  • Видео 2
  • Просмотров 2 677 367
INCREDIBLE Shark Chases West Coast Fisherman--Bites Their Salmon In Half!
Just off the coast of Ucluelet and Tofino BC Canada, a group of fishing buddies got more than they were expecting when a rare blue shark chases their catch to the surface! Watch as it bites their Chinook salmon in half and circles their boat!
Просмотров: 658


Otter Plays With Baby Deer.
Просмотров 2,7 млн13 лет назад
(For licensing or usage, contact Random otter wants a belly rub from a mother deer and her fawn. Cutest thing ever! (For affordable lodging in Ucluelet BC Canada Go to


  • @TenAte108OG
    @TenAte108OG 6 месяцев назад

    the babies wanna play with him lol

  • @christophernichols1379
    @christophernichols1379 10 месяцев назад

    Mother deer has more control over her young, than most human parents do over their own children.

  • @robklein5316
    @robklein5316 11 месяцев назад

    That little is trying so hard to be those deers playmate.

  • @K0tBegem0tt
    @K0tBegem0tt Год назад

    Игра выдры основывается на юмористическом противопоставлении. С одной стороны, она делает вид, что нападает. Но подбежав, падает на спинку, демонстрируя брюшко - универсальный жест подчинения у многих зверей. Олениха чувства юмора не имеет, а потому в диссонансе, она не понимает, где выдра настоящая. Ей нужно конкретное понимание: есть опасность оленятам, или нет? В её узенькой головке не умещается, что можно совместить и то, и другое в игре. Что можно быть опасной понарошку. Если бы не примиряющий жест, то олениха давно бы убежала. Но жест сбивает её с толку, она этим недовольна и нервно подёргивает хвостом. Один раз она поднимает копыто - это угрожающий жест: "Если приблизишься, раскрою череп". Выдра этот жест прекрасно считывает и держит дистанцию. На 3:22 олениха обнюхивает оленят под хвостом. У меня есть собственное объяснение этого жеста. Когда зверь в опасности и убегает от хищника, то он инстинктивно опустошает кишечник на бегу. Этим достигается сразу две цели: и вес становится хоть немного меньше. И отбивается чутьё у преследователя - перебивается вонью. Так вот: если есть небольшая угроза, то каловые массы всё равно приближаются к выходу. От зверя начинает пахнуть какашками. Мама-олениха нюхает сзади у оленят, чтобы понять - не испугались ли они? Почему олениха не убегает сразу, поддерживает чуждую для неё ситуацию? Моё предположение - она учится. Приобретает новый опыт. Ну, и на примере учит оленят, вдруг пригодится. Она ж готовит их к жизни в природе. Зачем выдра делает это? Ей скучно. Других выдр в водоёме нет, а поиграть, поднять себе настроение хочется. Она ж не какая тупая олениха.

  • @ZtephanEgerlein5783
    @ZtephanEgerlein5783 Год назад

    He's really TRYING everything to play, but Mama Deer is terribly scared!

  • @ethribin4188
    @ethribin4188 Год назад

    You can see otter and weasles being related from how the otter hops around. Same kind of "war dance" weasles and ferrets make. Just less elegant as theres more mass and muscle on an otter then a weasle.

  • @ethribin4188
    @ethribin4188 Год назад

    The otter is so calm and open bevause it knows, in a fight, it will rip the deer's throat out. Easy. Otters are apex animals. If they want you dead, you'll die. Like the honeybadger they dont give a fyck! And unlike the honeybadger, they wount come alone, but will bring their possy along for it. If they dont want you dead, then youll get to have fun with them though :D Curious, fun and intelligent buggers they are.

  • @jasonainsworth1596
    @jasonainsworth1596 Год назад

    Amazing Amen,AmenAmen

  • @joijaxx
    @joijaxx Год назад

    LOL what a character! Cutie pies, the whole gang!

  • @kathleendavidson5884
    @kathleendavidson5884 Год назад

    Thomasdaily4363 I think you are right 😂

  • @turtium
    @turtium Год назад

    So Playful!!!! The otter was very careful to make sure the adult dear understood it was not planning any type of attack but rather wishing to play. Deer's though... they must be naturally more on the serious end of the scale unless they know the other creature really well. Interesting.

  • @keithkellogg5325
    @keithkellogg5325 Год назад

    When a animal shows it’s belly it’s wanting to play.

  • @kyrosharas
    @kyrosharas Год назад

    My God , You are SOOOOOO STUUUPIIIIDDD !!!!!!!! The Otter is trying , again and again and again , to CATCH the little deers, KILL them and EAT them !!!!!!!! This is a very known strategy of Otters, Weasels, Marders , Minks , Ermines and other RUTHLESS KILLERS !!!!!!!! Weasel up against a roe deer `0.29``- 1.12`` :видео.html Wellcome to the planet Earth !

  • @gillianlemire5927
    @gillianlemire5927 Год назад

    Otter: "Peez peez peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze play wit me!!!" Deer: "Kids, stay behind me... this bitch be on bath salts or something."

  • @powerzx
    @powerzx Год назад

    This otter is not playing. That behaviour is intentional, to bring attention of the prey and kill it. The same trick is used by Stoats.видео.html Stoat Hypnotizes Rabbit.

  • @apacolypz11
    @apacolypz11 Год назад


  • @roebuddy01
    @roebuddy01 Год назад

    Mustelids are cunning carnivores. The otter looks to have been trying to disarm the mother and perhaps entice a mistake on her coming too close. There is a lunge at one of the fawns towards the end...

  • @lastfirst5863
    @lastfirst5863 2 года назад

    Unfortunately I’m pretty sure exposing your belly is only a gesture of trust between predators.

  • @derekbaker777
    @derekbaker777 2 года назад

    The momma Deer doesn't know what to make of the Otter.

  • @davidg4595
    @davidg4595 2 года назад

    Mom a bit worried regardless-It's a mom thing.

  • @grazynazambeanie5963
    @grazynazambeanie5963 2 года назад

    Plays with baby deer ??? WTF , a little misleading don't you think ? Momma deer made sure the otter got no where close to the fawns . Good momma

  • @TheBayouPodCulture
    @TheBayouPodCulture 2 года назад

    Mama Madea doesn't understand the assignment lol

  • @bluedeep1707
    @bluedeep1707 2 года назад

    Otter: "hi...I'm new in the neighborhood, wanna play?"

  • @wafflewoman4769
    @wafflewoman4769 2 года назад


  • @chrisc395
    @chrisc395 2 года назад

    I hate to say this but that otter isn't "playing." Otters do kill deer and eat them. My guess is this big fella was after one of the babies and just trying to distract mama. Otters kill a lot of animals. Lest we forget, they are in fact, meat eaters.

  • @jozion4019
    @jozion4019 2 года назад

    The otter is playing, the doe is protecting her fawns.

  • @dathyr1
    @dathyr1 2 года назад

    The Otter maybe is wanting to play, but the Deer think the Otter is crazy and want no part of the action.

  • @anthonypk7281
    @anthonypk7281 2 года назад

    No music! It's even worse when guy with NYC or LA accent explain animal behavior.

  • @ayokay123
    @ayokay123 2 года назад

    "What? Not submissive enough for you? WTF?!"

  • @Retrodove101
    @Retrodove101 2 года назад

    I love nature! :D

  • @Nyctophora
    @Nyctophora 3 года назад

    What a sweet otter - I would love to give that otter a tummy rub!

  • @MSculls19
    @MSculls19 3 года назад

    He's trying so hard to make new friends lol

  • @LAGirls-lv5gh
    @LAGirls-lv5gh 3 года назад

    Oh, he really like to play with the deers😁

  • @kathryngenn-winkler8170
    @kathryngenn-winkler8170 3 года назад

    Mama can't figure out if the otter is on drugs or just lost its mind. Either way there shall be no playing. 😔

  • @runnyhunny786
    @runnyhunny786 3 года назад

    Oh Deer. How otterly gorgeous...😁

    • @observantowl1726
      @observantowl1726 3 года назад

      You did that on purpose, don't try to weasel your way out of it...😊

  • @charlesuri2830
    @charlesuri2830 3 года назад

    Beautiful deer ❤️🥰🥰🥰❤️😍🥰❤️and baby's are really scared

  • @observantowl1726
    @observantowl1726 3 года назад

    Nice vid, but... Fact: Weasels(yes, those tiny ones) hunt and kill goose and swan Fact: this was HUNTING, not playing

  • @le_th_
    @le_th_ 3 года назад

    CLICK BAIT nowhere in this video does the otter play with baby deer. What does happen is the MOTHER stays between the otter and her babies. This was VERY stressful the the mother deer, not play. Now the otter, the otter clearly wanted to play, but the mother didn't know that. This is what the "do not recommend this channel" button is for.

  • @JB-zx2py
    @JB-zx2py 3 года назад


  • @beewings98
    @beewings98 3 года назад

    What the deer thinks every time the otter rolls over: ”AHHHHHHHHHH”

  • @Boeing_hitsquad
    @Boeing_hitsquad 3 года назад

    Are those piles of dog crap all over the yard? 👀 💩💩💩

  • @kwame9657
    @kwame9657 3 года назад

    Nobody wants to play with me😭

  • @aundreacarroll252
    @aundreacarroll252 3 года назад

    An otter is like a puppy, it wants to play, momma dear will protect her baby best she can

  • @tomcloss9764
    @tomcloss9764 3 года назад

    He isn't playing with the baby deer, he's trying to play with the otter one.😊.

  • @STBRetired1
    @STBRetired1 3 года назад

    Deer are no fun. Bunch of chickensh*ts.

  • @jimbojohnson8196
    @jimbojohnson8196 4 года назад

    Orders are so freaking cute

  • @davidbranin969
    @davidbranin969 4 года назад

    Vids like this are my safe harbor in these stressful times.

  • @27thchimera
    @27thchimera 4 года назад

    Shotaro and Sungchan

  • @petersellers9219
    @petersellers9219 4 года назад

    If you have seen a weasel dancing to a rabbit, this seems far less cute............. and it's dead

  • @darrentoews3151
    @darrentoews3151 4 года назад

    Great video...I’m envious all that in my neighborhood is rats 🐀