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medHealthmy - 大马医健网
Добавлен 3 май 2023
medHealth.my is a comprehensive medical and health information platform. In each episode, we invite different professionals to share various medical and health topics with you. We aim to help everyone gain a better understanding of health in a simple and straightforward way, so you can live a more vibrant life!
medHealth.my 大马医健网是一个全方位的医疗、健康资讯平台
medHealth.my 大马医健网是一个全方位的医疗、健康资讯平台
🍗 新年大吃大喝,如何拯救你的肠胃? 🎉
#中医十万个为什么 #大吃大喝 #肠胃
新年是吃喝玩乐的好时光,但肚子胀成气球、胃痛拉肚子的尴尬你是否也遇到过?🤔 今天 #何宗元 中医师教你如何预防“吃撑综合症”,以及大吃大喝后的应急妙招!✨
#medhealthmy #心医馆 #中医 #中医养生 #体质调理 #女性健康 #健康饮食 #新年
#大马医健网 #medicalknowledge #malaysia #medicine #healthtips
#马来西亚医疗 #医疗知识 #医疗科普 #医疗资讯 #健康知识 #健康资讯 #疾病
medHealth.my is a comprehensive medical and health information platform. We invite different professionals to share various medical and health topics with you. We aim to help everyone gain a better understanding of health in a simple and straightforward way, so you can live a more vibrant life!
medHealth.my 大马医健网是一个全方位的医疗、健康资讯平台
***Information shared is intended for general in...
新年是吃喝玩乐的好时光,但肚子胀成气球、胃痛拉肚子的尴尬你是否也遇到过?🤔 今天 #何宗元 中医师教你如何预防“吃撑综合症”,以及大吃大喝后的应急妙招!✨
#medhealthmy #心医馆 #中医 #中医养生 #体质调理 #女性健康 #健康饮食 #新年
#大马医健网 #medicalknowledge #malaysia #medicine #healthtips
#马来西亚医疗 #医疗知识 #医疗科普 #医疗资讯 #健康知识 #健康资讯 #疾病
medHealth.my is a comprehensive medical and health information platform. We invite different professionals to share various medical and health topics with you. We aim to help everyone gain a better understanding of health in a simple and straightforward way, so you can live a more vibrant life!
medHealth.my 大马医健网是一个全方位的医疗、健康资讯平台
***Information shared is intended for general in...
Просмотров: 4
🚗 Long Road Trips & Your Bladder: Must-Know Tips for Holiday Travel! 🧳 长途旅行膀胱“告急”?假期出行健康小贴士!
Просмотров 916 часов назад
#medhealthmy #trafficjam #bladder Planning a long trip this holiday season? 🚗 While you’re on the road for hours, your bladder could face the real challenge! Holding your pee for too long or cutting back on water can harm your urinary health. Here are some tips from Consultant Urologist #DrMasyithah 准备在这个假期长途旅行吗?🚗 当你在路上待上好几个小时时,你的膀胱可能成为真正的“受害者”!长期憋尿或减少饮水会对泌尿系统造成伤害。一起来听听泌尿科顾问医生 #DrMasyithah 的建议吧...
🔥 春节大鱼大肉易上火?中医教你降火妙招!🍊🍗
Просмотров 45День назад
#中医十万个为什么 #新年 #上火 春节吃得开心,别让“上火”扫了你的兴!🍊🍗 吃年柑、年饼、大鱼大肉后,你是否也感到喉咙痛、口腔溃疡?其实这些就是俗称的“上火”。🔥 上火了怎样办?今天就有中医师 #杨琍舒博士 教你降火妙招! #medhealthmy #心医馆 #中医 #中医养生 #体质调理 #女性健康 #健康饮食 #年饼 #下火 #降火 #凉茶 #大马医健网 #medicalknowledge #malaysia #medicine #healthtips #马来西亚医疗 #医疗知识 #医疗科普 #医疗资讯 #健康知识 #健康资讯 #疾病 medHealth.my is a comprehensive medical and health information platform. We invite different professionals to share variou...
Просмотров 107День назад
#NutriFacts #营来如此 #酱油 你知道每天吃的酱油可能藏着健康隐患吗?从化学酱油到传统酿造,这期《营来如此》有 友好料营养咨询 Ingrelicious Nutrition Consultancy 的营养师 Edward 全面解析酱油的四大类别,教你如何通过标签选出安全又健康的酱油! Do you know what’s really in your soy sauce? From chemical concoctions to traditional brews, this episode of "NutriFacts" uncovers the four main types of soy sauce and how to pick the healthiest option with Nutritionist Edward! 0:51 酱油的种类 02:11 酱油高...
🌿 中药:温和调理神器还是隐藏风险的“毒药”?✨
Просмотров 5214 дней назад
#medhealthmy #中医十万个为什么 #中药 有人说中药是「温和不伤身」的自然疗法,也有人担心「是药三分毒」。那么,中药到底是健康调理的好帮手,还是潜藏风险的「毒药」呢?🤔 今天有中医师 #叶鏸鸿博士 为你揭开真相! #心医馆 #中医 #中医养生 #体质调理 #女性健康 #健康饮食 #温和 #毒药 #大马医健网 #medicalknowledge #malaysia #medicine #healthtips #马来西亚医疗 #医疗知识 #医疗科普 #医疗资讯 #健康知识 #健康资讯 #疾病 medHealth.my is a comprehensive medical and health information platform. We invite different professionals to share various medical and health t...
🚨 Baby Walkers: Convenient, but Dangerous? 学步车:方便但危险?家长必知的真相! 🚼
Просмотров 1521 день назад
#medhealthmy #paediatric #babywalker Think baby walkers are helping your child learn to walk? 🤔 The truth might surprise you! While they seem convenient, walkers can delay development, cause walking issues, and lead to serious injuries. Explore more with Paediatric Physiotherapist - Ms. Wong Wan Kun 以为学步车能帮宝宝学走路?🤔 真相可能出乎你的意料!虽然学步车看似方便,但它可能延缓发育,引发步态问题,甚至导致严重的安全隐患。一起来跟儿童物理治疗师了解更多吧! #大马医健网 #medica...
🎯 中医师和你拆解武侠片里的点穴功夫 ✨
Просмотров 2121 день назад
#medhealthmy #中医十万个为什么 #点穴 看过武侠片如《神雕侠侣》和《倚天屠龙记》的人,肯定对武侠片中的“点穴功夫”印象深刻!👐 但现实中的点穴和电影中的设定有多大不同?今天就由中医师杨雪霏带你一探究竟! #心医馆 #中医 #中医养生 #体质调理 #女性健康 #健康饮食 #穴位 #武侠片 #穴位按摩 #大马医健网 #medicalknowledge #malaysia #medicine #healthtips #马来西亚医疗 #医疗知识 #医疗科普 #医疗资讯 #健康知识 #健康资讯 #疾病 medHealth.my is a comprehensive medical and health information platform. We invite different professionals to share various medical and healt...
Enlarged prostate is a sign for prostate cancer? 前列腺肿大是前列腺癌的先兆?
Просмотров 25Месяц назад
#medhealthmy #prostate #cancer Your prostate might be small, but the symptoms can be big! 🥜 If you’re over 50 and experiencing issues like slow urine flow or frequent trips to the bathroom, it could be Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) or even an early sign of prostate cancer. Make sure to have a check with your doctor! 前列腺虽小,问题可不小!🥜 如果你超过50岁,出现尿流缓慢或频繁上厕所等症状,这可能是良性前列腺增生(BPH),也有可能是前列腺癌的早期信号!不要等...
👅 口臭难缠?中医教你从根本解决!🌿✨
Просмотров 29Месяц назад
#medhealthmy #中医十万个为什么 #口臭 口臭不仅让人尴尬,还可能是身体发出的健康警报!🤔 在中医的视角下,口臭可不仅仅是口腔问题,而是和脏腑失调息息相关!一起来和中医师 #叶鏸鸿博士 探讨一下吧! #心医馆 #中医 #中医养生 #体质调理 #女性健康 #健康饮食 #清新口气 #大马医健网 #medicalknowledge #malaysia #medicine #healthtips #马来西亚医疗 #医疗知识 #医疗科普 #医疗资讯 #健康知识 #健康资讯 #疾病 medHealth.my is a comprehensive medical and health information platform. We invite different professionals to share various medical and health topics wit...
🍗 吃鸡脚补脚力?“以形补形” 是真的可行的吗?🍴
Просмотров 26Месяц назад
#medhealthmy #中医十万个为什么 #以形补形 吃核桃补脑、吃鸡脚补脚力、吃胡萝卜保护眼睛 这些“以形补形”的说法是真的吗?🤔 今天带你从中医角度,和中医师徐晓莹一起深入剖析“以形补形”理念背后的智慧!🌿 #心医馆 #中医 #中医养生 #体质调理 #女性健康 #健康饮食 #大马医健网 #medicalknowledge #malaysia #medicine #healthtips #马来西亚医疗 #医疗知识 #医疗科普 #医疗资讯 #健康知识 #健康资讯 #疾病 medHealth.my is a comprehensive medical and health information platform. We invite different professionals to share various medical and health topics with yo...
🥜 Allergen Myths: Why Early Peanut Exposure Could Save Your Child from Allergies! 🥚🥛 早吃花生能帮孩子远离过敏!
Просмотров 6Месяц назад
#medhealthmy #paediatrics #peanutallergy Think avoiding peanuts, milk, or eggs can prevent allergies? 🤔 Science says otherwise! Studies show that early introduction of allergenic foods (eg. peanut) can actually reduce allergy risks by up to 98%! 🎉 Let's dive deep into this topic with Consultant Paediatrician 以为避免花生、牛奶或鸡蛋能预防过敏?🤔 科学研究告诉我们,真相恰恰相反!研究发现,尽早引入过敏原(例如花生)实际上可以将过敏风险降低高达98%! 🎉 一起来和儿科顾问医生 D...
🤔 吃补品流鼻血?你是“虚不受补”吗?
Просмотров 10Месяц назад
#medhealthmy #中医十万个为什么 #虚不受补 你是不是听说过,或者亲身经历过吃补品流鼻血的情况?这是不是所谓的“虚不受补”?今天我们就一起来和中医师谭凯文深挖这个问题!💡 #心医馆 #中医 #中医养生 #体质调理 #女性健康 #健康饮食 #补品 #大马医健网 #medicalknowledge #malaysia #medicine #healthtips #马来西亚医疗 #医疗知识 #医疗科普 #医疗资讯 #健康知识 #健康资讯 #疾病 medHealth.my is a comprehensive medical and health information platform. We invite different professionals to share various medical and health topics with you. We aim to...
Is Your Child's Leg Shape Normal? 🤔 O-Legs, X-Legs, and When to Seek Help! 孩子的腿型正常吗?👶✨
Просмотров 23Месяц назад
#medhealthmy #legshape #paediatricphysiotherapy Are your child's legs looking O-shaped or X-shaped? 👶 Don’t worry - it’s a normal part of growth for most kids! Let’s keep your child’s development on track while debunking common misconceptions with Paediatric Physiotherapist - Ms Wong Wan Kun!💡✨ 你家孩子的腿是O型还是X型?👶 别担心,大部分孩子的腿型变化是正常成长的一部分!一起來和儿童物理治疗师 Ms Wong Wan Kun 学习科学育儿,摆脱担忧!💡✨ #大马医健网 #medicalkno...
👑「药中之王」:人参 真的人人都适合吃吗?种类繁多,又该如何选择?
Просмотров 46Месяц назад
#medhealthmy #药中之王 #人参 气虚吃人参,体弱吃人参,疲劳也吃人参!🫀💪 人参被称为「药中之王」,补气强身、增强免疫、抗疲劳,听起来真的很神奇! 但它真的是人人适合的吗?🤔 不同体质的你又选对了人参了吗?一起来听听杨雪霏医师怎么说吧! #medhealthmy #中医十万个为什么 #心医馆 #中医 #中医养生 #体质调理 #女性健康 #健康饮食 #气虚 #体弱 #抗疲劳 #大马医健网 #medicalknowledge #malaysia #medicine #healthtips #马来西亚医疗 #医疗知识 #医疗科普 #医疗资讯 #健康知识 #健康资讯 #疾病 medHealth.my is a comprehensive medical and health information platform. We invite different profession...
📱 Debunking Mobile Radiation Myths: Is Your Phone Really Dangerous? 🤔 肿瘤科医生和你破解手机辐射迷思
Просмотров 32 месяца назад
#medhealthmy #handphone #radiation “Don’t sleep with your phone next to your head!” “Don’t keep it in your pocket!” 📱 We’ve all heard these warnings, but is mobile radiation really harmful? The Bald Oncologist, Dr. Malwinder, breaks it all down in this video! “睡觉别把手机放头边!”“别放裤兜里!”📱 这些警告你肯定听过,但手机辐射真的有那么可怕吗?临床肿瘤科医生 Dr. Malwinder 为你全面解析! #大马医健网 #medicalknowledge #malaysia #medicine #healthtips #马来西...
Allergy Tests Explained! 🧪 Do you need to avoid those food if test positive? 过敏测试呈阳性,我要让孩子避免吃那些食物吗?
Просмотров 22 месяца назад
Allergy Tests Explained! 🧪 Do you need to avoid those food if test positive? 过敏测试呈阳性,我要让孩子避免吃那些食物吗?
The Shocking Truth About Urinary Stones! 🥬🍋 Why They Form & How to Prevent Them! 令人震惊的尿路结石真相!
Просмотров 62 месяца назад
The Shocking Truth About Urinary Stones! 🥬🍋 Why They Form & How to Prevent Them! 令人震惊的尿路结石真相!
Say Goodbye to Varicose Veins! 🚶♂️💉 Minimally Invasive Laser Treatment for All Ages! 告别静脉曲张 静脉激光消融
Просмотров 82 месяца назад
Say Goodbye to Varicose Veins! 🚶♂️💉 Minimally Invasive Laser Treatment for All Ages! 告别静脉曲张 静脉激光消融
Vaping vs. Smoking: Is E-Cigarette Really a Safer Choice? 🚬🤔
Просмотров 82 месяца назад
Vaping vs. Smoking: Is E-Cigarette Really a Safer Choice? 🚬🤔
Nasal Sprays 101: What You Need to Know About Treating Allergies! 🤧💧
Просмотров 173 месяца назад
Nasal Sprays 101: What You Need to Know About Treating Allergies! 🤧💧
Leaky Bladder? Let’s Talk About Urinary Incontinence and How to Manage It! 🚽💦 尿失禁-说不出口的尴尬
Просмотров 103 месяца назад
Leaky Bladder? Let’s Talk About Urinary Incontinence and How to Manage It! 🚽💦 尿失禁-说不出口的尴尬
Choosing the Right Compression Stockings for Varicose Veins 🧦|如何选择适合的压力袜治疗静脉曲张?🧦
Просмотров 273 месяца назад
Choosing the Right Compression Stockings for Varicose Veins 🧦|如何选择适合的压力袜治疗静脉曲张?🧦