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Добавлен 5 янв 2015
【楊照談書】1131121歐逸文《國之荒原:金權政治、貧富差距、體制失能、族群對立,理解美國人憤怒的根源》 第2集
Просмотров: 91
【EP033】臺北英語新聞 齊斌老師|20241122
Просмотров 92 часа назад
#英文單字 #newsheadlines #taipei #taipeiopen #新聞英文 臺北英語新聞本週重點新聞: 1) Taipei MRT Enforces "No Dangerous Goods" Policy 臺北捷運全面張貼「禁帶危險品」 2) Taipei metro stations promote standing on both sides of escalators 台北捷運電扶梯「兩側站立」 3) Winners Announced for the Taipei Garden City Competition 田園城市建置成果競賽獲獎名單出爐 4) Flower Carnival at Dajia Riverside Park is open! 北市大佳河濱花海登場 5) 2024 Taipei Indigenous Games 原住民族運動會 Welco...
【楊照談書】1131120歐逸文《國之荒原:金權政治、貧富差距、體制失能、族群對立,理解美國人憤怒的根源》 第1集
Просмотров 1732 часа назад
2013年,作者歐逸文結束長達八年的駐中國記者生涯,回到了美國,卻發現家鄉變得面目全非。過往他常跟埃及、伊拉克或中國的公民述說美國的理念,包括追求法治、追求真理,人人也有權追求更好的人生。但如今他開始懷疑自己,難道多年來他對外人所說的都是謊言?都是在自欺欺人? 以上內容擷取博客來網路書店
【楊照談書】1131119 金慶雲 《亦能低詠》第2集
Просмотров 1214 часа назад
金慶雲:「我真的在『拔河』,對手是宇宙最強的滔滔長河:時間。我也終將敗北,一潰千里,像每個人一樣。但拔河,就是看你能撐多久。」 聲樂家寫散文,是高歌之外「亦能低詠」。這本書只談音樂,又不只音樂。這些文字在為音樂尋找知音,也在等待自己的知音。既是實踐者,也是傾聽者,還是記錄者。她記錄悠長人生中遭遇的音樂之美,以及那些被音樂浸潤的生命。 一位九旬歌者帶著詩意與沉思,透過文字與讀者分享她一生與音樂相伴的心路歷程。書中不僅回憶了他幾十年來與世界頂尖音樂家的相遇與交流,還追悼了那些曾經影響他深遠的音樂人,並觸及到人類共同的命題:時間、衰老與孤獨。 以上內容擷取博客來網路書店
《逛臺北 Wander/ Taipei 》EP6: Nangang-1: Tea & Space for Your Dreams 南港的前世:茶鄉與瓶蓋工廠 | 臺北電臺 Ft. Sydney 雪梨
Просмотров 3267 часов назад
Taipei is one of those cities where it is at the intersection of diverse cultures and intertwined historical timelines. It’s a place where generations diverge and meet, as the city continues to evolve and emerge into one of the most beautiful urban hubs on the Pacific Rim. I’m Sydney Weng, and this is Wander/Taipei, brought to you by Taipei Broadcasting Station, a new series where we explore th...
【楊照談書】1131118 金慶雲 《亦能低詠》第1集
Просмотров 1737 часов назад
金慶雲:「我真的在『拔河』,對手是宇宙最強的滔滔長河:時間。我也終將敗北,一潰千里,像每個人一樣。但拔河,就是看你能撐多久。」 聲樂家寫散文,是高歌之外「亦能低詠」。這本書只談音樂,又不只音樂。這些文字在為音樂尋找知音,也在等待自己的知音。既是實踐者,也是傾聽者,還是記錄者。她記錄悠長人生中遭遇的音樂之美,以及那些被音樂浸潤的生命。 一位九旬歌者帶著詩意與沉思,透過文字與讀者分享她一生與音樂相伴的心路歷程。書中不僅回憶了他幾十年來與世界頂尖音樂家的相遇與交流,還追悼了那些曾經影響他深遠的音樂人,並觸及到人類共同的命題:時間、衰老與孤獨。 以上內容擷取博客來網路書店
Просмотров 419 часов назад
ruclips.net/video/mSlswT0INPk/видео.html 20241118【幸福生活館】-家事達人-陳安祺老師時間。 主題:料理不再手忙腳亂的小秘訣 請聽家事達人陳安祺老師的分享喔! 實體收聽:FM93.1 全新網路電臺:聽臺北T Radio 請立刻點擊、體驗「聽臺北」即時、原音重現 👉 tradio.gov.taipei
【楊照談書】1131115朱陸豪, 王曉玟《戲班、悟空、七十三變:朱陸豪的人生故事》第2集
Просмотров 10014 часов назад
「唱戲的」三個字,自小就像標籤貼在我的身上。 在自己的家鄉,鄰人得知我要去台北學戲時,他們到處說:阿福子能唱什麼?他只能唱猴子! 陸豪自序 以上內容擷取博客來網路書店
【EP032】臺北英語新聞 Sydney老師|20241115
Просмотров 2916 часов назад
#英文單字 #newsheadlines #taipei #taipeiopen #新聞英文 臺北英語新聞本週重點新聞 1. City to Expand Pre-pregnancy Genetic Diagnosis Subsidies 北市加碼產前遺傳診斷補助 2. AI Meets Tradition: Huan Nan Market to Feature New Public Art當AI新浪潮遇上傳統市場:環南市場公共藝術明年登場 3. Last Chance to See Mercury's "Eastern Elongation" 今年最後一次「水星東大距」周六登場 4. "Chrysanthemum Animal Party" at Shihlin 「菊伴動物派對」綻放在士林 5. Exploring the Tea Heritage of Nangang 走訪南港 ...
【楊照談書】1131114朱陸豪, 王曉玟《戲班、悟空、七十三變:朱陸豪的人生故事》第1集
Просмотров 8516 часов назад
「唱戲的」三個字,自小就像標籤貼在我的身上。 在自己的家鄉,鄰人得知我要去台北學戲時,他們到處說:阿福子能唱什麼?他只能唱猴子! 陸豪自序 以上內容擷取博客來網路書店
【楊照談書】森口(土屋)由香, 川島真, 小林聰明, 金嵐, 藤岡真樹, 中生勝美, 佐藤悠子, 友次晉介, 文晩龍, 林于翔, 水野宏美, 等人 《文化冷戰與知識外交:美國戰略與東亞方針》第2集
Просмотров 9216 часов назад
本書透過日本、美國、中國、韓國、臺灣研究者跨境的共同研究,以鳥瞰和區域比較綜觀冷戰初期的東亞局勢為本書一大特色。同時,藉由探討區域研究、科學技術、新聞事業三個不同「知識」領域,比較和檢視參與專家或管轄政府部門、以及作為專業學門起源各異的各領域中的美國與東亞間關係,也是本書的另一特點。透過這樣的結構,本書應能帶給讀者們過去冷戰史或文化冷戰研究中未曾出現的新視角。 以上內容擷取博客來網路書店
【楊照談書】森口(土屋)由香, 川島真, 小林聰明, 金嵐, 藤岡真樹, 中生勝美, 佐藤悠子, 友次晉介, 文晩龍, 林于翔, 水野宏美, 等人 《文化冷戰與知識外交:美國戰略與東亞方針》第1集
Просмотров 15716 часов назад
本書透過日本、美國、中國、韓國、臺灣研究者跨境的共同研究,以鳥瞰和區域比較綜觀冷戰初期的東亞局勢為本書一大特色。同時,藉由探討區域研究、科學技術、新聞事業三個不同「知識」領域,比較和檢視參與專家或管轄政府部門、以及作為專業學門起源各異的各領域中的美國與東亞間關係,也是本書的另一特點。透過這樣的結構,本書應能帶給讀者們過去冷戰史或文化冷戰研究中未曾出現的新視角。 以上內容擷取博客來網路書店
Просмотров 9616 часов назад
本書作者查爾斯.科克爾是英國愛丁堡大學天文生物學家,致力於研究極端條件下的生命特徵、外星生物的適居性,以及太空探索和移居等課題。曾在NASA和英國南極觀測站工作。當他到世界各地旅行並搭乘計程車,只要司機知道他是天文學家,就會好奇地詢問各種跟太空、外星人還有宇宙文明相關的問題(或是八卦),例如:「外星上有沒有計程車司機?」「太空是給有錢人去的,沒錯吧?」「說不定地球只是個動物園……,外星人週末帶孩子來看奇怪動物的地方!」等等。 以上內容擷取博客來網路書店
《逛臺北Wander Taipei》EP5:Flex With The City: Lights, Fantasia, Fashion流變城市:幻光與時尚的成年禮|臺北廣播電臺Ft.Sydney雪梨
Просмотров 500День назад
Taipei is one of those cities where it is at the intersection of diverse cultures and intertwined historical timelines. It’s a place where generations diverge and meet, as the city continues to evolve and emerge into one of the most beautiful urban hubs on the Pacific Rim. I’m Sydney Weng, and this is Wander/Taipei, brought to you by Taipei Broadcasting Station, a new series where we explore th...
Просмотров 204День назад
本書作者查爾斯.科克爾是英國愛丁堡大學天文生物學家,致力於研究極端條件下的生命特徵、外星生物的適居性,以及太空探索和移居等課題。曾在NASA和英國南極觀測站工作。當他到世界各地旅行並搭乘計程車,只要司機知道他是天文學家,就會好奇地詢問各種跟太空、外星人還有宇宙文明相關的問題(或是八卦),例如:「外星上有沒有計程車司機?」「太空是給有錢人去的,沒錯吧?」「說不定地球只是個動物園……,外星人週末帶孩子來看奇怪動物的地方!」等等。 以上內容擷取博客來網路書店
Просмотров 24314 дней назад
Просмотров 25414 дней назад
【楊照談書】1131101 艾米.史都華《樹木收藏家:愛樹成痴者的故事》第2集
Просмотров 10514 дней назад
【楊照談書】1131101 艾米.史都華《樹木收藏家:愛樹成痴者的故事》第2集
【楊照談書】1131031 艾米.史都華《樹木收藏家:愛樹成痴者的故事》第1集
Просмотров 12914 дней назад
【楊照談書】1131031 艾米.史都華《樹木收藏家:愛樹成痴者的故事》第1集
【楊照談書】1131030 王曉珏《冷戰與中國文學現代性:一九四九前後重新想像中國的方法》第2集
Просмотров 8414 дней назад
【楊照談書】1131030 王曉珏《冷戰與中國文學現代性:一九四九前後重新想像中國的方法》第2集
【楊照談書】1131029 王曉珏 《冷戰與中國文學現代性:一九四九前後重新想像中國的方法》第1集
Просмотров 14514 дней назад
【楊照談書】1131029 王曉珏 《冷戰與中國文學現代性:一九四九前後重新想像中國的方法》第1集
《逛臺北 Wander Taipei》EP4: Zhongshan: Unfixed & Unlimited 未定版的潛力股:中山區 | 臺北廣播電臺 Ft. Sydney 雪梨
Просмотров 73214 дней назад
《逛臺北 Wander Taipei》EP4: Zhongshan: Unfixed & Unlimited 未定版的潛力股:中山區 | 臺北廣播電臺 Ft. Sydney 雪梨
《逛臺北 Wander/ Taipei 》EP3: Wetlands, Witches and the Magic of Beitou 喧囂外坐憶江頭與女巫 | 臺北廣播電臺Ft. Sydney雪梨
Просмотров 46321 день назад
《逛臺北 Wander/ Taipei 》EP3: Wetlands, Witches and the Magic of Beitou 喧囂外坐憶江頭與女巫 | 臺北廣播電臺Ft. Sydney雪梨
20:00 ‘’胡自強要求當代雜誌(當時都用西元年)要用民國年才能參加評比獲獎‘’。 😮國民黨的僵固性,老實說真的不下中共 ,思維基因相同。😒
100000points to you
I’m in loved
Omg literally the prettiest
Luv u so much~
Hello, this is Taipei News! I’m Sydney Weng, your host for the English News Segment this week at the Taipei Broadcasting Station! 1) City to Expand Pre-pregnancy Genetic Diagnosis Subsidies 北市加碼產前遺傳診斷補助 First off, we have great news for those who are hoping to plan for a family soon! The Taipei City Health Bureau is expanding its 'Pre-pregnancy Health Check Subsidy' as part of the '”Pregnancy Aid Program”. The city encourages eligible residents to plan ahead for a healthy pregnancy and take advantage of these subsidies. Taipei’s Health Bureau Chief of Health Management, Lin Xuelan 林雪蘭, noted that according to population data from the Ministry of the Interior, the average age of first marriages in Taiwan in 2023 was 32.9 years for men and 31 years for women. With delayed marriages and pregnancies becoming more common, the risks of decreased fertility and pregnancy complications rise. To address this, Lin urges couples between the ages of 20 to 35 to take proactive steps in planning their pregnancies. In addition to prenatal care, the city also provides pre-pregnancy health checks and subsidies. Since 2010, the Health Bureau has been offering a subsidy for newlywed couples to support early fertility planning. 2) AI Meets Tradition: Huan Nan Market to Feature New Public Art當AI新浪潮遇上傳統市場:環南市場公共藝術明年登場 Moving on to our next topic! The Taipei City Government’s Cultural Affairs Bureau, in partnership with the Taipei City Market Administration office, is set to unveil a new public art installation at Huan Nan Market. Created by international artist Arno Coenen, the piece, titled The Flavour Dragon, combines digital technology with traditional market culture. Coenen, who is known for blending craft and technology, was initially skeptical about his invitation to Taiwan, but he soon grew fascinated by the island's culture. During his visit to Huan Nan Market, Coenen marveled at its size and diversity, unlike any traditional market he had encountered before in the Netherlands. The public art piece is set to feature sculptures, wall murals, and decorative elements inspired by the flavors and atmosphere of the market. The piece was co-created with local students and market vendors, who contributed keywords and ideas for the AI-driven designs. 3) Last Chance to See Mercury's "Eastern Elongation" 今年最後一次「水星東大距」周六登場 Stargazers, take note: this Saturday evening marks the final Eastern Elongation of Mercury for this year. The event will provide a rare opportunity to see the smallest and closest planet to the Sun just after sunset. Due to Mercury’s low angle, observers should seek out an open area with an unobstructed view of the horizon. This is a rare opportunity to spot the planet, which is often obscured by the Sun’s glare. As dusk deepens, Mercury will quickly dip below the horizon, so make sure to catch it within the first hour after sunset. You might need a telescope to get a better look at it. Following this event, Mercury will reach its highest point in the sky on November 18th before beginning its retrograde motion on the 25th. The next opportunity to observe Mercury will be in December, during the early morning hours. 4) "Chrysanthemum Animal Party" at Shihlin 「菊伴動物派對」綻放在士林 Coming up next, we’ve got news from the Chrysanthemum Exhibition this year at the Shilin Official Residence. The annual Chrysanthemum Exhibition, running from November 29th to December 15th, is introducing an exciting new theme: The Chrysanthemum Animal Party. The exhibition features 14 themed areas, each highlighting different ecosystems, from tropical rainforests to ocean habitats. The art installations are created using recycled materials such as wood and fabric, reflecting the event’s commitment to environmental sustainability. One of the highlights of the exhibition is the "Animal Party Twist," a fun event that encourages visitors to dress up as animals and participate in themed activities. Participants will have a chance to win exclusive figurines. The exhibition will also celebrate World Wildlife Conservation Day on December 4th, with activities that focus on animal protection and the importance of conservation efforts. 5) Exploring the Tea Heritage of Nangang 走訪南港 逛茶趣 For our last piece of news, let’s address some hidden cultural and historical sites in the city. If you don’t already know, we have a new series called ‘Wander/Taipei’ on RUclips. If you’re into tea culture, and you’re up for a change of scenery from the hustle and bustle of the urban scene, give Nangagn’s heritage a try! Because that is exactly where we’re exploring next week on Wander/ Taipei. Before Nangang became famous for its technology and industrial scenes, it was the land of ‘tea’. Today, in the misty hills of Nangang, traces of Taiwan’s tea history are still alive. During the Qing Dynasty, many immigrants from Anxi settled here, bringing with them the art of tea cultivation. As you wander through the old brick houses that still stand today, it’s easy to imagine the bustling tea trade that once flourished here, sending its precious leaves to markets like Dadaocheng. This cultural heritage not only tells the story of Taiwan’s tea industry but also serves as a reminder of the region’s role in shaping the economic and cultural landscape of Taipei. That’s for our weekly news segment today! This is Sydney Weng signing off from Taipei Radio Station Until Next time! Vocabulary: Subsidy (n.) 補助金 Elongation (n.) 伸長,延長 Heritage (n.) 遺產,傳統 Proactive (adj.) 積極主動的 Marvel (v.) 驚嘆,讚嘆 Obscured (adj.) 被遮蔽的 Flourished (v.) 繁榮,興旺 Installation (n.) 裝置,設置 Sustainability (n.) 永續性 Cultivation (n.) 栽培,培養
雖然2024年才聽到這集,讀好書不嫌晚,馬上列入to read list!
謝謝 楊照
Thank youuuuuuu🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Most foreigners call the area as "Dongmen" bc of the MRT. Still one of my favorite spots!
It’s so cool to observe how different people in the city associate the language with the geography here. I grew up hearing it referred to as 永康街 before later learning that it was next to dongmen station. The idea of special relations with the NSEW gates in the city is not as commonly addressed. Wondering why though. 🙈🙈🙈
i like this type video thank you so much
偉華 安祺老師 不錯的 橘子皮的妙用 分享👏👏👏 果實&果皮多用途👍
不是的。高虹安不是這樣的事,她只有不過問助理人員的薪水流程,她可能沒興趣了解錢財流程就沒參與也不熟悉而已 完全信賴與授權給她男友,在她自己的角度來看也很應該(用人不疑),唯有問題之處在於既擔任公職即便你完全信賴下屬也應該了解發給員工薪水內容。 高虹安案根本沒有什麼法律的問題可以處理才對! 為何要達到目的入人於罪,合理化自己?真不應該 若你硬要辦理就促成冤獄的因緣,要受報的知道嗎
標題 看來柯也受身上眾生誤導很大 以前聽他分享在醫務工作時總是擔下沒有人願意做的工作,任勞任怨 然而後來改變了嗎?在市長任內罪推下屬...造就如今受報之事衍生出來? 那樣的下屬也太犯規,才不過幾年時間就急著要報仇,不是嗎? 顯然那樣的下屬本身做人真的不及格,不也是跟他一樣而已! 又有什麼資格呢?未曾嘗試忍辱自淨心... 只知記恨報仇嗎?長大還這樣的人真悲哀
So pretty~~~~<3 Omg I can’t stand the beauty
awwwww you’re too kind !!!
Welcome to Taipei News. I'm Kenneth Chi, and thank you for joining us. Our top story this week is an important safety reminder. 1) Taipei City’s Recovery from Typhoon Kong-rey 康芮颱風災情嚴重,台北市迅速恢復市容 Last week, Taipei was hit by Typhoon Kong-rey, the strongest storm in the past 10 years. The typhoon brought strong winds and heavy rain, leading to blocked roads, power outages, and hundreds of canceled flights and ferry services. As of Monday morning, major roads in the city were cleared and cleaned, restoring traffic flow across the city. Mayor Chiang Wan-an highlighted the fast recovery. The Department of Environmental Protection managed to complete most of the work in just three days. [sound bite] 蔣市長語音 我們非常多辛苦的同仁加班、來全部投入災後復原,所以今天上班前、我想各位也可以看到,我們相關市區內的主要幹道、次要幹道都已經恢復。 While Taiwan is now outside Typhoon Kong-rey’s storm circle, Taipei City Government reminds residents to stay cautious on affected roads. 2) Nuit Blanche Taipei to take place at Daan Forest Park 臺北白晝之夜在大安森林公園舉辦 Shifting our focus to Art News. Taipei’s biggest nighttime art event, Nuit Blanche Taipei, made its return on November 2 with the theme “Nocturnal Animals Party.” Daan Forest Park was transformed from Saturday afternoon to early Sunday into a vibrant space celebrating art and nature, exploring how people interact with the city at night. This free event featured visual and performing arts, turning the city into a large-scale, open art gallery for one night. Nuit Blanche first started in Paris in 2002, and Taipei has hosted its own version since 2016, inviting the public to join and enjoy the experience. For more information, go to www.nuitblanche.taipei/. 3) The Reconstruction Project of Nanmen Market Wins the National Golden Award in Architecture 南門市場改建 獲國家建築金質獎 Here's an achievement Taipei citizens can be proud of. The Reconstruction Project of Nanmen Market has won the National Golden Award in Architecture, recognizing the Taipei City Government’s New Construction Office. The renovation fills the market with natural light, creating a bright, welcoming space. The new Nanmen Market building is also connected to MRT entrances, making it easy for visitors to access and enjoy their shopping. Nanmen Market, Taipei’s oldest public traditional market, dates back to the Japanese rule period and has been rebuilt several times. Known for its authentic flavors, it’s a popular spot for specialty foods from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, including deli items and dry goods. For a taste of old Taipei, make time to experience the vibrant atmosphere of Nanmen Market! For more information, visit www.tpnanmen.org.tw/. 4) Only 200 days to go until the World Masters Games in Taipei and New Taipei City. 世界壯年運動會倒數200天 Now, the countdown to the 2025 World Masters Games is on, with just 200 days left! To celebrate, a special WMG2025 MRT train has debuted on the Taipei Metro. These trains feature the event’s adorable mascot, "Zhuang Bao," along with unique gold medal hand straps. They’ll be running on the Tamsui-Xinyi and Bannan Lines, adding excitement and charm to your daily ride. The World Masters Games will be held from May 17 to 30, 2025, in Taipei and New Taipei City. You don’t need to be a professional athlete to join-anyone aged 30 and above with an interest in sports is welcome to participate in 35 different sports categories. For details and registration, visit www.wmg2025.tw. Don’t miss out on this chance to be part of the action! 5) Dr Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, A landmark of Taipei City 臺北建城140週年: 國父紀念館 And finally, as part of the 140th anniversary celebrations of Taipei City, we’re highlighting some of its most iconic landmarks. Today, we bring you the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, a tribute to the founder of the Republic of China. Opened in 1972 and designed by renowned architect Wang Da-hong, the hall features a grand exhibition space, a statue of Dr. Sun, and a museum celebrating his life and achievements. Outside, the surrounding park offers a welcoming space for relaxation and recreation, making it a favorite spot for locals and visitors alike. The memorial hall stands as a proud symbol of Taipei’s rich history and culture. For more details, visit www.yatsen.gov.tw or or follow their Facebook page facebook.com/sunyatsenMH. That was Taipei News for the week. Tune in every Friday at 10:00 a.m. on Taipei Broadcasting Station or stream us online at tradio.gov.taipei. I'm Kenneth Chi. Thanks for listening. See you next time! ■ Vocabulary List 1. recovery (n.) 恢復 2. highlight (v.) 突出 3. citizens (n.) 市民 4. renovation (n.) 翻新 5. authentic (adj.) 正宗 6. mascot (n.) 吉祥物 7. participation (n.) 參與 8. landmark (n.) 地標 9. founder (n.) 創始人 10. celebration (n.) 慶祝
太好了那我後面繼續吃吃喝喝 🫰🏻🩵🩵
謝謝 楊照
謝謝 楊照
好喜歡這首歌. 俊逸若是唱英文版的(a love before time)應該也是非常迷人! 很期待!
忽然了解 北齊皇帝為何喜歡紅樓,是不是有點離譜
本集英語新聞逐字稿 Hello, this is Taipei News! I’m Sydney Weng, your host for the English News Segment this week at the Taipei Broadcasting Station! The City is filled with ample opportunities for entertainment in the Fall. We’ve had Taipei Fashion Week, the Hakka Yimin Festival, and for this week, you are strongly encouraged to attend the “Nuit Blanche Taipei” Event in the Daan District! Search “Nuit Blanche Taipei 2024”, and you’ll find yourself with a huge list of events starting from 2pm, this Saturday! 1) Guandu Flower Sea Delights with Expanded Display However, if you find yourself more of a morning person than a creature of the night, the 2024 Guandu Flower Sea in Beitou might be just the right place for you to visit. The Flower Sea will feature an expanded display this year, adding a new riverside venue to the existing Baxian 八仙venue, creating a scenic flower-viewing area combining both mountains and waterfronts. Alternatively, visitors preferring a more urban, yet peaceful setting can visit the new riverside display, where adorable animal installations create a perfect backdrop for picnics and photo ops. And for those who want it all, a cycling path links both venues, offering the best of both settings. So if you’re in for a weekend to enjoy the mountain-enclosed floral displays, and take in riverside vistas with light breezes, definitely give the Guandu Flower Sea a chance. And if you are also wondering about other options for entertainment in the area, check out our latest RUclips series : Wander/ Taipei, because it just so happens that our THIRD episode (which we just aired this week) is all about the Guandu Wetlands and Witchy Hot springs in the Beitou District! 2) 200 Days to the 2025 Taipei-New Taipei World Master Games Coming up next, we are entering our 200-day countdown to the Taipei-New Taipei World Master Games next year! The games are scheduled for May 17th to the 30th, 2025, and we just unveiled our themed train last week World Masters Games aims to integrate sports, culture, tourism, and international exchange, marking a first for Taiwan and Asia. Anyone over the age of 30 can participate, with the oldest current registrant being 103 years old. This themed train will run on the Tamsui-Xinyi and Bannan MRT lines, bringing the spirit of the Games to commuters across the city. The 2025 Taipei-New Taipei World Masters Games, open to all over 30, will provide sports enthusiasts a rare opportunity to compete internationally. Don’t miss this chance to join athletes from around the world at this major international sports event! 3)Sign Up for the Spotlight: 2nd Taipei Theatre Awards to Launch in November On a lighter note: The highly anticipated Second Taipei Theatre Awards will officially launch this November, accepting entries for 2025 performances and individual awards. New changes include expanded categories, with the original "Best Theatre Design" award now divided into four separate awards and the addition of a "Musical Excellence Award" for outstanding contributions in musical theater. \This year’s event will feature 15 award categories, with a total prize fund reaching NT$2.9 million, encouraging talented theater groups and creators to participate. Additionally, a new award has been introduced for musical theater creators, recognizing achievements in lyrics, composition, arrangement, choreography, and movement design, with the aim of bolstering the development of the local musical theater industry. 4)Supporting the Elderly : Aging Safely in Peace Our next piece of news revolves around our senior citizens in the City: To ease the mental and physical burdens on caregivers, Taipei has built an extensive network of services, addressing both memory loss and other cognitive challenges often seen in dementia. The public awareness video introduces several services, including day centers, multi-functional care centers, and community respite stations. These facilities not only offer seniors opportunities to interact with others and engage in activities but also provide essential care, including assistance with meals and medication. This allows caregivers to take much-needed breaks and, if they have hired foreign caregivers, to access respite services. The video shares the story of Mr. Tang, who found that using community respite services helped both him and his mother better manage her dementia journey, restoring some normalcy to their lives. 5)Land Value Tax Open for Payment and Made Easier Lastly, the Taipei City Tax Collection Office has announced that the 2024 Land Value Tax will open for payment on November 1, with bills already being sent to taxpayers. The deadline for payment is November 30; however, due to the weekend, payments will be accepted until December 2. If residents have not received their tax bill or need a replacement, they may request a reissue at a local branch office or use a self-service Kiosk. To facilitate payments, the Tax Collection Office offers various convenient and electronic options. Residents can pay by scanning the QR code (marked “TWQR”) on their bill using an electronic payment app, or they can log into the online payment service website to pay by credit card, savings account, or debit card. For additional inquiries on land value tax or payment issues, residents can consult the "Tax Video Service Cloud Platform" on the Tax Office's website, visit a local office, or call the toll-free hotline for additional assistance.
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
This is a wonderfully place I love. I am so inspired by your wonderful videos
I can’t believe I took me thirty years to realize how cool this place was! Growing up it was just the place where I got my costumes. Now it’s starting to feel like puzzles of my unsung heritage falling into place 🥹🥹🥹
Awesome.🎉 More and more people are showing a keen interest in visiting Taiwan, inspired by the engaging videos you introduced.
OMG Thank you for being so supportive ❤❤❤ it means a lot!! I can’t wait to share the next few episodes 🎉🎉
💖💖💖pretty ~
thanks hon 💜💜💜💜