Vedic Astrology Through Animations
Vedic Astrology Through Animations
  • Видео 14
  • Просмотров 1 078 467
Adhika and Kshaya Masa in Detail | Indian calendar system | Animated
This video explains the concept of the calendar system of Sanatana Dharma and introduces Adhika masa (Intercalary Month) and Kshaya masa (Deletory Month) with the help of animation. It gives insight into why they are necessary and how they are decided. This video explains:
1. The Indian calendar system of Sanatana Dharma
2. What are solar and lunar months?
3. Why are some months shorter and some months longer?
4. What are Amanta and Purnimanta months?
5. What is Adhika masa (Intercalaray month)?
6. What is Kshaya masa (Deletory month)?
7. Why are months sometimes repeated or skipped?
8. Why are adhika and kshaya masa needed?
9. How to calculate the adhika and kshaya masa?
10. Some statistical facts...
Просмотров: 25 740


What is a Birth Chart (Kundli) | A Detailed Study | Animated
Просмотров 60 тыс.Год назад
This video explains the concept of Kundli (Birth Chart) and how it is derived from the actual positions of the planets in the heavens with the help of animation. It gives insight into why the Kundli (Birth chart) are drawn the way they are drawn. This video explains: 1. What is a Kundli or Birth chart? 2. What is the basis of birth chart? 3. How is Planetary Position recorded in the Birth Chart...
Topic for Next Video by Poll Result
Просмотров 3,5 тыс.2 года назад
Thank you for participating in the poll and choosing the topic for the next Video. Here are the results! Stay tuned for the video.
Classification of Vedic Astrology
Просмотров 33 тыс.2 года назад
Classification of Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha) Links to some of the books are at the bottom of the description. This video explains the different dimensions of Vedic Astrology and its classifications (Skandas). It also discusses the main classical books relating to each of these classifications (Skandas). This video explains: 1. How is Vedic Astrology Classified? 2. What are the different areas a...
Nakshatras in Detail | Animated |
Просмотров 261 тыс.3 года назад
This video explains the concept of Nakshatras and their divisions in detail with the help of animation. It gives a distinction between the zodiac signs, the Nakshatras, and the Padas. There is also a story about Nakshatras at the end of the video. This video explains: 1. What are Nakshatras? 2. What is the basis of the division of the sky into Nakshatra? 3. What is the importance of the moon in...
What is the Rising sign | Ascendant | Lagna . Complete ANIMATED description.
Просмотров 77 тыс.3 года назад
Complete Description of The Rising sign | Ascendant | Lagna ASCENDANT ( Also called, THE RISING SIGN or THE ASCENDING SIGN or THE ASCENDANT SIGN or THE ASCENDING STAR SIGN or LAGN or LAGAN ) forms a backbone to almost every concept in Vedic-Astrology. This video provides a complete visual description of it through a simple and easy-to-follow animation clip. This video contains: 1. The conceptua...
Sidereal vs Synodic Month in Hindi | साइडेरियल (नक्षत्र) और साइनोडिक (तिथि ) चन्द्र महिने क्या है |
Просмотров 22 тыс.4 года назад
Sidereal vs Synodic Month in Hindi | साइडेरियल (नक्षत्र) और साइनोडिक (तिथि ) चन्द्र महिने क्या है | यह Sidereal और Synodic Lunar महीनों (नक्षत्र और तिथि चन्द्र मास) के बीच प्रमु अंतर का एक संक्षिप्त एनिमेटेड विवरण है। यह वीडियो इन दोनों के बीच वैचारिक परिभाषा और मूलभूत अंतर को स्पष्ट करता है। इस वीडियो में है: 1. साइडेरियल और साइनोडिक चन्द्र महीनों की वैचारिक परिभाषा। 2. साइडेरियल और साइनोडिक च...
Sidereal vs Synodic Lunar Months | Animated Explanation | In under 4 Minutes
Просмотров 83 тыс.4 года назад
Sidereal vs Synodic Lunar months | An animated Description | In under 4 Minutes This is a short animated description of the major difference between Sidereal and Synodic Lunar months. This video explains the conceptual definition and fundamental difference between these two. This video contains: 1. The conceptual definition of sidereal and syndic Lunar months. 2. The fundamental difference betw...
Vedic Vs Western Astrology | An animated Description
Просмотров 130 тыс.4 года назад
Vedic Vs Western Astrology | An animated Description. This is a short animated description of the major difference between Vedic (Hindu) and Western Astrology. Although there are many differences between this two astrology, this video explains the most fundamental difference between these two. This video contains: 1. The basic working of astrology 2. What is the sidereal and tropical zodiac? 3....
The astrological reason behind the sequence of weekdays | English Subbed |
Просмотров 37 тыс.4 года назад
ग्रहों की होरा प्रणाली और दिन के क्रम | Planetary Hora system | वैदिक शास्त्र मे होरा प्रणाली | इस एनिमेटेड वीडियो में वैदिक होरा प्रणाली की व्याख्या की गई है और हप्ते में हिन्दू दिनों के क्रम घटित करने में उसके द्वारा निर्वाह कि गई भूमिका के बारे में बताया गया है। इस वीडियो में निम्नलिखित बातें बताई गई हैं: १. सप्ताह में दिनों के नाम और ग्रहों के बीच का संबंध। २. गति के आधार पर ग्रहों का क्रम।...
Rahu aur Ketu kya hote hain. What are Rahu and Ketu. (Animation)
Просмотров 40 тыс.4 года назад
राहु और केतु क्या होते है । (Rahu aur Ketu kya hote hain. What are Rahu and Ketu) राहु और केतु, जिन्हें क्रमशः उत्तर और दक्षिण चंद्र नोड्स के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, प्रचलित शब्द हैं जो वैदिक ज्योतिष प्रणाली (भारतीय ज्योतिष) में अक्सर उल्लिखित होते हैं। उनकी परिभाषाओं को इस लघु एनिमेटेड क्लिप के द्वारा आसानी से समझें । यह सौर मंडल का एक सरल चित्रण है। ये पैमाने और अनुपात के अनुसार नहीं है और स...
What is Planetary Retrograde. A Complete Description. (In under 3 minutes).
Просмотров 110 тыс.4 года назад
Video on Rahu and Ketu :видео.html What is Planetary Retrograde (In under 3 minutes). A Complete Description. You might have heard someone say "Mercury retrograde" or "Mars Retrograde" and wondered what they meant. Planetary Retrograde is an important astronomical phenomenon that also plays a prominent role in Vedic-Astrology. This video provides a complete visual...
What are Rahu and Ketu in under 2 minutes (Animation)
Просмотров 190 тыс.4 года назад
Rahu and Ketu, also known respectively as North and South Lunar Nodes, are common terms that are used frequently in the Vedic Astrology system ( Vedic Jyotish). Understand their astronomical definitions through this easy-to-understand short animated clip. This is a simple illustration of the Solar System. It not according to scale and proportion and is simplified for the purpose of clearer desc...


  • @einsteinwallah2
    @einsteinwallah2 13 часов назад

    6:45 since orbital plane of moon is at an angle ... is it the angle between sun and moon used or some other angle (like for example perpendicular from moon to sun's orbital plane)?

  • @SKumar-ts9ei
    @SKumar-ts9ei 20 часов назад

    बहुत खूब इतने सरल और सुरुचिपूर्ण तरीके से समझाने के लिये। सबसे पहली बार जब होरा असाइन किया जाता है तो क्या उसका कोई लॉजिक होता है या आर्बिट्रेरी है? क्यूंकी आपने कहा "मान लीजिए कि सूर्योदय के समय फला होरा चल रहा था" मेरा प्रश्न है क्या यह मानने का कोई आधार है?

  • @madhubhatia9394
    @madhubhatia9394 День назад

    i think the sidereal month takes 27 days 7 hours and 43 mins and synodic takes 29 days 12 hours and 44mins.

  • @sreekrishna1541
    @sreekrishna1541 2 дня назад

    Good. I am not able to follow as my knowledge of english is low. Give presentation in tamil language.

  • @vjsreee
    @vjsreee 2 дня назад

    Why the background noise

  • @TruelyIndian1947
    @TruelyIndian1947 2 дня назад

    Commendable approach

  • @flyhighdp
    @flyhighdp 3 дня назад

    Mula means centre. How come they knew position of glactic centre? 😢

  • @astropratitkhanal5914
    @astropratitkhanal5914 3 дня назад

    this is absolutely an outstanding animation for astro learners like me thnak you for your work mam🙏🙏

  • @WinteradoFF
    @WinteradoFF 4 дня назад

    Very informative 😊

  • @onlinesaidasa9105
    @onlinesaidasa9105 4 дня назад

    Namaste Brihad Samhita by Shri Varahamihira provides deep insights into nakshatras

  • @mahendrapathak1661
    @mahendrapathak1661 6 дней назад

    This is very confusing and perhaps incorrect. Did you mean to say that in one night we can see all the twelve constellations? But we should only be able to see half of them or less as the sun is on the other side. Isn't it?

  • @vanshdave4962
    @vanshdave4962 7 дней назад

    Why have you stopped making videos??

  • @darlinganuja
    @darlinganuja 7 дней назад

    as all planets are moving in one plane and center of kundali is earth, first bhava or lagna is east and seventh bhava is west is ok. but axis of earth shows north and south which is 23 1/2 deg. to the ecliptic plane. fourth bhava as a north and tenth bhava as a south is wrong.

  • @karthikrajavb2134
    @karthikrajavb2134 8 дней назад

    Can u pls make the orbits with elliptical track, shown video is with circular track

  • @vinodsharma-pf6es
    @vinodsharma-pf6es 8 дней назад

    Please aur videos load kare

    @RESEARCHINGMINDS 9 дней назад

    And that's the reason they use *sun sign* and give importance to that.

  • @Subhajit1703
    @Subhajit1703 9 дней назад

    Best Explanation 😍❤

  • @Subhajit1703
    @Subhajit1703 9 дней назад

    Easiest explanation thank you ❤

  • @PushyamitrShunga
    @PushyamitrShunga 11 дней назад


  • @himanshusojitra1
    @himanshusojitra1 11 дней назад

    हिंदी में बोल।

  • @MsXu
    @MsXu 11 дней назад


  • @AshokThakwani
    @AshokThakwani 12 дней назад

    Pl do a video on sadi sati

  • @balamurali4477
    @balamurali4477 14 дней назад

    Can you explain how we have Rahu Kaal every day?

  • @happyrajvk
    @happyrajvk 14 дней назад

    In modern science, Rahu is dark matter and Ketu is comet (धूमकेतू).

  • @राजन्यसिंहवर्मा

    जब सर्वप्रथम वासर ( वार ) प्रारम्भ किए गए थे तो प्रथमहोरा का आधार क्या था सप्रमाण बताएँ।।

  • @prabinpanda2882
    @prabinpanda2882 15 дней назад

    Very very beautiful

  • @paramanandchandawarkar2046
    @paramanandchandawarkar2046 16 дней назад

    Regarding Rahu and Ketu I have my own statements come on discuss let all of us know our ancient science invented and placed in front of us in Sanskrut Language 👍👍👍👍

  • @ashishtrivedi6426
    @ashishtrivedi6426 16 дней назад

    How east and west are decided it's with rest to ?

  • @asmithande
    @asmithande 18 дней назад


  • @honeyichplani
    @honeyichplani 18 дней назад

    Grt efforts 👏👏👏👏👏 Thank you

  • @neetisaini161
    @neetisaini161 18 дней назад

    Wow astronomy meets astrology.... how intelligent our ancestors were 👍

  • @achofriedman9585
    @achofriedman9585 18 дней назад

    Most beautiful explanation ever🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @malaydas3614
    @malaydas3614 18 дней назад

    Very much clarified and simplified video on a very complex topic. Thanks a lot

  • @harshaunknown
    @harshaunknown 18 дней назад

    Thank you

  • @harshaunknown
    @harshaunknown 18 дней назад

    Thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏

  • @minotikala
    @minotikala 19 дней назад

    Simply and beautifully explained.

  • @hmallik12345
    @hmallik12345 19 дней назад

    Just fabulous ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @harshaunknown
    @harshaunknown 20 дней назад

    Thank you ❤

  • @harshaunknown
    @harshaunknown 20 дней назад

    Super thank you

  • @vishnuvardhandwarampudi1607
    @vishnuvardhandwarampudi1607 20 дней назад

    Great videos 👏👏

  • @MusicTheMagic
    @MusicTheMagic 21 день назад

    Fantastic content. You have made us understand in an easy way. Thanks a lot for the genuine content.❤

  • @MusicTheMagic
    @MusicTheMagic 21 день назад

    Wow very informative video ❤

  • @MusicTheMagic
    @MusicTheMagic 21 день назад

    Nice 👍

  • @Proacceptable
    @Proacceptable 21 день назад

    Thank you

  • @Diwane_Mahakaal_5666
    @Diwane_Mahakaal_5666 22 дня назад

    Aur video banaye

  • @unaluv88
    @unaluv88 23 дня назад

    Very clearly explained 🙏❤️‍🔥

  • @stronzer59
    @stronzer59 23 дня назад

    Bravo so clearly explained 10/10

  • @sridhard4002
    @sridhard4002 25 дней назад

    Brilliant thanks 🙏🙏🙏

  • @B01B02
    @B01B02 25 дней назад

    Graphics are very good. It might have been explained in detail and about eclipse.