  • Видео 23
  • Просмотров 304 617
John MacArthur | Idolatry of Mary
”As for you, do not pray for this people, or lift up a cry or prayer for them, and do not intercede with me, for I will not hear you. Do you not see what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger. Is it I whom they provoke? declares the Lord. Is it not themselves, to their own shame? Therefore thus says the Lord God: Behold, my anger and my wrath will be poured out on this place, upon man and beast, upon the trees of the field and the fruit of the ground; it will burn and no...
Просмотров: 3 569


John MacArthur | Does the Bible Allow Women to be Pastors?
Просмотров 177Год назад
In the beginning, the Lord placed the first man and woman in the Garden of Eden to work and keep what God created. The Lord allowed them to eat anything they wanted, “but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:17). The Serpent, however, approached the woman to twist, question, and contradict what God to...
John Piper | Who is He?
Просмотров 111Год назад
God is not an old man in the sky. God created time and space and is therefore beyond time and space. This means God is not short, tall, male, female, young, or old. The challenge of talking about God is that God’s nature is so far beyond our own that we can only catch a glimpse of God’s glory; it is impossible to use human minds to understand everything about God or to use human language to cap...
Voddie Baucham | The Gospel
Просмотров 50Год назад
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭16‬-‭17‬ ‭ESV‬‬ #examineyourself #voddiebaucham #christianity #gospel #reforme...
John MacArthur : Real Church Part. 2
Просмотров 116Год назад
John MacArthur : Real Church Part. 2
John MacArthur : Real Church Part. 1
Просмотров 127Год назад
John MacArthur : Real Church Part. 1
Paul Washer : Church of Christ, Mission of Christ
Просмотров 63Год назад
Paul Washer : Church of Christ, Mission of Christ
John MacArthur : Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.Год назад
John MacArthur : Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit
Judah Smith : Who was Barabbas?
Просмотров 222Год назад
Judah Smith : Who was Barabbas?
John MacArthur : The pope and Catholicism
Просмотров 295 тыс.Год назад
John MacArthur : The pope and Catholicism
John MacArthur : The pope and Catholicism (About worshiping Mary).
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.Год назад
John MacArthur : The pope and Catholicism (About worshiping Mary).
Iran (Through The History)
Просмотров 1032 года назад
Iran (Through The History)


  • @god-came-in-my-body-as-a-body
    @god-came-in-my-body-as-a-body 2 дня назад

    God entered into my body, like a body. my same size. holy ghost baptism. churches empty when members find this out

  • @Give_God_all_your_love
    @Give_God_all_your_love 3 дня назад

    This is a weird and gross obsession. All of it is just strange and completely unbiblical

  • @James-ns3zi
    @James-ns3zi 3 дня назад

    If you are a Catholic. I suggest you look up Mike Gendron. He was a Catholic for 35 years and then ended up saying; "I can no longer do this" After reading the book of Galatians. A compelling story. He did all the research you could possibly do. And the answer became clear. He had to say goodbye to the Roman Catholic Church.

  • @Spider-le6bp
    @Spider-le6bp 3 дня назад

    The first cathedral was built by Constantine He started the Roman Catholic religion not Peter and Peter's bones are not at the bottom of their Roman basilica. They have incorporated gods and different things like that in the Roman Catholic Church statues that were gods they changed it into statues of Mary and different things like that They made Christmas on the 25th which is the anniversary of one of the main gods in the Roman gods and goddesses It was the birthday of either Mars or the leader of the gods on the 25th of December so they made that the birthday of the Christ. Everyone accepts it as truth

  • @Spider-le6bp
    @Spider-le6bp 3 дня назад

    You know I can't find a church I'm kind of a new Christian a new believer in Jesus my Savior My Lord. I just can't find the right church to go to if they're not affiliated with the LGBTQ, or they don't have an agenda about riches or they marry same-sex couples so I wound up in a Catholic church I'm not comfortable but it's a church where I can worship the Almighty I'm not a Catholic but I have to go to church so I sit in the back

  • @linbat1
    @linbat1 4 дня назад

    I've never had a Catholic express concern for my soul. At a recent Catholic funeral, we monetary olive had to sit segregated from the Catholics. As a teen, my friend turned down my invitation to go to church with me because she said she'd have to go to confession if she did. I have yet to meet a Catholic who believes the Bible is the WORD of GOD! ACTUALLY, I have yet to meet a Catholic who reads the Bible! The one called pope is leading up he masses astray!

    • @linbat1
      @linbat1 4 дня назад

      Stupid word correction. Should read , we non Catholics. Not monetary olives lol

  • @imagreenolivetree
    @imagreenolivetree 4 дня назад

    John 3:16 (NIV) “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NIV) “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” Romans 6:23 (NIV) “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” John 3:3 (NIV) “Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.’” Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV) “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast.” John 1:9 (NIV) “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” John 3:36 (NIV) “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.” REVELATION 13:16 And he (AntiChrist) cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that have understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 14:10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb(Jesus Christ): 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascend up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receive the mark of his name. 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Mathew 24 What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso read, let him understand): Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

  • @trevorsrq6179
    @trevorsrq6179 4 дня назад

    It is already Catholic Teaching not to Worship Mary. Also worship is always liturgical biblically speaking, and involves a Sacrifice. You’re not worshiping God with your hands in the air singing Hillsong. That is called veneration. If a Catholic worshiped Mary and didn’t repent, they would be excommunicated from the Church for…you guessed it-IDOLATRY! Mary is not Divine or a Goddess & can’t save our souls-But she is Holy, She can pray TO JESUS FOR US & She is the Ark of the New Covenant. “All generations shall call me blessed”. Protestantism doesn’t fulfill this prophecy.

  • @gregoryzoebisch7792
    @gregoryzoebisch7792 7 дней назад

    Amen! I, sadly went to a Pentecostal church when I was first saved with disastrous results; at least until God delivered me by His great mercy years later. Their doctrine is POISONOUS!

  • @doug1863
    @doug1863 9 дней назад

    Marion apparitions are satanic

  • @Ryan-xi4fu
    @Ryan-xi4fu 9 дней назад

    Call no man father

  • @RobertVassallo-u7v
    @RobertVassallo-u7v 11 дней назад

    Satanistttttttttttttttttt !!!

  • @RobertVassallo-u7v
    @RobertVassallo-u7v 11 дней назад

    Satanists appease their master Satan in this way. They despise Mother Mary as much as Satan does, and they would harm the actual Mother Mary if given the chance. But just as Mary, the New Eve, is going to smash the head of the serpent, so too will she crush the head of this bastard.

  • @iggyantioch
    @iggyantioch 12 дней назад

    Today is the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto 🎉 In 1571, Christianity was saved at the Battle of Lepanto. Throughout history, Catholic Christians have sought the intercession of the Blessed Mother in every kind of situation. We acknowledge her in times of joy and happiness, and ask her help in times of adversity. How many of us have turned to her and prayed the Hail Mary when confronted with difficulties, catastrophes, disasters? How many combat soldiers have implored her help? When we can’t think of another prayer, we say a Hail Mary. How many of our penances after confession include a Hail Mary? Pope Leo XIII said of her: “… and since Mary’s greatest joy is to grant her help and assessment to those who call upon her, there is no reason to doubt not only that she wishes to answer the prayers of the universal Church but also that she is eager to do so.” In the 16th century, a strong and aggressive Muslim force was poised to conquer the European continent. Their goal was to wipe out Christianity, “to place a crescent on top of St. Peter’s and a turban on the pope’s head.” In response, Christians banded together, turned to Mary, invoked the Rosary, and were saved when God gave them a victory at one of the most famous naval battles in history. The battle took place just off the coast of Greece at a place known as Lepanto; the year was 1571.

  • @iggyantioch
    @iggyantioch 13 дней назад

    Praying for my separated Brethern. Please return home to the Church Christ established. One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. We miss you guys ❤️

  • @Davidgraney
    @Davidgraney 13 дней назад

    Today's pope is evil

  • @HenryGibbs-u2r
    @HenryGibbs-u2r 15 дней назад

    I love and respect Mary as GOD ALMIGHTY'S chosen to JESUS CHRIST'S mother. I do not worship or Pray to Mary. To love and admire Mary is as my feelings for my mother.

  • @HenryGibbs-u2r
    @HenryGibbs-u2r 15 дней назад mean the Roman Catholic? They have Mass.

  • @iggyantioch
    @iggyantioch 16 дней назад

    God doesn't change ? In what way Tell that to the Pharasies and scribes . Lol

  • @TimPalermo-n4o
    @TimPalermo-n4o 16 дней назад

    Concerns me how much some Protestants idolize the godless Zionists of Israel, even at the expense of fellow Christians

    • @iggyantioch
      @iggyantioch 16 дней назад

      Most of Israel is not religious. They have no real love of the Christian minority in the holy Land. The Coptic, Orthodox,and Catholics are surrounded by militant Islam and Zionist Israel. Tough sledding to be sure.

  • @ranospiteri5776
    @ranospiteri5776 18 дней назад

    Proof that you have no life in you. John 6:58. Lanciano Italy 8th Century. Betania , Venezuela 1991.Textla, Mexico 2006. Sokolka, Poland 2008. Legnica, Poland 2013.

  • @cewyoming6673
    @cewyoming6673 18 дней назад

    This Pope talks crazy. There will be catholics in heaven who didn't fall for the level of idolatry in the church and worshipped Jesus instead of "saints." His words are anti-Bible, anti-Jesus, anti-Christ. The early church reformers said catholicism housed the anti-christ, & the Beast, since the 1500's. Martin Luther believed it. But as i am listening, i cant quick thinking about what is more baffling and seems very strange is how the catholic church acts like the Beast of Daniel and "changes times and laws" (Daniel 7:25), and no one cares or knows the significance of that. The 4th commandment is a time AND a law...and no one is talking about it. And every protestant church except maybe 3-4, all fell in catholic line when they changed it from 7th day to the 1st day. (God doesn't change, the Pope does though.) Let's Reason: God doesn't change (Malachi 3:6) God observed it, himself, sanctified 7th day (made it HOLY), even before Mt. Sinai, yes, before even the fall and sin entered..." (Genesis 2:3) Jesus himself said, "If you love me, keep my commandments." (He did not say keep at least 9...) So, God doesn't change. Made the sabbath holy BEFORE sin entered and repeatedly over and over, throughout thousands of years of scripture, told people "Remember the sabbath to keep it holy." And we all forgot? We didn't forget to not to murder... Also, it's the only one he said the word "REMEMBER," because he knew for a very long time, his people would forget. No, salvation will not be yours if you observe the sabbath and do not accept Jesus as your savior. Only Christ's blood can give u eternal life. What the sabbath is, is a holy mark, vs beast mark, a brand, if you will, of God's people. It's how we show our love back to him by doing the very thing JESUS asked us himself to do. We love the Lord our God and others...and as Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments." That's why the devil worked so hard to smack down and obliterate Yahweh's holy day. Anything holy, he hates. And it worked. That's what baffles me. The Pope is talking crazy for sure so lets inform those in ignorance to be on alert to his nonsense but let's also set ourselves apart. Shouldnt we honor Jesus' commands as the body of Christ?

    • @iggyantioch
      @iggyantioch 16 дней назад

      SDA in the house I see. Looking for cohorts? The authority was transferred to the Church Christ established on Peter and The Jewish temple was destroyed no more high priest or sacrifice. The seat of Moses is abrogated. The Chair of Peter is now in effect.

  • @CalistoOduor
    @CalistoOduor 18 дней назад

    Moses, the servant of the most high God was instructed to erect a statue in the wilderness so that any one who looks at the statue gets life. Did Moses led isralists into idolatry? Isralits had a tabanacle carried with them wherever they go. Remember the content of the tabanacle and how it was contracted. Jesus is the word and the perfect decalogs. Now compare this with the way Jesus whom you perpot to be preaching and get to know the will of God. Stop your blasphemous word. Come and get the truth from the Holy Catholic Church as revealed by the Holy Spirit Who is the spouse of Mary ( The Catholic Church)

  • @jamesanthonydebello6309
    @jamesanthonydebello6309 19 дней назад


  • @guypilotte225
    @guypilotte225 20 дней назад

    The papacy is the beast of Revelations

    • @iggyantioch
      @iggyantioch 16 дней назад

      Prove it .. Not from a Dave Hunt Fantasy novel

  • @CalistoOduor
    @CalistoOduor 21 день назад

    I was born in catholic family when I came of age, I was made to go through catechism classes. I have seens tried to know more about this faith. I can't thank my parents enough for exposing me to this beautiful faith. I'm very happy being a catholic and I'm happy that I will die a catholic.

    • @iggyantioch
      @iggyantioch 16 дней назад

      Yes!🎉 Keep the faith! Love our separated Brethern in every way.

  • @HenryGibbs-u2r
    @HenryGibbs-u2r 21 день назад

    Seems Christians use the HOLY BIBLE KJV. As the Catholics use the Priest. I have never heard of the Catholics bringing a HOLY BIBLE to Church. Christians do have a Pastor that preaches a message. The HOLY BIBLE is the HOLY WORD OF GOD ALMIGHTY.

    • @iggyantioch
      @iggyantioch 16 дней назад

      Well then your mind is clouded. Tell us about the Bible that the early Christian Church took with them to Sunday service? I meant when they went to the holy sacrifice of the Mass.

  • @danielwollin4143
    @danielwollin4143 21 день назад

    The pope has zero authority. He is just a dude . Jesus Christ is the King of Kings . Catholicism is the path of lies

    • @iggyantioch
      @iggyantioch 16 дней назад

      Plenty of Scripture says otherwise. The Church was founded by Christ on St Peter hanging Royal Stewardship over the Church as the primacy of the Apostles.🎉

    • @iggyantioch
      @iggyantioch 16 дней назад

      * having

    • @danielwollin4143
      @danielwollin4143 16 дней назад

      @iggyantioch the words in red are the only authority

  • @tommasosantojanni
    @tommasosantojanni 27 дней назад

    How I wish that we had a Catholic pope 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @iggyantioch
      @iggyantioch 16 дней назад

      Come home to the Catholic Church and see the beauty of the fullness of the Christian Faith

    • @tommasosantojanni
      @tommasosantojanni 15 дней назад

      @@iggyantioch I could not agree more. Mr Bergoglio, come home to the Catholic Church 🙏🏻

  • @JulioCEASAR-n9s
    @JulioCEASAR-n9s 28 дней назад


  • @CalistoOduor
    @CalistoOduor 29 дней назад

    Why do you force the idea that catholics worship mary while catholics themselves are saying that worship is an adoration that is only preserved to God. You are possessed with the deseiver of our original parents. Veneration is a very level of worship that protestants like you can not understand and just cal it worship. Have respect for the Popes for the role they play here on Earth is directly from Heaven, what they do here on Earth is done in heaven. Stop wasting your time and our time. Useless.

  • @mikehawthorne1396
    @mikehawthorne1396 Месяц назад

    Stop being your own pope. Of course the Catholic Christians are saved and leading towards Salvation.

  • @AnneofAvonlea
    @AnneofAvonlea Месяц назад

    33 times she appeared… reminds me of 33 degrees of some group that does things in secret

    • @iggyantioch
      @iggyantioch 20 дней назад

      Or the age of our Savior at his death

    • @AnneofAvonlea
      @AnneofAvonlea 12 дней назад

      @@iggyantioch you’re missing the point and trying take issue with my comment.

    • @AnneofAvonlea
      @AnneofAvonlea 12 дней назад

      @@iggyantioch you’re missing the point and trying take issue with my comment.

    • @iggyantioch
      @iggyantioch 12 дней назад

      Ok secret society Masons?? Idk

  • @PMaillet
    @PMaillet Месяц назад

    As a Catholic in Catholic school we were taught not to read the Bible because "it's too hard to understand." They said there's a specific order of priests who interpret the Bible for us. The order? The Jesuits!! Well, I was an adult when I first read the Bible and now I understood WHY we weren't allowed to read it. I was absolutely shocked as what I was reading in the Bible was all contradictory to Catholic teaching. It was hard to leave. All my family was Catholic. But after what I learned from reading the Bible - I just could no longer stay in a religion of heresy. I'll thank God for all eternity for bringing me out of that evil religion and setting me free.

  • @PInk77W1
    @PInk77W1 Месяц назад

    Converts to Catholic Dr Gavin Ashenden the Queens Chaplin Dr James Whites sister converted to Catholic Dr. Scott Hahn Protestant to Catholic convert Dr David Anders Protestant to Catholic convert Dr. John Bergsma Protestant to Catholic convert Dr Thomas Howard Protestant to Catholic Dr Thomas Scheck Protestant to Catholic Dr. Travis Lacy Dr Ian Murphy Protestant to Catholic convert Dr Doug Beaumont Protestant to Catholic Dr Frank Hermann Baptist to Catholic Candace Owens Evangelical to Catholic Joe Heschmeyer JD Protestant to Catholic Dr. Francis Beckwith Protestant to Catholic Edith Stein Jewish to Catholic convert Rabbi Israeli Zolli Jewish to Catholic convert Dr Charles Spivak atheist to Catholic convert Dr. Dawn Goldstein Jewish to Catholic convert Dr Ray Guarendi revert from Evangelical Dr Ronda Chervin Jewish Atheist to Catholic Dr Robin Pierucci Jewish to Catholic Dr Ross Porter Presbyterian to Catholic Dr Richard Smith Anglican to Catholic Dr Richard Sherlock Mormon to Catholic Dr James Prothro Protestant to Catholic Dr Justus Hunter Methodist to Catholic Dr John Gresham Assembly of God • Catholic Dr John Haas Episcopalian • Catholic Dr. Jeff Schwehm JW to Catholic convert Dr Peter Williamson Protestant Catholic convert Dr Peter Kreeft Protestant to Catholic convert Dr Petroc Willey Evangelical to Catholic Dr Paul Young Protestant to Catholic Dr Paul Thigpen Pentecostal to Catholic Dr Paul Williams Buddhist to Catholic Dr Pamela Hollins Baptist to Catholic Dr. Ken Craycraft C of C to Catholic convert Dr. Kenneth Howell Protestant to Catholic. Dr Kevin Vost atheist to Catholic convert Dr Taylor Marshall Protestant to Catholic Dr Mathew Cabeen Evangelical to Catholic Dr Matthew Thomas Protestant to Catholic Dr Mary Burchard Protestant to Catholic convert Dr. Bev. Whelton seven day Adventist • Catholic Dr David Hall Protestant to Catholic convert Dr Ryan Messmore Protestant to Catholic Dr Ryan Topping Protestant to Catholic Dr Jim Shelton Episcopalian to Catholic Dr Annie Bullock Baptist to Catholic convert Dr Allen Hunt Methodist to Catholic Dr Ben Lewis Protestant to Catholic convert Dr. Brant Pitre Protestant to Catholic Dr. Tim Gregson Protestant • Catholic Dr Dolores Grier Baptist to Catholic convert Dr David Mosley Protestant to Catholic convert Dr Diego Ospina Protestant to Catholic convert Dr Deal Hudson Baptist to Catholic Dr. Jason Reed Protestant to Catholic convert Dr Bill Saunders Protestant to Catholic convert Lila Rose Protestant to Catholic Steve Ray Protestant to Catholic convert Tim Staples Protestant to Catholic convert Ken Hensley Protestant to Catholic convert St John Henry Newman Catholic convert Leah Libresco atheist to Catholic Eva Vlaardingerbroek Protestant•Catholic Abby Johnson Planned Parenthood to RCC Bishop Jonathan Goodall Bishop Nazir Ali Bishop Edwin Barnes Bishop David Silk Bishop John Broadhurst Bishop Kieth Newton Bishop Andrew Burnham GK Chesterton Graham Greene St. Paul St. Augustine Ulf Ekman ( the billy Graham of Sweden ) Malcom Muggeridge All converted to Roman Catholic

  • @meganotofthisworld
    @meganotofthisworld Месяц назад

    John McArthur, the man who receives 3 salaries: from his church, from his ministry, and from his university. Plus, royalties from his books. So, he preaches sermons in his churches and is paid for that; his ministry recorders these sermons and pays him for that; then these sermons are put in book format and are sold, and he is paid for that.

  • @PInk77W1
    @PInk77W1 Месяц назад

    “The Queen stands at your right hand Arrayed in Gold” Psalm 45:9

    • @fredricos9468
      @fredricos9468 10 дней назад

      @@PInk77W1 Mary is dead waiting for Jesus to return..

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 10 дней назад

      @@fredricos9468 Your opinion simply doesn’t count You have 0 authority The Church has all authority Jesus gave all authority to the Church to go teach. The Church teaches Mary is our help

    • @fredricos9468
      @fredricos9468 10 дней назад

      @@PInk77W1 But that contradiction to the Bible, you put tradition over God's Law.

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 10 дней назад

      @@fredricos9468 No and your opinion still doesn’t matter. The church doesn’t put tradition over the Bible. If it does please show me a church Document that says so

    • @fredricos9468
      @fredricos9468 10 дней назад

      @@PInk77W1 ( The Church of God has taught it well to transfer the observance and celebration of the sabbath from Saturday to Sun-Day) The Council of Trent, 1566.. ""On the Venerable day of the SUN, let the magistrates and people residing in the city's rest, and let all workshops be closed..."" Constantine Sun-Day Law 321 AD Not on did they change the sabbath, the second commandment that forbids idol worship was deleted.....""

  • @PInk77W1
    @PInk77W1 Месяц назад

    Protestants have no doctrines Protestants have no unity Protestants have no history Protestants have no power Protestants have no authority Protestants have no sacraments

  • @KevinSchott-h8y
    @KevinSchott-h8y Месяц назад

    Just more protestant bs. You wouldn't be here without us. We are the original and true faith. You left and picked and chose what you wanted in your religion. Fyi we gave the world the Bible and our Bible has more books in it that yours

  • @levimazie2223
    @levimazie2223 Месяц назад


  • @starlightmusic8414
    @starlightmusic8414 Месяц назад

    @martinkoehler427 *That comes from Roman religion changing Scriptures. Gen **3:15** clearly said it's Jesus who crushed satan's head. Not Mary. That's why Roman religion is a false religion.* Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel." *HS would not lead believers to contradict God's Word. That's how believers know if you are in a false religion (Roman religion).* *Bible does not teach biblical Mary to be "lady of guadeloupe, lady of lourdes, lady fat timah, queen of heaven, immaculately conceived, sinless, forever virgin". THat's how we again see Roman religion is a false religion.* you said 1500s,5.4 billion Catholics were deceived by Martin Luther and left the Catholic faith . in the 1500s in the Americas,5.5 million native Americans converted to the Catholic faith through our lady of Guadalupe, the mother of Christ. Come holy spirit, come by the powerful means of the intercession of the immecula, heart of mary, your well beloved spouse The blessed mother of christ shall crush satan's head with her heel.

  • @starlightmusic8414
    @starlightmusic8414 Месяц назад

    @danielcercel1665 *That's why Roman religion is a man made religion. It teaches:* - submit to Roman pope to be saved - devote to Roman Mary to be saved - be in Roman Church to be saved - partake Roman sacraments to be saved - baptise in Roman baptism to be saved - do lots of works to be saved you said What I know for sure is you don’t need to be a catholic to be saved. Believe in the lord Jesus Christ put your faith in him and you’ll be saved

  • @starlightmusic8414
    @starlightmusic8414 Месяц назад

    @mikehawthorne1396 *It's not propaganda. God and His Words are antiRomanreligion and antiRCs in the first place. You do not know because you do not read the Bible. And btw, if not for Christians who wrote Scriptures, RCs would have no Bible. And Scriptures does not belong to RCs. You are insulting God by doing that. Do you know Bible does not record a single Roman Catholic or Catholic?* 1. Catholics say Mary was forever virgin. Yet Bible says Jesus had brothers and sisters. Mary was not perpetually virgin. Mk 6:3, Mat 13:55, Mat 27:56, Mar 6:3, Mar 15:40, Mar 15:47. 2. Catholics say clergies must be celibate. Yet BIBLE says Peter (supposed R Church first leader) had mother in law. Bible says celibacy is not a qualification for clergies. Mat 8:14-15, Mar 1:30-31, Luk 4:38-39. 3. Catholics say Mary was sinless. But Bible says Mary offered a sinner's offering. She was a sinner. Bible says Mary needed a Saviour. Lk 2:23-24, Lev 12:6-8, Rom 3:10. 4. Catholics say confess to R priests in a box. BIBLE says nothing about confessing to priests in a box. Bible says confess to God only. 1 John 1:9, Mat 6, Romans 10:9-10. 5. Catholics say drink of the physical blood of Jesus. Yet OT and NT both say do not drink blood. Acts 15, Lev 7:26. 6. Catholics say pray to passed on Mary and "saints". Yet Bible says do not contact the dead. NT Church did not record a single case of NT believers asking passed on saints to pray for them. Deut 18:11, Isaiah 8:19. 7. Catholics make and bow down to statues. Bible says do not bow down to graven images (statues). Deut 4, Exo 20:4-5. 8. Catholics sprinkles “holy water”. But NT Church of the Bible mentioned nothing about “holy water”. There was no record of any Apostles sprinkling “holy water” on believers. Catholics claimed “holy water” came from OT. Yet Num 5:17 says “holy water” was water used to test adulterous women in OT temple. Hardly the same. Those were for Old Covenant Jews. Not New Testament Christians. 9. Catholics say Peter was pope - bishop of all bishops. Yet Bible says Peter was just a leader of the Jerusalem Church. Bible says nothing of the office of bishop of bishops. Gal 2:9, Mat 16:18. 10. Catholics say there is a seat of Peter. Yet BIBLE says nothing about it. Jesus said “not to lord over others”. 11. Catholics has clergy priesthood. Bible says clergy priesthood was done away with in New Testament. There is no clergy priesthood in NT. Heb 7:27, 9:12, 10:10. 12. Catholics preaches Works Salvation (faith + good works + partake R sacraments + submit to R pontiff + be in R Church + devote to Mary = to be saved). Yet Bible says “believe in Jesus to be saved”. Bible says Works Salvation is cursed. Gal 1:8-9. Acts 16:30-31, John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10. 13. Catholics says they must do Penance to atone for their sins. Yet Bible says repent, confess and sins will be forgiven. Catholic Bible changes the word “repentance” in NT into “penance”. Original Greek NT does not use or mean the word penance. Penance = work to atone for sins. Repentance = change of heart. 1 John 1:9, Mat 6. 14. Catholics say Mary went straight to heaven without dying. Yet Bible says nothing about it. 15. Catholics say Islam and Christianity have the same God. Yet Islam doesn't believe in death and resurrection of Jesus and Trinity. you said ANTl-CathoIic PROPAGANDA! - hey, must be "nice" of you! - I have never seen in my Iife CathoIics doing so; why, because We are the TRUE CHRISTIANS who believe and respect our Holy Bible and

  • @kathleencahillbelmonte199
    @kathleencahillbelmonte199 Месяц назад

    My uncle was a priest, along with 2 cousins, 2 other cousins were nuns. I wanted my uncle to marry my husband and me, our wedding was outside. We had to go to the Bishop for permission to be married [on the]outside of a Catholic Church but were denied because “the wedding wouldn’t be in God’s House”!?! What could be CLOSER to “God’s House” than OUTDOORS IN A GARDEN????? We were 22, his family were Italian Catholics and mine, Irish Catholics and I was frantic about what they’d say. We ended up having an Episcopalian priest who wore his collar….Imagine? From then on, I was no longer a practicing Catholic. Looking back, that Catholic GUILT

  • @Armychick
    @Armychick Месяц назад

    The pope is a communist and no longer do I tithe to Rome. The pope sits on the throne of satan in the mouth of the serpent in Paul VI hall.

  • @mikehawthorne1396
    @mikehawthorne1396 Месяц назад

    ANTl-CathoIic PROPAGANDA! - hey, must be "nice" of you! - I have never seen in my Iife CathoIics doing so; why, because We are the TRUE CHRISTIANS who believe and respect our Holy Bible and We do not defame others making programs and pubIicIy LlE and ranting others - even if they were the HeIIbound HERETlCKS$$

    • @starlightmusic8414
      @starlightmusic8414 Месяц назад

      @mikehawthorne1396 *It's not propaganda. God and His Words are antiRomanreligion and antiRCs in the first place. You do not know because you do not read the Bible. And btw, if not for Christians who wrote Scriptures, RCs would have no Bible. And Scriptures does not belong to RCs. You are insulting God by doing that. Do you know Bible does not record a single Roman Catholic or Catholic?* 1. Catholics say Mary was forever virgin. Yet Bible says Jesus had brothers and sisters. Mary was not perpetually virgin. Mk 6:3, Mat 13:55, Mat 27:56, Mar 6:3, Mar 15:40, Mar 15:47. 2. Catholics say clergies must be celibate. Yet BIBLE says Peter (supposed R Church first leader) had mother in law. Bible says celibacy is not a qualification for clergies. Mat 8:14-15, Mar 1:30-31, Luk 4:38-39. 3. Catholics say Mary was sinless. But Bible says Mary offered a sinner's offering. She was a sinner. Bible says Mary needed a Saviour. Lk 2:23-24, Lev 12:6-8, Rom 3:10. 4. Catholics say confess to R priests in a box. BIBLE says nothing about confessing to priests in a box. Bible says confess to God only. 1 John 1:9, Mat 6, Romans 10:9-10. 5. Catholics say drink of the physical blood of Jesus. Yet OT and NT both say do not drink blood. Acts 15, Lev 7:26. 6. Catholics say pray to passed on Mary and "saints". Yet Bible says do not contact the dead. NT Church did not record a single case of NT believers asking passed on saints to pray for them. Deut 18:11, Isaiah 8:19. 7. Catholics make and bow down to statues. Bible says do not bow down to graven images (statues). Deut 4, Exo 20:4-5. 8. Catholics sprinkles “holy water”. But NT Church of the Bible mentioned nothing about “holy water”. There was no record of any Apostles sprinkling “holy water” on believers. Catholics claimed “holy water” came from OT. Yet Num 5:17 says “holy water” was water used to test adulterous women in OT temple. Hardly the same. Those were for Old Covenant Jews. Not New Testament Christians. 9. Catholics say Peter was pope - bishop of all bishops. Yet Bible says Peter was just a leader of the Jerusalem Church. Bible says nothing of the office of bishop of bishops. Gal 2:9, Mat 16:18. 10. Catholics say there is a seat of Peter. Yet BIBLE says nothing about it. Jesus said “not to lord over others”. 11. Catholics has clergy priesthood. Bible says clergy priesthood was done away with in New Testament. There is no clergy priesthood in NT. Heb 7:27, 9:12, 10:10. 12. Catholics preaches Works Salvation (faith + good works + partake R sacraments + submit to R pontiff + be in R Church + devote to Mary = to be saved). Yet Bible says “believe in Jesus to be saved”. Bible says Works Salvation is cursed. Gal 1:8-9. Acts 16:30-31, John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10. 13. Catholics says they must do Penance to atone for their sins. Yet Bible says repent, confess and sins will be forgiven. Catholic Bible changes the word “repentance” in NT into “penance”. Original Greek NT does not use or mean the word penance. Penance = work to atone for sins. Repentance = change of heart. 1 John 1:9, Mat 6. 14. Catholics say Mary went straight to heaven without dying. Yet Bible says nothing about it. 15. Catholics say Islam and Christianity have the same God. Yet Islam doesn't believe in death and resurrection of Jesus and Trinity. you said ANTl-CathoIic PROPAGANDA! - hey, must be "nice" of you! - I have never seen in my Iife CathoIics doing so; why, because We are the TRUE CHRISTIANS who believe and respect our Holy Bible and

  • @faithalone2171
    @faithalone2171 Месяц назад

    ​ @PeteVillarArana *Roman Catholics claimed Roman Catholic Church is the only infallible interpreter of Scriptures, but i have never seen a single Roman Catholic who could prove this self claim. Lol*

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Месяц назад

    ​ @PeteVillarArana *Yes ... more self claims. I haven't seen a single RC who could prove these self claims. Bible and real history did not say "Roman religion = successor of Peter and APostles". Neither "Roman religion = the Church or Universal Church or the "sole authority". Neither PEter = pope". So where did RCs get all your ns self claims. I would really love to see your proof. But these sikh people have none.* you said I will search for the legitimate possessor of the authority given by our Lord. Apostolic succession historically. You can pontificate, all you like and imagine that no such authority has been given and your understanding is real sole authority.

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Месяц назад

    ​ @PeteVillarArana *Yes these sikh people think they could misquote Scriptures and think nobody could correct them. Jesus was clearly speaking to 70/72 disciples. Jesus said to the 70/72 disciples "whoever listens to you listens to Me". Totally not referring to Apostles, let alone Roman religion.* Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-Two Luk 10:16 He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me." The Return of the Seventy-Two Luk 10:17 Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name." *THis only exposes the self claims of Roman religion and RCs again. Again proving Roman religion is a false religion.* you said For me I will stick to what Jesus says: " whoever listens to you, listens to me".

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Месяц назад

    ​ @PeteVillarArana *Yes this same sikh bunch of people always spread Ls about 40k denominations. There aren't 40k denominations. And don't forget, Roman religion itself is a denomination. Lol* *Contrary to what these sikh people say, Christian Churches share the same 90% Core Doctrines. Totally not what these sikh people say.* *True Sola Scriptura do not even need interpretations. Two or more Scriptures saying the same teachings proves a doctrine. No interpretations needed.* *Contrary to what these sikh people say, Scriptures actually recorded Jesus and APostles taking doctrines from Scriptures Only and not from any other source. Anything apart from that are from Lucy. Not God. This confirms Roman religion is a false religion.* you said There is no sola scriptura with 44,000 protestant denominations claiming to have the sole right to have the true interpretation of what the Bible says.