  • Видео 16
  • Просмотров 5 206
Tariffs, Trump left wing economic policy
Tariffs, Trumps leftwing economic policy
A short video where I try to explain tariffs, how they work and why they often are considered good from a left-wing and national security perspective.
Просмотров: 137


Valget i USA, Trump og abortsaken.
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Kort om valget i USA, Trump, JD Vance, abortsaken og norske USA eksperter.
Valg i Storbritannia, det britiske valgsystem, Reform og Nigel Farage
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Valg i Storbritannia, det britiske valgsystem, Reform og Nigel Farage
13/14 års aldersgrense på smarttelefoner?
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NTNU professor Steinar Krokstad har tatt til orde for 16 års aldersgrense på smarttelefoner av hensyn til barn og unges psykiske helse. Jeg tror en aldersgrense kan være fornuftig. Vi må tørre å gå litt «baklengs» når vi har gått feil, og vi må gjøre det lettere for barn å være barn igjen.
Nations, states and nation states
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Nations, states and nation states
Flere nordmenn tross negative fødselsrater?
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Norske kvinner føder i snitt bare 1,4 barn per kvinne, men like vell så forventer SSB at befolkningen i Norge bare kommer til å øke i årene fremover. Dette skyldes først og fremst at folk lever lengre, samt innvandring. Hvor bærekraftig er en slik utvikling? Lektor og lokalpolitiker Chase Alexander Jordal
Why the UK should reinstate national service
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Hvorfor er jeg med i Senterpartiet?
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Demographic decline and economic incentives
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Demographic decline and economic incentives
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Ny valglov gjør det vanskeligere for små partier
Alle har godt av verneplikten
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Sp politiker og HV offiser Chase Alexander Jordal trekker frem argumenter for hvorfor alle har godt av verneplikt.
Nei til religiøse plagg i politiet
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Nei til religiøse plagg i politiet


  • @siljetobro5801
    @siljetobro5801 Месяц назад

    Hei chase ser deg på skolen

  • @EmilCorneliusStrand
    @EmilCorneliusStrand Месяц назад


  • @EmilCorneliusStrand
    @EmilCorneliusStrand Месяц назад


  • @ArthurKigen-de5ts
    @ArthurKigen-de5ts Месяц назад

    Strålende video👍😁🧌🦧🥜

  • @mrsevve1017
    @mrsevve1017 2 месяца назад

    Informativ og god video som alltid!

  • @martin.ellingsen
    @martin.ellingsen 2 месяца назад

    Måtte Chase Jordal få en fremtidig ministerpost <3

  • @alexhvass
    @alexhvass 2 месяца назад

    Flott video. Let’s go!

  • @martinjohansen4914
    @martinjohansen4914 2 месяца назад

    Godt sagt. Håper på flere videoer som går litt dypere fremover i likhet med den du hadde om stat vs nasjon vs nasjonalstat. Ha fortsatt lykke til med arbeidet :)

  • @passord1d493
    @passord1d493 2 месяца назад

    Eg likar dine video-easys.

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 2 месяца назад

      Takker, det enkle er ofte det beste!

  • @perperson199
    @perperson199 2 месяца назад

    God analyse, Chase.

  • @ArthurKigen-de5ts
    @ArthurKigen-de5ts 4 месяца назад

    Chase alexsander

  • @cookiemonster-uv6vs
    @cookiemonster-uv6vs 6 месяцев назад

    All parties had the same amount of time to prepare so that's not an excuse also 5 seats gives reform no power at all labour will not side with reform mps on anything they say because they are not right wing the tories will not side with reform on anything they say for revenge against farage calling them so do you and other reform supporters believe what you say or are you doing it for the attention farage literally chose to run in the most likely constituency to vote reform Ashfield with Lee Anderson was a last minute golden goose for reform a Christmas election as predicted would have far less voting reform rishi did reform a favour calling the ge so early after sacking Lee Anderson but as mentioned a seat of 5 gets no power if anything the 5 reform mps need to brown nose lib dem or tories to give any of their crazy manifesto promises a chance Lee Anderson will screw any chance of a alliance with other parties because he is a greedy idiot who talks bs it works on a small scale in his constituency appealing to the racists and swing voters there but will not work with educated and intelligent mps in Parliament so he got reform a seat but is more dangerous overall most politicians are in it for the money all reform mps are definitely in it for profit over actually caring for their constituents farage proved that by attacking the previous speaker of the house in his first speech instead of bringing up all his constituents needs and concerns regardless who they voted for I'm glad you voted regardless who for that's democracy but its always been a two horse race even with change it still be what needs to change is no more lobbying and donations or interaction with private companies and individuals then it becomes fair and we would definitely see the career politicians over the ones who actually care

  • @LaLaLoaded
    @LaLaLoaded 6 месяцев назад

    Having a topical picture on your laptop is a nice touch for your videos. I think your points and your first hand account gave a great lesson for those watching

  • @LaLaLoaded
    @LaLaLoaded 6 месяцев назад


  • @Paul-it2gu
    @Paul-it2gu 6 месяцев назад

    So true, from little acorns

  • @kevinmrn
    @kevinmrn 6 месяцев назад

    reform saying stupid things, just imagine.

  • @nikia737
    @nikia737 6 месяцев назад

    im 51.voted twice for lord such n the raving loonies... they made more sense ,even back then,i have no faith in government officials,its all fixed and i believe no votes are worth using as its rigged to give us the best liar of the bunch so they can retract any promises made cos its too hard to change atmo.give them a paycut to compliment their worthiness

  • @flippklippfan1234
    @flippklippfan1234 6 месяцев назад

    I don't think the other parties representative have said only wise things...For instance many labour representatives have difficulties with defining who is a woman....

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 6 месяцев назад

      @flippklippfan1234 hehe very true! But as I know from local politics, people who didn't expect to be elected can say and write things to great detriment to the party they represent. And given Reforms position, with all the media in the land after them, it wouldn't take much to tarnish peoples opinion of the party. Regardless, one Farage is worth 50 other MPs

  • @Alpha_Q_Up
    @Alpha_Q_Up 6 месяцев назад

    Well heads up despite what our press is telling you Trump is going to win in a landslide and I would bet the Republicans gain seats in both houses. Americans are finished with our "social experiment".

  • @TheTaygan
    @TheTaygan 6 месяцев назад

    It’s a foot the door…next five years will be interesting…reform were 2nd to Labour in a lot of places… so by elections good go their way

    • @cookiemonster-uv6vs
      @cookiemonster-uv6vs 6 месяцев назад

      A lot of places they won 5 seats compared to 412 and I believe only Ashfield was second for reform so one even with change of the voting process reform would still be in 4th place nationally

  • @theoilandgasresourceportal2132
    @theoilandgasresourceportal2132 6 месяцев назад

    Very good point

  • @martinjohansen4914
    @martinjohansen4914 6 месяцев назад

    Ettersom både Labour og Tories er liberalere (sådan venstre- og høyreliberalere, likt som AP og Høyre i Norge) vil det i praktisk ikke være noen ekte forskjell i mål eller metode brukt for å oppnå de målene den kommende perioden i forhold til de forrige. Sånn sett er det fort bra at Reform kun får noen få representanter nå når Labour uansett ville hatt styringen. Nå får jo Reform gode mulighet til å fronte seg som opposisjon og kan ikke i samme grad bli kalt medskyldige for hva enn Labour kommer til å gjøre for å fortsette Storbritannias fall de neste årene frem mot det neste valget. Litt relatert hadde det vært interessant å høre hva du mener om Reforms fremstilte politikk i en senere video Chase. Ha ellers lykke til og fortsett det gode arbeidet!

  • @bukowski3196
    @bukowski3196 7 месяцев назад

    Jeg tror britene liker at grooming gjengene tar døttrene deres. Håper på en overraskelse selfølgelig

  • @Goestohollywood-l8x
    @Goestohollywood-l8x 7 месяцев назад

    Stephen J Shaw har gjort mye bra på dette temaet. Det han drar frem er at mødre får like mange barn som før, men at graden av kvinner som aldri blir mødre øker. Savner mer informasjon til ungdom som gjør dem oppmerksome på at dersom de ikke har fått barn før 30 år, så er det faktisk 50% sjanse for at de ikke er fruktbare nok lengre til å få det. Bra at du snakker om dette. Dette må frem i samfunnsdebatten. Dette skjer jo over hele verden samtidig

  • @Goestohollywood-l8x
    @Goestohollywood-l8x 7 месяцев назад

    Syns det skal være 18 års grense jeg :)

  • @SonySamtron
    @SonySamtron 7 месяцев назад

    Helt enig, og bekymrer meg for hva denne tilgangen gjør med hjernen til disse barna. 12-14 høres fornuftig ut. Kanskje det kunne blitt en ungdomskole-ting, "nå er du litt mer voksen, så nå fortjener du noe ekstra". Hvis noe sånt hadde blitt innført ville jeg synes synd på foreldrene som må rive telefonen fra den avhengige 10-åringen da...

  • @MachineManGabb
    @MachineManGabb 7 месяцев назад

    Kort Svaret er ja, tilgang på smarttelefon og internett generelt burde begrenses til 12-14.

  • @torbjrnh.3275
    @torbjrnh.3275 7 месяцев назад

    Eg er heilt einig! Me røvar barndommen frå ungane våre. Det må me ha ein slutt på, og det hastar.

  • @parsifal-sp
    @parsifal-sp 7 месяцев назад

    Fantastic videos, Chase, but you need to fix your microphone!

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 7 месяцев назад

      Thank you! I'm just using an iPad atm. But hope to improve things over time

  • @passord1d493
    @passord1d493 7 месяцев назад

    Do you support a sami nation state?

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 7 месяцев назад

      No, i dont think it would be viable, and Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia would all have to give up territory and move their own citizens from the new Sami state.

    • @passord1d493
      @passord1d493 3 месяца назад

      @@CAjordal It can be a pluralistic sami nation state tho?

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 2 месяца назад

      @passord1d493 possibly, but I don't know what sort of nation state one would have if the "nation" is a minority in it's own state.

  • @passord1d493
    @passord1d493 7 месяцев назад


  • @erikkaareson6493
    @erikkaareson6493 7 месяцев назад

    Du er akkurat det Senterpartiet trenger nå. Veldig glad for at du er så modig og ærlig. Jeg er medlem av Senterpartiet av akkurat samme grunn som deg. Du har faktisk gitt meg ny tro på at jeg har meldt meg inn i rett parti. Tar det her i stedet for facebook, fordi ikke alt trenger å diskuteres mens man står midt i salaten. Men stituasjonen i verden og utviklingen i Norge og mange andre høyt utviklede land krever nå fokus på de primære samfunnsoppgavene og mere fokus på de eksistensielle tingene som har vært tatt for gitt eller regnet som gammeldags. Du har min fulle støtte i å ta tak i Overton-vinduet til SP og dra det rett inn forrandeg. Fordi det har vært en periode hvor en del medlemmer uten loggførte feltdøgn, har puffet Overton-vinduet alt for langt over i uansvarlig retning.

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 7 месяцев назад

      Takk for gode ord! Beklager at jeg ikke svarte, så dette først nå. Legg meg gjerne til på FB hvis du ikke alt har gjort det.

  • @Baardism
    @Baardism 8 месяцев назад

    Hvor ikke ord om det som i dag og på sikt helt klart mest truer norsk kultur og egenart, innvandringen?

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 8 месяцев назад

      Sparer det til en egen, lengre video, eventuelt til diskusjon neste gang jeg er hos Wolfgang Wee. Men beslutninger om å få økt kontroll på innvandring forutsetter nettopp suverenitet.

  • @per-ingejohnsen4718
    @per-ingejohnsen4718 8 месяцев назад


  • @TheJensss
    @TheJensss 8 месяцев назад

    En blanding av SP og FRP hadde vært tingen! Det Norge trenger er et langt mer liberalt regelverk, mer personlig frihet, bort med tulleforbud, unødvendig byråkrati og regelverk, mindre skatter og avgifter, mer satsning på norsk industri og norsk næringsliv, langt større investeringer i infrastruktur (bygge landet), strengere innvandringspolitikk og til slutt så trenger vi et regelverk hvor man faktisk får straff for alvorlig kriminalitet. Jeg er ikke interessert i at mine skattepenger skal brukes på velferd for terrorister, drapsmann, voldtektsmenn og andre mennesker som burde låses inne på en glattcelle for resten av livet. Jeg ønsker at pengene skal komme lovlydige borgere til gode.

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 8 месяцев назад

      Det er nok mange velgere som ligger i krysspunktet mellom Sp og FrP slik du beskriver!

  • @passord1d493
    @passord1d493 8 месяцев назад

    THe british empier has hadde lover that sayses it is nota allowed to have a army.

  • @passord1d493
    @passord1d493 8 месяцев назад

    FrP Ble motstandar av EU i 2016. FpU ble motstandar av EU i 2014. Unge venstre ble tilhengar av EU i 2000, Venstre ble tilhengar av EU i 2020? Coincience? i do not think so. KrF Var motstandar av EU fra 1989 ca i think?

  • @passord1d493
    @passord1d493 8 месяцев назад


  • @Tetrach_4
    @Tetrach_4 8 месяцев назад

    Terrible take. People dont whant to serve a government that clearly despice them so the answer should be forcing them in to the military? And if not the military the shared experience of being a delivery driver for Amazon is not going to build national unity. This is simply a cope and a distraction for what needs to be done. #AufslenderRaus

  • @jalapenguino3333
    @jalapenguino3333 8 месяцев назад

    Hey mate, not Norwegian but in general I agree that Western governments should focus more on economic incentives and supporting families. However, This is surely not the first time in history that birth rates have dropped so low, and I am sure that they will recover naturally in due time. Sometimes that's just how things be. Personally, I am getting kind of sick of all the fear mongering and the underlying political incentives, which are just causing me to take a more skeptical view. So what if some populations decline? If anything it will be a slow burn rather than instantaneous. But regardless, It can't be all negative. Like everything else in the world, there are ups and downs.

  • @vidsyn1261
    @vidsyn1261 8 месяцев назад

    Eg har tenkt at kanskje me burde verneplikt knyttet opp mot heimevernet i hvert fylke. Altså at folk avtjener verneplikt i det fylke de bor og lærer hvordan å forsvare fylket sitt samt lært hvordan de ulike fylkene kan samarbeide i ulike forsvarsscenarioer.. Du kunne opprettet forsvarsstrategier på nasjonalt og regionalt plan på den måte. Just my two cents

  • @vidsyn1261
    @vidsyn1261 8 месяцев назад

    I believe conscription or mandatory military service only makes sense if there are generous provisions for veteran care, compensation for injuries, a good pension, and similar services.

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 8 месяцев назад

      It would be the same as with a professional military. But with conscripts used defensively and professional units used for OOA operations. At least that is how it is in Norway.

  • @sid6576
    @sid6576 8 месяцев назад

    mr bean looking ahh

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 8 месяцев назад

      I will never be as well dressed as the bean.

  • @amirmichaelroyer
    @amirmichaelroyer 8 месяцев назад

    I think that Hungary has the right idea (and a somewhat more concrete program than Poland’s family program for example), but still, the gains have been relatively extremely modest in proportion to the funding and effort on the part of the Hungarian government. While it’s a good idea for Norway to adopt similar policies to try to stem the tide of population collapse, there are widespread non economic factors that I believe are too difficult to overcome without a societal shift.

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 8 месяцев назад

      True, but I think such political actions can start to help shift society

    • @amirmichaelroyer
      @amirmichaelroyer 8 месяцев назад

      @@CAjordalI’m curious, what is the current attitude towards such a policy among the political class vs the general public in Norway?

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 8 месяцев назад

      @@amirmichaelroyer Well, I would say that its shifting. When I suggested this policy on the @Wolfgangwee podcast, I soon got a rather good response. And now several parties, including my own, are looking at including this proposal in their parliamentary programs for the election next year. I think people are starting to see how bad the demographic situation is, and that importing new workers is not a viable option.

  • @De5chain
    @De5chain 8 месяцев назад

    I'm just wondering how on earth this got into my recommended videos. Well, thanks anyway - that was a good one.

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 8 месяцев назад

      Haha, the algorithm works in mysterious ways

  • @thodan467
    @thodan467 8 месяцев назад

    I do not believe the military as school of the nation holds any water. Also Russia and the Sowjetunion had been a classic demonstration, that militariy trained citicen are a danger to an abusing goverment But i believe that a citicen is a natural born defender of his people

  • @lc8199
    @lc8199 8 месяцев назад


  • @mrroger-t6m
    @mrroger-t6m 8 месяцев назад

    The majority of the world is not the norwegian military, imagine getting drafted to build a house for your liutenant while also gettting traumatized by your superiors due to the constant abuse. ALso no training because someone embezzled funds/ so you re not learning anthing , with a culture of backsatbbing and laziness. you re taking young people in their most profitable years and throwing their lifes into the quagmire

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 8 месяцев назад

      You could say the same things about a professional military in a country like that. But regardless I believe that a conscription-based military would be a great option for any high trust society.

    • @thodan467
      @thodan467 8 месяцев назад

      @@CAjordal The recruits of the "profesional" military volunteered at least for the Job

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 8 месяцев назад

      ​@thodan467 that can be debated. Don't alot of US soldiers enlist in order to pay for things such as education and health care, or as an option other than prison (if they still do that?). One could question how motivated they are. On the other hand many conscripts can also be highly motivated, at least as long as you don't have total conscription, because then you will be conscripting the most motivated individuals and the individuals you most need.

    • @thodan467
      @thodan467 8 месяцев назад

      @@CAjordal I rather doubt US soldier do build the private houses of their subaltern officers. US soldiers are not the only ones that get educational benefits

  • @ImSomethingSpecial
    @ImSomethingSpecial 8 месяцев назад

    I'm a U.S Navy veteran. When I visited Finland I was actually quite impressed at how well put together the men are. All of them, even the ones who haven't done their service yet, were well-disciplined and competent. I asked the men my age, I'm 22, what they thought of it and they were all very supportive of it. It didn't matter that none of them wanted to actually do it, their country's defence came first. That is extremely respectable in my eyes. In relation to the U.S if we brought back conscription I think it would have to be at a way smaller scale and remain selective. The decision would be extremely unpopular on both ends of our political aisle and I've said this to many people before: We'd have to send a lot of people to fat camp before boot camp. This also raises the question of military pay and benefits in the U.S. We complained constantly about the horrible pay and despite the fact our healthcare was free the quality was horrible. We also got access to free college education and various other benefits. There would for sure have to be a change in what we call a veteran and these benefits would have to be entirely overhauled to consider what should go to conscripts vs volunteers. I think these issues could be avoided if a hypothetical conscription was somewhat limited in scale and not just every man or woman. On the end of our military itself, our generals and admirals have expressed a desire to avoid going back to a draft at all costs. Whilst I never served with other nation's navies I do know sailors who have and they expressed conscripts make for extremely unmotivated and hard to work with troops. There just isn't a desire to have conscription within the military itself.

    • @thodan467
      @thodan467 8 месяцев назад

      depends on the legitimacy of the conscription, the treatment of the conscrpts and and the quality of leadership

  • @nielsleot7039
    @nielsleot7039 8 месяцев назад

    Yo Chase, er det ikke de samme miljøene som konstant gneldrer om at Norge må være religiøst nøytral (anti kristent) som også forsøker å få religiøse symboler, (Hijab m.m) inn på uniformen til purken? Jo.

    • @CAjordal
      @CAjordal 8 месяцев назад

      Ja, det er merkelig det.