Pr Smith
Pr Smith
  • Видео 1
  • Просмотров 54 601
New Leadership Taking Over Calvary Chapel
New Leadership Taking Over Calvary Chapel By Pastor Paul Smith
Other interesting videos:
Chuck’s interview with Greg Laurieвидео.html
Chuck’s last sermonвидео.html
Secession plan, Paul Smith discusses replacing Brian Brodersonвидео.html
Chris Quintana changes in Calvary Chapel’s doctrineвидео.html
Jacob Prasch: A Word to John MacArthurвидео.html
Brian Broderson Strange fireвидео.html
Просмотров: 54 601



  • @matsswede
    @matsswede 2 месяца назад

    Have you acknowledged Lonnie Frisbee righltly now ? His roll in the biggining of CC ?

  • @anastasiaburr3959
    @anastasiaburr3959 3 месяца назад

    Calvary Chapel, sadly was THE cause of much disputes in the Evangelical Church in general…by allowing the world to dictate what the Church should function!

  • @rosalynfayemartin4027
    @rosalynfayemartin4027 4 месяца назад


  • @tamarabanks7293
    @tamarabanks7293 4 месяца назад

    Two precious men of God. Such a shame this happened.

  • @brothermoon
    @brothermoon Год назад

    Politics and money, egos and pride, and penchant for power sow division and strife... It's nothing new, but demonstrates we're flawed and requires an honest and consistent self evaluation under the direction of the Holy Spirit and accountability to wise advisors.

  • @stephanosdoulos
    @stephanosdoulos Год назад

    Read your book: you NAILED it. Thank for warning us.

  • @doyoubelong2Him
    @doyoubelong2Him Год назад

    The Holy Spirit is well able to oversee His church! I would so appreciate your prayers. May God God bless you too!

  • @Aubieone
    @Aubieone Год назад

    Really sad that CC Costa Mesa had basically a hostile takeover after Chuck’s passing. And from member of his family no less. So sad. And for Brodersen to say what he did about the Covid lockdowns was despicable.

  • @gareof
    @gareof Год назад

    It is so sad to see Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa going the direction of the emerging (Sardis & Laodicea) churches - I thank God for saving me in 1974 at Costa Mesa & learning to study & teach through the whole Word of God under Pastor Chuck & Bible School . . I'm not concerned with Broderson or the "new" direction, the Lord Jesus Christ is our 'Captain' . .

  • @eugenejoseph7076
    @eugenejoseph7076 Год назад

    I weep everytime I read Pauls farewell in the book of Acts and how he warned the saints at Ephesus about the wolves that would come to try to destroy them. Now, I weep for Calvary Chapel saints who need to stay close to the Lord and each other for protection from the evl one. Calvary Chapels are the last breed of faithful churches preaching the Whole Counsel of God and the evl is coming after them! Be steady in the Word, keep praying and holding on to the promises of Jesus!! H is coming soon for His bride!!! MARANATHA!!

  • @ralphbuschman3364
    @ralphbuschman3364 Год назад

    A sad thing for what happened to take place!!! I was a lead of a home study. All I can say is, I never felt comfortable with him! Something felt off, or wrong, never accepted him as listening and accepting . Sadly what I picked up turned out to be true!!!

  • @rebelbaron7003
    @rebelbaron7003 Год назад

    Im afraid Im very suspicious of large church organizations like Cavary Chapel. I dont like Calvary Chapel embracing hip hop and rap music into Christian music,I dont like drums,bass guitars and electric guitars being brought into church music,I dont like not singing "Wonderful Grace of Jesus" "He Arose" or "He Lives" on Easter Sunday and singing pop JUNK. The glorious olde hymns we all sang had meaning and depth and were written by Christians who went through tremendous trials and tribulations in their lives and wanted to praise Jesus for bringing them through. The writers of these hymns WERE NOT driven by making money flashing lights booming bass and Hollywood presentstiins. Folks,I for one,will continue to look for a church that sings olde hymns with a piano,organ and choir. If I wanted Peter Paul and Mary Id listen to the radio.

  • @jeepgurl1379
    @jeepgurl1379 Год назад

    I can see similar mannerism with Paul and Chuck. Lord, help your church.❤

  • @doyoubelong2Him
    @doyoubelong2Him Год назад

    Amen thank you and God-Elohim- Yeshua bless you greatly. I pray you are still doing well in Jesus name!

  • @bettierusso5410
    @bettierusso5410 Год назад

    Thank You for standing by your brother, and for all the years of faithful teaching along with him. The key element of truth is right in the title of this video.." NEW leadership TAKING OVER Calvary Chapel". It is NOT leadership, it is controlled, and the words "TAKING OVER" is just that. They are TAKING and NOT GIVING & TEACHING in humble submission to God's Will. Chuck never did that! Chuck was like a second father to me growing up. I was there when "the little chapel" was brand new. Few of us have been blessed to be there from the humble beginning. How my heart hurts to see this happen. I will NEVER believe Romain, or You were ever "senile", and testify unto GOD that Chuck was NEVER without his sound mind and heart. Chuck saw this descent coming and so did I. One day I was denied seeing him as " I was not a written member of the church and therefore could not speak with him without prior authorization!". I was furious and said so. Chuck heard my voice in his office and knew me, came out, and asked me " Ahhh Bettie, what's wrong?" I told him the church had changed. They were no longer the church I grew up in and it didn't feel like "Home" any longer. The pastors were judgmental, arrogant, and too full of pride. To deny me seeing my true pastor since I was just a child and tell me I needed to get approval to see you and get in line & needed prior authorization?" I did not feel the Spirit of God in LOVE as it used to be. I felt a heartbreaking unrest and division with judgmental confusion that had never been there. Some pastors were "bending" the word to justify their personal desires and that CANNOT BE ALLOWED! Chuck just hung his head in shame. I will never forget it. He said he was sorry. He feared it was a product of " fame and progress that may cloud our human senses and allow Satin a disguised entry. He was, and always would be my PASTOR. He was there to serve and help through the love of God". We prayed & cried together. Chuck knew things were not as they should be. Once a person has known the true leadership and guidance of God through the absolute scripture as it is written they will not forget it. When that knowledge and trust is taken away, they don't know what they are missing & it will never be replaced again. This "new age church" is NOT what GOD desires. The truth as God spoke it in the Bible states issues very clearly. You are either WITH HIM OR AGAINST HIM. I would caution Brian, Cheryl, and all in charge now to read Rev 22:18-19 and THINK about what they are doing. If any man shall ADD anything to this book, God will add unto him the plagues of this earth..and if they SHALL TAKE AWAY from the words of this book, God shall take away his part OUT of the book of life... take caution. May God Bless you, Pastor Paul.

  • @rhondaeaton4708
    @rhondaeaton4708 Год назад

    Sad to see what it's become. I attended one Sunday a few years ago. Feels very different from what Pastor Chuck built.

  • @TomCollinsRocks
    @TomCollinsRocks 2 года назад

    Calvary does not teach the BIBLE!

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 2 года назад

    so what is up, with this.....was there not a plan to aquire other leaders.....and why did Chuck stay, litterally, till his dying day...

  • @luislopez3221
    @luislopez3221 2 года назад

    No division that sounds like the devil trying to dive, the church belongs to Jesus Christ, not to man stay together no more fitting

  • @luislopez3221
    @luislopez3221 2 года назад

    Stay together

  • @ChickOnRadio
    @ChickOnRadio 2 года назад

    Pastor Paul, I'll never forget being baptized by you in your backyard pool. I attended Calvary Chapel Community of Victorville. I still attend Calvary Chapel, but I'm in Washington State now. Prior to the Victorville church, I attended Downey with Jeff Johnson, and Costa Mesa back in the 70s. Blessings to you!

  • @nancyrice2859
    @nancyrice2859 2 года назад

    I was saved by Word For Today and went to Calvary Chapel Bible School. It breaks my heart to see what has happened.

  • @lindadechiazza2924
    @lindadechiazza2924 2 года назад

    I have not been to calvary chapel since Pastor Chuck left , it is how we see humanity flaws and all

  • @robertagan3011
    @robertagan3011 2 года назад

    After Chuck’s death my husband and I left… It seemed to us that Brian couldn’t wait to get rid of everything that represented Chuck. The feel of the church had definitely change… We felt the Holy Spirit had left the church

  • @TheRoche22
    @TheRoche22 2 года назад

    Brian Brodasin is a snake in sheep‘s clothing and has usurped command of Calvary chapel right from under Chuck Smith‘s incredible tutoring and teaching for decades and decades. I was there in 1969 living at the blue top Motel Christian commune sponsored by Calvary Chapel Lonnies and Connie Frisbee in the hey Day of the incredible revival that took place to see the years of commitment and great teaching now being changed by Brian and Chuck’s daughter Cheryl is just a shame Brian should pack up his little following of pastors and leave Calvary alone and go start his own faults doctrine church with people like Rick Warren it’s exactly what was supposed to happen in the end times and Chuck taught on this a lot.. To see Calvary chapel be picked apart and destroyed by this charlatan Brian just breaks my heart may God’s will be done and may the Holy Spirit empowers the right people to get Brian out of Calvary Chapel forever.. I am afraid it’s too late he has usurped command legally but God is a witness with the Holy Spirit and will take care of them in due time. May God bless everyone who ever went to the original Calvary Chapel Under Chuck Smith and may everybody have a blessed Christmas season in Jesus name. Amen

  • @paulgross5672
    @paulgross5672 2 года назад

    I loved your dad but he would associate himself with men let’s just say that aren’t truthful

  • @paulgross5672
    @paulgross5672 2 года назад

    Can someone please think about this Greg Laurie I don’t think you guys realize he is not what you believe he is

  • @nwofoe2866
    @nwofoe2866 2 года назад

    Calvary Chapel now reminds me of a saw which has no teeth.

  • @doyoubelong2Him
    @doyoubelong2Him 2 года назад


    • @doyoubelong2Him
      @doyoubelong2Him 2 года назад

      The Lord bless you too. I believe in the unmerited grace of our Lord Jesus the Christ. But Paul the Apostle of grace, told us in. 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God breathed and good for correction and reproof to train us. The New Testament is the revealing of what was proclaimed and predicted in the OT. So it begs the question, why wouldn't you want to know it. The problem I see Is we have forgotten that Jesus paid it all. We didnt earn it, or deserve it. Should we live the the Word? As best as you can, Then the Holy Spirit forgives and corrects and strengthens you. It's the whole Roman's 7. I'm just soooo grateful He doesn't rejects us, we might have to repeat a few things, but He is with us. Chuck Missle wrote a book ,Hidden Treasures of the bible. It's a 6.00 book but Is chalk full of proof positive that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. If only people knew the promises they have from the God that created it all. Ty for clarifying what happened to CC. The Lord Jesus bless you.

  • @kubaxthree4751
    @kubaxthree4751 3 года назад

    Thanks Paul ! ! For those of us who were there in the blessed early days, it nice ( but sad ) to hear what happened. Especially after so many rumors went around.

  • @morganbellamy9153
    @morganbellamy9153 3 года назад

    Dear Pastor Paul, I see the Calvary Chapel power grabs back in '01 if Chuck ever became ill and in '05 saw that a Pastor could be set up so to be removed because he was a threat. He was played and removed. I think he was how Chuck would have shown to replace him when he stepped down. If he would have followed Chuck their would have been no self willed folks in leadership. He started a 100% God's Will startup Church in Spokane, WA. in '79 and everything was done in God's Will if anything happened. No fluff or glitter in the Church just Pastors in the pulpit and a tape library of Pastor Chuck's tapes. No bands, guitar players or coffee bars just the word of God preached. If that would have happened after Chuck stepped away Calvary would be cool today. 💡777🎸

  • @morganbellamy9153
    @morganbellamy9153 3 года назад

    The very early Pastors were called by God to preach, but the new string after say 1975 that started to preach were and today are doing things in their own will. Many for ego, wealth, cars, big homes, tax breaks and some they think it's just cool to be in the pulpit. I saw it in 1983 and if just became worse when Chuck became ill. Greed doe some strange things to folks. Today you can see the false fruits of Calvary band the split of Calvary type named churches.💡777🎸

  • @psalmreader909
    @psalmreader909 3 года назад

    Brian is a wicked man

  • @merlinidlehands3302
    @merlinidlehands3302 3 года назад

    When I was 17 I was VERY UN-HAPPY with my life because I saw at that age that this life was a game that we JUST cant win.I knew a wife or money or power would not make me happy.I prayed to the main God because I didnt know who God was at the time. I prayer GOD, whoever you are PLEASE show me who you are and I will worship you all my life. I said i dont care if your the devil or Mohamed or budda. i just wanted to know the REAL BIG GOD the ONE TRUE GOD. two weeks later I was at a little park gettihg high with some friends. A person came up to us and invited us to CCCM at the TENT . this was in 1972 or 1973 I dont remember.I was the ONLY one who went because I KNEW this was an answer to my prayer. we ended up at the tent and there was music and Chuck Smith preaching about Jesus. I got saved that night and a while later Chuck moved me into The LORDS House one of the outreach houses that CCCM had at that time. After I moved in with some Brothers then Chuck married me and greg baptized me the only folks at my wedding were my mom, my cousen, one friend of my wife and 2 of my friends ,oh yes Romaine was there also.Learning the bible verse by verse from Chuck SAVED my BUTT many times I cant thank Chuck Enough for the teachings I got from him there at CCCM Later i moved to Santa Cruz then to the orthadox church in Alaska, I was there for a little over a year then I moved back to Santa cruz ca.Over the last 2 years i have been watching Greg Laurie and Brain B.on the internet ,,,,i no longer belive that Greg is right on I belive Greg is in it for the money, may God still bless him and help him . NOW I think Brain is a good bible teacher but I heard him say he didnt want to KEEP on Teaching the bible there. That made me wonder why and why he stays there if thats what he thinks, The money ??? who knows Im not his judge or gregs judge. I now beive that GOD is leading me to follow REV BARBER from the Poor Peoples Coalition . I listen to his teaching every Sunday and LOVE it! I will always love Chuch Smith and will always be thankful for the fact that GOD lead me there back in the 70s i still love Jesus and pray every day also read the bible too. God is GOOD! by the way I really dont go to the Orthadox church much at all it seems to have traded Jesus for thier Tradishions and it seems too holyer then thou or me. Jeusu loves us all folks so please pray for me and these pastors Merlin

  • @pamelawilson6654
    @pamelawilson6654 3 года назад

    Dear Pastor Paul.. it’s heartbreaking to see what’s happening, but I’m not surprised, my husband and I followed Chuck for years, I considered him my mentor, I’m so very thankful for the solid teaching of the word. I lived in Arizona and attended a small Church there, they had a great little library filled with cassette tapes thru the Bible with Chuck, I moved to the Midwest and never found another place to belong, every church seemed either cold or lukewarm, I just didn’t fit! I still listen to Chuck and love the Lord and His word, and it’s been almost 50 years since I trusted Jesus to save me and was baptized in the Holy Spirit!! It’s lonely here as far as fellowship, and we still try to belong somewhere.. I just wanted you to know we love you and are praying for you! And thank God there are still men like you around! May the Lord bless and keep you! Please pray for us!

  • @SK-gt1jk
    @SK-gt1jk 3 года назад

    "All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose." Keep the faith Pastor Paul. God bless you!

  • @graycloud057
    @graycloud057 3 года назад

    I’ll never be back. They have young new pastors who don’t know the word of God.

  • @angeloantonio5483
    @angeloantonio5483 4 года назад

    i listen to afew calvary chapel preachers. Ive never heard any unbiblical sermons. Maybe a few opinions here and there, but usualy pretty solid. The emergant church is really really bad.I dont see them that way so far

  • @1949chefjojo
    @1949chefjojo 4 года назад

    Thank you for your faithful testimony. I see that God is disciplining His Church today. .

  • @stanleylaurel6873
    @stanleylaurel6873 4 года назад

    Paul is right on.

  • @anthonybardsley4985
    @anthonybardsley4985 4 года назад

    Connection with the head of the church is the most necessary thing.

  • @1secondsense
    @1secondsense 4 года назад

    I worked for Calvary back when he was removed/ fired. On one hand he speaks truth, but trying to write a book slamming the direction of the same movement wasn't a good look.

  • @Treeofthewood
    @Treeofthewood 4 года назад

    I just had to check, and yes, there you are, on utube. I love you, and all your desert family! God is sorting all this out now. What an exciting time to be alive! Thank you for being mine and ricks spiritual family! Ruth, relax, Gods got this!

    • @stevenfostersmith3168
      @stevenfostersmith3168 4 года назад

      Sorting all this out now? How so?

    • @stevenfostersmith3168
      @stevenfostersmith3168 4 года назад

      @PJ Scotland yes he does. AND HE ALLOWS THEM TO BELIEVE IT CUZ THEY DONT LOVE TRUTH and would rather enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. Ya know.

  • @Treeofthewood
    @Treeofthewood 4 года назад

    I just had to check, and yes, there you are, on utube. I love you, and all your desert family! God is sorting all this out now. What an exciting time to be alive! Thank you for being mine and ricks spiritual family! Ruth, relax, Gods got this!

  • @mythologicalmyth
    @mythologicalmyth 4 года назад

    That’s because our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ never intended for the church to be innovated and divided over 40,000 times. For 1000 years there was no difference between East and West, And for another 500 years divide between East and West and then when Satan really took hold and divided it during the protestant deformation,What would logically follow 500 years after that? We don’t have 40,000 denominations that are One Body, we have 40,000 individuals who created more division until the point that the protestant churches became irrelevant and diluted into oblivion

  • @davidii3895
    @davidii3895 4 года назад

    PASTOR PAUL YOUR TITLE OF "NEW LEADERSHIP TAKING OVER CALVARY" IS AN OVERSTATEMENT. THERE IS NO LEADERSFHIIP...IT IS THE ANTI CHRIST SPIRIT...SAME THAT HAPPENED IN THE WAR IN HEAVEN W/LUCIFER and his Angel's, greed jealousy Thank God for Gabriel! These black mass lovers will be gone soon. GOD IS IN CONTROL, THEY ARE INHELL ALREdy they dont have to wait for the Judgement. Their final dealings with the Vatican will reveal the Demons of hell to them soon. They will testify of their 15 minutes of Hell soon when they meet Satan.

    • @davidii3895
      @davidii3895 4 года назад

      Lovers of Office,power and money. They get nothing and risk losing Salvation over nothing and confusing Christian's a d unbelivers.

    • @davidii3895
      @davidii3895 4 года назад


  • @fancyoo8670
    @fancyoo8670 5 лет назад

    I agree! I was born and raised in Calvary chapel ways. But since Chuck passed and Steve May's past, I had to find a new home. CC South Bay has a different feel. Wanting to be modern over a great message. I just realized there was dissention within the leadership. I don't feel the new messages are inspired. What teaching is better than reading through the Bible?

  • @sansleister3878
    @sansleister3878 5 лет назад

    Brian Broderson is a thief and a manipulative jerk who took advantage of Chuck when he was too ill to think straight... Chucks daughter Cheryl is equally guilty of manipulating her father for she and her husbands financial benefit. One day soon they will both stand before God and give an account.

    • @michaelkraus4135
      @michaelkraus4135 3 года назад

      WHY ? Are the good people left NOT DOING SOMETHING about his REMOVAL??????????

    • @tinatots4801
      @tinatots4801 3 года назад


  • @davidii3895
    @davidii3895 5 лет назад

    It is going to be difficult gto get people to wake up and react to what just happened because most people do not read the WORD of GOD or meditate on HIS WORD and use their own minds and listen to Jesus voice. They have been taught to think and do like Calvary. Qe need to get rid of Darth Vaer from dancing the slow dance out in the lobby I take darth ona say get out of CALVry Chapel!!!!! You will not have 1 square incbh of this holy land get out before your own demons drag you out!!!

  • @polynesianarms
    @polynesianarms 5 лет назад

    Pastor Paul, are you doing another update on Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa? PLEASE do. Blessings, Gil & Sammi