Jón Hilmar Kárason
Jón Hilmar Kárason
  • Видео 103
  • Просмотров 193 594
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Просмотров: 283


Peg - Steely Dan cover
Просмотров 2542 года назад
I was fooling around with Peg by Steely Dan this morning trying out my new Oc 818 mic from Austrian audio.
2020 Leiðir - Jóhann Ingi
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Allir sem kenna tónlist hafa skoðun á námskránni. Jóhann Ingi hefur verið að skoða hana lengi og er að vinna að ritgerð um gítarnámskránna. Jón Hilmar Kárason www.bio.link/jonhilmar www.gitar.is
8 hugmyndir úr 8 viðtölum.
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Ég tók eina pælingu frá hverjum viðmælana í seríu 2 til að spjalla um. Takk fyrir að fylgjast með. Http://www.buymeacoffee.com/2020 www.jonkarason.is/2020leidir
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2020 Leiðir - Rubin Pollock
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  • @Jaujau933
    @Jaujau933 3 дня назад

    Great advice ❤

  • @gertlarsson9285
    @gertlarsson9285 16 дней назад

    I will copy all his valuables lessons learn from life and pass it on to my kids (and my self😅)

  • @olia_dove
    @olia_dove 18 дней назад

    Still waiting for English subtitles ❤️

  • @toddfrye8178
    @toddfrye8178 Месяц назад

    I'm pretty sure I like this guy.

  • @3340steve
    @3340steve Месяц назад

    BRILLIANT, thank you for sharing this

  • @Waldvogel45
    @Waldvogel45 2 месяца назад

    Over 50 years of stardom, and 3 days ago the same wonderful man.Such wisdom and insight.

  • @killereverb3928
    @killereverb3928 2 месяца назад

    Timeless chestnuts of wisdom from one of my all-time favorite musicians. His energy and presence is truly something one-of-a-kind!

  • @freyjaisfold6167
    @freyjaisfold6167 2 месяца назад

    Ef það hefði nú bara verið gítar notaður í tónfræði, þá þyrfti ég kannski ekki að taka prófið aftur

  • @impluggedinworship4565
    @impluggedinworship4565 2 месяца назад

    Tk u Robben for preaching to me! I so needed that…

  • @Donaldjon
    @Donaldjon 3 месяца назад

    I needed to hear this. Thank you Robben.

  • @ThordurSigurdarson
    @ThordurSigurdarson 3 месяца назад

    Geggjuð! Sakn 🥰

  • @jeffdawson2786
    @jeffdawson2786 4 месяца назад

    What a delight to watch! Thank you.

  • @nathansmith6365
    @nathansmith6365 5 месяцев назад

    Mind blown.....I'm listening to other instruments now!

  • @djizzah
    @djizzah 5 месяцев назад

    He's wrong recommending dropping out of high school, virtually no one makes a living out of music, just one or 2 in a million and they're the one's we hear about, better off buying a lottery ticket more chance of success

  • @eamonryan6157
    @eamonryan6157 5 месяцев назад

    I spoke to Robben backstage after an amazing show he did at the Blue Note in NYC years ago, and told him that his solos, for me were just mesmerizing, because I never know what he's gonna do next, and quick as a flash he goes: 'neither do I'. He likened it to finger painting. He's a very special musician and a warm guy, just great energy to be around.

  • @desmo999
    @desmo999 6 месяцев назад

    This is really the best lesson for everbody who wants to play an instrument! Wooonderfull!!

  • @bobbygotsch
    @bobbygotsch 6 месяцев назад

    Robben is the best of the best.

  • @Morten6842
    @Morten6842 8 месяцев назад

    Lots of life wisdow right there, gotta love Robben.

  • @rafaelmeletti
    @rafaelmeletti 8 месяцев назад

    He is so classy, in all aspects!

  • @Thebluesguy
    @Thebluesguy 9 месяцев назад

    When Robben plays, I listen carefully . When he speaks I do the same 😊

  • @tomdecuca3627
    @tomdecuca3627 9 месяцев назад

    What Robben might not realize, is that to most guitar players, he is the "John Coltrane" type player!!

  • @AlHenryGarcia-mo6yj
    @AlHenryGarcia-mo6yj 9 месяцев назад

    LOVE HIS WISE WORDS!💙👏 I caught him MANY times in 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's.🤷‍♂️ The Strand/Redondo Beach, The Music Machine, The Mint, West L.A, Hollywood Bowl with Robert Cray/ Etta James, Hollywood House of Blues (W/ Akroyd there), The Palamino, Bowlful of Blues, Ojai, Cali., Guitar Clinic, Santa Monica, Ventura w/Larry Carlton, Coach House, S.J. Capistrano, Belly Up Tavern, Solana Beach, can't recall the rest where MY AWESOME JAZZY GUITAR MENTOR ROCKED!!!🙉🙆‍♂️🥳😃👍💃🕺😃🙏

    • @jonkarason
      @jonkarason 9 месяцев назад

      How cool is that?!?

  • @pavabackingtrack
    @pavabackingtrack 10 месяцев назад

    what goodness emanates from this man

  • @CocoHanft
    @CocoHanft 10 месяцев назад

    Nice setup!!

  • @CocoHanft
    @CocoHanft 10 месяцев назад

    Thanks for subscribing Jon and thank again for that awesome Blue Church event from the Star Pride! Sidneyakacoco here!!🎸

  • @Zura_Lanch
    @Zura_Lanch 10 месяцев назад

    These precuous edvices can help not only guitarists or muscicians.

    • @jonkarason
      @jonkarason 10 месяцев назад

      That is so true

  • @donkkong5551
    @donkkong5551 11 месяцев назад

    Wow! Deep Stuff! " I don't listen to other guitar players," he said .... That was some serious food for thought right there.

  • @thenerdyhobbit3935
    @thenerdyhobbit3935 11 месяцев назад

    Just wanna point out the one intriguing point of this interview, when Robben talks about taking massive influence from the horn player. Ring a bell?? Yes! Holdsworth was too. 6:10 Is there any corelation with these talented people's way to get interested in something specific? Who knows...??

  • @agamhamzah2924
    @agamhamzah2924 Год назад

    Love Robben Ford.. thanjs for posting this 🙏💛🍁

  • @agamhamzah2924
    @agamhamzah2924 Год назад

    This is The Best Lesson to be Strong Mental Musician 🥰

  • @blackie75
    @blackie75 Год назад

    Now that's a lesson.

  • @maynordsprenkle9194
    @maynordsprenkle9194 Год назад


  • @balkharianlion
    @balkharianlion Год назад

    The best!

  • @chriskitchen4772
    @chriskitchen4772 Год назад

    True gold here. Thank - you Robben Ford. Thank - you for this video.

  • @EmilErnebroGuitar
    @EmilErnebroGuitar Год назад

    This video should be shown at every music school all over the world for every aspiring musician to learn from. It is THE best, and most true, comforting, inspiring words I’ve ever heard from a musician.. it’s essentially about finding yourself and being true to yourself as a musician. Everyone doubts their own playing at times.. even Coltrane and Robben Ford. You don’t ever have to be “stronger” than you really are.. you’re good enough just as you are

    • @richardthomas9198
      @richardthomas9198 11 месяцев назад

      Shown at every school, not just music school. Everyone can learn something from this man

  • @JazzgutsVGvanKampen
    @JazzgutsVGvanKampen Год назад

    A philosofical point of view, every word is true. You can have idea but finishing isn't only inspiration but workin' hard to get the job done, by the way try playing all inversions in a 2 5 1 with alterations, in discipline this defies the boys from the men👍

  • @freddievaldez6587
    @freddievaldez6587 Год назад

    Hell, I'm 65 years old and I want to play like RF. A great human being. He still has a lot to give. I'm glad he's playing and teaching.

  • @rolandjgutierrez7737
    @rolandjgutierrez7737 Год назад

    People perish with lack of vision..This Gentilmon had vision and has not perished..wow factor 100%...RocknRollFlat5

  • @francescomarino7123
    @francescomarino7123 Год назад

    Thanks Maestro!!! ❤

  • @frankrichards3089
    @frankrichards3089 Год назад

    Great stuff here Robben Ford

  • @joseramon4380
    @joseramon4380 Год назад

    Una lección de música. Una lección de vida. La lección. THANKS Robben!!!!

  • @freddiejackson5320
    @freddiejackson5320 Год назад

    thats no lesson at all.

  • @eddiekent1997
    @eddiekent1997 Год назад

    Absolutely incredibile Thank you very much.

  • @JB-su3eq
    @JB-su3eq Год назад

    My father fancied himself a professional musician and he used to do something that bugged me to no end when I was a kid. He'd be listening to some recording and every "barn burning" lick that came across the speakers would force him to stop it and replay just that one lick over and over again. I loved music but I would get seriously upset with this kind of thing and not only with him..but anybody who would do that. I came to understand that why that bugged me so much was because I understood at a natural level that it wasn't the isolated lick that was cool...it was WHY that lick happened. It was everything leading up to the lick that made that tiny little snippet what it was. It was like my father was just reading the period at the end of a sentence or at the end of a paragraph...or even an entire book...without even bothering to understand why that period was there in the first place and what events happened to inspire the musician in question to build to that point. So if you're just a series of impressive licks....maybe try music instead. It will make you happy.

  • @iluvjazz7
    @iluvjazz7 Год назад

    Man Robin is so spot on, on everything! I got more out of his conversation than the majority of theory or any other motivation on how to be a better guitar player. My respect is so huge for Robbin.

    • @punsonthecob
      @punsonthecob 9 месяцев назад

      @iluvjazz7 - have you checked out his guitar dojo?! Incredible resource and motivation

  • @newmoon54
    @newmoon54 Год назад

    Arguably ........... the most humble musician on this here planet oith~!~!~!~

  • @palietchart1203
    @palietchart1203 Год назад

    This is gold, man!! Thanks a lot!

  • @mrbigh95838
    @mrbigh95838 Год назад

    My mans said learn chords first and didn't play any. 😂😂 After playing guitar for 10+ years, I always wished i could start over and put the energy i used learning to shred towards learning chords! Some of the best shreds come for arpeggiated chords. More chords = more colorful improvising!

  • @Johnny-oy9fh
    @Johnny-oy9fh Год назад

    I started playing at age 7 and playing in gigging bands at age 13. I gave up trying to go pro at 22....lol...but never stopped playing

    • @richardthomas9198
      @richardthomas9198 11 месяцев назад

      Hey Johnny, I'm 64 and started at 5. Nomatter what I do it's just not there for me. I can get by but it never clicked, I had to work hard to get to where I'm at but I should be better. Just not a musician nomatter how much I love it or how much I play. Oh well still enjoy it most of the time. Peace

  • @neiltosolini2465
    @neiltosolini2465 Год назад

    For 40 years I've told myself I suck a little less today than I did yesterday and it works.