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Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple 大悲菩提寺
Добавлен 7 июл 2015
Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple, nestled within a serene forest north of Toronto, is a registered charity in Canada dedicated to Mahayana Buddhist principles and awakening the inner wisdom through mindfulness. Our focus lies in the practice of great compassion, leading to the awakening of one's True Nature. 大悲菩提寺是位於加拿大多倫多北部一處幽靜森林中的佛寺,十多年來大悲菩提寺深耕於西方社會之成人佛法教育及青少年禪修教育。堅持用英文『弘揚佛法在西方世界的心願』。本寺祈願佛教法音宣流之志業永續弘法,我們在此呼籲善信大德發心護持捐款本寺法音宣流與弘法志業。 護持捐款請至本寺官方網站 gcbptemple.org/wp/support-us/ 敬邀您護持本寺弘揚佛法成為我們的會員 gcbptemple.org/wp/zh/monthly-sponsorship-2/。祝福諸位法友福慧雙修,阿彌陀佛🙏
Founded by Venerable Abbess Master Miao Jing, a respected Bhikkhuni.
For inquiries, please email info@gcbptemple.org or to visit our official website www.gcbptemple.org for supporting us . All of the donations, we can issue donation receipt. Our only authorized video platform is this RUclips channel; we do not endorse any other platforms.
*All video content is copyrighted by Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple.*
Founded by Venerable Abbess Master Miao Jing, a respected Bhikkhuni.
For inquiries, please email info@gcbptemple.org or to visit our official website www.gcbptemple.org for supporting us . All of the donations, we can issue donation receipt. Our only authorized video platform is this RUclips channel; we do not endorse any other platforms.
*All video content is copyrighted by Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple.*
2024 心地大掃除 | 加拿大大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師開示 | Dispose the Unwanted 2024 by Ven. Abbess Master Miao Jing
2024已經接近尾聲,迎接2025. 從心出發! 🌟在迎接新年的倒數時光中,讓我們以一個充滿意義的心態來揭開好運的序幕。在啟發人心的開示中,加拿大大悲菩提寺住持妙淨法師與我們分享,如何透過捨棄不需要的人事物,為2025年的豐盛與喜悅開啟大門。用覺知力檢視自己的身、語、意。為新的一年開創吉祥與光明。
As 2024 approaches its end, take a moment to examine your body, speech, and mind with awareness. Use mindfulness and Dharma wisdom to refine your actions, words, and thoughts. Through self-reflection and repentance, cleanse negative causes and bad karma. Embrace and welcome a bright and auspicious 2025. Ven. Abbess Master Miao Jing, Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple, Canada.
As 2024 approaches its end, take a moment to examine your body, speech, and mind with awareness. Use mindfulness and Dharma wisdom to refine your actions, words, and thoughts. Through self-reflection and repentance, cleanse negative causes and bad karma. Embrace and welcome a bright and auspicious 2025. Ven. Abbess Master Miao Jing, Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple, Canada.
Просмотров: 50
🌟 Dispose of the Unwanted 2024 and Welcome 2025 🌟 Ven. Abbess Master Miao Jing. 如何迎好年?大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師開示
Просмотров 3362 часа назад
As we count down to the New Year, let’s begin with a meaningful tradition that paves the way for good fortune. In this inspiring talk, Ven. Abbess Master Miao Jing from the Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple, Canada, shares how letting go of the unwanted can open the door to abundance and joy in 2025. 從心出發! 🌟在迎接新年的倒數時光中,讓我們以一個充滿意義的心態來揭開好運的序幕。在啟發人心的開示中,加拿大大悲菩提寺住持妙淨法師與我們分享,如何透過捨棄不需要的人事物,為2025年的...
【金剛薩埵心咒】百字明咒108遍 Vajrasattva Hundred-Syllable Mantra Purification Bad Luck&Karma實修版 淨化業障最強 大悲菩提寺恭製
Просмотров 9 тыс.16 часов назад
金剛薩埵作為誓願本尊,是修持金剛乘的菩薩,亦是顯教中普賢菩薩的應化與示現。金剛薩埵百字明又稱「百字明」、百字真言或金剛百字明。The Vajrasattva Hundred-Syllable Mantra is a profound practice of repentance and purification, regarded as a method for completing and perfecting spiritual practice, removing all bad lucks and bad karma and karmic obstacles, and achieving true realization and liberation in the teachings of the Vajrayana tradition in Buddhism. 百字明是金剛...
佛教十小咒|延壽咒|聖無量壽決定光明王陀羅尼|除障法門|Buddhist Mantra| Extend Lifespans Dharani|Ven. Master Miao Yin|大悲菩提寺妙音法師
Просмотров 4,1 тыс.14 дней назад
【聖無量壽決定光明王陀羅尼】是「十小咒」中的其中一個咒語,廣為人知的意義在於消除夭折之劫,並增壽延命,不受諸惡果報。 此陀羅尼出自《大乘聖無量壽決定光明王陀羅尼經》經文中,世尊開示,娑婆世界的眾生原本應有百歲壽命,卻因多造惡業,導致壽命大減,甚至早夭。為慈憫未來世中所有短命眾生,佛陀宣說此不可思議、甚深微妙的殊勝法門,使眾生得以延壽增益,並修得大利益。 大乘聖無量壽決定光明王陀羅尼音 *漢譯音* 唵 捺摩巴葛瓦帝 阿巴囉密沓 阿優哩阿納 蘇必你 實執沓 牒左囉宰也 怛塔哿達也 阿囉訶帝 三藥三不達也 怛你也塔 唵 薩哩巴 桑斯葛哩 叭哩述沓 達囉馬帝 哿哿捺 桑馬兀哿帝 莎巴瓦 比述帝 馬喝捺也 叭哩瓦哩娑喝 The "Holy Immeasurable Longevity Determining Bright King Dharani"is one of the "Ten Mino...
高科技焦慮症如何對治 | 大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師開示 How to Overcome High-Tech Anxiety? Mantra VS Anxiety Ven.Master Miao Jing
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.21 день назад
在高速發展的AI時代,許多人因信息過量與壓力深陷焦慮。佛教透過咒語念誦或聆聽,如楞嚴咒、大悲咒、藥師咒,幫助清淨心靈,減少雜念,舒緩壓力,恢復專注與內心平靜。科學研究證實,咒語聲音的振動可有效緩解焦慮,帶來內心正面的能量。In today’s fast-paced AI-driven world, many struggle with anxiety caused by information overload and constant pressure. Buddhist mantra chanting, such as the Shurangama Mantra, Great Compassion Mantra, and Medicine Buddha Mantra, offers a way to cleanse the mind, reduce distractions, r...
《三十五佛禮懺文》Thirty-five Buddhas Confession Prayer | 三十五尊佛懺文解釋與手印*靜心禮拜版*禮拜、懺悔、迴向*淨除業障重罪 | 加拿大 大悲菩提寺 虔敬恭誦
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.21 день назад
《三十五佛禮懺文》,出自《烏波離所問經》與《佛說決定毗尼經》、《大寶積經卷第九十,優波離會第二十四》。經文開示:「菩薩應當一心觀此三十五佛而為上首,復應頂禮一切如來,應作如是清淨懺悔。《三十五佛禮懺文》大悲菩提寺 虔敬恭誦 大禮拜版 (一拜十五秒) Thirty-five Buddha Confession s Prayer comes from “The Buddha Speaks the Definitive Vinaya Sutra”, “Great Jewel Heap Sutra, Volume 90, Upali Assembly, Chapter 24”, and “The Sutra of Upali's Questions.”The sutra states: "Bodhisattvas should wholeheartedly contemplate these...
Meaning of Six Syllable Mantra | Guan Yin's Om Mani Pad Me Hum | Master Miao Jing | 六字真言 大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.Месяц назад
Six Syllable Mantra also known as Guan Yin Heart Mantra or Chenrezig : OM MA NI PAD ME HUM Mantra. The merits of chanting Mantra is immeasurable. Learn the meaning of the Six Syllable mantra and visualize these six syllables to purify body, speech and mind and obstacles removal. This mantra can benefit ourselves and whoever you wish to bless. Every beings see, hear, remember, or touch the mantr...
【轉心四法】暇滿人身寶 |The Precious Human Body | Eight States of No Leisure| Dharma Teachings| 八無暇| 佛法教學/妙音法師
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.Месяц назад
學佛的人最為珍貴是能獲得「人身寶」。「暇」指有時間與機會,「滿」指具備足夠的條件。擁有「暇滿的人身」意味著避免轉生到無法修行的境地,並具備學佛的基本條件。 「八無暇」是指缺乏學佛時間或機會的八類眾生,可分為兩大類: 一、因未得人身,無暇修行。 1. 地獄道 :受無盡痛苦折磨,無法聽聞佛法。 2. 餓鬼道 :因飢渴困苦,無暇修行。 3. 畜生道 :因愚昧無知,無法理解佛法。 4. 長壽天 :迷於定境(如無想天),對佛法無興趣。 二、人的無暇 雖得人身,仍無法修行佛法。 5. 邊地 :生於偏僻地區,無法接觸佛法。 6. 邪見 :沉迷外道學說,不信三寶與正法。 7. 無佛 :生於無佛出世或佛法已滅之時。 8. 瘖啞愚痴 :因身心缺陷,無法學佛。 Those who practice Buddhism are most fortunate to obtain the precious hum...
TWO METHODS to Use Mala Beads | Ven. Abbess Master Miao Jing |持咒修持時如何如法使用念珠 | 大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師開示
Просмотров 5 тыс.Месяц назад
In daily mantra recitation practice, how should one properly use prayer beads? How do prayer beads assist practitioners in maintaining focus? 在每日的持咒修持時如何如法使用念珠呢? 念珠如何幫助我們更專注呢? 恭聽 加拿大 大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師開示 Presented by Abbess Venerable Master Miao Jing from the Great Compassion Bodhi Prajan Temple in Canada. ***Explore Our Official Channels *** To delve deeper into teachings and the complete stories of G...
阿彌陀佛往生咒|Amitabha Buddha Rebirth Mantra|十小咒功德利益 | 拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼|淨除業障往生Pureland Rebirth| 大悲菩提寺|妙音法師開示
Просмотров 6 тыс.Месяц назад
〖阿彌陀佛往生咒〗,出自於《佛說阿彌陀佛根本秘密神咒經》咒名全稱《拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼》此咒包含兩種深意,即「拔一切業障根本」與「得生淨土」。The Rebirth Mantra, formally known as "The Fundamental Dharani forRemoving All Karmic Obstacles and Attaining Rebirth in the Pure Land," contains two key effects: "removing all fundamental karmic obstacles" and "attaining rebirth in the Pure Land." 紀載若有善男子、善女人能誦此咒者,阿彌陀佛常住其頂,日夜擁護,無令怨家而得其便,現世常得安隱,臨命終時 運往生。The sutra record...
Long Jian Guan Yin | Story of Guan Yin | Ven. Master Miao Jing | 瀧見觀音 三十三觀音故事 妙淨法師開示
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.2 месяца назад
This is one of the 33 Guan Yin Stories. Long Jian Guan Yin warned a devotee in a dream, protecting him from disaster. Guan Yin, the embodiment of mercy and guidance, offers a comforting presence in times of need. Believed to heal and bless, her empathetic grace provides a protective shield, nurturing the soul with benevolent support. With each invocation, Guan Yin's tranquil energy harmonizes t...
【拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼】8小時加長版 往生咒 | 往生阿彌陀佛淨土陀羅尼*靜心拼音易誦唱*Mantra for Rebirth to Pureland Chanting 加拿大大悲菩提寺恭製
Просмотров 17 тыс.2 месяца назад
往生咒,全稱《拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼》此咒包含兩種深意,即「拔一切業障根本」與「得生淨土」。The Rebirth Mantra, formally known as "The Fundamental Dharani forRemoving All Karmic Obstacles and Attaining Rebirth in the Pure Land," contains two key effects: "removing all fundamental karmic obstacles" and "attaining rebirth in the Pure Land." 《大正藏》《Taishō Tripiṭaka》紀載若有善男子、善女人能誦此咒者,阿彌陀佛常住其頂,日夜擁護,無令怨家而得其便,現世常得安隱,臨命終時 運往生。The "Taishō Tripiṭa...
The Challenge of Power: Resisting and Not Abusing It | 人性盲點:權勢令人迷失?低沙比丘的故事 |人有二十難之第九難 | 有勢不臨難|妙音法師開示
Просмотров 1 тыс.2 месяца назад
「有勢不臨難」中的「臨」指的是欺凌、壓制。有勢力的人若能不去壓迫他人,實屬不易。即使善良的天人,因福報大小不同,也會彼此競爭,何況是世間人呢?一個人沒有福報時會委曲求全,但隨著福報增加、地位提升,往往容易仗勢欺人,就像俗語所說的「媳婦熬成婆」。若有福報,仍能謙虛厚道,不以勢壓人,這需要佛法的智慧。權勢無常,富貴如露水,今日擁有,明日或許失去,壓迫他人終將自食其果。 大悲菩提寺 妙音法師開示 It is truly difficult for those with power not to oppress others. Even kind celestial beings, due to differences in their karmic blessings, may compete with one another-how much more so among humans? ...
解釋六字大明咒的意義 | The Meaning of Six Syllable Mantra | 大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師 | Ven. Master Miao Jing |
Просмотров 56 тыс.3 месяца назад
觀世音菩薩根本心咒,六字大明咒是大家耳熟能詳的一個咒語,The root mantra of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, the Six-Syllable Mantra, is a short and well-known mantra. 那麼這個殊勝的咒語是出自那一部佛經呢? But which sutra does this extraordinary mantra come from? 而這六個殊勝的種子字又是代表什麼意義?修行者可以如何地如理如法地持咒來自利利他呢? 恭聽 加拿大 大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師開示。What is the significance of each of these six sacred syllables? How can one recite this mantra properly and in accordance ...
現代版心經唱誦 靜心 輕音樂版 LOFI Heart Sutra | Calming Buddhist Chanting | Peaceful LOFI Music & Mantra 大悲菩提寺 虔製
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.3 месяца назад
《心經》是佛教中一部極為重要的經典,是大般若經的精髓。短短二百六十字的心經,闡述了佛教教義的精髓,重點在於空性(Sunyata)和無我(Anatta)的概念。它教導我們如何超越對事物的執著,從而達到內心的平靜與解脫。 《心經》的核心教義是對世間事物的空性,即所有現象皆無常、無我、無實體。 誦讀《心經》有助於培養內心的平靜,增進對生活的理解與接受,並指引我們超越煩惱與執著,達到解脫的境地。 The Heart Sutra is one of the most important texts in Buddhism, representing the essence of the Great Prajnaparamita Sutra. In just 260 characters, the Heart Sutra distills the core teachings of Buddhi...
The Auspicious Mantra for Relieving Disasters | Eliminating Obstacles |佛咒十小咒功德利益| 消災吉祥神咒 咒語教學|妙音法師開示
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.3 месяца назад
The Auspicious Mantra for Relieving Disasters | Eliminating Obstacles |佛咒十小咒功德利益| 消災吉祥神咒 咒語教學|妙音法師開示
How to Use the Mala Beads | Ven. Abbess Master Miao Jing | 如何使用念珠 | 大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師開示
Просмотров 6 тыс.3 месяца назад
How to Use the Mala Beads | Ven. Abbess Master Miao Jing | 如何使用念珠 | 大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師開示
手握金幣的嬰兒 | The Boy With Golden Coins | 出處「賢愚因緣經」金財因緣品第九 | 大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師開示 Abbess Ven. Master Miao Jing
Просмотров 2,4 тыс.3 месяца назад
手握金幣的嬰兒 | The Boy With Golden Coins | 出處「賢愚因緣經」金財因緣品第九 | 大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師開示 Abbess Ven. Master Miao Jing
The Challenge of Not Becoming Angry When Insulted | Ven. Master Miao Yin |人有二十難第八難 | 被辱不瞋難|大悲菩提寺妙音法師
Просмотров 2,6 тыс.4 месяца назад
The Challenge of Not Becoming Angry When Insulted | Ven. Master Miao Yin |人有二十難第八難 | 被辱不瞋難|大悲菩提寺妙音法師
Buddhist Hospice: Guiding Others on Their Final Journey | 佛教的臨終關懷 | 大悲菩提寺 | 妙淨法師
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.4 месяца назад
Buddhist Hospice: Guiding Others on Their Final Journey | 佛教的臨終關懷 | 大悲菩提寺 | 妙淨法師
Mantra of Guan Yin | Benefits of the Wish-Fulfilling Dharani | 十小咒功德利益之如意寶輪王陀羅尼 |滿願咒 |觀音菩薩真言 |妙音法師開示
Просмотров 3,7 тыс.4 месяца назад
Mantra of Guan Yin | Benefits of the Wish-Fulfilling Dharani | 十小咒功德利益之如意寶輪王陀羅尼 |滿願咒 |觀音菩薩真言 |妙音法師開示
佛陀本身故事 Buddhist Story | 仁慈的龜王 Story of Kindness | Turtle King | The Past Life of Buddha | 大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師
Просмотров 9624 месяца назад
佛陀本身故事 Buddhist Story | 仁慈的龜王 Story of Kindness | Turtle King | The Past Life of Buddha | 大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師
【觀音心咒】10800遍 The Six-Syllable Mantra, Guan Yin 《佛說大乘莊嚴寶王經》*淨化身心*滅除一切苦惱*圓滿心願功德*佛教實修版*拼音 4小時 | 大悲菩提寺恭製
Просмотров 30 тыс.5 месяцев назад
【觀音心咒】10800遍 The Six-Syllable Mantra, Guan Yin 《佛說大乘莊嚴寶王經》*淨化身心*滅除一切苦惱*圓滿心願功德*佛教實修版*拼音 4小時 | 大悲菩提寺恭製
Buddhist Story: Two Piles of Bones| 佛教故事| 白骨背後是何因而造就了不同結果?前世今生果報大不同|大悲菩提寺|妙音法師開示Ven. Master Miao Yin
Просмотров 6 тыс.5 месяцев назад
Buddhist Story: Two Piles of Bones| 佛教故事| 白骨背後是何因而造就了不同結果?前世今生果報大不同|大悲菩提寺|妙音法師開示Ven. Master Miao Yin
What's the Difference between Dharani and Mantra | 什麼是陀羅尼, 密咒, 真言 | 大悲菩提寺妙淨法師 Ven. Master Miao Jing
Просмотров 11 тыс.5 месяцев назад
What's the Difference between Dharani and Mantra | 什麼是陀羅尼, 密咒, 真言 | 大悲菩提寺妙淨法師 Ven. Master Miao Jing
The Buddha's Wisdom Sutra Teaching: The Story of Lady Sujata |長者惡媳婦玉耶的故事 | 佛陀教育夫妻相處之道 | 大悲菩提寺 妙音法師開示
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.5 месяцев назад
The Buddha's Wisdom Sutra Teaching: The Story of Lady Sujata |長者惡媳婦玉耶的故事 | 佛陀教育夫妻相處之道 | 大悲菩提寺 妙音法師開示
The 3 Types of Clean Meat in Buddhism | Ven. Abbess Master Miao Jing | 佛教徒一定要吃素嗎?大悲菩提寺妙淨法師開示(中文字幕)
Просмотров 2,3 тыс.6 месяцев назад
The 3 Types of Clean Meat in Buddhism | Ven. Abbess Master Miao Jing | 佛教徒一定要吃素嗎?大悲菩提寺妙淨法師開示(中文字幕)
GREEN TARA MANTRA: Cleanse ALL Negative Energy | 清新版〖綠度母心咒〗1080遍 ❤️好人緣 🙏 除障難❤️增福報 🙏 圓滿所願 🙏 大悲菩提寺 恭製
Просмотров 3,6 тыс.6 месяцев назад
GREEN TARA MANTRA: Cleanse ALL Negative Energy | 清新版〖綠度母心咒〗1080遍 ❤️好人緣 🙏 除障難❤️增福報 🙏 圓滿所願 🙏 大悲菩提寺 恭製
人有二十難之第七難 | 見好不求難|大悲菩提寺 妙音法師開示|The Challenge of Not Seeking Attractive Things| Ven. Master Miao Yin
Просмотров 3,2 тыс.6 месяцев назад
人有二十難之第七難 | 見好不求難|大悲菩提寺 妙音法師開示|The Challenge of Not Seeking Attractive Things| Ven. Master Miao Yin
醜陋的公主 | The Ugly Princess | 出處「賢愚因緣經」波斯匿王女 金剛緣品第八 | 大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師開示 | Abbess Ven. Master Miao Jing
Просмотров 2,3 тыс.6 месяцев назад
醜陋的公主 | The Ugly Princess | 出處「賢愚因緣經」波斯匿王女 金剛緣品第八 | 大悲菩提寺 妙淨法師開示 | Abbess Ven. Master Miao Jing