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El Department of Managed Health Care de California (DMHC)
¿Conoce sus derechos de atención
médica? Si su plan de atención médica le ha negado o retrasado la atención, el Department of Managed Health Care de California (DMHC) puede ayudarle.
Presente una apelación sin temor: sin represalias ni pérdida de cobertura. Además, es GRATIS y se ofrece ayuda en español.
Primero, presente un reclamo, a veces llamado apelación o denuncia, ante su plan de atención médica. Después, de 30 días, si le niegan la apelación o no está satisfecho con el resultado, puede ponerse en contacto con el Centro de Ayuda del DMHC llamando al 1-888-466-2219. Las apelaciones presentadas ante el DMHC se resuelven satisfactoriamente en 7 de cada 10 casos.
Para obtener más informaci...
Просмотров: 666 526


Department of Managed Health Care: Do you know your health care rights?
Просмотров 551 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Do you know your health care rights? If you have been denied or delayed care by your health care plan, the California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) can help. File an appeal without fear - no retaliation or loss of coverage. Plus, it’s FREE, and help is available in all languages. First, file a complaint, sometimes called an appeal or grievance, with your health care plan. Then, after...
Regla Federal de Indice de Pérdida Médica (Medical Loss Ratio)
Просмотров 854 года назад - Muchos Californianos tienen preguntas sobre qué es lo que paga realmente su prima. Una prima es un pago mensual que usted y su empleador pagan por la cobertura de salud. La Ley del Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio requiere que los planes de salud gasten una cierta cantidad del dinero que obtienen de los pagos de primas en servicios médicos y esfuerzos que mejora n la calid...
Revisión de Tarifas (Rate Review)
Просмотров 494 года назад - En el Departamento de Cuidado de Salud Administrada (Department of Managed Health Care, DMHC), comprendemos que el cuidado de la salud puede ser caro. Muchos californianos tienen preguntas sobre los costos del cuidado de su salud. Su prima es el pago que hace cada mes para la cobertura de salud. La cantidad que paga se determina por el nivel de beneficios que elija....
Acceso Oportuno a la Atención (Timely Access)
Просмотров 334 года назад - Si tiene problemas con su salud, es importante que obtenga la atención que necesita cuando la necesite. En California, su plan de salud debe brindarle la atención que necesita dentro de un cierto tiempo. Entonces, ¿cuánto tiempo debe esperar para recibir los servicios médicos que necesita? Si cree que está sufriendo una emergencia médica, marque 9-1-1 o vaya al hospital ...
Federal Medical Loss Ratio Rule
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.4 года назад - Many Californians have questions about what their premium actually pays for. A premium is a monthly payment you and your employer pay for health coverage. The Affordable Care Act requires health plans to spend a certain amount of the money they get from premium payments on medical services and quality improvement efforts. This is called the medical loss ratio rule. Healt...
Timely Access to Care
Просмотров 3,4 тыс.4 года назад - If you are having health problems, it is important for you to get the care you need when you need it. In California, your health plan must give you the care you need within a certain amount of time. So, how long should you have to wait to receive the medical services you need? If you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency, dial 9-1-1 or go to the nearest hospit...
DMHC Rate Review
Просмотров 8354 года назад - At the California Department of Managed Health Care, we understand health care can be expensive. Many Californians have questions about their health care costs. Your premium is your monthly payment for health coverage. The amount you pay is determined by the level of benefits you choose. Three things can influence your premium amount: 1. Your age 2. The type of cove...
Reclamos de los clientes y Revisión médica independiente de DMHC (Independent Medical Review)
Просмотров 754 года назад - ¿Tiene un problema con su plan de salud? El Departamento de Atención Médica Administrada (Department of Managed Health Care) puede ayudarle. El DMHC protege sus derechos para el cuidado de la salud al asegurarse de que los planes de salud sigan la ley. Los expertos médicos y legales que trabajan para el Centro de ayuda del DMHC pueden ayudarle si tiene un problema con su...
El Departamento de Cuidado de Salud Administrada (DMHC Overview)
Просмотров 1474 года назад - El Departamento de Cuidado de Salud Administrada (Department of Managed Health Care, DMHC) trabaja para protegerle a usted y sus derechos para el cuidado de la salud. La mayoría de las personas que viven en California están inscritas en un plan de salud regulado por el DMHC. Entonces, si tiene un problema con su plan de salud, el Centro de ayuda del DMHC es un buen lugar...
DMHC Overview
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.4 года назад - The California Department of Managed Health Care works to protect you and your health care rights. Most people who live in California are enrolled in a health plan regulated by the DMHC. So, if you have a problem with your health plan, the DMHC’s Help Center is a good place to start. The Department of Managed Health Care Help Center is free to use and can provide help in...
DMHC Help Center & Independent Medical Review
Просмотров 9 тыс.4 года назад - Have a problem with your health plan? The Department of Managed Health Care’s Help Center can help you. The DMHC protects your health care rights by making sure health plans follow the law. Medical and legal experts who work for the DMHC Help Center can help you if you have a problem with your health plan. This is a free service to all Californians and is available in all lang...


  • @josephstaubin6990
    @josephstaubin6990 Месяц назад

    2024 Chico CA Ampla Heath, wait time for primary care physician appointments: 365 days, not 10-15 days as government pretends. 2024 Paradise CA Adventist Health, wait time for primary physician: 120 days, not 10-15 not 10-15 days as government pretends. You can depend on California's government painting a rosier picture than exist in reality.

  • @skaterlover1999
    @skaterlover1999 6 месяцев назад

    On or around December 18th, 2023, the California Department of Managed Health Care illegally blocked me from being able to make comments on this social media platform. This action went against my constitutional rights and hindered my ability to continue making comments on their Facebook page. Though the block was eventually removed, it doesn't remove their continued efforts to silence me. This same Department has ALSO sent me threatening letters falsely accusing me of (but not limited to) bullying, harassing, and threatening their staff. This same Department has refused to enforce laws against health plans and has contributed to the health plans illegal actions as well. These actions are but not limited to, fraudulent statements, defamation, misconduct, misrepresentation, willfull ignorance, willfull omission of pertinent facts, manipulation, gross negligence, failure to adequately investigate grievances, etc. Though I have provided this departments executive team (their names and information is PUBLIC information) specific details as to HOW these bad business practices were done, they continue to be relentless with their illegal actions against me without ceasing most of these actions. I encourage EVERYONE that when communicating with their health plan AND DMHC, to NEVER call without recording the call. Doing this will ensure that you have substantial proof in case they do these things to you as well. The DMHC, nor these health plans outwardly inform members that health plans in the state of CALIFORNIA MUST hold Community Advisory Committee meetings (CAC). I ALSO encourage EVERYONE to go to their health plans website OR contact their health plan to get information about these meetings and PARTICIPATE. These meetings are to speak about issues within the health plan, ask questions, and to overall gain knowledge. You do NOT have to be a member to participate as these are PUBLIC meetings! Whatever is mentioned there also becomes a PUBLIC RECORD. Healthnet offers a $100 gift card for each meeting members (only members) participate in. Perhaps, the more people who participate in these meetings, the better things will become, that is, since the majority of the time the DMHC fails to enforce. Molina's CAC meetings are conducted in person. However, they offer mileage reimbursement for members who drive themselves to these meetings, offer free rides and ride coordination IF someone with a disability wants to participate, and free meals that are in accordance to each members individual diet.

  • @skaterlover1999
    @skaterlover1999 8 месяцев назад

    So you resort to blocking people on social media, I see! Cool, thanks for yet another reason to sue you. These fools blocked me from their social media Facebook site after I used my Constitutional Right to address my grievances on there...This, in addition to their continued fraudulent statements, omissions of pertinent facts, manipulation, defamation, misconduct, incompetence, gross negligence, failure to adequately investigate grievances, and but NOT limited to their overall bad business practices. I encourage EVERYONE to always record calls as they LIE.

  • @skaterlover1999
    @skaterlover1999 8 месяцев назад

    So you resort to blocking people on social media, I see! Cool, thanks for yet another reason to sue you. These fools blocked me from their social media Facebook site after I used my Constitutional Right to address my grievances on there...This, in addition to their continued fraudulent statements, omissions of pertinent facts, manipulation, defamation, misconduct, incompetence, gross negligence, failure to adequately investigate grievances, and but NOT limited to their overall bad business practices. I encourage EVERYONE to always record calls as they LIE.

  • @hands_of_wolverine
    @hands_of_wolverine 2 года назад

    You are a joke because they would not do anything I needed. I even have 2 letter from the medical board but where was DMHC NOT IN MY CORNER AND NOW HERE IS WALGREENS REWRITING A DOCTORS ORDER HE EVEN ON THIS VIDEO ADMINS IT THE COPY OF THE RX IS THE SAME HE GAVE MEвидео.html

  • @nabimohammed400
    @nabimohammed400 3 года назад

    Please help me