  • Видео 5
  • Просмотров 276 278
Anime Expo 2011 K-On Concert Cagayake! GIRLS
With the English voice actors performing
Left to right:
Cristina Valenzuela (Mio)
Shelby Lindley (Mugi)
Stephanie Sheh (Yui)
Cassandra Lee Morris (Ritsu)
Christine Marie Cabanos (Azusa)
Просмотров: 5 920


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Fanime 2011 Conga Line
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One man band!!!One man band!!!
One man band!!!
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OC Japan Fair
Legend of the Galactic Heroes Spiral LabyrinthLegend of the Galactic Heroes Spiral Labyrinth
Legend of the Galactic Heroes Spiral Labyrinth
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Reinhard von Lohengramm at his best.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes Overture to a New WarLegend of the Galactic Heroes Overture to a New War
Legend of the Galactic Heroes Overture to a New War
Просмотров 241 тыс.14 лет назад
Reinhard von Lohengramm at his best.


  • @louismolywacky634
    @louismolywacky634 9 часов назад

    通信妨害は大前提? でも艦隊の位置は把握出来てるの?

  • @kaz-fucha
    @kaz-fucha 3 дня назад


  • @sakai19710301
    @sakai19710301 5 дней назад


  • @ra9825
    @ra9825 Месяц назад


  • @raghavkz750
    @raghavkz750 2 месяца назад


  • @師匠-x5u
    @師匠-x5u 4 месяца назад

    宇宙版官渡の戦い、かな? 知らんけど

  • @山田太郎-t8u4u
    @山田太郎-t8u4u 4 месяца назад


  • @yukihikotakei8069
    @yukihikotakei8069 4 месяца назад

    ナポレオンは成功してるけど 艦隊戦でこの戦術は流石に無理があり過ぎだろ

    • @橘内裕也
      @橘内裕也 15 дней назад

      モデルは日露戦争だろ 日露戦争で連合艦隊はロシアの旅順艦隊とバルチック艦隊とウラジオ艦隊が合流する前に各個撃破した

    • @yukihikotakei8069
      @yukihikotakei8069 13 дней назад

      @@橘内裕也  あまりにナポレオン推しが多くて やっぱり同じ艦隊戦のモデルになりますよね

  • @カキノタネ-q5w
    @カキノタネ-q5w 6 месяцев назад


    • @大好きプラモ-y4n
      @大好きプラモ-y4n 4 месяца назад


    • @ぺろたろう-c1d
      @ぺろたろう-c1d 4 месяца назад


    • @橘内裕也
      @橘内裕也 15 дней назад

      いやランチェスターの法則ってのがあってな 2万と1万2000が潰しあっても2万側は4000の損害で1万2000を全滅させられるんだよ 全滅ではなく潰滅でいいなら1333の損害で勝利できる これを3回繰り返してもラインハルトの艦隊は1万数千は残るので勝率は高い

    • @どろいぜん-x4r
      @どろいぜん-x4r 4 дня назад


  • @抜井一貴-r3r
    @抜井一貴-r3r 7 месяцев назад


  • @KarinaGadowski
    @KarinaGadowski 8 месяцев назад

    This translation is weird and awkward.

  • @暁隼人
    @暁隼人 10 месяцев назад

    同盟軍が全艦隊4万隻を集結させて、真正面から向かっていたら、ラインハルトがどうしたか気になる。 ふつうに撤退するか、何かの奇策を用いるか、あるいは援軍を呼び、それを囮にしてやはり各個撃破するのか。 聞いてみたいなぁ。

    • @谷澤文隆
      @谷澤文隆 Месяц назад


    • @暁隼人
      @暁隼人 Месяц назад

      @@谷澤文隆 だろーな。

  • @user-cx1ke2en7o
    @user-cx1ke2en7o 11 месяцев назад

    オーベルシュタインは過大評価と過小評価どちら側にも過剰に寄る強いキャラ ただ犬のくだりは安っぽくて嫌いなエピソード

    • @大好きプラモ-y4n
      @大好きプラモ-y4n 2 месяца назад

      @@user-cx1ke2en7o てめーの好き嫌いなどどうでも良い コメントすんなアホ

  • @freud161616
    @freud161616 Год назад

    この作戦って相手が各個撃破を避けて艦隊を引いて囲めば破綻するのでは 相手がそうはしない、出来ないって確証があるのかもしれないけどね

    • @戦力外-y4p
      @戦力外-y4p 5 месяцев назад

      帝国軍を包囲殲滅した ダゴン星域会戦の再現に 固執してたから無理

    • @橘内裕也
      @橘内裕也 15 дней назад


  • @tejita-OK
    @tejita-OK Год назад

    2周目でこの時にファーレンハイトとメルカッツがいたことに気付いて驚いた。 人多すぎて覚えてられんよ。

  • @xyz5581
    @xyz5581 Год назад

    この戦いはヤンとラップの進言を司令官が受け入れていたら電波妨害をしようと同盟軍の大勝利、どちらかの司令官が受け入れていれば勝利が得られた戦いだったと思う。 ラインハルトがリスクを取って危ない橋を渡ったのか、自分より少し劣るくらいの将官すら同盟軍にはいないと自惚れて結果オーライになったのどちらだったのだろうか?

    • @rt0492
      @rt0492 4 месяца назад


    • @KI-yk2nv
      @KI-yk2nv Месяц назад


    • @橘内裕也
      @橘内裕也 15 дней назад

      どっちにしろ最初の攻撃で第4艦隊はやられる 1個艦隊でもやられたら包囲は破綻するのだから同盟軍勝利のシナリオは消えるだろう

  • @billswolf6814
    @billswolf6814 Год назад


  • @toppo73
    @toppo73 Год назад

    時系列で戦況のシュミレーションとかできるだろ 提督みんなに知らされてないのがおかしいよな

  • @toppo73
    @toppo73 Год назад


  • @池間英史
    @池間英史 Год назад


  • @harukaze4545
    @harukaze4545 Год назад

    これラインハルトが有能というか同盟が無能すぎたよね 通信障害が起きる距離とって進軍とか意味不明すぎる

    • @flashnewlight1075
      @flashnewlight1075 Год назад


    • @KI-yk2nv
      @KI-yk2nv Год назад


    • @snnhmntsk8077
      @snnhmntsk8077 5 месяцев назад

      ダゴンの殲滅戦で勝った時のやり方を踏襲したつもり つまり 過去の成功体験に同盟は酔っていた 田中芳樹氏が敢えてこういう描写を したのは 「成功体験にしがみつく事の危険性」を語りたかった為だろう

    • @rt0492
      @rt0492 4 месяца назад


    • @橘内裕也
      @橘内裕也 15 дней назад

      包囲の網にかけるには各艦隊は距離をとらないといけない 距離が近すぎると帝国軍は包囲殲滅を警戒して近寄ってこないだろう 各個撃破されないが帝国軍が警戒して退くほどでもない距離を計算して保ち続けるのはなかなかに困難

  • @LegendoftheGalacticHero
    @LegendoftheGalacticHero 2 года назад

    Interesting to see how these people (or at least some of them) end up having their moments

  • @okpati3627
    @okpati3627 2 года назад

    これ最初よくわかってなかったけど 例えば 不良グループの抗争で 相手が10人でこちらが5人でも 相手が3人 3人 4人のグループを作って別れて包囲奇襲をかけようとしてる時 相手がいるポイントまで5人で走って行って、5人対3人でボコボコにした後、次来た3人も5人で囲んでボコボコにして、残った4人も5人でボコボコにしたら勝てるよって理論だよね これって本当に成立するの? 3人と戦った時に戦力削られるかもしれないし

    • @butakoma79yen17
      @butakoma79yen17 2 года назад


    • @Rei_Zoko
      @Rei_Zoko 2 года назад


    • @池間英史
      @池間英史 Год назад

      相手が油断していれば、最初の喧嘩でノーダメージでボコボコにできる。 相手の死角から襲いかかれば、何もさせずにノックアウトできる。 最後はまともに戦うことになるが、このときは、相手はビビっている。嵩に懸かれば、相手は縮こまって何もできない。 まあ、これは、昔ナポレオンが実際に行った戦闘をもとにしているから、可能かどうかで言えば、「本当にあったよ」と言うしかない。

    • @alexanderzippel8809
      @alexanderzippel8809 Год назад

      That is the weakness of this strategy. By rushing past 2 of the 3 groups you expose your rear and also risk losing 1 or 2 of your group to 1 of the 3 groups weakening you. As every strategy it has its benefits and risks and works sometimes but not always

    • @TakOn-wi6yr
      @TakOn-wi6yr Год назад

      個別の敵と戦ってる最中に、他の個別の敵が合流してきたら終わりだよね。 あっという間に各個撃破しないと現実的じゃ無いなぁ。

  • @ゲスト-t4m
    @ゲスト-t4m 2 года назад


    • @ゲスト-t4m
      @ゲスト-t4m Год назад

      @@ガータ ありがとうございます

  • @gold664
    @gold664 2 года назад

    Damn, these subs are terrible

  • @jasminesworld8854
    @jasminesworld8854 2 года назад

    I wish I could see this K-on concert

  • @Wolfen443
    @Wolfen443 2 года назад

    In Babylon 5 they have a similar scene where an earth Ship fakes being death in the space while using its reactor to take out an enemy ship on the Earth Minbar War.

  • @tarou_etou
    @tarou_etou 3 года назад

    そもそも、宇宙戦争なのに 平面なのが・・ ま、銀英伝に限らないけど。

    • @ikedasatsuki
      @ikedasatsuki 9 месяцев назад

      宇宙戦艦ヤマト「ゲフンゲフン」 機動戦士ガンダム「ヘックション」 のび太の宇宙大戦争「ドラえもーん」

    • @弓原
      @弓原 4 месяца назад


  • @paulokimbrillantes4250
    @paulokimbrillantes4250 3 года назад

    this is different from the one i have watched. in this conference only the 5 admirals are present and there is no war table .

  • @PRubin-rh4sr
    @PRubin-rh4sr 3 года назад

    This early stage in the game, Kircheis looked at the officers to see who can be useful to Reinhard in his conquest for power. Very subtle stuff and super good shit.

    • @spamquisition4046
      @spamquisition4046 Год назад

      He's looking at Fahrenheit yes?

    • @piracci1038
      @piracci1038 Год назад

      @@spamquisition4046 Ye

    • @ythandlename
      @ythandlename Год назад

      That's exactly how they rose to power so quickly aside from other major factors. One of the reasons was that they knew how to scout and recruit talent for a long term conquest. He met Kesler before and asked him to join him years before he officially did. He eyed on Bittenfeld's talent when he was just starting out with his own fleet. Fahrenheit would eventually join the nobles during the Lippstad war only to be forgiven so he would join the victors but this was decided way before it. Eventually they all joined him and stayed with him to the end.

    • @sergioeduardol.carneiro8198
      @sergioeduardol.carneiro8198 Год назад

      ​@@ythandlename indeed, the gaiden series show us How both Reinhard and kircheis searched for talents. Wahlen was an sub captain in a cruiser where Reinhard was the Commander, bittenfeld was Just an capitan, the same for eisenach. Muller just an officer on the military embassy on phezzan.

  • @KI-yk2nv
    @KI-yk2nv 4 года назад


    • @sarasbatiy
      @sarasbatiy 4 года назад

      それを見て 「うわ~・・・悪い顔してるわ~。」 って思ってそうなキルヒアイスが気になる。 まぁ、実際はラインハルトの役に立ちそうな人材を見極めてるんだけど。

  • @cool9282
    @cool9282 4 года назад

    When was Merkatz on the side of Reinhard?

    • @fobbie8385
      @fobbie8385 4 года назад

      At the beginning of the series. Reinhard and Merkatz first opposed each other during the Imperial Civil War

  • @quickfruits6963
    @quickfruits6963 5 лет назад

    My favorite ova

  • @売れ残り百貫でブ
    @売れ残り百貫でブ 5 лет назад

    ファーレンハイトは「おお~、なるほどなあ…」という表情をしているな。 やはり配下に加えて正解だったか。

  • @長久命長介
    @長久命長介 5 лет назад

    この話で、ラインハルトの部下であったフォーゲルって提督、 この人はどうなっちゃったの?

    • @左藤明-w7c
      @左藤明-w7c 5 лет назад


  • @starhunterterra9849
    @starhunterterra9849 5 лет назад


    • @captaindusty4884
      @captaindusty4884 5 лет назад

      Yang took charge of the Evacuation of El Facil, that worked out pretty well don't you think?

    • @starhunterterra9849
      @starhunterterra9849 5 лет назад

      @@captaindusty4884, still evacuating civilians while the Empire engages the retreating FPL Fleet does not count too much. If the Empire had deployed ships to stop the civilian evacuation Yang's legend could never had ever being born.

    • @maisaltyleftnut8138
      @maisaltyleftnut8138 4 года назад

      @@captaindusty4884 Wasn't Yang ordered to do that though?

    • @Eshanas
      @Eshanas 4 года назад

      @@maisaltyleftnut8138 This, it was literally given to him by the commander who fled with the warships and got caught. If not ordered to do it, Yang would had either tagged along to be captured or something.

    • @Ares99999
      @Ares99999 2 года назад

      To be fair, Yang took charge when ordered, and here Reinhard took charge when ordered. I don't see the 'big difference'.

  • @doromamire
    @doromamire 5 лет назад


  • @demondayzzz
    @demondayzzz 6 лет назад

    Sooo much better than the remaster

    • @eustace8520
      @eustace8520 5 лет назад

      More like remake. But I'm with you. Nothing beats the original version.

    • @billsykes2977
      @billsykes2977 5 лет назад

      Die Neue These is reboot. There is also remaster. That's the version most people saw online and it was made for DVD, then later realised on BluRay. Original was realised on Laserdisk and can be found on The Pirate Bay, with burned Central Anime subtitles. Difference is that some scenes were redrawn in remastered and quality is much better.

    • @EALS-pb5rs
      @EALS-pb5rs 6 месяцев назад

      I just watched a clip. The characters are very plain. It annoyed me watching Attenborough looking and behaving like a pop star. And such a shame the og VA didn't repraise the rol.

  • @user-uy6hb4cm5t
    @user-uy6hb4cm5t 6 лет назад

    Oh my god! Yes!

  • @石坂信国
    @石坂信国 6 лет назад


  • @Yoshiya_Canon
    @Yoshiya_Canon 6 лет назад


  • @none5349
    @none5349 6 лет назад


  • @crisiscore991
    @crisiscore991 6 лет назад

    The actual war strategy is called "defeating in detail". Napoleon was a big fan of this concept and utilized it many times.

    • @albertobertorelli4511
      @albertobertorelli4511 6 лет назад

      Legato RedWinters Napoleon didn't fuck up at waterloo, he fucked up when he was defeated and exiled previously. Waterloo probably wasn't winnable.

    • @alexschalk5439
      @alexschalk5439 4 года назад

      I usually hear divide and conquer, but yeah. It really wasn't that radical of an idea. Splitting up your force in the first place was a really dumb idea

    • @fuckk-popandtiktok3388
      @fuckk-popandtiktok3388 3 года назад

      Your name made this comment great

    • @pagatryx5451
      @pagatryx5451 3 года назад

      @@alexschalk5439 Splitting up your force isn't a dumb idea. OR at least it isn't under the correct circumstances. An encirclement of any kind allows for a much more efficient defeat of the enemy. By fighting on a single front, losses will be high on both sides, even with the size advantage. It IS riskier. But high risk, high reward. The problem with the war was that both sides were dominated with conservative commanders who behaved expectedly and typically on the side of caution. Against a typical commander, the Republic's strategy would have been more efficient than a single fleet duel. Reinhard might have decided to retreat, even if they approached with this formation, if the Republic had commanders who were more innovative and fluid with their battle strategy. For example, if they expected his aggressive response and had told the side fleets to converge on the main fleet if they lost contact of either their enemy or the main fleet. Reinhard's fleet could have been completely surrounded and wiped out with minimal losses. And, while it may be questioned why bother as they already had the advantage in battle, if we look at a war as a whole, the Republic had a weaker war economy and overall military strength. By attempting to wipe out fleets instead of just winning individual battles, they could turn the war in their favour. Plus, the Republic's commanders were desperate for recognition and praise. They wanted to wipe out the fleet because it gets them more attention than simply fighting them off would do. If it wasn't a radical idea, then why is it famous? And why did some historical commanders see great success with it? It worked because it wasn't expected. It wasn't expected because it was radical. Strategy is essentially just a game of rock, paper, scissors; I guess. But, throughout history, strategists keep playing rock against rock. And LOTGH highlighted this with the 'Legends' successes.

  • @judesantos8120
    @judesantos8120 7 лет назад

    These subs suck ass

  • @LArbongo
    @LArbongo 7 лет назад

    "Here, allow me to roll you over onto your back so I can press this piece of shrapnel further into you spine."

    • @Enzo_Matrix92
      @Enzo_Matrix92 6 лет назад

      I know he didn't do it on purpose but holy shit....That's something Char would do to a commander just to finish the job.

    • @starhunterterra9849
      @starhunterterra9849 5 лет назад

      That is so mean, even Reinhard could not do that intentionally, that is the big difference between him and Char.

  • @sonicboy678
    @sonicboy678 9 лет назад


  • @raymondvincent2017
    @raymondvincent2017 9 лет назад

    themysteriouscrumpet, did you mean without pickelhaube?

  • @8220206
    @8220206 9 лет назад

    If you want to know why, watch episode 64 and 65. It explained the history of earth till this point

  • @a.a.a.a5685
    @a.a.a.a5685 10 лет назад

    That was awkward as FUCK lol

  • @Wolfen443
    @Wolfen443 10 лет назад

    Is this a prequel to the LOGH series?.

    • @buecherwurmin
      @buecherwurmin 10 лет назад

      yes it is, look at wiki, there is the chronological order of all the prequel ovas and movies, this one is 482 there he is a ltjg