  • Видео 39
  • Просмотров 186 435
[MHR:SB] Hazard - Primordial Malzeno (03'59) - Hammer
Um dos melhores combates do jogo e ao mesmo tempo um dos mais complicados de fazer speedrun, o extenso combo que ele realiza ao entrar na última fase toma muito do seu tempo e você não pode fazer nada a respeito a não ser persegui-lo durante essa sequência de ataques. No entanto, nessa run eu tive a sorte de uns dos NPCs conseguir atordoa-lo no início do combo, foi só graças a isso que eu pude obter um tempo abaixo dos 4 minutos.
Obs: Build e tempo de conclusão da quest são mostrados ao final do vídeo.
Просмотров: 1 798


[MHR:SB] Special Investigation - EX Risen Shagaru Magala (07'36) - Hammer
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.Год назад
Tomei alguns ataques que daria pra ter evitado e errei uns dois parrys do meio para o fim, o que me fez perder dano e tempo, também dei azar com o último K.O, errei o uppercut porque o infeliz do monstro virou a cara no último instante. enfim, por enquanto é isso, eu passei muita raiva fazendo essa run, esse monstro definitivamente é o mais forte e o mais irritante do jogo, é uma infelicidade q...
[MHR:SB] MR Velkhana (03'27) - Hammer
Просмотров 710Год назад
Build e tempo de quest ao final do vídeo. Build and quest completion time at the end of the video.
[MHR:SB] Lunagaron - MR Arena Quest 04 (02'31) - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 4692 года назад
Mudei o script e corrigi os erros que eu cometi na run anterior. Estou satisfeito. I changed the script and corrected the mistakes I made in the previous run. I am satisfied.
[MHR:SB] Furious Rajang - MR Arena Quest 06 (01'23) - Great Sword - [Solo]
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.2 года назад
Esse monstro é de longe um dos melhores combates do jogo. Eu até poderia tentar quebrar esse tempo, mas eu não creio que irei conseguir um RNG tão bom quanto esse de novo. This monster is by far one of the best combats in the game. I could even try to break that time, but I don't think I'll get an RNG as good as this again.
[MHR:SB Demo] Malzeno (09'13) - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 7312 года назад
Finalmente sub 10, agora sim estou satisfeito! Finally sub 10, now I'm satisfied!
[MHR-PC] Crimson Glow Valstrax (04'52) - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 8032 года назад
Speedrun do Dragão escarlate. Se o meu desempenho da metade para o fim tivesse sido um pouco melhor talvez eu tivesse finalizado a quest com uns 4'30. Ah sim, vale ressaltar a montaria da Rakna, simplesmente uma das piores montarias do jogo. Obs: Build e tempo de conclusão da quest são mostrado ao final do vídeo.
[MHWI] Ruiner Nergigante (02'57) - TA Wiki Rules - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 2,4 тыс.3 года назад
Finalmente sub 3.
[MHR Demo] Magnamalo (08'28) - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 4613 года назад
Sub 9 de Hammer (finalmente!) Deu um puta trabalho, mas o esforço valeu a pena! Estou satisfeito! Sub 9 (finally!) It took a lot of work, but the effort was worth it! I am satisfied!
[MHWI] Arena Mission 01 Pukei Pukei (01'50'90) - Great Sword
Просмотров 1773 года назад
Sub 2 do pássaro dos olhos esbugalhados. Eu acho que dá pra fazer sub 1'50 mudando o script e incluindo um amaciamento na cabeça. Mas como eu acho Clutch claw uma mecânica merda, eu vou postar essa run aqui mesmo. obs: Eu mostro o set no fim da hunt.
[MHWI] Tempered Furious Rajang (04'44''58) - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 14 тыс.3 года назад
Agora sim, sub 5 clean e com estilo! Estou satisfeito! *MR Quest ★6 *Event Quest: Mew are the number one *Monster: Tempered Furious Rajang Obs: Quest completion time and equipment set at the end of the video.
[MHWI] MR★6 Kulve Taroth (06'37) - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 54 тыс.3 года назад
Cometi alguns deslizes na segunda fase, errei um uppercut que causaria um K.O na Kulve (logo após ela se recuperar da trap). As baforadas de fogo seguidas me fizeram perder uns 15 segundos da Run. Enfim.. I made some mistakes in the second phase, I missed an uppercut that would cause a K.O in Kulve (right after she recovered from the trap). The puffs of fire in a row made me lose about 15 secon...
[MHWI] Raging Brachydios (05'12''91) TA Wiki Rules - Long Sword - [Solo]
Просмотров 47 тыс.3 года назад
Fiquei apenas 5 segundos abaixo do WR na categoria TA de LS. Foi por pouco.. *MR Quest ★6 *Optional Quest: Achy Brachy Heart *Monster: Raging Brachydios Obs: Quest completion time and equipment set at the end of the video.
[MHWI] MR ★6 Alatreon (06'56''05) - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 5 тыс.3 года назад
Deu trabalho, mas foi. sub 7 do Alatreon de Hammer.. *MR Quest ★6 *Event Quest: The Evening star *Monster: Alatreon Obs: Quest completion time and equipment set at the end of the video.
[MHWI] MR ★6 Alatreon (07'55''16) TA Wiki Rules - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 3,7 тыс.3 года назад
*MR Quest ★6 *Event Quest: Dawn of the death star *Monster: Alatreon Obs: Quest completion time and equipment set at the end of the video.
[MHWI] MR ★6 Fatalis (10'42') - Hammer - [Solo] - No Palico
Просмотров 7 тыс.3 года назад
[MHWI] MR ★6 Fatalis (10'42') - Hammer - [Solo] - No Palico
[MHWI] Tempered Teostra (03'27''25) TA Wiki Rules - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 8 тыс.3 года назад
[MHWI] Tempered Teostra (03'27''25) TA Wiki Rules - Hammer - [Solo]
[MHWI] AT Velkhana (07'57''23) TA Wiki Rules - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 9213 года назад
[MHWI] AT Velkhana (07'57''23) TA Wiki Rules - Hammer - [Solo]
[MHWI] MR★ 5 Velkhana (02'45''35) TA Wiki Rules - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 4053 года назад
[MHWI] MR★ 5 Velkhana (02'45''35) TA Wiki Rules - Hammer - [Solo]
[MHWI] Tempered Lunastra (04'50''25) TA Wiki Rules - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 2533 года назад
[MHWI] Tempered Lunastra (04'50''25) TA Wiki Rules - Hammer - [Solo]
[MHWI-PC] Pukei - Pukei -- Arena Quest 01 (02'04''86) - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 954 года назад
[MHWI-PC] Pukei - Pukei Arena Quest 01 (02'04''86) - Hammer - [Solo]
[MHWI] Tempered Furious Rajang (06'51''98 / TA Wiki Rules) - Long Sword - [Solo]
Просмотров 4,5 тыс.4 года назад
[MHWI] Tempered Furious Rajang (06'51''98 / TA Wiki Rules) - Long Sword - [Solo]
[MHWI] Brute Tigrex (03'18''48 / TA Wiki Rules) - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 3,4 тыс.4 года назад
[MHWI] Brute Tigrex (03'18''48 / TA Wiki Rules) - Hammer - [Solo]
[Genshin Impact] Andrius Boss Fight --- Beidou Solo - [No Damage]
Просмотров 1124 года назад
[Genshin Impact] Andrius Boss Fight Beidou Solo - [No Damage]
[MHWI] The Awakened Satsui No Hado I (03'03'53/Rank A) - Long Sword - [Solo]
Просмотров 9 тыс.4 года назад
[MHWI] The Awakened Satsui No Hado I (03'03'53/Rank A) - Long Sword - [Solo]
[MHWI PC] The Awakened Satsui No Hado II (02'22'73/Rank A) - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 964 года назад
[MHWI PC] The Awakened Satsui No Hado II (02'22'73/Rank A) - Hammer - [Solo]
[MHWI PC] FrostFang Barioth (04'02''63) - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 1104 года назад
[MHWI PC] FrostFang Barioth (04'02''63) - Hammer - [Solo]
[MHW IB PC] MR Kirin (03'40''03) - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.4 года назад
[MHW IB PC] MR Kirin (03'40''03) - Hammer - [Solo]
[MHW IB- PC] MR Kirin (04'39''18) - Long Sword - [Solo]
Просмотров 11 тыс.4 года назад
[MHW IB- PC] MR Kirin (04'39''18) - Long Sword - [Solo]
[MHW IB- PC] Rajang (04'24''43) - Hammer - [Solo]
Просмотров 3,9 тыс.4 года назад
[MHW IB- PC] Rajang (04'24''43) - Hammer - [Solo]


  • @solarlight2988
    @solarlight2988 14 дней назад

    New player here: what is he using to recover that much health?

    • @HanDaimond
      @HanDaimond 20 часов назад

      He added Health Regen to the hammer and recovers HP whenever he hits a monster.

  • @jola4733
    @jola4733 2 месяца назад

    As flawless as possible. Very impressive. You deserve more views.

  • @rocketdurham4926
    @rocketdurham4926 2 месяца назад

    Just fought him for the first time, he destroyed me. Random longswords came in and killed him for me basically

  • @johnmassey2632
    @johnmassey2632 4 месяца назад

    Amazing run!

  • @kratosgow09
    @kratosgow09 4 месяца назад

    I don't know wtf is going on anymore.

  • @kratosgow09
    @kratosgow09 4 месяца назад

    How did you get focus on your build? Nvm, it was slotted on the evasion mantle.

  • @killua4296
    @killua4296 5 месяцев назад

    uhh foresight slash now doesnt give full red bar?

  • @seppous
    @seppous 5 месяцев назад

    amazing run!

  • @honezone2266
    @honezone2266 6 месяцев назад

    i hate this fight with every fiber of my being

  • @jimsavior7
    @jimsavior7 6 месяцев назад

    The angle on that slope for the spin was very impressive, pretty much a 90^ degree turn.

  • @Dk-ov2kq
    @Dk-ov2kq 7 месяцев назад

    Esto me viene bien para saber usar el martillo 😸

  • @just_a_guy9688
    @just_a_guy9688 7 месяцев назад

    What in the goddamn...

  • @airmen_fresh
    @airmen_fresh 7 месяцев назад

    Just inquiring it says solo... But there's three of you ..

    • @RickyRIPTaylor
      @RickyRIPTaylor 7 месяцев назад

      Solo... with followers - I guess🤷

    • @Jahimees_
      @Jahimees_ 7 месяцев назад

      Solo means I'm playing without other players, (because followers are just NPCs). But you're right, the thumb doesn't make sense, now it's fixed

    • @airmen_fresh
      @airmen_fresh 7 месяцев назад

      @@Jahimees_ sorry i didn't mean to provide controversy but thank you for clarification!

  • @vitorhugo9800
    @vitorhugo9800 7 месяцев назад

    n achei nenhum youtuber matando ele usando o modo strenght, pelo visto o late game tá muito rápido para o hammer clássico mesmo, triste, pq acho mt chato o modo novo que é só o spam do mesmo combo

    • @HoST08
      @HoST08 7 месяцев назад

      Cara simm, n achei ninguem matando o risen shagaru com strenght e to a dois dias tentando já. Gosto de pensar que é skill issues mas to realmente pensando em trocar pra courage pq parece que é mto mais consistente no dps

  • @ShadKats
    @ShadKats 8 месяцев назад

    Damn, that was cool!

  • @PandaYBD
    @PandaYBD 9 месяцев назад

    What a build

  • @writhes7170
    @writhes7170 9 месяцев назад

    Damn, I guess you really have to use a foresight slash evade into a spirit roundslash to build your gauge on a fight where you have no opportunity to do a full spirit blade combo. There is just not enough time to build your gauge otherwise. It seems like your strategy largely consists of waiting for the opportunity to foresight slash evade or use a sheath attack counter.

  • @TheNeteenhu
    @TheNeteenhu 9 месяцев назад

    Mano, isso foi PURA habilidade

  • @abcdefghijklol1517
    @abcdefghijklol1517 9 месяцев назад

    Well done with minimal movement and attack

  • @deathbysnuwaitwho
    @deathbysnuwaitwho 10 месяцев назад

    golf swing after evading and positioned after the snake bite was spectacular

  • @thelegendarytrainer2349
    @thelegendarytrainer2349 11 месяцев назад

    Did you dodge roll her body slams? I didn't think that would be possible

  • @eliasmedina9060
    @eliasmedina9060 11 месяцев назад

    What's the damage points from that hammer and what's it's rarity level? Cause I'm gonna try that wall head slam move.

    • @bielmfig4534
      @bielmfig4534 5 месяцев назад

      I might be late but the hammer is fatalis fully upgraded rarity 12 with 1820 raw, getting to almost 3k with all the buffs (agitator lvl 7, might seed and powder, 40% extra dmg on crits and max attack boost too)

  • @ValkplaysPC
    @ValkplaysPC 11 месяцев назад

    How do you attack once after clutch claw bwfore the two combo attack?

  • @johnfrias9656
    @johnfrias9656 Год назад

    Thank you so much With your method I win

  • @Chrisfragger1
    @Chrisfragger1 Год назад

    How does your character look like that?

    • @alanultimateplayer
      @alanultimateplayer 11 месяцев назад

      He's using layered armor: Kulve taroth helmet 2 Furious rajang event prize Chestpiece and gloves Odogaron Leggings Layer on the hammer as well

  • @vyredrac7710
    @vyredrac7710 Год назад

    how do you parry without sheathing

    • @scary_af
      @scary_af Год назад

      Foresight slash

    • @vyredrac7710
      @vyredrac7710 Год назад

      @TheSirExile ya i figured it out but between combos and the precision of pressing 2 buttons at once within milisexonds of each other and no other way to map buttons i just switched weapons lol. Kept stabbing after an attack or during special sheathe id roll

  • @shawnwilliams6334
    @shawnwilliams6334 Год назад

    Wow, those are some crazy hammer skills. Looks like you've fought him quite a few times as well, Great Job !

  • @adriancarballoza6149
    @adriancarballoza6149 Год назад

    I wish I was this good😂😅. I'll have to study each move

  • @ethanmcmaster2994
    @ethanmcmaster2994 Год назад

    Wtf why are all your horizontal slashes hitting the head? Mine only hit the legs unless I'm standing at his head level

  • @genreproductions2706
    @genreproductions2706 Год назад

    What hammer is that?

  • @carlaoesuardo6822
    @carlaoesuardo6822 Год назад

    Qual era a Bild?

  • @austonsolomon9710
    @austonsolomon9710 Год назад

    damn you know his fight so well, just faught him for the first time yesterday and i felt like there were 0 openings for hammer, guess im wrong

  • @nickalbbar
    @nickalbbar Год назад

    Amassou o maguila! Diferenciado demais o tal do Jahimees !!

  • @igormilanes2796
    @igormilanes2796 Год назад

    Uma verdadeira aula de como se joga katana, várias vezes voltei o vídeo pra ver melhor o que você estava fazendo, o monstro aí é você

  • @yujindotes
    @yujindotes Год назад

    Layered armor set?

  • @newb_neet
    @newb_neet 2 года назад

    Crazy good!

  • @dyeuxremington9396
    @dyeuxremington9396 2 года назад

    So i have to kill alatreon to access fatalis, but i need kulve and safi gear to kill alatreon, but i need fatalis gear to kill either of them? B r u h

  • @Magnus2209
    @Magnus2209 2 года назад

    The tragedy at the end. Kudos dude

  • @DogoConBisoñe
    @DogoConBisoñe 2 года назад

    Good one dude!!

  • @XultanisDragon
    @XultanisDragon 2 года назад

    I only started playing MHW about a month or so ago and lots of videos I have seen have people saying that quick sheath in MHW isn't worth it. I want to disagree with this comment. There have been tons of times against monsters where I have used foresight slash going into special sheath and being just a hair too slow to pull off the ISS. Using quick sheath 3 has allowed me a lot of the times to hit those ISS I always seemed to be just a hair too slow for and if you look at the combo mechanics of most monsters a lot of combo attacks that monsters do you can go from Foresight slash to sheath into ISS if you just slightly faster. I really dislike that video that says quick sheath is just NOT worth it. I think its one of those situations where the community ran the numbers and based on that alone they decided its not worth it. There have been times in the past where the community ran the numbers for something in a game and decided its not worth using or doing only to find out that its a crazy good item or ability if used right in the right situations. Everyone keeps comparing Quick sheath to rise when rise is honestly easy mode compared to world. I'd say test out quick sheath in world and go by that, not the numbers.

  • @TRCG-qq8hw
    @TRCG-qq8hw 2 года назад

    What Hammer you use?

  • @Hexagonix333
    @Hexagonix333 2 года назад


  • @thirteen8582
    @thirteen8582 2 года назад

    Are you using a voice changer mod? Cause you character kinda sounds like 2B. Nice time btw.

  • @grimreefer213
    @grimreefer213 2 года назад

    Great run!

  • @grimreefer213
    @grimreefer213 2 года назад

    That hammer is doing insane damage dude, I gotta start using hammer

  • @arnold2614
    @arnold2614 2 года назад

    This is Peppo level of LS gameplay, wonderful

  • @chairobaka918
    @chairobaka918 2 года назад

    Caraca essa foi monstra!

  • @soberscrim299
    @soberscrim299 2 года назад

    Bro must’ve been flabbergasted about the error pop-up Great run though, hammer runs always feel satisfying

  • @94luisenrique
    @94luisenrique 2 года назад

    I've never seen a hunter to use the long sword like this before, awesome!

  • @madagato4162
    @madagato4162 2 года назад

    haha we love that communication error