't bribe me". This was a great video. I saw BBA grads from my Alma mater doing great.
ভাইয়া এভাবে video তে discuss করার চেয়ে Trinomial Podcast এ খালিদ ভাইয়া আর সাদমান ভাইয়ার সাথে সরাসরি discuss করলে ভালো হয় ; তখন তারাও ভালোভাবে তাদের দৃষ্টিকোণ তুলে ধরতে পারবে এবং হয়তবা সেসকল argument গুলোও আপনাকে convince করে ফেলতে পারে।
I started this discussion on this channel because that's the easiest way to do it for me.
If they are interested, I am open to being invited on the show again to discuss this with them directly as well.
@@seeamshahidnoor ❤❤❤❤
Yes, 'appreciated'
আমি দশম শ্রেণিতে science এ ছিলাম, আর HSC Commerce. কিন্তু ভবিষ্যতের দিকে তাকিয়ে আমি আবার Science এ ফিরতে যাচ্ছি। আমার কাছে ২ বছর বাংলাদেশে Commerce পড়ে এবং Covid 19 lockdown এ কিছুটা research করে দেখলাম, কেউ যদি Physics এ undergraduate হয় তাহলে সে নিজে পড়েই BBA করা যেকোনো শিক্ষার্থীর চেয়ে professional life এ অনেক অনেক ভালো করবে।
Hya but apni physics e undergrad korle kono company apnake corporation e accountant/hr/finance manager / manager hishebe nibe na
Over the long term, what you do your bachelor's in has very little impact on your success.
@@shuaibshawon4396 accounting, finance e na paileo physics er background stock market, stat ei type onek department ei kaaj korte pare. karon enriched maths background er jonne. generally bd er shob course e fau marka. so doesn't matter what degree you get, you will feel worthless.
@@huhulalammm stock market is accessible for anyone irrespective of the background. Its completely out of subject. Stock market sparked my interest in business. Which lead me to alter my stream whilst in undergrad
@@shuaibshawon4396 হয় তো আগামী ২ দশকের মধ্যে এসব চাকরিই থাকবে না! ২০১৭ সালের একটা research paper এ দেখছিলাম Wall Street এর সর্বোচ্চ বেতন প্রাপ্ত 90,000 Portfolio manager এই দশকে চাকরি হারাবে। এবং এটা ইতোমধ্যেই হচ্ছে, বর্তমানে 80% trading হয় Algorithmic, ব্যংকগুলো portfolio তৈরিতে এখন Sophisticated AI Algorithms ব্যবহার করছে। আমার মতে, কোন degree ই বর্তমানে দীর্ঘমেয়াদে financial freedom এর জন্য ঝুঁকিমুক্ত নয়। তবে Physics এর core concept গুলো বর্তমানে financial sector এ প্রচুর প্রচুর ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে।
Specifically, the second point is a big HIT for me... I'm an undergrad student of Genetic Engineering department. We have to go through a huge number of courses.I have been wondering that as there is no application of the courses why am I studying these stuffs.
But, the second point makes me understand the importance of studying all the courses which seems unnecessary but not unnecessary at all..
Thanks a ton Seeam vaiya!!!
Apu apnader practically shikai nah je kivabe ekta tree er DNA enzyme er help ae korton kore onno DNA lagay aemom type kisu?
Love this video, thanks vaiya for giving us some valuable information about BBA. Specially about T and I model of knowledge base. I really appreciate BBA degree on T model perspective.
Thanks for clearing our doubts with your amazing video💙
This video is worth it vaiya. 11 November is my IBA exam pray for me! I Have prepared for IBA exam for 1 Year. So, BBA is a scam is a Hard word for me!
Did you get chance into IBA?
Did you crack the exam?
@@a.shaker yeah!!
@@alifafrinsamanta9242 congratulations 🥳
@@alifafrinsamanta9242can you give me your Facebook id link? I need help
একদম সঠিক কথাই বলেছেন। আমিও এটাই মনে করি।
Thank you so much vaiya apnr opinion ER Jonno apnk onk bishwas Kori tai Oder video ta dekhar por apnr channel ta check korlm😃
দারুণ ভিডিও। Mindblowing.
আমি উচ্চমাধ্যমিক 22 ব্যাচের ছাত্র। আমি চাইতেছি এইবার আবারো একাদশ শ্রেণিতে থাকতে। আমি যদি আবারো একাদশ শ্রেণিতে থাকি তাহলে কি স্কলারশিপ পেতে অসুবিধা হবে (for undergraduate)??
ফুল ফানডেট স্কলার্শিপ ছাড়ো পড়ালেখা করা একেবারেই অসম্ভব আমার পক্ষে 😭😭
SSC 4.53
Thank you very much, Vaiya❤️❤️❤️
ভাই, আইবিএ -তে যাদের চান্স হয়নাই তারা জানে যে কেমনটা লাগে যখন ঢাবির আইবিএ-তে পড়ার সুযোগ পায় না। এই স্ক্যাম তাদের জন্য কিচ্ছু না।
ভাই সাদমান ভাইয়া আইবিএ থেকেই পড়েছে।
both are business graduate !!!
ব্রো, আমি লিখছি, যারা চান্স পায় নাই।
উদাহরণ- আমি নিজে। যদিও ঢাবি ক- তে হইছে।
এখন হয়তো বিষয়টা আপনারা বুঝবেন না। যারা খুব ভালো প্রিপারেশন নিয়ে চান্স পায় নাই, তারা ঠিকই বুঝবে।
কোন একটা জায়গার কোন একটা বিষয়ে চান্স পাওয়া টাফ..এইটা তো আর বিষয়টা কত ইউজফুল সেটাকে জাস্টিফাই করে না। আমার মতে এটা কোন রকমের মেজারের মধ্যে পড়ে না।
@@masud4100 যৌক্তিক। কিন্তু at the same time, আপনাকে বুঝতে হবে যে একজন এডমিশান ক্যান্ডিডেটের কাছে অতটা সোর্স থাকে না যে সে কোন সাবজেক্টটা ফিউচারে কাজে দিবে বা দিবে না সেটা যাচাই করবে। আমি কমেন্টে উল্লেখ করেই দিছি যে আমি iba admission seekers-দের কথা বলছি। আশা করি বিষয়টা বুঝতে পারছেন।
Dear Brother, your all videos really inspires me. With due & humble respect I want to see another video from you 'Careers for foreign students after completing Higher Study'. Please, make on it.
there are thousands of careers you can take after graduation that can't be covered in a video
seeam bhai you'r content are boom.
মানে পড়াশোনার রিলেটেড ভিডিও দিয়ে যে আপনি হেল্প করেন এগুলো masterpiece. ❤
আলহামদুলিল্লাহ আপনার কথা শুনে নতুন করে আত্ববিশ্বাস পেলাম
ভাই transfer application (MIT, Harvard, ....) নিয়ে ভিডিও বানালে ভালো হয় 1.Bangladesh এর university থেকে transfer হয় এসব University তে যাওয়া যায় 2.যাওয়া সম্ভব হলে কি কি requirement লাগে এবং কারা ওখানে চান্স পায় ভাই প্লিজ answer দিয়েন আমার স্বপ্ন এসব University তে পড়বো তাই transfer applicant হিসেবে apply করতে চাই । আপনার answer এর অপেক্ষায় রইলাম ।
Good to see ya bro.Happy Friday to ya.Good job.
Happy Friday bhaiya. Tnx for letting us your valuable feedback.
05:18 it's a real honour to see myself in your video bhaiya. Feels amazing🥰
GOOD points brother.I absolutely agree with you.
It's a pleasure to watch your video.
কিন্তু ভাইয়্যা যারা কর্পোরেট জগতের বস তাদের কেনো কোনো Degree নেই তাদের বেশির ভাগ কেনো Drop out? আর আমরা পড়াশোনা করে দিন শেষে তাদের কর্মচারী হওয়ার জন্য দৌড়াদৌড়ি করি? আর যারা সত্যিকার অর্থে Businessman তারা কেন University, College কে Time Waste বলে?
Media publicize the exceptions too much. Data shows overwhelming majority of top company CEOs/founders have degrees, that too from top institutions. Many have advanced degrees as MBA or PhD too. Eita niye alada video e baniyechhi
1-2 tah exception degrees ke time waste bole & media oita niye lafay to get clicks & engagement
Vaiya smart & hard study kivabe combination korte hoy?
Check my study tips playlist
bba( professional) and bba (অনার্স) এর মধ্যে পার্থক্য কি? কোনটা নিয়ে পড়লে এক্সচেঞ্জ স্টুডেন্ট হিসেবে বাহিরের দেশে পড়তে যেতে পারবো??
IBA is great because they only take the smartest students who get through the entrance exam and pass the interview with the merits of their extra-circular activities, both are very vital to get in.
Most of the arguments revolves around IBA BBA alone..... IBA DU has only has 120 seats whereas lacs of students pursue BBA each year in Bangladesh.
Labor survey data from Bangladesh also showed highest employment rate for graduates from BBA programs compared to other programs.
So, if BBA is a scam based on opportunity, you'd have to call the entire Bangladeshi education system a scam, not just BBA.
@@seeamshahidnoor where to check program specified employment rate of graduates? or can you mention the source that shows employment of BBA grads being higher than of other programs
I hope this video will help many students
Frankly saying
U can't never be a businessman by a BBA degree
U need a mentor . I have a mentor , my father (business man) ❤
Yes you need to do business to learn business properly
‼️Please reply ‼️Bhaiya Am from science background but I don't like maths physics and chemistry so far am not good on these subjects that much .. should I prepare for IBA?
Can you talk about the prospects of economics? You spoke about BBA but I wanna know what can you do with an economics degree both at home and abroad or what kind of jobs you can get.
Same here.
Totally agree with you...😃
Law or iba Konta best ?
The most wanted Video is it!💙 thank you so much vaia..❤️
ভাইয়া i've a question
science background থেকে iba bba কতটা worthy?
কারণ science এর স্টুডেন্টরা phy,che,mat,ict,bio আর কত কি, তারা হাজার হাজার কনসেপ্ট,ইকুয়েশন শিখে। কিন্তু iba তে তো এটা প্রায় লাগেই না।
আমার লিখাতে ভুল থাকতে পারে আমার ধারণা টা বললাম।
এ বিষয়ে কিছু বলেন ভাইয়া প্লিজ।
Bhia i had a question about active recall..while active recalling i forgot almost 98% my previous studied chapter or anything.than what should i do then? I have to re- read it again and tham again i have to reacll it actively?? Plzzz ans I'm so confused
Start small,read half page & try to recall it,after a while,you can enhance your range to one page & it will keep growing
@@amitbikramroy25 thank you so much. I can recall it immediately but i can't recall it after 3-5 days 😣
@@jannatulferdousylucky1443 It happened with me too.Then I did cut time from facebook,specially going through the newsfeed.So now I'm getting less, but important infos
If you keep on active recalling again and again, eventually you will be able to remember it.
Vaia what sub i should choose in bba to understand a buisness and to start something in future hope so you would reply💙
thanks bro, some confusion are out from head now.💞
Assalamualaikum. ভাই আমেরিকাতে এমন কোনো University আছে যেখানে বাংলাদেশী ছাএদের BBA করার জন্য Scholarship দেওয়া হয়? সময় থাকলে please help 🥺🥺🥺
Vaiya...aktu help korun please...
Kono Bangladeshi jodi HSC er por India te BBA complete kore then abar MBA ta jodi Bangladesh a ase complete korte chay tahole ki se parbe??
Thank you baiya 🥰
What about economics vs iba
Thank u vaiya😍
baia.. i am in class 9 . should i start preparing my self for my dream for mit or such top university . you made a video about it. but i didnot help much...can u plz help me..
Ami apnar satha kotha bolte chai !
Can I have any opportunity to talk with you bhaia please. I'm studying in class 7 .If you don't mind.😥
ask questions in comments
Ending -- IBA is worth it 🔥🔥
what camera do you use to make videos?
Vaiya, you are just amazing
Good video bhai. But what about bba programs from universities apart from iba (bup,nsu etc) ? Your video kind of emphasizes on iba a lot
BUP and NSU have fantastic BBA programs and are getting better every day!
@@seeamshahidnoor what abt bba in EWU?
Your debate competition in London was in English?
It was a public speaking competition. Yes it was in English
@@seeamshahidnoor apanr debate er link din pls..... interested dekhte.
ভাইয়া,আমি যদি বাংলাদেশের কোনো ইউনিভার্সিটি তে ভর্তি হয়ে US এর টপ ইউনিভার্সিটির জন্য আপ্লাই করি তাহলে প্রসেসটা কি সেম ই হবে?
Seeam Bhai I think HSC exam is a big scam. My opinion is It would be better to give BCS exam after giving SSC exam!!!What is your opinion ?
Getting a higher secondary education isn't a scam
Seeam Bhai HSC BBA MBA
There are doubts about whether he will get a job.So I think you should ask for a job without studying .So BCS exam should be given after SSC.According to Khalid Farhan and Sadman Sadiq, If BBA MBA is a scam, why HSC will not be a scam, nothing can be learned after HSC in Bangladesh my opinion. HSC BBA MBA
There are doubts about whether he will get a job...
Vaia ekjon Commerce background student er jonno honours er por baire MBA korar way ektu details e bolben.! Mane CGPA kmne lage extra curricular kmn lage aro ja ja lage.Way gula.
It will be very helpful for me
National e biochemistry ar east west e bba er moddhe konta valo hobe future er jonno?
As a junior of yours I want to say that yeah IBA Dhaka University is actually worth it. Because astrology all of the topmost student get here it has its own market value and brand but the thing is that apart from BBA there are also great occupations in the world I get it IBA administrator everywhere by the thing is that IBA BBA and normal BBA is in same I agree with that the
Assalamu alaikum,
আমি আপনার IBA (Dhaka University) ভিডিওটা দেখেছি। ভালো লেগেছে।
আমি এ ২০২১ Hsc (বিজ্ঞান) পরীক্ষার্থী। আমার ইচ্ছা আমি CSE নিয়ে পড়তে চাই। এমন কি আমি এই করোনার সময় আমি wed design, c programing, python programing শিখতে ছিলাম। দেশে বা বাহিরে পড়তে চাই। Musters অন্তত বাহিরে করতে চাই। আমাদের পরীক্ষা আর কিছু দিন বাকি। এ ব্যাপ্যারে কিছু গাইড লাইন দিবেন।
আশা করি উত্তর পাবো। উত্তরের অপেক্ষায়। Love from Savar, Dhaka. ❤️❤️
check my postgrad admission playlist
Siam Vai.Amar ekta questions ze what is early Decision,action and regualr decision?Apni ki kono early action korecen.Common App thakte keno early action,decision e apply korbo.
You can google the question. I didn't do early action.
Vai re Vai ai first time Mone hoi seam Vai re comment a eto reply dite hoise
RUclips engagement 💯
ভাইয়া সম্ভব হলে বিসএস এ চান্স পাওয়ার ও পড়াশোনার করার বিষয় নিয়ে একটা সাজেশন দিবেন প্লিজ
Loved ittt❤️❤️
I was waiting for a whilee..😊😊
1st cmnt for 1 st timee....
Bhaiya, how many times have you come to Bangladesh after going to USA? And how long did you stay in the country after coming?
3-4 times
I usually stayed for 3-4 weeks
Indian Lovely professional University Aerospace Engineering পড়তে গেলে কেমন হবে ?
এই ভাসিটির সাটিফিকেটের মান কেমন বিদেশে
Whenever I see you a thought always click in my head and that's study... Thanks for your amazing videos vaiya.🥰
Bhaiya akta content oneek din dhore request kortesi.. oita koren nah bhaiya..
MSC te abroad jaoa r BSc korte abroad jaoa konta better. benefits ans drawbacks. 😓 Aktu details video Korle oneeeek helpful hoy bhaiya
Both have pros and cons. I suggest you read blogs on this topic via googling.
হার্ভার্ড বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের স্নাতকে ভর্তির জন্য আবেদন করতে SSC & HSC তে সর্বনিম্ন কত পয়েন্ট গ্রহনযোগ্য হবে ?
Should i get enrolled in EDU for BBA?
Why don’t you take an interview of Nazia Chowdhury from MIT
I think this video raises more questions than answering any! It starts with "Is BBA a scam?" and mostly talks about "Why IBA is worthy". Is it because of the sponsor of the video? Anyway I am not criticising about taking sponsors or following sponsor's talking point. I just don’t think this video answers the question "Is BBA worthy?" it rather answers "Is BBA in a reputed, well connected institution worthy?". I don’t think the answer to the later question is debatable even by Khalid Farhan or Sadman Sadique.
Great points raised. But I kind of disagree.
The 1st 2 points in the video answers why BBA isn't a scam and it's regardless of whether it's from a top institution. (1st 4 minutes and thus the majority of the video.
The last 2 points (community and alumni network) is about why IBA is worth it. (last 2 minutes).
Bro can you explaine undergrad subject for pre med students in HMS. Plesse Plesse bro
check my video on HMS or visit their website
00:50 00:01:36
BBA ses kore ki bairer country golo te Master’s korar jnno ki scholarship dei???
Amr background science.. but math r physics a aktw weak houyai BBA nite chaici...amr bairer country te study korar khob iccha.. Jodi kono opinion diten..?
Cse ডিগ্রি ছাড়া কোডিং বুটেকম্প দিয়ে চাকরি পাওয়া নন cse দের জন্য অনেকটা মাঝ সমুদ্রে থেকে সাঁতরে তীরে আসার মতই ব্যাপার.. যারা cse তে পড়ছে তারা সামান্য হলেও কুল কিনারা জানে তাই সহজ হয় .. কিন্তু কারো যদি ওই লেভেল এর passion .. desire effort থাকে তাহলে সে অবশ্যই পারবে ...
Seam vi ami HSC-22 candidate. Ami Commerce er student. Ami ki Harverd e porar sujog pabo? Ami BBA program ta kivabe Harverd theke korte pari? Ki ki kora lagbe ektu jann via. Please
Mane ami ki kono Scholarship pete pari?
Via ektu bolen please.
Legit mone hoise. Khalid farhan bhai asholei ekjon মাতব্বর
গণিত সহ বিভিন্ন বিষয়ে বেসিক শিখতে
আপনাদের জন্য নিয়ে এসেছি গণিতের বেসিক ভিডিও টিউটোরিয়াল।
Onek sundor bolsen... bhaia economics niye ekta video koren...!!
যেহেতু আপনার কাছ থেকে মোটিভেশন পাই সেহেতু আমি বলবো DU IBA( BBA) সম্পর্কে আপনার আরোও ভিডিও দেখলে ভালো হইতো। আমি এবার এইসএসসি পরীক্ষা দিবো 21 ব্যাচ। IBA( BBA)+ C & D(DU) unit এর কোচিং করব. ইনশাল্লাহ।
I just got chance গানটা শুনতে শুনতে মুখস্ত করে ফেলছে 😅
Maliha Ahmed মেম এর ইউটিউব চ্যানেল থেকে ১ টা ১ টা ক্লাসও করছি।
Is it possible to doing IBA in abroad bhaiya plz let me know
BBA commerce der jonno scam na. Accounting, finance, marketing, management commerce er student valo parbe. Science parbe na
. Ar iba te cgpa 4 pai maximum commerce er student science er students kom. Science er students besi holeo cgpa 4 kom pai
এই BBA মনেহয় National ভার্সিটির BBA না😑