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Vivaldi The Four Seasons L'Estate Allegro non molt:SIGNALIS ver.
Просмотров 9952 года назад
Vivaldi The Four Seasons L'Estate Allegro non molt:SIGNALIS ver.
Schubert "Serenade" D957 No.4 :SIGNALIS ver.
Просмотров 237 тыс.2 года назад
↓自分の考察 mgs-1113.hatenablog.com/entry/2023/01/25/SIGNALIS:考察_ver2_0_重度のネタバレ有り This is a discussion written on my blog, but it is in Japanese only.
アサシンクリード ヴァルハラ 死した者の墓 エデンの指輪ステーションのムービー
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.2 года назад
途中切れてるヒルドルの話は責 者のヒルドルが開発の継続を打診しにいって帰ってこれなくなった話。 ヒルデランに話しかけてもなんも起きなかった ↓で解説。 t.co/OyuFik9wST
ドルフロ リー・エンフィールド(L42A1) MOD SDキャラ
Просмотров 1742 года назад
War Thunder リヴァプール 格下BOT虐
Просмотров 112 года назад
War Thunder リヴァプール 格下BOT虐
Assassin's Creed® Valhalla 忘却のサーガエンディング
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.2 года назад
認知症と化したハーヴィ!そんなので大災害大丈夫なのか!? スパコンユグドラシルの計算で未来を見たバルドルは大災害後の役割を行うためにこんなことしたのか。 バルドルは多分グレイにいるのかな?彼が主人公で70万年前の開拓ゲームやりたいね。 みんなヘラがロキの娘なのは知ってたのかな? アサシン クリード ヴァルハラ store.playstation.com/#!/ja-jp/tid=CUSA18524_00分
アサシンクリード ヴァルハラ 死した者の墓 隠しコンテンツ 概要欄に解説あり
Просмотров 8133 года назад
各墓の出口への道中に隠された部屋があり、そこにはイスのアーティファクトと手記がある。 アーティファクトと拾うと発音されるイス語は 1私は 2死した者(組織)の 3一員だ 詳細は↓のブログで mgs-1113.hatenablog.com/entry/2021/11/10/え!?嘘やろ!?『アサシンクリード:ヴァルハ#追記 SHAREfactory™ store.playstation.com/#!/ja-jp/tid=CUSA00572_00
アサシンクリード ヴァルハラ 達人への挑戦 エンディングとおまけ 概要欄に考察あり
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.3 года назад
アニムスMODの類いでやると思いきやストーリーがあって驚き、そして大方の予想通りイス宝物庫であった。オーディンの展望と大層な名前がついており、今年初めに見つかり今では9カ所ほど目撃されている“オーディンのルーン”に関係あるのがようやく出てきた。 展望の効果はおまけに書いてある文通りだと裏切り者の防具などの位置がわかるもの、エクスカリバーといい何故北欧の物がイングランドにあるかは謎。 リンゴ、ユグドラシルと北欧のイス兵器、リア・ファルなど数多くのPoEを手に取ったエイヴォルにとっては展望台はそれほど驚きに溢れてなさそうな反応なのは笑ったw 明らかにムスペルヘイム編に繋がる話なのでパリ包囲戦に北欧イスが出てこないのはほぼ確定だが2年目DLCの前座と考えたらまぁ良い話しかな? 以下考察 オーディンの展望の宝物庫に書いてある文を簡単に読み解いてみる。北欧神話は一切合切知らないので戯言だと思い...
Assassin's Creed Valhalla 現代篇エンディングと隠しエンディング
Просмотров 44 тыс.4 года назад
現代編終わりそうなところで一応セーブしていたのを思い出したので撮影するためまた見にきた。 改めて思うのはロキははオーディンが嫌いではあるがバシムはエイヴォル自体は好きだったんだなと、そして一応隠れし者=アサシンの教義もまだありそうなので今後がどうなるかとても気になるキャラクター。 17:13隠しエンディング 流入現象 現代編エンディングが終わり恐らく何時間かプレイしアニムスから出たあと、焚き火の側で座ると見れる流入現象 バシムの記憶で現れたエイヴォル。中盤のシーンを思い出すね。 動画でも説明している通り男性エイヴォルのまま視聴しても女性として描写されるので、正史が女性でオーディンのDNAも入ってる結果架空の男性エイヴォルがアニムス上で生成されたという設定を決定付けるシーンでもある。(性別設定を選択できずに「アニムスに せる固定」にするともっと理解できるプレイヤーが多かったのでは?)...
アニムスの異常現象 イスの音声ログまとめ 時系列、概要欄に訂正有り
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.4 года назад
コレはアースガルズ篇をやらんとよくわからんよ 「父」はジュピター、ヨトゥンへイムの王 「母」はジュノー、オーディンを利用し「酒」を入手した 「聖なる声」はミネルヴァ、オーディンとヤって「酒」を盗まれた 3人が結社が信仰している同名の称号?を持つイスでは無い。 「触媒」は恐らくアニムスグリッチに出てきた人間の胎児で「血清」は筒に入った発光=ヨトゥンへイムにの「酒」 救済法については下のURLで書いてみましたので3をやってなくてわかんない!となったらこちらを見ると理解できると思います。 t.co/IsVkQzvB2k これはこの前ではないのか?などありましたらコメントをお願いします。 以下訂正とその理由等 0:00スノッティンガムシャー ジュノー追放後なのでラグナロクDLC前(以下RaDLC) 0:34ユールヴィクシャー フェンリル投獄後、ロキ投獄は知らなかったので何となくここにしたRa...
Assassin's Creed Valhalla アースガルズ篇エンディング
Просмотров 4,2 тыс.4 года назад
前作行わなくて混乱を招いた史実のイスの映像とシュミレーションの違いを見事やってのけた有能開発 アースガルド篇はDLCでいいんじゃないか!?と思うほどできがよくイスへの見解が深まる最高のクエストだった。過去作を知っていればかなり楽しめ、知らなくても十分に楽しめる良い塩梅。 アースガルドである北欧イスとヨトゥンヘイムであるエデン?との正史の文化の違いも見てみたいものだ。 何が起きたかはここで解説を↓ mgs-1113.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/11/22/アサシンクリード:ヴァルハラ_アニムスの異常現 アサシン クリード ヴァルハラ store.playstation.com/#!/ja-jp/tid=CUSA18524_00
Assassin's Creed Valhalla グンロズ=ミネルヴァとハーヴィ=オーディンによる預言者エツィオへのメッセージ
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.4 года назад
わらわという一人称を聞いて「お?」となり続いて未来を見るとラグナロク=トバカタストロフを聞いて「おお!?」となり「預言者」の名がでてき「!!!!!」となった そしてその後ある声で絶頂を迎えた グンロズが見ていた巨大なエメラルドのような物の説明は↓のURLに少し書いたので何がなんだかわからなかった人は見てみると良いです。 t.co/IsVkQzvB2k アサシン クリード ヴァルハラ store.playstation.com/#!/ja-jp/tid=CUSA18524_00
Assassin's Creed Valhalla 「父」との対面そして結社からテンプル騎士への変化
Просмотров 6 тыс.4 года назад
アサシン クリード ヴァルハラ store.playstation.com/#!/ja-jp/tid=CUSA18524_00
Assassin's Creed Valhalla アニムスの異常現象のムービー 北欧イスの転生
Просмотров 4,2 тыс.4 года назад
Assassin's Creed Valhalla アニムスの異常現象のムービー 北欧イスの転生
Assassin's Creed Valhalla レダが語るバエクとアミュネットの物語
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Assassin's Creed Valhalla レダが語るバエクとアミュネットの物語
War Thunder I-225の戦いかたと逃げかた (概要欄に解説あり)
Просмотров 1864 года назад
War Thunder I-225の戦いかたと逃げかた (概要欄に解説あり)
Spam Spam Spam Egg and Spam
Просмотров 184 года назад
Spam Spam Spam Egg and Spam
アークナイツ SW-EV-5 強襲
Просмотров 564 года назад
アークナイツ SW-EV-5 強襲


  • @ModernTutorials101
    @ModernTutorials101 22 дня назад

    game broke me in so many ways... played it a year ago and its still one of my favorite games of all time besides Silent Hill 2

  • @Sozrevay
    @Sozrevay 24 дня назад

    I love this game❤ so much

  • @chartyman1234
    @chartyman1234 Месяц назад

    There was never enough time

  • @elChefsito735
    @elChefsito735 Месяц назад

    2:23 cine

  • @Lacedlikeshoes
    @Lacedlikeshoes Месяц назад

    This whole community is trauma bonded together with a story like this. Quite frankly a lovely story, impressive it was made by 2 people. Encore!

  • @BatStaK
    @BatStaK 2 месяца назад

    Imagine this game made me play piano again after 3 or 4 years. I play raindrop (promise) original. And now I'm going to play the piano arrangement of this.

  • @zappafranklin40
    @zappafranklin40 3 месяца назад

    Fun fact bout this, this is the same song used in that one Shadow Bonnie minigame from Fnaf 3 Literally just found that out, right now

  • @beadierchimera682
    @beadierchimera682 3 месяца назад

    When I was playing signalis and I got to the flesh maze bit, I read the wedding ring, and when I read the lines, "Till death do us part." ... I was SO close to crying my eyes out.

  • @Myname-cb9ru
    @Myname-cb9ru 3 месяца назад

    Thanks for making this song utterly unlistenable for me. Now everytime I listen to this I cry like a baby.

  • @sawney_bean
    @sawney_bean 3 месяца назад

    I Will never recover from this

  • @mamasitas3566
    @mamasitas3566 3 месяца назад

    0:00 remember our promise

  • @lambda-m1676
    @lambda-m1676 3 месяца назад

    If I ever make a game know that there will be a Signalis easter egg. That is if I get off my lazy ass. I don't care if it's a romance game or whatever; it WILL have a Signalis easter egg.

  • @tartocitronmeringuee2113
    @tartocitronmeringuee2113 4 месяца назад

    I don't know why, but it feels like the end credits after the most atrocious situations that could happen to anyone, but somehow the song should make me happy, but just implifies the tears

  • @nikolassantoro7466
    @nikolassantoro7466 4 месяца назад

    We can’t let anything like Eusan be fathomed. Not after what we’ve seen. Video games aren’t art my flat ass.

  • @Glaedrein
    @Glaedrein 4 месяца назад

    Swan Lake before Signalis 😎 swan lake after Signalis 😮‍💨🥹

  • @brano13177
    @brano13177 4 месяца назад

    A sublime sequence, though the fact that a Morse code message is playing at the same time that Vivaldi's The Four Seasons L'Estate Allegro non molt plays is interesting It does make me wounder if anyone might know what that Morse code is actually saying

  • @lolagagginw812lol7
    @lolagagginw812lol7 4 месяца назад

    I hope that both Ariane and Elster had a happy ending at the end. I love the music, it is so beautiful! :)

  • @Mrgarunimo
    @Mrgarunimo 5 месяцев назад

    It breaks my heart even more the fact that we won't see any other masterpiece from this studio

    • @mmoedinhas
      @mmoedinhas 5 месяцев назад


    • @Mrgarunimo
      @Mrgarunimo 5 месяцев назад

      @@mmoedinhas The studio closed

    • @mmoedinhas
      @mmoedinhas 5 месяцев назад

      @@Mrgarunimo Oh! Humble Games (the publisher) did close, but the duo of devs and their studio, Rose-Engine, is still up and running! I thought the duo had a falling out or something that I didn't know, you gave me a heart attack haha There is the possibility that they can create something again, just under a different publisher :D

  • @Finalph
    @Finalph 6 месяцев назад

    Does anyone actually know who composed this version or covered it? Like i know its schubert but WHO actually made this cover for the game?

    • @sneakyboi262
      @sneakyboi262 6 месяцев назад

      The only source I could find of this specific version is from Shockwave-Sound, more specifically, “Schwanengesang, D.957: 4. Ständchen (Serenade) in D Minor”

    • @Finalph
      @Finalph 6 месяцев назад

      @sneakyboi262 omg yeah thats it!! Cheers man

  • @user-xr7nx4rq9p
    @user-xr7nx4rq9p 6 месяцев назад

    Hearing this and remembering all thing i saw in game I wanna cryy so sad

  • @friendliestn3rd450
    @friendliestn3rd450 6 месяцев назад

    feel like this is both the best and worst ending good because they are both together again but bad because in a way, elster is extremely selfish that she was willing to go through everything including decoding radio transmissions just to dance with ariane again but at the end still refuse to follow through with her promise.

    • @jooot_6850
      @jooot_6850 5 месяцев назад

      "you selfish monster" maybe adler was right

    • @dustinjones7458
      @dustinjones7458 3 месяца назад

      Love is selfish, by nature. You want someone and they want you. The rest of the world has no say, unless it's to condemn you

  • @KingThrillgore
    @KingThrillgore 6 месяцев назад

    Pour one out for Humble Games for bringing this masterpiece and others like it to us.

  • @ubu6420
    @ubu6420 6 месяцев назад

    my heart is sick

  • @BrisketTheImp
    @BrisketTheImp 6 месяцев назад

    This game broke my heart, in both the Moral and Physical sense, And I'm here for it.

  • @sprightlyoaf9583
    @sprightlyoaf9583 6 месяцев назад

    Franz Schubert's ghost is looking on wondering why everyone is crying about a robot lesbian to his music

  • @dannybrezelhorner2715
    @dannybrezelhorner2715 7 месяцев назад

    "She will never dance with us again" This game physically hurt me

    • @elstersignalisfanclub
      @elstersignalisfanclub 6 месяцев назад

      It does! But don't worry, like most things, Falke is wrong. Or, can be. You can make her wrong.

    • @jooot_6850
      @jooot_6850 5 месяцев назад

      "She will never dance with us again" The 16mm Nitro Express anti-tank rifle thrown over my shoulder:

    • @noahmoreland6800
      @noahmoreland6800 3 месяца назад

      Oh but she very much does, till the end of time

    • @Tiagocf2
      @Tiagocf2 10 дней назад

      i don't even have a "she" but this hurts me

  • @ゼウス-w4d
    @ゼウス-w4d 7 месяцев назад

    エンディングありがとう つまらなかったし、途中で飽きて やめたので清々した

  • @Youtubeisntlettingmeuseczech
    @Youtubeisntlettingmeuseczech 7 месяцев назад

    Alright hear me out what if Elster's just a sleebgy gal having funky little nightmares on the Penrose . . . . . . . . I just want my space robot Sesbians to be happy why can't my Sesbians be happy for once

    • @-.MICHAEL.-
      @-.MICHAEL.- 7 месяцев назад

      They can be happy in your head. They can be happy in your art. They can be happy in your music. They can be happy in your novel.

    • @jooot_6850
      @jooot_6850 5 месяцев назад

      Nothing happened. Nothing... happened..

    • @JonathanSicoli
      @JonathanSicoli 14 дней назад

      She... Will dance with us again. ... :)

  • @beepsivi3192
    @beepsivi3192 7 месяцев назад

    I just hope Elster and Ariane are at least happily dancing in the afterlife all they want..

  • @askeleton6240
    @askeleton6240 7 месяцев назад

    intruder alert, a FNAF fan is in the base

  • @Cognithazard120
    @Cognithazard120 8 месяцев назад

    Partly because this music is gorgeous, and partly because I was stunned and speechless, but I sat through the entire credits. This is the best story in a game I've ever been honoured to witness

  • @guacamolebasedterror
    @guacamolebasedterror 8 месяцев назад

    I would like to thank Signalis for forever ruining my favorite classical piece 😭

  • @rein446
    @rein446 8 месяцев назад

    "Ständchen" ("Serenade") - The singer exhorts his lover to make him happy

  • @friendliestn3rd450
    @friendliestn3rd450 9 месяцев назад

    I like to think the red eye around the screen is Ariane, after ascending to bioresonance godhood through either the promise ending or whatever else, watching everything Elster had done to fullfill her promise by accessing the camera footage throughout the levels which can also explain why the eye isnt there for the 1st person sequences since you are playing as the character watching through their eye, not a "camera recording" like the rest of the game. As for the big eye in the sky uhhh could be ariane bending space and time watching the past or smth

    • @lambda-m1676
      @lambda-m1676 2 месяца назад

      it's implied that she's been turned into an angry god or something that controls the flesh, but the devs and fanbase encourage coming to your own conclusions (there is no canon ending, or there is, depending on you)

    • @dahorrorazguy7905
      @dahorrorazguy7905 Месяц назад

      the camera thing always confused me, especially the "SCENE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK" stuff; it feels like everything is being watched through an edited recording. Another thing that bugs me is how expensive the penrose program is, especially for a crumbling country, kinda makes you question things, don't it? What if it all was planned from the start?

  • @LarsWilms
    @LarsWilms 9 месяцев назад


  • @DorkMatter001
    @DorkMatter001 9 месяцев назад

    I did it... I fulfilled our promise

  • @tajbrock9883
    @tajbrock9883 9 месяцев назад

    *Surely I can listen to “Schubert ‘Serenade’ D957 No.4 :SIGNALIS ver.” without crying.* I thought. *It’s been months since I beat the game, surely I won’t start full force sobbing after the first 30 seconds.* I thought.

    • @thetau4866
      @thetau4866 6 месяцев назад

      The rise at 0:25 always gets you.

    • @carpettoaster
      @carpettoaster 5 месяцев назад

      RIGHT????? like what the fuck man, I just wanted something to listen to in the background while doing my research, but now I'm somehow even more distracted

    • @IllyasArt
      @IllyasArt 4 месяца назад

      Pain... suffering, even. I will never be the same again after experiencing Signalis...

  • @ty-uc6zs
    @ty-uc6zs 9 месяцев назад

    投稿主の性格終わってて草 勝手にきれるぐらいなら質問答えなきゃ良いのに

  • @saltysatan4299
    @saltysatan4299 10 месяцев назад

    For anyone curious, I’m 95% sure this variant of the song is from one of Soundwave Music’s “Classical Favorites” albums. No. 8 or 9 I think. There’s some minor effects added but it’s pretty much the same.

    • @rein446
      @rein446 8 месяцев назад

      "Ständchen" ("Serenade") - The singer exhorts his lover to make

  • @大納言の極み
    @大納言の極み 10 месяцев назад


  • @Jesus_Christ_OfficialAccount
    @Jesus_Christ_OfficialAccount 10 месяцев назад

    This game might as well be the real king in yellow. I haven’t even played the game, just stumbled upon it. Yet here I am, still feeling the most greif I’ve ever felt after just watching a few lore explained videos.

    • @pantommy
      @pantommy 10 месяцев назад

      You know, you won't be able to get over it until you play it at least once. You should, it's survival horror modernized in the best way possible. And even if you cannot get over the grief by the end of the game (you won't, the game doesn't leave your mind that easily), at least you'll be able to get over the horrors and challenges you're presented with. I never knew I liked survival horrors before.

  • @inpeace_
    @inpeace_ 11 месяцев назад

    I struggled to find this, but it's one of my favourite tracks used in the game. Thanks for uploading this version.

  • @K3L0F3ARTH
    @K3L0F3ARTH 11 месяцев назад

    This is what made me fall in love with love with Ariane and Elster, not the game, not their story, not their lessons or even their love, but simply this dance

  • @Elmalvadoniñoedgyfracasado
    @Elmalvadoniñoedgyfracasado 11 месяцев назад

    No cry, no cry, no cry 😔

  • @JuankyPresentaciónNumero40k
    @JuankyPresentaciónNumero40k 11 месяцев назад

    🤧👋👋👋👋 Great Game

  • @ch-js5gd
    @ch-js5gd 11 месяцев назад


  • @eleavate
    @eleavate 11 месяцев назад

    Signalis is the only game to have ever made me cry my eyes out, and it really struck when I finished the secret ending. Just that full understanding that I really couldn't do anything to save these two. All I could was accept their fate and the tragedy of it

    • @rein446
      @rein446 8 месяцев назад

      But you finally reunited them! You saved them!

    • @elstersignalisfanclub
      @elstersignalisfanclub 6 месяцев назад

      You got the secret ending and didn't save them? That's... that's the secret ending! You save them! You can't save the others, probably, but there are two fates you can change for the better.

    • @rein446
      @rein446 6 месяцев назад

      @@elstersignalisfanclub I agree with you. But I would also like to note that the game may not have an ending at all. It seems to me that this is only the beginning/prologue to a possible continuation. (After all, not one of the 3 main endings completes the cycle, and the secret one appears only after the first pass)

    • @elstersignalisfanclub
      @elstersignalisfanclub 6 месяцев назад

      @@rein446 ooooooh true. Me out here willingly getting ready to traumatize myself with another run/SIGNALIS 2.

  • @average_gaalsien_fan
    @average_gaalsien_fan Год назад

    Remember our promise

  • @ChernovGitz
    @ChernovGitz Год назад

    She will never dance with us again

    • @jooot_6850
      @jooot_6850 5 месяцев назад

      the .50 caliber revolver I have in my pocket:

    • @mamasitas3566
      @mamasitas3566 4 месяца назад

      The shotgun in my closet:

  • @ceres_mars8137
    @ceres_mars8137 Год назад

    We Making It Out of Sierpinski With This One.

    • @K_Bogz
      @K_Bogz 9 месяцев назад

      Eusan been real quiet since this dropped...

    • @mniakan754
      @mniakan754 5 месяцев назад

      Spoiler alert: we didn’t, and that’s okay

    • @jooot_6850
      @jooot_6850 5 месяцев назад

      We made it out of Sierpinski directly into Hell

    • @elChefsito735
      @elChefsito735 Месяц назад
