you're putting the cart before the horse. the problem is not the technicality, it's that most rock musicians are "threading the waters of musical retardation". therefore, the more they open their mouth (more elaborate compositions) the stupider they sound. by keeping it simple (hardcore punk) at least they don't sound like complete morons. the solution is to be more learned in aesthetics, instead of "holding back" the technicality.
no, in my opinion this is a piece where technical proveness and a brilliant composition are perfectly melted. "Showpieces" are those boring shreds by steve Vay or Malmsteen: VERY technical, but with a "composition" made of common places and unbearable rock banalities. This is great music BEFORE and even DESPITE the fact of being played by great virtuosos.
En tekniskt kunnig konstnär gör inte honom till en "riktigt" konstnär. Det finns meriter hos båda. Mats&Morgan är inte väldigt tilllgängligt för folk som inte är musik-intresserade. Båda har sin tid och sin plats. Faktum är att Mats&Morgan har varit väldigt obskyra ända fram till senare tid när de har fått en renässans på youtube. Tycker det är en väldigt fin utveckling jag :)
Where did all my spoons go? Would be cool to have some spoons for pea soop thursday.
i dont know why but this band kindve reminds me of mastodon (metal) back when they were taking off. either way its awesome
Am I fucking dead?
The entire section through 3:50 to 4:46 is absolutely mental
This is exactly what you'd expect a prog band to look like
This is like Zelda drinking shots!
Morgan Agren dejaste la vara muy alta en la batería. Increíble!
sounds like if my cd player is playing with the fast forward on. excellent
Is that a younger robertinventor?
they have a dream. a wondrous dream
When Super Mario tries cocaine
Nordic Bossanova
I need more music like this.
Bass player looks like Chris Pratt... That is all.
It's like if videogames were real
Like a McLaughlin / Cobham solo...Holy flyin' lizards...:PPPPPPP
Jävla trams!
Holy shit... Nobody can mock them.
Like when my CD player gets a major hiccup.
Don't fight it. Just let it happen.
i m always laughing when i hear them.they don t care about technic .they are making a joy inferno yeahh
i m always laughing when i hear them.they don t care about technic .they are making a joy inferno yeahh
it s ..killer.listen to kaipa ( since 2000)
@Garegin wow! Your theories shape the future of our music! DUMB!
this has a theremin and the spoonman... awesome! aliens would like this music
And i see a PIPCO shirt
Approximately four billion years of evolution brings us here, to this critical point.
xD thank you
Bastian Caceres.g Sound of music
Swedish's tax money at work.
Zappa´s T-Shirt..
Morgan Ågren is wearing a King Crimson shirt
It Artis the Spoonman and the song Spoonman by Soundgarden is talking about him
Soundgarden bought this guy a house with the Spoonman money
i can never not watch the whole video when i start haha
interestingly, jazz or classical musicians never had a with complexity. well, that's because they're not pedestrian idiots and actually have taste.
you're putting the cart before the horse. the problem is not the technicality, it's that most rock musicians are "threading the waters of musical retardation". therefore, the more they open their mouth (more elaborate compositions) the stupider they sound. by keeping it simple (hardcore punk) at least they don't sound like complete morons. the solution is to be more learned in aesthetics, instead of "holding back" the technicality.
no, in my opinion this is a piece where technical proveness and a brilliant composition are perfectly melted. "Showpieces" are those boring shreds by steve Vay or Malmsteen: VERY technical, but with a "composition" made of common places and unbearable rock banalities. This is great music BEFORE and even DESPITE the fact of being played by great virtuosos.
Steve "Vay" sounds like the Jewish Steve Vai.
芸術ってのは判断を越えて「なんだ、これは!」というものだけが本物なんだ。 と偉大なる芸術家、岡本太郎は言ってました。 ほんと、これはすばらしい芸術作品ですね。 そして演奏が素晴らしく上手でかっこいいし、 斬新で、テルミンも食器も良い意味で不思議な雰囲気出してる。 6分過ぎた後のベースが最高に好き。
En tekniskt kunnig konstnär gör inte honom till en "riktigt" konstnär. Det finns meriter hos båda. Mats&Morgan är inte väldigt tilllgängligt för folk som inte är musik-intresserade. Båda har sin tid och sin plats. Faktum är att Mats&Morgan har varit väldigt obskyra ända fram till senare tid när de har fått en renässans på youtube. Tycker det är en väldigt fin utveckling jag :)
with the shirt of the crimson kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing
this is what we call a "showpiece," meaning an arrangement meant more for displaying the talent of the virtuoso than for artistic quality
Tim Wakefield I enjoy the music
And yet he still gets every fucking piece of cereal in his mouth.
Va i helvete håller dom på med? XD
I love it! This spoon man is insane! AND he's wearing a Frank Zappa t-shirt! Perfect!
a theremin
Det är fanimej skamligt att riktiga musiker får såhär lite views, medan justin bieber har en miljon bara han går utanför dörren.