Massive Bio
Massive Bio
  • Видео 146
  • Просмотров 1 148 146
Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs: Risiken, Symptome und Fortschritte in der Behandlung
Tauchen Sie in die Komplexität des Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebses ein, eine heimtückische Krankheit, die tief in unserem Verdauungssystem lauert, in diesem aufschlussreichen Video. Verstehen Sie die vitale Rolle der Bauchspeicheldrüse in unserem Stoffwechsel und die Herausforderungen, die dieser formidable Krebs stellt. Erfahren Sie mehr über seine Verbreitung, die zu beobachtenden Anzeichen und die lebenswichtige Bedeutung der Früherkennung.
▬ Inhalte dieses Videos ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
00:00 - Einführung
00:29 - Die Bauchspeicheldrüse und ihre Rolle in Ihrem Körper.
00:43 - Verständnis von Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs.
01:08 - Was führt zu Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs? Diskussion der Risikofaktoren.
01:28 - Erkenne...
Просмотров: 28


Blasenkrebs erklärt: Symptome, Risiken und hoffnungsvolle Behandlungen
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Entdecken Sie die Realitäten von Blasenkrebs in unserem umfassenden Leitfaden, der die Komplexitäten dieser oft übersehenen Erkrankung beleuchtet. Von den ersten Symptomen bis zu innovativen Behandlungen bieten wir Klarheit und Einblicke in eine Krankheit, die im subtilen Bereich der Blasenauskleidung beginnt. Dieser Bildungsbeitrag ist Teil unserer Serie "Von der Diagnose zur Behandlung", die ...
Geheimnisse des Gallentraktkrebses: Tiefblick in das Cholangiokarzinom
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Cosa sono i biomarcatori? (Opzioni di trattamento per il cancro)
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Esplorando il Colangiocarcinoma: Misteri del Cancro Biliare
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Revolutionize Your Referrals with CLINICAL NETWORK by Massive Bio
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Find the perfect clinical trial match in seconds: Discover how the Massive Bio Clinical Network is revolutionizing the way physicians find and refer patients to clinical trials. Our new AI-powered platform, led by Dr. Arturo AI, simplifies the trial matching process, providing a faster and more accurate way to connect patients with the best treatment options. Wi...
Revolutionizing Physician Targeting with Duo: The Drug Utilization Optimizer by Massive Bio
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Discover Duo, the Drug Utilization Optimizer by Massive Bio-a groundbreaking AI-powered platform transforming how pharmaceutical companies target physicians. By integrating consented patient data with physician profiles, Duo delivers timely, actionable insights that ensure precise physician targeting and better sales outcomes. ✔️ Real-time notifications of cases and physician insights ✔️ Compre...
Massive Bio 2024: Progress, Growth, and Vision
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Understanding Ovarian and Cancer Clinical Trials with Massive Bio
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Ovarian cancer is a serious health concern, with over 60 women diagnosed every day. This silent yet deadly cancer often goes undetected until its later stages, making early detection critical. In this in-depth documentary, we delve into the science behind ovarian cancer, exploring its causes, risk factors, and symptoms to help you stay informed and proactive. At Massive Bio, we are committed to...
Desvelando los Misterios del Cáncer del Tracto Biliar: Un Análisis Profundo del Colangiocarcinoma
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Desvelando los Misterios del Cáncer del Tracto Biliar: Un Análisis Profundo del Colangiocarcinoma
Cáncer de Páncreas: Riesgos, Síntomas y Avances en el Tratamiento
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Cáncer de Páncreas: Riesgos, Síntomas y Avances en el Tratamiento
Understanding Amyloidosis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
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Understanding Amyloidosis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Stefano Ronchetti Shares Massive Bio's Vision at @satagroup-italy ECM Event
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Stefano Ronchetti Shares Massive Bio's Vision at @satagroup-italy ECM Event
AI and Cancer Care: Dr. Arturo Loaiza-Bonilla at Advancing Precision Medicine 2024
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AI and Cancer Care: Dr. Arturo Loaiza-Bonilla at Advancing Precision Medicine 2024
Was sind Biomarker? (Behandlungsoptionen bei Krebs)
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Was sind Biomarker? (Behandlungsoptionen bei Krebs)
¿Qué son los biomarcadores? (Opciones de tratamiento para el cáncer)
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¿Qué son los biomarcadores? (Opciones de tratamiento para el cáncer)
Explicación del cáncer de vejiga: Síntomas, riesgos y tratamientos esperanzadores
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Explicación del cáncer de vejiga: Síntomas, riesgos y tratamientos esperanzadores
Understanding Urothelial Cancer: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatments
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Understanding Urothelial Cancer: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatments
Understanding Prostate Cancer: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Clinical Trial Options
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Understanding Prostate Cancer: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Clinical Trial Options
El Cáncer de Mama Explicado: Síntomas, Causas, Tratamiento y Más
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Esperanza en la Curación: Avances en el Tratamiento del Cáncer Infantil
Unveiling the Mysteries of Biliary Tract Cancer: A Deep Dive into Cholangiocarcinoma
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Unveiling the Mysteries of Biliary Tract Cancer: A Deep Dive into Cholangiocarcinoma
Brian O'Sullivan's Battle with Mantle Cell Lymphoma: A Hopeful Journey through Clinical Trials
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Brian O'Sullivan's Battle with Mantle Cell Lymphoma: A Hopeful Journey through Clinical Trials
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Quelles sont les Options : Cancer du Poumon et Cancer du Poumon Non à Petites Cellules
Exploration des options de traitement du lymphome
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Exploration des options de traitement du lymphome
Quali sono le Opzioni: Cancro al Polmone e Cancro al Polmone Non a Piccole Cellule
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Quali sono le Opzioni: Cancro al Polmone e Cancro al Polmone Non a Piccole Cellule
Entschlüsselung des Multiplen Myeloms: Von den Ursachen zur Behandlung
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Entschlüsselung des Multiplen Myeloms: Von den Ursachen zur Behandlung
Ist Myelofibrose-Krebs heilbar?
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Ist Myelofibrose-Krebs heilbar?


  • @crmbonnici
    @crmbonnici 13 дней назад

    my son unlucky get it age of 23

  • @avelinapesebre353
    @avelinapesebre353 17 дней назад

    Is it Myeloma a curable thank u for the responce

  • @adrianpena8768
    @adrianpena8768 27 дней назад

    Does this include Glioblatoma?

  • @RickCatalano513
    @RickCatalano513 Месяц назад

    12:00 A.M.

  • @amanecequenosespoco3004
    @amanecequenosespoco3004 Месяц назад

    Buenas tardes a todos 💕 Escribo esto tras perder a mi madre hace sólo dos semanas por colangiocarcinoma extra hepático después de cuatro años y pico tras el diagnóstico y entrada en quirófano por obstrucción en conducto biliar extra hepático (se puso amarilla en cuestión de días, así empezó todo). La vida nos ha puesto su caso delante y me gustaría ser honesta conmigo misma y con los demás, porque tener la información clara me parece crucial para los que rodeamos al paciente: por él y por nosotros. 1.- A día de hoy, no hay diagnóstico precoz ni cura. Hay cirugía y tratamientos invasivos para alargar su vida, aunque en ningún momento volverá a estar como estuvo previamente: "Volver a llevar una vida normal no es precisamente lo que permitió una cirugía de entre 5 y 9 horas de recorte orgánico y reconducción artificial de algunos conductos, menos aún si a esto le sumamos que las células malignas siguen carcomiendo paredes de conductos a sus anchas debilitándole en un 30% y un 70% de su energía vital para el resto de su proceso oncológico hasta su consumo total (fallecimiento). 2. Si entró a cirugía por obstrucción en vía biliar, en la mayoría de los casos su aparato digestivo estará ya invadido de micro células malignas agrupadas o sin agruparse, tal como confirmarán las biopsias tanto de las partes extraídas como de las que se quedan antes de cerrar. Esto querrá decir, que estas células ya estaban y seguirán consumiendo su aparato digestivo (el hígado también está incluido) en una media de entre 3 y 5 años tras la cirugía que se le practicó para eliminar aquella agrupación de células malignas inicial y que obstruyó la vía biliar por la que fue a urgencias "tras ponerse amarillo". 3. La radioterapia al cabo de algunos meses, ayudará a reducir las nuevas pequeñas formaciones que vayan surgiendo... pero no olvidemos que las células de este tipo de cáncer, van convirtiendo las paredes de los conductos en papel de fumar, por lo que la radioterapia podría directamente destruir cualquier conducto sólo con tocarlo. 4. Organízate asumiendo que necesitará, tras la cirugía inicial, atención 24 horas durante aproximadamente 2 o 3 meses (recuerda que los hospitales NO prestan esta asistencia y va a necesitarla). Una vez que le den "el alta" (pasadas muchas semanas) seguirás necesitando asistencia 24 horas en el domicilio; las residencias tampoco son una opción en estos casos. Ahora que tienes la información de primerísima mano, podrás gestionar tu tiempo, tus emociones y tus decisiones junto con las suyas, desde la información y no desde el desconocimiento o el miedo. Será un largo camino y de algo hay que morir, pero al menos ahora puedes organizar tus pasos a su lado desde la calma que da tener la información de alguien que ha pasado por lo mismo desde el otro lado, el de la familia. Algunos pacientes lo asumen y otros no, mi madre era tremendamente optimista y ha sido un gran ejemplo de cómo llevar una enfermedad como esta. Sin embargo, y a pesar de haber sido enfermera, nunca reconoció estar enferma. Su lema siempre fue: "no hay enfermedades sino enfermos" y fue fiel a él hasta sus últimos días. Para ella, la invasión corporal de un cáncer forma parte del riesgo de estar vivos y no hay un ganador ni un perdedor. Ánimo para todos con la investigación, con mi madre y muchos más, hemos llegado tarde, pero estoy segura de que algún día podremos revertir este destructivo comportamiento de las células, frenar el proceso y hasta sanar al paciente. * Tampoco ha habido tratamiento personalizado compatible con las muestras de ella que se enviaron a la Fundación Jiménez Díaz (espero que les hayan servido para algo). ** Ella rechazó la quimio por la poca energía que le dejaba el propio cáncer y más en aparato digestivo... (incluso las pastillas de quimio fueron peor que el propio cáncer y decidió que "ni una más") Un abrazo a todos, gracias por el vídeo y la dedicación que habéis puesto en ello.

  • @Calahonda2
    @Calahonda2 Месяц назад

    Muy util, gracias por la información

  • @ppositive4838
    @ppositive4838 Месяц назад

    4 years back i diagnosed with hogykin lymphoma but now alhamdulillah i'm cancer free after getting chemotherapy from shoukat khanum lahore Pakistan 🇵🇰 ❤️

  • @Thatsabignope
    @Thatsabignope 2 месяца назад

    Brian, we are FB friends. You have been in my prayers and lately on my mind and I ran across this video. Praying you are still doing so well. Testimony of keeping the Faith. 🙏🏻 Thank you for this testimony. I'm grateful. ❤

    • @Thatsabignope
      @Thatsabignope 2 месяца назад

      And I hope you are still answering Santa letters. Jesus Loves YOU! Amazing!!!

    • @Brians_Journey
      @Brians_Journey 2 месяца назад

      I haven’t done the Santa letters in a while, I should start again, thanks for the kind words and for being on my journey ❤

  • @lovelymango5379
    @lovelymango5379 2 месяца назад

    I am fighting with Myelofibrosis more than 1 year I am taking Jakafi and so many other medicines. my Conditions going down and feels very weak . This Cancer Curable ? .

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 2 месяца назад

      We're sorry to hear about the challenges you're facing. Please visit our website at to explore options for clinical trials. We're here to support you.

    • @mailin001
      @mailin001 Месяц назад

      only with stem cell transplant

    • @ramrachure9968
      @ramrachure9968 18 дней назад

      ​@@mailin001but doctor said it's risky. Are u sure that Transplant can help.

  • @elpibeheyzoos
    @elpibeheyzoos 2 месяца назад

    Currently undergoing testing for lymphoma. Has my first neck biopsy through FNA. Definitely hoping for the best here

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 2 месяца назад

      Thank you for sharing your journey with us. We’re here to support you during this time. Please visit our website at to learn more about resources and clinical trial options. Wishing you strength and the best possible outcome.

  • @Brians_Journey
    @Brians_Journey 2 месяца назад

    Thanks Massive Bio for helping my brothers and sisters heal by connecting us with clinical trials at no cost to the patient ❤

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 2 месяца назад

      We’re honored to support you and your loved ones in finding the right clinical trials. Our mission is to make these resources accessible to everyone. Wishing you and your family continued strength and healing!

  • @JoIn-y5s
    @JoIn-y5s 2 месяца назад

    I do not wish my story on anyone. I unknowingly caught HEP C in the military. It wasn't until 2000 that I found out. At the time, there was no cure. In 2012 I was cured but the damage was done. I had liver cancer. This story has followed me for 3/4 of my adult life. I try and try to fight but it wears on you and then you just give up for a time so you can fight again.

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 2 месяца назад

      Thank you for sharing your story. Your resilience and determination are inspiring. Please know that you’re not alone in this fight. If you’re exploring options for clinical trials or additional support, feel free to visit our website at or call us at +1 844 627 7246. We're here to support you every step of the way.

    • @sadiarana7518
      @sadiarana7518 Месяц назад

      Can you tell me more about your disease,my father got tumor in his liver,and doctor said its not operatable,and no any chemo is solution for it,we are in greif

  • @Yippie_Antartica
    @Yippie_Antartica 2 месяца назад


  • @mayooris8318
    @mayooris8318 3 месяца назад

    Adeno carcinoma liver cancer curable or not? Plz 🙏🏼reply

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 2 месяца назад

      We’re here to support and care for you during this challenging time. If you’d like more information or assistance, please visit our website at or contact us at +1 844 627 7246. Our team is here for you.

  • @Palma551
    @Palma551 3 месяца назад

    A társamnál 67 éves most vették észre Valaki tudna segíteni,hogy csak gyógyszer kezelés lehetséges az ő esetében a kor miatt?😟köszönöm

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 2 месяца назад

      Megértjük, milyen nehéz időszakon mehet keresztül Ön és társa. Ha további információra vagy támogatásra van szüksége, kérjük, látogasson el weboldalunkra:, vagy lépjen kapcsolatba velünk a +1 844 627 7246-os telefonszámon. Azért vagyunk itt, hogy segítsünk és támogassuk Önöket.

  • @Calahonda2
    @Calahonda2 4 месяца назад

    Gracias por la explicación

  • @Calahonda2
    @Calahonda2 4 месяца назад

    Gracias por la explicación

  • @Calahonda2
    @Calahonda2 4 месяца назад

    Gracias por el video

  • @Calahonda2
    @Calahonda2 4 месяца назад

    buena explicación, gracias

  • @Calahonda2
    @Calahonda2 4 месяца назад

    gracias por la explicación

  • @Calahonda2
    @Calahonda2 4 месяца назад

    Gracias por el video

  • @Calahonda2
    @Calahonda2 4 месяца назад

    Gracias por la explicación

  • @Calahonda2
    @Calahonda2 4 месяца назад

    muy bien explicado, gracias

  • @Calahonda2
    @Calahonda2 4 месяца назад

    Muy bien explicado, gracias

  • @Calahonda2
    @Calahonda2 4 месяца назад

    Gracias por el video

  • @Calahonda2
    @Calahonda2 4 месяца назад

    muy bien explicado, gracias

  • @Calahonda2
    @Calahonda2 4 месяца назад

    muy buena explicación, gracias

  • @chelonndaseroyer8998
    @chelonndaseroyer8998 4 месяца назад

    This is such an important session. Because it is overwhelming trying to find a progressive oncologist willing to work with other institutions to save my husband’s life!

  • @chelonndaseroyer8998
    @chelonndaseroyer8998 4 месяца назад

    Yes! We would like to connect with Brian please!

  • @HasanKamiş-j2r
    @HasanKamiş-j2r 4 месяца назад


  • @wendyhumphreystebbutt5782
    @wendyhumphreystebbutt5782 4 месяца назад

    Fabulous! I had MGUS for 5 years and I’ve just been diagnosed with MM, so I found your interview very interesting and useful. Yours in Gratitude

  • @LisaChoh
    @LisaChoh 4 месяца назад

    Wowza!!!❤😮What a moat Timely Amazing Video you made for us!!! I can't THANK YOU ENOUGH DEARES'T BRIAN!!!! We found out 4 months ago that my Husband has stage 4 Mantle cell Lymphoma Cancer. So glad i came across your wonderful video and gave a listen. 🎶 👂We definitely have a Sense of RENEWED HOPE TODAY!! GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY BRIAN..XO LISA CHOH👏 🤩 👌 🙌

    • @Brians_Journey
      @Brians_Journey Месяц назад

      I’m here for you both. Thank you for the kind words. Please reach out

  • @angelapolster3308
    @angelapolster3308 4 месяца назад

    In my mind, I am already healed.

    • @Brians_Journey
      @Brians_Journey 2 месяца назад

      I’m always here for you as well

  • @Alienseaofme
    @Alienseaofme 5 месяцев назад

    Whatever they are can they feck off and leave me alone!

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you for sharing your feelings. We understand how overwhelming this can be. If you need support or have questions, we're here to help. You can reach out to us anytime at or call us at +1-844-627-7246.

    • @Alienseaofme
      @Alienseaofme 5 месяцев назад

      @@MassiveBio Thank you. Apologies for my human response to a debilitating disease. Much appreciated.

  • @justme3184
    @justme3184 5 месяцев назад

    Hepatic steatosis versus hepatucellular disease is this cancer?

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 5 месяцев назад

      Hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) and hepatocellular disease refer to different liver conditions, but neither term specifically means cancer. It's best to consult with a doctor to understand these conditions and their implications fully. They can provide you with the most accurate information based on your medical history.

    • @justme3184
      @justme3184 5 месяцев назад

      @@MassiveBio thanks for your response. I had a telephone dr’s appointment yesterday with my primary physician she didn’t think that’s serious. I am a breast cancer survivor so my dr’s answer wasn’t very clear to me I will be talking about this with my oncologist next week

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 5 месяцев назад

      We're very glad to hear that you're doing well, and we're happy that you shared the update with us. We wish you happy and healthy days ahead.

  • @claudinaangelino1847
    @claudinaangelino1847 6 месяцев назад


  • @sambrown8578
    @sambrown8578 6 месяцев назад

    My father has the early stages of Liver cancer and we would like to see if some new German medications will work. We are not able to try this drug here in the States. . Hepa Metz is this something you do? I'm interested in information

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 6 месяцев назад

      We wish your father a speedy recovery. You can obtain all the information you need from our Patient Relations Coordinator. You can reach us by calling the number below: +1 844 627 7246 Alternatively, you can visit our website, fill out the form, and give your permission for our Patient Relations Coordinator to call you: Wishing you healthy and cancer-free days ahead.

  • @ericahorton1300
    @ericahorton1300 6 месяцев назад

    I have 2 fatty lumps do I need to have them removed

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 6 месяцев назад

      It's best to consult a healthcare professional regarding the fatty lumps. They can then determine if removal is necessary or if monitoring the lumps is sufficient. If you have any concerns about cancer, it's especially important to seek medical advice promptly. Only a healthcare professional can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend the appropriate course of action.

  • @FarahKhazi-pl8nj
    @FarahKhazi-pl8nj 6 месяцев назад

    ❤Amazing talk.

  • @philipcoffman4372
    @philipcoffman4372 6 месяцев назад

    I would love to be in your trials . I have one tumor of 6 cm and I’m very healthy otherwise.

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 6 месяцев назад

      We'd love to support you thought your journey. You can obtain all the information you need from our Patient Relations Coordinator. You can reach us by calling the number below: +1 844 627 7246 Alternatively, you can visit our website, fill out the form, and give your permission for our Patient Relations Coordinator to call you: Wishing you healthy and cancer-free days ahead.

  • @mrhappy9911
    @mrhappy9911 6 месяцев назад

    How long will it take to get these clinically trialled drugs be available And is it possible to get access to these drugs through a trial?

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 6 месяцев назад

      Thanks for your message. We would be happy to help. You can learn more about available cancer treatment options and clinical trials here: You can also contact one of our patient advocates via phone or email at +1 844 627 7246 &

  • @mrhappy9911
    @mrhappy9911 6 месяцев назад

    My mother has been diagnosed with myelofibrosis She is in Auckland New Zealand. Would moving to another country with specialists in this field be a good option?

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 6 месяцев назад

      Thanks for your message. We're really sorry for your mother. You can learn more about cancer treatment options and clinical trials here: You can also contact one of our patient advocates via phone or email at +1 844 627 7246 &

  • @user-sg5hg5er9l
    @user-sg5hg5er9l 6 месяцев назад

    Thanks for sharing your story Had MCL last year was cleared of it Thank You JESUS.

    • @Brians_Journey
      @Brians_Journey 6 месяцев назад

      🙏 Thank you, let’s keep on keeping on

    • @Brians_Journey
      @Brians_Journey Месяц назад

      I’m so grateful you and I are both clear ❤, please reach out any time

  • @effielincoln803
    @effielincoln803 6 месяцев назад


  • @marlenejones6266
    @marlenejones6266 6 месяцев назад

    My daughter is 41. Today she got the diagnosis of cll. She was told she has had it for twenty years. She is now experiencing symptoms. Severe anemia, sores on her body, severe bone pain. And she had cervical cancer last year

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 6 месяцев назад

      We are deeply sorry to hear about your daughter's situation. Cancer is a challenging reality, but we have many weapons against it. Clinical trials provide new options and hope every day. At Massive Bio, we'd like to support you through your journey. Please contact us for more information. You can obtain all the information you need from our Patient Relations Coordinator. You can reach us by calling the number below: +1 844 627 7246 Alternatively, you can visit our website, fill out the form, and give your permission for our Patient Relations Coordinator to call you: Wishing you healthy and cancer-free days ahead.

  • @papakilo1925
    @papakilo1925 7 месяцев назад

    Hi Brian, I just got diagnosed with indolent Mantel cell B lymphoma . I have no real symptoms, no weight loss, but my WBC is 24K, just saw Drs. and both say no treatment now, wait and being on death row just waiting for the executioner to open the door. I currently go to Moffitt and ORMC but do not qualify for clinical trials as I have no symptoms. Any advice for a newbie??

    • @Brians_Journey
      @Brians_Journey 6 месяцев назад

      I definitely want to stay in touch with you. I don’t usually give any medical advice, but I agree about watch and wait. It is tough. I actually was on watch and wait in advertently as the insurance company was fighting against what my doctors described for my treatment

    • @Brians_Journey
      @Brians_Journey 4 месяца назад

      How are you feeling brother?

  • @Bee-Kind-Baker
    @Bee-Kind-Baker 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you very much for this information . Appreciate you sharing . I’m in the U.S. , recently diagnosed with CLL. I’m a 61 year old female . PET scan was normal. No swollen glands or tumors. But otherwise, very symptomatic . Having very severe exhaustion , GI issues including nausea, brain fog and occasional tingly- type feelings in legs and in arms , from the elbow down. No rashes or bruising. White count and absolute lymph count are higher, each time I’m tested ( about 4 times). Hoping I can have good results working with a new doctor that I will start with on July 15. Again, thank you

    • @MassiveBio
      @MassiveBio 6 месяцев назад

      Thank you very much for sharing your situation. I'm sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis of CLL. It's good to know that your PET scan was normal and that you have no swollen glands or tumors. However, it’s understandable that you are concerned about the severe exhaustion, GI issues, brain fog, and tingling sensations you are experiencing. These symptoms can be quite challenging, and it’s important to address them with your healthcare provider. Your rising white count and absolute lymphocyte count are also key factors that your new doctor will consider when determining the best course of treatment. Clinical trials provide new options and hope every day. At Massive Bio, we'd like to support you through your journey. Please contact us for more information. You can obtain all the information you need from our Patient Relations Coordinator. You can reach us by calling the number below: +1 844 627 7246 Alternatively, you can visit our website, fill out the form, and give your permission for our Patient Relations Coordinator to call you: Wishing you healthy and cancer-free days ahead.

  • @chrisunherded2374
    @chrisunherded2374 7 месяцев назад

    Brian reached out to me, and i am forever grateful. He was a pleasure to talk with and we got along great. I had gone over 3 years with no treatment after a splenectomy (oct 20 - jan23) just making life style changes, but things returned jan 23. I have since had 6 months b + r (did not work). I got a quality 4 months from Calquence (stopped working). They added venetoclax to no avail . I am awaiting car-t cell therapy and hopeful 🙏. My journey continues. God Bless Brian and all that see this that are fighting.

    • @Brians_Journey
      @Brians_Journey 7 месяцев назад

      I’m always here for you brother

  • @shubikl9826
    @shubikl9826 7 месяцев назад

    130 current trials to develop new MCL treatment? This is amazing! 🙏🏼 please make something revolutionary happen!

  • @robertswinburne3973
    @robertswinburne3973 8 месяцев назад

    My veins might be gone forever. I am a year ahead of you and of similar age and thankful for what you have done and continue to do. I did the full Nordic routine as it currently stands as part of a study. (in remission) I'm so happy you are speaking for so many of us.

    • @Brians_Journey
      @Brians_Journey 7 месяцев назад

      I’m truly grateful for you brother thanks for being on the journey with me